List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultIfEmpty
public static String defaultIfEmpty(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
public AbstractAuthorizable(Map<String, Object> config) throws EnsureAuthorizableException { String tmp = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(EnsureServiceUser.PROP_PRINCIPAL_NAME), null); if (StringUtils.contains(tmp, "/")) { tmp = StringUtils.removeStart(tmp, getDefaultPath()); tmp = StringUtils.removeStart(tmp, "/"); this.principalName = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(tmp, "/"); this.intermediatePath = PathUtil.makePath(getDefaultPath(), StringUtils.removeEnd(tmp, this.principalName)); } else {/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ this.principalName = tmp; this.intermediatePath = getDefaultPath(); } // Check the principal name for validity if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.principalName)) { throw new EnsureAuthorizableException("No Principal Name provided to Ensure Service User"); } else if (ProtectedAuthorizables.isProtected(this.principalName)) { throw new EnsureAuthorizableException(String.format( "[ %s ] is an System User provided by AEM or ACS AEM Commons. You cannot ensure this user.", this.principalName)); } final String[] acesProperty = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(config.get(EnsureServiceUser.PROP_ACES), new String[0]); for (String entry : acesProperty) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entry)) { try { aces.add(new Ace(entry)); } catch (EnsureAuthorizableException e) { log.warn("Malformed ACE config [ " + entry + " ] for Service User [ " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(this.principalName, "NOT PROVIDED") + " ]", e); } } } }
From source
private String get(String headerName) { String result = null;/*from w ww . jav a2 s .c o m*/ try { String[] s = Args.notNull(headers.getHeader(headerName), headerName); result = s[0]; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(result, ""); }
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public void setFalseString(String falseString) { database.setFalseString(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(falseString, null)); }
From source
/** * Process status.// w ww .j a v a 2 s .co m * * @return the status * @throws EventDeliveryException * the event delivery exception */ @Override public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException { Status status = null; // Start transaction Channel ch = getChannel(); Transaction txn = ch.getTransaction(); txn.begin(); try { // This try clause includes whatever Channel operations you want to do Event event = ch.take(); String partitionKey = (String) parameters.get(KafkaFlumeConstans.PARTITION_KEY_NAME); String encoding = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( (String) this.parameters.get(KafkaFlumeConstans.ENCODING_KEY_NAME), KafkaFlumeConstans.DEFAULT_ENCODING); String topic = Preconditions.checkNotNull( (String) this.parameters.get(KafkaFlumeConstans.CUSTOME_TOPIC_KEY_NAME), " is required"); String eventData = new String(event.getBody(), encoding); KeyedMessage<String, String> data; // if partition key does'nt exist if (StringUtils.isEmpty(partitionKey)) { data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>(topic, eventData); } else { data = new KeyedMessage<String, String>(topic, partitionKey, eventData); } if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) { "Send Message to Kafka : [" + eventData + "] -- [" + EventHelper.dumpEvent(event) + "]"); } producer.send(data); txn.commit(); status = Status.READY; } catch (Throwable t) { txn.rollback(); status = Status.BACKOFF; // re-throw all Errors if (t instanceof Error) { throw (Error) t; } } finally { txn.close(); } return status; }
From source
@Override public String toString() { return MessageFormat.format( "\n\tparticipantId: {0};" + "\n\tinbox folder: {1};" + "\n\toutbox folder: {2};" + "\n\treceipt folder: {3};" + "\n\tsent folder: {4};", StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(participantId, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(inputDir, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(outputDir, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(receiptDir, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sentDir, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED)); }
From source
private ClientIdentifier(final Client client, final CodeValue documentType, final String documentKey, final String statusName, String description) { this.client = client; this.documentType = documentType; this.documentKey = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(documentKey, null); this.description = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(description, null); ClientIdentifierStatus statusEnum = ClientIdentifierStatus.valueOf(statusName.toUpperCase()); = null; if (statusEnum.isActive()) { = statusEnum.getValue(); }//w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m this.status = statusEnum.getValue(); }
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/** * FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY//from w w w.ja v a 2s . c o m * * @param parameter * @return */ public static String getOrderByClause(Object parameter) { if (parameter == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); if (parameter instanceof BaseDTO) { String sortName = ((BaseDTO) parameter).getSortname(); Field[] ids = DTOClassInfo.getIdFields(parameter.getClass()); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(sortName)) { if (!COL_PATTERN.matcher(sortName).matches()) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid sortname:" + sortName); } String order = ((BaseDTO) parameter).getSortorder(); if (!("ASC".equalsIgnoreCase(order) || "DESC".equalsIgnoreCase(order) || order == null)) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid sortorder:" + order); } String columnName = unCamel(sortName); sb.append(columnName).append(" "); sb.append(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(order, "ASC")); if (ids.length > 0 && !ids[0].getName().equals(sortName)) { sb.append(",").append(DTOClassInfo.getColumnName(ids[0])).append(" ASC"); } } else { if (ids.length > 0) { sb.append(DTOClassInfo.getColumnName(ids[0])).append(" ASC"); } } } return StringUtils.trimToNull(sb.toString()); }
From source
static GitReadSaveRequest makeSaveRequest(Item item, String branch, String commitMessage, String sourceBranch, String filePath, byte[] contents) { String defaultBranch = "master"; GitSCMSource gitSource = null;//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. com if (item instanceof MultiBranchProject<?, ?>) { MultiBranchProject<?, ?> mbp = (MultiBranchProject<?, ?>) item; for (SCMSource s : mbp.getSCMSources()) { if (s instanceof GitSCMSource) { gitSource = (GitSCMSource) s; } } } switch (TYPE) { case CLONE: return new GitCloneReadSaveRequest(gitSource, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(branch, defaultBranch), commitMessage, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sourceBranch, defaultBranch), filePath, contents); case CACHE_CLONE: return new GitCacheCloneReadSaveRequest(gitSource, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(branch, defaultBranch), commitMessage, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sourceBranch, defaultBranch), filePath, contents); default: return new GitBareRepoReadSaveRequest(gitSource, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(branch, defaultBranch), commitMessage, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sourceBranch, defaultBranch), filePath, contents); } }
From source
/** * Evaluate the string attribute of a component. * * @param component a JSF component/* w ww . ja v a2s . c o m*/ * @param attributeName the attribute name to be evaluated, e.g. "title" * @param defaultValue the default value to be used if no value is bound * @return the bound value, or null if no value is bound */ public static String getStringValue(UIComponent component, String attributeName, String defaultValue) { return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty((String) getValue(component, attributeName), defaultValue); }
From source
private Teller(final Office staffOffice, final String name, final String description, final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate, final TellerStatus status) { = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(name, null); this.description = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(description, null); if (startDate != null) { this.startDate = startDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toDate(); }/* www . j a v a 2 s .c om*/ if (endDate != null) { this.endDate = endDate.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay().toDate(); } if (status != null) { this.status = status.getValue(); } = staffOffice; /* if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { = name.trim(); } else { = null; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(description)) { this.description = description.trim(); } else { this.description = null; } */ }