List of usage examples for java.util Date equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
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@Override public Object execute(final ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException { try {/* 2 s .c o m*/ final IZmlTable table = ZmlHandlerUtil.getTable(event); final ZmlModelViewport model = table.getModelViewport(); final IZmlTableSelection selection = table.getSelection(); final IZmlModelValueCell active = selection.getFocusCell(); if (active == null) return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; final IZmlModelColumn column = active.getColumn(); final IZmlEditingStrategy strategy = model.getEditingStrategy(column); if (strategy.isAggregated()) { final ZmlModelCellLabelProvider provider = new ZmlModelCellLabelProvider(column); final String targetValue = provider.getText(table.getModelViewport(), active); IZmlModelValueCell ptr = model.findNextCell(active); while (ptr != null) { strategy.setValue(ptr, targetValue); ptr = model.findNextCell(ptr); } } else { final Object targetValue = active.getValue(); final Date base = active.getIndexValue(); final TupleModelTransaction transaction = new TupleModelTransaction(column.getTupleModel(), column.getMetadata()); column.accept(new IZmlModelColumnVisitor() { @Override public void visit(final IZmlModelValueCell ref) { final Date current = ref.getIndexValue(); if (current.before(base) || current.equals(base)) return; final TupleModelDataSet dataset = new TupleModelDataSet(column.getValueAxis(), targetValue, KalypsoStati.BIT_USER_MODIFIED, IDataSourceItem.SOURCE_MANUAL_CHANGED); transaction.add(new UpdateTupleModelDataSetCommand(ref.getModelIndex(), dataset, true)); } }); column.getTupleModel().execute(transaction); } doInterpolation(column); return Status.OK_STATUS; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ExecutionException(Messages.ZmlCommandSetValuesBelow_0, e); } }
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public void testPostFeedback() { WebSite site = getWebSite();/*from w w w. j a va2 s.c o m*/ Section root = site.getRootSection(); String rootId = root.getId(); Asset indexAsset = assetFactory.getSectionAsset(root.getId(), "index.html"); assertEquals("index.html", indexAsset.getName()); assertEquals(rootId, indexAsset.getContainingSection().getId());"Article id = " + indexAsset.getId()); Date beforePost = new Date(); String feedbackId = site.getUgcService().postFeedback(indexAsset.getId(), "Brian", "brian@theworld", "", UgcService.COMMENT_TYPE, null, "This is a fantastic article", new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextInt(6)); Date afterPost = new Date(); long count = 0; VisitorFeedbackPage page = site.getUgcService().getFeedbackPage(indexAsset.getId(), 10, count); long totalSize = page.getTotalSize(); boolean found = false; while (page.getSize() > 0) { List<VisitorFeedback> feedbackList = page.getFeedback(); for (VisitorFeedback feedback : feedbackList) { ++count; if (!found) { found = (feedback.getId().equals(feedbackId)); if (found) { Date feedbackTime = feedback.getPostTime(); assertNotNull(feedbackTime); assertTrue(feedbackTime.after(beforePost) || feedbackTime.equals(beforePost)); assertTrue(feedbackTime.before(afterPost) || feedbackTime.equals(afterPost)); } } } page = site.getUgcService().getFeedbackPage(indexAsset.getId(), 10, count); } assertEquals(totalSize, count); assertTrue(found); }
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public void setAccountDate(Date accountDate) { if (!accountDate.equals(this.accountDate)) { super.setChanged(); super.notifyObservers(accountDate); }/*from ww w. j a v a2s . com*/ this.accountDate = accountDate; }
From source
@Override protected IndicatorResult flagImpl(Notice notice) { String procType = fetchProcedureType(notice); if (!procType.equals("PR-1")) { return irrelevantData(); }//from w ww . j a va 2 s. c om parseFamilyMeta(notice); int selfIndex = memberIndexOfSelf(notice); int td3Index = memberIndexOfClosestTD3(notice, selfIndex); Notice deadlineDoc = null; Notice td3 = null; Procedure proc = null; Duration maintainDuration = null; if (null == (deadlineDoc = getDeadlineDoc(notice, selfIndex, td3Index)) || null == (td3 = getTD3(notice, td3Index)) || null == (proc = td3.getProc()) || null == (maintainDuration = proc.getMinMaintainDuration())) { return missingData(); } Date td3Deadline = td3.getData().getDeadline(); Date deadline = deadlineDoc.getData().getDeadline(); String mod = td3Deadline.equals(deadline) ? "" : "mdost doksi: " + deadlineDoc.getUrl(); if (0 == maintainDuration.getInDays()) { Date d = rawParser.parseDate(maintainDuration.getRaw()); maintainDuration.setBegin(deadline); maintainDuration.setEnd(d); maintainDuration.fill(); } LOG.trace("Deadline: {}", deadline); LOG.trace("Maintain: {}", proc.getMinMaintainDuration().getRaw()); int maxDays = addToMaintainDays + maintainDuration.getInDays(); for (Award a : notice.getAwards()) { Duration d = new Duration(); d.setBegin(deadlineDoc.getData().getDeadline()); d.setEnd(a.getDecisionDate()); d.fill(); LOG.trace("Decision: {} ({} days) (max={})", a.getDecisionDate(), d.getInDays(), maxDays); if (d.getInDays() > maxDays) { // System.out // .println("DECISION DATE FLAGGED DOCS;" // + td3.getUrl() // + ";" // + notice.getUrl() // + ";" // + String.format( // "Az ajnlatok felbontsa s a dnts kztt tl hossz id telt el: %d > %d %s", // d.getInDays(), maxDays, mod)); return returnFlag("info", "days=" + d.getInDays(), "max=" + maxDays); } } return null; }
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/** * Tests for correct conversion from String to Date * Test method for {@link org.openehealth.coala.util.PXSDateConverter#stringToDate(java.lang.String)}. *///from w ww. j ava 2 s .c om @Test @Ignore public void testStringToDate() { Date pxsDate = pxsDateConverter.stringToDate(referenceStringLong); assertTrue(pxsDate.getTime() == referenceDateLong.getTime()); pxsDate = pxsDateConverter.stringToDate(referenceStringShort); assertTrue(pxsDate.equals(referenceDateShort)); }
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public void testPoll_OnOffTest() throws InterruptedException, IOException { JSFSession jsfSession = JSFSessionFactory.makeSession("/richfaces/poll.jsf"); JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession(); RichFacesClient ajaxClient = new RichFacesClient(client); JSFServerSession server = jsfSession.getJSFServerSession(); // Get the backing bean to check activity PollBean pb = (PollBean) server.getManagedBeanValue(_POLLBEAN); assertNotNull("Can't find PollBean", pb); // Make sure polling is enabled assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the PollBean", pb.getPollEnabled()); // Get poll control to check status UIPoll poll = (UIPoll) server.findComponent(_POLL_ID); assertNotNull("Can't find server side poll component", poll); int interval = poll.getInterval(); // Make sure polling is enabled assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the component", poll.isEnabled()); // Make sure the date is updating Date startDate = pb.getLasttime(); Thread.sleep(interval * 4);/* ww w.j a va2s.c o m*/ Date endDate = pb.getLasttime(); assertFalse("Date is not being updated in the PollBean", startDate.equals(endDate)); // Get control button and disable polling HtmlButtonInput button = (HtmlButtonInput) client.getElement(_BUTTON_ID); assertNotNull("Can't find polling control button [" + _BUTTON_ID + "]", button);; // Wait for polling state to change Thread.sleep(interval * 2); // Make sure we're no longer polling assertFalse("Polling should be disabled in the PollBean", pb.getPollEnabled()); // Check the server-side control also (TBD: This causes IllegalStateException) // poll = (UIPoll)server.findComponent(_POLL_ID); // assertFalse("Polling should be disabled in the component",poll.isEnabled()); // Make sure the date is NOT updating startDate = pb.getLasttime(); Thread.sleep(interval * 4); endDate = pb.getLasttime(); assertTrue("Date should not be updating in the PollBean", startDate.equals(endDate)); // Turn polling back on (page was updated, therefore we MUST re-get the control) button = (HtmlButtonInput) client.getElement(_BUTTON_ID);; // Wait for polling state to change Thread.sleep(interval * 2); // Make sure we're polling again assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the PollBean", pb.getPollEnabled()); // Check the server-side control also (TBD: This causes IllegalStateException) // poll = (UIPoll)server.findComponent(_POLL_ID); // assertTrue("Polling is not enabled in the component",poll.isEnabled()); // Make sure the date is updating startDate = pb.getLasttime(); Thread.sleep(interval * 4); endDate = pb.getLasttime(); assertFalse("Date is not being updated in the PollBean", startDate.equals(endDate)); }
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public EvaluatedCohort evaluate(CohortDefinition cohortDefinition, EvaluationContext context) { EncounterAfterTerminalStateCohortDefinition cd = (EncounterAfterTerminalStateCohortDefinition) cohortDefinition; Cohort c = new Cohort(); HqlQueryBuilder maxStateStart = new HqlQueryBuilder();"ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId", "ps.patientProgram.location.locationId", "max(ps.startDate)"); maxStateStart.from(PatientState.class, "ps"); maxStateStart.wherePatientIn("ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId", context); maxStateStart.whereEqual("ps.patientProgram.program", cd.getProgram()); maxStateStart.whereIn("ps.patientProgram.location", cd.getLocations()); maxStateStart.groupBy("ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId") .groupBy("ps.patientProgram.location.locationId"); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Date>> maxStateDates = getPatientLocationDateMap(maxStateStart, context); HqlQueryBuilder maxTerminalStart = new HqlQueryBuilder();"ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId", "ps.patientProgram.location.locationId", "max(ps.startDate)"); maxTerminalStart.from(PatientState.class, "ps"); maxTerminalStart.wherePatientIn("ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId", context); maxTerminalStart.whereEqual("ps.patientProgram.program", cd.getProgram()); maxTerminalStart.whereIn("ps.patientProgram.location", cd.getLocations()); maxTerminalStart.whereEqual("ps.state.terminal", true); maxTerminalStart.groupBy("ps.patientProgram.patient.patientId") .groupBy("ps.patientProgram.location.locationId"); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Date>> maxTerminalStateDates = getPatientLocationDateMap(maxTerminalStart, context);/*ww w. j ava 2 s. com*/ HqlQueryBuilder encounterQuery = new HqlQueryBuilder();"e.patient.patientId", "e.location.locationId", "max(e.encounterDatetime)"); encounterQuery.from(Encounter.class, "e"); encounterQuery.wherePatientIn("e.patient.patientId", context); encounterQuery.whereEqual("e.patient.voided", false); encounterQuery.whereIn("e.encounterType", cd.getEncounterTypes()); encounterQuery.whereIn("e.location", cd.getLocations()); encounterQuery.groupBy("e.patient.patientId").groupBy("e.location.locationId"); Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Date>> maxEncounterDates = getPatientLocationDateMap(encounterQuery, context); for (Integer pId : maxEncounterDates.keySet()) { Map<Integer, Date> encounterDateMap = maxEncounterDates.get(pId); Map<Integer, Date> maxStateDateMap = maxStateDates.get(pId); Map<Integer, Date> maxTerminalStateDateMap = maxTerminalStateDates.get(pId); for (Integer locationId : encounterDateMap.keySet()) { Date encounterDate = encounterDateMap.get(locationId); Date stateDate = (maxStateDateMap != null ? maxStateDateMap.get(locationId) : null); Date terminalDate = (maxTerminalStateDateMap != null ? maxTerminalStateDateMap.get(locationId) : null); if (terminalDate != null && encounterDate.after(terminalDate) && terminalDate.equals(stateDate)) { c.addMember(pId); } } } return new EvaluatedCohort(c, cd, context); }
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/** * Test generic clone method.// w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m */ @Test(enabled = false) public void testClone() { Date past = CreateDateUtils.newDate(2009, 3, 26, 10, 37, 04); Date otherCopy = ObjectUtils.clone(past); boolean result = past.equals(otherCopy); AssertJUnit.assertTrue("Cloned object should be equal with the source object.", result); String aString = "Hy there..."; String clonedString = ObjectUtils.clone(aString); result = aString.equals(clonedString); AssertJUnit.assertTrue("Cloned object should be equal with the source object.", result); A a = new A(); a.setA("a"); A anotherCopy = ObjectUtils.clone(a); result = a.equals(anotherCopy); AssertJUnit.assertTrue("Cloned object should be equal with the source object.", result); }
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public void testPoll_StillRunning() throws InterruptedException, IOException { JSFSession jsfSession = JSFSessionFactory.makeSession("/richfaces/inplaceInput.jsf"); // Anything but the Polling page JSFClientSession client = jsfSession.getJSFClientSession(); RichFacesClient ajaxClient = new RichFacesClient(client); JSFServerSession server = jsfSession.getJSFServerSession(); // Get the backing bean to check activity PollBean pb = (PollBean) server.getManagedBeanValue(_POLLBEAN); assertNotNull("Can't find PollBean", pb); // Make sure the date is NOT updating Date startDate = pb.getLasttime(); Thread.sleep(_EXPECTED_POLLING_INTERVAL * 4); Date endDate = pb.getLasttime(); assertTrue("Date should not be updating in the PollBean", startDate == endDate || startDate.equals(endDate)); }
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/** * Created on can't be updated.// ww w . j a v a 2s . c om */ @Test public void createdOnNotUpdateable() { entity.setName("name"); entity.setUserId("userId"); entity.setData("data"); entity.setCreatedOn(new Date()); dao.persist(entity); Date newCreatedOn = CREATED_ON; entity.setCreatedOn(newCreatedOn); dao.merge(entity); closeEntityManager(); // flush cache createEntityManager(); ClientLog loaded = dao.load(entity.getId()); assertFalse(newCreatedOn.equals(loaded.getCreatedOn())); }