List of usage examples for java.util Date equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
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/** * * Prepares and starts workflow//from w w w . jav a 2s .c om * * Reverts any child nodes which are not in the same version as staging since only URL changes has to be pushed to staging. * A copy of the new version is placed in a temp location and recovered once we push things to workflow * */ protected void submitWorkflow(final String site, final String sub, final List<DmDependencyTO> submittedItems, Date now, Date scheduledDate, final String approver, MultiChannelPublishingContext mcpContext) throws ServiceException, org.craftercms.cstudio.alfresco.service.exception.ServiceException { final String assignee = DmUtils.getAssignee(site, sub); ServicesConfig servicesConfig = getService(ServicesConfig.class); final String pathPrefix = servicesConfig.getRepositoryRootPath(site); final PersistenceManagerService persistenceManagerService = getService(PersistenceManagerService.class); final List<String> paths = new FastList<String>(); final List<String> dependenices = new FastList<String>(); Date launchDate = scheduledDate.equals(now) ? null : scheduledDate; final boolean isScheduled = launchDate == null ? false : true; //label will keep track of all nodes that has been reverted to staging version and used during postStagingSubmission final StringBuilder label = new StringBuilder(); label.append( isScheduled ? DmConstants.SCHEDULE_RENAME_WORKFLOW_PREFIX : DmConstants.RENAME_WORKFLOW_PREFIX); label.append(":"); final Set<String> rescheduledUris = new HashSet<String>(); DmTransactionService dmTransactionService = getService(DmTransactionService.class); RetryingTransactionHelper helper = dmTransactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper(); helper.doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object execute() throws Throwable { for (DmDependencyTO submittedItem : submittedItems) { String workflowLabel = getWorkflowPaths(site, sub, submittedItem, pathPrefix, paths, dependenices, isScheduled, rescheduledUris); label.append(workflowLabel); label.append(","); } return null; } }, false, true); Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, String> submittedBy = new FastMap<String, String>(); DmContentService dmContentService = getService(DmContentService.class); DmPublishService dmPublishService = getService(DmPublishService.class); SearchService searchService = getService(SearchService.class); for (String path : paths) { String uri = path.substring(pathPrefix.length()); uris.add(uri); DmUtils.addToSubmittedByMapping(persistenceManagerService, dmContentService, searchService, site, uri, submittedBy, approver); dmPublishService.cancelScheduledItem(site, uri); } GoLiveContext context = new GoLiveContext(approver, site); SubmitLifeCycleOperation operation = null; DmWorkflowService dmWorkflowService = getService(DmWorkflowService.class); if (launchDate == null) { operation = new PreGoLiveOperation(dmWorkflowService, uris, context, rescheduledUris); } else { //uri will not be have dependencies for (String dependency : dependenices) { String uri = dependency.substring(pathPrefix.length()); uris.add(uri); DmUtils.addToSubmittedByMapping(persistenceManagerService, dmContentService, searchService, site, uri, submittedBy, approver); } operation = new PreScheduleOperation(dmWorkflowService, uris, launchDate, context, rescheduledUris); } _workflowProcessor.addToWorkflow(site, paths, launchDate, _submitDirectWorkflowName, label.toString(), operation, approver, mcpContext); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Go live rename: paths posted " + paths + "for workflow scheduled at : " + launchDate); } }
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/** * Special method used when cancelUpdatesVisitorCalendar is set to true. * Returns the {@link CalendarWithURI} in the visitor's account for the event * with the specified start, end and eventuid. * /*w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param owner * @param startTime * @param endTime * @param eventUid * @return the matching event, or null if not found. */ protected CalendarWithURI getExistingAppointmentInternalForVisitor(IScheduleVisitor visitor, Date startTime, Date endTime, Uid eventUid) { final DateTime targetStartTime = new DateTime(startTime); final DateTime targetEndTime = new DateTime(endTime); if (eventUid == null) { log.debug("cannot call getExistingAppointmentInternal with null eventUid, visitor: " + visitor); return null; } List<CalendarWithURI> calendars = getCalendarsInternal(visitor.getCalendarAccount(), startTime, endTime); for (CalendarWithURI calendarWithUri : calendars) { ComponentList componentList = calendarWithUri.getCalendar().getComponents(VEvent.VEVENT); if (componentList.size() != 1) { // scheduling assistant creates calendars with only a single event, short-circuit on calendars with > 1 events continue; } for (Object o : componentList) { VEvent event = (VEvent) o; Date eventStart = event.getStartDate().getDate(); Date eventEnd = event.getEndDate(true).getDate(); Uid uid = event.getUid(); if (uid != null && eventUid.equals(uid) && Status.VEVENT_CANCELLED.equals(event.getStatus()) && eventStart.equals(targetStartTime) && eventEnd.equals(targetEndTime)) { return calendarWithUri; } } } // not found return null; }
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@Override public void goLive(final String site, String sub, List<DmDependencyTO> submittedItems, final String approver, final MultiChannelPublishingContext mcpContext) throws ServiceException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // get web project information final String assignee = getAssignee(site, sub); ServicesConfig servicesConfig = getService(ServicesConfig.class); final String pathPrefix = servicesConfig.getRepositoryRootPath(site); final Date now = new Date(); if (submittedItems != null) { // group submitted items into packages by their scheduled date Map<Date, List<DmDependencyTO>> groupedPackages = groupByDate(submittedItems, now); PersistenceManagerService persistenceManagerService = getService(PersistenceManagerService.class); persistenceManagerService.disableBehaviour(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCKABLE); for (Date scheduledDate : groupedPackages.keySet()) { List<DmDependencyTO> goLivePackage = groupedPackages.get(scheduledDate); if (goLivePackage != null) { Date launchDate = scheduledDate.equals(now) ? null : scheduledDate; final boolean isNotScheduled = (launchDate == null); // for submit direct, package them together and submit them // together as direct submit final SubmitPackage submitpackage = new SubmitPackage(pathPrefix); /*//w w w.java2 s. c om dependencyPackage holds references of page. */ final Set<String> rescheduledUris = new HashSet<String>(); final SubmitPackage dependencyPackage = new SubmitPackage(""); DmTransactionService dmTransactionService = getService(DmTransactionService.class); for (final DmDependencyTO dmDependencyTO : goLivePackage) { RetryingTransactionHelper helper = dmTransactionService.getRetryingTransactionHelper(); helper.doInTransaction(new RetryingTransactionHelper.RetryingTransactionCallback() { @Override public Object execute() throws Throwable { goLivepackage(site, submitpackage, dmDependencyTO, isNotScheduled, dependencyPackage, approver, rescheduledUris); return null; } }, false, true); } List<String> stringList = submitpackage.getPaths(); String label = submitpackage.getLabel(); SubmitLifeCycleOperation operation = null; GoLiveContext context = new GoLiveContext(approver, site); if (!isNotScheduled) { Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>(); uris.addAll(dependencyPackage.getUris()); uris.addAll(submitpackage.getUris()); label = getScheduleLabel(submitpackage, dependencyPackage); operation = new PreScheduleOperation(this, uris, launchDate, context, rescheduledUris); } else { operation = new PreGoLiveOperation(this, submitpackage.getUris(), context, rescheduledUris); } if (!stringList.isEmpty()) { // get the workflow initiator mapping Map<String, String> submittedBy = new FastMap<String, String>(); DmContentService dmContentService = getService(DmContentService.class); DmPublishService dmPublishService = getService(DmPublishService.class); for (String longPath : stringList) { String uri = longPath.substring(pathPrefix.length()); DmUtils.addToSubmittedByMapping(getService(PersistenceManagerService.class), dmContentService, site, uri, submittedBy, approver); dmPublishService.cancelScheduledItem(site, uri); } _workflowProcessor.addToWorkflow(site, stringList, launchDate, _submitDirectWorkflowName, label, operation, approver, mcpContext); } Set<DmDependencyTO> dependencyTOSet = submitpackage.getItems(); for (DmDependencyTO dmDependencyTO : dependencyTOSet) { _listener.postGolive(site, dmDependencyTO); } dependencyTOSet = dependencyPackage.getItems(); for (DmDependencyTO dmDependencyTO : dependencyTOSet) { _listener.postGolive(site, dmDependencyTO); } } } persistenceManagerService.enableBehaviour(ContentModel.ASPECT_LOCKABLE); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Total go live time = " + (end - start)); } }
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@Test public void testGetDateConcurrent() throws Exception { final Date expectedDate = new GregorianCalendar(2009, Calendar.MAY, 10).getTime(); // 2009-05-10 final byte[] content = IOUtils .toByteArray(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/microdata/microdata-basic.html")); final int threadCount = 10; final int attemptCount = 100; final List<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<Thread>(); final CountDownLatch beforeLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch afterLatch = new CountDownLatch(threadCount); final AtomicBoolean foundFailure = new AtomicBoolean(false); for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; i++) { threads.add(new Thread("Test-thread-" + i) { @Override// www. j a va 2s .c o m public void run() { try { beforeLatch.await(); int counter = 0; while (counter++ < attemptCount && !foundFailure.get()) { final Document document = getDom(content); final MicrodataParserReport report = MicrodataParser.getMicrodata(document); final ItemScope target = report.getDetectedItemScopes()[4]; Date actualDate = target.getProperties().get("birthday").get(0).getValue().getAsDate(); if (!expectedDate.equals(actualDate)) { foundFailure.set(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); foundFailure.set(true); } finally { afterLatch.countDown(); } } }); } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.start(); } // Let threads start computation beforeLatch.countDown(); // Wait for all threads to complete afterLatch.await(); assertFalse(foundFailure.get()); }
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private Consortium findConsortiumInDb(LiseImportExcelParser excelParser) { String consortiumName = excelParser.getConsortiumName(); Date agrementStartDate = excelParser.getConsortiumAgreementStartDate(); Date agrementEndDate = excelParser.getConsortiumAgreementEndDate(); if (agrementStartDate == null) { String warningMessage = "Row " + excelParser.getCurrentRowNumber() + " in " + excelParser.getSheetName() + " has no agreementStartDate"; logger.warn(warningMessage);/* w w w. ja v a 2 s .com*/ return null; } ConsortiumFinderSpecification finderSpecification = new ConsortiumFinderSpecification(consortiumName); Collection<Consortium> consortiumCollection = baseService.find(finderSpecification); if (consortiumCollection.size() == 0) { String warningMessage = "Row " + excelParser.getCurrentRowNumber() + " in " + excelParser.getSheetName() + " no consortium in DB with name: " + consortiumName; logger.warn(warningMessage); return null; } for (Consortium consortium : consortiumCollection) { if (agrementStartDate.equals(consortium.getConsortiumAgreementStartDate())) { if (agrementEndDate == null) { if (consortium.getConsortiumAgreementEndDate() == null) { return consortium; } } else if (agrementEndDate.equals(consortium.getConsortiumAgreementEndDate())) { return consortium; } } } String warningMessage = "Row " + excelParser.getCurrentRowNumber() + " in " + excelParser.getSheetName() + " no consortium with name: '" + consortiumName + "', startDate: '" + agrementStartDate + "' and endDate: '" + agrementEndDate + "'."; logger.warn(warningMessage); return null; }
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public static Object date2str(ScriptEngine actualContext, Bindings actualObject, Object[] ArgList, Object FunctionContext) { Object oRC = new Object(); switch (ArgList.length) { case 0:/* www . jav a 2 s .c om*/ throw new RuntimeException("Please provide a valid date to the function call date2str."); case 1: try { if (isNull(ArgList)) { return null; } else if (isUndefined(ArgList)) { return undefinedValue; } java.util.Date dArg1 = (java.util.Date) ArgList[0]; if (dArg1.equals(null)) { return null; } Format dfFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(); oRC = dfFormatter.format(dArg1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert to local format."); } break; case 2: try { if (isNull(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1 })) { return null; } else if (isUndefined(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1 })) { return undefinedValue; } java.util.Date dArg1 = (java.util.Date) ArgList[0]; String sArg2 = (String) ArgList[1]; Format dfFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(sArg2); oRC = dfFormatter.format(dArg1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert to the given format."); } break; case 3: try { if (isNull(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 })) { return null; } else if (isUndefined(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 })) { return undefinedValue; } java.util.Date dArg1 = (java.util.Date) ArgList[0]; DateFormat dfFormatter; String sArg2 = (String) ArgList[1]; String sArg3 = (String) ArgList[2]; if (sArg3.length() == 2) { Locale dfLocale = EnvUtil.createLocale(sArg3.toLowerCase()); dfFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(sArg2, dfLocale); oRC = dfFormatter.format(dArg1); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Locale is not 2 characters long."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert to the given local format."); } break; case 4: try { if (isNull(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 })) { return null; } else if (isUndefined(ArgList, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 })) { return undefinedValue; } java.util.Date dArg1 = (java.util.Date) ArgList[0]; DateFormat dfFormatter; String sArg2 = (String) ArgList[1]; String sArg3 = (String) ArgList[2]; String sArg4 = (String) ArgList[3]; // If the timezone is not recognized, java will automatically // take GMT. TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(sArg4); if (sArg3.length() == 2) { Locale dfLocale = EnvUtil.createLocale(sArg3.toLowerCase()); dfFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(sArg2, dfLocale); dfFormatter.setTimeZone(tz); oRC = dfFormatter.format(dArg1); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Locale is not 2 characters long."); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert to the given local format."); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("The function call date2str requires 1, 2, 3, or 4 arguments."); } return oRC; }
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protected void validateRepPeriodDates(AdverseEventReportingPeriod rPeriod, List<AdverseEventReportingPeriod> rPeriodList, Date firstCourseDate, Errors errors) { Date startDate = rPeriod.getStartDate(); Date endDate = rPeriod.getEndDate(); // Check if the start date is equal to or before the end date. if (firstCourseDate != null && startDate != null && (firstCourseDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime() > 0)) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_008", "Start date of this course/cycle cannot be earlier than the Start date of first course/cycle"); }/*from w w w. j ava 2 s . co m*/ if (startDate != null && endDate != null && (endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime() < 0)) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.endDate", "CRP_003", "End date cannot be earlier than Start date"); } // Check if the start date is equal to end date. // This is allowed only for Baseline reportingPeriods and not for other reporting periods. if (rPeriod.getEpoch() != null && !rPeriod.getEpoch().getName().equals("Baseline")) { if (endDate != null && startDate.equals(endDate)) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_004", "For Non-Baseline treatment type Start date cannot be equal to End date"); } } // Check if the start date - end date for the reporting Period overlaps with the // date range of an existing Reporting Period. for (AdverseEventReportingPeriod aerp : rPeriodList) { Date sDate = aerp.getStartDate(); Date eDate = aerp.getEndDate(); if (!aerp.getId().equals(rPeriod.getId())) { //we should make sure that no existing Reporting Period, start date falls, in-between these dates. if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { if (DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, startDate) >= 0 && DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, endDate) < 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.endDate", "CRP_005", "Course/cycle cannot overlap with an existing course/cycle."); break; } } else if (startDate != null && DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, startDate) == 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_005", "Course/cycle cannot overlap with an existing course/cycle."); break; } //newly created reporting period start date, should not fall within any other existing reporting periods if (sDate != null && eDate != null) { if (DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, startDate) <= 0 && DateUtils.compareDate(startDate, eDate) < 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.endDate", "CRP_005", "Course/cycle cannot overlap with an existing course/cycle."); break; } } else if (sDate != null && DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, startDate) == 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_005", "Course/cycle cannot overlap with an existing course/cycle."); break; } } // If the epoch of reportingPeriod is not - Baseline , then it cannot be earlier than a Baseline if (rPeriod.getEpoch() != null && rPeriod.getEpoch().getName().equals("Baseline")) { if (aerp.getEpoch() != null && !aerp.getEpoch().getName().equals("Baseline")) { if (DateUtils.compareDate(sDate, startDate) < 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_006", "Baseline treatment type cannot start after an existing Non-Baseline treatment type."); return; } } } else { if (aerp.getEpoch() != null && aerp.getEpoch().getName().equals("Baseline")) { if (DateUtils.compareDate(startDate, sDate) < 0) { errors.rejectValue("reportingPeriod.startDate", "CRP_007", "Non-Baseline treatment type cannot start before an existing Baseline treatment type."); return; } } } } }
From source
private final void applyExpirationRestrictionForValidityWithFixedDate(final CertificateProfile profile) { final String encodedValidty = profile.getEncodedValidity(); if (profile.getUseExpirationRestrictionForWeekdays()) { Date endDate = null;// w w w. j av a2 s. com try { endDate = ValidityDate.parseAsIso8601(encodedValidty); } catch (ParseException e) { // NOOP } if (null != endDate) { // for fixed end dates."Applying expiration restrictions for weekdays with fixed end date: " + encodedValidty + " days " + Arrays.toString(profile.getExpirationRestrictionWeekdays())); try { final Date appliedDate = ValidityDate.applyExpirationRestrictionForWeekdays(endDate, profile.getExpirationRestrictionWeekdays(), profile.getExpirationRestrictionForWeekdaysExpireBefore()); if (!appliedDate.equals(endDate)) { final String newEncodedValidity = ValidityDate .formatAsISO8601ServerTZ(appliedDate.getTime(), ValidityDate.TIMEZONE_SERVER); profile.setEncodedValidity(newEncodedValidity); addInfoMessage("CERT_EXPRIATION_RESTRICTION_FIXED_DATE_CHANGED", encodedValidty, newEncodedValidity); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Expiration restriction of certificate profile could not be applied!"); } } } }
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private Iterator findSummarizedGLEntries(Journal journal, Date start, Date end, boolean credit, short layer) throws HibernateException, GLException { StringBuffer qs = new StringBuffer( "select entry.account, sum(entry.amount)" + " from entry," + " txn" + " where = entry.transaction" + " and credit = :credit" + " and txn.journal = :journal" + " and entry.layer = :layer"); boolean equalDate = start.equals(end); if (equalDate) { qs.append(" and txn.postDate = :date"); } else {/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. com*/ qs.append(" and txn.postDate >= :start"); qs.append(" and txn.postDate <= :end"); } qs.append(" group by entry.account"); Query q = session.createQuery(qs.toString()); q.setLong("journal", journal.getId()); q.setParameter("credit", credit ? "Y" : "N"); q.setShort("layer", layer); if (equalDate) q.setParameter("date", start); else { q.setParameter("start", start); q.setParameter("end", end); } return q.iterate(); }
From source
public SewerageIndex createSewarageIndex(final SewerageApplicationDetails sewerageApplicationDetails, final AssessmentDetails assessmentDetails) { final City cityWebsite = cityService.getCityByURL(ApplicationThreadLocals.getDomainName()); final SewerageIndex sewarageIndex = new SewerageIndex(); sewarageIndex.setUlbName(cityWebsite.getName()); sewarageIndex.setDistrictName(cityWebsite.getDistrictName()); sewarageIndex.setRegionName(cityWebsite.getRegionName()); sewarageIndex.setUlbGrade(cityWebsite.getGrade()); sewarageIndex.setUlbCode(cityWebsite.getCode()); sewarageIndex.setApplicationCreatedBy(sewerageApplicationDetails.getCreatedBy().getName()); sewarageIndex/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c om*/ .setId(cityWebsite.getCode().concat("-").concat(sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationNumber())); sewarageIndex.setApplicationDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationDate()); sewarageIndex.setApplicationNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationNumber()); sewarageIndex.setApplicationStatus(sewerageApplicationDetails.getStatus() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getStatus().getDescription() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setConsumerNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationNumber()); sewarageIndex.setApplicationType(sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationType() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getApplicationType().getName() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setConnectionStatus(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getStatus() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getStatus().name() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setCreatedDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getCreatedDate()); sewarageIndex.setShscNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getShscNumber() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getShscNumber() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setDisposalDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getDisposalDate()); sewarageIndex.setExecutionDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getExecutionDate()); sewarageIndex.setIslegacy(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getLegacy()); sewarageIndex.setNoOfClosets_nonResidential( sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getNoOfClosetsNonResidential()); sewarageIndex.setNoOfClosets_residential( sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getNoOfClosetsResidential()); sewarageIndex.setPropertyIdentifier( sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getPropertyIdentifier() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getPropertyIdentifier() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setPropertyType(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getPropertyType() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionDetail().getPropertyType().name() : EMPTY); if (sewerageApplicationDetails.getEstimationDate() != null) sewarageIndex.setEstimationDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getEstimationDate()); sewarageIndex.setEstimationNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getEstimationNumber() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getEstimationNumber() : EMPTY); if (sewerageApplicationDetails.getWorkOrderDate() != null) sewarageIndex.setWorkOrderDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getWorkOrderDate()); sewarageIndex.setWorkOrderNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getWorkOrderNumber() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getWorkOrderNumber() : EMPTY); if (sewerageApplicationDetails.getClosureNoticeDate() != null) sewarageIndex.setClosureNoticeDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getClosureNoticeDate()); sewarageIndex.setClosureNoticeNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getClosureNoticeNumber() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getClosureNoticeNumber() : EMPTY); if (sewerageApplicationDetails.getRejectionDate() != null) sewarageIndex.setRejectionNoticeDate(sewerageApplicationDetails.getRejectionDate()); sewarageIndex.setRejectionNoticeNumber(sewerageApplicationDetails.getRejectionNumber() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getRejectionNumber() : EMPTY); Iterator<OwnerName> ownerNameItr = null; if (null != assessmentDetails.getOwnerNames()) ownerNameItr = assessmentDetails.getOwnerNames().iterator(); final StringBuilder consumerName = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder mobileNumber = new StringBuilder(); if (null != ownerNameItr && ownerNameItr.hasNext()) { final OwnerName primaryOwner =; consumerName.append(primaryOwner.getOwnerName() != null ? primaryOwner.getOwnerName() : EMPTY); mobileNumber.append(primaryOwner.getMobileNumber() != null ? primaryOwner.getMobileNumber() : EMPTY); while (ownerNameItr.hasNext()) { final OwnerName secondaryOwner =; consumerName.append(",") .append(secondaryOwner.getOwnerName() != null ? secondaryOwner.getOwnerName() : EMPTY); mobileNumber.append(",").append( secondaryOwner.getMobileNumber() != null ? secondaryOwner.getMobileNumber() : EMPTY); } } sewarageIndex.setMobileNumber(mobileNumber.toString()); sewarageIndex.setConsumerName(consumerName.toString()); sewarageIndex.setDoorNo(assessmentDetails.getHouseNo() != null ? assessmentDetails.getHouseNo() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setWard(assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails() != null ? assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails().getWardName() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setRevenueBlock(assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails() != null ? assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails().getBlockName() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setLocationName(assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails() != null ? assessmentDetails.getBoundaryDetails().getLocalityName() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex.setAddress( assessmentDetails.getPropertyAddress() != null ? assessmentDetails.getPropertyAddress() : EMPTY); sewarageIndex .setSource(sewerageApplicationDetails.getSource() != null ? sewerageApplicationDetails.getSource() : Source.SYSTEM.toString()); // Setting application status is active or in-active sewarageIndex.setActive(sewerageApplicationDetails.isActive()); // setting connection fees details for (final SewerageConnectionFee scf : sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnectionFees()) { if (scf.getFeesDetail().getCode().equals(FEES_SEWERAGETAX_CODE)) sewarageIndex.setSewerageTax(BigDecimal.valueOf(scf.getAmount())); if (scf.getFeesDetail().getCode().equals(FEES_DONATIONCHARGE_CODE)) sewarageIndex.setDonationAmount(BigDecimal.valueOf(scf.getAmount())); if (scf.getFeesDetail().getCode().equals(FEE_INSPECTIONCHARGE)) sewarageIndex.setInspectionCharge(BigDecimal.valueOf(scf.getAmount())); if (scf.getFeesDetail().getCode().equals(FEES_ESTIMATIONCHARGES_CODE)) sewarageIndex.setEstimationCharge(BigDecimal.valueOf(scf.getAmount())); } // setting demand details final List<SewerageRateDCBResult> rateResultList = sewerageDCBReporService .getSewerageRateDCBReport(sewerageApplicationDetails); final Date currentInstallmentYear = sewerageDemandService.getCurrentInstallment().getInstallmentYear(); BigDecimal totalDemandAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal totalCollectedDemandamount = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal totalArrearamount = BigDecimal.ZERO; BigDecimal totalCollectedArearamount = BigDecimal.ZERO; final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); for (final SewerageRateDCBResult demand : rateResultList) {// FIXME: SORT BASED ON INSTALLMENT DESCRIPTION final Date installmentYear = installmentDao .getInsatllmentByModuleAndDescription(moduleDao.getModuleByName(MODULE_NAME), demand.getInstallmentYearDescription()) .getInstallmentYear(); String period = null; if (sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getExecutionDate() != null) calendar.setTime(sewerageApplicationDetails.getConnection().getExecutionDate()); final int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); period = year + "-" + demand.getInstallmentYearDescription().substring(5, 9); sewarageIndex.setPeriod(period != null ? period : EMPTY); if (installmentYear.equals(currentInstallmentYear) || installmentYear.after(currentInstallmentYear)) { totalDemandAmount = totalDemandAmount.add(demand.getDemandAmount()); totalCollectedDemandamount = totalCollectedDemandamount.add(demand.getCollectedDemandAmount()); } if (installmentYear.before(currentInstallmentYear)) { totalArrearamount = totalArrearamount.add(demand.getDemandAmount()); totalCollectedArearamount = totalCollectedArearamount.add(demand.getCollectedDemandAmount()); } if (demand.getCollectedAdvanceAmount() != null) sewarageIndex.setExtraAdvanceAmount(demand.getCollectedAdvanceAmount()); } sewarageIndex.setDemandAmount(totalDemandAmount != null ? totalDemandAmount : BigDecimal.ZERO); sewarageIndex.setCollectedDemandAmount( totalCollectedDemandamount != null ? totalCollectedDemandamount : BigDecimal.ZERO); sewarageIndex.setArrearAmount(totalArrearamount != null ? totalArrearamount : BigDecimal.ZERO); sewarageIndex.setCollectedArrearAmount( totalCollectedArearamount != null ? totalCollectedArearamount : BigDecimal.ZERO); sewarageIndex.setTotalAmount(totalDemandAmount.add(totalArrearamount));; return sewarageIndex; }