List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode size
public int size()
From source
public List<String> getListField(String field) { List<String> rlt = null; if (fields.containsKey(field)) { Object value = fields.get(field); if (value instanceof String) { JsonNode jsonNode = Jackson.jsonNodeOf((String) value); if (jsonNode.isArray()) { rlt = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int index = 0; index < jsonNode.size(); index++) { rlt.add(jsonNode.get(index).asText()); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ } } } return rlt; }
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@Test public void refSet() throws Exception { UpdateExpression expr = EvalTestContext.updateExpressionFromJson( "{'$set' : { 'field6.nf5.0': { '$valueof' : 'field3' }, 'field7.0' : {}}}"); Updater updater = Updater.getInstance(JSON_NODE_FACTORY, md, expr); Assert.assertTrue(updater.update(jsonDoc, md.getFieldTreeRoot(), new Path())); Assert.assertEquals(jsonDoc.get(new Path("field3")).intValue(), jsonDoc.get(new Path("field6.nf5.0")).intValue()); JsonNode node = jsonDoc.get(new Path("field7.0")); Assert.assertNotNull(node);/* w w w.ja va 2 s. c o m*/ Assert.assertEquals(0, node.size()); Assert.assertTrue(node instanceof ObjectNode); }
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@Override public Set<BindingKey> getBindingKeys() { readLock().lock();/*w ww .ja v a 2 s. c om*/ try { JsonNode node = getConfiguration().path(JsonConstants.ACTIVATION).path(JsonConstants.BINDINGS); Set<BindingKey> keys = new HashSet<>(node.size()); node.path(JsonConstants.BY_PATH).fieldNames().forEachRemaining(k -> keys.add(new PathBindingKey(k))); node.path(JsonConstants.BY_MEDIA_TYPE).fieldNames() .forEachRemaining(k -> keys.add(new MediaTypeBindingKey(MediaType.parse(k)))); return keys; } finally { readLock().unlock(); } }
From source
protected void assertResultsPresentInDataResponse(String url, int numberOfResultsExpected, String variableName, Object variableValue) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { // Do the actual call CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + url), HttpStatus.SC_OK); // Check status and size JsonNode dataNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()).get("data"); closeResponse(response);// w w w . j a v a 2s .c om assertEquals(numberOfResultsExpected, dataNode.size()); // Check presence of ID's if (variableName != null) { boolean variableFound = false; Iterator<JsonNode> it = dataNode.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode dataElementNode =; JsonNode variableNode = dataElementNode.get("variable"); String name = variableNode.get("name").textValue(); if (variableName.equals(name)) { variableFound = true; if (variableValue instanceof Boolean) { assertTrue("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asBoolean() == (Boolean) variableValue); } else if (variableValue instanceof Integer) { assertTrue("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asInt() == (Integer) variableValue); } else { assertTrue("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asText().equals((String) variableValue)); } } } assertTrue("Variable " + variableName + " is missing", variableFound); } }
From source
protected void assertResultsPresentInDataResponse(String url, int numberOfResultsExpected, String variableName, Object variableValue) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { // Do the actual call CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + url), HttpStatus.SC_OK); // Check status and size JsonNode dataNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()).get("data"); closeResponse(response);/*w w w.ja v a 2 s .c om*/ assertEquals(numberOfResultsExpected, dataNode.size()); // Check presence of ID's if (variableName != null) { boolean variableFound = false; Iterator<JsonNode> it = dataNode.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode dataElementNode =; JsonNode variableNode = dataElementNode.get("variable"); String name = variableNode.get("name").textValue(); if (variableName.equals(name)) { variableFound = true; if (variableValue instanceof Boolean) { assertTrue("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asBoolean() == (Boolean) variableValue); } else if (variableValue instanceof Integer) { assertEquals("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asInt(), (int) (Integer) variableValue); } else { assertEquals("Variable value is not equal", variableNode.get("value").asText(), (String) variableValue); } } } assertTrue("Variable " + variableName + " is missing", variableFound); } }
From source
@Test public void testListUsersInGroup() throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { Response response = target("/v3/groups").path(group.getId()).path("users").register(JacksonFeature.class) .register(ObjectMapperResolver.class).request() .header("X-Auth-Token", Config.Instance.getOpt(Config.Type.DEFAULT, "admin_token").asText()).get(); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); JsonNode node = JsonUtils.convertToJsonNode(response.readEntity(String.class)); JsonNode usersJ = node.get("users"); assertEquals(1, usersJ.size()); JsonNode userJ = usersJ.get(0);/*from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c om*/ assertEquals(user2.getId(), userJ.get("id").asText()); assertEquals(user2.getName(), userJ.get("name").asText()); assertEquals(user2.getDescription(), userJ.get("description").asText()); assertEquals(user2.getDomain().getId(), userJ.get("domain_id").asText()); assertEquals(user2.getDefaultProjectId(), userJ.get("default_project_id").asText()); assertNull(userJ.get("password")); }
From source
@Test public void test3() throws IOException { final TestEntrySet before = new TestEntrySet( new TestEntry[] { new TestEntry("1", 1), new TestEntry("2", 2) }); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final JsonNode node1 = mapper.readTree("{\n" + "\"note\": \"1\",\n" + "\"modTime\": 1,\n" + "\"createTime\": 1,\n" + "\"id\": \"S3\",\n" + "\"type\": \"root\"\n" + "}"); final JsonNode node2 = mapper.readTree("{\n" + "\"note\": \"2\",\n" + "\"modTime\": 2,\n" + "\"createTime\": 2,\n" + "\"id\": \"S4\",\n" + "\"type\": \"root\"\n" + "}\n"); final Errors errors = new Errors(); try {/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ final User user = dbLogic.getOrCreateUser("user"); assertTrue(dbLogic.addEntries(before, user, createTime, errors)); dbLogic.commit(); final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); dbLogic.backupJsonForUser(user, result); final JsonNode resultNode = mapper.readTree(result.toString()); assertTrue(resultNode.isObject()); final JsonNode entriesNodes = resultNode.get("entries"); assertTrue(entriesNodes.isArray()); assertEquals(2, entriesNodes.size()); boolean matched1 = false, matched2 = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { final JsonNode obj = entriesNodes.get(i); if (obj.equals(node1)) { matched1 = true; } else if (obj.equals(node2)) { matched2 = true; } } assertTrue(matched1); assertTrue(matched2); } catch (final IOException e) { assertTrue(false); } }
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@Test public void serializeEdit() { final String documentId = "1234"; final String clientId = "client1"; final PatchMessage<DiffMatchPatchEdit> patchMessage = patchMessage(documentId, clientId, DiffMatchPatchEdit.withChecksum("bogus") .diff(new DiffMatchPatchDiff(Operation.UNCHANGED, "version")) .diff(new DiffMatchPatchDiff(Operation.DELETE, "1")) .diff(new DiffMatchPatchDiff(Operation.ADD, "2")).build()); final String json = JsonMapper.toJson(patchMessage.edits().peek()); final JsonNode edit = JsonMapper.asJsonNode(json); assertThat(edit.get("serverVersion").asText(), equalTo("0")); assertThat(edit.get("clientVersion").asText(), equalTo("0")); final JsonNode diffs = edit.get("diffs"); assertThat(diffs.isArray(), is(true)); assertThat(diffs.size(), is(3)); }
From source
private ObjectNode arraySchema(JsonNode exampleArray) { ObjectNode schema = OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode(); schema.put("type", "array"); if (exampleArray.size() > 0) { JsonNode exampleItem = exampleArray.get(0).isObject() ? mergeArrayItems(exampleArray) : exampleArray.get(0);//ww w .j ava 2 s . c o m schema.set("items", schemaFromExample(exampleItem)); } return schema; }
From source
@Override public Map<String, Object> parse(String input) { try {//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c om Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); JsonNode root = objectMapper.readTree(input); Iterator<String> keysIter = (fieldNames == null ? root.fieldNames() : fieldNames.iterator()); while (keysIter.hasNext()) { String key =; if (exclude.contains(key)) { continue; } JsonNode node = root.path(key); if (node.isArray()) { final List<Object> nodeValue = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(node.size()); for (final JsonNode subnode : node) { final Object subnodeValue = valueFunction.apply(subnode); if (subnodeValue != null) { nodeValue.add(subnodeValue); } } map.put(key, nodeValue); } else { final Object nodeValue = valueFunction.apply(node); if (nodeValue != null) { map.put(key, nodeValue); } } } return map; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ParseException(e, "Unable to parse row [%s]", input); } }