Java tutorial
package com.colossaldb.dnd.prefs; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * Copyright (C) 2013 Jayaprakash Pasala * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * */ /** * Created by Jayaprakash Pasala * Date: 12/10/13 * Time: 10:28 AM * <p/> * A singleton class representing the options used by the application (and also has helper methods to write and read debug logs). */ public class AppPreferences { private static final String PREFERENCE_NAME = "AppPreferences"; private static final String DEBUG_PREF_NAME = "DebugAppInfo"; private static final int MAX_LIST_SIZE = 250; // Broadcast public static final String BROADCAST_START_STOP_ACTION = "com.colossaldb.dnd.START_STOP"; // Keys private static final String START_HOUR = "sh"; private static final String START_MIN = "sm"; private static final String END_HOUR = "eh"; private static final String END_MIN = "em"; private static final String DND_ENABLED = "dnd_enabled"; private static final String RING_ON_REPEAT = "ring_on_repeat"; private static final String RING_FOR_CONTACTS = "ring_for_contacts"; public static final String NEXT_ALARM_KEY = "NextAlarm"; public static final String ERROR_EVENTS_KEY = "ErrorEvents"; public static final String DEBUG_EVENTS_KEY = "DebugEvents"; public static final String TITLE_KEY = "title"; public static final String DETAIL_KEY = "detail"; public static final String TIMESTAMP_KEY = "ts"; public static final String SETTINGS_CHANGED_KEY = "SettingsChanged"; private static volatile AppPreferences INSTANCE = null; //private static JSONArray LOCAL_STORE = new JSONArray(); private static final DateFormat DF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); private final SharedPreferences preferences; private final SharedPreferences debugPreferences; /** * Expected to be called only once during the full lifecycle. * * @param appContext - Application context */ public static synchronized void initialize(Context appContext) { INSTANCE = new AppPreferences(appContext); } public static AppPreferences getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private AppPreferences(Context appContext) { preferences = appContext.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCE_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); debugPreferences = appContext.getSharedPreferences(DEBUG_PREF_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); } public int getStartHour(int defValue) { return preferences.getInt(START_HOUR, defValue); } public int getStartMinute(int defValue) { return preferences.getInt(START_MIN, defValue); } public int getEndHour(int defValue) { return preferences.getInt(END_HOUR, defValue); } public int getEndMinute(int defValue) { return preferences.getInt(END_MIN, defValue); } public boolean isEnabled() { return preferences.getBoolean(DND_ENABLED, false); } public boolean ringOnRepeatCall() { return preferences.getBoolean(RING_ON_REPEAT, false); } public void setStartTime(int startHour, int startMin) { setTimes(START_HOUR, startHour, START_MIN, startMin); } public void setEndTime(int endHour, int endMin) { setTimes(END_HOUR, endHour, END_MIN, endMin); } public boolean ringForContacts() { return preferences.getBoolean(RING_FOR_CONTACTS, false); } private void setTimes(String hourKey, int hour, String minKey, int mins) { SharedPreferences.Editor e = preferences.edit(); e.putInt(hourKey, hour); e.putInt(minKey, mins); e.apply(); } public void save(boolean dndEnabled, int startHour, int startMin, int endHour, int endMin, boolean ringOnRepeat, boolean ringForContacts) { assert startHour >= 0 && startHour < 24; assert endHour >= 0 && endHour < 24; assert startMin >= 0 && startMin < 60; assert endMin >= 0 && endMin < 60; SharedPreferences.Editor edit = preferences.edit(); edit.putBoolean(DND_ENABLED, dndEnabled); edit.putInt(START_HOUR, startHour); edit.putInt(START_MIN, startMin); edit.putInt(END_HOUR, endHour); edit.putInt(END_MIN, endMin); edit.putBoolean(RING_ON_REPEAT, ringOnRepeat); edit.putBoolean(RING_FOR_CONTACTS, ringForContacts); edit.apply(); } public CharSequence getFormattedStartTime() { return String.format("%2d:%02d ", INSTANCE.getStartHour(-1), INSTANCE.getStartMinute(-1)); } public CharSequence getFormattedEndTime() { return String.format("%2d:%02d ", INSTANCE.getEndHour(-1), INSTANCE.getEndMinute(-1)); } /** * Write the debug events that have already occurred. * * @param title - title of the event * @param detail - event details */ public void writeDebugEvent(String title, String detail) { try { writeToPrefList(debugPreferences, DEBUG_EVENTS_KEY, title, detail); } catch (JSONException ignored) { Log.e("AppPreferences", "Title [" + title + "] and detail [" + detail + "]", ignored); } } public JSONArray getDebugEvents() { //return LOCAL_STORE; //getJSONArray(debugPreferences, DEBUG_EVENTS_KEY); return getJSONArray(debugPreferences, DEBUG_EVENTS_KEY); } /** * Write the error event. * * @param title - title * @param detail - detail */ public void writeErrorEvent(String title, String detail) { try { writeToPrefList(debugPreferences, ERROR_EVENTS_KEY, title, detail); } catch (JSONException ignored) { Log.e("AppPreferences", "Title [" + title + "] and detail [" + detail + "]", ignored); } } public JSONArray getErrorEvents() { return getJSONArray(debugPreferences, ERROR_EVENTS_KEY); } /** * Store the details when the next scheduled event is going to run. * * @param details - details */ public void logNextRun(String details) { debugPreferences.edit().putString(NEXT_ALARM_KEY, details).apply(); } /** * @return The next scheduled run details. */ public String getNextScheduleRun() { return debugPreferences.getString(NEXT_ALARM_KEY, ""); } private static void writeToPrefList(SharedPreferences preferences, String listKey, String title, String detail) throws JSONException { //JSONArray events = LOCAL_STORE ;//getJSONArray(preferences, listKey); JSONArray events = getJSONArray(preferences, listKey); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put(TIMESTAMP_KEY, DF.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()))); jsonObject.put(TITLE_KEY, title); jsonObject.put(DETAIL_KEY, detail); events.put(jsonObject); if (events.length() > MAX_LIST_SIZE) { JSONArray newArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = events.length() - MAX_LIST_SIZE; i < MAX_LIST_SIZE; i++) { newArray.put(events.get(i)); } events = newArray; } //LOCAL_STORE = events; preferences.edit().putString(listKey, events.toString()).apply(); } private static JSONArray getJSONArray(SharedPreferences preferences, String listKey) { JSONArray events; String eventStr = preferences.getString(listKey, null); if (eventStr == null) { events = new JSONArray(); } else { try { events = new JSONArray(eventStr); } catch (JSONException ignored) { // Cannot do much... Log.e("AppPreferences", "Error: " + ignored.getMessage(), ignored); events = new JSONArray(); } } return events; } public void markRingerChangedManually() { SharedPreferences.Editor ed = preferences.edit(); ed.putBoolean("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED", true); ed.putLong("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED_TIME", System.currentTimeMillis()); ed.apply(); writeDebugEvent("Manual volume change", "Manual volume change during quiet period. The app will not change volume when the incoming call comes."); } public void clearRingerChangedManually() { if (preferences.getBoolean("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED", false)) { writeDebugEvent("Reset Manual volume change", "Resetting manual volume change flag"); } SharedPreferences.Editor ed = preferences.edit(); ed.remove("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED"); ed.remove("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED_TIME"); ed.apply(); } public boolean isRingerChangedManually() { return preferences.getBoolean("VOLUME_MANUALLY_CHANGED", false); } }