List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultIfEmpty
public static String defaultIfEmpty(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
/** * @param cfgFile//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om * @param plugin * @return ???? */ public static File getResourceFile(String cfgFile, IPlugin plugin) { if (plugin != null) { // ? String _path = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(plugin.getPluginMeta().getPath(), plugin.getPluginFactory().getPluginConfig().getPluginHomePath()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_path)) { File _result = new File(new File(_path, StringUtils .defaultIfEmpty(plugin.getPluginMeta().getAlias(), plugin.getPluginMeta().getId())), cfgFile); if (_result.exists() && _result.isAbsolute() && _result.canRead()) { return _result; } } // ?? URL _targetFileURL = ResourceUtils.getResource(cfgFile, plugin.getClass()); if (_targetFileURL != null) { return FileUtils.toFile(_targetFileURL); } } return null; }
From source
/** * @param context ?//from ww w.j a va2 s.c om * @param message ? * @param replaceTexts ???? * @return ??I18N??? */ protected String doMessageResult(IValidateContext context, String message, String... replaceTexts) { String _returnValue = context.getMessage(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(_returnValue)) { _returnValue = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, message), message); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_returnValue) && replaceTexts != null && replaceTexts.length > 0) { ExpressionUtils _exp = ExpressionUtils.bind(_returnValue); for (int _idx = 0; _idx < replaceTexts.length; _idx++) { _exp.set(_idx + "", replaceTexts[_idx]); } _returnValue = _exp.getResult(); } else { _returnValue = I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.default_message"); } return _returnValue; }
From source
@Override protected String onValidate(IValidateContext context) { if (doParamsLengthCheck(context, 1)) { if (isString(context.getFieldValue().getClass())) { String _value = (String) context.getFieldValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_value)) { Map<String, String> _params = getParamMaps(context); String _cond = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(_params.get("cond"), "equals"); String _field = _params.get("field"); if (_field == null || context.getFieldValue(_field) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.validator_parameter_invalid")); }/* w w w.ja v a 2s . c o m*/ if (_cond.equals("equals")) { if (!_value.equals(context.getFieldValue(_field))) { return doMessageResult(context, ""); } } else { throw new ValidationException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.unsupport_cond_op")); } } } else { throw new ValidationException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.unsupport_non_string_cond_op")); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.validator_parameter_invalid")); } return onValidateNull(context); }
From source
@Override protected String onValidate(IValidateContext context) { if (isString(context.getFieldValue().getClass())) { String _value = (String) context.getFieldValue(); if (doParamsLengthCheck(context, 0) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(_value)) { Map<String, String> _params = getParamMaps(context); String _type = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(_params.get("type"), "int"); if (_type.equalsIgnoreCase("int")) { // ? if (!_value.matches("^-?\\d+$")) { return doMessageResult(context, getResultMessageI18nStr(context, false, false, 0, 0)); }//w w w.ja v a 2s. c o m } else if (_type.equalsIgnoreCase("float")) { // ? if (!_value.matches("^(-?\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?$")) { return doMessageResult(context, getResultMessageI18nStr(context, false, false, 0, 0)); } } else { throw new ValidationException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.unsupport_parameter_type_op")); } // ??? boolean _hasMin = _params.containsKey("min"); boolean _hasMax = _params.containsKey("max"); int _min = 0; int _max = 0; if (_hasMin) { _min = Integer.parseInt(_params.get("min")); if (_min <= 0) { _hasMin = false; } } if (_hasMax) { _max = Integer.parseInt(_params.get("max")); if (_max <= 0 || (_hasMin && _max < _min)) { _hasMax = false; } } if (_hasMin || _hasMax) { double _numValue = Double.parseDouble(_value); if (_hasMax) { if (_numValue <= _max) { if (_hasMin) { if (_numValue >= _min) { return VALIDATE_SUCCESS; } } else { return VALIDATE_SUCCESS; } } } else if (_hasMin) { if (_numValue >= _min) { return VALIDATE_SUCCESS; } } return doMessageResult(context, getResultMessageI18nStr(context, _hasMin, _hasMax, _min, _max), _min + "", _max + ""); } } } else { throw new ValidationException(I18N.formatMessage(YMP.__LSTRING_FILE, null, null, "ymp.validation.unsupport_non_string_cond_op")); } return onValidateNull(context); }
From source
/** * @param targetClass ?// www . j a va2 s. c o m * @return ?? */ public static PairObject<Validation, Map<String, ValidateRule[]>> loadValidateRule(Class<?> targetClass) { Map<String, ValidateRule[]> _returnValue = null; Validation _validation = targetClass.getAnnotation(Validation.class); if (_validation != null) { _returnValue = new HashMap<String, ValidateRule[]>(); List<PairObject<Field, Validate>> _fieldAnnotations = ClassUtils.getFieldAnnotations(targetClass, Validate.class, false); for (PairObject<Field, Validate> _fieldAnno : _fieldAnnotations) { if (_fieldAnno.getValue().isModel() && _fieldAnno.getValue().value().length > 0) { Map<String, ValidateRule[]> _modelVMap = loadValidateRule(_fieldAnno.getKey().getType()) .getValue(); if (_modelVMap != null) { _returnValue.putAll(_modelVMap); } } else { _returnValue.put( StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(_fieldAnno.getValue().name(), _fieldAnno.getKey().getName()), _fieldAnno.getValue().value()); } } } return new PairObject<Validation, Map<String, ValidateRule[]>>(_validation, _returnValue); }
From source
/** * @param targetMethod ?/*w ww. j a v a 2s . co m*/ * @param fieldNames ???? * @return ?? */ public static PairObject<Validation, Map<String, ValidateRule[]>> loadValidateRule(Method targetMethod, String[] fieldNames) { Map<String, ValidateRule[]> _returnValue = null; Validation _validation = targetMethod.getAnnotation(Validation.class); if (_validation != null) { _returnValue = new HashMap<String, ValidateRule[]>(); Annotation[][] _paramAnnotations = targetMethod.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int _idx = 0; _idx < targetMethod.getParameterTypes().length; _idx++) { Annotation[] _annotations = _paramAnnotations[_idx]; for (Annotation _annotation : _annotations) { if (_annotation instanceof Validate) { Validate _validate = (Validate) _annotation; if (_validate.isModel()) { Map<String, ValidateRule[]> _modelVMap = loadValidateRule( targetMethod.getParameterTypes()[_idx]).getValue(); if (_modelVMap != null) { _returnValue.putAll(_modelVMap); } } else { _returnValue.put(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(, fieldNames[_idx]), _validate.value()); } break; } } } } return new PairObject<Validation, Map<String, ValidateRule[]>>(_validation, _returnValue); }
From source
/** * @param callback ??/* w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ * @return JSONP????callbackcallback??? */ public JsonView withJsonCallback(String callback) { __jsonCallback = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(callback, null); return this; }
From source
@Override public Object transform(final MuleMessage message, String outputEncoding) throws TransformerException { try {/*w w w.j av a 2 s. co m*/ String fileName = message.getStringProperty("originalFilename", "message.xml"); EbMSAttachment attachment = new EbMSAttachment(fileName, StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(Utils.getMimeType(fileName), "application/octet-stream"), ((String) message.getPayload()).getBytes()); //application/xml message.setPayload(Arrays.asList(attachment)); return message; } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransformerException(this, e); } }
From source
/** * Log a successful transfer// ww w . j a v a 2s . com */ public void logTransfer(Transfer transfer) { final Logger logger = getTransactionLogger(); final Level detailed = TransactionLevel.DETAILED.getLevel(); final Level normal = TransactionLevel.NORMAL.getLevel(); final boolean detailedLoggable = logger.isLoggable(detailed); final boolean normalLoggable = logger.isLoggable(normal); final boolean willLog = detailedLoggable || normalLoggable; // Generate log if, at least, normal level is enabled if (willLog) { transfer = fetchService.fetch(transfer, RelationshipHelper.nested(Transfer.Relationships.FROM, Account.Relationships.TYPE, AccountType.Relationships.CURRENCY), Transfer.Relationships.TO); Level level; final LocalSettings localSettings = settingsService.getLocalSettings(); final UnitsConverter unitsConverter = localSettings .getUnitsConverter(transfer.getFrom().getType().getCurrency().getPattern()); String message; Object[] args; // Get the specific level arguments if (detailedLoggable) { final TransferType type = transfer.getType(); level = detailed; message = "id: %s, date: %s, type: %s (%s), amount: %s, from: %s, to: %s, by: %s, tx#: %s, description: %s"; final Element by = transfer.getBy(); args = new Object[] { transfer.getId(), localSettings.getDateTimeConverter().toString(transfer.getDate()), type.getId(), type.getName(), unitsConverter.toString(transfer.getAmount()), transfer.getFrom().getOwnerName(), transfer.getTo().getOwnerName(), by == null ? "<null>" : by.getUsername(), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(transfer.getTransactionNumber(), "<null>"), StringUtils.replace(transfer.getDescription(), "\n", "\\n") }; } else { level = normal; message = "id: %s, amount: %s, from: %s, to: %s"; args = new Object[] { transfer.getId(), unitsConverter.toString(transfer.getAmount()), transfer.getFrom().getOwnerName(), transfer.getTo().getOwnerName() }; } try { logger.log(level, String.format(message, args)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println( "Error generating log on " + settingsService.getLogSettings().getTransactionFile()); } } }
From source
/** * Log a successful transfer// w w w .ja v a2s .co m */ @Override public void logTransfer(final Transfer transfer) { final Logger logger = getTransactionLogger(); final Level detailed = TransactionLevel.DETAILED.getLevel(); final Level normal = TransactionLevel.NORMAL.getLevel(); final boolean detailedLoggable = logger.isLoggable(detailed); final boolean normalLoggable = logger.isLoggable(normal); final boolean willLog = detailedLoggable || normalLoggable; // Generate log if, at least, normal level is enabled if (willLog) { // transfer = fetchService.fetch(transfer, RelationshipHelper.nested(Payment.Relationships.FROM, Account.Relationships.TYPE, // AccountType.Relationships.CURRENCY), Payment.Relationships.TO); Level level; final LocalSettings localSettings = settingsService.getLocalSettings(); final UnitsConverter unitsConverter = localSettings .getUnitsConverter(transfer.getFrom().getType().getCurrency().getPattern()); String message; Object[] args; // Get the specific level arguments String loggedUser = LoggedUser.hasUser() ? LoggedUser.user().getUsername() : "<no logged user>"; if (detailedLoggable) { final TransferType type = transfer.getType(); level = detailed; message = "logged user: %s, id: %s, date: %s, type: %s (%s), amount: %s, from: %s, to: %s, by: %s, tx#: %s, description: %s"; final Element by = transfer.getBy(); args = new Object[] { loggedUser, transfer.getId(), localSettings.getDateTimeConverter().toString(transfer.getDate()), type.getId(), type.getName(), unitsConverter.toString(transfer.getAmount()), transfer.getFrom().getOwnerName(), transfer.getTo().getOwnerName(), by == null ? "<null>" : by.getUsername(), StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(transfer.getTransactionNumber(), "<null>"), StringUtils.replace(transfer.getDescription(), "\n", "\\n") }; } else { level = normal; message = "logged user: %s, id: %s, amount: %s, from: %s, to: %s"; args = new Object[] { loggedUser, transfer.getId(), unitsConverter.toString(transfer.getAmount()), transfer.getFrom().getOwnerName(), transfer.getTo().getOwnerName() }; } try { logger.log(level, String.format(message, args)); } catch (final Exception e) { System.out.println( "Error generating log on " + settingsService.getLogSettings().getTransactionFile()); } } }