List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray get
public Object get(int index) throws JSONException
From source
public static void reverse(JSONArray domain) { JSONArray temp = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0, len = domain.length(); i < len; i++) { temp.put(i, domain.get(i)); }/*ww w . j ava 2 s. c om*/ for (int i = temp.length() - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { domain.put(j, temp.get(i)); } }
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@Override protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(Void... args) { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); JSONObject json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(ServerUtilities.getLogDateUrl(activity), "GET", params); if (json != null) { try {// ww w. j av a 2s. c o m JSONArray date = json.getJSONArray("date"); for (int i = 0; i < date.length(); i++) { listDataHeader.add(date.get(i).toString()); } } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return listDataHeader; } else { Log.d("Log", "Failed"); return null; } }
From source
private static void writeToPrefList(SharedPreferences preferences, String listKey, String title, String detail) throws JSONException { //JSONArray events = LOCAL_STORE ;//getJSONArray(preferences, listKey); JSONArray events = getJSONArray(preferences, listKey); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(TIMESTAMP_KEY, DF.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); jsonObject.put(TITLE_KEY, title);/* ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ jsonObject.put(DETAIL_KEY, detail); events.put(jsonObject); if (events.length() > MAX_LIST_SIZE) { JSONArray newArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = events.length() - MAX_LIST_SIZE; i < MAX_LIST_SIZE; i++) { newArray.put(events.get(i)); } events = newArray; } //LOCAL_STORE = events; preferences.edit().putString(listKey, events.toString()).apply(); }
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public TriviaQuestion(JSONObject jsonobj) { try {/* w w w .j a va 2s . c o m*/ question = jsonobj.getString("question"); if (jsonobj.has("bitmap")) { bitmapID = jsonobj.getString("bitmap"); } answers = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONArray questionList = jsonobj.getJSONArray("answers"); for (int i = 0; i < questionList.length(); i++) { String answerString = (String) questionList.get(i); answers.add(answerString); } correctAnswer = jsonobj.getInt("correctAnswer"); rightMessage = jsonobj.getString("rightMessage"); wrongMessage = jsonobj.getString("wrongMessage"); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("AndroidHunt", "Error parsing TriviaQuestion " + e.getStackTrace().toString()); } }
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/** * This is where the bulk of our work is done. This function is called in a background thread and should generate a new set of data to be * published by the loader.//from w w w. j a va 2s. co m */ @Override public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> loadInBackground() { try { HttpURLConnection conn = NetworkUtils .setupConnection("" + mSearchText); try { String jsonStr = new String(NetworkUtils.getBytes(conn.getInputStream())); // Parse results final ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(jsonStr).getJSONObject("responseData"); JSONArray entries = response.getJSONArray("entries"); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) { try { JSONObject entry = (JSONObject) entries.get(i); String url = entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL).toString(); if (!url.isEmpty()) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_TITLE, Html .fromHtml(entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_TITLE).toString()).toString()); map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL, url); map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_DESC, Html .fromHtml(entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_DESC).toString()).toString()); results.add(map); } } catch (Exception ignored) { } } return results; } finally { conn.disconnect(); } } catch (Exception e) { Dog.e("Error", e); return null; } }
From source
public static AppRestriction getAppRestrictionTypeAndList(Operation operation, ResultPayload resultBuilder, Resources resources) throws AndroidAgentException { AppRestriction appRestriction = new AppRestriction(); JSONArray permittedApps = null; try {//from w w w. j a v a2s .c o m JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(operation.getPayLoad().toString()); appRestriction.setRestrictionType((String) payload.get(Constants.AppRestriction.RESTRICTION_TYPE)); if (!payload.isNull(Constants.AppRestriction.RESTRICTED_APPLICATIONS)) { permittedApps = payload.getJSONArray(Constants.AppRestriction.RESTRICTED_APPLICATIONS); } } catch (JSONException e) { if (resources != null && resultBuilder != null) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; } throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format.", e); } List<String> restrictedPackages = new ArrayList<>(); if (permittedApps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < permittedApps.length(); i++) { try { restrictedPackages.add((String) ((JSONObject) permittedApps.get(i)) .get(Constants.AppRuntimePermission.PACKAGE_NAME)); } catch (JSONException e) { if (resources != null && resultBuilder != null) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; } throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format", e); } } } appRestriction.setRestrictedList(restrictedPackages); return appRestriction; }
From source
public static AppRestriction getAppRuntimePermissionTypeAndList(Operation operation, ResultPayload resultBuilder, Resources resources) throws AndroidAgentException { AppRestriction appRestriction = new AppRestriction(); JSONArray restrictedApps = null; try {//from w w w.j a v a 2 s . c om JSONObject payload = new JSONObject(operation.getPayLoad().toString()); appRestriction.setRestrictionType((String) payload.get(Constants.AppRuntimePermission.PERMISSION_TYPE)); if (!payload.isNull(Constants.AppRuntimePermission.PERMITTED_APPS)) { restrictedApps = payload.getJSONArray(Constants.AppRuntimePermission.PERMITTED_APPS); } } catch (JSONException e) { if (resources != null && resultBuilder != null) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; } throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format.", e); } List<String> restrictedPackages = new ArrayList<>(); if (restrictedApps != null) { for (int i = 0; i < restrictedApps.length(); i++) { try { restrictedPackages.add((String) ((JSONObject) restrictedApps.get(i)) .get(Constants.AppRestriction.PACKAGE_NAME)); } catch (JSONException e) { if (resources != null && resultBuilder != null) { operation.setStatus(resources.getString(R.string.operation_value_error));; } throw new AndroidAgentException("Invalid JSON format", e); } } } appRestriction.setRestrictedList(restrictedPackages); return appRestriction; }
From source
private void FillMaterialTable(String data) { try {/* w w w . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data); JSONArray items = (JSONArray) json.get("items"); for (int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) { JSONObject record = (JSONObject) items.get(i); DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) this.tblMaterial.getModel(); String time = record.getString("time"); String polymer = record.getString("polymer"); String additive1 = record.getString("additive1"); String additive2 = record.getString("additive2"); String additive3 = record.getString("additive3"); String polymer_batch1 = record.getString("polymer_batch1"); String polymer_batch2 = record.getString("polymer_batch2"); String additive1_batch1 = record.getString("additive1_batch1"); String additive1_batch2 = record.getString("additive1_batch2"); String additive2_batch1 = record.getString("additive2_batch1"); String additive2_batch2 = record.getString("additive2_batch2"); String additive3_batch1 = record.getString("additive3_batch1"); String additive3_batch2 = record.getString("additive3_batch2"); if (!polymer.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "polymer", polymer }); } if (!polymer_batch1.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "polymer_batch1", polymer_batch1 }); } if (!polymer_batch2.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "polymer_batch2", polymer_batch2 }); } if (!additive1.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive1", additive1 }); } if (!additive1_batch1.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive1_batch1", additive1_batch1 }); } if (!additive1_batch2.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive1_batch2", additive1_batch2 }); } if (!additive2.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive2", additive2 }); } if (!additive2_batch1.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive2_batch1", additive2_batch1 }); } if (!additive2_batch2.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive2_batch2", additive2_batch2 }); } if (!additive3.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive3", additive3 }); } if (!additive3_batch1.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive3_batch1", additive3_batch1 }); } if (!additive3_batch2.equals("")) { model.addRow(new Object[] { time, "additive3_batch2", additive3_batch2 }); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(MainJFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
From source
/** * @param mediaType//from w w w.j a va 2 s. c o m * @param storageGroup media storage group * @param basePath base path to trim from filename (when no storage group) */ public MediaList parseMediaList(MediaType mediaType, Map<String, StorageGroup> storageGroups, String basePath) throws JSONException, ParseException { MediaList mediaList = new MediaList(); mediaList.setMediaType(mediaType); mediaList.setBasePath(basePath); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); JSONObject list = new JSONObject(json); SortType sortType = appSettings.getMediaSettings().getSortType(); if (list.has("VideoMetadataInfoList")) { // videos, movies, or tvSeries MediaSettings mediaSettings = appSettings.getMediaSettings(); JSONObject infoList = list.getJSONObject("VideoMetadataInfoList"); if (infoList.has("Version")) mediaList.setMythTvVersion(infoList.getString("Version")); mediaList.setRetrieveDate(parseMythDateTime(infoList.getString("AsOf"))); JSONArray vids = infoList.getJSONArray("VideoMetadataInfos"); String[] movieDirs = appSettings.getMovieDirs(); String[] tvSeriesDirs = appSettings.getTvSeriesDirs(); String[] vidExcludeDirs = appSettings.getVidExcludeDirs(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vids.length(); i++) { JSONObject vid = (JSONObject) vids.get(i); MediaType type = MediaType.videos; // determine type if (mediaSettings.getTypeDeterminer() == MediaTypeDeterminer.directories) { if (vid.has("FileName")) { String filePath = vid.getString("FileName"); if (storageGroups.get(appSettings.getVideoStorageGroup()) == null && filePath.startsWith(basePath + "/")) filePath = filePath.substring(basePath.length() + 1); for (String movieDir : movieDirs) { if (filePath.startsWith(movieDir)) { type = MediaType.movies; break; } } for (String tvDir : tvSeriesDirs) { if (filePath.startsWith(tvDir)) { type = MediaType.tvSeries; break; } } for (String vidExcludeDir : vidExcludeDirs) { if (filePath.startsWith(vidExcludeDir)) { type = null; break; } } } } else if (mediaSettings.getTypeDeterminer() == MediaTypeDeterminer.metadata) { if (vid.has("Season")) { String season = vid.getString("Season"); if (!season.isEmpty() && !season.equals("0")) type = MediaType.tvSeries; } if (type != MediaType.tvSeries && vid.has("Inetref")) { String inetref = vid.getString("Inetref"); if (!inetref.isEmpty() && !inetref.equals("00000000")) type = MediaType.movies; } } if (type == mediaType) { try { mediaList.addItemUnderPathCategory(buildVideoItem(type, vid, storageGroups)); count++; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "NumberFormatException for " + type + " at index: " + count); } } } mediaList.setCount(count); } else if (list.has("ProgramList")) { // recordings JSONObject infoList = list.getJSONObject("ProgramList"); if (infoList.has("Version")) mediaList.setMythTvVersion(infoList.getString("Version")); mediaList.setRetrieveDate(parseMythDateTime(infoList.getString("AsOf"))); mediaList.setCount(infoList.getString("Count")); JSONArray recs = infoList.getJSONArray("Programs"); for (int i = 0; i < recs.length(); i++) { JSONObject rec = (JSONObject) recs.get(i); try { Recording recItem = buildRecordingItem(rec, storageGroups); if (!"Deleted".equals(recItem.getRecordingGroup()) && !"LiveTV".equals(recItem.getRecordingGroup())) { ViewType viewType = appSettings.getMediaSettings().getViewType(); if ((viewType == ViewType.list || viewType == ViewType.split) && (sortType == null || sortType == SortType.byTitle)) { // categorize by title Category cat = mediaList.getCategory(recItem.getTitle()); if (cat == null) { cat = new Category(recItem.getTitle(), MediaType.recordings); mediaList.addCategory(cat); } cat.addItem(recItem); } else { mediaList.addItem(recItem); } } else { mediaList.setCount(mediaList.getCount() - 1); // otherwise reported count will be off } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "NumberFormatException for recording at index: " + i); } } } else if (list.has("ProgramGuide")) { // live tv JSONObject infoList = list.getJSONObject("ProgramGuide"); if (infoList.has("Version")) mediaList.setMythTvVersion(infoList.getString("Version")); mediaList.setRetrieveDate(parseMythDateTime(infoList.getString("AsOf"))); mediaList.setCount(infoList.getString("Count")); JSONArray chans = infoList.getJSONArray("Channels"); for (int i = 0; i < chans.length(); i++) { JSONObject chanInfo = (JSONObject) chans.get(i); try { Item show = buildLiveTvItem(chanInfo); if (show != null) { mediaList.addItem(show); show.setPath(""); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(TAG, "NumberFormatException for live TV at index: " + i); } } } else if (mediaType == { JSONArray strList = list.getJSONArray("StringList"); mediaList.setCount(strList.length()); StorageGroup musicStorageGroup = storageGroups.get(appSettings.getMusicStorageGroup()); Map<String, String> dirToAlbumArt = null; if (appSettings.isMusicArtAlbum()) dirToAlbumArt = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < strList.length(); i++) { String filepath = strList.getString(i); int lastSlash = filepath.lastIndexOf('/'); String filename = filepath; String path = ""; if (lastSlash > 0 && filepath.length() > lastSlash + 1) { filename = filepath.substring(lastSlash + 1); path = filepath.substring(0, lastSlash); } String title = filename; String format = null; int lastDot = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot > 0 && filename.length() > lastDot + 1) { title = filename.substring(0, lastDot); format = filename.substring(lastDot + 1); } if ("jpg".equals(format) && "cover".equals(title)) { if (dirToAlbumArt != null) dirToAlbumArt.put(path, title + ".jpg"); } else if ("jpg".equals(format) || "jpeg".equals(format) // TODO: better check for image type || "png".equals(format) || "gif".equals(format)) { if (dirToAlbumArt != null) { String imgPath = dirToAlbumArt.get(title + '.' + format); if (!"cover.jpg".equals(imgPath)) // prefer cover.jpg dirToAlbumArt.put(path, title + '.' + format); } } else { Song song = new Song(String.valueOf(i), title); song.setPath(path); song.setFileBase(path + "/" + title); song.setFormat(format); song.setStorageGroup(musicStorageGroup); mediaList.addItemUnderPathCategory(song); } } if (dirToAlbumArt != null && !dirToAlbumArt.isEmpty()) { // set album art for (Item item : mediaList.getAllItems()) { String art = dirToAlbumArt.get(item.getPath()); if (art != null) ((Song) item).setAlbumArt(art); } } } if (sortType != null) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mediaList.sort(sortType, true); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, " -> media list parse/sort time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); } else { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, " -> media list parse time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms"); } return mediaList; }
From source
private Video buildVideoItem(MediaType type, JSONObject vid, Map<String, StorageGroup> storageGroups) throws JSONException, ParseException { Video item;//from w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m if (type == MediaType.movies) { item = new Movie(vid.getString("Id"), vid.getString("Title")); } else if (type == MediaType.tvSeries) { item = new TvEpisode(vid.getString("Id"), vid.getString("Title")); if (vid.has("Season")) { String season = vid.getString("Season"); if (!season.isEmpty() && !season.equals("0")) ((TvEpisode) item).setSeason(Integer.parseInt(season)); } if (vid.has("Episode")) { String episode = vid.getString("Episode"); if (!episode.isEmpty() && !episode.equals("0")) ((TvEpisode) item).setEpisode(Integer.parseInt(episode)); } } else { item = new Video(vid.getString("Id"), vid.getString("Title")); } String filename = vid.getString("FileName"); int lastdot = filename.lastIndexOf('.'); item.setFileBase(filename.substring(0, lastdot)); item.setFormat(filename.substring(lastdot + 1)); if (storageGroups != null) item.setStorageGroup(storageGroups.get(appSettings.getVideoStorageGroup())); if (vid.has("SubTitle")) { String subtitle = vid.getString("SubTitle"); if (!subtitle.isEmpty()) item.setSubTitle(subtitle); } if (vid.has("Director")) { String director = vid.getString("Director"); if (!director.isEmpty() && !director.equals("Unknown")) item.setDirector(director); } if (vid.has("Description")) { String description = vid.getString("Description"); if (!description.equals("None")) item.setSummary(description); } if (vid.has("Inetref")) { String inetref = vid.getString("Inetref"); if (!inetref.isEmpty() && !inetref.equals("00000000")) item.setInternetRef(inetref); } if (vid.has("HomePage")) { String pageUrl = vid.getString("HomePage"); if (!pageUrl.isEmpty()) item.setPageUrl(pageUrl); } if (vid.has("ReleaseDate")) { String releaseDate = vid.getString("ReleaseDate"); if (!releaseDate.isEmpty()) { String dateStr = releaseDate.replace('T', ' '); if (dateStr.endsWith("Z")) dateStr = dateStr.substring(0, dateStr.length() - 1); Date date = Localizer.SERVICE_DATE_FORMAT.parse(dateStr + " UTC"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); cal.setTime(date); item.setYear(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } } if (vid.has("UserRating")) { String rating = vid.getString("UserRating"); if (!rating.isEmpty() && !rating.equals("0")) item.setRating(Float.parseFloat(rating) / 2); } if (vid.has("Length")) { item.setLength(Integer.parseInt(vid.getString("Length")) * 60); } if (vid.has("Artwork")) { String artSgName = appSettings.getArtworkStorageGroup(type); StorageGroup artworkStorageGroup = storageGroups == null || AppSettings.ARTWORK_NONE.equals(artSgName) ? null : storageGroups.get(artSgName); if (artworkStorageGroup != null) { JSONObject artwork = vid.getJSONObject("Artwork"); if (artwork.has("ArtworkInfos")) { JSONArray artworkInfos = artwork.getJSONArray("ArtworkInfos"); for (int i = 0; i < artworkInfos.length(); i++) { JSONObject artworkInfo = (JSONObject) artworkInfos.get(i); if (artworkInfo.has("StorageGroup") && artworkStorageGroup.getName().equals(artworkInfo.getString("StorageGroup"))) { if (artworkInfo.has("URL")) { String url = artworkInfo.getString("URL"); // assumes FileName is last parameter int amp = url.lastIndexOf("&FileName="); if (amp > 0) { String artPath = url.substring(amp + 10); if (artPath.startsWith("/")) // indicates no video storage group { for (String artDir : artworkStorageGroup.getDirectories()) { if (artPath.startsWith(artDir)) { artPath = artPath.substring(artDir.length() + 1); break; } } } item.setArtwork(artPath); } } } } } } } if (vid.has("transcoded")) item.setTranscoded("true".equalsIgnoreCase(vid.getString("transcoded"))); return item; }