List of usage examples for org.apache.commons.lang StringUtils defaultIfEmpty
public static String defaultIfEmpty(String str, String defaultStr)
Returns either the passed in String, or if the String is empty or null
, the value of defaultStr
From source
public AddressDto(String line1, String line2, String line3, String city, String state, String country, String zip, String phoneNumber) { this.line1 = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(line1, ""); this.line2 = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(line2, ""); this.line3 = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(line3, ""); = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(city, ""); this.state = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(state, ""); = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(country, ""); = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(zip, ""); this.phoneNumber = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(phoneNumber, ""); }
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@PostConstruct private void initModel() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { title = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(currentPage.getPageTitle(), currentPage.getTitle()); }//from w w w.j av a2 s. co m if (heading == null) { heading = Heading.getHeading(type); if (heading == null) { heading = Heading.getHeading(currentStyle.get(PN_DESIGN_DEFAULT_TYPE, String.class)); } } }
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@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected Object doParse(Node node, ParseContext context) throws Exception { Element element = (Element) node; String name = element.getAttribute("name"); Assert.notEmpty(name);// ww w.j a va 2 s .c o m Package pkg; PackagesConfig packagesConfig = ((PackagesConfigParseContext) context).getPackagesConfig(); Map<String, Package> packages = packagesConfig.getPackages(); pkg = packages.get(name); if (pkg == null) { pkg = new Package(name); packages.put(name, pkg); } Map<String, Object> properties = parseProperties(element, context); if (!properties.containsKey("fileNames")) { Object value = parseProperty("fileNames", element, context); if (value != null && value != ConfigUtils.IGNORE_VALUE) { properties.put("fileNames", value); } } String fileNamesText = StringUtils.trim((String) properties.remove("fileNames")); fileNamesText = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(fileNamesText, NONE_FILE); String[] oldFileNames = pkg.getFileNames(); String[] newFileNames = fileNamesText.split(","); if (oldFileNames != null && oldFileNames.length > 0) { newFileNames = (String[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(oldFileNames, newFileNames); } pkg.setFileNames(newFileNames); String dependsText = (String) properties.remove("depends"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dependsText)) { String[] dependsArray = dependsText.split(","); for (String depends : dependsArray) { pkg.getDepends().add(depends); } } String dependedByText = (String) properties.remove("dependedBy"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dependedByText)) { String[] dependedByArray = dependedByText.split(","); for (String dependedBy : dependedByArray) { pkg.getDependedBy().add(dependedBy); } } String clientTypeText = (String) properties.remove("clientType"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(clientTypeText)) { pkg.setClientType(ClientType.parseClientTypes(clientTypeText)); } ((Map<String, Object>) new BeanMap(pkg)).putAll(properties); return pkg; }
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public String getAttributeName() { return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(attributeName, "memberOf"); }
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/** * Creates a new mapping for a receipts folder. * * @param directory absolute path//from w w w . java2 s. co m * @param sedexId the sedex ID of the participant expecting Sedex receipts in this * folder * @param messageTypes the types of the messages whose receipt are expected in this * folder */ public ReceiptsFolder(File directory, String sedexId, List<MessageType> messageTypes) throws ConfigurationException { super(directory); this.sedexId = sedexId; this.messageTypes = messageTypes;"Created ReceiptsFolder: SedexId: " + StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(sedexId, ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED) + ", Types: {" + StringUtils .defaultIfEmpty(MessageType.collectionToString(messageTypes), ClientCommons.NOT_SPECIFIED) + "}, Path: " + directory.getAbsolutePath()); }
From source
/** * @see org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc.SimpleFormController#onSubmitAction(javax.portlet.ActionRequest, javax.portlet.ActionResponse, java.lang.Object, org.springframework.validation.BindException) *//*from www . j a va 2 s . c om*/ @Override protected void onSubmitAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response, Object command, BindException errors) throws Exception { final String targetParentPath = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(request.getParameter("folderPath"), null); final String targetEntryPath = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(request.getParameter("idPath"), null); //User edited bookmark final CollectionFolder commandCollection = (CollectionFolder) command; //Get the BookmarkSet from the store final BookmarkSet bs = this.bookmarkSetRequestResolver.getBookmarkSet(request, false); if (bs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No BookmarkSet exists for request='" + request + "'"); } //Get the target parent folder final IdPathInfo targetParentPathInfo = FolderUtils.getEntryInfo(bs, targetParentPath); if (targetParentPathInfo == null || targetParentPathInfo.getTarget() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified parent Folder does not exist. BaseFolder='" + bs + "' and idPath='" + targetParentPath + "'"); } final Folder targetParent = (Folder) targetParentPathInfo.getTarget(); final Map<Long, Entry> targetChildren = targetParent.getChildren(); //Get the original bookmark & it's parent folder final IdPathInfo originalBookmarkPathInfo = FolderUtils.getEntryInfo(bs, targetEntryPath); if (targetParentPathInfo == null || originalBookmarkPathInfo.getTarget() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified Bookmark does not exist. BaseFolder='" + bs + "' and idPath='" + targetEntryPath + "'"); } final Folder originalParent = originalBookmarkPathInfo.getParent(); final CollectionFolder originalCollection = (CollectionFolder) originalBookmarkPathInfo.getTarget(); //If moving the bookmark if (targetParent.getId() != originalParent.getId()) { final Map<Long, Entry> originalChildren = originalParent.getChildren(); originalChildren.remove(originalCollection.getId()); commandCollection.setCreated(originalCollection.getCreated()); commandCollection.setModified(new Date()); targetChildren.put(commandCollection.getId(), commandCollection); } //If just updaing the bookmark //TODO should the formBackingObject be smarter on form submits for editBookmark and return the targeted bookmark? else { originalCollection.setModified(new Date()); originalCollection.setName(commandCollection.getName()); originalCollection.setNote(commandCollection.getNote()); originalCollection.setUrl(commandCollection.getUrl()); originalCollection.setMinimized(commandCollection.isMinimized()); } //Persist the changes to the BookmarkSet this.bookmarkStore.storeBookmarkSet(bs); }
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public GLClosure(final Office office, final Date closingDate, final String comments) { = office; this.deleted = false; this.closingDate = closingDate; this.comments = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(comments, null); if (this.comments != null) { this.comments = this.comments.trim(); }//from w ww. jav a 2 s . co m }
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/** * @return tasks which have to be executed upon new installation (not update) *//*from w ww . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ public static List<Task> genericTasksForNewInstallation() { final String areWeBootstrappingAuthorInstance = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( SystemProperty.getProperty(CoreModuleVersionHandler.BOOTSTRAP_AUTHOR_INSTANCE_PROPERTY), "true"); return Arrays.asList( // - install server node new NodeExistsDelegateTask("Server node", "Creates the server node in the config repository if needed.", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/server", null, new CreateNodeTask(null, null, RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/", "server", NodeTypes.Content.NAME)), // - install or update modules node new NodeExistsDelegateTask("Modules node", "Creates the modules node in the config repository if needed.", RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/modules", null, new CreateNodeTask(null, null, RepositoryConstants.CONFIG, "/", "modules", NodeTypes.Content.NAME)), new BootstrapSingleResource("Bootstrap", "Bootstraps the new filter configuration", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/config.server.filters.xml", ImportUUIDBehavior.IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW), new BootstrapSingleResource("IPConfig rules changed", "Updates the existing ip access rules to match the new configuration structure or bootstraps the new default configuration.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/config.server.IPConfig.xml"), new BootstrapSingleModuleResource("i18n content", "bootstrap the config", "config.server.i18n.content.xml"), new BootstrapSingleModuleResource("i18n system", "bootstrap the config", "config.server.i18n.system.xml"), new BootstrapSingleResource("New security configuration", "Install new configuration for security managers.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/"), new BootstrapSingleResource("New rendering strategy for links", "Install new configuration for link resolving.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/config.server.rendering.linkManagement.xml"), new BootstrapConditionally("MIME mappings", "Adds MIMEMappings to server config, if not already present.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/config.server.MIMEMapping.xml"), new BootstrapConditionally("URI2Repository mappings", "Installs new configuration of URI2Repository mappings.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/config.server.URI2RepositoryMapping.xml", new UpdateURI2RepositoryMappings()), // -- /server configuration tasks new PropertyExistsDelegateTask("Cleanup", "Config property /server/defaultMailServer was unused.", "config", "/server", "defaultMailServer", new RemovePropertyTask("", "", "config", "/server", "defaultMailServer")), // the two following tasks replace the config.server.xml bootstrap file new CheckOrCreatePropertyTask("defaultExtension property", "Checks that the defaultExtension property exists in config:/server", "config", "/server", "defaultExtension", "html"), new CheckOrCreatePropertyTask("admin property", "Checks that the admin property exists in config:/server", "config", "/server", "admin", areWeBootstrappingAuthorInstance), new ArrayDelegateTask("defaultBaseUrl property", new NewPropertyTask("defaultBaseUrl property", "Adds the new defaultBaseUrl property with a default value.", "config", "/server", "defaultBaseUrl", "http://localhost:8080/magnolia/"), new WarnTask("defaultBaseUrl property", "Please set the config:/server/defaultBaseUrl property to a full URL to be used when generating absolute URLs for external systems.")), // this is only valid when updating - if /server/login exists new NodeExistsDelegateTask("Login configuration", "The login configuration was moved to filters configuration.", "config", "/server/login", new ArrayDelegateTask("", new LoginAuthTypePropertyMovedToFilter(), new LoginFormPropertyMovedToFilter(), new MoveAndRenamePropertyTask( "unsecuredPath is now handled by the bypass mechanism.", "/server/login", "UnsecuredPath", "/server/filters/uriSecurity/bypasses/login", "pattern"), new RemoveNodeTask("Login configuration changed", "Removes /server/login as it is not used anymore.", "config", "/server/login"))), // --- user/roles repositories related tasks new CreateNodeTask("Adds system folder node to users workspace", "Add system realm folder /system to users workspace.", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/", Realm.REALM_SYSTEM.getName(), NodeTypes.Folder.NAME), new CreateNodeTask("Adds admin folder node to users workspace", "Add magnolia realm folder /admin to users workspace.", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/", Realm.REALM_ADMIN.getName(), NodeTypes.Folder.NAME), new IsAuthorInstanceDelegateTask("URI permissions", "Introduction of URI-based security. All existing roles will have GET/POST permissions on /*.", new AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles(true), new AddURIPermissionsToAllRoles(false)), new IsAuthorInstanceDelegateTask("Anonymous role", "Anonymous role must exist.", new BootstrapConditionally("", "Author permissions", "/info/magnolia/setup/author/userroles.anonymous.xml"), new BootstrapConditionally("", "Public permissions", "/info/magnolia/setup/public/userroles.anonymous.xml")), new BootstrapConditionally("Superuser role", "Bootstraps the superuser role if needed.", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/userroles.superuser.xml"), new BootstrapConditionally("Anonymous user", "Anonymous user must exist in the system realm: will move the existing one or bootstrap it.", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/anonymous", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/users.system.anonymous.xml", new ArrayDelegateTask("", new MoveNodeTask("", "", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/anonymous", "/system/anonymous", false), new NewPropertyTask("Anonymous user", "Anonymous user must have a password.", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/system/anonymous", "pswd", new String(Base64.encodeBase64("anonymous".getBytes()))))), new BootstrapConditionally("Superuser user", "Superuser user must exist in the system realm: will move the existing one or bootstrap it.", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/superuser", "/mgnl-bootstrap/core/users.system.superuser.xml", new MoveNodeTask("", "", RepositoryConstants.USERS, "/superuser", "/system/superuser", false)), // --- generic tasks new ModuleFilesExtraction(), new RegisterModuleServletsTask(), // --- system-wide tasks (impact all modules) new WarnIgnoredModuleFilters(), new UpdateURIMappings()); }
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@Override public void setNextServiceId(String next) { nextServiceId = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(next, ""); }
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@Override protected void parseAttributes(XMLStreamReader token) throws Exception { cookieName = token.getAttributeValue("", "cookieName"); timeout = Long.parseLong(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(token.getAttributeValue("", "timeout"), "300000")); domain = token.getAttributeValue("", "domain"); }