List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultIfEmpty
public static String defaultIfEmpty(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
public String getLogin() { if (login == null) { login = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(LoginConfig.getInstance().getCustomLoginUrl(context.getRequest()), Login.getServletPath()); }/*from w w w .ja v a 2s .co m*/ return login; }
From source
/** * checks if a vanity exists and put the result as an attribute of the request * this is used in urlRewriting rules/* ww w .j a va 2s. c o m*/ * @param hsRequest * the request used during urlRewriting operations * @param outboundUrl * the url received to be checked */ public void checkVanityUrl(HttpServletRequest hsRequest, String outboundContext, String outboundUrl) { hsRequest.removeAttribute(VANITY_KEY); URLResolverFactory urlResolverFactory = (URLResolverFactory) SpringContextSingleton .getBean("urlResolverFactory"); VanityUrlService vanityUrlService = (VanityUrlService) SpringContextSingleton .getBean(""); String ctx = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(hsRequest.getContextPath(), ""); String fullUrl = ctx + Render.getRenderServletPath() + outboundUrl; hsRequest.setAttribute(VANITY_KEY, fullUrl); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(outboundUrl) && !Url.isLocalhost(hsRequest.getServerName())) { String serverName = null; String siteKey = null; String contextToCheck = outboundContext; int schemaDelimiterIndex = outboundContext.indexOf("://"); if (schemaDelimiterIndex != -1) { try { URI uri = new URI(outboundContext); siteKey = lookupSiteKeyByServerName(uri.getHost()); if (siteKey != null) { contextToCheck = uri.getPath(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append(uri.getScheme()).append("://") .append(uri.getHost()); if (uri.getPort() != -1) { sb.append(':').append(uri.getPort()); } serverName = sb.toString(); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // simply continue as siteKey will be determined later } } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty( (String) hsRequest.getAttribute(ServerNameToSiteMapper.ATTR_NAME_SERVERNAME_FOR_LINK))) { String host = (String) hsRequest.getAttribute(ServerNameToSiteMapper.ATTR_NAME_SERVERNAME_FOR_LINK); host = StringUtils.substringBefore(StringUtils.substringAfter(host, "://"), ":"); siteKey = lookupSiteKeyByServerName(host); } if (StringUtils.equals(ctx, contextToCheck)) { String url = "/render" + outboundUrl; try { url = URLDecoder.decode(url, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // shouldn't happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } URLResolver urlResolver = urlResolverFactory.createURLResolver(url, hsRequest.getServerName(), hsRequest); try { JCRNodeWrapper node = urlResolver.getNode(); if (urlResolver.isMapped()) { RenderContext context = (RenderContext) hsRequest.getAttribute("renderContext"); if (siteKey == null) { siteKey = context != null ? context.getSite().getSiteKey() : node.getResolveSite().getSiteKey(); } VanityUrl vanityUrl = vanityUrlService.getVanityUrlForWorkspaceAndLocale(node, urlResolver.getWorkspace(), urlResolver.getLocale(), siteKey); if (vanityUrl != null && vanityUrl.isActive()) { //for macros some parameters added (like ##requestParameters## for languageswitcher) String macroExtension = ""; if (fullUrl.matches("(.?)*##[a-zA-Z]*##$")) { macroExtension = "##" + StringUtils.substringBetween(fullUrl, "##") + "##"; } hsRequest.setAttribute(VANITY_KEY, ctx + Render.getRenderServletPath() + "/" + urlResolver.getWorkspace() + vanityUrl.getUrl() + macroExtension); if (serverName != null) { hsRequest.setAttribute(ServerNameToSiteMapper.ATTR_NAME_SERVERNAME_FOR_LINK, serverName); } } } } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.debug("Error when trying to obtain vanity url", e); if (serverName != null) { hsRequest.setAttribute(ServerNameToSiteMapper.ATTR_NAME_SERVERNAME_FOR_LINK, serverName); } } } } }
From source
private ModuleInfo getModuleInfo(final File sources, final String scmURI, final String moduleId, final String version, final String branchOrTag) throws IOException, DocumentException, XmlPullParserException { ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo(); = moduleId;//from www . j a v a2 s.c o m info.path = sources; info.version = version; Model pom = null; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(moduleId)) { // Find the root folder of the module inside the repository, if in a subfolder Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(sources, POM_XML_FILE_FILTER, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE); for (File file : files) { Model modulePom =; if (moduleId.equals(modulePom.getArtifactId())) { // we've found our candidate pom = modulePom; info.path = file.getParentFile(); break; } } } else { pom = File(sources, "pom.xml")); } if (pom != null) { = pom.getArtifactId(); info.groupId = pom.getGroupId(); info.version = pom.getVersion(); Parent parent = pom.getParent(); if (parent != null) { String v = parent.getVersion(); if (info.version == null) { info.version = v; } if (info.groupId == null) { info.groupId = parent.getGroupId(); } } } else { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(sources); String msg = Messages.getInternalWithArguments("source.not.found.with.uri", LocaleContextHolder.getLocale(), moduleId, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(version, ""), scmURI, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(branchOrTag, "")); logger.error(msg); throw new IOException(msg); } return info; }
From source
/** * Returns the template package that corresponds to the provided OSGi bundle or <code>null</code> if the package is not registered. * * @param osgiBundle the corresponding OSGi bundle * @return the template package that corresponds to the provided OSGi bundle or <code>null</code> if the package is not registered *///from w ww. jav a 2s .c o m public JahiaTemplatesPackage lookupByBundle(Bundle osgiBundle) { if (packagesByName == null) { return null; } if (osgiBundle == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("OSGi bundle is null"); } String moduleId = osgiBundle.getSymbolicName(); String version = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty((String) osgiBundle.getHeaders().get("Implementation-Version"), osgiBundle.getVersion().toString()); return lookupByIdAndVersion(moduleId, new ModuleVersion(version)); }
From source
/** * Sets the variable sessionSIPPhone. If setting to "" it will change it to null so that the validation * will only provide one error message/*from w ww.j a va2s . co m*/ * @param sessionSIPPhone */ public void setSessionSIPPhone(String sessionSIPPhone) { this.sessionSIPPhone = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sessionSIPPhone, null); }
From source
/** * Creates authenticaton=>jaspi node and its child nodes. * * @param securityConfigurations/* ww w.j a v a2s. c om*/ * @return */ private List<ModelNode> createJaspiAuthnNodes(JaspiAuthn securityConfigurations, String domainName) { if (securityConfigurations == null) { LOGGER.trace("No security configuration for JASPI module."); return null; } if (securityConfigurations.getAuthnModules() == null || securityConfigurations.getAuthnModules().length == 0 || securityConfigurations.getLoginModuleStacks() == null || securityConfigurations.getLoginModuleStacks().length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing mandatory part of JASPI configuration in the security domain."); } final List<ModelNode> steps = new ArrayList<ModelNode>(); PathAddress domainAddress = PathAddress.pathAddress().append(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_SECURITY) .append(SECURITY_DOMAIN, domainName); PathAddress jaspiAddress = domainAddress.append(,; steps.add(Util.createAddOperation(jaspiAddress)); for (final AuthnModule config : securityConfigurations.getAuthnModules()) { LOGGER.trace("Adding auth-module: " + config); final ModelNode securityModuleNode = Util .createAddOperation(jaspiAddress.append(AUTH_MODULE, config.getName())); steps.add(securityModuleNode); securityModuleNode.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.CODE).set(config.getName()); if (config.getFlag() != null) { securityModuleNode.get(FLAG).set(config.getFlag()); } if (config.getModule() != null) { securityModuleNode.get( .set(config.getModule()); } if (config.getLoginModuleStackRef() != null) { securityModuleNode .get( .set(config.getLoginModuleStackRef()); } Map<String, String> configOptions = config.getOptions(); if (configOptions == null) { LOGGER.trace("No module options provided."); configOptions = Collections.emptyMap(); } final ModelNode moduleOptionsNode = securityModuleNode.get(MODULE_OPTIONS); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : configOptions.entrySet()) { final String optionName = entry.getKey(); final String optionValue = entry.getValue(); moduleOptionsNode.add(optionName, optionValue); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Adding module option [" + optionName + "=" + optionValue + "]"); } } } //Unable to use securityComponentNode.get(OPERATION_HEADERS).get(ALLOW_RESOURCE_SERVICE_RESTART).set(true) because the login-module-stack is empty for (final LoginModuleStack lmStack : securityConfigurations.getLoginModuleStacks()) { PathAddress lmStackAddress = jaspiAddress.append(, lmStack.getName()); steps.add(Util.createAddOperation(lmStackAddress)); for (final SecurityModule config : lmStack.getLoginModules()) { final String code = config.getName(); final ModelNode securityModuleNode = Util .createAddOperation(lmStackAddress.append(LOGIN_MODULE, code)); final String flag = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(config.getFlag(),; securityModuleNode.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.CODE).set(code); securityModuleNode.get(FLAG).set(flag); if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Adding JASPI login module stack [code=" + code + ", flag=" + flag + "]"); } Map<String, String> configOptions = config.getOptions(); if (configOptions == null) { LOGGER.trace("No module options provided."); configOptions = Collections.emptyMap(); } final ModelNode moduleOptionsNode = securityModuleNode.get(MODULE_OPTIONS); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : configOptions.entrySet()) { final String optionName = entry.getKey(); final String optionValue = entry.getValue(); moduleOptionsNode.add(optionName, optionValue); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Adding module option [" + optionName + "=" + optionValue + "]"); } } securityModuleNode.get(OPERATION_HEADERS).get(ALLOW_RESOURCE_SERVICE_RESTART).set(true); steps.add(securityModuleNode); } } return steps; }
From source
/** * Creates a {@link ModelNode} with the security component configuration. If the securityConfigurations array is empty or * null, then null is returned.//w w w . j a va 2 s. c o m * * @param securityComponent name of security component (e.g. {@link}) * @param subnodeName name of the security component subnode, which holds module configurations (e.g. * {@link}) * @param flagAttributeName name of attribute to which the value of {@link SecurityModule#getFlag()} is set * @param flagDefaultValue default value for flagAttributeName attr. * @param securityModules configurations * @return ModelNode instance or null */ private boolean createSecurityModelNode(String securityComponent, String subnodeName, String flagAttributeName, String flagDefaultValue, final SecurityModule[] securityModules, String domainName, ModelNode operations) { if (securityModules == null || securityModules.length == 0) { if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("No security configuration for " + securityComponent + " module."); } return false; } PathAddress address = PathAddress.pathAddress().append(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_SECURITY) .append(SECURITY_DOMAIN, domainName).append(securityComponent, CLASSIC); operations.add(Util.createAddOperation(address)); for (final SecurityModule config : securityModules) { final String code = config.getName(); final ModelNode securityModuleNode = Util.createAddOperation(address.append(subnodeName, code)); final String flag = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(config.getFlag(), flagDefaultValue); securityModuleNode.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.CODE).set(code); securityModuleNode.get(flagAttributeName).set(flag); Map<String, String> configOptions = config.getOptions(); if (configOptions == null) { LOGGER.trace("No module options provided."); configOptions = Collections.emptyMap(); } if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("Adding " + securityComponent + " module [code=" + code + ", " + flagAttributeName + "=" + flag + ", options = " + configOptions + "]"); } final ModelNode moduleOptionsNode = securityModuleNode.get(MODULE_OPTIONS); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : configOptions.entrySet()) { final String optionName = entry.getKey(); final String optionValue = entry.getValue(); moduleOptionsNode.add(optionName, optionValue); } securityModuleNode.get(OPERATION_HEADERS).get(ALLOW_RESOURCE_SERVICE_RESTART).set(true); operations.add(securityModuleNode); } return true; }
From source
protected void renderDirectory(FileObject currentDir) throws FileSystemException { String dirName = currentDir.getName().getBaseName(); setAttribute("dirName", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(dirName, "/")); setAttribute("path", currentDir.getName().getPath()); FileObject[] children = currentDir.getChildren(); List childDirectories = new ArrayList(); boolean hasChildDirectories = false; if (children != null) for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { FileObject child = children[i]; if (child.getType().equals(FileType.FOLDER) && !child.isHidden() && child.isReadable()) { hasChildDirectories = true; childDirectories.add(child); }// ww w . j a v a2 s. c o m } setAttribute("hasChildrenDirectories", hasChildDirectories); String directoryPath = currentDir.getName().getPath(); boolean isOpen = getFileNavigationHandler().getOpenPaths().contains(directoryPath); setAttribute("isOpen", isOpen); setAttribute("isCurrent", getFileNavigationHandler().getCurrentPath().equals(directoryPath)); renderFragment("outputDirectory"); if (childDirectories.size() > 0) { sortDirectories(childDirectories); if (isOpen) { renderFragment("beforeChildren"); for (int i = 0; i < childDirectories.size(); i++) { FileObject child = (FileObject) childDirectories.get(i); renderDirectory(child); } renderFragment("afterChildren"); } } }
From source
private Map<String, String> getModifiedEnvVars(Collection<EnvironmentVariable> envVars, Map<String, String> dockerEnvVars) { Map<String, String> envs = new HashMap<>(); for (EnvironmentVariable var : parameters.getEnvironmentVariables()) { //will return null if new if (!StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(dockerEnvVars.get(var.getKey()), "").equals(var.getValue())) { envs.put(var.getKey(), var.getValue()); }/*from w w w .j a va 2 s .c o m*/ } return envs; }
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@Override public BuildResult perform(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final PluginLogger logger) throws InterruptedException, IOException { logger.log("Collecting Dependency-Check analysis files..."); FilesParser dcCollector = new FilesParser(DependencyCheckPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(getPattern(), DEFAULT_PATTERN), new ReportParser(getDefaultEncoding()), shouldDetectModules(), isMavenBuild(build)); ParserResult project = build.getWorkspace().act(dcCollector); logger.logLines(project.getLogMessages()); DependencyCheckResult result = new DependencyCheckResult(build, getDefaultEncoding(), project, useOnlyStableBuildsAsReference()); build.getActions().add(new DependencyCheckResultAction(build, this, result)); return result; }