Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of Dependency-Check Jenkins plugin.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.jenkinsci.plugins.DependencyCheck;

import hudson.Launcher;
import hudson.matrix.MatrixAggregator;
import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
import hudson.model.Action;
import hudson.model.BuildListener;
import hudson.plugins.analysis.core.BuildResult;
import hudson.plugins.analysis.core.FilesParser;
import hudson.plugins.analysis.core.HealthAwarePublisher;
import hudson.plugins.analysis.core.ParserResult;
import hudson.plugins.analysis.util.PluginLogger;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.DependencyCheck.parser.ReportParser;
import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;


 * Publishes the results of the Dependency-Check analysis  (freestyle project type).
 * @author Steve Springett (, based on PmdCheckPublisher by Ulli Hafner
public class DependencyCheckPublisher extends HealthAwarePublisher {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7990130928383567597L;

    // Default Dependency-Check report filename pattern.
    private static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN = "**/dependency-check-report.xml";

    // Ant file-set pattern of files to work with.
    private final String pattern;

     * Creates a new instance of <code>DependencyCheckPublisher</code>.
     * @param healthy                   Report health as 100% when the number of warnings is less than
     *                                  this value
     * @param unHealthy                 Report health as 0% when the number of warnings is greater
     *                                  than this value
     * @param thresholdLimit            determines which warning priorities should be considered when
     *                                  evaluating the build stability and health
     * @param defaultEncoding           the default encoding to be used when reading and parsing files
     * @param useDeltaValues            determines whether the absolute annotations delta or the
     *                                  actual annotations set difference should be used to evaluate
     *                                  the build stability
     * @param unstableTotalAll          annotation threshold
     * @param unstableTotalHigh         annotation threshold
     * @param unstableTotalNormal       annotation threshold
     * @param unstableTotalLow          annotation threshold
     * @param unstableNewAll            annotation threshold
     * @param unstableNewHigh           annotation threshold
     * @param unstableNewNormal         annotation threshold
     * @param unstableNewLow            annotation threshold
     * @param failedTotalAll            annotation threshold
     * @param failedTotalHigh           annotation threshold
     * @param failedTotalNormal         annotation threshold
     * @param failedTotalLow            annotation threshold
     * @param failedNewAll              annotation threshold
     * @param failedNewHigh             annotation threshold
     * @param failedNewNormal           annotation threshold
     * @param failedNewLow              annotation threshold
     * @param canRunOnFailed            determines whether the plug-in can run for failed builds, too
     * @param useStableBuildAsReference determines whether only stable builds should be used as reference builds or not
     * @param canComputeNew             determines whether new warnings should be computed (with
     *                                  respect to baseline)
     * @param shouldDetectModules       determines whether module names should be derived from Maven POM or Ant build files
     * @param pattern                   Ant file-set pattern to scan for Dependency-Check report files
    public DependencyCheckPublisher(final String healthy, final String unHealthy, final String thresholdLimit,
            final String defaultEncoding, final boolean useDeltaValues, final String unstableTotalAll,
            final String unstableTotalHigh, final String unstableTotalNormal, final String unstableTotalLow,
            final String unstableNewAll, final String unstableNewHigh, final String unstableNewNormal,
            final String unstableNewLow, final String failedTotalAll, final String failedTotalHigh,
            final String failedTotalNormal, final String failedTotalLow, final String failedNewAll,
            final String failedNewHigh, final String failedNewNormal, final String failedNewLow,
            final boolean canRunOnFailed, final boolean useStableBuildAsReference,
            final boolean shouldDetectModules, final boolean canComputeNew, final String pattern) {
        super(healthy, unHealthy, thresholdLimit, defaultEncoding, useDeltaValues, unstableTotalAll,
                unstableTotalHigh, unstableTotalNormal, unstableTotalLow, unstableNewAll, unstableNewHigh,
                unstableNewNormal, unstableNewLow, failedTotalAll, failedTotalHigh, failedTotalNormal,
                failedTotalLow, failedNewAll, failedNewHigh, failedNewNormal, failedNewLow, canRunOnFailed,
                useStableBuildAsReference, shouldDetectModules, canComputeNew, false,
        this.pattern = pattern;

     * Returns the Ant file-set pattern of files to work with.
     * @return Ant file-set pattern of files to work with
    public String getPattern() {
        return pattern;

    public Action getProjectAction(final AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
        return new DependencyCheckProjectAction(project);

    public BuildResult perform(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final PluginLogger logger)
            throws InterruptedException, IOException {
        logger.log("Collecting Dependency-Check analysis files...");
        FilesParser dcCollector = new FilesParser(DependencyCheckPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME,
                StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(getPattern(), DEFAULT_PATTERN), new ReportParser(getDefaultEncoding()),
                shouldDetectModules(), isMavenBuild(build));
        ParserResult project = build.getWorkspace().act(dcCollector);

        DependencyCheckResult result = new DependencyCheckResult(build, getDefaultEncoding(), project,
        build.getActions().add(new DependencyCheckResultAction(build, this, result));

        return result;

    public DependencyCheckDescriptor getDescriptor() {
        return (DependencyCheckDescriptor) super.getDescriptor();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public MatrixAggregator createAggregator(final MatrixBuild build, final Launcher launcher,
            final BuildListener listener) {
        return new DependencyCheckAnnotationsAggregator(build, launcher, listener, this, getDefaultEncoding(),