Java tutorial
/* * MiniGL * Copyright (C) 2005 Alejandro Revilla * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.math.BigDecimal; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.LockMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport; import org.hibernate.type.LongType; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; /** * MiniGL facility entry point. * * @author <a href="">Alejandro Revilla</a> */ public class GLSession { private static Configuration cfg; private static SessionFactory sf; private static Map ruleCache; private GLUser user; private Session session; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GLSession.class); private long checkpoint; private DB db; public static final short[] LAYER_ZERO = new short[] { 0 }; /** * "0.00" */ public static final BigDecimal ZERO = new BigDecimal("0.00"); /** * "0" (no decimals) */ public static final BigDecimal Z = new BigDecimal("0"); static { try { // init (); ruleCache = new HashMap(); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal(e); } } /** * Construct a GLSession for a given user. * * User has to exist in MiniGL gluser table. * @see GLUser * * @param username the user name. */ public GLSession(String username) throws HibernateException, GLException { super(); this.db = new DB(); session =; user = getUser(username); if (user == null) { close(); throw new GLException("Invalid user '" + username + "'"); } } /** * Construct a GLSession using property <code></code>. * User has to exist in MiniGL gluser table. * @see User */ public GLSession() throws HibernateException, GLException { this(System.getProperty("")); } /** * Construct a GLSession for a given user. * * User has to exist in MiniGL gluser table. * @see GLUser * * @param db EE DB * @param username the user name. */ public GLSession(DB db, String username) throws HibernateException, GLException { super(); this.db = db; session =; user = getUser(username); if (user == null) { close(); throw new GLException("Invalid user '" + username + "'"); } } /** * Construct a GLSession using property <code></code>. * User has to exist in MiniGL gluser table. * @param db EE DB * @see User */ public GLSession(DB db) throws HibernateException, GLException { this(db, System.getProperty("")); } /** * @param action name * @return true if user has permission to perform given action * @see GLPermission */ public boolean hasPermission(String action) { Iterator iter = user.getPermissions().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GLPermission p = (GLPermission); if (p.getJournal() == null && action.equals(p.getName())) return true; } return false; } /** * @param action name * @throws GLException if user doesn't have permission. * @see GLPermission */ public void checkPermission(String action) throws GLException { if (!hasPermission(action)) { throw new GLException("User '" + user.getName() + "' (" + user.getId() + ") does not have '" + action + "' permission."); } } /** * Grant permission to user. * In order to grant a permission, we need to have both the permission * and GRANT. * * @param userName user name * @param permName permission name */ public void grant(String userName, String permName) throws GLException, HibernateException { checkPermission(GLPermission.GRANT); checkPermission(permName); GLPermission perm = new GLPermission(permName);; GLUser u = getUser(userName); u.grant(perm); } /** * Revoke permission from user. * In order to grant a permission, we need to have both the permission * and GRANT. * * @param userName user name * @param permName permission name */ public void revoke(String userName, String permName) throws GLException, HibernateException { checkPermission(GLPermission.GRANT); GLUser u = getUser(userName); u.revoke(permName); } /** * Verifies user's permission in a given journal. * @param action name * @param j journal * @return true if user has permission to perform given action. * @see GLPermission * @see Journal */ public boolean hasPermission(String action, Journal j) { Iterator iter = user.getPermissions().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GLPermission p = (GLPermission); Journal pj = p.getJournal(); if (action.equals(p.getName()) && (pj == null || (pj.getId() == j.getId()))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check user's permission in a given journal. * @param action name * @param j journal * @throws GLException if user doesn't have permission. * @see GLPermission * @see Journal */ public void checkPermission(String action, Journal j) throws GLException { if (!hasPermission(action, j)) { throw new GLException("User '" + user.getName() + "' (" + user.getId() + ") does not have '" + action + "' permission in journal '" + j.getName() + "' (" + j.getId() + ")"); } } /** * @param code chart of account's code * @return top level chart with given code or null. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public Account getChart(String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); Query q = session .createQuery("from acct in class where code=:code and parent is null"); q.setParameter("code", code); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); return (Account) (iter.hasNext() ? : null); } /** * @param chart chart of accounts. * @param code account's code. * @return account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public Account getAccount(Account chart, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); Query q = session.createQuery("from acct in class where root=:chart and code=:code"); q.setLong("chart", chart.getId()); q.setParameter("code", code); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); return (Account) (iter.hasNext() ? : null); } /** * Add account to parent. * Check permissions, parent's type and optional currency. * * @param parent parent account * @param acct account to add * @throws HibernateException * @throws GLException if user doesn't have permissions, or type mismatch */ public void addAccount(CompositeAccount parent, Account acct) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.WRITE); if (!parent.isChart() && !parent.equalsType(acct)) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Type mismatch "); sb.append(parent.getTypeAsString()); sb.append('/'); sb.append(acct.getTypeAsString()); throw new GLException(sb.toString()); } String currencyCode = parent.getCurrencyCode(); if (currencyCode != null && !currencyCode.equals(acct.getCurrencyCode())) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Currency mismatch "); sb.append(currencyCode); sb.append('/'); sb.append(acct.getCurrencyCode()); throw new GLException(sb.toString()); } acct.setRoot(parent.getRoot());; // acct.setParent (parent); parent.getChildren().add(acct); } /** * @param chart chart of accounts. * @param code account's code. * @return final account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public FinalAccount getFinalAccount(Account chart, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); Query q = session .createQuery("from acct in class where root=:chart and code=:code"); q.setLong("chart", chart.getId()); q.setParameter("code", code); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); return (FinalAccount) (iter.hasNext() ? : null); } /** * @param chart chart of accounts. * @param code account's code. * @return composite account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public CompositeAccount getCompositeAccount(Account chart, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); Query q = session .createQuery("from acct in class where root=:chart and code=:code"); q.setLong("chart", chart.getId()); q.setParameter("code", code); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); return (CompositeAccount) (iter.hasNext() ? : null); } /** * @param chartName chart of account's code. * @param code account's code. * @return account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public Account getAccount(String chartName, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { Account chart = getChart(chartName); if (chart == null) throw new GLException("Chart '" + chartName + "' does not exist"); return getAccount(chart, code); } /** * @param chartName chart of account's code. * @param code account's code. * @return final account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public FinalAccount getFinalAccount(String chartName, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { Account chart = getChart(chartName); if (chart == null) throw new GLException("Chart '" + chartName + "' does not exist"); return getFinalAccount(chart, code); } /** * @param chartName chart of account's code. * @param code account's code. * @return composite account with given code in given chart, or null. * * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @see GLPermission */ public CompositeAccount getCompositeAccount(String chartName, String code) throws HibernateException, GLException { Account chart = getChart(chartName); if (chart == null) throw new GLException("Chart '" + chartName + "' does not exist"); return getCompositeAccount(chart, code); } /** * @param name journal's name. * @return journal or null. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @see GLPermission */ public Journal getJournal(String name) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); Query q = session.createQuery("from journal in class where name=:name"); q.setParameter("name", name); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); return (Journal) (iter.hasNext() ? : null); } /** * Post transaction in a given journal. * * @param journal the journal. * @param txn the transaction. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have POST permission or any rule associated with this journal and/or account raises a GLException. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @see GLPermission * @see JournalRule */ public void post(Journal journal, GLTransaction txn) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, journal); txn.setJournal(journal); txn.setTimestamp(new Date()); if (txn.getPostDate() == null) txn.setPostDate(txn.getTimestamp()); invalidateCheckpoints(txn); Collection rules = getRules(txn); // dumpRules (rules); applyRules(txn, rules);; } /** * Moves a transaction to a new journal * @param txn the Transaction * @param journal the New Journal * @throws GLException if user doesn't have POST permission on the old and new journals. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. */ public void move(GLTransaction txn, Journal journal) throws GLException, HibernateException { checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, journal); checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, txn.getJournal()); invalidateCheckpoints(txn); // invalidate in old journal txn.setJournal(journal); invalidateCheckpoints(txn); // invalidate in new journal applyRules(txn, getRules(txn)); session.update(txn); } /** * Summarize transactions in a journal. * * @param journal the journal. * @param start date (inclusive). * @param end date (inclusive). * @param description summary transaction's description * @return GLTransaction a summary transaction * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. * @throws HibernateException on database/mapping errors */ public GLTransaction summarize(Journal journal, Date start, Date end, String description, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.SUMMARIZE, journal); start = Util.floor(start); end = Util.ceil(end); if (end.compareTo(start) < 0) { throw new GLException("Invalid date range " + Util.dateToString(start) + ":" + Util.dateToString(end)); } Date lockDate = journal.getLockDate(); if (lockDate != null && start.compareTo(lockDate) <= 0) { throw new GLException("Journal is locked at " + Util.dateToString(lockDate)); } setLockDate(journal, end); GLTransaction txn = new GLTransaction(description); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { Iterator debits = findSummarizedGLEntries(journal, start, end, false, layers[i]); Iterator credits = findSummarizedGLEntries(journal, start, end, true, layers[i]); while (debits.hasNext()) { Object[] obj = (Object[]); txn.createDebit((FinalAccount) obj[0], (BigDecimal) obj[1], null, layers[i]); } while (credits.hasNext()) { Object[] obj = (Object[]); txn.createCredit((FinalAccount) obj[0], (BigDecimal) obj[1], null, layers[i]); } } txn.setJournal(journal); txn.setTimestamp(new Date()); txn.setPostDate(end); deleteGLTransactions(journal, start, end);; // force post - no rule validations journal.setLockDate(null); return txn; } /** * @param journal the journal. * @param id txn id * @return GLTransaction or null * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public GLTransaction getTransaction(Journal journal, long id) throws HibernateException, GLException { GLTransaction txn = null; checkPermission(GLPermission.READ, journal); try { txn = (GLTransaction) session.load(GLTransaction.class, new Long(id)); if (txn.getJournal() != journal) throw new GLException("The transaction does not belong to the specified journal"); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { // okay to happen } return txn; } /** * @param journal the journal. * @param start date (inclusive). * @param end date (inclusive). * @param destinationJournal where to move former transactions. A null value would delete former transactions. * @param searchString optional search string * @param findByPostDate true to find by postDate, false to find by timestamp * @param pageNumber the page number * @param pageSize the page size * @return list of transactions * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public List findTransactions(Journal journal, Date start, Date end, String searchString, boolean findByPostDate, int pageNumber, int pageSize) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ, journal); String dateField = findByPostDate ? "postDate" : "timestamp"; if (findByPostDate) { if (start != null) start = Util.floor(start); if (end != null) end = Util.ceil(end); } Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(GLTransaction.class).add(Expression.eq("journal", journal)); if (start != null && start.equals(end)) crit.add(Expression.eq(dateField, start)); else { if (start != null) crit.add(, start)); if (end != null) crit.add(Expression.le(dateField, end)); } if (searchString != null) crit.add("detail", "%" + searchString + "%")); if (pageSize > 0 && pageNumber > 0) { crit.setMaxResults(pageSize); crit.setFirstResult(pageSize * (pageNumber - 1)); } return crit.list(); } /** * @param journal the journal. * @param start date (inclusive). * @param end date (inclusive). * @param destinationJournal where to move former transactions. A null value would delete former transactions. * @param searchString optional search string * @param findByPostDate true to find by postDate, false to find by timestamp * @return list of transactions * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public List findTransactions(Journal journal, Date start, Date end, String searchString, boolean findByPostDate) throws HibernateException, GLException { return findTransactions(journal, start, end, searchString, findByPostDate, 0, 0); } /** * @return user object associated with this session. */ public GLUser getUser() { return user; } /** * Current Balance for account in a given journal. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @return current balance. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, null, true)[0]; } /** * Current Balance for account in a given journal. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param layers the layers. * @return current balance. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, short layer) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, null, true, new short[] { layer })[0]; } /** * Current Balance for account in a given journal. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param layers the layers. * @return current balance. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, null, true, layers)[0]; } /** * Current Balance for account in a given journal. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param layers comma separated list of layers * @return current balance. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, String layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, null, true, toLayers(layers))[0]; } /** * Balance for account in a given journal in a given date. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (inclusive). * @return balance at given date. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, date, true)[0]; } /** * Balance for account in a given journal in a given date. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (inclusive). * @param layers layers * @return balance at given date. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, short layer) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, date, true, new short[] { layer })[0]; } /** * Balance for account in a given journal in a given date. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (inclusive). * @param layers layers * @return balance at given date. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal getBalance(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, date, true, layers)[0]; } /** * Get Both Balances at given date * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (inclusive). * @param inclusive either true or false * @return array of 2 BigDecimals with balance and entry count. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal[] getBalances(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, boolean inclusive) throws HibernateException, GLException { return getBalances(journal, acct, date, inclusive, LAYER_ZERO); } /** * Get Both Balances at given date * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (inclusive). * @param inclusive either true or false * @param layers the layers * @return array of 2 BigDecimals with balance and entry count. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public BigDecimal[] getBalances(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, boolean inclusive, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ, journal); BigDecimal balance[] = { ZERO, Z }; if (acct.getChildren() != null) { if (acct.isChart()) { return getChartBalances(journal, (CompositeAccount) acct, date, inclusive, layers); } Iterator iter = acct.getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Account a = (Account); BigDecimal[] b = getBalances(journal, a, date, inclusive, layers); balance[0] = balance[0].add(b[0]); session.evict(a); } } else if (acct instanceof FinalAccount) { Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(GLEntry.class).add(Expression.eq("account", acct)) .add("layer", toShortArray(layers))); crit = crit.createCriteria("transaction").add(Expression.eq("journal", journal)); if (date != null) { if (inclusive) { crit.add("postDate", Util.tomorrow(date))); } else { date = Util.floor(date); crit.add("postDate", date)); } } Checkpoint chkp = getRecentCheckpoint(journal, acct, date, inclusive, layers); if (chkp != null) { balance[0] = chkp.getBalance(); crit.add("postDate", chkp.getDate())); } List l = crit.list(); balance[0] = applyEntries(balance[0], l); balance[1] = new BigDecimal(l.size()); // hint for checkpoint } return balance; } /** * AccountDetail for date range * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param start date (inclusive). * @param end date (inclusive). * @return Account detail for given period. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have READ permission on this jounral. */ public AccountDetail getAccountDetail(Journal journal, Account acct, Date start, Date end, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.READ); start = Util.floor(start); end = Util.ceil(end); Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(GLEntry.class).add(Expression.eq("account", acct)) .add("layer", toShortArray(layers))); crit = crit.createCriteria("transaction").add(Expression.eq("journal", journal)) .add("postDate", start)).add(Expression.le("postDate", end)); BigDecimal initialBalance[] = getBalances(journal, acct, start, false, layers); List entries = crit.list(); BigDecimal finalBalance = applyEntries(initialBalance[0], entries); return new AccountDetail(journal, acct, initialBalance[0], finalBalance, start, end, entries, layers); } /** * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @param date date (null for last checkpoint) * @param inclusive either true or false * @return Most recent check point for given date. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have CHECKPOINT permission on this jounral. */ public Checkpoint getRecentCheckpoint(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, boolean inclusive, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.CHECKPOINT, journal); Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Checkpoint.class).add(Expression.eq("journal", journal)) .add(Expression.eq("account", acct)); if (layers != null) crit.add(Expression.eq("layers", layersToString(layers))); if (date != null) { if (inclusive) crit.add(Expression.le("date", date)); else crit.add("date", date)); } crit.addOrder(Order.desc("date")); crit.setMaxResults(1); return (Checkpoint) crit.uniqueResult(); } /** * @param journal the Journal * @param acct the account * @param date checkpoint date (inclusive) * @param threshold minimum number of GLEntries required to create a checkpoint * @throws GLException if user doesn't have CHECKPOINT permission on this jounral. */ public void createCheckpoint(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, int threshold) throws HibernateException, GLException { createCheckpoint(journal, acct, date, threshold, LAYER_ZERO); } /** * @param journal the Journal * @param acct the account * @param date checkpoint date (inclusive) * @param layers taken into account in this checkpoint * @param threshold minimum number of GLEntries required to create a checkpoint * @throws GLException if user doesn't have CHECKPOINT permission on this jounral. */ public void createCheckpoint(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, int threshold, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { if (date == null) throw new GLException("Invalid checkpoint date"); checkPermission(GLPermission.CHECKPOINT, journal); // Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.lock(journal, LockMode.UPGRADE); createCheckpoint0(journal, acct, date, threshold, layers); // tx.commit(); } /** * Lock a journal. * @param journal the journal. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have POST permission on this jounral. */ public void lock(Journal journal) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, journal); session.lock(journal, LockMode.UPGRADE); } /** * Lock an account in a given journal. * @param journal the journal. * @param acct the account. * @throws GLException if user doesn't have POST permission on this jounral. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. */ public void lock(Journal journal, Account acct) throws HibernateException, GLException { checkPermission(GLPermission.POST, journal); AccountLock lck = getLock(journal, acct, false); if (lck == null) { // Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.lock(journal, LockMode.UPGRADE); lck = getLock(journal, acct, true); // tx.commit(); lck = getLock(journal, acct, false); // re-get it } } /** * Open underlying Hibernate session. * @throws HibernateException */ public synchronized Session open() throws HibernateException { return; } /** * Close underlying Hibernate session. * @throws HibernateException */ public synchronized void close() throws HibernateException { db.close(); } /** * @return underlying Hibernate Session. */ public Session session() { return db.session(); } /** * @return Hibernate's session factory */ public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return sf; } /** * Begin hibernate transaction. * @return new Transaction */ public Transaction beginTransaction() throws HibernateException { return session.beginTransaction(); } /** * Begin hibernate transaction. * @param timeout timeout in seconds * @return new Transaction */ public Transaction beginTransaction(int timeout) throws HibernateException { Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); if (timeout > 0) tx.setTimeout(timeout); return tx; } public GLUser getUser(String nick) throws HibernateException { return (GLUser) session.createCriteria(GLUser.class).add(Expression.eq("nick", nick)).uniqueResult(); } /** * set a journal's lockDate * @param journal the Journal * @param lockDate the lock date. * @throws HibernateException on database errors. * @throws GLException if users doesn't have global READ permission. */ public void setLockDate(Journal journal, Date lockDate) throws GLException, HibernateException { checkPermission(GLPermission.WRITE, journal); // Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction(); session.lock(journal, LockMode.UPGRADE); journal.setLockDate(lockDate); // tx.commit(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC HELPERS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- public short[] toLayers(String layers) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(layers, ", "); short[] sa = new short[st.countTokens()]; for (int i = 0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) sa[i] = Short.parseShort(st.nextToken()); return sa; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PRIVATE METHODS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- private AccountLock getLock(Journal journal, Account acct, boolean create) throws HibernateException { AccountLock lck = new AccountLock(journal, acct); try { lck = (AccountLock) session.load(AccountLock.class, lck, LockMode.UPGRADE); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { if (create); else lck = null; } return lck; } private void createCheckpoint0(Journal journal, Account acct, Date date, int threshold, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { if (acct instanceof CompositeAccount) { Iterator iter = ((CompositeAccount) acct).getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Account a = (Account); createCheckpoint0(journal, a, date, threshold, layers); } } else if (acct instanceof FinalAccount) { Date sod = Util.floor(date); // sod = start of day invalidateCheckpoints(journal, new Account[] { acct }, sod, sod, layers); BigDecimal b[] = getBalances(journal, acct, date, true, layers); if (b[1].intValue() >= threshold) { Checkpoint c = new Checkpoint(); c.setDate(date); c.setBalance(b[0]); c.setJournal(journal); c.setAccount(acct); c.setLayers(layersToString(layers));; } } } private Account[] getAccounts(GLTransaction txn) { List list = txn.getEntries(); Account[] accounts = new Account[list.size()]; Iterator iter = list.iterator(); for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) { GLEntry entry = (GLEntry); accounts[i] = entry.getAccount(); } return accounts; } private List getAccountHierarchyIds(Account acct) throws GLException { if (acct == null) throw new GLException("Invalid entry - account is null"); Account p = acct; List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; p != null; i++) { l.add(new Long(p.getId())); p = p.getParent(); } return l; } private void invalidateCheckpoints(GLTransaction txn) throws HibernateException { Account[] accounts = getAccounts(txn); invalidateCheckpoints(txn.getJournal(), accounts, txn.getPostDate(), null, null); } private void invalidateCheckpoints(Journal journal, Account[] accounts, Date start, Date end, short[] layers) throws HibernateException { Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Checkpoint.class).add(Expression.eq("journal", journal)) .add("account", accounts)); if (layers != null) crit.add(Expression.eq("layers", layersToString(layers))); if (start.equals(end)) crit.add(Expression.eq("date", start)); else { crit.add("date", start)); if (end != null) { crit.add(Expression.le("date", end)); } } Iterator iter = crit.list().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Checkpoint cp = (Checkpoint); session.delete(cp); } session.flush(); } private BigDecimal applyEntries(BigDecimal balance, List entries) throws GLException { Iterator iter = entries.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GLEntry entry = (GLEntry); if (entry.isIncrease()) { balance = balance.add(entry.getAmount()); } else if (entry.isDecrease()) { balance = balance.subtract(entry.getAmount()); } else { throw new GLException(entry.toString() + " has invalid account type"); } } return balance; } private static void init() throws Exception { synchronized (GLSession.class) { if (cfg != null) return; cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.configure(); sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory(); } } private Object getRuleImpl(String clazz) throws GLException { Object impl = ruleCache.get(clazz); if (impl == null) { synchronized (ruleCache) { impl = ruleCache.get(clazz); if (impl == null) { try { Class cls = Class.forName(clazz); impl = cls.newInstance(); ruleCache.put(clazz, impl); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GLException("Invalid rule " + clazz, e); } } } } return impl; } private void dumpRules(Collection rules) { log.warn("--- rules ---"); Iterator iter = rules.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { log.warn(; } } private void addRules(Map ruleMap, Journal journal, List acctHierarchy, int offset) throws HibernateException, GLException { Query q = session.createQuery( "from where journal=:journal and account in (:accts) order by id"); q.setParameter("journal", journal); q.setParameterList("accts", acctHierarchy, new LongType()); q.setCacheable(true); q.setCacheRegion("rules"); Iterator iter = q.iterate(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RuleInfo ri = (RuleInfo); RuleEntry k = new RuleEntry(ri, ri.getAccount()); RuleEntry re = (RuleEntry) ruleMap.get(k.getKey()); if (re == null) ruleMap.put(k.getKey(), re = k); re.addOffset(offset); } } private void applyRules(GLTransaction txn, Collection rules) throws HibernateException, GLException { Iterator iter = rules.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RuleEntry re = (RuleEntry); RuleInfo ri = re.getRuleInfo(); JournalRule rule = (JournalRule) getRuleImpl(ri.getClazz()); rule.check(this, txn, ri.getParam(), re.getAccount(), re.getOffsets(), ri.getLayerArray()); } } private Collection getRules(GLTransaction txn) throws HibernateException, GLException { Map map = new LinkedHashMap(); Journal journal = txn.getJournal(); Query q = session .createQuery("from where journal=:journal and account is null order by id"); q.setParameter("journal", journal); Iterator iter = q.list().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RuleInfo ri = (RuleInfo); RuleEntry re = new RuleEntry(ri); map.put(re.getKey(), re); } iter = txn.getEntries().iterator(); for (int i = 0; iter.hasNext(); i++) { GLEntry entry = (GLEntry); addRules(map, journal, getAccountHierarchyIds(entry.getAccount()), i); } return map.values(); } private BigDecimal[] getChartBalances(Journal journal, CompositeAccount acct, Date date, boolean inclusive, short[] layers) throws HibernateException, GLException { BigDecimal balance[] = { ZERO, ZERO }; Iterator iter = ((CompositeAccount) acct).getChildren().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Account a = (Account); BigDecimal[] b = getBalances(journal, a, date, inclusive, layers); if (a.isDebit()) { balance[0] = balance[0].add(b[0]); balance[1] = balance[1].add(b[1]); } else if (a.isCredit()) { balance[0] = balance[0].subtract(b[0]); balance[1] = balance[1].subtract(b[1]); } else { throw new GLException("Account " + a + " has wrong type"); } session.evict(a); } return balance; } private Iterator findSummarizedGLEntries(Journal journal, Date start, Date end, boolean credit, short layer) throws HibernateException, GLException { StringBuffer qs = new StringBuffer( "select entry.account, sum(entry.amount)" + " from entry," + " txn" + " where = entry.transaction" + " and credit = :credit" + " and txn.journal = :journal" + " and entry.layer = :layer"); boolean equalDate = start.equals(end); if (equalDate) { qs.append(" and txn.postDate = :date"); } else { qs.append(" and txn.postDate >= :start"); qs.append(" and txn.postDate <= :end"); } qs.append(" group by entry.account"); Query q = session.createQuery(qs.toString()); q.setLong("journal", journal.getId()); q.setParameter("credit", credit ? "Y" : "N"); q.setShort("layer", layer); if (equalDate) q.setParameter("date", start); else { q.setParameter("start", start); q.setParameter("end", end); } return q.iterate(); } private void deleteGLTransactions(Journal journal, Date start, Date end) throws HibernateException, GLException { boolean equalDate = start.equals(end); StringBuffer qs = new StringBuffer("from where journal = :journal"); if (equalDate) { qs.append(" and postDate = :date"); } else { qs.append(" and postDate >= :start"); qs.append(" and postDate <= :endDate"); } Query q = session.createQuery(qs.toString()); q.setLong("journal", journal.getId()); if (equalDate) q.setParameter("date", start); else { q.setParameter("start", start); q.setParameter("endDate", end); } ScrollableResults sr = q.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); while ( { session.delete(sr.get(0)); } } private void reset() { checkpoint = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private long checkPoint() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = now - checkpoint; checkpoint = now; return diff; } private void checkPoint(String s) { System.out.println(s + " [" + checkPoint() + "ms]"); } private static Short[] toShortArray(short[] i) { if (i == null) return new Short[0]; Short[] sa = new Short[i.length]; for (int j = 0; j < i.length; j++) sa[j] = new Short(i[j]); return sa; } private String layersToString(short[] layers) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Arrays.sort(layers); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append('.'); sb.append(Short.toString(layers[i])); } return sb.toString(); } }