List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultIfEmpty
public static String defaultIfEmpty(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
/** * I.e. given a resource path like <code>/mgnl-bootstrap/foo/config.server.i18n.xml</code> and <code>.xml</code> extension it will return <code>config.server.i18n</code> (no trailing dot). * If extension is <code>null</code>, it defaults to <code>.xml</code>. *///from w w w. j a v a 2 s . com public static String getFilenameFromResource(final String resourcePath, final String extension) { String ext = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(extension, ".xml"); String tmpResourcePath = resourcePath; if (resourcePath.contains("/")) { tmpResourcePath = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(resourcePath, "/"); } return StringUtils.removeEnd(tmpResourcePath, ext.startsWith(".") ? ext : "." + ext); }
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public void setNextServiceId(String s) { this.nextServiceId = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(s, ""); }
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public void copyTo(Column column) { column.setJavaType(getJavaType());// w w w. j a va 2s . c o m column.setPropertyName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(getPropertyName(), null)); //Annotations for (String annotationClass : KNOWN_ANNOTATIONS) { removeAnnotation(annotationClass, column.getAnnotations()); } if (fieldSize != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, FieldSize.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(fieldSize.toString()); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (maxLength != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, MaxLength.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(maxLength.toString()); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (typeOfContent != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, typeOfContent); ann.getValues().add("true"); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (stringFormat != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, stringFormat); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (highlightLinks) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, HighlightLinks.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add("true"); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(regexp)) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, RegExp.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(regexp); ann.getValues().add("elements.error.field.regexp.format"); //Default error message column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (fileBlob) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, FileBlob.class.getName()); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (minValue != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, MinDecimalValue.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(minValue.toString()); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (maxValue != null) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, MaxDecimalValue.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(maxValue.toString()); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(decimalFormat)) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, DecimalFormat.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(decimalFormat); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(dateFormat)) { Annotation ann = new Annotation(column, DateFormat.class.getName()); ann.getValues().add(dateFormat); column.getAnnotations().add(ann); } }
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protected ComponentConfiguration getConfigured(ComponentDefinition definition) { ConfiguredComponentConfiguration configuration = new ConfiguredComponentConfiguration(); configuration.setType(classForName(definition.getType())); configuration//from w w w .j a v a 2 s.c o m .setWorkspace(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(configuration.getWorkspace(), RepositoryConstants.CONFIG)); configuration.setPath(definition.getPath()); configuration.setObserved(false); configuration.setScope(definition.getScope()); configuration.setLazy(parseLazyFlag(definition)); return configuration; }
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/** * Creates a Map (name, value) of environment variables for a TestLink Test Case. * //from w ww. ja va2 s . com * @param testCase TestLink test Case. * @param testProject TestLink Test Project. * @param testPlan TestLink Test Plan. * @param build TestLink Build. * @return Map (name, value) of environment variables. */ public static Map<String, String> createTestLinkEnvironmentVariables(TestCaseWrapper testCase, TestProject testProject, TestPlan testPlan, Build build) { Map<String, String> testLinkEnvVar = new HashMap<String, String>(); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_ID_ENVVAR, "" + testCase.getId()); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_NAME_ENVVAR, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(testCase.getName(), "")); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_TESTSUITE_ID_ENVVAR, "" + testCase.getTestSuiteId()); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_TESTPROJECT_ID, "" + testCase.getTestProjectId()); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_AUTHOR_ENVVAR, "" + testCase.getAuthorLogin()); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_SUMMARY_ENVVAR, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(testCase.getSummary(), "")); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_BUILD_NAME_ENVVAR, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(build.getName(), "")); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTPLAN_NAME_ENVVAR, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(testPlan.getName(), "")); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTPROJECT_NAME_ENVVAR, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(testProject.getName(), "")); List<CustomField> customFields = testCase.getCustomFields(); for (CustomField customField : customFields) { addCustomFieldEnvironmentVariableName(customField, testLinkEnvVar); } List<TestCaseStep> steps = testCase.getSteps(); testLinkEnvVar.put(TESTLINK_TESTCASE_STEP_PREFIX + "TOTAL", Integer.toString(steps.size())); for (TestCaseStep step : steps) { String name = TESTLINK_TESTCASE_STEP_PREFIX + step.getNumber() + "_ACTION"; String action = step.getActions(); testLinkEnvVar.put(name, action); name = TESTLINK_TESTCASE_STEP_PREFIX + step.getNumber() + "_EXPECTED"; String expected = step.getExpectedResults(); testLinkEnvVar.put(name, expected); } return testLinkEnvVar; }
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private void validateMatchingColumns() { for (Person aPerson : investigation.getPersons()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aPerson.getFirstName()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(aPerson.getLastName())) { addWarningMessage("Name is missing : First name = " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(aPerson.getFirstName(), "<MISSING>") + " Last name = " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(aPerson.getLastName(), "<MISSING>")); }/* w w w .ja v a2 s. c o m*/ } for (Person aPerson : investigation.getPersons()) { if (aPerson.getRoles().size() == 0) { addWarningMessage("Role is missing for : " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(aPerson.getFirstName(), "") + " " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(aPerson.getLastName(), "")); } } for (TermSource aTermSource : docTermSources) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aTermSource.getFile())) { addWarningMessage("File is missing from term source : " + aTermSource.getName()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(aTermSource.getName())) { addWarningMessage("No term source associated with the file name : " + aTermSource.getFile()); } } for (ExperimentalFactor experimentalFactor : investigation.getFactors()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(experimentalFactor.getName())) { addErrorMessage("Experimental Factors must have a non-empty name"); } } }
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protected Chunk getNormalChunk(String text) { Chunk chunk = new Chunk(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(text, "")); chunk.setFont(textFont); return chunk; }
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/** * Returns the URL of the IdentityEntity object by using the {@link Dialog} enum in combination * with a given server address./* w w w .j ava2 s .co m*/ * * @param entity * An IdentityEntity object. * @param serverURL * The known server + application url. Should look like * @param representation * The presentation form of the entity that should be linked to * @return The URL of the BuildingBlock object as String. */ public static String getEntityURL(IdentityEntity entity, String serverURL, EntityRepresentation representation) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(BUFFER_SIZE); // iteraplan properties are checked for server address override url.append(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(APPLICATION_ADDRESS_FROM_PROPERTIES, serverURL));"The application address from the properties is: " + APPLICATION_ADDRESS_FROM_PROPERTIES);"URL created from the application address: " + url.toString()); IdEntity linkTarget = deriveLinkTarget(entity); String type = Dialog.dialogNameForClass(linkTarget.getClass()); if (type == null) { // entity class is still unknown --> no link return ""; } type = type.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); url.append(FLOW_MAPPING); url.append(type); url.append(FORWARD_SLASH); url.append(representation.getUriComponent()); url.append(linkTarget.getId()); return url.toString(); }
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public String stringValueOfParameterNamed(final String parameterName) { final String value = this.fromApiJsonHelper.extractStringNamed(parameterName, this.parsedQuery); return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(value, ""); }
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public String getUserFacingDomain() { WebApplicationConfigurationHelper webApp = new WebApplicationConfigurationHelper(configuration); return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(webApp.getExternalFacingDomain(), "example.local"); }