Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.lens.cube.parse; import static java.util.Comparator.naturalOrder; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.CandidateTablePruneCode; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.SkipUpdatePeriodCode; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.CandidateTablePruneCause.timeDimNotSupported; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.StorageUtil.getFallbackRange; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.StorageUtil.processCubeColForDataCompleteness; import static org.apache.lens.cube.parse.StorageUtil.processExpressionsForCompleteness; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalDouble; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.*; import org.apache.lens.server.api.error.LensException; import org.apache.lens.server.api.metastore.DataCompletenessChecker; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState; import; import; import; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Represents a fact on a storage table and the dimensions it needs to be joined with to answer the query */ @Slf4j public class StorageCandidate implements Candidate, CandidateTable { // TODO union : Put comments on member variables. @Getter private final CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext; private final String processTimePartCol; private final String completenessPartCol; private final float completenessThreshold; /** * Name of this storage candidate = storageName_factName */ @Getter @Setter private String name; /** * This is the storage table specific name. It is used while generating query from this candidate */ @Setter private String resolvedName; /** * Valid update periods populated by Phase 1. */ @Getter private TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> validUpdatePeriods = new TreeSet<>(); /** * These are the update periods that finally participate in partitions. * @see #getParticipatingPartitions() */ @Getter private TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> participatingUpdatePeriods = new TreeSet<>(); @Getter @Setter Map<String, SkipUpdatePeriodCode> updatePeriodRejectionCause; @Getter Set<Dimension> queriedDims = Sets.newHashSet(); private Collection<StorageCandidate> periodSpecificStorageCandidates; /** * This map holds Tags (A tag refers to one or more measures) that have incomplete (below configured threshold) data. * Value is a map of date string and %completeness. */ @Getter private Map<String, Map<String, Float>> dataCompletenessMap = new HashMap<>(); private SimpleDateFormat partWhereClauseFormat = null; /** * Participating fact, storage and dimensions for this StorageCandidate */ @Getter private FactTable fact; @Getter private String storageName; @Getter private String storageTable; @Getter private Map<TimeRange, Set<FactPartition>> rangeToPartitions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Getter private Map<TimeRange, String> rangeToExtraWhereFallBack = new LinkedHashMap<>(); @Getter private Set<Integer> answerableMeasurePhraseIndices = Sets.newHashSet(); @Getter @Setter private String fromString; @Getter private CubeInterface cube; @Getter private Date startTime; @Getter private Date endTime; /** * Cached fact columns */ private Collection<String> factColumns; /** * Non existing partitions */ @Getter private Set<String> nonExistingPartitions = new HashSet<>(); /** * This will be true if this storage candidate has multiple storage tables (one per update period) * */ @Getter private boolean isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel; @Getter private int numQueriedParts = 0; public StorageCandidate(StorageCandidate sc) throws LensException { this(sc.getCube(), sc.getFact(), sc.getStorageName(), sc.getCubeQueryContext()); this.validUpdatePeriods.addAll(sc.getValidUpdatePeriods()); this.fromString = sc.fromString; this.factColumns = sc.factColumns; this.answerableMeasurePhraseIndices.addAll(sc.answerableMeasurePhraseIndices); for (Map.Entry<TimeRange, Set<FactPartition>> entry : sc.getRangeToPartitions().entrySet()) { rangeToPartitions.put(entry.getKey(), new LinkedHashSet<>(entry.getValue())); } this.rangeToExtraWhereFallBack = sc.rangeToExtraWhereFallBack; this.answerableMeasurePhraseIndices = sc.answerableMeasurePhraseIndices; } public StorageCandidate(CubeInterface cube, FactTable fact, String storageName, CubeQueryContext cubeQueryContext) throws LensException { this.cube = cube; this.fact = fact; this.cubeQueryContext = cubeQueryContext; if ((getCube() == null) || (fact == null) || (storageName == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cube,fact and storageName should be non null"); } this.storageName = storageName; this.storageTable = MetastoreUtil.getFactOrDimtableStorageTableName(fact.getSourceFactName(), storageName); = getFact().getName(); this.processTimePartCol = getConf().get(CubeQueryConfUtil.PROCESS_TIME_PART_COL); String formatStr = getConf().get(CubeQueryConfUtil.PART_WHERE_CLAUSE_DATE_FORMAT); if (formatStr != null) { this.partWhereClauseFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(formatStr); } completenessPartCol = getConf().get(CubeQueryConfUtil.COMPLETENESS_CHECK_PART_COL); completenessThreshold = getConf().getFloat(CubeQueryConfUtil.COMPLETENESS_THRESHOLD, CubeQueryConfUtil.DEFAULT_COMPLETENESS_THRESHOLD); Set<String> storageTblNames = getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTables(fact, storageName); isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel = storageTblNames.size() > 1 || !storageTblNames.iterator().next().equalsIgnoreCase(storageTable); setStorageStartAndEndDate(); } String getTimeRangeWhereClasue(TimeRangeWriter rangeWriter, TimeRange range) throws LensException { String rangeWhere = rangeWriter.getTimeRangeWhereClause(getCubeQueryContext(), getCubeQueryContext().getAliasForTableName(getCube().getName()), getRangeToPartitions().get(range)); String fallback = getRangeToExtraWhereFallBack().get(range); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fallback)) { rangeWhere = "((" + rangeWhere + ") and (" + fallback + "))"; } return rangeWhere; } /** * Sets Storage candidates start and end time based on underlying storage-tables * * CASE 1 * If has Storage has single storage table* * Storage start time = max(storage start time , fact start time) * Storage end time = min(storage end time , fact start time) * * CASE 2 * If the Storage has multiple Storage Tables (one per update period)* * update Period start Time = Max(update start time, fact start time) * update Period end Time = Min(update end time, fact end time) * Stoarge start and end time is derived form the underlying update period start and end times. * Storage start time = min(update1 start time ,...., updateN start time) * Storage end time = max(update1 end time ,...., updateN end time) * * Note in Case 2 its assumed that the time range supported by different update periods are either * overlapping(Example 2) or form a non overlapping but continuous chain(Example 1) as illustrated * in examples below * * Example 1 * A Storage has 2 Non Oevralpping but continuous Update Periods. * MONTHLY with start time as now.month -13 months and end time as now.month -2months and * DAILY with start time as and end time as now.month -2months * Then this Sorage will have an implied start time as now.month -13 month and end time as * * Example 2 * A Storage has 2 Overlapping Update Periods. * MONTHLY with start time as now.month -13 months and end time as now.month -1months and * DAILY with start time as and end time as now.month -2months * Then this Sorage will have an implied start time as now.month -13 month and end time as * * @throws LensException */ void setStorageStartAndEndDate() throws LensException { if (this.startTime != null && !this.isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel) { //If the times are already set and are not dependent of update period, no point setting times again. return; } List<Date> startDates = new ArrayList<>(); List<Date> endDates = new ArrayList<>(); for (String storageTablePrefix : getValidStorageTableNames()) { startDates.add(getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableStartDate(storageTablePrefix, fact.getSourceFactName())); endDates.add( getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableEndDate(storageTablePrefix, fact.getSourceFactName())); } this.startTime = Collections.min(startDates); this.endTime = Collections.max(endDates); } private Set<String> getValidStorageTableNames() throws LensException { if (!validUpdatePeriods.isEmpty()) { // In this case skip invalid update periods and get storage tables only for valid ones. Set<String> uniqueStorageTables = new HashSet<>(); for (UpdatePeriod updatePeriod : validUpdatePeriods) { uniqueStorageTables.add( getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableName(fact.getName(), storageName, updatePeriod)); } return uniqueStorageTables; } else { //Get all storage tables. return getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTables(fact, storageName); } } public void addAnswerableMeasurePhraseIndices(int index) { answerableMeasurePhraseIndices.add(index); } @Override public Candidate explode() throws LensException { if (splitAtUpdatePeriodLevelIfReq().size() > 1) { return new UnionCandidate(splitAtUpdatePeriodLevelIfReq(), getCubeQueryContext()); } else { return splitAtUpdatePeriodLevelIfReq().iterator().next(); } } @Override public String getStorageString(String alias) { return storageName + " " + alias; } @Override public AbstractCubeTable getBaseTable() { return (AbstractCubeTable) cube; } @Override public StorageCandidate copy() throws LensException { return new StorageCandidate(this); } @Override public boolean isPhraseAnswerable(QueriedPhraseContext phrase) throws LensException { return phrase.isEvaluable(this); } @Override public AbstractCubeTable getTable() { return (AbstractCubeTable) fact; } public Optional<Date> getColumnStartTime(String column) { Date startTime = null; for (String key : getTable().getProperties().keySet()) { if (key.contains(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX)) { String propCol = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_START_TIME_PFX); if (column.equals(propCol)) { startTime = MetastoreUtil.getDateFromProperty(getTable().getProperties().get(key), false, true); } } } return Optional.ofNullable(startTime); } @Override public Optional<Date> getColumnEndTime(String column) { Date endTime = null; for (String key : getTable().getProperties().keySet()) { if (key.contains(MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX)) { String propCol = StringUtils.substringAfter(key, MetastoreConstants.FACT_COL_END_TIME_PFX); if (column.equals(propCol)) { endTime = MetastoreUtil.getDateFromProperty(getTable().getProperties().get(key), false, true); } } } return Optional.ofNullable(endTime); } @Override public Collection<String> getColumns() { if (factColumns == null) { factColumns = fact.getValidColumns(); if (factColumns == null) { factColumns = fact.getAllFieldNames(); } } return factColumns; } @Override public OptionalDouble getCost() { return OptionalDouble.of(fact.weight()); } @Override public boolean contains(Candidate candidate) { return this.equals(candidate); } @Override public Collection<Candidate> getChildren() { return null; } private void updatePartitionStorage(FactPartition part) throws LensException { try { if (getCubeMetastoreClient().factPartitionExists(fact, part, storageTable)) { part.getStorageTables().add(storageTable); part.setFound(true); } } catch (HiveException e) { log.warn("Hive exception while getting storage table partition", e); } } /** * Gets FactPartitions for the given fact using the following logic * * 1. Find the max update interval that will be used for the query. Lets assume time * range is 15 Sep to 15 Dec and the fact has two storage with update periods as MONTHLY,DAILY,HOURLY. * In this case the data for [15 sep - 1 oct)U[1 Dec - 15 Dec) will be answered by DAILY partitions * and [1 oct - 1Dec) will be answered by MONTHLY partitions. The max interavl for this query will be MONTHLY. * * 2.Prune Storgaes that do not fall in the queries time range. * {@link org.apache.lens.cube.metadata.CubeMetastoreClient#isStorageTableCandidateForRange(String, Date, Date)} * * 3. Iterate over max interavl . In out case it will give two months Oct and Nov. Find partitions for * these two months.Check validity of FactPartitions for Oct and Nov * via {@link #updatePartitionStorage(FactPartition)}. * If the partition is missing, try getting partitions for the time range form other update periods (DAILY,HOURLY). * This is achieved by calling getPartitions() recursively but passing only 2 update periods (DAILY,HOURLY) * * 4.If the monthly partitions are found, check for lookahead partitions and call getPartitions recursively for the * remaining time intervals i.e, [15 sep - 1 oct) and [1 Dec - 15 Dec) * * TODO union : Move this into util. */ private boolean getPartitions(Date fromDate, Date toDate, String partCol, Set<FactPartition> partitions, TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> updatePeriods, boolean addNonExistingParts, boolean failOnPartialData, PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns missingPartitions) throws LensException { if (fromDate.equals(toDate) || fromDate.after(toDate)) { return true; } if (updatePeriods == null || updatePeriods.isEmpty()) { return false; } UpdatePeriod maxInterval = CubeFactTable.maxIntervalInRange(fromDate, toDate, updatePeriods); if (maxInterval == null) {"No max interval for range: {} to {}", fromDate, toDate); return false; } if (maxInterval == UpdatePeriod.CONTINUOUS && cubeQueryContext.getRangeWriter().getClass().equals(BetweenTimeRangeWriter.class)) { FactPartition part = new FactPartition(partCol, fromDate, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat); partitions.add(part); part.getStorageTables().add(storageTable); part = new FactPartition(partCol, toDate, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat); partitions.add(part); part.getStorageTables().add(storageTable); this.participatingUpdatePeriods.add(maxInterval);"Added continuous fact partition for storage table {}", storageName); return true; } if (!getCubeMetastoreClient().partColExists(this.getFact(), storageName, partCol)) {"{} does not exist in {}", partCol, name); return false; } Date maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate = getStorageTableStartDate(maxInterval); Date maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate = getStorageTableEndDate(maxInterval); TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> remainingIntervals = new TreeSet<>(updatePeriods); remainingIntervals.remove(maxInterval); if (!isCandidatePartiallyValidForTimeRange(maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate, maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate, fromDate, toDate)) { //Check the time range in remainingIntervals as maxInterval is not useful return getPartitions(fromDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions); } Date ceilFromDate = DateUtil.getCeilDate( fromDate.after(maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate) ? fromDate : maxIntervalStorageTblStartDate, maxInterval); Date floorToDate = DateUtil.getFloorDate( toDate.before(maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate) ? toDate : maxIntervalStorageTblEndDate, maxInterval); if (ceilFromDate.equals(floorToDate) || floorToDate.before(ceilFromDate)) { return getPartitions(fromDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions); } int lookAheadNumParts = getConf().getInt(CubeQueryConfUtil.getLookAheadPTPartsKey(maxInterval), CubeQueryConfUtil.DEFAULT_LOOK_AHEAD_PT_PARTS); TimeRange.Iterable.Iterator iter = TimeRange.iterable(ceilFromDate, floorToDate, maxInterval, 1).iterator(); // add partitions from ceilFrom to floorTo while (iter.hasNext()) { Date dt =; Date nextDt = iter.peekNext(); FactPartition part = new FactPartition(partCol, dt, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat); updatePartitionStorage(part); log.debug("Storage tables containing Partition {} are: {}", part, part.getStorageTables()); if (part.isFound()) { log.debug("Adding existing partition {}", part); partitions.add(part); this.participatingUpdatePeriods.add(maxInterval); log.debug("Looking for look ahead process time partitions for {}", part); if (processTimePartCol == null) { log.debug("processTimePartCol is null"); } else if (partCol.equals(processTimePartCol)) { log.debug("part column is process time col"); } else if (updatePeriods.first().equals(maxInterval)) { log.debug("Update period is the least update period"); } else if ((iter.getNumIters() - iter.getCounter()) > lookAheadNumParts) { // see if this is the part of the last-n look ahead partitions log.debug("Not a look ahead partition"); } else { log.debug("Looking for look ahead process time partitions for {}", part); // check if finer partitions are required // final partitions are required if no partitions from // look-ahead // process time are present TimeRange.Iterable.Iterator processTimeIter = TimeRange .iterable(nextDt, lookAheadNumParts, maxInterval, 1).iterator(); while (processTimeIter.hasNext()) { Date pdt =; Date nextPdt = processTimeIter.peekNext(); FactPartition processTimePartition = new FactPartition(processTimePartCol, pdt, maxInterval, null, partWhereClauseFormat); updatePartitionStorage(processTimePartition); if (processTimePartition.isFound()) { log.debug("Finer parts not required for look-ahead partition :{}", part); } else { log.debug("Looked ahead process time partition {} is not found", processTimePartition); TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> newset = new TreeSet<UpdatePeriod>(); newset.addAll(updatePeriods); newset.remove(maxInterval); log.debug("newset of update periods:{}", newset); if (!newset.isEmpty()) { // Get partitions for look ahead process time log.debug("Looking for process time partitions between {} and {}", pdt, nextPdt); Set<FactPartition> processTimeParts = getPartitions( TimeRange.builder().fromDate(pdt).toDate(nextPdt) .partitionColumn(processTimePartCol).build(), newset, true, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions); log.debug("Look ahead partitions: {}", processTimeParts); TimeRange timeRange = TimeRange.builder().fromDate(dt).toDate(nextDt).build(); for (FactPartition pPart : processTimeParts) { log.debug("Looking for finer partitions in pPart: {}", pPart); for (Date date : timeRange.iterable(pPart.getPeriod(), 1)) { FactPartition innerPart = new FactPartition(partCol, date, pPart.getPeriod(), pPart, partWhereClauseFormat); updatePartitionStorage(innerPart); innerPart.setFound(pPart.isFound()); if (innerPart.isFound()) { partitions.add(innerPart); } } log.debug("added all sub partitions blindly in pPart: {}", pPart); } } } } } } else {"Partition:{} does not exist in any storage table", part); if (!getPartitions(dt, nextDt, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, false, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions)) { log.debug("Adding non existing partition {}", part); if (addNonExistingParts) { // Add non existing partitions for all cases of whether we populate all non existing or not. this.participatingUpdatePeriods.add(maxInterval); missingPartitions.add(part); if (!failOnPartialData) { partitions.add(part); part.getStorageTables().add(storageTable); } } else {"No finer granualar partitions exist for {}", part); return false; } } else { log.debug("Finer granualar partitions added for {}", part); } } } return getPartitions(fromDate, ceilFromDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions) && getPartitions(floorToDate, toDate, partCol, partitions, remainingIntervals, addNonExistingParts, failOnPartialData, missingPartitions); } private boolean isCandidatePartiallyValidForTimeRange(Date startDate, Date endDate, Date fromDate, Date toDate) { return Stream.of(startDate, fromDate).max(naturalOrder()).orElse(startDate) .before(Stream.of(endDate, toDate).min(naturalOrder()).orElse(endDate)); } @Override public boolean evaluateCompleteness(TimeRange timeRange, TimeRange queriedTimeRange, boolean failOnPartialData) throws LensException { // Check the measure tags. if (!evaluateMeasuresCompleteness(timeRange)) {"Storage candidate:{} has partitions with incomplete data: {} for given ranges: {}", this, dataCompletenessMap, cubeQueryContext.getTimeRanges()); if (failOnPartialData) { return false; } } PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns missingParts = new PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns(); PruneCauses<Candidate> storagePruningMsgs = cubeQueryContext.getStoragePruningMsgs(); Set<String> unsupportedTimeDims = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<String> partColsQueried = Sets.newHashSet(); partColsQueried.add(timeRange.getPartitionColumn()); StringBuilder extraWhereClauseFallback = new StringBuilder(); Set<FactPartition> rangeParts = getPartitions(timeRange, validUpdatePeriods, true, failOnPartialData, missingParts); String partCol = timeRange.getPartitionColumn(); boolean partColNotSupported = rangeParts.isEmpty(); if (storagePruningMsgs.containsKey(this)) { List<CandidateTablePruneCause> causes = storagePruningMsgs.get(this); // Find the PART_COL_DOES_NOT_EXISTS for (CandidateTablePruneCause cause : causes) { if (cause.getCause().equals(CandidateTablePruneCode.PART_COL_DOES_NOT_EXIST)) { partColNotSupported &= cause.getNonExistantPartCols().contains(partCol); } } } else { partColNotSupported = false; } TimeRange prevRange = timeRange; String sep = ""; while (rangeParts.isEmpty()) { String timeDim = cubeQueryContext.getBaseCube().getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(partCol); if (getFact() instanceof CubeFactTable) { if (partColNotSupported && !((CubeFactTable) getFact()).hasColumn(timeDim)) { unsupportedTimeDims.add(cubeQueryContext.getBaseCube() .getTimeDimOfPartitionColumn(timeRange.getPartitionColumn())); break; } } TimeRange fallBackRange = getFallbackRange(prevRange, this.getFact().getName(), cubeQueryContext);"No partitions for range:{}. fallback range: {}", timeRange, fallBackRange); if (fallBackRange == null) { break; } partColsQueried.add(fallBackRange.getPartitionColumn()); rangeParts = getPartitions(fallBackRange, validUpdatePeriods, true, failOnPartialData, missingParts); extraWhereClauseFallback.append(sep).append(prevRange.toTimeDimWhereClause( cubeQueryContext.getAliasForTableName(cubeQueryContext.getCube()), timeDim)); sep = " AND "; prevRange = fallBackRange; partCol = prevRange.getPartitionColumn(); if (!rangeParts.isEmpty()) { break; } } // Add all the partitions. participatingPartitions contains all the partitions for previous time ranges also. rangeToPartitions.put(queriedTimeRange, rangeParts); numQueriedParts += rangeParts.size(); if (!unsupportedTimeDims.isEmpty()) {"Not considering storage candidate:{} as it doesn't support time dimensions: {}", this, unsupportedTimeDims); cubeQueryContext.addStoragePruningMsg(this, timeDimNotSupported(unsupportedTimeDims)); return false; } Set<String> nonExistingParts = missingParts.toSet(partColsQueried); // TODO union : Relook at this. nonExistingPartitions.addAll(nonExistingParts); if (rangeParts.size() == 0 || (failOnPartialData && !nonExistingParts.isEmpty())) {"Not considering storage candidate:{} as no partitions for fallback range:{}", this, timeRange); return false; } String extraWhere = extraWhereClauseFallback.toString(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(extraWhere)) { rangeToExtraWhereFallBack.put(queriedTimeRange, extraWhere); } return true; } @Override public Set<FactPartition> getParticipatingPartitions() { Set<FactPartition> allPartitions = new HashSet<>(numQueriedParts); for (Set<FactPartition> rangePartitions : rangeToPartitions.values()) { allPartitions.addAll(rangePartitions); } return allPartitions; } private boolean evaluateMeasuresCompleteness(TimeRange timeRange) throws LensException { if (getCubeMetastoreClient() == null || !getCubeMetastoreClient().isDataCompletenessCheckEnabled()) {"Skipping availability check for the fact table: {} as dataCompleteness check is not enabled", fact); return true; } String factDataCompletenessTag = fact.getDataCompletenessTag(); if (factDataCompletenessTag == null) {"Not checking completeness for the fact table:{} as the dataCompletenessTag is not set", fact); return true; } Set<String> measureTag = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, String> tagToMeasureOrExprMap = new HashMap<>(); processExpressionsForCompleteness(cubeQueryContext, measureTag, tagToMeasureOrExprMap); Set<String> measures = cubeQueryContext.getQueriedMsrs(); if (measures == null) { measures = new HashSet<>(); } for (String measure : measures) { processCubeColForDataCompleteness(cubeQueryContext, measure, measure, measureTag, tagToMeasureOrExprMap); } //Checking if dataCompletenessTag is set for the fact if (measureTag.isEmpty()) {"No Queried measures with the dataCompletenessTag, hence skipping the availability check"); return true; } // default completenessTag will be true boolean isDataComplete = true; DataCompletenessChecker completenessChecker = getCubeMetastoreClient().getCompletenessChecker(); DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); if (!timeRange.getPartitionColumn().equals(completenessPartCol)) {"Completeness check not available for partCol:{}", timeRange.getPartitionColumn()); return true; } Date from = timeRange.getFromDate(); Date to = timeRange.getToDate(); Map<String, Map<Date, Float>> completenessMap = completenessChecker.getCompleteness(factDataCompletenessTag, from, to, measureTag); if (completenessMap != null && !completenessMap.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Date, Float>> measureCompleteness : completenessMap.entrySet()) { String tag = measureCompleteness.getKey(); for (Map.Entry<Date, Float> completenessResult : measureCompleteness.getValue().entrySet()) { if (completenessResult.getValue() < completenessThreshold) {"Completeness for the measure_tag {} is {}, threshold: {}, for the hour {}", tag, completenessResult.getValue(), completenessThreshold, formatter.format(completenessResult.getKey())); String measureorExprFromTag = tagToMeasureOrExprMap.get(tag); dataCompletenessMap.computeIfAbsent(measureorExprFromTag, k -> new HashMap<>()) .put(formatter.format(completenessResult.getKey()), completenessResult.getValue()); // set completeness to false if availability for measure is below threshold isDataComplete = false; } } } } return isDataComplete; } private Set<FactPartition> getPartitions(TimeRange timeRange, TreeSet<UpdatePeriod> updatePeriods, boolean addNonExistingParts, boolean failOnPartialData, PartitionRangesForPartitionColumns missingParts) throws LensException { Set<FactPartition> partitions = new TreeSet<>(); if (timeRange != null && timeRange.isCoverableBy(updatePeriods)) { getPartitions(timeRange.getFromDate(), timeRange.getToDate(), timeRange.getPartitionColumn(), partitions, updatePeriods, addNonExistingParts, failOnPartialData, missingParts); } return partitions; } @Override public boolean isExpressionEvaluable(ExpressionResolver.ExpressionContext expr) { return expr.isEvaluable(this); } @Override public boolean isExpressionEvaluable(String expr) { return isExpressionEvaluable(getCubeQueryContext().getExprCtx().getExpressionContext(expr, getCubeQueryContext().getAliasForTableName(getBaseTable().getName()))); } @Override public boolean isDimAttributeEvaluable(String dim) throws LensException { return getCubeQueryContext().getDeNormCtx().addRefUsage(getCubeQueryContext(), this, dim, getCubeQueryContext().getCube().getName()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (super.equals(obj)) { return true; } if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof StorageCandidate)) { return false; } StorageCandidate storageCandidateObj = (StorageCandidate) obj; //Assuming that same instance of cube and fact will be used across StorageCandidate s and hence relying directly //on == check for these. return (this.cube == storageCandidateObj.cube && this.fact == storageCandidateObj.fact && this.storageTable.equals(storageCandidateObj.storageTable)); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.storageTable.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return getResolvedName(); } void addValidUpdatePeriod(UpdatePeriod updatePeriod) { this.validUpdatePeriods.add(updatePeriod); } public String getAliasForTable(String alias) { String database = SessionState.get().getCurrentDatabase(); String ret; if (alias == null || alias.isEmpty()) { ret = getResolvedName(); } else { ret = getResolvedName() + " " + alias; } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(database) && !"default".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { ret = database + "." + ret; } return ret; } boolean isUpdatePeriodUseful(UpdatePeriod updatePeriod) { return getCubeQueryContext().getTimeRanges().stream() .anyMatch(timeRange -> isUpdatePeriodUseful(timeRange, updatePeriod)); } /** * Is the update period useful for this time range. e.g. for a time range of hours and days, monthly * and yearly update periods are useless. DAILY and HOURLY are useful. It further checks if the update * period answers the range at least partially based on start and end times configured at update period * level or at storage or fact level. * @param timeRange The time range * @param updatePeriod Update period * @return Whether it's useless */ private boolean isUpdatePeriodUseful(TimeRange timeRange, UpdatePeriod updatePeriod) { try { if (!timeRange.truncate(getStorageTableStartDate(updatePeriod), getStorageTableEndDate(updatePeriod)) .isValid()) { return false; } Date storageTblStartDate = getStorageTableStartDate(updatePeriod); Date storageTblEndDate = getStorageTableEndDate(updatePeriod); TimeRange.builder() //TODO date calculation to move to util method and resued .fromDate(timeRange.getFromDate().after(storageTblStartDate) ? timeRange.getFromDate() : storageTblStartDate) .toDate(timeRange.getToDate().before(storageTblEndDate) ? timeRange.getToDate() : storageTblEndDate) .partitionColumn(timeRange.getPartitionColumn()).build().truncate(updatePeriod); return true; } catch (LensException e) { return false; } } /** * Is time range coverable based on valid update periods of this storage candidate * * @param timeRange * @return * @throws LensException */ public boolean isTimeRangeCoverable(TimeRange timeRange) throws LensException { return isTimeRangeCoverable(timeRange.getFromDate(), timeRange.getToDate(), validUpdatePeriods); } /* * Is the time range coverable by given update periods. * Extracts the max update period, then extracts maximum amount of range from the middle that this update * period can cover. Then recurses on the remaining ranges on the left and right side of the extracted chunk * using one less update period. * * @param timeRangeStart * @param timeRangeEnd * @param intervals Update periods to check * @return Whether time range is coverable by provided update periods or not. */ private boolean isTimeRangeCoverable(Date timeRangeStart, Date timeRangeEnd, Set<UpdatePeriod> intervals) throws LensException { if (timeRangeStart.equals(timeRangeEnd) || timeRangeStart.after(timeRangeEnd)) { return true; } if (intervals == null || intervals.isEmpty()) { return false; } UpdatePeriod maxInterval = CubeFactTable.maxIntervalInRange(timeRangeStart, timeRangeEnd, intervals); if (maxInterval == null) { return false; } if (maxInterval == UpdatePeriod.CONTINUOUS && getCubeQueryContext().getRangeWriter().getClass().equals(BetweenTimeRangeWriter.class)) { return true; } Date maxIntervalStorageTableStartDate = getStorageTableStartDate(maxInterval); Date maxIntervalStorageTableEndDate = getStorageTableEndDate(maxInterval); Set<UpdatePeriod> remainingIntervals = Sets.difference(intervals, Sets.newHashSet(maxInterval)); if (!isCandidatePartiallyValidForTimeRange(maxIntervalStorageTableStartDate, maxIntervalStorageTableEndDate, timeRangeStart, timeRangeEnd)) { //Check the time range in remainingIntervals as maxInterval is not useful return isTimeRangeCoverable(timeRangeStart, timeRangeEnd, remainingIntervals); } Date ceilFromDate = DateUtil .getCeilDate(timeRangeStart.after(maxIntervalStorageTableStartDate) ? timeRangeStart : maxIntervalStorageTableStartDate, maxInterval); Date floorToDate = DateUtil.getFloorDate( timeRangeEnd.before(maxIntervalStorageTableEndDate) ? timeRangeEnd : maxIntervalStorageTableEndDate, maxInterval); if (ceilFromDate.equals(floorToDate) || floorToDate.before(ceilFromDate)) { return isTimeRangeCoverable(timeRangeStart, timeRangeEnd, remainingIntervals); } //ceilFromDate to floorToDate time range is covered by maxInterval (though there may be holes.. but that's ok) //Check the remaining part of time range in remainingIntervals return isTimeRangeCoverable(timeRangeStart, ceilFromDate, remainingIntervals) && isTimeRangeCoverable(floorToDate, timeRangeEnd, remainingIntervals); } private Date getStorageTableStartDate(UpdatePeriod interval) throws LensException { if (!isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel) { //In this case the start time and end time is at Storage Level and will be same for all update periods. return this.startTime; } return getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableStartDate( getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableName(fact.getName(), storageName, interval), fact.getName()); } private Date getStorageTableEndDate(UpdatePeriod interval) throws LensException { if (!isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel) { //In this case the start time and end time is at Storage Level and will be same for all update periods. return this.endTime; } return getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableEndDate( getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableName(fact.getName(), storageName, interval), fact.getName()); } public String getResolvedName() { if (resolvedName == null) { return storageTable; } return resolvedName; } /** * Splits the Storage Candidates into multiple Storage Candidates if storage candidate has multiple * storage tables (one per update period) * * @return * @throws LensException */ public Collection<StorageCandidate> splitAtUpdatePeriodLevelIfReq() throws LensException { if (!isStorageTblsAtUpdatePeriodLevel) { return Lists.newArrayList(this); // No need to explode in this case } return getPeriodSpecificStorageCandidates(); } private Collection<StorageCandidate> getPeriodSpecificStorageCandidates() throws LensException { if (periodSpecificStorageCandidates == null) { List<StorageCandidate> periodSpecificScList = new ArrayList<>(participatingUpdatePeriods.size()); StorageCandidate updatePeriodSpecificSc; for (UpdatePeriod period : participatingUpdatePeriods) { updatePeriodSpecificSc = copy(); updatePeriodSpecificSc.setResolvedName( getCubeMetastoreClient().getStorageTableName(fact.getName(), storageName, period)); updatePeriodSpecificSc.truncatePartitions(period); periodSpecificScList.add(updatePeriodSpecificSc); } periodSpecificStorageCandidates = periodSpecificScList; } return periodSpecificStorageCandidates; } /** * Truncates partitions in {@link #rangeToPartitions} such that only partitions belonging to * the passed undatePeriod are retained. * @param updatePeriod */ private void truncatePartitions(UpdatePeriod updatePeriod) { Iterator<Map.Entry<TimeRange, Set<FactPartition>>> rangeItr = rangeToPartitions.entrySet().iterator(); while (rangeItr.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<TimeRange, Set<FactPartition>> rangeEntry =; rangeEntry.getValue().removeIf(factPartition -> !factPartition.getPeriod().equals(updatePeriod)); rangeEntry.getValue().forEach(factPartition -> { factPartition.getStorageTables().remove(storageTable); factPartition.getStorageTables().add(resolvedName); }); if (rangeEntry.getValue().isEmpty()) { rangeItr.remove(); } } } @Override public StorageCandidateHQLContext toQueryWriterContext(Map<Dimension, CandidateDim> dimsToQuery, CubeQueryContext rootCubeQueryContext) throws LensException { DefaultQueryAST ast = DefaultQueryAST.fromStorageCandidate(null, getCubeQueryContext()); ast.copyFrom(getCubeQueryContext()); return new StorageCandidateHQLContext(this, Maps.newHashMap(dimsToQuery), ast, rootCubeQueryContext); } @Override public Set<Integer> decideMeasurePhrasesToAnswer(Set<Integer> measureIndices) { answerableMeasurePhraseIndices.retainAll(measureIndices); return answerableMeasurePhraseIndices; } }