List of usage examples for org.json JSONArray get
public Object get(int index) throws JSONException
From source
public static List<Object> toList(JSONArray array) throws JSONException { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { Object value = array.get(i); if (value instanceof JSONArray) { value = toList((JSONArray) value); } else if (value instanceof JSONObject) { value = toMap((JSONObject) value); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s . com*/ list.add(value); } return list; }
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private void processResult(String result) { JSONArray items = null; try {/*w ww. j a v a 2s . c om*/ JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result); items = jsonObject.getJSONArray("items"); } catch (JSONException e) { noResults.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); return; } try { // iterate over items aka books Log.d("R2R", "Items: " + items.length()); for (int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++) { Log.d("R2R", "\nBook " + (i + 1)); JSONObject item = (JSONObject) items.get(i); JSONObject info = item.getJSONObject("volumeInfo"); Book book = new Book(); // add authors String authors = ""; if (info.has("authors")) { JSONArray jAuthors = info.getJSONArray("authors"); for (int j = 0; j < jAuthors.length() - 1; j++) { authors += jAuthors.getString(j) + ", "; } authors += jAuthors.getString(jAuthors.length() - 1); } else { authors = "n/a"; } book.setAuthors(authors); Log.d("R2R", "authors " + book.getAuthors()); // add title if (info.has("title")) { book.setTitle(info.getString("title")); Log.d("R2R", "title " + book.getTitle()); } // add pageCount if (info.has("pageCount")) { book.setPageCount(info.getInt("pageCount")); Log.d("R2R", "pageCount " + book.getPageCount()); } // add publisher if (info.has("publisher")) { book.setPublisher(info.getString("publisher")); Log.d("R2R", "publisher " + book.getPublisher()); } // add description if (info.has("description")) { book.setDescription(info.getString("description")); Log.d("R2R", "description " + book.getDescription()); } // add isbn if (info.has("industryIdentifiers")) { JSONArray ids = info.getJSONArray("industryIdentifiers"); for (int k = 0; k < ids.length(); k++) { JSONObject id = ids.getJSONObject(k); if (id.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("ISBN_13")) { book.setIsbn(id.getString("identifier")); break; } if (id.getString("type").equalsIgnoreCase("ISBN_10")) { book.setIsbn(id.getString("identifier")); } } Log.d("R2R", "isbn " + book.getIsbn()); } // add published date if (info.has("publishedDate")) { book.setYear(info.getString("publishedDate").substring(0, 4)); Log.d("R2R", "publishedDate " + book.getYear()); } // add cover thumbnail book.setThumbnailBitmap(defaultThumbnail); if (info.has("imageLinks")) { // get cover url from google JSONObject imageLinks = info.getJSONObject("imageLinks"); if (imageLinks.has("thumbnail")) { book.setThumbnailUrl(imageLinks.getString("thumbnail")); } } else if (book.getIsbn() != null) { // get cover url from amazon String amazonCoverUrl = "" + isbn13to10(book.getIsbn()) + ".01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg"; book.setThumbnailUrl(amazonCoverUrl); } // download cover thumbnail if (book.getThumbnailUrl() != null && !book.getThumbnailUrl().isEmpty()) { new DownloadThumbNail(book).executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, book.getThumbnailUrl()); Log.d("R2R", "thumbnail " + book.getThumbnailUrl()); } // add google book id if (item.has("id")) { book.setGoogleId(item.getString("id")); } bookList.add(book); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("R2R", "Exception: " + e.toString()); // FIXME: catch exception } }
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/** * Parsing json reponse and passing the data to feed view list adapter * *///from ww w . j a va2s. c o m private void parseJsonFeed(JSONObject response) { try { JSONArray feedArray = response.getJSONArray("feed"); for (int i = 0; i < feedArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject feedObj = (JSONObject) feedArray.get(i); FeedItem item = new FeedItem(); item.setId(feedObj.getInt("id")); item.setName(feedObj.getString("name")); // Image might be null sometimes String image = feedObj.isNull("image") ? null : feedObj.getString("image"); item.setImge(image); item.setStatus(feedObj.getString("status")); item.setProfilePic(feedObj.getString("profilePic")); item.setTimeStamp(feedObj.getString("timeStamp")); // url might be null sometimes String feedUrl = feedObj.isNull("url") ? null : feedObj.getString("url"); item.setUrl(feedUrl); mFeedItems.add(item); } // notify data changes to list adapater mFeedListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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private void deserializeKey(String key, Bundle bundle) throws JSONException { String jsonString = cache.getString(key, "{}"); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonString); String valueType = json.getString(JSON_VALUE_TYPE); if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { bundle.putBoolean(key, json.getBoolean(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BOOLEAN_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); boolean[] array = new boolean[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getBoolean(i); }/*from w w w. j a v a2s . co m*/ bundle.putBooleanArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BYTE)) { bundle.putByte(key, (byte) json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); byte[] array = new byte[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (byte) jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putByteArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_SHORT)) { bundle.putShort(key, (short) json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_SHORT_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); short[] array = new short[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (short) jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putShortArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_INTEGER)) { bundle.putInt(key, json.getInt(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); int[] array = new int[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getInt(i); } bundle.putIntArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_LONG)) { bundle.putLong(key, json.getLong(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_LONG_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); long[] array = new long[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getLong(i); } bundle.putLongArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_FLOAT)) { bundle.putFloat(key, (float) json.getDouble(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); float[] array = new float[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = (float) jsonArray.getDouble(i); } bundle.putFloatArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_DOUBLE)) { bundle.putDouble(key, json.getDouble(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_DOUBLE_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); double[] array = new double[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = jsonArray.getDouble(i); } bundle.putDoubleArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_CHAR)) { String charString = json.getString(JSON_VALUE); if (charString != null && charString.length() == 1) { bundle.putChar(key, charString.charAt(0)); } } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_CHAR_ARRAY)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); char[] array = new char[jsonArray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { String charString = jsonArray.getString(i); if (charString != null && charString.length() == 1) { array[i] = charString.charAt(0); } } bundle.putCharArray(key, array); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_STRING)) { bundle.putString(key, json.getString(JSON_VALUE)); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_STRING_LIST)) { JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE); int numStrings = jsonArray.length(); ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>(numStrings); for (int i = 0; i < numStrings; i++) { Object jsonStringValue = jsonArray.get(i); stringList.add(i, jsonStringValue == JSONObject.NULL ? null : (String) jsonStringValue); } bundle.putStringArrayList(key, stringList); } else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_ENUM)) { try { String enumType = json.getString(JSON_VALUE_ENUM_TYPE); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) Class<? extends Enum> enumClass = (Class<? extends Enum>) Class.forName(enumType); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enum<?> enumValue = Enum.valueOf(enumClass, json.getString(JSON_VALUE)); bundle.putSerializable(key, enumValue); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } }
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private Object[][] getLatestTorrentsWithDetails(int set, int limit) throws JSONException, IOException, MalformedURLException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Object[][] o = new Object[limit][2]; JSONReader jsonReader = new JSONReader(); JSONObject jSONObject = null;//from w ww . java2s . co m jSONObject = jsonReader.readJsonFromUrl( "" + Integer.toString(set) + "&limit=" + Integer.toString(limit)); if (jSONObject.has("status")) { if (jSONObject.get("status").equals("fail")) { o = null; } } else { JSONArray jSONArray = (JSONArray) jSONObject.get("MovieList"); for (int i = 0; i < jSONArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsono = (JSONObject) jSONArray.get(i); int torrentID = Integer.parseInt(jsono.get("MovieID").toString()); String imdbCode = jsono.get("ImdbCode").toString(); o[i][0] = getTorrentDetails(torrentID); o[i][1] = imdbCode; } } return o; }
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private Object[][] getVideosAndTorrentsFromLatestTorrentsWithDetails(int set, int limit) throws ParseException, IOException, JSONException, MalformedURLException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Object[][] o = new Object[limit][2]; Collection<Torrent> torrentCollection = null; JSONReader jsonReader = new JSONReader(); JSONObject jSONObject = null;/*from w ww . java 2 s. c o m*/ jSONObject = jsonReader.readJsonFromUrl( "" + Integer.toString(set) + "&limit=" + Integer.toString(limit)); JSONArray jSONArray = (JSONArray) jSONObject.get("MovieList"); for (int i = 0; i < jSONArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsono = (JSONObject) jSONArray.get(i); IMDBGraber imdbg = new IMDBGraber(); String imdbCode = jsono.get("ImdbCode").toString(); torrentCollection = getAllTorrentsFromVideo(imdbCode); Video video = imdbg.getVideo(imdbCode); o[i][0] = video; o[i][1] = torrentCollection; } return o; }
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private Collection<Torrent> getAllTorrentsFromVideo(String imdbCode) throws JSONException, IOException, MalformedURLException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { Collection<Torrent> torrentCollection = null; JSONReader jsonReader = new JSONReader(); JSONObject jSONObject = null;/*from ww w. ja v a 2s .c om*/ jSONObject = jsonReader.readJsonFromUrl("" + imdbCode); torrentCollection = new ArrayList<>(); JSONArray jSONArray = (JSONArray) jSONObject.get("MovieList"); for (int i = 0; i < jSONArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = (JSONObject) jSONArray.get(i); torrentCollection.add(getTorrentDetails(Integer.parseInt(json.get("MovieID").toString()))); } return torrentCollection; }
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public TokenResponse enroll(String jsonRequest, OxPush2Request oxPush2Request, Boolean isDeny) throws JSONException, IOException, U2FException { JSONObject request = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonRequest).nextValue(); if (request.has("registerRequests")) { JSONArray registerRequestArray = request.getJSONArray("registerRequests"); if (registerRequestArray.length() == 0) { throw new U2FException("Failed to get registration request!"); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om request = (JSONObject) registerRequestArray.get(0); } if (!request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION).equals(SUPPORTED_U2F_VERSION)) { throw new U2FException("Unsupported U2F_V2 version!"); } String version = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION); String appParam = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_APP_ID); String challenge = request.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE); String origin = oxPush2Request.getIssuer(); EnrollmentResponse enrollmentResponse = u2fKey .register(new EnrollmentRequest(version, appParam, challenge, oxPush2Request)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Enrollment response: " + enrollmentResponse); JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); if (isDeny) { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REGISTER_CANCEL_TYPE); } else { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REQUEST_TYPE_REGISTER); } clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE, challenge); clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_ORIGIN, origin); String clientDataString = clientData.toString(); byte[] resp = rawMessageCodec.encodeRegisterResponse(enrollmentResponse); String deviceType = getDeviceType(); String versionName = getVersionName(); DeviceData deviceData = new DeviceData(); deviceData.setUuid(DeviceUuidManager.getDeviceUuid(context).toString()); deviceData.setPushToken(PushNotificationManager.getRegistrationId(context)); deviceData.setType(deviceType); deviceData.setPlatform("android"); deviceData.setName(Build.MODEL); deviceData.setOsName(versionName); deviceData.setOsVersion(Build.VERSION.RELEASE); String deviceDataString = new Gson().toJson(deviceData); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("registrationData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(resp)); response.put("clientData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(clientDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); response.put("deviceData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(deviceDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); TokenResponse tokenResponse = new TokenResponse(); tokenResponse.setResponse(response.toString()); tokenResponse.setChallenge(new String(challenge)); tokenResponse.setKeyHandle(new String(enrollmentResponse.getKeyHandle())); return tokenResponse; }
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public TokenResponse sign(String jsonRequest, String origin, Boolean isDeny) throws JSONException, IOException, U2FException { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Starting to process sign request: " + jsonRequest); JSONObject request = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(jsonRequest).nextValue(); JSONArray authenticateRequestArray = null; if (request.has("authenticateRequests")) { authenticateRequestArray = request.getJSONArray("authenticateRequests"); if (authenticateRequestArray.length() == 0) { throw new U2FException("Failed to get authentication request!"); }//from w w w . j av a2s. c o m } else { authenticateRequestArray = new JSONArray(); authenticateRequestArray.put(request); } Log.i(TAG, "Found " + authenticateRequestArray.length() + " authentication requests"); AuthenticateResponse authenticateResponse = null; String authenticatedChallenge = null; JSONObject authRequest = null; for (int i = 0; i < authenticateRequestArray.length(); i++) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Process authentication request: " + authRequest); authRequest = (JSONObject) authenticateRequestArray.get(i); if (!authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION).equals(SUPPORTED_U2F_VERSION)) { throw new U2FException("Unsupported U2F_V2 version!"); } String version = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_VERSION); String appParam = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_APP_ID); String challenge = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE); byte[] keyHandle = Base64.decode(authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_KEY_HANDLE), Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP); authenticateResponse = u2fKey.authenticate(new AuthenticateRequest(version, AuthenticateRequest.USER_PRESENCE_SIGN, challenge, appParam, keyHandle)); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "Authentication response: " + authenticateResponse); if (authenticateResponse != null) { authenticatedChallenge = challenge; break; } } if (authenticateResponse == null) { return null; } JSONObject clientData = new JSONObject(); if (isDeny) { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, AUTHENTICATE_CANCEL_TYPE); } else { clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_REQUEST_TYPE, REQUEST_TYPE_AUTHENTICATE); } clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE, authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_CHALLENGE)); clientData.put(JSON_PROPERTY_SERVER_ORIGIN, origin); String keyHandle = authRequest.getString(JSON_PROPERTY_KEY_HANDLE); String clientDataString = clientData.toString(); byte[] resp = rawMessageCodec.encodeAuthenticateResponse(authenticateResponse); JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("signatureData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(resp)); response.put("clientData", Utils.base64UrlEncode(clientDataString.getBytes(Charset.forName("ASCII")))); response.put("keyHandle", keyHandle); TokenResponse tokenResponse = new TokenResponse(); tokenResponse.setResponse(response.toString()); tokenResponse.setChallenge(authenticatedChallenge); tokenResponse.setKeyHandle(keyHandle); return tokenResponse; }
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@Override void retrieveSupplementalInfo() throws IOException { CharSequence contents = HttpHelper.downloadViaHttp( "" + isbn, HttpHelper.ContentType.JSON); if (contents.length() == 0) { return;//w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m } String title; String pages; Collection<String> authors = null; try { JSONObject topLevel = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(contents.toString()).nextValue(); JSONArray items = topLevel.optJSONArray("items"); if (items == null || items.isNull(0)) { return; } JSONObject volumeInfo = ((JSONObject) items.get(0)).getJSONObject("volumeInfo"); if (volumeInfo == null) { return; } title = volumeInfo.optString("title"); pages = volumeInfo.optString("pageCount"); JSONArray authorsArray = volumeInfo.optJSONArray("authors"); if (authorsArray != null && !authorsArray.isNull(0)) { authors = new ArrayList<String>(authorsArray.length()); for (int i = 0; i < authorsArray.length(); i++) { authors.add(authorsArray.getString(i)); } } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e.toString()); } Collection<String> newTexts = new ArrayList<String>(); if (title != null && title.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(title); } if (authors != null && !authors.isEmpty()) { boolean first = true; StringBuilder authorsText = new StringBuilder(); for (String author : authors) { if (first) { first = false; } else { authorsText.append(", "); } authorsText.append(author); } newTexts.add(authorsText.toString()); } if (pages != null && pages.length() > 0) { newTexts.add(pages + "pp."); } String baseBookUri = "" + LocaleManager.getBookSearchCountryTLD(context) + "/search?tbm=bks&source=zxing&q="; append(isbn, source, newTexts.toArray(new String[newTexts.size()]), baseBookUri + isbn); }