List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray get
public Object get(int index) throws JSONException
From source
@Override public PluginResult execute(String action, JSONArray arguments, String callbackId) { PluginResult result = null;/*from w w w .ja va 2 s .c o m*/ Object firstArg = null; if (arguments.length() > 0) { try { firstArg = arguments.get(0); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return new PluginResult(Status.ERROR); } } try { Log.d(TAG, "Action " + action + ", arguments: " + arguments); if (action.equals("initializeWithAPIKey")) { result = initialize((String) firstArg); } else if (action.equals("createAdView")) { result = createAdView((JSONObject) firstArg); } else if (action.equals("loadAds")) { result = loadAds((JSONObject) firstArg); } else if (action.equals("moveAdView")) { result = moveAdView((JSONObject) firstArg); } else if (action.equals("removeAdView")) { result = removeAdView(); } else if (action.equals("prepareInterstitial")) { result = prepareInterstitial(); } else if (action.equals("showInterstitial")) { result = showInterstitial(); } else if (action.equals("prepareAppWall")) { result = prepareAppWall(); } else if (action.equals("showAppWall")) { result = showAppWall(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Unknown action " + action + ", arguments: " + arguments); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); result = new PluginResult(Status.JSON_EXCEPTION); } return result; }
From source
/** * Convert JSON array to Java List.//from w w w. jav a 2s . c o m * * Each entry in the object is converted using the {@link #jsonToObject} * method. * * @param json the JSON array * @return Java List representation of the array * @throws TacoException on error in conversion */ public List<Object> jsonToList(JSONArray json) throws TacoException { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) { list.add(jsonToObject(json.get(i))); } return list; }
From source
/** * Transport message. {@link IOTransport} calls this, when a message has * been received./*from ww w. j a va 2s. co m*/ * * @param text * the text */ public void transportMessage(String text) {"< " + text); IOMessage message; try { message = new IOMessage(text); } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException("Garbage from server: " + text, e)); return; } resetTimeout(); switch (message.getType()) { case IOMessage.TYPE_DISCONNECT: try { findCallback(message).onDisconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException("Exception was thrown in onDisconnect()", e)); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_CONNECT: try { if (firstSocket != null && "".equals(message.getEndpoint())) { if (firstSocket.getNamespace().equals("")) { firstSocket.getCallback().onConnect(); } else { IOMessage connect = new IOMessage(IOMessage.TYPE_CONNECT, firstSocket.getNamespace(), ""); sendPlain(connect.toString()); } } else { findCallback(message).onConnect(); } firstSocket = null; } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException("Exception was thrown in onConnect()", e)); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_HEARTBEAT: sendPlain("2::"); break; case IOMessage.TYPE_MESSAGE: try { findCallback(message).onMessage(message.getData(), remoteAcknowledge(message)); } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException( "Exception was thrown in onMessage(String).\n" + "Message was: " + message.toString(), e)); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_JSON_MESSAGE: try { JSONObject obj = null; String data = message.getData(); if (data.trim().equals("null") == false) obj = new JSONObject(data); try { findCallback(message).onMessage(obj, remoteAcknowledge(message)); } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException("Exception was thrown in onMessage(JSONObject).\n" + "Message was: " + message.toString(), e)); } } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warning("Malformated JSON received"); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_EVENT: try { JSONObject event = new JSONObject(message.getData()); Object[] argsArray; if (event.has("args")) { JSONArray args = event.getJSONArray("args"); argsArray = new Object[args.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) { if (args.isNull(i) == false) argsArray[i] = args.get(i); } } else argsArray = new Object[0]; String eventName = event.getString("name"); try { findCallback(message).on(eventName, remoteAcknowledge(message), argsArray); } catch (Exception e) { error(new SocketIOException("Exception was thrown in on(String, JSONObject[]).\n" + "Message was: " + message.toString(), e)); } } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warning("Malformated JSON received"); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_ACK: String[] data = message.getData().split("\\+", 2); if (data.length == 2) { try { int id = Integer.parseInt(data[0]); IOAcknowledge ack = acknowledge.get(id); if (ack == null) logger.warning("Received unknown ack packet"); else { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(data[1]); Object[] args = new Object[array.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = array.get(i); } ack.ack(args); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.warning( "Received malformated Acknowledge! This is potentially filling up the acknowledges!"); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warning("Received malformated Acknowledge data!"); } } else if (data.length == 1) { sendPlain("6:::" + data[0]); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_ERROR: try { findCallback(message).onError(new SocketIOException(message.getData())); } catch (SocketIOException e) { error(e); } if (message.getData().endsWith("+0")) { // We are advised to disconnect cleanup(); } break; case IOMessage.TYPE_NOOP: break; default: logger.warning("Unkown type received" + message.getType()); break; } }
From source
@Nonnull private Collection expand(@Nonnull JSONArray array) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { Object element = array.get(i); if (element instanceof Number || element instanceof Boolean || element instanceof CharSequence) { list.add(element);/*from ww w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value: " + element); } } return list; }
From source
public void doWay(String server_output) { /* tvOutput.setText(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/DCIM/Camera/a.mp4");*/ JSONArray array = null; List<String> list_output = new ArrayList<String>(); String output = server_output; if (!output.equals("[]")) { Logger.getLogger(S_Login.class.getName()).info("true..............."); try {//ww w. j av a 2 s. c o m array = new JSONArray(server_output); } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(S_Login.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } for (int n = 0; n < array.length(); n++) { String temp = ""; for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { try { output += " " + array.getJSONArray(n).get(m).toString() + "\n "; temp += " " + array.getJSONArray(n).get(m).toString() + "\n "; } catch (JSONException ex) { Logger.getLogger(S_Login.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } list_output.add(temp); output += "\n"; } aryAdapter_list = new ArrayAdapter(activity, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, list_output); gv.setAdapter(aryAdapter_list); Logger.getLogger(S_Login.class.getName()).info(output); } else { EditText edit_username = (EditText) activity.findViewById(; EditText edit_password = (EditText) activity.findViewById(; if (output.equals("[]")) { tvOutput.setText("Please Login Again" + server_output); edit_username.setText(""); edit_password.setText(""); } else { tvOutput.setText("Page Not Found 404" + server_output); } /*AlertDialog.Builder MyAlertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); MyAlertDialog.setTitle("Login Fail"); MyAlertDialog.setMessage("Please Login Again");; */ } mProgressDialog.dismiss(); }
From source
public static FusionResult fusion(JSONObject poi1, JSONObject poi2, FusionRule fr, Logger log) { FusionResult fusionresult = null;//from ww w .j a va2 s . co m String name_source = ""; if (log == null) log = Fusion.log; try { int namePos1 = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi1, "name", log); String source1 = poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos1).getString("base"); int namePos2 = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi2, "name", log); String source2 = poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos2).getString("base"); //Fusion label tag JSONArray object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("label"); JSONArray object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("label"); JSONArray object3 = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; //TODO we are not combining the location.address element of both POIs. Now we just take the first one (the one that conditions position) ////////////////////// //Add name. We take the one that first appears in the name ArrayList ////////////////////// for (int j = 0; j < fr.getName().size(); j++) { if (fr.getName().get(j).equals(source1)) { int namePos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi1, "name", log); object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos)); i++;"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting name from source: " + source1); name_source = source1; break; } if (fr.getName().get(j).equals(source2)) { int namePos = CommonUtils.getPropertyPos(poi2, "name", log); object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(namePos));"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting name from source: " + source2); name_source = source2; i++; break; } } //////////////////// //Add other labels //////////////////// ArrayList<String> allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { //If is not name if (!poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("term").equals("name")) { String value = (String) poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { //If is not name if (!poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("term").equals("name")) { String value = (String) poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("label").getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //We'll store the final POI in poi1. We preserve the structure and override step by step. Up to now only label poi1.put("label", object3); /////////////////////////////////// //Fusion description tag. It is possible that this tag does not appear in some POIs, so we must be careful ////////////////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("description"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have description. We'll take the description from the other POI independently of the FusionRule"); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("description"); } catch (JSONException e) { object2 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have description. We'll take the description from the other POI independently of the FusionRule"); } object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 == null) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); } else { if (object2 == null) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < fr.getDescription().size(); j++) { if (fr.getDescription().get(j).equals(source1)) { if (poi1.getJSONArray("description").length() > 0) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i));"Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. Inserting description from source: " + source1); break; } } if (fr.getDescription().get(j).equals(source2)) { if (poi2.getJSONArray("description").length() > 0) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("description").getJSONObject(i)); "Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. Inserting description from source: " + source2); break; } } } } } //Override description field poi1.put("description", object3); ////////////////////////// //Fusion category tag ///////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("category"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have category."); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("category"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion(). Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have category."); } allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); //We don't need it as we will add all categories, we'll not check if they are repeated object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 == null) { object3.put(i, poi2.getJSONArray("category").getJSONObject(i)); } else { if (object2 == null) { object3.put(i, poi1.getJSONArray("category").getJSONObject(i)); } else { for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object1.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); object3.put(i, object1.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object2.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); object3.put(i, object2.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //Override category poi1.put("category", object3); /////////////////////////// //Fusion link tag /////////////////////////// try { object1 = poi1.getJSONArray("link"); } catch (JSONException e) { object1 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. POI object from source " + source1 + " does not have link."); } try { object2 = poi2.getJSONArray("link"); } catch (JSONException e) { object2 = null; log.warn("Fusion.fusion().Fusioning. POI object from source " + source2 + " does not have link."); } allObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); object3 = new JSONArray(); i = 0; if (object1 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < object1.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object1.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, object1.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } if (object2 != null) { for (int j = 0; j < object2.length(); j++) { String value = (String) object2.getJSONObject(j).get("value"); //If is not repeated if (!allObjects.contains(value)) { object3.put(i, object2.getJSONObject(j)); allObjects.add(value); i++; } } } //Override link poi1.put("link", object3); //Finally we should override the publisher part to say 'Fusion Engine'. Anyway we can set it up during the storage of the POI in the database //Create the FusionResult return object fusionresult = new FusionResult(poi1, name_source); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error.Fusion.fusion(): " + e.getMessage()); log.error("Error.Fusion.fusion(): " + e.getMessage()); } return fusionresult; }
From source
public List<String> getFriendUIDs() throws EasyFacebookError { Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("format", "json"); params.putString("method", "friends.get"); params.putString("access_token", facebook.getAccessToken()); String jsonResponse;/*from ww w . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { jsonResponse = Util.openUrl("", "POST", params); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(jsonResponse); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) stringList.add(jsonArray.get(i).toString().replaceAll("\"", "")); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new EasyFacebookError(e.toString(), "MalformedURLException"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EasyFacebookError(e.toString(), "IOException"); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new EasyFacebookError(e.toString(), "JSONException"); } return stringList; }
From source
private boolean morePermissions(JSONObject permissionResults, String key) throws JSONException { boolean result = false; if (permissionResults.has("pagination")) { JSONObject pagination = permissionResults.getJSONObject("pagination"); JSONArray separatelists = pagination.getJSONArray("separatelists"); String[] permissionsList = (String[]) separatelists.get(0); //// w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m // If the permissionsList is not empty then there still might // be another page of permissions, so we'll return true // if (permissionsList != null && permissionsList.length > 0) { result = true; } } // // Just to be safe, we'll also return true if we found items in the result list. // if (permissionResults.has(key) && permissionResults.getJSONArray(key).length() > 0) { result = true; } return result; }
From source
private void flatten(JSONArray obj, Map<String, String> flatJson, String prefix) { int length = obj.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { try {// www . j a v a2 s. c o m if (obj.get(i).getClass() == JSONArray.class) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) obj.get(i); if (jsonArray.length() < 1) continue; flatten(jsonArray, flatJson, prefix + i); } else if (obj.get(i).getClass() == JSONObject.class) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) obj.get(i); flatten(jsonObject, flatJson, prefix + (i + 1)); } else { String value = obj.getString(i); if (value != null) flatJson.put(prefix + (i + 1), value); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("flattenJsonArray", e.toString()); } } }
From source
@Override protected List<UserModel> doInBackground(String... args) { List<UserModel> userList = new ArrayList<UserModel>(); List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); JSONObject json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(ServerUtilities.getUserListUrl(activity) + current_page, "GET", params);//from w w w .jav a2 s . c o m if (json != null) { try { if (json.getInt("response") == 1) { JSONArray userid = json.getJSONArray("userid"); JSONArray username = json.getJSONArray("username"); JSONArray userpass = json.getJSONArray("userpass"); for (int i = 0; i < userid.length(); i++) { userList.add(new UserModel(userid.get(i).toString(), username.get(i).toString(), userpass.getString(i).toString())); } return userList; } else { return null; } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { con = false; return null; } }