List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray get
public Object get(int index) throws JSONException
From source
private Map<String, List<String>> extractRawAttributesFromJSON(final JSONObject json) { Map<String, List<String>> rawAttributes = new HashMap<>(); for (Object rawKey : json.keySet()) { String key = (String) rawKey; JSONArray valueArr = (JSONArray) json.get(key); int stringCount = valueArr.length(); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(stringCount); for (int i = 0; i < stringCount; ++i) { Object value = valueArr.get(i); if (value.equals(JSONObject.NULL)) { values.add(null);// ww w .ja va 2 s . c om } else { values.add(value.toString()); } } rawAttributes.put(key, values); } return rawAttributes; }
From source
/** * Converts a {@link org.json.JSONArray} into an array of * {@link java.lang.Object}s// w w w . j ava2 s .c o m * @param array JSONArray * @return Object array */ public static Object[] toObjectArray(JSONArray array) { Object[] objects = new Object[array.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { objects[i] = array.get(i); } return objects; }
From source
/** * Prepare the hit queryString//ww w .j ava 2s . com * * @return LinkedHashMap */ private LinkedHashMap<String, Object[]> prepareQuery() { LinkedHashMap<String, Object[]> formattedParameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object[]>(); ArrayList<Param> completeBuffer = new ArrayList<Param>() { { addAll(persistentParams); addAll(volatileParams); } }; ArrayList<Param> params = organizeParameters(completeBuffer); for (Param p : params) { String value = p.getValue().execute(); String key = p.getKey(); HashMap<String, String> plugins = PluginParam.get(tracker); if (plugins.containsKey(key)) { String pluginClass = plugins.get(key); Plugin plugin = null; try { plugin = (Plugin) Class.forName(pluginClass).newInstance(); plugin.execute(tracker); value = plugin.getResponse(); p.setType(Param.Type.JSON); key = Hit.HitParam.JSON.stringValue(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); value = null; } } else if (key.equals(Hit.HitParam.UserId.stringValue())) { if (TechnicalContext.doNotTrackEnabled(Tracker.getAppContext())) { value = OPT_OUT; } else if (((Boolean) configuration.get(TrackerConfigurationKeys.HASH_USER_ID))) { value = Tool.SHA_256(value); } } if (p.getType() == Param.Type.Closure && Tool.parseJSON(value) != null) { p.setType(Param.Type.JSON); } if (value != null) { // Referrer processing if (key.equals(Hit.HitParam.Referrer.stringValue())) { value = value.replace("&", "$").replaceAll("[<>]", ""); } if (p.getOptions() != null && p.getOptions().isEncode()) { value = Tool.percentEncode(value); p.getOptions().setSeparator(Tool.percentEncode(p.getOptions().getSeparator())); } int duplicateParamIndex = -1; String duplicateParamKey = null; Set<String> keys = formattedParameters.keySet(); String[] keySet = keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()]); int length = keySet.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (keySet[i].equals(key)) { duplicateParamIndex = i; duplicateParamKey = key; break; } } if (duplicateParamIndex != -1) { List<Object[]> values = new ArrayList<Object[]>(formattedParameters.values()); Param duplicateParam = (Param) values.get(duplicateParamIndex)[0]; String str = ((String) formattedParameters.get(duplicateParamKey)[1]).split("=")[0] + "="; String val = ((String) formattedParameters.get(duplicateParamKey)[1]).split("=")[1]; if (p.getType() == Param.Type.JSON) { Object json = Tool.parseJSON(Tool.percentDecode(val)); Object newJson = Tool.parseJSON(Tool.percentDecode(value)); if (json != null && json instanceof JSONObject) { Map dictionary = Tool.toMap((JSONObject) json); if (newJson instanceof JSONObject) { Map newDictionary = Tool.toMap((JSONObject) newJson); dictionary.putAll(newDictionary); JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(dictionary); formattedParameters.put(key, new Object[] { duplicateParam, makeSubQuery(key, Tool.percentEncode(jsonData.toString())) }); } else { Tool.executeCallback(tracker.getListener(), CallbackType.warning, "Couldn't append value to a dictionary"); } } else if (json != null && json instanceof JSONArray) { try { ArrayList<Object> array = new ArrayList<Object>(); JSONArray jArray = (JSONArray) json; for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) { array.add(jArray.get(i).toString()); } if (newJson instanceof JSONArray) { jArray = (JSONArray) newJson; for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) { array.add(jArray.get(i).toString()); } JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(array.toString()); formattedParameters.put(key, new Object[] { duplicateParam, makeSubQuery(key, Tool.percentEncode(jsonData.toString())) }); } else { Tool.executeCallback(tracker.getListener(), CallbackType.warning, "Couldn't append value to an array"); } } catch (JSONException e) { Tool.executeCallback(tracker.getListener(), CallbackType.warning, "Couldn't append value to an array"); } } else { Tool.executeCallback(tracker.getListener(), CallbackType.warning, "Couldn't append value to a JSON Object"); } } else if (duplicateParam.getType() == Param.Type.JSON) { Tool.executeCallback(tracker.getListener(), CallbackType.warning, "Couldn't append value to a JSON Object"); } else { formattedParameters.put(key, new Object[] { duplicateParam, str + val + p.getOptions().getSeparator() + value }); } } else { formattedParameters.put(key, new Object[] { p, makeSubQuery(key, value) }); } } } return formattedParameters; }
From source
/** * TODO: If a link was posted, add also the link to the SIOC block. * @throws IOException// ww w .j ava 2s .com * @throws JSONException */ public void createSIOC() throws IOException, JSONException { Element rootNode = this.rdfDocument.addElement(new QName("RDF", RDF_NS)); rootNode.add(SIOC_NS); rootNode.add(DCT_NS); JSONArray wallEntries = this.object.getJSONArray("data"); for (int count = 0; count < wallEntries.length(); count++) { JSONObject wallEntry = (JSONObject) wallEntries.get(count); Element siocPost = rootNode.addElement(new QName("Post", SIOC_NS)).addAttribute( new QName("about", RDF_NS), "" + wallEntry.getString("id")); siocPost.addElement(new QName("content", SIOC_NS)).setText(wallEntry.getString("message")); String creatorID = wallEntry.getJSONObject("from").getString("id"); siocPost.addElement(new QName("hasCreator", SIOC_NS)).addAttribute(new QName("resource", RDF_NS), "" + creatorID); try { siocPost.addElement(new QName("created", SIOC_NS)).setText(wallEntry.getString("created_time")); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { siocPost.addElement(new QName("modified", SIOC_NS)).setText(wallEntry.getString("updated_time")); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { JSONArray comments = wallEntry.getJSONObject("comments").getJSONArray("data"); for (int count1 = 0; count1 < comments.length(); count1++) { JSONObject comment = comments.getJSONObject(count1); Element replyNode = siocPost.addElement(new QName("has_reply", SIOC_NS)); Element replyPost = replyNode.addElement(new QName("Post", SIOC_NS)); replyPost.addAttribute(new QName("about", RDF_NS), "" + comment.getString("id")); replyPost.addElement(new QName("content", SIOC_NS)).setText(comment.getString("message")); String replierID = comment.getJSONObject("from").getString("id"); replyPost.addElement(new QName("hasCreator", SIOC_NS)) .addAttribute(new QName("resource", RDF_NS), "" + replierID); try { replyPost.addElement(new QName("created", SIOC_NS)) .setText(comment.getString("created_time")); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { replyPost.addElement(new QName("modified", SIOC_NS)) .setText(comment.getString("updated_time")); } catch (JSONException e) { } } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO: Log here something, at least during development. } } }
From source
public void testJsonSerializer() throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ssZ"); SerializableBean bean = new SerializableBean(); bean.setBooleanValue(true);/*from w w w .jav a 2 s . c o m*/ bean.setDoubleValue(0.451); bean.setFloatValue(1.34f); bean.setIntValue(3400100); bean.setLongValue(3400100200L); bean.setShortValue((short) 32767); bean.setStringValue("String"); bean.setDateValue(format.parse("2011-08-24T08:50:23+0200")); Date calDate = format.parse("2011-08-24T08:52:23+0200"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(calDate); bean.setCalendarValue(cal); bean.setObjectValue(TimeZone.getDefault()); InBean inBean = new InBean(); inBean.setFirst(true); inBean.setSecond(0.567d); inBean.setThird(0.342f); inBean.setFourth(100); inBean.setFifth(3400200100L); inBean.setSixth((short) 32767); inBean.setSeventh("String"); inBean.setEight(format.parse("2011-08-25T08:50:23+0200")); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); calDate = format.parse("2011-08-25T08:52:23+0200"); cal.setTime(calDate); inBean.setNinth(cal); bean.setBeanValue(inBean); List<InBean> beanList = new ArrayList<InBean>(); beanList.add(inBean); beanList.add(inBean); bean.setBeanListValue(beanList); List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); stringList.add("One"); stringList.add("Two"); stringList.add("Three"); bean.setStringListValue(stringList); ApplicationClassLoader classLoader = new ApplicationClassLoader( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); SerializerFactoryImpl serializerFactory = new SerializerFactoryImpl(classLoader); Serializer<SerializableBean> serializer = serializerFactory.createSerializer(SerializableBean.class, "application/json"); assertEquals("application/json", serializer.getMimeType()); StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(strWriter); serializer.serialize(writer, bean); writer.flush(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(strWriter.toString()); assertNotNull(json); assertTrue(json.has("serializableBean")); json = json.getJSONObject("serializableBean"); assertEquals(true, json.getBoolean("booleanValue")); assertEquals(0.451, json.getDouble("doubleValue")); assertEquals(1.34f, (float) json.getDouble("floatValue")); assertEquals(3400100, json.getInt("intValue")); assertEquals(3400100200L, json.getLong("longValue")); assertEquals(32767, (short) json.getInt("shortValue")); assertEquals("String", json.getString("stringValue")); assertEquals("2011-08-24T08:50:23+02:00", json.getString("dateValue")); assertEquals("2011-08-24T08:52:23+02:00", json.getString("calendarValue")); assertEquals(TimeZone.getDefault().toString(), json.getString("objectValue")); assertTrue(json.has("beanValue")); JSONObject inBeanJson = json.getJSONObject("beanValue"); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); assertTrue(json.has("stringListValue")); JSONArray stringListJson = json.getJSONArray("stringListValue"); assertEquals("One", stringListJson.get(0)); assertEquals("Two", stringListJson.get(1)); assertEquals("Three", stringListJson.get(2)); assertTrue(json.has("beanListValue")); JSONArray beanListJson = json.getJSONArray("beanListValue"); inBeanJson = beanListJson.getJSONObject(0); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); inBeanJson = beanListJson.getJSONObject(1); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); }
From source
public void testNamedJsonSerializer() throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ssZ"); NamedBean bean = new NamedBean(); bean.setBooleanValue(true);//ww w . j a v a2 s . com bean.setDoubleValue(0.451); bean.setFloatValue(1.34f); bean.setIntValue(3400100); bean.setLongValue(3400100200L); bean.setShortValue((short) 32767); bean.setStringValue("String"); bean.setDateValue(format.parse("2011-08-24T08:50:23+0200")); Date calDate = format.parse("2011-08-24T08:52:23+0200"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(calDate); bean.setCalendarValue(cal); bean.setObjectValue(TimeZone.getDefault()); InBean inBean = new InBean(); inBean.setFirst(true); inBean.setSecond(0.567d); inBean.setThird(0.342f); inBean.setFourth(100); inBean.setFifth(3400200100L); inBean.setSixth((short) 32767); inBean.setSeventh("String"); inBean.setEight(format.parse("2011-08-25T08:50:23+0200")); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); calDate = format.parse("2011-08-25T08:52:23+0200"); cal.setTime(calDate); inBean.setNinth(cal); bean.setBeanValue(inBean); List<InBean> beanList = new ArrayList<InBean>(); beanList.add(inBean); beanList.add(inBean); bean.setBeanListValue(beanList); List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); stringList.add("One"); stringList.add("Two"); stringList.add("Three"); bean.setStringListValue(stringList); ApplicationClassLoader classLoader = new ApplicationClassLoader( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); SerializerFactoryImpl serializerFactory = new SerializerFactoryImpl(classLoader); Serializer<NamedBean> serializer = serializerFactory.createSerializer(NamedBean.class, "application/json"); assertEquals("application/json", serializer.getMimeType()); StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(strWriter); serializer.serialize(writer, bean); writer.flush(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(strWriter.toString()); assertNotNull(json); assertTrue(json.has("testNamedBean")); json = json.getJSONObject("testNamedBean"); assertEquals(true, json.getBoolean("testBooleanValue")); assertEquals(0.451, json.getDouble("testDoubleValue")); assertEquals(1.34f, (float) json.getDouble("testFloatValue")); assertEquals(3400100, json.getInt("testIntValue")); assertEquals(3400100200L, json.getLong("testLongValue")); assertEquals(32767, (short) json.getInt("testShortValue")); assertEquals("String", json.getString("testStringValue")); assertEquals("2011-08-24T08:50:23+02:00", json.getString("testDateValue")); assertEquals("2011-08-24T08:52:23+02:00", json.getString("testCalendarValue")); assertEquals(TimeZone.getDefault().toString(), json.getString("testObjectValue")); assertTrue(json.has("testBeanValue")); JSONObject inBeanJson = json.getJSONObject("testBeanValue"); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); assertTrue(json.has("testStringListValue")); JSONArray stringListJson = json.getJSONArray("testStringListValue"); assertEquals("One", stringListJson.get(0)); assertEquals("Two", stringListJson.get(1)); assertEquals("Three", stringListJson.get(2)); assertTrue(json.has("testBeanListValue")); JSONArray beanListJson = json.getJSONArray("testBeanListValue"); inBeanJson = beanListJson.getJSONObject(0); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); inBeanJson = beanListJson.getJSONObject(1); assertTrue(inBeanJson.has("inBean")); inBeanJson = inBeanJson.getJSONObject("inBean"); assertEquals(true, inBeanJson.getBoolean("first")); assertEquals(0.567, inBeanJson.getDouble("second")); assertEquals(0.342f, (float) inBeanJson.getDouble("third")); assertEquals(100, inBeanJson.getInt("fourth")); assertEquals(3400200100L, inBeanJson.getLong("fifth")); assertEquals(32767, (short) inBeanJson.getInt("sixth")); assertEquals("String", inBeanJson.getString("seventh")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:50:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("eight")); assertEquals("2011-08-25T08:52:23+02:00", inBeanJson.getString("ninth")); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Object convertJsonElement(Object elem) throws JSONException { if (elem instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) elem; Iterator<String> keys = obj.keys(); Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; jsonMap.put(key, convertJsonElement(obj.get(key))); }/* www. jav a 2s.c om*/ return jsonMap; } else if (elem instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) elem; Set<Object> jsonSet = new HashSet<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { jsonSet.add(convertJsonElement(arr.get(i))); } return jsonSet; } else { return elem; } }
From source
@Timeout synchronized public void timeout(final Timer timer) throws IOException, SAXException, TransformerException, JSONException, SQLException { final HBaseCrudService<GeohashSubscriber> _geohashSubscriberHBaseCrudService = new HBaseCrudService<GeohashSubscriber>(); final HBaseCrudService<GeohashSubscriber>.Scanner _scanner = _geohashSubscriberHBaseCrudService .scan(new GeohashSubscriber(), 1).returnValueBadly(); while (_scanner.getNewValue() != null) { final String _newValue = _scanner.getNewValue(); Loggers.debug("Scanned value:" + _newValue); final RowResponse _rowResponse = new Gson().fromJson(_newValue, RowResponse.class); Loggers.debug("Scanned as GSON:" + _rowResponse.toString()); for (final Row _row : _rowResponse.Row) { final BASE64Decoder _base64DecoderRowKey = new BASE64Decoder(); final byte[] _bytes = _base64DecoderRowKey.decodeBuffer(_row.key); final String rowKey = new String(_bytes); Loggers.debug("Decoded row key:" + rowKey); for (final Cell _cell : _row.Cell) { final BASE64Decoder _base64DecoderValue = new BASE64Decoder(); final byte[] _valueBytes = _base64DecoderValue.decodeBuffer(_cell.$); final String _cellAsString = new String(_valueBytes); Loggers.debug("Cell as string:" + _cellAsString); final GeohashSubscriber _geohashSubscriber = new GeohashSubscriber(); final DatumReader<GeohashSubscriber> _geohashSubscriberSpecificDatumReader = new SpecificDatumReader<GeohashSubscriber>( _geohashSubscriber.getSchema()); final BinaryDecoder _binaryDecoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(_valueBytes, null); final GeohashSubscriber _read =, _binaryDecoder); Loggers.debug("Decoded value avro:" + _read.toString()); final Date now = new Date(); final Calendar _week = Calendar.getInstance(); _week.setTimeInMillis(now.getTime() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); final SimpleDateFormat _simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); _simpleDateFormat.format(_week.getTime()); final StringBuffer eventList = new StringBuffer(""); {//Eventful try { final SimpleDateFormat eventfulDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd00"); _simpleDateFormat.format(_week.getTime()); final JSONObject jsonObject = Modules.getModules().getEventulFactory() .getInstance("") .get("", new HashMap<String, String>() { {//Don't worry, this is a static initializer of this map :) put("location", "" + _read.getLatitude() + "," + _read.getLongitude()); put("within", "" + 100); put("date", eventfulDate.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) + "-" + eventfulDate.format(_week.getTime())); }/* ww w . j ava 2 s .c o m*/ } ); Loggers.debug("Eventful Reply:" + jsonObject.toString()); final JSONArray events = jsonObject.getJSONObject("events").getJSONArray("event"); final Document eventTemplateDocument = HTMLDocParser .getDocument(RBGet.getGlobalConfigKey("PAGEFILES") + SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL_EVENT); final String eventTemplate = HTMLDocParser .convertNodeToHtml(HTMLDocParser.$("content", eventTemplateDocument)); for (int i = 0; i < events.length(); i++) { final JSONObject eventJSONObject = new JSONObject(events.get(i).toString()); Double.parseDouble(eventJSONObject.getString(LATITUDE)); Double.parseDouble(eventJSONObject.getString(LONGITUDE)); final String eventName = eventJSONObject.getString("title"); final String eventUrl = eventJSONObject.getString("url"); final String eventDate = eventJSONObject.getString("start_time"); final String eventVenue = eventJSONObject.getString("venue_name"); Loggers.debug("Event name:" + eventName); eventList .append(eventTemplate .replace("_name_link_", !(("" + eventUrl).isEmpty()) ? eventUrl : ("" + eventName .replaceAll(" ", "+").replaceAll("-", "+"))) .replace("_place_link_", "" + _read.getLatitude().toString() + "," + _read.getLongitude().toString()) .replace("_name_", eventName).replace("_place_", eventVenue) .replace("_date_", eventDate)); } } catch (final Throwable t) { Loggers.error("Error appending Eventful data to Geohash Subscriber", t); } } {//Foursquare try { _simpleDateFormat.format(_week.getTime()); final JSONObject jsonObject = Modules.getModules().getEventulFactory() .getInstance("") .get("", new HashMap<String, String>() { {//Don't worry, this is a static initializer of this map :) put("ll", "" + _read.getLatitude() + "," + _read.getLongitude()); put("radius", "" + 50000);//meters put("intent", "browse"); put("section", "topPicks"); put("client_secret", "PODRX5YWBSLAKAYRQ5CLPEPS3WHCXWFIJ3LXF3AKH4U1BDNI"); put("client_id", "25JZAK3TQPLIPUUXPIJWXQ5NSKSPTP4SYZLUZSCTZF3UJ4YX"); } } ); Loggers.debug("Foursquare Reply:" + jsonObject.toString()); final JSONArray referralArray = jsonObject.getJSONObject("response") .getJSONArray("groups").getJSONObject(0).getJSONArray("items"); final Document eventTemplateDocument = HTMLDocParser .getDocument(RBGet.getGlobalConfigKey("PAGEFILES") + SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL_PLACE); final String eventTemplate = HTMLDocParser .convertNodeToHtml(HTMLDocParser.$("content", eventTemplateDocument)); for (int i = 0; i < referralArray.length(); i++) { final JSONObject referral = referralArray.getJSONObject(i); referral.getJSONObject("venue").getJSONObject("location").getDouble("lng"); referral.getJSONObject("venue").getJSONObject("location").getDouble("lat"); final String eventName = referral.getJSONObject("venue").getString("name"); final String eventUrl = referral.getJSONObject("venue").optString("url"); final String eventVenue = referral.getJSONObject("venue").getJSONObject("location") .getString("address"); Loggers.debug("Event name:" + eventName); eventList .append(eventTemplate .replace("_name_link_", !(("" + eventUrl).isEmpty()) ? eventUrl : ("" + eventName .replaceAll(" ", "+").replaceAll("-", "+"))) .replace("_place_link_", "" + _read.getLatitude().toString() + "," + _read.getLongitude().toString()) .replace("_name_", eventName).replace("_place_", eventVenue) .replace("_date_", eventName)); } } catch (final Throwable t) { Loggers.error("Error appending Foursquare data to Geohash Subscriber", t); } } final String template = HTMLDocParser .getDocumentAsString(RBGet.getGlobalConfigKey("PAGEFILES") + EMAIL_FRAME); final Document email = HTMLDocParser .getDocument(RBGet.getGlobalConfigKey("PAGEFILES") + SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL); final String _content = HTMLDocParser.convertNodeToHtml(HTMLDocParser.$("content", email)); final Parameter _unsubscribeLink = new Parameter("") .append(Unsubscribe.TYPE,, true) .append(Unsubscribe.VALUE, rowKey); final String finalEmail = template.replace("_FrameContent_", _content.replace(" ___||_", eventList.toString()).replace("_unsubscribe_link_", _unsubscribeLink.get())); Loggers.debug("Final email:" + finalEmail); sendMailLocal.sendAsHTML(_read.getEmailId().toString(), "Thank God it's Friday!", finalEmail); } } _geohashSubscriberHBaseCrudService.scan(new GeohashSubscriber(), _scanner); } Loggers.debug("Completed scanner"); }
From source
public simplePanel() { self = this;//from w w w .j a va 2 s. co m final Microphone mic = new Microphone(FLACFileWriter.FLAC);//Instantiate microphone and have final GSpeechDuplex dup = new GSpeechDuplex("AIzaSyBc-PCGLbT2M_ZBLUPEl9w2OY7jXl90Hbc");//Instantiate the API dup.addResponseListener(new GSpeechResponseListener() {// Adds the listener public void onResponse(GoogleResponse gr) { System.out.println("got response"); jTextArea1.setText(gr.getResponse() + "\n" + jTextArea1.getText()); getjLabel1().setText("Awaiting Command"); if (gr.getResponse().contains("temperature")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("temp")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Temperature"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".") + 2) + " Celsius"); found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("light") || gr.getResponse().startsWith("li")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("light")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Light"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Light levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if ((gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") || gr.getResponse().contains("turn off")) && gr.getResponse().contains("number")) { int numberIndex = gr.getResponse().indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = gr.getResponse().substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") && temp.equals("1")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already on at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn off") && temp.equals("0")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already off at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn on") && temp.equals("0")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("turn off") && temp.equals("1")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("change") && gr.getResponse().contains("number")) { int numberIndex = gr.getResponse().indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = gr.getResponse().substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else if (gr.getResponse().contains("get all")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; String servicesString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; servicesString += url + "\n"; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, servicesString); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory(); ChatterBot bot1 = factory.create(CLEVERBOT); ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.createSession(); String s = gr.getResponse(); String response = bot1session.think(s); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, response); } catch (Exception e) { } } System.out.println("Google thinks you said: " + gr.getResponse()); System.out.println("with " + ((gr.getConfidence() != null) ? (Double.parseDouble(gr.getConfidence()) * 100) : null) + "% confidence."); System.out.println("Google also thinks that you might have said:" + gr.getOtherPossibleResponses()); } }); initComponents(); jTextField1.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { String input = jTextField1.getText(); jTextField1.setText(""); textParser(input); } //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); jButton1.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { // it record FLAC file. File file = new File("CRAudioTest.flac");//The File to record the buffer to. //You can also create your own buffer using the getTargetDataLine() method. System.out.println("Start Talking Honey"); try { mic.captureAudioToFile(file);//Begins recording } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();//Prints an error if something goes wrong. } //System.out.println("You can stop now"); //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { try { mic.close();//Stops recording //Sends 10 second voice recording to Google byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(mic.getAudioFile().toPath());//Saves data into memory. dup.recognize(data, (int) mic.getAudioFormat().getSampleRate(), self); //mic.getAudioFile().delete();//Deletes Buffer file //REPEAT } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();//Prints an error if something goes wrong. } System.out.println("You can stop now"); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } }); setVisible(true); }
From source
public void textParser(String input) { boolean served = false; jTextArea1.setText(input + "\n" + jTextArea1.getText()); getjLabel1().setText("Awaiting Command"); if (input.contains("temperature")) { try {// w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("temp")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Temperature"); if (temp.length() > 4) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp.substring(0, temp.indexOf(".") + 2) + " Celsius"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Temperature is " + temp + " Celsius"); } found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("light") || input.startsWith("li")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("light")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Light"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Light levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if ((input.contains("turn on") || input.contains("turn off")) && input.contains("number")) { int numberIndex = input.indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = input.substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else if (input.contains("turn on") && temp.equals("1")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already on at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (input.contains("turn off") && temp.equals("0")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Switch is already off at sensor " + number + "!"); } else if (input.contains("turn on") && temp.equals("0")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } else if (input.contains("turn off") && temp.equals("1")) { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("change") && input.contains("number")) { int numberIndex = input.indexOf("number ") + "number ".length(); String number = input.substring(numberIndex).split(" ")[0]; if (number.equals("for") || number.equals("four")) { number = "4"; } if (number.equals("to") || number.equals("two") || number.equals("cho")) { number = "2"; } if (number.equals("one")) { number = "1"; } if (number.equals("three")) { number = "3"; } try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("sensor/" + number)) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Switch"); if (!(temp.equals("0") || temp.equals("1"))) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Sensor does not provide a switch service man"); } else { String serviceReply2 = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", "/sensor/" + number + "/switch"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Request for switch sent"); } found = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } if (input.contains("get all")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; served = true; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; String servicesString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; servicesString += url + "\n"; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, servicesString); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("humidity") || input.startsWith("humidity")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("humi")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Humidity"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Humidity levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (input.contains("pressure") || input.startsWith("pressure")) { try { String reply = util.httpRequest.sendPost("", 8383, "", "/getServices"); JSONObject obj; obj = new JSONObject(reply); JSONArray services = obj.getJSONArray("services"); boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < services.length(); i++) { if (found) { served = true; return; } Object pref = services.getJSONObject(i).get("url"); String url = (String) pref; if (url.contains("pres")) { // String serviceHost = (url.split(":")[1].substring(2)); int Port = Integer.parseInt((url.split(":")[2]).split("/")[0]); String servicePath = (url.split(":")[2].substring(url.split(":")[2].indexOf("/"))); String serviceReply = util.httpRequest.sendPost(serviceHost, Port, "", servicePath); JSONObject temperature; obj = new JSONObject(serviceReply); String temp = obj.getJSONObject("sensor").getString("Pressure"); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "Pressure levels are at " + temp + " of 1023 "); found = true; } } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, "I can't know! There are no sensors for that!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!served) { try { ChatterBotFactory factory = new ChatterBotFactory(); ChatterBot bot1 = factory.create(CLEVERBOT); ChatterBotSession bot1session = bot1.createSession(); String s = input; String response = bot1session.think(s); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self, response, "Jarvis says", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { } } }