List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
From source
public static ArrayList<ITransportationInfo> getNext3Arrivals(String fromStation, String toStation, String line, Context context) {/*from w ww . java2s . co m*/ ArrayList<ITransportationInfo> ret = new ArrayList<ITransportationInfo>(); String lineNumber = line.split(" ")[0]; String jsonStr = Util.stringFromJsonAssets(context, "stations/local-trains-timetable.json"); JsonNode root = Util.stringToJsonNode(jsonStr); JsonNode lines = root.get("local-trains"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (lines.get(i).get("line").asText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(lineNumber.trim())) { JsonNode stationsArray = lines.get(i).get("stations"); int direction = -1, index1 = -1, index2 = -1; for (int j = 0; j < stationsArray.size(); j++) { if (stationsArray.get(j).asText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(fromStation.trim()) && index1 < 0) { index1 = j; if (direction < 0) direction = DEPARTURE; else break; } if (stationsArray.get(j).asText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(toStation.trim()) && index2 < 0) { index2 = j; if (direction < 0) direction = ARRIVAL; else break; } } if (direction < 0 || index1 < 0 || index2 < 0) break; JsonNode timetableNodeContainer = direction == DEPARTURE ? lines.get(i).get("departure") : lines.get(i).get("arrival"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (day == 1) day = 6; else day -= 2; int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); JsonNode timeTableNode; if (day >= 0 && day <= 4) { timeTableNode = timetableNodeContainer.get("weekdays"); if (timeTableNode != null) getTimesForWeekdays(hour, minute, ret, timeTableNode, index1, index2, stationsArray.size()); } else if (day == 5) { // Saturday timeTableNode = timetableNodeContainer.get("weekend").get("saturday"); if (timeTableNode != null) { JsonNode dataNodeArray = timetableNodeContainer.get("weekend").get("data-table"); getTimesForWeekend(hour, minute, ret, timeTableNode, index1, index2, stationsArray.size(), dataNodeArray); } } else { // Saturday timeTableNode = timetableNodeContainer.get("weekend").get("sunday"); if (timeTableNode != null) { JsonNode dataNodeArray = timetableNodeContainer.get("weekend").get("data-table"); getTimesForWeekend(hour, minute, ret, timeTableNode, index1, index2, stationsArray.size(), dataNodeArray); } } if (timeTableNode == null) break; break; } } return ret; }
From source
static boolean hasRequiredScopes(JsonNode oauthResponseNode, List<String> requiredScopes, String scopeSeparator) {/*from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ if (requiredScopes == null) { return true; } JsonNode scopesNode = oauthResponseNode.path(OAUTH_PAYLOAD_SCOPE_NODE); List<String> scopes; if (scopesNode instanceof ArrayNode) { Iterator<JsonNode> scopeIterator = scopesNode.elements(); scopes = new ArrayList<>(scopesNode.size()); List<String> finalScopes = scopes; scopeIterator.forEachRemaining(jsonNode -> finalScopes.add(jsonNode.asText())); } else { scopes = Arrays.asList(scopesNode.asText().split(scopeSeparator)); } return scopes.containsAll(requiredScopes); }
From source
public static JsonNode getNormalPriceMoneyNode(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); switch (type) { case PHYSICAL: case SERVICE: case GIFT_CARD: JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); if (variants.size() == 0) { return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; }// w w w .j a v a2 s.c om JsonNode moneyNode = variants.get(0).path("priceMoney"); BigDecimal price = getAmountFromMoneyNode(moneyNode); for (int i = 1; i < variants.size(); i++) { JsonNode currMoneyNode = variants.get(i).path("priceMoney"); BigDecimal curr = getAmountFromMoneyNode(currMoneyNode); if (curr.compareTo(price) > 0) { price = curr; moneyNode = currMoneyNode; } } return moneyNode; case DIGITAL: JsonNode digitalMoneyNode = structuredContent.path("priceMoney"); return digitalMoneyNode.isMissingNode() ? DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE : digitalMoneyNode; default: return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; } }
From source
public static boolean isSoldOut(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); switch (type) { case PHYSICAL: case SERVICE: JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); int size = variants.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JsonNode variant = variants.get(i); if (isTruthy(variant.path("unlimited")) || variant.path("qtyInStock").asInt() > 0) { return false; }/*from w w w.j ava 2 s .c o m*/ } return true; case DIGITAL: case GIFT_CARD: return false; default: return true; } }
From source
public static boolean isOnSale(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); switch (type) { case PHYSICAL: case SERVICE: JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); int size = variants.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JsonNode variant = variants.get(i); if (isTruthy(variant.path("onSale"))) { return true; }//from w w w .ja v a 2s . c o m } break; case DIGITAL: return isTruthy(structuredContent.path("onSale")); case GIFT_CARD: default: break; } return false; }
From source
public static JsonNode getSalePriceMoneyNode(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); switch (type) { case PHYSICAL: case SERVICE: JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); if (variants.size() == 0) { return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; }// w ww. j a v a2 s . co m BigDecimal salePrice = null; JsonNode salePriceNode = null; for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); i++) { JsonNode variant = variants.path(i); JsonNode priceMoney = variant.path("salePriceMoney"); BigDecimal price = getAmountFromMoneyNode(priceMoney); if (isTruthy(variant.path("onSale")) && (salePriceNode == null || price.compareTo(salePrice) < 0)) { salePrice = price; salePriceNode = priceMoney; } } return (salePriceNode == null) ? DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE : salePriceNode; case DIGITAL: JsonNode digitalMoneyNode = structuredContent.path("salePriceMoney"); return digitalMoneyNode.isMissingNode() ? DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE : digitalMoneyNode; case GIFT_CARD: // this should never happen default: return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; } }
From source
public static double getTotalStockRemaining(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); if (EnumSet.of(ProductType.DIGITAL, ProductType.GIFT_CARD).contains(type)) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else {/*from w w w .j a v a2s .c om*/ int total = 0; JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); for (int i = 0; i < variants.size(); i++) { JsonNode variant = variants.get(i); if (isTruthy(variant.path("unlimited"))) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { total += variant.path("qtyInStock").asLong(); } } return total; } }
From source
public static QueryParams getParamsFromJson(JsonNode node) { if (node == null) { return QueryParams.getInstance(); }/*from w w w .j a va 2 s. c om*/ Map<String, String[]> query = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> nodes = node.fields(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> next =; String k = next.getKey(); JsonNode val = next.getValue(); if (val.isArray()) { String[] ary = new String[val.size()]; int idx = 0; for (JsonNode n : val) { String s = n == null ? null : n.asText(); ary[idx++] = s; } query.put(k, ary); } else { String[] o = { val.asText() }; query.put(k, o); } } return getParamsFromQueryString(query); }
From source
public static JsonNode getFromPriceMoneyNode(JsonNode item) { ProductType type = getProductType(item); JsonNode structuredContent = item.path("structuredContent"); switch (type) { case PHYSICAL: case SERVICE: case GIFT_CARD: JsonNode variants = structuredContent.path("variants"); if (variants.size() == 0) { return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; }//from w w w. ja va2 JsonNode first = variants.get(0); JsonNode moneyNode = isTruthy(first.path("onSale")) ? first.path("salePriceMoney") : first.path("priceMoney"); BigDecimal price = getAmountFromMoneyNode(moneyNode); for (int i = 1; i < variants.size(); i++) { JsonNode var = variants.get(i); JsonNode currentMoneyNode = isTruthy(var.path("onSale")) ? var.path("salePriceMoney") : var.path("priceMoney"); BigDecimal current = getAmountFromMoneyNode(currentMoneyNode); if (current.compareTo(price) < 0) { price = current; moneyNode = currentMoneyNode; } } return moneyNode; case DIGITAL: JsonNode digitalMoneyNode = structuredContent.path("priceMoney"); return digitalMoneyNode.isMissingNode() ? DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE : digitalMoneyNode; default: return DEFAULT_MONEY_NODE; } }
From source
public static ArrayList<ITransportationInfo> getNext3Arrivals(String stationFrom, String stationTo, String line, Context context) {//w ww . ja va 2 s. com ArrayList<ITransportationInfo> ret = new ArrayList<ITransportationInfo>(); try { String bufferString = Util.stringFromJsonAssets(context, "stations/" + filename); JsonNode actualObj = Util.stringToJsonNode(bufferString); JsonNode lines = actualObj.get("timetable"); // find the data for the current transportation line for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { JsonNode lineJson = lines.get(i); String[] sublines = line.split(","); for (int ii = 0; ii < sublines.length; ii++) { if (lineJson.get("line").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(sublines[ii].trim())) { int day = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (day == 1) day = 6; else day -= 2; int hour = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int minute = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE); JsonNode stationData = null; if ((day == 4 || day == 5) && isFridaySaturdayNight(lineJson.get("night-after-friday-saturday"), hour)) { // night after Friday or Saturday stationData = lineJson.get("night-after-friday-saturday"); } else if (day < 5) { // weekdays stationData = lineJson.get("weekdays"); } else { // weekend stationData = lineJson.get("weekend"); } JsonNode stations = stationData.get("data"); int[] AStationMinutes = null, BStationMinutes = null; // find the data for the start and end station and choose the direction direction = NOT_SET; for (int j = 0; j < stations.size(); j++) { JsonNode st = stations.get(j); if (st.get("station").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(stationFrom) && direction == NOT_SET && AStationMinutes == null) { direction = DEPARTURE; AStationMinutes = getMinutesArray(st.get("departure").asText()); } else if (st.get("station").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(stationFrom) && AStationMinutes == null) { AStationMinutes = getMinutesArray(st.get("arrival").asText()); break; } else if (st.get("station").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(stationTo) && direction == NOT_SET && BStationMinutes == null) { direction = ARRIVAL; BStationMinutes = getMinutesArray(st.get("departure").asText()); } else if (st.get("station").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(stationTo) && BStationMinutes == null) { BStationMinutes = getMinutesArray(st.get("arrival").asText()); break; } } if (AStationMinutes == null || BStationMinutes == null) continue; JsonNode subLines = direction == DEPARTURE ? stationData.get("departure") : stationData.get("arrival"); JsonNode subLine = subLines.get(0); if (hasTrain(hour, subLine.get("night").asText(), subLine.get("day").asText())) { int count = 0; for (int k = 0; k < AStationMinutes.length; k++) { if (minute <= AStationMinutes[k]) { int arrivalHour = hour; int time = BStationMinutes[k] - AStationMinutes[k]; if (AStationMinutes[k] > BStationMinutes[k]) { arrivalHour++; time = 60 - AStationMinutes[k] + BStationMinutes[k]; } ret.add(new STrainData( (hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : "" + hour) + ":" + (AStationMinutes[k] < 10 ? "0" + AStationMinutes[k] : "" + AStationMinutes[k]), (arrivalHour < 10 ? "0" + arrivalHour : "" + arrivalHour) + ":" + (BStationMinutes[k] < 10 ? "0" + BStationMinutes[k] : "" + BStationMinutes[k]), time)); if (++count == 3) break; } } // second pass to get the times for the next hour hour++; for (int k = 0; k < AStationMinutes.length && count < 3; k++) { int arrivalHour = hour; int time = BStationMinutes[k] - AStationMinutes[k]; if (AStationMinutes[k] > BStationMinutes[k]) { arrivalHour++; time = 60 - AStationMinutes[k] + BStationMinutes[k]; } ret.add(new STrainData( (hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : "" + hour) + ":" + (AStationMinutes[k] < 10 ? "0" + AStationMinutes[k] : "" + AStationMinutes[k]), (arrivalHour < 10 ? "0" + arrivalHour : "" + arrivalHour) + ":" + (BStationMinutes[k] < 10 ? "0" + BStationMinutes[k] : "" + BStationMinutes[k]), time)); } } return ret; } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e != null && e.getLocalizedMessage() != null) LOG.e(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return ret; }