ezbake.deployer.configuration.EzDeployerConfiguration.java Source code

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Here is the source code for ezbake.deployer.configuration.EzDeployerConfiguration.java


/*   Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Computer Sciences Corporation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License. */

package ezbake.deployer.configuration;

import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import ezbake.common.properties.EzProperties;
import ezbakehelpers.ezconfigurationhelpers.system.SystemConfigurationHelper;
import ezbakehelpers.ezconfigurationhelpers.webapplication.WebApplicationConfigurationHelper;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.Properties;

 * Configuration data related to EzDeployer configuration.
public class EzDeployerConfiguration {
    private EzProperties configuration;

    public EzDeployerConfiguration(Properties configuration) {
        this.configuration = new EzProperties(configuration, true);
                .setTextCryptoProvider(new SystemConfigurationHelper(configuration).getTextCryptoProvider());

    public Properties getEzConfiguration() {
        return this.configuration;

    public boolean isEzFrontEndEnabled() {
        String reverseProxyName = getString(Keys.REVERSE_PROXY_APPLICATION_NAME);
        return !reverseProxyName.equalsIgnoreCase("disabled");

    public String getReverseProxyApplicationName() {
        return getString(Keys.REVERSE_PROXY_APPLICATION_NAME);

    public File getThriftRunnerJar() {
        Optional<String> jarString = get(Keys.THRIFT_RUNNER_JAR_KEY);
        if (jarString.isPresent()) {
            File jarPath = new File(getString(Keys.THRIFT_RUNNER_JAR_KEY)).getAbsoluteFile();
            if (!jarPath.canRead())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "The thrift runner jar does not exist or is not readable: " + jarPath);
            return jarPath;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Get the accumulo deployment table.  This table has the metadata dealing with the deployment artifacts.
     * Also right now it has the actual artifacts stored in a separate row.
     * <p/>
     * This property must be defined in a configuration otherwise it will throw an IllegalArgumentException
     * @return tablename for the deployment table.
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the property is not defined anywhere in the configuration
    public String getDeploymentTableName() {
        return getString(Keys.DEPLOYMENT_TABLE_NAME_KEY);

     * Get the max write threads to use for accumulo writing
     * @return max number of threads desired to use to writing to accumulo
    public int getAccumuloMaxThreads() {
        return getInt(Keys.ACCUMULO_MAX_THREADS_KEY);

     * Get the latency for accumulo actions
     * @return the acceptable latency for accumulo actions
    public long getAccumuloMaxLatency() {
        return getLong(Keys.ACCUMULO_MAX_LATENCY_KEY);

     * Gets the max amount of memory that accumulo will use on each of its actions
     * @return the max amount of memory that accumulo will use on each of its actions
    public long getAccumuloMaxMemory() {
        return getLong(Keys.ACCUMULO_MAX_MEMORY_KEY);

     * Gets a property from configuration for the given Key
     * @param key - key to get the value from
     * @return the value from configuration, or the default configured value for the key.
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the configuration parameter is not found and the key was marked required.
    private Optional<String> get(Key key) {
        if (key.isRequired())
            return getOrThrow(key);
        Optional<String> val = Optional.fromNullable(configuration.getProperty(key.key()));
        return val.or(key.getDefaultValue());

     * Gets the value at the key, if exist.  Otherwise throws.
     * @param key - key to get the value
     * @return the value in the configuration for the given key.
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the configuration parameter is not found.
    private Optional<String> getOrThrow(Key key) {
        String val = configuration.getProperty(key.key());
        if (val == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "No configuration parameter by " + key + " specified in ezConfiguration.");
        return Optional.of(val);

     * Get a configuration value as a String.
    private String getString(Key key) {
        Optional<String> val = get(key);
        return val.orNull();

     * Get a configuration value as an int.
     * If key did not specify a default value, and its not required, will return 0 if does not exist.
    private int getInt(Key key) {
        Optional<String> val = get(key);
        return val.transform(new Function<String, Integer>() {
            public Integer apply(String input) {
                return Integer.parseInt(input);
        }).or(0); // or 0 is if no default was defined, but the value was null and not required.

     * Get a configuration value as a long.
     * If key did not specify a default value, and its not required, will return 0 if does not exist.
    private long getLong(Key key) {
        Optional<String> val = get(key);
        return val.transform(new Function<String, Long>() {
            public Long apply(String input) {
                return Long.parseLong(input);
        }).or(0L); // or 0 is if no default was defined, but the value was null and not required.

     * Get a configuration value as a boolean.
     * If key did not specify a default value, and its not required, will return false if does not exist.
    private boolean getBoolean(Key key) {
        Optional<String> val = get(key);
        return val.transform(new Function<String, Boolean>() {
            public Boolean apply(String input) {
                return Boolean.parseBoolean(input);
        }).or(false); // or false is if no default was defined, but the value was null and not required.

    public String getUserFacingDomain() {
        WebApplicationConfigurationHelper webApp = new WebApplicationConfigurationHelper(configuration);
        return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(webApp.getExternalFacingDomain(), "example.local");

     * get Mesos equivalent of "large" CPU
    public int getMesosCpuLarge() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_CPU_LARGE);

     * get Mesos equivalent of "medium" CPU
    public int getMesosCpuMedium() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_CPU_MEDIUM);

     * get Mesos equivalent of "small" CPU
    public int getMesosCpuSmall() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_CPU_SMALL);

     * get Mesos equivalent of "large" MEM
    public int getMesosMemLarge() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_MEM_LARGE);

     * get Mesos equivalent of "medium" MEM
    public int getMesosMemMedium() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_MEM_MEDIUM);

     * get Mesos equivalent of "small" MEM
    public int getMesosMemSmall() {
        return getInt(Keys.MESOS_MEM_SMALL);

     * @return the URL of where asset files can be downloaded by Mesos slaves.
    public String getMarathonAssetUrl() {
        return getString(Keys.MARATHON_ASSET_URL);

     * @return the directory path of where tar.gz app files can be placed for web asset availability.
    public String getMarathonWebDeployDir() {
        return getString(Keys.MARATHON_WEB_DEPLOY_DIR);

     * @return the path of where the ThriftRunner executable jar can be found on a Mesos slave.
    public String getMesosThriftRunnerPath() {
        return getString(Keys.MESEOS_THRIFTRUNNER_PATH);

     * @return Returns the base URL of where Marathon server is running.
    public String getMarathonBasePath() {
        return getString(Keys.MARATHON_BASEPATH);

     * This option is here for local development.
     * @return return if the deployer should use the security service
    public boolean isSecurityServiceEnabled() {
        return !getBoolean(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_DISABLE);

     * @return the base URl of where the Security Service is running.
    public String getSecurityServiceBasePath() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_BASEPATH);

     * @return the password for the Security Service keystore.
    public String getSecurityServiceKeyStorePass() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_PASS);

     * @return the path including filename of the KeyStore.
    public String getSecurityServiceKeyStorePath() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_PATH);

     * NOTE: Be careful to use a format Java can handle.
     * @return the format of the keystore, JKS, PKCS12, etc..
    public String getSecurityServiceKeyStoreFormat() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_FORMAT);

     * @return the path including filename of the TrustStore.
    public String getSecurityServiceTrustStorePath() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_TRUSTSTORE_PATH);

     * NOTE: Be careful to use a format Java can handle.
     * @return the format of the truststore, JKS, PKCS12, etc..
    public String getSecurityServiceTrustStoreFormat() {

     * @return password of TrustStore.
    public String getSecurityServiceTrustStorePass() {
        return getString(Keys.SECURITYSERVICE_TRUSTSTORE_PASS);

    public static final String APPLICATION_NAMESPACE = "ezDeploy";
    private static final boolean REQUIRED = true;

    public interface Key {
        public String fullKeyPath();

        public String key();

        public String getDescription();

        public boolean isRequired();

        public Optional<String> getDefaultValue();

    public enum Keys implements Key {
        // Accumulo information for use by the Deployer application
        DEPLOYMENT_TABLE_NAME_KEY("ezDeploy.accumulo.tables.deployment", Optional.of("deployment"),
                "The table which ez deployer stores the artifacts and indices"), ACCUMULO_MAX_THREADS_KEY(
                        "accumulo.max-threads", Optional.of("5"),
                        "The number of threads to tell accumulo to use for writing/reading"), ACCUMULO_MAX_LATENCY_KEY(
                                "accumulo.max-latency", Optional.of("10000"),
                                "The max latency for the batchwriter during mutations"), ACCUMULO_MAX_MEMORY_KEY(
                                        "accumulo.max-memory", Optional.of("10000000"),
                                        "The amount of memory to use before batchwriter is forced to flush"),

        // ThriftRunner configuration
        THRIFT_RUNNER_JAR_KEY("thriftrunner.jar.location", Optional.<String>absent(),
                "The location on disk to the thriftrunner jar file"),

        // Security Service config params
        SECURITYSERVICE_TRUSTSTORE_PATH("securityservice.truststore.path", Optional.<String>absent(),
                ""), SECURITYSERVICE_TRUSTSTORE_FORMAT("securityservice.truststore.format",
                        Optional.<String>absent(), ""), SECURITYSERVICE_TRUSTSTORE_PASS(
                                "securityservice.truststore.pass", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                ""), SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_PATH("securityservice.keystore.path",
                                        Optional.<String>absent(), ""), SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_FORMAT(
                                                "securityservice.keystore.format", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                                ""), SECURITYSERVICE_KEYSTORE_PASS("securityservice.keystore.pass",
                                                        Optional.<String>absent(), ""), SECURITYSERVICE_BASEPATH(
                                                                ""), SECURITYSERVICE_DISABLE(
                                                                        "Disables the security service.  "
                                                                                + "No SSL certs will be added to the artifacts if this is disabled.  If disabled the securityservice properties "
                                                                                + "will be optional, otherwise they are required."),

        REVERSE_PROXY_APPLICATION_NAME("reverseProxy.thrift.applicationname", Optional.of("EzBakeFrontend"),
                "The ezReverseProxy service discovery application lookup name"),

        // Marathon Mesos Publisher config params
        MARATHON_ASSET_URL("marathon.asset.url", Optional.<String>absent(), ""), MARATHON_WEB_DEPLOY_DIR(
                "marathon.web.deploy.dir", Optional.<String>absent(),
                ""), MESEOS_THRIFTRUNNER_PATH("mesos.thriftrunner.path", Optional.<String>absent(),
                        ""), MARATHON_BASEPATH("marathon.rest.basepath", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                ""), MESOS_CPU_SMALL("mesos.cpu.small", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                        ""), MESOS_CPU_MEDIUM("mesos.cpu.medium", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                                ""), MESOS_CPU_LARGE("mesos.cpu.large", Optional.<String>absent(),
                                                        ""), MESOS_MEM_SMALL("mesos.mem.small",
                                                                ""), MESOS_MEM_MEDIUM("mesos.mem.medium",
                                                                        ""), MESOS_MEM_LARGE("mesos.mem.large",
                                                                                Optional.<String>absent(), ""),;
        private String key;
        private String description;
        private boolean required;
        private Optional<String> defaultValue;

        Keys(String key, boolean required, String description) {
            this.key = key;
            this.description = description;
            this.required = required;
            this.defaultValue = Optional.absent();

        Keys(String key, Optional<String> defaultValue, String description) {
            this.key = key;
            this.description = description;
            this.required = false;
            this.defaultValue = defaultValue;

        public String fullKeyPath() {
            return APPLICATION_NAMESPACE + "." + key;

        public String key() {
            return key;

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public boolean isRequired() {
            return required;

        public Optional<String> getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;
