Java tutorial
/* Zombie Lord - A story driven roleplaying game * Copyright (C) 2012 Talas ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.talas777.ZombieLord; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Audio.MusicInstance; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Audio.SoundInstance; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Items.ConsumeableItem; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Items.Weapons; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Levels.*; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Minigames.ZombieDefense; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Minigames.TowerDefense.Attacker; import com.talas777.ZombieLord.Minigames.TowerDefense.Defender; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Files.FileType; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Body; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.BodyDef; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.Box2DDebugRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.EdgeShape; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.FixtureDef; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.PolygonShape; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.ChainShape; import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.World; //import*; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton.TextButtonStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField.TextFieldStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; public class ZombieLord implements ApplicationListener, InputProcessor { public static final int MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL = 99; public String questHint = "???"; // Global Graphics stuff private OrthographicCamera camera; private SpriteBatch batch; private SpriteBatch fontBatch; private Texture texture2; private LinkedList<Sprite> drawSprites; private Sprite leoricSprite; private float w; // width of resoultion private float h; // height of resolution private Sprite background; private Texture backgroundTexture; private Sprite foreground; public Sprite mover; // TODO: replace temporary hack with a LevelObject public float moverTimer = 0; // Position public float posx = -1; public float posy = -1; public int lastDirection = 0; public static final int DIR_SOUTH = 1; public static final int DIR_NORTH = 0; public static final int DIR_EAST = 2; public static final int DIR_WEST = 3; // Animation variables public float currentWalkFrame = 0; public float stillTime = 0; public int camMinY = 0; public int camMaxY = 0; public int camMinX = 0; public int camMaxX = 0; public float nextCombat = 0; private Sprite battleWindow; private Texture hpTex; private Texture mpTex; private Texture tmTex; private Texture selectionHand; // Dialog Stuff BitmapFont font; BitmapFont smallFont; private String[] curSentence = null; private String curSpeaker = null; public Dialog currentDialog; public float dialogWait = 0; public double dialogTicker = 1.0; // Combat Stuff public LinkedList<CombatOption> currentCombatOptions; public CombatOption selectedCombatOption; public boolean finishedChoosing; public PartyMember combatOptionCaster; public Combatant selectedTarget; public boolean finishedTargeting; public LinkedList<Combatant> validTargets; private LinkedList<Sprite> combatEffects; private Combat currentCombat; public float waitTime = 0; private Targeting targeting; // Zombie Defense stuff private ZombieDefense zombieDefense; public static final int MODE_MOVE = 0; public static final int MODE_FIGHT = 1; public static final int MODE_VICTORY = 2; public static final int MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE = 3; public static final int MODE_DIALOG = 7; public static final int MODE_GAMEOVER = 99; /** * For rain or meteor showers etc. */ public Array<Sprite> falling; public float fallSpeed = 700; public int minFallDist = 50; public int maxFallDist = 500; public Texture fallingTexture; public int fallingDensity = 100; // debugging vars private boolean debug = false; private boolean debugStart = false; /** the volume of music globally, 1 = 100%, 0 = 0% */ private static float globalMusicVolume = 0f; /** the volume of sound globally, 1 = 100%, 0 = 0% */ private static float globalSoundVolume = 0f; private World world; private Body jumper; private Body pointer; private MusicInstance currentMusic; private MusicInstance combatMusic; private static String announcement; private static float announcementTimeout; private Box2DDebugRenderer debugRenderer; private float moveSpeed = 0.003f; public static final float PIXELS_PER_METER = 60.0f; public Party party; private int gameMode = MODE_MOVE; private NinePatch dialogBackground; private NinePatch announcementBackground; private NinePatch menuBackground; private NinePatch minibarHp; private NinePatch barHp; private NinePatch barMp; private NinePatch barTime; /*public Sound hitSound; // ="data/sound/woodenstickattack.wav")); public Sound biteSound; // ="data/sound/zombiebite.wav")); public Sound cutSound; // ="data/sound/cut.wav")); */ public TimeTracker timeTracker; public QuestTracker questTracker; private LinkedList<MonsterArea> activeMonsterAreas; private LinkedList<Dialog> activeDialogs; private LinkedList<LevelObject> levelObjects; /** * used to let new levels load before starting dialogs.. * otherwise things will get quite clunky */ public float levelLoadGraceTime = 0; /** * Which level to return to after combat. */ private Level returnLevel; public static final Element ELEM_PHYSICAL = new Element("physical"); public static final Element ELEM_FIRE = new Element("fire"); public static final Element ELEM_ICE = new Element("ice"); public static final Element ELEM_LIGHTNING = new Element("lightning"); public static final Element ELEM_EARTH = new Element("earth"); public static final Element ELEM_WATER = new Element("water"); public static final Element ELEM_WIND = new Element("wind"); public static final Element ELEM_POISON = new Element("poison"); public static final Element ELEM_HOLY = new Element("holy"); public static final Element ELEM_EVIL = new Element("evil"); public static final Element ELEM_NULL = new Element("non-elemental"); // Player characters public static PartyMember Leoric; public static PartyMember Tolinai; public static PartyMember Bert; public static PartyMember Berzenor; public static PartyMember Kuriko; // Combat Action categories public static final ActionCategory OFFENSIVE_MAGIC = new ActionCategory((byte) 0); public static final ActionCategory DEFENSIVE_MAGIC = new ActionCategory((byte) 1); public static final ActionCategory SPECIAL = new ActionCategory((byte) 2); public static final ActionCategory SUMMON = new ActionCategory((byte) 3); public static final ActionCategory ATTACK = new ActionCategory((byte) 4); public static final ActionCategory ITEM_ACTION = new ActionCategory((byte) 5); public static final ActionCategory MONSTER_ABILITY = new ActionCategory((byte) 7); // Combat Effects public static final CombatEffect biteEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -4f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect punchEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -5f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect twinFistEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -10f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect regrowthEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_MAGICAL, 50f, false, ELEM_NULL); public static final CombatEffect slashEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -3f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect cycloneSlashEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -20f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect magicArrowEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_MAGICAL, -12f, false, ELEM_NULL); public static final CombatEffect staffStrikeEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -1f, false, ELEM_PHYSICAL); public static final CombatEffect rouletteStingEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -50f, false, ELEM_POISON); public static final CombatEffect grandClawEffect = new CombatEffect(CombatEffect.TYPE_PHYSICAL, -5f, false, ELEM_EARTH); // Combat Actions public static final CombatAction BITE = new CombatAction("Bite", MONSTER_ABILITY, 0, biteEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction PUNCH = new CombatAction("Punch", ATTACK, 0, punchEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction TWINFIST = new CombatAction("TwinFist", MONSTER_ABILITY, 3, twinFistEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction REGROWTH = new CombatAction("Regrowth", MONSTER_ABILITY, 5, regrowthEffect, Targeting.TARGET_SELF); public static final CombatAction SLASH = new CombatAction("Slash", ATTACK, 0, slashEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction CYCLONE_SLASH = new CombatAction("Cyclone Slash", OFFENSIVE_MAGIC, 9, cycloneSlashEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_ALL); public static final CombatAction MAGIC_ARROW = new CombatAction("Magic Arrow", OFFENSIVE_MAGIC, 8, magicArrowEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction STAFF_STRIKE = new CombatAction("Staff Strike", ATTACK, 0, staffStrikeEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_SINGLE); public static final CombatAction ROULETTE_STING = new CombatAction("Roulette Sting", MONSTER_ABILITY, 10, rouletteStingEffect, Targeting.TARGET_RANDOM); public static final CombatAction GRAND_CLAW = new CombatAction("Grand Claw", MONSTER_ABILITY, 0, grandClawEffect, Targeting.TARGET_ENEMY_ALL); // HardCoded CombatOptions public static final CombatOption escape = new CombatOption("escape"); public static final CombatOption item = new CombatOption("item"); public static final CombatOption defend = new CombatOption("defend"); // Item textures private void returnFromCombat() { this.loadLevel(returnLevel, (int) posx, (int) posy, lastDirection); } private static LinkedList<SoundInstance> sounds = new LinkedList<SoundInstance>(); public static void playSound(String file, float volume) { sounds.add(new SoundInstance(file, volume * globalSoundVolume)); } private static double musicPause = 0; public static void pauseMusic(double time) { musicPause = time; } public void loadCombat(MonsterSetup setup) { for (SoundInstance s : sounds) s.dispose(); sounds.clear(); this.fallingTexture = null; for (Sprite s : drawSprites) { s.getTexture().dispose(); } if (this.foreground != null) { this.foreground.getTexture().dispose(); this.foreground = null; } this.drawSprites.clear(); this.waitTime = 5; String[] backgrounds = this.returnLevel.getBattleBackgrounds(); this.backgroundTexture = new Texture( Gdx.files.internal("data/prerenders/" + backgrounds[(int) (Math.random() * backgrounds.length)])); this.background = new Sprite(backgroundTexture, 0, 0, 480, 320); int bposx = (int) (w / 6); int bposy = (int) (h / 2); if (this.currentMusic != null) { this.currentMusic.pause(); } this.combatMusic = new MusicInstance("data/music/Vadim_Danilenko_-_Lunapark.ogg"); this.combatMusic.setLooping(true); this.combatMusic.setVolume(this.globalMusicVolume);; if (party.isActive(Tolinai)) { Texture texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/princess.png")); //texture2.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); Sprite tolinai = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 3, 64, 64); //princess.setSize(64, 64); //sprite.setSize(sprite.getWidth(),sprite.getHeight()); //sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth()/2, sprite.getHeight()/2); tolinai.setPosition(bposx - 32, bposy); Tolinai.setSprite(tolinai); drawSprites.add(tolinai); } {// Leoric is always active //if(returnLevel instanceof HomeTownNight) //texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/BRivera-malesoldier-dark.png")); //else texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/BRivera-malesoldier.png")); //texture2.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); leoricSprite = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 2, 64, 64); //princess.setSize(64, 64); //sprite.setSize(sprite.getWidth(),sprite.getHeight()); //sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth()/2, sprite.getHeight()/2); leoricSprite.setPosition(bposx - 32, bposy + 50); Leoric.setSprite(leoricSprite); drawSprites.add(leoricSprite); } currentCombat = new Combat(setup, party, 5); this.combatEffects = new LinkedList<Sprite>(); { for (int i = 0; i < currentCombat.getNumEnemies(); i++) { Monster m = currentCombat.getMonster(i); Texture monsterTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/" + m.textureName)); //texture2.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); Sprite monsterSprite = new Sprite(monsterTexture, 0, 0, m.monsterType.getImageSizeX(), m.monsterType.getImageSizeY()); m.setSprite(monsterSprite); //princess.setSize(64, 64); //sprite.setSize(sprite.getWidth(),sprite.getHeight()); //sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth()/2, sprite.getHeight()/2); int[] xy = currentCombat.getMonsterPosition(i, (int) w, (int) h); monsterSprite.setPosition(xy[0], xy[1]); //drawSprites.add(monsterSprite); System.out.println("Added monster:x" + xy[0] + ",y" + xy[1]); } } // Timing and stuff is taken care of in the Combat class (which is queried from the render loop) gameMode = MODE_FIGHT; } public void loadZombieDefense(ZombieDefense zd) { this.fallingTexture = null; for (Sprite s : drawSprites) { s.getTexture().dispose(); } this.drawSprites.clear(); if (backgroundTexture != null) backgroundTexture.dispose(); backgroundTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/prerenders/hometown/zombiedefense.png")); background = new Sprite(backgroundTexture, 480, 320); if (this.foreground != null) { this.foreground.getTexture().dispose(); this.foreground = null; } for (SoundInstance s : sounds) s.dispose(); sounds.clear(); if (this.currentMusic != null) { this.currentMusic.pause(); } this.combatMusic = new MusicInstance(zd.getMusic()); this.combatMusic.setLooping(true); this.combatMusic.setVolume(0.7f * this.globalMusicVolume);; this.gameMode = MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE; this.zombieDefense = zd; this.zombieDefense.attackers = this.zombieDefense.getWave(this.zombieDefense.getCurrentWaveNumber()); // Zombie Defense. A variant of tower defense where the player must defend a town against waves of // zombies coming from the edges of the map, trying to reach the town entrance. // The player can place walls, warriors and traps. // In the first level, there is only one wall type (wooden), one warrior type (archer) and one trap type (resetting bear trap). // If the player tries to completely wall off the entrance, the zombie lord will randomly make a hole in the players wall. // The player gains points for each zombie that didnt reach the entrance. } private void gameOver() { System.out.println("GAME OVER. :'("); if (currentMusic != null) currentMusic.stop(); if (combatMusic != null) combatMusic.stop(); currentMusic = new MusicInstance("data/music/Renich_-_Rola_Z.ogg"); currentMusic.setLooping(true); currentMusic.setVolume(this.globalMusicVolume);; gameMode = MODE_GAMEOVER; if (this.combatEffects != null) this.combatEffects.clear(); } private void tickZombieDefense(float deltaTime) { // TODO: moving targeting cursor around with arrow keys // TODO: target cursor snaps to 32x32 grid? 480/32 = 16.87, 320/32 = 10 // TODO: selecting things using the targeting cursor and an action button (enter?) // TODO: choosing actions for the selected thing in a menu // TODO: spawn zombies from the edge that try to get to the gate. // TODO: zombie lord magically destroys walls that completely block zombie access. // TODO: earn random amount of monies from killing zombies.. // TODO: go back to gamemode MODE_MOVE after winning // TODO: go to gamemode MODE_GAMEOVER after losing if (this.zombieDefense.getHealthLeft() <= 0) { // lost.. if (this.zombieDefense.isDefeatAllowed()) { // whatever, go back to MODE_MOVE this.loadLevel(this.zombieDefense.getNextLevel(), this.zombieDefense.getNextLevelX(), this.zombieDefense.getNextLevelY(), this.lastDirection); return; } else { // game over, this one may not be lost. this.gameOver(); return; } } if (this.zombieDefense.attackers.isEmpty()) { // all the zombies are dead.. // goto next wave if it exists // win if not if (this.zombieDefense.getCurrentWaveNumber() < this.zombieDefense.getNumWaves()) { // next level this.zombieDefense.gotoNextWave(); this.zombieDefense.attackers = this.zombieDefense .getWave(this.zombieDefense.getCurrentWaveNumber()); } else { // wiin! this.loadLevel(this.zombieDefense.getNextLevel(), this.zombieDefense.getNextLevelX(), this.zombieDefense.getNextLevelY(), this.lastDirection); return; } } else { // move zig! for (Attacker attacker : this.zombieDefense.attackers) { attacker.move(deltaTime, this.zombieDefense); } for (Defender defender : this.zombieDefense.defenders) { defender.act(this.zombieDefense.attackers, deltaTime); } this.zombieDefense.attackers = this.zombieDefense.handleAttackers(this.zombieDefense.attackers); } } public void loadCombat(MonsterArea monsterArea) { loadCombat(monsterArea.getRandomSetup()); } private void loadCombatEffects() { // bite BITE.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/biteAttack.png")); // slash SLASH.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/normalCut.png")); // Cyclone Slash CYCLONE_SLASH.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/cutAttack.png")); // staff strike STAFF_STRIKE.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/blunt.png")); // magic arrow MAGIC_ARROW.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/magicAttack.png")); GRAND_CLAW.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/cutAttack.png")); ROULETTE_STING.effect = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/combateffects/blunt.png")); } public void drawCombatUISprites(SpriteBatch batch) { //LinkedList<Sprite> list = new LinkedList<Sprite>(); //first make sprites for leoric.. hes always there and always nr.1 (atleast for now) PartyMember[] activeMembers =; int num = 0; int fontOffset = 14; for (PartyMember m : activeMembers) { // draw characters name int healthPercent = (int) Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.ceil(((m.getHealth() + 0.0f) / m.getHealthMax()) * 100))); Color fontColor = Color.WHITE; if (m.getHealth() == 0) fontColor = Color.GRAY; else if (healthPercent <= 10) fontColor = Color.YELLOW; font.setColor(fontColor); smallFont.setColor(fontColor); font.draw(batch, m.getName(), 10, 67 - 32 * num + fontOffset); // draw the red inside the hp bar if (m.getHealth() > 0) barHp.draw(batch, 102 + 4, 67 - 32 * num + 1, healthPercent, 17); //Sprite myHp = new Sprite(hpTex,0,0+19*healthPerdeca,106,19); Sprite myHp = new Sprite(hpTex, 0, 0, 106, 19); myHp.setX(102); myHp.setY(67 - 32 * num); myHp.draw(batch); String healthstr = m.getHealth() + "/" + m.getHealthMax(); smallFont.draw(batch, healthstr, 102 + 60 - (healthstr.length() / 2) * 13, 67 - 32 * num + fontOffset + 2); int manaPercent = (int) Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.ceil(((m.getMana() + 0.0f) / m.getManaMax()) * 100))); if (m.getMana() > 0) barMp.draw(batch, 230 + 4, 67 - 32 * num + 1, manaPercent, 17); Sprite myMp = new Sprite(mpTex, 0, 0, 106, 19); myMp.setX(230); myMp.setY(67 - 32 * num); myMp.draw(batch); String manastr = m.getMana() + "/" + m.getManaMax(); smallFont.draw(batch, manastr, 230 + 60 - (manastr.length() / 2) * 13, 67 - 32 * num + fontOffset + 2); int timePercent = (int) Math.min(100, Math.max(0, Math.round(((m.actionTimer + 0.0f) / 100f) * 100))); if (m.getHealth() > 0) barTime.draw(batch, 358 + 4, 67 - 32 * num + 1, 100 - timePercent, 17); Sprite myTime = new Sprite(tmTex, 0, 19 * 10, 106, 19); myTime.setX(358); myTime.setY(67 - 32 * num); myTime.draw(batch); num++; } font.setColor(Color.WHITE); smallFont.setColor(Color.WHITE); } @Override public void create() { w =; h =; Monsters.initiate(); Item.initiate(); dialogBackground = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/dialog_background.png")), 12, 12, 12, 12); announcementBackground = new NinePatch( new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/announcement_background.png")), 11, 11, 11, 11); menuBackground = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/menu_background.png")), 11, 11, 11, 11); minibarHp = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/minibar_hp.png")), 2, 2, 2, 2); barHp = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/microbar_hp.png")), 1, 1, 1, 1); barMp = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/microbar_mp.png")), 1, 1, 1, 1); barTime = new NinePatch(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/microbar_time.png")), 1, 1, 1, 1); camera = new OrthographicCamera(w, h); camera.position.set(0, 0, 0); batch = new SpriteBatch(); fontBatch = new SpriteBatch(); drawSprites = new LinkedList<Sprite>(); /*hitSound ="data/sound/woodenstickattack.wav")); biteSound ="data/sound/zombiebite.wav")); cutSound ="data/sound/cut.wav")); */ Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); // Load up the fonts //fontAtlas = new TextureAtlas("data"); font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/fonts/PressStart2P/PressStart2P.fnt"), false); smallFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/fonts/Consola Mono/ConsolaMono.fnt"), false); //fontAtlas.findRegion("PressStart2P"), false); loadCombatEffects(); // load battle window stuffs Texture battleTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/battlewindow.png")); this.battleWindow = new Sprite(battleTex, 0, 0, 480, 100); hpTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/hp.png")); mpTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/mp.png")); tmTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/time.png")); this.selectionHand = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/selectionhand.png")); party = new Party(); timeTracker = new TimeTracker(); timeTracker.addEvent("zero"); timeTracker.addEvent("start"); timeTracker.incrementTime(); timeTracker.addEvent("go home"); timeTracker.addEvent("talk with gf"); // talk timeTracker.addEvent("zombie defense 1"); // first obligatory tower defense minigame timeTracker.addEvent("leave home"); // leave timeTracker.addEvent("east house?"); // goto house timeTracker.addEvent("east house!"); // enter house timeTracker.addEvent("east house-combat"); timeTracker.addEvent("leave east house"); timeTracker.addEvent("south east house?"); timeTracker.addEvent("south west house?"); timeTracker.addEvent("south west house!"); timeTracker.addEvent("leave sw house"); timeTracker.addEvent("west house?"); timeTracker.addEvent("west house!"); timeTracker.addEvent("leave west house"); timeTracker.addEvent("mayors house?"); timeTracker.addEvent("mayors house!"); timeTracker.addEvent("leave mayors house"); timeTracker.addEvent("leave hometown"); timeTracker.addEvent("left hometown"); // TODO: story is only done untill here roughly 1/8 of story only :< timeTracker.addEvent("entered inn"); timeTracker.addEvent("talked with Bert"); timeTracker.addEvent("accepted quest"); timeTracker.addEvent("entered troll cave"); timeTracker.addEvent("killed troll"); timeTracker.addEvent("returned to town"); timeTracker.addEvent("Bert joins"); timeTracker.addEvent("left second town"); timeTracker.addEvent("went to west caves"); timeTracker.addEvent("killed manticore"); timeTracker.addEvent("entered castle inn"); timeTracker.addEvent("rented a room"); timeTracker.addEvent("went inside room"); timeTracker.addEvent("nightmare1"); timeTracker.addEvent("awoken"); timeTracker.addEvent("fight1"); timeTracker.addEvent("fight2"); timeTracker.addEvent("left caste"); timeTracker.addEvent("entered beach town"); timeTracker.addEvent("???"); // although the events beyond are planned, they arent written here because of spoiling.. // guess ill try to keep them away from the gitlog also, when it finaly comes to that.. timeTracker.addEvent("THE END"); // Keep this last or bugs be onto ye! questTracker = new QuestTracker(); questTracker.registerQuest("home1"); questTracker.registerQuest("First potion."); questTracker.registerQuest("MyHouse-ChestN"); questTracker.registerQuest("MyHouse-ChestW"); Leoric = new PartyMember(0, "Leoric", 50, 1, 200, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15); // Male hero (swordsman) Leoric.addCombatAction(SLASH); Leoric.addCombatAction(CYCLONE_SLASH); Leoric.equipWeapon(Weapons.shortSword); //Leoric.mana = 1; party.addMember(Leoric); Tolinai = new PartyMember(1, "Tolinai", 5, 5, 175, 6, 10, 10, 20, 15, 17, 5); // Female, hero gf (offensive mage) Tolinai.addCombatAction(STAFF_STRIKE); Tolinai.addCombatAction(MAGIC_ARROW); Tolinai.equipWeapon(Weapons.woodenStick); Bert = new PartyMember(2, "Bert", 150, 50, 0, 15, 12, 20, 13, 12, 12, 10); // Male, archer Bert.addCombatAction(PUNCH); //party.addMember(Bert); Berzenor = new PartyMember(3, "Berzenor", 50, 50, 0, 5, 10, 10, 18, 16, 20, 10); // Male, defensive mage Berzenor.addCombatAction(PUNCH); Kuriko = new PartyMember(4, "Kuriko", 100, 50, 0, 16, 12, 20, 13, 14, 14, 16); // Female, rogue Kuriko.addCombatAction(PUNCH); party.giveItem(Item.Potion, (byte) 3); // give some potions, to make the start easier party.giveItem(Item.Antidote, (byte) 1); /*party.giveItem(Item.Hi_Potion, (byte)20); party.giveItem(Item.Grenade, (byte)2); party.giveItem(Item.Ash, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Banana, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Buster_Sword, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Cloud, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Ether, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Hi_Ether, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Hot_Soup, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Panties, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Phoenix_Feather, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Super_Ether, (byte)1); party.giveItem(Item.Tissue, (byte)1);*/ //party.giveItem(Item.StrUp, (byte) 10); loadLevel(new Church(), 522, 414, 1);// church the real start point /* this.addMember(new PartyMember(2,"Bert",50,50,10,10,0)); // Male, archer this.addMember(new PartyMember(3,"Berzenor",40,40,60,60,0)); // Male, defensive mage this.addMember(new PartyMember(4, "Kiriko",70,70,30,30,0)); // Female, rogue*/ if (debugStart) { loadLevel(new HomeTownNight(), 3005, 1326, 1); //TODO: remove debugging stuffs party.addMember(Tolinai); // TODO: remove this!! timeTracker.setTime("east house?"); // TODO: remove debug test } //loadLevel(new SecondTown(),117,1949,this.DIR_SOUTH);// second town //loadLevel(new SecondTownInn1(),177,1814,this.DIR_NORTH);// second town inn /*MonsterArea area = new MonsterArea(0,0,20,20,0.05f); Monster troll = new Monster("Troll1","TrollOgre.png",5,100,15,3,1.25f); Monster troll2 = new Monster("Troll2","TrollOgre.png",5,100,15,3,1.25f); troll.addCombatAction(twinFist, 0.2f); troll2.addCombatAction(twinFist, 0.2f); troll.addCombatAction(regrowth, 0.2f); troll2.addCombatAction(regrowth, 0.2f); troll.addCombatAction(punch, 0.2f); troll2.addCombatAction(punch, 0.2f); troll.addCombatAction(bite, 0.2f); troll2.addCombatAction(bite, 0.2f); MonsterSetup twoTrolls = new MonsterSetup(MonsterSetup.FORMATION_SIMPLE); twoTrolls.appendMonster(troll); twoTrolls.appendMonster(troll2); area.addMonsterSetup(twoTrolls, 0.7f); */ //loadCombat(4,area); debugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer(); } /* * create a vector array from the given positions * @param xValues x values * @param yValues y values * @return array of vector2 points */ /*public Vector2[] vectorize(float[] xValues, float[] yValues){ Vector2[] vec = new Vector2[xValues.length]; for(int i = 0; i < xValues.length; i++){ vec[i] = new Vector2(xValues[i]/PIXELS_PER_METER, yValues[i]/PIXELS_PER_METER); } return vec; }*/ @Override public void dispose() { batch.dispose(); fontBatch.dispose(); backgroundTexture.dispose(); texture2.dispose(); } private static LinkedList<AnimatedMissile> animatedMissiles = new LinkedList<AnimatedMissile>(); public static void sendAnimatedMissile(Sprite s, int fromx, int tox, int fromy, int toy, float speed) { AnimatedMissile missile = new AnimatedMissile(s, speed, fromx, fromy, tox, toy); animatedMissiles.add(missile); } private static LinkedList<TemporaryAnimation> animations = new LinkedList<TemporaryAnimation>(); public static void addAnimation(Sprite s, int x, int y, int time) { animations.add(new TemporaryAnimation(s, x, y, time / 10f)); } public void loadLevel(Level level, int posx, int posy, int direction) { this.fallingTexture = null; for (Sprite s : drawSprites) { s.getTexture().dispose(); } this.drawSprites.clear(); if (backgroundTexture != null) backgroundTexture.dispose(); backgroundTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/prerenders/" + level.getBackground())); if (this.foreground != null) { this.foreground.getTexture().dispose(); this.foreground = null; } for (SoundInstance s : sounds) s.dispose(); sounds.clear(); if (level.getForeground() != null) { // Level has a foreground image Texture foregroundTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/prerenders/" + level.getForeground())); foreground = level.foreground(foregroundTexture); } this.levelLoadGraceTime = 0.5f; this.camMinX = level.getCamMinX(); this.camMaxX = level.getCamMaxX(); this.camMinY = level.getCamMinY(); this.camMaxY = level.getCamMaxY(); this.posx = posx; this.posy = posy; this.lastDirection = direction; background = level.background(backgroundTexture); this.activeMonsterAreas = level.getMonsterAreas(timeTracker); this.activeDialogs = level.getLevelDialogs(); this.levelObjects = level.getLevelObjects(questTracker); // Hard Coded strange things goes here.. SPOLIER ALERT, etc.. if (level instanceof HomeTownNight) this.fallingTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/raindrop.png")); // TODO: add wind effect // TODO: add ambient sounds if (level instanceof Church) { Texture to1 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/FBI_hurt.png")); this.mover = new Sprite(to1, 64 * 1, 0, 64, 64); this.mover.setX(583 - 32); this.mover.setY(483); drawSprites.add(mover); this.moverTimer = 0.4f; } if (level instanceof MyHouse) { Texture to1 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/princess2.png")); this.mover = new Sprite(to1, 0, 64 * 2, 64, 64); this.mover.setX(475); this.mover.setY(326); drawSprites.add(mover); this.moverTimer = 0.4f; } String newMusic = level.getMusic(); if (this.combatMusic != null) { this.combatMusic.stop(); this.combatMusic.dispose(); this.combatMusic = null;; } if (this.currentMusic != null) { if (this.currentMusic.isSame(newMusic)) { // just keep playing } else { // stop this one // TODO: fading out would be nicer.. this.currentMusic.stop(); this.currentMusic.dispose(); this.currentMusic = null; if (level.getMusic() != null) { this.currentMusic = new MusicInstance(newMusic); this.currentMusic.setVolume(this.globalMusicVolume); this.currentMusic.setLooping(true);; } } } else { if (level.getMusic() != null) { this.currentMusic = new MusicInstance(newMusic); this.currentMusic.setLooping(true); this.currentMusic.setVolume(this.globalMusicVolume);; } } { if (level instanceof HomeTownNight) texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/BRivera-malesoldier-dark.png")); else texture2 = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/BRivera-malesoldier.png")); //texture2.setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); if (direction == DIR_NORTH) leoricSprite = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 0, 64, 64); else if (direction == DIR_SOUTH) leoricSprite = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 2, 64, 64); else if (direction == DIR_EAST) leoricSprite = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 3, 64, 64); else leoricSprite = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64 * 1, 64, 64); //princess.setSize(64, 64); //sprite.setSize(sprite.getWidth(),sprite.getHeight()); //sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth()/2, sprite.getHeight()/2); leoricSprite.setPosition(posx - 32, posy); drawSprites.add(leoricSprite); } world = new World(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), true); level.applyCollisionBoundaries(world, PIXELS_PER_METER); // Added level collision data (except dynamic objects) if (this.levelObjects != null) { // add dynamic level object collision data BodyDef groundBodyDef = new BodyDef(); groundBodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody; Body groundBody = world.createBody(groundBodyDef); for (LevelObject object : this.levelObjects) { ChainShape s = object.getCollisionBoundary(); if (s == null) continue; groundBody.createFixture(s, 0); s.dispose(); } } BodyDef jumperBodyDef = new BodyDef(); jumperBodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody; jumperBodyDef.position.set(posx / PIXELS_PER_METER, posy / PIXELS_PER_METER); jumper = world.createBody(jumperBodyDef); PolygonShape jumperShape = new PolygonShape(); jumperShape.setAsBox(leoricSprite.getWidth() / (6 * PIXELS_PER_METER), leoricSprite.getHeight() / (6 * PIXELS_PER_METER)); jumper.setFixedRotation(true); FixtureDef jumperFixtureDef = new FixtureDef(); jumperFixtureDef.shape = jumperShape; jumperFixtureDef.density = 0.1f; jumperFixtureDef.friction = 1.0f; jumper.createFixture(jumperFixtureDef); jumper.setLinearDamping(9.0f); jumperShape.dispose(); BodyDef jt = new BodyDef(); jt.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody; jt.position.set(posx / PIXELS_PER_METER, posy / PIXELS_PER_METER); pointer = world.createBody(jt); PolygonShape js = new PolygonShape(); js.setAsBox(0.01f, 0.01f); FixtureDef jf = new FixtureDef(); jf.shape = js; jf.filter.maskBits = 2; pointer.createFixture(jf); gameMode = MODE_MOVE; this.returnLevel = level; // incase we get into a fight, we want a way back :p } private static float musicVolume = 1f; private static MusicInstance fadingMusic; public static void fadeMusicIn(MusicInstance music) { System.out.println("fading music in.."); music.playNow(); music.setVolume(0.1f); musicVolume = 0.1f; fadingMusic = music; } @Override public void render() { if ( != null) { if ( { // menu is scheduled for deletion, so carry it out; = null; this.gameMode = MODE_MOVE; } } if (musicVolume < 1f) { musicVolume += / 10f; if (musicVolume > 1f) { musicVolume = 1f; System.out.println("Done fading.."); } fadingMusic.setVolume(musicVolume * this.globalMusicVolume); } if (musicPause > 0) { musicPause -=; if (musicPause <= 0) { musicPause = 0; // resume music if (this.combatMusic != null); else if (this.currentMusic != null); } else { // pause music or keep it paused if (this.combatMusic != null) this.combatMusic.pause(); if (this.currentMusic != null) this.currentMusic.pause(); } } if (this.fallingTexture != null) { if (this.falling == null) { this.falling = new Array<Sprite>(); } //System.out.println("rain: "+this.falling.size); // pour de rain (Count de money) //for(int i = 0; i < this.fallingDensity; i++){ if (this.falling.size < this.fallingDensity) { Sprite newDrop = new Sprite(fallingTexture, 0, 0, 8, 8); newDrop.setY(posy + h); newDrop.setX(posx - 20 - w / 2 + (float) Math.random() * (w + 20)); this.falling.add(newDrop); this.drawSprites.add(newDrop); } Iterator<Sprite> iter = falling.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Sprite s =; s.setY(s.getY() - this.fallSpeed *; if (posy + h / 2 - s.getY() > this.minFallDist) { // OK to delete? if (posy + h / 2 - s.getY() >= this.maxFallDist) { this.drawSprites.remove(s); iter.remove(); } else if (Math.random() * 100 > 90) { addAnimation(new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/rain_splash.png"))), (int) s.getX(), (int) s.getY(), 3); this.drawSprites.remove(s); iter.remove(); } } } } else if (this.falling != null) { // Clean up rain.. Iterator<Sprite> iter = falling.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Sprite s =; this.drawSprites.remove(s); iter.remove(); } this.falling = null; } if (gameMode == MODE_DIALOG) { // a Dialog is active or using the menus? if (this.currentDialog == null) { // menu // TODO: ??? } else { // dialog if (this.dialogWait > 0) { this.dialogTicker += * 20; if (Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(Keys.ENTER))// Speed up the dialog a bit dialogWait = 0; else dialogWait -=; } else if (this.currentDialog.hasNextUtterance()) { //TODO: this has to be done more nicely somehow.. Utterance u = this.currentDialog.getNextUtterance(); System.out.print(u.speaker + ": "); //System.out.println(u.sentence); this.curSpeaker = u.speaker; this.curSentence = u.getSentence(); this.dialogTicker = 1; //for(int i = 0; i < this.curSentence.length; i++) // System.out.println("_"+this.curSentence[i]+"_"); dialogWait = (u.length * 0.07f); // TODO: hum hum if (dialogWait < 1.7f) dialogWait = 1.7f; } else { // apply secondary effects and change gameMode back to whatever normal is // TODO: would be nice if dialogs could be had inside combat also.. // but not strictly required. this.curSpeaker = null; this.curSentence = null; if (this.currentDialog.questHint != null) { this.questHint = this.currentDialog.questHint; } if (this.currentDialog.getTimeChange() != null) { this.timeTracker.setTime(this.currentDialog.getTimeChange()); } ZombieDefense zd = this.currentDialog.getZombieDefense(); if (zd != null) { // Start zombie defense by going to the correct game mode.. this.gameMode = MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE; this.loadZombieDefense(zd); // Zombie Defense has highest priority. this.currentDialog = null; return; } MonsterSetup setup = this.currentDialog.getFight(); for (PartyMember joiner : this.currentDialog.getMemberJoins()) {; } if (this.currentDialog.nextLevel != null) { // Level change.. if (setup != null) { // after fight.. this.returnLevel = this.currentDialog.nextLevel; this.posx = this.currentDialog.posx; this.posy = this.currentDialog.posy; this.lastDirection = this.currentDialog.direction; } } if (setup != null) { // fight! this.loadCombat(setup); } else if (this.currentDialog.nextLevel != null) { // change level this.loadLevel(this.currentDialog.nextLevel, this.currentDialog.posx, this.currentDialog.posy, this.currentDialog.direction); } else { // No combat, no Level change.. // Guess we just have to go back to normal then :< this.gameMode = MODE_MOVE; return; } this.currentDialog = null; } } } boolean left = false; boolean right = false; boolean up = false; boolean down = false; if (gameMode == MODE_MOVE) { if (returnLevel instanceof MyHouse) { if (moverTimer > 0) { // load princess this.moverTimer -=; if (moverTimer <= 0) { this.mover.setTexture(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/princess.png"))); mover.setRegion(0, 64 * 2, 64, 64); } } else if (this.timeTracker.hasOccured("talk with gf")) { // unload princess this.mover.getTexture().dispose(); this.drawSprites.remove(mover); } } if (returnLevel instanceof Church) { if (this.timeTracker.hasOccured(("zero"))) { // unload dead priest this.mover.getTexture().dispose(); this.drawSprites.remove(mover); } } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.UP)) { //System.out.println("damop:"+jumper.getLinearDamping()); jumper.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.0f, moveSpeed), jumper.getWorldCenter()); posy += (100 *; up = true; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.DOWN)) { jumper.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(0.0f, -moveSpeed), jumper.getWorldCenter()); posy -= (100 *; down = true; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT) && !up && !down) { jumper.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(-moveSpeed, 0.0f), jumper.getWorldCenter()); posx -= (100 *; left = true; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT) && !up && !down) { jumper.applyLinearImpulse(new Vector2(moveSpeed, 0.0f), jumper.getWorldCenter()); posx += (100 *; right = true; } } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.ESCAPE)) //TODO: confirm dialog; //camera.lookAt(princess.getX(), princess.getY(), 0); //background.scroll(posx, posy); //background. /*background.setX(posx); background.setY(posy); collisionLayer.setX(posx); collisionLayer.setY(posy); */ if (gameMode == MODE_MOVE) { world.step(, 3, 3); posx = jumper.getPosition().x * PIXELS_PER_METER; posy = jumper.getPosition().y * PIXELS_PER_METER; leoricSprite.setX(posx - 32); leoricSprite.setY(posy - 10); pointer.setTransform(jumper.getPosition().x, jumper.getPosition().y, 0); camera.position.x = leoricSprite.getX() + 32; camera.position.y = leoricSprite.getY() + 16; if ((left || right || up || down) && this.levelLoadGraceTime <= 0) { // Only attract monsters and dialogs when moving if (this.activeDialogs != null && this.activeDialogs.size() > 0) { for (Dialog d : activeDialogs) { if (d.isInside((int) posx, (int) posy, timeTracker)) { boolean activate = false; // button? if (d.button != 0) { activate = Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(d.button); } else activate = true; if (activate) { // Start the dialog this.gameMode = MODE_DIALOG; this.currentDialog = d; return; } } } } if (this.activeMonsterAreas != null && this.activeMonsterAreas.size() > 0) { if (this.nextCombat > 0) { // Try to limit how often you have to fight somewhat.. nextCombat -=; } else { for (MonsterArea area : activeMonsterAreas) { // check if player is inside it if (area.isInside((int) posx, (int) posy)) { // roll a dice to find out if the player should be attacked. float num = (float) Math.random(); //if(Math.random()*100>90) //System.out.println(num+" v.s. "+area.encounterChance); if (num < area.encounterChance) { // we have a winner.. nextCombat = 10f; // aprox 10 seconds to next fight? this.loadCombat(area); return; // TODO: not sure if this is a good idea or bad // either return or break.. } } } } } } else if (this.levelLoadGraceTime > 0) { this.levelLoadGraceTime -=; } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.B)) { System.out.println("position: x=" + posx + ", y=" + posy + ", time=" + timeTracker.getTime() + ", cam:[" + camera.position.x + "," + camera.position.y + "]."); } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.D)) { this.debug = !this.debug; System.out.println("debug :" + (this.debug ? "On" : "Off")); if (debug) this.moveSpeed += 0.02f; else this.moveSpeed -= 0.02f; } // Keep the camera inside the level.. Maybe too aggressive? if (camera.position.y <= h / 2 + this.camMinY) camera.position.y = h / 2 + 1 + this.camMinY; else if (camera.position.y >= this.camMaxY - h / 2) camera.position.y = this.camMaxY - h / 2 - 1; if (camera.position.x <= w / 2 + this.camMinX) camera.position.x = w / 2 + 1 + this.camMinX; else if (camera.position.x >= this.camMaxX - w / 2) camera.position.x = this.camMaxX - w / 2 - 1; camera.update(); if (stillTime > 0) stillTime -=; int frame = (int) Math.ceil(currentWalkFrame) + 0; if (up == true) { lastDirection = 0; leoricSprite.setRegion(64 * frame, 0, 64, 64); //princess = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64*2, 64, 0); } else if (down == true) { lastDirection = 1; leoricSprite.setRegion(64 * frame, 64 * 2, 64, 64); //princess = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64*2, 64, 64); } else if (left == true) { lastDirection = 3; leoricSprite.setRegion(64 * frame, 64 * 1, 64, 64); //princess = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64*2, 64, 128); } else if (right == true) { leoricSprite.setRegion(64 * frame, 64 * 3, 64, 64); lastDirection = 2; //princess = new Sprite(texture2, 0, 64*2, 64, 128+64); } if (left || right) { currentWalkFrame = (float) (currentWalkFrame >= 7 - 0.20 ? 0 : currentWalkFrame + 0.10); stillTime = 0.1f; } else if (up || down || left || right) { currentWalkFrame = (float) (currentWalkFrame >= 8 - 0.10 ? 1 : currentWalkFrame + 0.10); stillTime = 0.1f; } else if (stillTime <= 0) { // stop the animation. currentWalkFrame = 0; switch (lastDirection) { case 0: //north leoricSprite.setRegion(0, 0, 64, 64); break; case 2: //east leoricSprite.setRegion(0, 64 * 3, 64, 64); break; case 3: //west leoricSprite.setRegion(0, 64 * 1, 64, 64); break; default: //south leoricSprite.setRegion(0, 64 * 2, 64, 64); break; } } } boolean waiting = false; //TODO: move this? guess not if (waitTime > 0) { waiting = true; waitTime -=; } if (gameMode == MODE_FIGHT && this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand) waiting = true; if (gameMode == MODE_VICTORY) { // "After Combat" screen if (currentCombat != null) { // clean up! //for(Sprite s : drawSprites){ //s.getTexture().dispose(); //} drawSprites.clear(); //TODO: display some info about the fight.. //TODO: give items and stuffs party.addExperience(currentCombat.setup.exp); currentCombat.cleanUp(); currentCombat = null; waitTime = 4f; waiting = true; this.backgroundTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/victory.png")); this.background = new Sprite(backgroundTexture, 0, 0, 480, 320); } if (!waiting || this.debug) { waiting = false; waitTime = 0; this.returnFromCombat(); return; // TODO: not sure if this is a good idea or bad } } else if (gameMode == MODE_GAMEOVER) { // Game over //TODO: write something 'nice' to the screen? this.backgroundTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/gameover.png")); this.background = new Sprite(backgroundTexture, 0, 0, 480, 320); this.drawSprites.clear(); } else if (gameMode == MODE_FIGHT) { // Re-position all creatures.. for (int i = 0; i < currentCombat.getLiveCombatants().size(); i++) { Combatant current = currentCombat.getLiveCombatants().get(i); switch (current.getTerminalState()) { case Combat.STATE_STONE: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.GRAY); // render as grey (as stone) break; case Combat.STATE_POISONED: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.GREEN); // render as green break; case Combat.STATE_FURY: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.RED); // render as red break; case Combat.STATE_WEAKNESS: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.YELLOW); // render as pale yellow break; case Combat.STATE_DOOM: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.BLACK); // render as dark break; default: current.getSprite().setColor(Color.WHITE); break; } } // carry out player commands if (this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand && this.finishedChoosing == true) { if (this.selectedCombatOption.subGroup == false && this.selectedCombatOption.hardCoded) { // player chose a hardcoded option. if (this.selectedCombatOption == ZombieLord.defend) { // TODO: defend if possible // For now, we just wait a turn when defending (so its near useless). this.currentCombat.resetActionTimer(this.combatOptionCaster); waiting = true; waitTime = 0.3f; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = false; this.selectedCombatOption = null; this.currentCombatOptions = null; this.combatOptionCaster = null; this.finishedTargeting = false; this.finishedChoosing = false; this.validTargets = null; this.selectedTarget = null; } else if (this.selectedCombatOption == ZombieLord.escape) { if (Math.random() < this.currentCombat.getEscapeChance()) { // escape! this.returnFromCombat(); return; } else { waiting = true; waitTime = 0.3f; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = false; this.selectedCombatOption = null; this.currentCombatOptions = null; this.combatOptionCaster = null; this.finishedTargeting = false; this.finishedChoosing = false; this.validTargets = null; this.selectedTarget = null; } } else if (this.selectedCombatOption == ZombieLord.item) { // have to pull up a submenu with all combat items. this.currentCombatOptions = new LinkedList<CombatOption>(); Inventory inventory = party.getInventory(); LinkedList<Item> items = inventory.getCombatItems(); for (Item i : items) { this.currentCombatOptions.add(new CombatOption(i)); } this.selectedCombatOption = this.currentCombatOptions.getFirst(); this.finishedChoosing = false; System.out.println("subgroup"); // TODO: make combatoptions for each combat item (+ count) // then serve to player just like with magics } } else if (this.selectedCombatOption.subGroup == false) { // player has selected an option which we can carry out.. so lets! if (!this.finishedTargeting && this.selectedTarget == null) { // TODO: well? if (this.selectedCombatOption.item == null) { // Not trying to use an item CombatAction action = this.selectedCombatOption.associatedActions.getFirst(); this.validTargets = this.currentCombat.getValidTargets(action, this.combatOptionCaster); // NOTE: for attacks that target 'all *' or 'random *', this is also fine and handled elsewhere. this.selectedTarget = validTargets.getFirst(); this.targeting = new Targeting(action.targetType, validTargets, this.combatOptionCaster, action.offensive); } else { // Trying to use an item // targeting for items is a little strange i guess.. if (this.selectedCombatOption.item instanceof ConsumeableItem) { ConsumeableItem item = (ConsumeableItem) this.selectedCombatOption.item; CombatAction action = item.getEffect(); this.validTargets = new LinkedList<Combatant>(); for (Combatant c : this.currentCombat.getLiveCombatants()) this.validTargets.add(c); if (item.offensive) { // target first enemy.. this.selectedTarget = this.currentCombat.getLiveMonsters().getFirst(); } else { // target self this.selectedTarget = this.combatOptionCaster; } System.out.println("item"); this.targeting = new Targeting(action.targetType, validTargets, this.combatOptionCaster, item.offensive); } else { // TODO: non-consumable items in combat? System.err.println( "[ERROR] Non consumeable item in combat? Have to write the code first then! 1"); } } } else if (this.finishedTargeting) { if (this.selectedCombatOption.item != null) { // player wants to use an item if (this.selectedCombatOption.item instanceof ConsumeableItem) { ConsumeableItem i = (ConsumeableItem) this.selectedCombatOption.item; CurrentAction myAction = new CurrentAction(i.getEffect(), this.combatOptionCaster, this.targeting); LinkedList<Combatant> affected = currentCombat.applyAction(myAction); myAction.caster.setMoveAhead(true); if (myAction.action.effect != null && affected != null) { for (Combatant c : affected) { Sprite effect = new Sprite(myAction.action.effect); effect.setX(c.getSprite().getX() + 16); effect.setY(c.getSprite().getY() + 16); this.combatEffects.add(effect); } } // take the item party.getInventory().removeItem(i, (byte) 1); this.currentCombat.resetActionTimer(this.combatOptionCaster); waiting = true; waitTime = 2; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = false; this.selectedCombatOption = null; this.currentCombatOptions = null; this.combatOptionCaster = null; this.finishedTargeting = false; this.finishedChoosing = false; this.validTargets = null; this.selectedTarget = null; } else { System.err.println( "[ERROR] Non consumeable item in combat? Have to write the code first then! 2"); } } else { CurrentAction myAction = new CurrentAction( this.selectedCombatOption.associatedActions.getFirst(), this.combatOptionCaster, this.targeting); LinkedList<Combatant> affected = currentCombat.applyAction(myAction); if (myAction.action != null && affected != null) { // Move player against monster to represent the attack if (myAction.caster == Tolinai) { // TODO: simple hack to get sound.. ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/woodenstickattack.wav", 1f); } if (myAction.caster == Leoric) { // TODO: simple hack to get sound.. ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/cut.wav", 1f); } announce(; myAction.caster.setMoveAhead(true); if (myAction.action.effect != null && affected != null) { for (Combatant c : affected) { Sprite effect = new Sprite(myAction.action.effect); effect.setX(c.getSprite().getX() + 16); effect.setY(c.getSprite().getY() + 16); this.combatEffects.add(effect); } } } if (this.debug) { // time to stop this nonsense! for (Monster m : currentCombat.getLiveMonsters()) { = 0; } } this.currentCombat.resetActionTimer(this.combatOptionCaster); waiting = true; waitTime = 2; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = false; this.selectedCombatOption = null; this.currentCombatOptions = null; this.combatOptionCaster = null; this.finishedTargeting = false; this.finishedChoosing = false; this.validTargets = null; this.selectedTarget = null; } } } else { // this action has a subgroup.. player needs to choose from these also LinkedList<CombatAction> actions = this.selectedCombatOption.associatedActions; this.currentCombatOptions = new LinkedList<CombatOption>(); for (CombatAction act : actions) this.currentCombatOptions.add(new CombatOption(, act)); this.selectedCombatOption = this.currentCombatOptions.getFirst(); this.finishedChoosing = false; System.out.println("subgroup"); } } for (Combatant c : this.currentCombat.getCombatants()) { if ( <= 0) { // dead.. if (c instanceof PartyMember) { // TODO: some effect here } else if (c instanceof Monster) { Monster m = (Monster) c; if (m.alpha == Monster.ALPHA_START) { Color red = Color.RED; m.getSprite().setColor(red); } if (m.alpha > 0f) { m.alpha -= m.fadeSpeed *; } if (m.alpha < 0) { m.alpha = 0; } } } } //check if battle is over. if (!waiting) { byte state = currentCombat.getBattleState(); for (int i = 0; i < currentCombat.getLiveCombatants().size(); i++) { currentCombat.getLiveCombatants().get(i).setMoveAhead(false); } this.combatEffects.clear(); if (state == 1) { // player has won // check if all monsters are done fading out.. boolean fadingDone = true; for (Combatant c : currentCombat.getCombatants()) if (c instanceof Monster && ((Monster) c).alpha != 0) fadingDone = false; if (fadingDone) { // WIN waiting = true; System.out.println("VICTORY! :>"); //TODO: happy trumpet gameMode = MODE_VICTORY; this.combatEffects.clear(); } // else, wait for fading to finish.. } else if (state == 2) { // player has lost this.gameOver(); } Monster readyMonster = currentCombat.getFirstReadiedMonster(); if (readyMonster != null && currentCombat.getLivePlayers().size() > 0) { CurrentAction myAction = readyMonster.getMonsterAction(party, currentCombat); LinkedList<Combatant> affected = currentCombat.applyAction(myAction); if (myAction.action != null) { // Move monster against player to represent the attack announce(; myAction.caster.setMoveAhead(true); if (myAction.action.effect != null && affected != null) { if (myAction.action == BITE) { // TODO: simple hack to get sound.. ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/zombiebite.wav", 1f); } if (myAction.action == PUNCH) { // TODO: simple hack to get sound.. ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/woodenstickattack.wav", 1f); } for (Combatant c : affected) { Sprite effect = new Sprite(myAction.action.effect); effect.setX(c.getSprite().getX() + 16); effect.setY(c.getSprite().getY() + 16); this.combatEffects.add(effect); } } } readyMonster.actionTimer = readyMonster.getBaseDelay() * (1.5f * Math.random() + 0.5f);// TODO: randomize better? waiting = true; waitTime = 2; // Only 1 attacker per turn. } if (!waiting && currentCombat.getLiveMonsters().size() > 0) { PartyMember readyMember = currentCombat.getFirstReadiedPlayer(); if (readyMember != null) { // Find the options.. // find out which 'global groups are available.. boolean haveItem = currentCombat.isItemAllowed(); boolean canEscape = currentCombat.isEscapeAllowed(); boolean canDefend = false; // TODO: maybe have some setting to allow some of the characters to defend.. CombatAction attack = null; LinkedList<CombatAction> magic = new LinkedList<CombatAction>(); LinkedList<CombatAction> summons = new LinkedList<CombatAction>(); for (CombatAction ca : readyMember.getCombatActions()) { if (ca.category == ZombieLord.OFFENSIVE_MAGIC || ca.category == ZombieLord.DEFENSIVE_MAGIC) magic.add(ca); else if (ca.category == ZombieLord.ATTACK) attack = ca; else if (ca.category == ZombieLord.SUMMON) summons.add(ca); } this.currentCombatOptions = new LinkedList<CombatOption>(); this.selectedCombatOption = null; if (attack != null) currentCombatOptions.add(new CombatOption("Attack", attack)); if (canDefend) currentCombatOptions.add(ZombieLord.defend); if (magic.size() > 0) currentCombatOptions.add(new CombatOption("Magic", magic)); if (summons.size() > 0) currentCombatOptions.add(new CombatOption("Summon", summons)); if (haveItem) currentCombatOptions.add(ZombieLord.item); if (canEscape) currentCombatOptions.add(ZombieLord.escape); this.selectedCombatOption = this.currentCombatOptions.getFirst(); this.finishedChoosing = false; this.combatOptionCaster = readyMember; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = true; this.selectedTarget = null; this.finishedTargeting = false; this.validTargets = null; this.targeting = null; } } } leoricSprite.setRegion(0, 64 * 3, 64, 64); if (!waiting) { currentCombat.tick( * 5 * 2); } } if (this.gameMode == MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE || this.gameMode == MODE_FIGHT) { camera.position.x = w / 2f; camera.position.y = h / 2f; camera.update(); } //background = new Sprite(backgroundTexture, (int)(posx-w), (int)(posy-h), (int)(posx+w), (int)(posy+h));, 0, 0, 0);; batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); batch.begin(); background.draw(batch); if (this.gameMode == MODE_MOVE || this.gameMode == MODE_DIALOG) { // draw level objects if (this.levelObjects != null) { for (LevelObject object : this.levelObjects) { object.draw(batch); } } } for (Sprite s : drawSprites) s.draw(batch); if (gameMode == MODE_FIGHT) { this.battleWindow.draw(batch); this.drawCombatUISprites(batch); //LinkedList<Sprite> uiElements = this.getCombatUISprites(); //for(Sprite s : uiElements) // s.draw(batch); } if (animations.size() > 0) { ListIterator<TemporaryAnimation> lit = animations.listIterator(); while (lit.hasNext()) { TemporaryAnimation ta =; if (ta.timeLeft <= 0) { lit.remove(); continue; } ta.sprite.setPosition(ta.x, ta.y); ta.sprite.draw(batch); ta.timeLeft -=; } } if (animatedMissiles.size() > 0) { ListIterator<AnimatedMissile> it = animatedMissiles.listIterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AnimatedMissile missile =; if (missile.hasArrived()) { // delete it.. missile.sprite = null; it.remove(); continue; } // TODO: use box2d to move the missiles instead? float xChange = 0; float yChange = 0; float reqX = missile.sprite.getX() - missile.toX; float reqY = missile.sprite.getY() - missile.toY; if (reqY == 0) reqY = 0.001f; float xyRate = Math.abs(reqX) / Math.abs(reqY); xChange = xyRate * missile.speed; yChange = 1 * missile.speed; if (reqX > 0) xChange *= -1; if (reqY > 0) yChange *= -1; missile.sprite.setX(missile.sprite.getX() + xChange); missile.sprite.setY(missile.sprite.getY() + yChange); missile.sprite.draw(batch); } } if (gameMode == MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE) { // draw monies and helps //fontBatch.begin(); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); font.draw(batch, "Money: " + + ", Life: " + this.zombieDefense.getHealthLeft() + ", Wave: " + this.zombieDefense.getCurrentWaveNumber() + ".", 3, 18); //fontBatch.end(); // draw all the attackers.. this.tickZombieDefense(; for (Attacker atk : this.zombieDefense.attackers) { atk.draw(batch,; barHp.draw(batch, atk.getX() * 32 + 8, atk.getY() * 32, (float) (( + 0.0) / atk.healthMax) * 20, 3); } for (Defender def : this.zombieDefense.defenders) { def.draw(batch,; barHp.draw(batch, def.getX() * 32 + 8, def.getY() * 32, (float) (( + 0.0) / def.healthMax) * 20, 3); } this.zombieDefense.cursor.draw(batch); } if (gameMode == MODE_MOVE && this.foreground != null) // drawing foreground last = ontop of everything else foreground.draw(batch); if (gameMode == MODE_FIGHT) { for (Combatant monst : this.currentCombat.getCombatants()) { if (monst instanceof Monster) { Monster m = (Monster) monst; // draw the monster with correct alpha.. // thus we can fade out dead monsters m.getSprite().draw(batch, m.alpha); } } // draw battle effects last.. unless you dont want them ontop anymore.. for (Sprite effect : this.combatEffects) effect.draw(batch); } batch.end(); if (!floatingNumbers.isEmpty()) { ListIterator<FloatingNumber> lit = floatingNumbers.listIterator(); fontBatch.begin(); while (lit.hasNext()) { FloatingNumber f =; // draw, then tick, then maybe delete Color myColor = new Color(f.color); // TODO: fade when timeleft is close to zero if (f.timeLeft < 1) myColor.a = f.timeLeft; font.setColor(myColor); font.draw(fontBatch, "" + f.number, (int) f.posx, (int) f.posy); f.tick(; font.setColor(Color.WHITE); if (f.deleteNow) lit.remove(); } fontBatch.end(); } if (announcement != null) { if (announcementTimeout > 0) { fontBatch.begin(); announcementBackground.draw(fontBatch, w / 2 - announcement.length() * 6 - 4, h - 24 - 13, announcement.length() * 13, 20 + 2); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); font.draw(fontBatch, announcement, w / 2 - announcement.length() * 6, h - 24); announcementTimeout -=; fontBatch.end(); } } if (gameMode == MODE_FIGHT && this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand) { fontBatch.begin(); if (this.finishedChoosing && !this.finishedTargeting) { // NOTE, for 'all * and random *' selectedTarget is wrong, but. we know how to draw those i guess.. LinkedList<Combatant> targets = targeting.getCurrentTargets(); //one hand for each target for (Combatant c : targets) { Sprite cursor = new Sprite(this.selectionHand, 0, 0, 32, 32); cursor.setX(c.getSprite().getX()); cursor.setY(c.getSprite().getY()); cursor.draw(fontBatch); } } int offset = 16; int curOffset = 0; for (CombatOption opt : this.currentCombatOptions) { font.setColor(Color.WHITE); if (this.currentCombat.canUse(opt, this.combatOptionCaster)) { if (this.selectedCombatOption == opt) font.setColor(Color.YELLOW); else font.setColor(Color.WHITE); } else { if (this.selectedCombatOption == opt) font.setColor(Color.RED); else font.setColor(Color.GRAY); } String t =; if (opt.item != null) t = party.getInventory().getItemCount(opt.item) + "x " +; font.draw(fontBatch, t, w / 4, h / 2 - curOffset); curOffset += offset; } fontBatch.end(); font.setColor(Color.WHITE); } if (gameMode == MODE_DIALOG && this.curSpeaker != null) { fontBatch.begin(); // Ongoing dialog, draw the talkstuffs // TODO: draw current speakers portrait? int slength = -1; for (int i = 0; i < this.curSentence.length; i++) { slength += this.curSentence[i].length() + 1; //System.out.println("_"+this.curSentence[i]+"_"); } int length = this.curSpeaker.length() + 2 + slength; float cposx = w / 2; float cposy = h / 3; if (this.curSpeaker.equals("Leoric")) { Sprite face = new Sprite(Leoric.getFace()); //face.scale(-0.4f); face.setPosition(5, cposy + 32 + 32); face.draw(fontBatch); } else if (this.curSpeaker.equals("Tolinai")) { Sprite face = new Sprite(Tolinai.getFace()); //face.scale(-0.4f); face.setPosition(5, cposy + 32 + 32); face.draw(fontBatch); } if (length > 32) { // needs to be split //int remain = length; //int num = 0; //int start = 0; int startWord = 0; int maxLength = 0; int remainWords = this.curSentence.length; LinkedList<StringBuilder> sbl = new LinkedList<StringBuilder>(); while (remainWords > 0) { /*int printed = Math.min(32, remain); int first = start; int lastMinusOne = start+printed;*/ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int numLetters = 0; int numWords = 0; for (int i = startWord; i < this.curSentence.length; i++) { if (numLetters + this.curSentence[i].length() + (startWord == 0 ? this.curSpeaker.length() : 1) > 32) { break; } else { if (i != 0 && numWords != 0) sb.append(" "); sb.append(this.curSentence[i]); numLetters = sb.length(); numWords++; } } sbl.add(sb); /*remain -= printed; start += printed;*/ remainWords -= numWords; startWord += numWords; if (numLetters > maxLength) maxLength = numLetters; } dialogBackground.draw(fontBatch, 0, cposy + h / 2 - h / 3 - 16 - (16 * (int) Math.floor(length / 32)), 32 * 13 + 5, 20 + (16 * (length / 32)) + 2); int tickerLimit = (int) this.dialogTicker; for (int i = 0; i < sbl.size(); i++) { if (tickerLimit <= 0) { break; } String mystr = sbl.get(i).toString(); if (mystr.length() > tickerLimit) { // delete overflowing text StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < tickerLimit; j++) { tmp.append(mystr.charAt(j)); } mystr = tmp.toString(); tickerLimit = 0; } tickerLimit -= mystr.length(); font.draw(fontBatch, (i == 0 ? this.curSpeaker + ": " : "") + mystr, cposx - w / 2 + (i == 0 ? 0 : 30), cposy + h / 2 - h / 3 - (i * 16)); } } else { // print everything in one go StringBuilder all = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < this.curSentence.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { all.append(" "); } all.append(curSentence[i]); } dialogBackground.draw(fontBatch, 0, cposy + h / 2 - h / 3 - 16, length * 13, 20 + 2); int tickerLimit = (int) this.dialogTicker; String mystr = all.toString(); if (mystr.length() > tickerLimit) { // delete overflowing text StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < tickerLimit; j++) { tmp.append(mystr.charAt(j)); } mystr = tmp.toString(); } font.draw(fontBatch, this.curSpeaker + ": " + mystr, cposx - w / 2, cposy + h / 2 - h / 3); } fontBatch.end(); } else if ( != null) { fontBatch.begin(); menu.draw(fontBatch); fontBatch.end(); } if (debug && world != null && debugRenderer != null) debugRenderer.render(world, camera.combined.scale(PIXELS_PER_METER, PIXELS_PER_METER, PIXELS_PER_METER)); } private Menu menu; @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { // Verboten? } @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void resume() { } @Override public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { if ( != null) { // inside a menu, allow moving the selection cursor.. if (keycode == Keys.UP) menu.selectPrevious(); if (keycode == Keys.DOWN) menu.selectNext(); if (keycode == Keys.ENTER) menu.confirmChoice(this); if (keycode == Keys.BACKSPACE) menu.exit(this); } if (this.gameMode == MODE_ZOMBIE_DEFENSE) { // cursor control if (keycode == Keys.UP) { if (this.zombieDefense.cursor.y >= this.zombieDefense.maxy - 1) System.out.println("nop"); else this.zombieDefense.cursor.y++; } if (keycode == Keys.DOWN) { if (this.zombieDefense.cursor.y <= this.zombieDefense.miny + 1) System.out.println("nop"); else this.zombieDefense.cursor.y--; } if (keycode == Keys.LEFT) { if (this.zombieDefense.cursor.x <= this.zombieDefense.minx + 1) System.out.println("nop"); else this.zombieDefense.cursor.x--; } if (keycode == Keys.RIGHT) { if (this.zombieDefense.cursor.x >= this.zombieDefense.maxx - 1) System.out.println("nop"); else this.zombieDefense.cursor.x++; } // cycle defender type to place if (keycode == Keys.BACKSPACE) { this.zombieDefense.cyclePlaceableDefenders(); } // place defender if (keycode == Keys.ENTER) { boolean success = this.zombieDefense.addDefense(); if (!success) System.out.println("Tile not empty or not enough money!"); } } if (this.gameMode == MODE_MOVE) { if (keycode == Keys.M) { // bring up the fabled catch-all menu this.currentDialog = null; this.gameMode = MODE_DIALOG; menu = new Menu(this.menuBackground, this.font, 20, "data/ui/selectionhand.png", party); } if (keycode == Keys.I) { // bring up inventory. // TODO: I guess its a shortcut, there will be a catch-all menu one day. Inventory i = party.getInventory(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Items: "); for (Item item : i.getItems()) { sb.append(i.getItemCount(item) + "x " + + " "); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } if (this.levelObjects != null && keycode == Keys.ENTER) { // check if there are any objects to interract with.. ListIterator<LevelObject> iter = this.levelObjects.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { LevelObject object =; if (object.isNear((int) posx, (int) posy)) { object.interact(party, questTracker); if (object instanceof LevelItem) { if (object.shouldBeDeleted()) { // TODO: play sound to confirm the player got some items // TODO: draw some text that tells the player he acquired some items (ingame). announce("Acquired a " + ((LevelItem) object).getItemType().name + "!"); System.out.println("Acquired a " + ((LevelItem) object).getItemType().name + "!"); ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/pickupItem.wav", 1.5f); iter.remove(); } else { // TODO: draw some text to tell the player he can't carry more (ingame).. announce("Can't pick up the " + ((LevelItem) object).getItemType().name + ", inventory is full!"); System.out.println("Can't pick up the " + ((LevelItem) object).getItemType().name + ", inventory is full!"); } } else if (object instanceof Chest) { Chest chest = (Chest) object; String msg = chest.getDialogString(); if (msg != null) { // TODO: proper ingame announcement announce(msg); ZombieLord.playSound("data/sound/pickupItem.wav", 1.5f); System.out.println(msg); } } } } } } // if we are in combat mode and waiting for user and user has not selected yet. // and keycode == up or down, then move selection // if keycode == enter, then finalize selection if (this.gameMode == MODE_FIGHT) { if (this.finishedChoosing && !this.finishedTargeting && this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand) { if (keycode == Keys.ENTER) { finishedTargeting = true; } else if (keycode == Keys.UP) { // next; } else if (keycode == Keys.DOWN) { // prev targeting.previous(); } else if (keycode == Keys.BACKSPACE) { // cancel? this.finishedChoosing = false; this.validTargets = null; this.selectedTarget = null; } } else if (this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand && this.finishedChoosing == false && this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand) { // moved up or down? if (keycode == Keys.UP) { // select the previous option CombatOption prev = null; for (CombatOption o : this.currentCombatOptions) { if (o == this.selectedCombatOption) { // found it.. if (prev != null) this.selectedCombatOption = prev; else this.selectedCombatOption = this.currentCombatOptions.getLast(); return true; } else prev = o; } } else if (keycode == Keys.DOWN) { // select the next option boolean found = false; for (CombatOption o : this.currentCombatOptions) { if (o == this.selectedCombatOption) { // found it.. found = true; } else if (found) { this.selectedCombatOption = o; return true; } } if (found) { // the current was the last.. so select the first this.selectedCombatOption = this.currentCombatOptions.getFirst(); } } else if (keycode == Keys.ENTER) { if (!this.currentCombat.canUse(this.selectedCombatOption, this.combatOptionCaster)) { // TODO: play some "DERP!" sound, to make the player feel stupid/confused/angry.. System.out.println("Nop!"); } else this.finishedChoosing = true; // done selecting, yay! } else if (keycode == Keys.BACKSPACE) { // cancel? this.currentCombatOptions = null; this.currentCombat.waitingForPlayerCommand = false; this.selectedCombatOption = null; this.finishedChoosing = false; } else { //TODO: anything else, or dont care?? } } return true; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public static void announce(String text) { announcement = text; announcementTimeout = 2f; } private static class FloatingNumber { public int number; public float timeLeft; public float posx; public float posy; public Color color; public boolean deleteNow; public void tick(float delta) { // move the numbers upwards posy += delta * 12; timeLeft -= delta * 1.5; if (this.timeLeft <= 0) this.deleteNow = true; } } private static LinkedList<FloatingNumber> floatingNumbers = new LinkedList<FloatingNumber>(); public static void addFloatingNumbers(int number, float posx, float posy, Color color) { FloatingNumber num = new FloatingNumber(); num.number = number; num.timeLeft = 3; num.posx = posx; num.posy = posy; num.color = color; num.deleteNow = false; floatingNumbers.add(num); } @Override public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean keyTyped(char character) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean touchDown(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean touchUp(int x, int y, int pointer, int button) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int x, int y, int pointer) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean touchMoved(int x, int y) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public boolean scrolled(int amount) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } }