Example usage for java.util Date equals

List of usage examples for java.util Date equals


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Date equals.


public boolean equals(Object obj) 

Source Link


Compares two dates for equality.


From source file:org.libreplan.web.resources.search.NewAllocationSelectorController.java

public Constraint checkConstraintFilteringDate() {
    return (comp, value) -> {
        if (value == null) {
            if (comp.getId().equals("startDateLoadRatiosDatebox")) {
                throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("Start filtering date cannot be empty"));
            } else if (comp.getId().equals("endDateLoadRatiosDatebox")) {
                throw new WrongValueException(comp, _("End filtering date cannot be empty"));
            }//from w ww  .ja  v  a2  s  . c  o m

        Date startDate;

        if (comp.getId().equals("startDateLoadRatiosDatebox")) {
            startDate = (Date) value;
        } else {
            startDate = (Date) startDateLoadRatiosDatebox.getRawValue();

        Date endDate;
        if (comp.getId().equals("endDateLoadRatiosDatebox")) {
            endDate = (Date) value;
        } else {
            endDate = (Date) endDateLoadRatiosDatebox.getRawValue();

        if ((startDate != null) && (endDate != null)) {
            if ((startDate.after(endDate)) || (startDate.equals(endDate))) {
                throw new WrongValueException(comp,
                        _("Start filtering date must be before than end filtering date"));

From source file:org.openehealth.coala.beans.ConsentBean.java

 * Method to validate input parameters (validFrom and validUntil) of consent
 * creation. This is needed to have proper error notification on missing
 * date input at consent creation view./*from w w  w .  j  ava  2 s.c o m*/
 * @param event
public void validateCreateConsentParameters(ComponentSystemEvent event) {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String messages = fc.getApplication().getMessageBundle();
    Locale locale = new Locale(localeHandler.getLocale());
    ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle(messages, locale);

    UIComponent components = event.getComponent();

    UIInput validFromDateInput = (UIInput) components.findComponent("validFromInput");
    UIInput validUntilDateInput = (UIInput) components.findComponent("validUntilInput");

    boolean validFromDateEmpty = false;
    boolean validUntilDateEmpty = false;

    if (validFromDateInput.getLocalValue() == null
            || validFromDateInput.getLocalValue().toString().trim().isEmpty()) {
        validFromDateEmpty = true;
    if (validUntilDateInput.getLocalValue() == null
            || validUntilDateInput.getLocalValue().toString().trim().isEmpty()) {
        validUntilDateEmpty = true;

    if (validFromDateEmpty || validUntilDateEmpty) {
        validationSuccessful = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(bundle.getString("errors.nonEmptyValidationDates"), "");
        fc.addMessage(components.getClientId(), msg);
        // passed to the Render Response phase

    //validates if validFrom is after or equals validUntil
    Date from = (Date) validFromDateInput.getValue();
    Date until = (Date) validUntilDateInput.getValue();
    if (from == null || until == null) {
        validationSuccessful = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Please provide valid date input values for From AND Until.", "");
        fc.addMessage(components.getClientId(), msg);
        // passed to the Render Response phase
    } else if (from != null && until != null) {
        if (from.after(until) || from.equals(until)) {
            validationSuccessful = false;
            FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(bundle.getString("errors.fromBeforeUntil"), "");
            fc.addMessage(components.getClientId(), msg);
            // passed to the Render Response phase
        // all checks passed now, set validationSuccessful to true, which causes the "Register" button to become active!
        else {
            LOG.info("Consent creation validation has passed now.");
            validationSuccessful = true;
    } else {
        validationSuccessful = false;
        FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Please provide valid date input values for From AND Until.", "");
        fc.addMessage(components.getClientId(), msg);
        // passed to the Render Response phase

From source file:org.jpos.gl.GLSession.java

private void deleteGLTransactions(Journal journal, Date start, Date end)
        throws HibernateException, GLException {
    boolean equalDate = start.equals(end);

    StringBuffer qs = new StringBuffer("from org.jpos.gl.GLTransaction where journal = :journal");
    if (equalDate) {
        qs.append(" and postDate = :date");
    } else {/*from  www .  j a  va  2s .  c om*/
        qs.append(" and postDate >= :start");
        qs.append(" and postDate <= :endDate");
    Query q = session.createQuery(qs.toString());
    q.setLong("journal", journal.getId());
    if (equalDate)
        q.setParameter("date", start);
    else {
        q.setParameter("start", start);
        q.setParameter("endDate", end);
    ScrollableResults sr = q.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY);
    while (sr.next()) {

From source file:edu.mit.mobile.android.locast.data.Sync.java

 * Given a live cursor pointing to a data item and/or a set of contentValues loaded from the network,
 * attempt to sync.//  www .  j  a  v a  2 s .c o m
 * Either c or cvNet can be null, but not both.
 * @param c A cursor pointing to the data item. Null is OK here.
 * @param jsonObject JSON object for the item as loaded from the network. null is OK here.
 * @param sync An empty JsonSyncableItem object.
 * @param publicPath TODO
 * @return True if the item has been modified on either end.
 * @throws IOException
private boolean syncItem(Uri toSync, Cursor c, JSONObject jsonObject, JsonSyncableItem sync,
        SyncProgressNotifier syncProgress, String publicPath) throws SyncException, IOException {
    boolean modified = false;
    boolean needToCloseCursor = false;
    boolean toSyncIsIndex = false;
    final SyncMap syncMap = sync.getSyncMap();

    Uri locUri = null;
    final Uri origToSync = toSync;
    ContentValues cvNet = null;

    final Context context = getApplicationContext();
    final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
    if (jsonObject != null) {
        if ("http".equals(toSync.getScheme()) || "https".equals(toSync.getScheme())) {
            // we successfully loaded it from the 'net, but toSync is really for local URIs. Erase it.

            toSync = sync.getContentUri();
            if (toSync == null) {
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "cannot get local URI for " + origToSync + ". Skipping...");
                return false;
        try {
            cvNet = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, null, jsonObject, syncMap);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final SyncException se = new SyncException("Problem loading JSON object.");
            throw se;

    final String contentType = cr.getType(toSync);

    if (c != null) {
        if (contentType.startsWith(CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX_DIR)) {
            locUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(toSync, c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._ID)))
            toSyncIsIndex = true;
        } else {
            locUri = toSync;

        // skip any items already sync'd
        if (mLastUpdated.isUpdatedRecently(locUri)) {
            return false;

        final int draftCol = c.getColumnIndex(TaggableItem._DRAFT);
        if (draftCol != -1 && c.getInt(draftCol) != 0) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Log.d(TAG, locUri + " is marked a draft. Not syncing.");
            return false;

        syncMap.onPreSyncItem(cr, locUri, c);
    } else if (contentType.startsWith(CONTENT_TYPE_PREFIX_DIR)) {
        // strip any query strings
        toSync = toSync.buildUpon().query(null).build();
    //      if (c != null){
    //         MediaProvider.dumpCursorToLog(c, sync.getFullProjection());
    //      }
    // when the PUBLIC_URI is null, that means it's only local
    final int pubUriColumn = (c != null) ? c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI) : -1;
    if (c != null && (c.isNull(pubUriColumn) || c.getString(pubUriColumn) == "")) {
        // new content on the local side only. Gotta publish.

        try {
            jsonObject = JsonSyncableItem.toJSON(context, locUri, c, syncMap);
            if (publicPath == null) {
                publicPath = MediaProvider.getPostPath(this, locUri);
            if (DEBUG) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Posting " + locUri + " to " + publicPath);

            // The response from a post to create a new item should be the newly created item,
            // which contains the public ID that we need.
            jsonObject = nc.postJson(publicPath, jsonObject);

            final ContentValues cvUpdate = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, locUri, jsonObject, syncMap);
            if (cr.update(locUri, cvUpdate, null, null) == 1) {
                // at this point, server and client should be in sync.
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "Hooray! " + locUri + " has been posted succesfully.");

            } else {
                Log.e(TAG, "update of " + locUri + " failed");
            modified = true;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            final SyncException se = new SyncException(getString(R.string.error_sync_no_post));
            throw se;

        // only on the remote side, so pull it in.
    } else if (c == null && cvNet != null) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Only on the remote side, using network-provided values.");
        final String[] params = { cvNet.getAsString(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI) };
        c = cr.query(toSync, sync.getFullProjection(), JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI + "=?", params, null);
        needToCloseCursor = true;

        if (!c.moveToFirst()) {
            locUri = cr.insert(toSync, cvNet);
            modified = true;
        } else {
            locUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(toSync, c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._ID)))
            syncMap.onPreSyncItem(cr, locUri, c);

    // we've now found data on both sides, so sync them.
    if (!modified && c != null) {

        publicPath = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._PUBLIC_URI));

        try {

            if (cvNet == null) {
                try {
                    if (publicPath == null && toSyncIsIndex && !MediaProvider.canSync(locUri)) {

                        // At this point, we've already checked the index and it doesn't contain the item (otherwise it would be in the syncdItems).
                        // If we can't sync individual items, it's possible that the index is paged or the item has been deleted.
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            Log.w(TAG, "Asked to sync " + locUri
                                    + " but item wasn't in server index and cannot sync individual entries. Skipping and hoping it is up to date.");
                        return false;

                    } else {
                        if (mLastUpdated.isUpdatedRecently(nc.getFullUri(publicPath))) {
                            if (DEBUG) {
                                Log.d(TAG, "already sync'd! " + publicPath);
                            return false;
                        if (jsonObject == null) {
                            jsonObject = nc.getObject(publicPath);
                        cvNet = JsonSyncableItem.fromJSON(context, locUri, jsonObject, syncMap);

                } catch (final HttpResponseException hre) {
                    if (hre.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
                        final SyncItemDeletedException side = new SyncItemDeletedException(locUri);
                        throw side;
            if (cvNet == null) {
                Log.e(TAG, "got null values from fromJSON() on item " + locUri + ": "
                        + (jsonObject != null ? jsonObject.toString() : "<< no json object >>"));
                return false;
            final Date netLastModified = new Date(cvNet.getAsLong(JsonSyncableItem._MODIFIED_DATE));
            final Date locLastModified = new Date(c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(JsonSyncableItem._MODIFIED_DATE)));

            if (netLastModified.equals(locLastModified)) {
                // same! yay! We don't need to do anything.
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d("LocastSync", locUri + " doesn't need to sync.");
            } else if (netLastModified.after(locLastModified)) {
                // remote is more up to date, update!
                cr.update(locUri, cvNet, null, null);
                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d("LocastSync", cvNet + " is newer than " + locUri);
                modified = true;

            } else if (netLastModified.before(locLastModified)) {
                // local is more up to date, propagate!
                jsonObject = nc.putJson(publicPath, JsonSyncableItem.toJSON(context, locUri, c, syncMap));

                if (DEBUG) {
                    Log.d("LocastSync", cvNet + " is older than " + locUri);
                modified = true;
        } catch (final JSONException e) {
            final SyncException se = new SyncException(
                    "Item sync error for path " + publicPath + ": invalid JSON.");
            throw se;
        } catch (final NetworkProtocolException e) {
            final SyncException se = new SyncException(
                    "Item sync error for path " + publicPath + ": " + e.getHttpResponseMessage());
            throw se;
        } finally {
            if (needToCloseCursor) {
                needToCloseCursor = false;

    if (needToCloseCursor) {

    if (locUri == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Never got a local URI for a sync'd item.");

    // two calls are made in two different contexts. Which context you use depends on the application.
    syncMap.onPostSyncItem(context, locUri, jsonObject, modified);
    sync.onPostSyncItem(context, locUri, jsonObject, modified);


    // needed for things that may have requested a sync with a different URI than what was eventually produced.
    if (origToSync != locUri) {
        cr.notifyChange(origToSync, null);

    return modified;

From source file:ddf.security.assertion.impl.SecurityAssertionImpl.java

public boolean isPresentlyValid() {
    Date now = new Date();

    if (getNotBefore() != null && now.before(getNotBefore())) {
        LOGGER.debug("SAML Assertion Time Bound Check Failed.");
        LOGGER.debug("\t Checked time of {} is before the NotBefore time of {}", now, getNotBefore());
        return false;
    }//from   ww w  .  ja  v  a  2s  .co m

    if (getNotOnOrAfter() != null && (now.equals(getNotOnOrAfter()) || now.after(getNotOnOrAfter()))) {
        LOGGER.debug("SAML Assertion Time Bound Check Failed.");
        LOGGER.debug("\t Checked time of {} is equal to or after the NotOnOrAfter time of {}", now,
        return false;

    return true;

From source file:org.jasig.portlet.announcements.model.validators.AnnouncementValidator.java

public void validate(Object obj, Errors errors) {
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "title", "addAnn.title.required.error");
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "abstractText", "addAnn.abstract.required.error");
    if (!allowEmptyMessage) {
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "message", "addAnn.message.required.error");
    }//from  w w  w.j  a  va  2  s.c  o  m
    ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "startDisplay", "addAnn.start.required.error");
    if (!allowOpenEndDate) {
        ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "endDisplay", "addAnn.end.required.error");

    Announcement test = (Announcement) obj;
    if (test.getLink() != null && !"".equals(test.getLink().trim())) {
        if (!validUrlFormat(test.getLink()))
            errors.rejectValue("link", "addAnn.link.malformed.error");
    UnwantedCharacterScrubber vHelper = new UnwantedCharacterScrubber();
    logger.debug(String.format("Original announcement abstract: [%s]", test.getAbstractText()));
    logger.debug(String.format("Converted announcement abstract: [%s]", test.getAbstractText()));
    logger.debug(String.format("Original announcement title: [%s]", test.getTitle()));
    logger.debug(String.format("Converted announcement title: [%s]", test.getTitle()));

    Date startDisplay = test.getStartDisplay();
    Date endDisplay = test.getEndDisplay();
    Date now = new Date();

    if (startDisplay != null) {
        Calendar calStart = new GregorianCalendar();

        if (calStart.get(Calendar.YEAR) > 2050) {
            errors.rejectValue("startDisplay", "addAnn.toofaraway");

        if (calStart.get(Calendar.YEAR) < 2008) {
            errors.rejectValue("startDisplay", "addAnn.tooold");
    if (endDisplay != null) {
        Calendar calEnd = new GregorianCalendar();
        if (calEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR) > 2050) {
            errors.rejectValue("endDisplay", "addAnn.toofaraway");
        if (calEnd.get(Calendar.YEAR) < 2008) {
            errors.rejectValue("endDisplay", "addAnn.tooold");
    if (endDisplay != null && startDisplay != null) {
        Calendar calStart = new GregorianCalendar();
        Calendar calEnd = new GregorianCalendar();

        if (endDisplay.before(now) && !endDisplay.equals(startDisplay)) {
            errors.rejectValue("endDisplay", "addAnn.endDisplay.dateinpast");
        if (startDisplay.after(endDisplay)) {
            errors.rejectValue("startDisplay", "addAnn.startDisplay.afterenddisplay");
        if (startDisplay.equals(endDisplay)) {
            errors.rejectValue("endDisplay", "addAnn.endDisplay.sameAs.startDisplay");

From source file:org.apache.lens.cube.parse.StorageCandidate.java

 * Gets FactPartitions for the given fact using the following logic
 * 1. Find the max update interval that will be used for the query. Lets assume time
 * range is 15 Sep to 15 Dec and the fact has two storage with update periods as MONTHLY,DAILY,HOURLY.
 * In this case the data for [15 sep - 1 oct)U[1 Dec - 15 Dec) will be answered by DAILY partitions
 * and [1 oct - 1Dec) will be answered by MONTHLY partitions. The max interavl for this query will be MONTHLY.
 * 2.Prune Storgaes that do not fall in the queries time range.
 * {@link org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.CubeMetastoreClient#isStorageTableCandidateForRange(String, Date, Date)}
 * 3. Iterate over max interavl . In out case it will give two months Oct and Nov. Find partitions for
 * these two months.Check validity of FactPartitions for Oct and Nov
 * via {@link #updatePartitionStorage(FactPartition)}.
 * If the partition is missing, try getting partitions for the time range form other update periods (DAILY,HOURLY).
 * This is achieved by calling getPartitions() recursively but passing only 2 update periods (DAILY,HOURLY)
 * 4.If the monthly partitions are found, check for lookahead partitions and call getPartitions recursively for the
 * remaining time intervals i.e, [15 sep - 1 oct) and [1 Dec - 15 Dec)
 * TODO union : Move this into util./*from   w  w  w.  j a v a2  s .  c om*/
private boolean getPartitions(Date fromDate, Date toDate, String partCol, Set<FactPartition> partitions,
        TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> updatePeriods, boolean addNonExistingParts, boolean failOnPartialData,
        PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns missingPartitions) throws LensException {
    if (fromDate.equals(toDate) || fromDate.after(toDate)) {
        return true;
    if (updatePeriods == null || updatePeriods.isEmpty()) {
        return false;

    UpdatePeriod maxInterval = CubeFactTable.maxIntervalInRange(fromDate, toDate, updatePeriods);
    if (maxInterval == null) {
        log.info("No max interval for range: {} to {}", fromDate, toDate);
        return false;

    if (maxInterval == UpdatePeriod.CONTINUOUS
            && cubeQueryContext.getRangeWriter().getClass().equals(BetweenTimeRangeWriter.class)) {
        FactPartition part = new FactPartition(partCol, fromDate, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat);
        part = new FactPartition(partCol, toDate, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat);
        log.info("Added continuous fact partition for storage table {}", storageName);
        return true;

    if (!getCubeMetastoreClient().partColExists(this.getFact(), storageName, partCol)) {
        log.info("{} does not exist in {}", partCol, name);
        return false;

    Date maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate = getStorageTableStartDate(maxInterval);
    Date maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate = getStorageTableEndDate(maxInterval);

    TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> remainingIntervals = new TreeSet<>(updatePeriods);
    if (!isCandidatePartiallyValidForTimeRange(maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate, maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate,
            fromDate, toDate)) {
        //Check the time range in remainingIntervals as maxInterval is not useful
        return getPartitions(fromDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts,
                failOnPartialData, missingPartitions);

    Date ceilFromDate = DateUtil.getCeilDate(
            fromDate.after(maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate) ? fromDate : maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate,
    Date floorToDate = DateUtil.getFloorDate(
            toDate.before(maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate) ? toDate : maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate, maxInterval);
    if (ceilFromDate.equals(floorToDate) || floorToDate.before(ceilFromDate)) {
        return getPartitions(fromDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts,
                failOnPartialData, missingPartitions);

    int lookAheadNumParts = getConf().getInt(CubeQueryConfUtil.getLookAheadPTPartsKey(maxInterval),
    TimeRange.Iterable.Iterator iter = TimeRange.iterable(ceilFromDate, floorToDate, maxInterval, 1).iterator();
    // add partitions from ceilFrom to floorTo
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Date dt = iter.next();
        Date nextDt = iter.peekNext();
        FactPartition part = new FactPartition(partCol, dt, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat);
        log.debug("Storage tables containing Partition {} are: {}", part, part.getStorageTables());
        if (part.isFound()) {
            log.debug("Adding existing partition {}", part);
            log.debug("Looking for look ahead process time partitions for {}", part);
            if (processTimePartCol == null) {
                log.debug("processTimePartCol is null");
            } else if (partCol.equals(processTimePartCol)) {
                log.debug("part column is process time col");
            } else if (updatePeriods.first().equals(maxInterval)) {
                log.debug("Update period is the least update period");
            } else if ((iter.getNumIters() - iter.getCounter()) > lookAheadNumParts) {
                // see if this is the part of the last-n look ahead partitions
                log.debug("Not a look ahead partition");
            } else {
                log.debug("Looking for look ahead process time partitions for {}", part);
                // check if finer partitions are required
                // final partitions are required if no partitions from
                // look-ahead
                // process time are present
                TimeRange.Iterable.Iterator processTimeIter = TimeRange
                        .iterable(nextDt, lookAheadNumParts, maxInterval, 1).iterator();
                while (processTimeIter.hasNext()) {
                    Date pdt = processTimeIter.next();
                    Date nextPdt = processTimeIter.peekNext();
                    FactPartition processTimePartition = new FactPartition(processTimePartCol, pdt, maxInterval,
                            null, partWhereClauseFormat);
                    if (processTimePartition.isFound()) {
                        log.debug("Finer parts not required for look-ahead partition :{}", part);
                    } else {
                        log.debug("Looked ahead process time partition {} is not found", processTimePartition);
                        TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> newset = new TreeSet<UpdatePeriod>();
                        log.debug("newset of update periods:{}", newset);
                        if (!newset.isEmpty()) {
                            // Get partitions for look ahead process time
                            log.debug("Looking for process time partitions between {} and {}", pdt, nextPdt);
                            Set<FactPartition> processTimeParts = getPartitions(
                                    newset, true, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions);
                            log.debug("Look ahead partitions: {}", processTimeParts);
                            TimeRange timeRange = TimeRange.builder().fromDate(dt).toDate(nextDt).build();
                            for (FactPartition pPart : processTimeParts) {
                                log.debug("Looking for finer partitions in pPart: {}", pPart);
                                for (Date date : timeRange.iterable(pPart.getPeriod(), 1)) {
                                    FactPartition innerPart = new FactPartition(partCol, date,
                                            pPart.getPeriod(), pPart, partWhereClauseFormat);
                                    if (innerPart.isFound()) {
                                log.debug("added all sub partitions blindly in pPart: {}", pPart);
        } else {
            log.info("Partition:{} does not exist in any storage table", part);
            if (!getPartitions(dt, nextDt, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, false, failOnPartialData,
                    missingPartitions)) {
                log.debug("Adding non existing partition {}", part);
                if (addNonExistingParts) {
                    // Add non existing partitions for all cases of whether we populate all non existing or not.
                    if (!failOnPartialData) {
                } else {
                    log.info("No finer granualar partitions exist for {}", part);
                    return false;
            } else {
                log.debug("Finer granualar partitions added for {}", part);

    return getPartitions(fromDate, ceilFromDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts,
            failOnPartialData, missingPartitions)
            && getPartitions(floorToDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts,
                    failOnPartialData, missingPartitions);

From source file:gov.utah.dts.det.ccl.service.impl.FacilityServiceImpl.java

public Facility updateInitialRegulationDate(Facility facility, Date initialRegulationDate) {
    if (facility == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Facility must not be null");
    }//from   w w  w.  j a va  2  s.c  o m
    if (initialRegulationDate != null && !initialRegulationDate.equals(facility.getInitialRegulationDate())) {

        facility = facilityDao.save(facility);

    return facility;

From source file:org.openmrs.module.reporting.dataset.definition.evaluator.EncounterAndObsDataSetEvaluatorTest.java

 * @see {@link EncounterAndObsDataSetEvaluator#evaluate(DataSetDefinition,EvaluationContext)}
 *///from  w ww. j av a  2  s  . c  om
@Verifies(value = "should evaluate an EncounterAndObsDataSetDefinition with filter for which Encounters and Quantity", method = "evaluate(DataSetDefinition,EvaluationContext)")
public void evaluate_shouldEvaluateAnEncounterAndObsDataSetDefinitionWithWhichEncountersAndQuantity()
        throws Exception {

    EncounterAndObsDataSetDefinition d = new EncounterAndObsDataSetDefinition();

    EncounterType adultInitial = new EncounterType(10);
    EncounterType adultReturn = new EncounterType(11);
    EncounterType childSpecial = new EncounterType(13);
    List<EncounterType> encounterTypes = new ArrayList<EncounterType>();


    SimpleDataSet result = (SimpleDataSet) Context.getService(DataSetDefinitionService.class).evaluate(d, null);

    // Basic Dimensions of Rows and Columns
    Assert.assertEquals(5, result.getRows().size()); // test Quantity
    Assert.assertEquals(17, result.getMetaData().getColumnCount()); // 5 (standard) + 4 (obs) * 3 (value, date, group)

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    Integer lastPatientId = null;
    Date lastEncounterDatetime = null;

    for (DataSetRow row : result.getRows()) {
        Integer patientId = (Integer) row.getColumnValue("INTERNAL_PATIENT_ID");
        Date encounterDatetime = sdf.parse(row.getColumnValue("ENCOUNTER_DATETIME").toString());

        // test WhichEncounter
        if (lastPatientId != null) {
            if (lastPatientId == patientId) {
                        || encounterDatetime.equals(lastEncounterDatetime));
            } else {
                Assert.assertTrue(patientId > (lastPatientId) || patientId == lastPatientId);

        lastPatientId = patientId;
        lastEncounterDatetime = encounterDatetime;
