List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
From source
@Override protected void checkValue(final Collection<JsonPointer> pointers, final MessageBundle bundle, final ProcessingReport report, final SchemaTree tree) throws ProcessingException { final JsonNode node = tree.getNode().get(keyword); if (node.isTextual()) { final String found = node.textValue(); if (!typeIsValid(found)) report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.typeDisallow.primitiveType.unknown") .putArgument("found", found).putArgument("valid", EnumSet.allOf(NodeType.class))); return;// ww w. j ava 2 s. co m } final int size = node.size(); final Set<Equivalence.Wrapper<JsonNode>> set = Sets.newHashSet(); JsonNode element; NodeType type; boolean uniqueItems = true; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { element = node.get(index); type = NodeType.getNodeType(element); uniqueItems = set.add(EQUIVALENCE.wrap(element)); if (type == OBJECT) { pointers.add(JsonPointer.of(keyword, index)); continue; } if (type != STRING) { report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.array.element.incorrectType").putArgument("index", index) .putArgument("expected", EnumSet.of(OBJECT, STRING)).putArgument("found", type)); continue; } if (!typeIsValid(element.textValue())) report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.typeDisallow.primitiveType.unknown").put("index", index) .putArgument("found", element.textValue()) .putArgument("valid", EnumSet.allOf(NodeType.class))); } if (!uniqueItems) report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.array.duplicateElements")); }
From source
private void computeArrayNodeDiffs(final Path parentPath, final Path path, final ObjectNode targetToAdd, final ObjectNode targetToReplace, final List<PatchOperation> operations, final boolean removeMissing, final JsonNode sourceNode, final JsonNode targetValueToAdd, final JsonNode targetValueToReplace, final String sourceKey) { if (targetValueToAdd.size() == 0) { if ((sourceNode != null) && (sourceNode.isArray()) && (sourceNode.size() == 0)) { return; }/*www . j a v a2s. com*/ // Explicitly clear all attribute values. operations.add(PatchOperation.remove(path)); } else { // Go through each value and try to individually patch them first // instead of replacing all values. List<PatchOperation> targetOpToRemoveOrReplace = new LinkedList<PatchOperation>(); boolean replaceAllValues = false; for (JsonNode sv : sourceNode) { JsonNode tv = removeMatchingValue(sv, (ArrayNode) targetValueToAdd); Filter valueFilter = generateValueFilter(sv); if (valueFilter == null) { replaceAllValues = true; Debug.debug(Level.WARNING, DebugType.OTHER, "Performing full replace of target " + "array node " + path + " since the it is not " + "possible to generate a value filter to uniquely " + "identify the value " + sv.toString()); break; } Path valuePath = parentPath.attribute(sourceKey, valueFilter); if (tv != null) { // The value is in both source and target arrays. if (sv.isObject() && tv.isObject()) { // Recursively diff the object node. diff(valuePath, (ObjectNode) sv, (ObjectNode) tv, (ObjectNode) tv, operations, removeMissing); if (tv.size() > 0) { targetOpToRemoveOrReplace.add(PatchOperation.replace(valuePath, tv)); } } } else { targetOpToRemoveOrReplace.add(PatchOperation.remove(valuePath)); } } if (!replaceAllValues && targetValueToReplace.size() <= targetValueToAdd.size() + targetOpToRemoveOrReplace.size()) { // We are better off replacing the entire array. Debug.debug(Level.INFO, DebugType.OTHER, "Performing full replace of target " + "array node " + path + " since the " + "array (" + targetValueToReplace.size() + ") " + "is smaller than removing and " + "replacing (" + targetOpToRemoveOrReplace.size() + ") " + "then adding (" + targetValueToAdd.size() + ") " + "the values individually"); replaceAllValues = true; targetToReplace.set(sourceKey, targetValueToReplace); } if (replaceAllValues) { targetToReplace.set(sourceKey, targetValueToReplace); } else { if (!targetOpToRemoveOrReplace.isEmpty()) { operations.addAll(targetOpToRemoveOrReplace); } if (targetValueToAdd.size() > 0) { targetToAdd.set(sourceKey, targetValueToAdd); } } } }
From source
/** * Sends a message without retrying in case of service unavailability. * //from ww w . jav a 2s .c om * @return {@literal true} if the message was sent successfully, * {@literal false} if it failed but could be retried. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if registrationIds is {@literal null} or empty. * @throws * if GCM didn't returned a 200 status. * @throws * if message could not be sent or received. */ public MulticastResult sendNoRetry(Message message, List<String> registrationIds) throws IOException { if (nonNull(registrationIds).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("registrationIds cannot be empty"); } Map<Object, Object> jsonRequest = new HashMap<>(); setJsonField(jsonRequest, Constants.PARAM_TIME_TO_LIVE, message.getTimeToLive()); setJsonField(jsonRequest, Constants.PARAM_COLLAPSE_KEY, message.getCollapseKey()); setJsonField(jsonRequest, Constants.PARAM_DELAY_WHILE_IDLE, message.isDelayWhileIdle()); jsonRequest.put(Constants.JSON_REGISTRATION_IDS, registrationIds); Map<String, String> payload = message.getData(); if (!payload.isEmpty()) { jsonRequest.put(Constants.JSON_PAYLOAD, payload); } String requestBody = Json.toJson(jsonRequest).toString(); logger.finest("JSON request: " + requestBody); HttpURLConnection conn = post(Constants.GCM_SEND_ENDPOINT, "application/json;charset=utf-8;", requestBody); int status = conn.getResponseCode(); String responseBody; if (status != 200) { responseBody = getString(conn.getErrorStream()); logger.finest("JSON error response: " + responseBody); throw new InvalidRequestException(status, responseBody); } responseBody = getString(conn.getInputStream()); logger.finest("JSON response: " + responseBody); JsonNode jsonResponse; try { jsonResponse = Json.parse(responseBody); int success = getNumber(jsonResponse, Constants.JSON_SUCCESS).intValue(); int failure = getNumber(jsonResponse, Constants.JSON_FAILURE).intValue(); int canonicalIds = getNumber(jsonResponse, Constants.JSON_CANONICAL_IDS).intValue(); long multicastId = getNumber(jsonResponse, Constants.JSON_MULTICAST_ID).longValue(); MulticastResult.Builder builder = new MulticastResult.Builder(success, failure, canonicalIds, multicastId); JsonNode results = jsonResponse.get(Constants.JSON_RESULTS); if (results != null && results.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { JsonNode jsonResult = results.get(i); Result.Builder builder1 = new Result.Builder(); if (jsonResult.has(Constants.JSON_ERROR)) { String error = jsonResult.get(Constants.JSON_ERROR).asText(); builder1.errorCode(error); } else { String messageId = jsonResult.get(Constants.JSON_MESSAGE_ID).asText(); String canonicalRegId = null; if (jsonResult.has(Constants.TOKEN_CANONICAL_REG_ID)) { canonicalRegId = jsonResult.get(Constants.TOKEN_CANONICAL_REG_ID).asText(); } builder1.messageId(messageId).canonicalRegistrationId(canonicalRegId); } Result result =; builder.addResult(result); } } return; } catch (CustomParserException e) { throw newIoException(responseBody, e); } }
From source
@Override protected void checkDependency(final ProcessingReport report, final String name, final SchemaTree tree) throws ProcessingException { final JsonNode node = getNode(tree).get(name); NodeType type;/* www . ja v a 2s . c om*/ type = NodeType.getNodeType(node); if (type == NodeType.STRING) return; if (type != NodeType.ARRAY) { report.error(newMsg(tree, "incorrectDependencyValue").put("property", name) .put("expected", dependencyTypes).put("found", type)); return; } final int size = node.size(); /* * Yep, in draft v3, nothing prevents a dependency array from being * empty! This is stupid, so at least warn the user. */ if (size == 0) { report.warn(newMsg(tree, "emptyArray").put("property", name)); return; } final Set<Equivalence.Wrapper<JsonNode>> set = Sets.newHashSet(); JsonNode element; boolean uniqueElements = true; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { element = node.get(index); type = NodeType.getNodeType(element); uniqueElements = set.add(EQUIVALENCE.wrap(element)); if (type == NodeType.STRING) continue; report.error(newMsg(tree, "incorrectElementType").put("property", name).put("index", index) .put("expected", EnumSet.of(NodeType.STRING)).put("found", type)); } /* * Similarly, there is nothing preventing duplicates. Equally stupid, * so warn the user. */ if (!uniqueElements) report.warn(newMsg(tree, "elementsNotUnique").put("property", name)); }
From source
private List<JRJsonNode> goAnywhereDown(JRJsonNode jrJsonNode) { List<JRJsonNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); Deque<JRJsonNode> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); JsonNode initialDataNode = jrJsonNode.getDataNode(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("initial stack population with: " + initialDataNode); }// w ww. j av a2 s . c om // populate the stack initially stack.push(jrJsonNode); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { JRJsonNode stackNode = stack.pop(); JsonNode stackDataNode = stackNode.getDataNode(); addChildrenToStack(stackNode, stack); // process the current stack item if (stackDataNode.isArray()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("processing stack element: " + stackDataNode); } if (expression.getIndex() >= 0 && expression.getIndex() < stackDataNode.size()) { JsonNode nodeAtIndex = stackDataNode.get(expression.getIndex()); JRJsonNode child = stackNode.createChild(nodeAtIndex); if (applyFilter(child)) { result.add(child); } } } } return result; }
From source
@Override protected void checkDependency(final ProcessingReport report, final MessageBundle bundle, final String name, final SchemaTree tree) throws ProcessingException { final JsonNode node = getNode(tree).get(name); NodeType type;//from w w w. ja va 2s .com type = NodeType.getNodeType(node); if (type != NodeType.ARRAY) { report.error( newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.dependencies.value.incorrectType").putArgument("property", name) .putArgument("expected", dependencyTypes).putArgument("found", type)); return; } final int size = node.size(); if (size == 0) { report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.array.empty").put("property", name)); return; } final Set<Equivalence.Wrapper<JsonNode>> set = Sets.newHashSet(); JsonNode element; boolean uniqueElements = true; for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) { element = node.get(index); type = NodeType.getNodeType(element); uniqueElements = set.add(EQUIVALENCE.wrap(element)); if (type == NodeType.STRING) continue; report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.array.element.incorrectType").put("property", name) .putArgument("index", index).putArgument("expected", EnumSet.of(NodeType.STRING)) .putArgument("found", type)); } if (!uniqueElements) report.error(newMsg(tree, bundle, "common.array.duplicateElements").put("property", name)); }
From source
private List<PhysicalHost> buildHosts(JsonNode hostsNode) { List<PhysicalHost> physicalHosts = new ArrayList<PhysicalHost>(); JsonNode hosts = hostsNode.path(HOSTS); log.debug("Build hosts: {} .", hosts); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.size(); i++) { JsonNode host = hosts.get(i);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ PhysicalHost physicalHost = buildHost(host); if (physicalHost != null) { physicalHosts.add(physicalHost); } } return physicalHosts; }
From source
private List<PhysicalNode> buildNodes(JsonNode nodesRoot) { List<PhysicalNode> physicalNodes = new ArrayList<PhysicalNode>(); JsonNode nodes = nodesRoot.path(NODES); log.debug("Build nodes: {} .", nodes); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { log.debug("build physical node execution body"); JsonNode node = nodes.get(i);/*from ww w . j a va 2 s . c om*/ PhysicalNode phyNode = buildNode(node); if (phyNode != null) { physicalNodes.add(phyNode); } } return physicalNodes; }
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private List<PhysicalLink> buildLinks(JsonNode linksRoot) { List<PhysicalLink> physicalLinks = new ArrayList<PhysicalLink>(); JsonNode links = linksRoot.path(LINKS); log.debug("Build links: {} .", links); for (int i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) { log.debug("build physical node execution body"); JsonNode link = links.get(i);//from w ww . j ava2 s . c om PhysicalLink phyLink = buildLink(link); if (phyLink != null) { physicalLinks.add(phyLink); } } return physicalLinks; }
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private List<PhysicalPort> buildPorts(JsonNode ports) { List<PhysicalPort> phyPortList = new ArrayList<PhysicalPort>(); for (int j = 0; j < ports.size(); j++) { //JsonNode port =; JsonNode port = ports.get(j);//from w w w . j a va 2s . com PhysicalPort physicalPort = buildPort(port); if (physicalPort != null) { phyPortList.add(physicalPort); } } return phyPortList; }