Example usage for org.json JSONArray get

List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray get


In this page you can find the example usage for org.json JSONArray get.


public Object get(int index) throws JSONException 

Source Link


Get the object value associated with an index.


From source file:com.oakesville.mythling.util.MythTvParser.java

private TvShow buildLiveTvItem(JSONObject chanInfo) throws JSONException, ParseException {
    String chanId = chanInfo.getString("ChanId");
    if (!chanInfo.has("Programs"))
        return null;
    JSONArray progs = chanInfo.getJSONArray("Programs");
    if (progs.length() == 0)
        return null;
    JSONObject prog = (JSONObject) progs.get(0);
    String startTime = prog.getString("StartTime").replace('T', ' ');
    if (startTime.endsWith("Z"))
        startTime = startTime.substring(0, startTime.length() - 1);
    String id = chanId + "~" + startTime;
    TvShow tvShow = new TvShow(id, prog.getString("Title"));
    tvShow.setProgramStart(startTime);/*ww w. j a  v  a2 s.c  o m*/
    if (chanInfo.has("ChanNum"))
    if (chanInfo.has("CallSign"))
    addProgramInfo(tvShow, prog);
    if (prog.has("transcoded"))
    return tvShow;

From source file:com.oakesville.mythling.util.MythTvParser.java

public List<LiveStreamInfo> parseStreamInfoList() {
    List<LiveStreamInfo> streamList = new ArrayList<LiveStreamInfo>();

    try {/*from w  w w .  j  a  v  a 2s  . c  o m*/
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        JSONObject list = new JSONObject(json).getJSONObject("LiveStreamInfoList");

        if (list.has("LiveStreamInfos")) {
            JSONArray infos = list.getJSONArray("LiveStreamInfos");
            for (int i = 0; i < infos.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject info = (JSONObject) infos.get(i);
        if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
            Log.d(TAG, " -> live stream info parse time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Log.e(TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex);
        if (appSettings.isErrorReportingEnabled())
            new Reporter(ex).send();

    return streamList;

From source file:com.oakesville.mythling.util.MythTvParser.java

public Map<String, StorageGroup> parseStorageGroups() throws JSONException {
    Map<String, StorageGroup> storageGroups = new HashMap<String, StorageGroup>();

    JSONObject dirList = new JSONObject(json).getJSONObject("StorageGroupDirList");
    if (dirList.has("StorageGroupDirs")) {
        JSONArray dirs = dirList.getJSONArray("StorageGroupDirs");
        for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject dir = (JSONObject) dirs.get(i);
            String name = dir.getString("GroupName");
            StorageGroup storageGroup = storageGroups.get(name);
            if (storageGroup == null) {
                storageGroup = new StorageGroup(name);
                storageGroups.put(name, storageGroup);
            }//  w ww .ja  v a 2  s.  co m

            String dirPath = dir.getString("DirName");
            if (dirPath.endsWith("/"))
                dirPath = dirPath.substring(0, dirPath.length() - 1);
            if (dir.has("HostName"))

    return storageGroups;

From source file:com.oakesville.mythling.util.MythTvParser.java

public Map<String, ChannelGroup> parseChannelGroups() throws JSONException {
    Map<String, ChannelGroup> channelGroups = new HashMap<String, ChannelGroup>();

    JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json);
    if (jsonObj.has("ChannelGroupList")) { // will not for 0.27
        JSONObject groupList = jsonObj.getJSONObject("ChannelGroupList");
        if (groupList.has("ChannelGroups")) {
            JSONArray groups = groupList.getJSONArray("ChannelGroups");
            for (int i = 0; i < groups.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject group = (JSONObject) groups.get(i);
                String name = group.getString("Name");
                String id = group.getString("GroupId");
                ChannelGroup channelGroup = new ChannelGroup(id, name);
                channelGroups.put(name, channelGroup);
            }//from   ww  w  .  ja  v  a2s .c om

    return channelGroups;

From source file:edu.umass.cs.gigapaxos.paxospackets.RequestPacket.java

public RequestPacket(JSONObject json) throws JSONException {
    super(json);/*from  w w w .ja  v a  2s .  c  om*/
    this.packetType = PaxosPacketType.REQUEST;
    this.stop = json.optBoolean(Keys.STOP.toString());
    this.requestID = json.getLong(Keys.QID.toString());
    this.requestValue = json.getString(Keys.QV.toString());

    this.responseValue = json.has(Keys.RV.toString()) ? json.getString(Keys.RV.toString()) : null;
    this.entryTime = json.getLong(Keys.ET.toString());
    this.forwardCount = (json.has(Keys.NFWDS.toString()) ? json.getInt(Keys.NFWDS.toString()) : 0);
    this.forwarderID = (json.has(RequestPacket.Keys.FWDR.toString())
            ? json.getInt(RequestPacket.Keys.FWDR.toString())
            : IntegerMap.NULL_INT_NODE);
    this.debugInfo = (json.has(Keys.DBG.toString()) ? json.getString(Keys.DBG.toString()) : "");

    this.clientAddress = (json.has(Keys.CA.toString())
            ? Util.getInetSocketAddressFromString(json.getString(Keys.CA.toString()))
            : JSONNIOTransport.getSenderAddress(json));
    this.listenAddress = (json.has(Keys.LA.toString())
            ? Util.getInetSocketAddressFromString(json.getString(Keys.LA.toString()))
            : JSONNIOTransport.getReceiverAddress(json));

    this.entryReplica = json.getInt(PaxosPacket.NodeIDKeys.E.toString());
    this.shouldReturnRequestValue = json.optBoolean(Keys.QF.toString());

    // unwrap latched along batch
    JSONArray batchedJSON = json.has(Keys.BATCH.toString()) ? json.getJSONArray(Keys.BATCH.toString()) : null;
    if (batchedJSON != null && batchedJSON.length() > 0) {
        this.batched = new RequestPacket[batchedJSON.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < batchedJSON.length(); i++) {
            this.batched[i] = new RequestPacket((JSONObject) batchedJSON.get(i)
            // new JSONObject(batchedJSON.getString(i))

    // we remembered the original string for recalling here
    this.stringifiedSelf = json.has(Keys.STRINGIFIED.toString())
            ? (String) json.get(Keys.STRINGIFIED.toString())
            : null;

    if (json.has(Keys.BC.toString()))
        this.broadcasted = json.getBoolean(Keys.BC.toString());
    if (json.has(Keys.DIG.toString()))
        try {
            this.digest = json.getString(Keys.DIG.toString()).getBytes(CHARSET);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

From source file:com.sgu.findyourfriend.utils.MessageParser.java

public static ArrayList<Message> parse(JSONArray jSs) {
    int countryCount = jSs.length();
    ArrayList<Message> msglist = new ArrayList<Message>();
    Message s = null;//from   w w w. ja v  a  2s  .c  o  m

    // Taking each country, parses and adds to list object
    for (int i = 0; i < countryCount; i++) {
        try {
            // Call getCountry with country JSON object to parse the country
            s = getMsg((JSONObject) jSs.get(i));

        } catch (JSONException e) {

    return msglist;

From source file:org.apache.oltu.oauth2.ext.dynamicreg.server.request.JSONHttpServletRequestWrapper.java

public Map<String, String[]> getParameterMap() {
    if (!bodyRead) {
        String body = readJsonBody();

        final JSONTokener x = new JSONTokener(body);
        char c;/*from www.  j av  a  2  s.  c  om*/
        String key;

        if (x.nextClean() != '{') {
            throw new OAuthRuntimeException(format(
                    "String '%s' is not a valid JSON object representation, a JSON object text must begin with '{'",
        for (;;) {
            c = x.nextClean();
            switch (c) {
            case 0:
                throw new OAuthRuntimeException(format(
                        "String '%s' is not a valid JSON object representation, a JSON object text must end with '}'",
            case '}':
                return Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
                key = x.nextValue().toString();

             * The key is followed by ':'. We will also tolerate '=' or '=>'.
            c = x.nextClean();
            if (c == '=') {
                if (x.next() != '>') {
            } else if (c != ':') {
                throw new OAuthRuntimeException(format(
                        "String '%s' is not a valid JSON object representation, expected a ':' after the key '%s'",
                        body, key));
            Object value = x.nextValue();

            // guard from null values
            if (value != null) {
                if (value instanceof JSONArray) { // only plain simple arrays in this version
                    JSONArray array = (JSONArray) value;
                    String[] values = new String[array.length()];
                    for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) {
                        values[i] = String.valueOf(array.get(i));
                    parameters.put(key, values);
                } else {
                    parameters.put(key, new String[] { String.valueOf(value) });

             * Pairs are separated by ','. We will also tolerate ';'.
            switch (x.nextClean()) {
            case ';':
            case ',':
                if (x.nextClean() == '}') {
                    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
            case '}':
                return Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);
                throw new OAuthRuntimeException(format(
                        "String '%s' is not a valid JSON object representation, Expected a ',' or '}", body));

    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters);

From source file:org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.description.query.QueryFactory.java

public static OMElement getJSONResultFromText(String jsonMapping) throws DataServiceFault {
    try {//ww w  .  j ava  2s.c o  m
        OMElement resultEl = createElement(DBSFields.RESULT);
        JSONObject resultObj = new JSONObject(jsonMapping);
        String[] topLevelNames = JSONObject.getNames(resultObj);
        if (topLevelNames == null || topLevelNames.length != 1) {
            throw new DataServiceFault("There must be exactly 1 top level object in the JSON mapping, "
                    + "found " + (topLevelNames != null ? topLevelNames.length : 0));
        String wrapperName = topLevelNames[0];
        String rowName = null;
        Object rootObj = resultObj.get(wrapperName);
        if (rootObj instanceof JSONArray) {
            throw new DataServiceFault("The top level object cannot be an array");
        } else if (rootObj instanceof JSONObject) {
            String[] secondLevelNames = JSONObject.getNames((JSONObject) rootObj);
            if (secondLevelNames.length == 1) {
                Object obj = ((JSONObject) rootObj).get(secondLevelNames[0]);
                if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
                    rowName = secondLevelNames[0];
                    JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj;
                    if (array.length() != 1) {
                        throw new DataServiceFault(
                                "The JSON array should be of size 1, found " + array.length());
                    obj = array.get(0);
                    if (!(obj instanceof JSONObject)) {
                        throw new DataServiceFault("The JSON array element must be a JSON Object");
                    addJSONMappingResultRecord((JSONObject) obj, resultEl);
                } else {
                    addJSONMappingResultRecord((JSONObject) rootObj, resultEl);
            } else {
                addJSONMappingResultRecord((JSONObject) rootObj, resultEl);
        } else {
            throw new DataServiceFault("The top level object cannot be a simple type");
        resultEl.addAttribute(DBSFields.ELEMENT, wrapperName, null);
        if (rowName != null) {
            resultEl.addAttribute(DBSFields.ROW_NAME, rowName, null);
        return resultEl;
    } catch (DataServiceFault e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DataServiceFault(e, "Error in parsing JSON result mapping: " + e.getMessage());

From source file:com.tunyk.jsonbatchtranslate.JsonBatchTranslateDefaultImpl.java

private JSONArray iterateJSONArray(JSONArray json, String namespace, List<String> namespacesToInclude)
        throws JSONException {
    JSONArray res = new JSONArray();
    if (namespace == null) {
        namespace = "";
    }//  ww  w  .  j  a v  a 2s  .  co m
    for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
        Object obj = json.get(i);
        String namespaceKey = namespace + "[]";

        if (obj instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject innerJson = iterateJSONObject((JSONObject) obj, namespaceKey, namespacesToInclude);
            res.put(i, innerJson);
        } else if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray innerJson = iterateJSONArray((JSONArray) obj, namespaceKey, namespacesToInclude);
            res.put(i, innerJson);
        } else if ((obj instanceof String) && isNamespaceIncluded(namespaceKey, namespacesToInclude)) {
            Long id = getUID();
            stringMap.put(id, obj.toString());
            res.put(i, id);
        } else {
            res.put(i, obj);

    return res;

From source file:com.tunyk.jsonbatchtranslate.JsonBatchTranslateDefaultImpl.java

private JSONArray reverseIterateJSONArray(JSONArray json) throws JSONException {
    JSONArray res = new JSONArray();

    for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
        Object obj = json.get(i);

        if (obj instanceof JSONObject) {
            JSONObject innerJson = reverseIterateJSONObject((JSONObject) obj);
            res.put(i, innerJson);//from  w  ww.  jav a2  s  . c  om
        } else if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
            JSONArray innerJson = reverseIterateJSONArray((JSONArray) obj);
            res.put(i, innerJson);
        } else if ((obj instanceof Long) && stringMap.containsKey(obj)) {
            res.put(i, stringMap.get(obj));
        } else {
            res.put(i, obj);

    return res;