List of usage examples for java.util Date equals
public boolean equals(Object obj)
From source
private boolean isValid(final Map<String, String> properties) { if (!licensePresent) { return false; }/*from www .j a v a2 s. c om*/ final String src = collectLicenseFieldsForSignature(properties); final String name = properties.get(NameKey); final String key = properties.get(SignatureKey); final String hostId = properties.get(MachineKey); final String thisHostId = createHash(); final String edition = properties.get(EditionKey); final String modules = properties.get(ModulesKey); final String dateString = properties.get(DateKey); final String startDateString = properties.get(StartKey); final String endDateString = properties.get(EndKey); final String serversString = properties.get(ServersKey); final Date now = new Date(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(key)) { logger.error("Unable to read key from license file."); return false; } try { final byte[] data = src.getBytes(CharSet); final Signature signer = Signature.getInstance(SignatureAlgorithm); final byte[] signature = Hex.decodeHex(key.toCharArray()); signer.initVerify(certificate); signer.update(data); if (!signer.verify(signature)) { logger.error("License signature verification failed, license is not valid."); return false; } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error("Unable to verify license.", t); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain licensee name."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(edition)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain edition."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(modules)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain modules."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hostId)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain host ID."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dateString)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain license date."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startDateString)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain start date."); return false; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(endDateString)) { logger.error("License file doesn't contain end date."); return false; } // verify host ID if (!thisHostId.equals(hostId) && !"*".equals(hostId)) { logger.error("Host ID found in license ({}) file does not match current host ID.", hostId); return false; } if ("*".equals(hostId)) { // check volume license against server addresses if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(serversString)) { // send HostID to server properties.put(HostIdKey, thisHostId); return checkVolumeLicense(properties, serversString); } final Calendar issuedAtPlusOneMonth = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); final Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); // set issuedAt to license date plus one month issuedAtPlusOneMonth.setTime(parseDate(dateString)); issuedAtPlusOneMonth.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // check that the license file was issued not more than one month ago if (cal.after(issuedAtPlusOneMonth)) { logger.error( "Development license found in license file is not valid any more, license period ended {}.", format.format(issuedAtPlusOneMonth.getTime())); return false; } } // verify that the license is valid for the current date final Date startDate = parseDate(startDateString); if (startDate != null && now.before(startDate) && !now.equals(startDate)) { logger.error("License found in license file is not yet valid, license period starts {}.", format.format(startDate.getTime())); return false; } // verify that the license is valid for the current date final Date endDate = parseDate(endDateString); if (endDate != null && now.after(endDate) && !now.equals(endDate)) { logger.error("License found in license file is not valid any more, license period ended {}.", format.format(endDate.getTime())); return false; } return true; }
From source
public static JSONObject setappraisalcycleFunction(Session session, HttpServletRequest request) throws ServiceException, JSONException, ParseException, SessionExpiredException { JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(); SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); boolean flag = false; boolean initiateFlag = false; try {/* w w w. ja va 2 s. c o m*/ Date startdate = (Date) fmt.parse(request.getParameter("startdate")); Date enddate = (Date) fmt.parse(request.getParameter("enddate")); Date submitstartdate = (Date) fmt.parse(request.getParameter("submitsdate")); Date submitenddate = (Date) fmt.parse(request.getParameter("submitedate")); String cyclename = request.getParameter("cyclename"); Appraisalcycle appcycle = null; List tabledata = null; String hql = "from Appraisalcycle where company.companyID=? and ((? between startdate and enddate) or (? between startdate and enddate))"; if (request.getParameter("editflag").equals("1")) { String cycleid = request.getParameter("cycleid"); appcycle = (Appraisalcycle) session.get(Appraisalcycle.class, cycleid); boolean dateflag = true; if (!startdate.equals(appcycle.getStartdate()) || !enddate.equals(appcycle.getEnddate())) { dateflag = false; //Check for cycle initiated hql = "from Appraisalmanagement where appcycle = ?"; tabledata = HibernateUtil.executeQuery(session, hql, new Object[] { appcycle }); if (tabledata.size() == 0) { dateflag = true; } } if (dateflag) { hql = "from Appraisalcycle where company.companyID=? and id != ? and ((? between startdate and enddate) or (? between startdate and enddate)) "; tabledata = HibernateUtil.executeQuery(session, hql, new Object[] { AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request), cycleid, startdate, enddate }); } else { initiateFlag = true; jobj.put("msg", MessageSourceProxy.getMessage( "hrms.hrmshandler.msg.youcannoteditcyclestartandenddateasappraisalhasalreadybeeninitiatedfortheselectedappraisalcycle", null, "You can not edit cycle start and end date as appraisal has already been initiated for the selected appraisal cycle.", LocaleUtil.getCompanyLocale(AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request), 0))); } } else { tabledata = HibernateUtil.executeQuery(session, hql, new Object[] { AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request), startdate, enddate }); appcycle = new Appraisalcycle(); } if (!initiateFlag && tabledata.isEmpty()) { appcycle.setCyclename(cyclename); appcycle.setStartdate(startdate); appcycle.setEnddate(enddate); appcycle.setCreatedby((User) session.get(User.class, AuthHandler.getUserid(request))); appcycle.setCompany((Company) session.get(Company.class, AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request))); appcycle.setSubmitstartdate(submitstartdate); if (request.getParameter("editflag").equals("1")) { if (appcycle.getSubmitenddate().before(submitenddate)) { appcycle.setReviewed(false); appcycle.setCycleapproval(false); } } else { appcycle.setReviewed(false); appcycle.setCycleapproval(false); } appcycle.setSubmitenddate(submitenddate);; if (request.getParameter("editflag").equals("1")) { //@@ProfileHandler.insertAuditLog(session, AuditAction.CYCLE_EDITED, "User " + AuthHandler.getFullName(session, AuthHandler.getUserid(request)) + " has edited appraisal cycle " + appcycle.getCyclename(),request); } else { //@@ProfileHandler.insertAuditLog(session, AuditAction.CYCLE_ADDED, "User " + AuthHandler.getFullName(session, AuthHandler.getUserid(request)) + " has added new appraisal cycle " + appcycle.getCyclename() + " for the period from " + fmt.format(startdate) + " till " + fmt.format(enddate),request); } flag = true; } else if (!initiateFlag && !tabledata.isEmpty()) { jobj.put("msg", MessageSourceProxy.getMessage( "hrms.hrmshandler.msg.appraisalcycleaddedisoverlappingotherappraisalcycle.", null, "Appraisal cycle added is overlapping other appraisal cycle.", LocaleUtil.getCompanyLocale(AuthHandler.getCompanyid(request), 0))); } jobj.put("success", flag); } catch (ParseException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("hrmsHandler.setappraisalcycleFunction", e); } catch (SessionExpiredException e) { throw ServiceException.FAILURE("hrmsHandler.setappraisalcycleFunction", e); } return jobj; }
From source
protected void addEditUserTopicSpecialAccess( topic, specialAccess) throws ParseException { // open date//from w ww . j ava2 s .co m String startDateParam = this.request.getParameter("start_date"); if (startDateParam != null && startDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date startDate; try { startDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(startDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(startDate); // hide until open String hideUntilOpen = this.request.getParameter("hide_until_open"); // check with forum start date if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { if (startDate.equals(topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } // hide until open if (specialAccess.isOverrideStartDate()) { /*ignore hide until open setting of topic*/ //specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { //consider hide until open setting of topic and override if not selected for special access if (topic.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } } else { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } } } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); if (topic.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } } // due date String endDateParam = this.request.getParameter("end_date"); if (endDateParam != null && endDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date endDate; try { endDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(endDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(endDate); // check with topic dates if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { if (endDate.equals(topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { /*no special access end date*/ specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); if (topic.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(false); } } // allow until date String allowUntilParam = this.request.getParameter("allow_until_date"); if (allowUntilParam != null && allowUntilParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date allowUntilDate; try { allowUntilDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(allowUntilParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(allowUntilDate); // check with topic dates if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } else if (allowUntilDate.equals(topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate())) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(false); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); if (topic.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } int userId = this.request.getIntParameter("user_id"); List<Integer> specialAccessUser = new ArrayList<Integer>(); specialAccessUser.add(new Integer(userId)); specialAccess.setUserIds(specialAccessUser); }
From source
/** * adds or edits the user forum special access * // w w w .ja va 2s .c o m * @param forum Forum * * @param specialAccess Special access * * @throws ParseException Date parsing error */ protected void addEditUserForumSpecialAccess( forum, specialAccess) throws ParseException { // open date String startDateParam = this.request.getParameter("start_date"); if (startDateParam != null && startDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date startDate; try { startDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(startDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(startDate); // hide until open String hideUntilOpen = this.request.getParameter("hide_until_open"); // check with forum start date if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { if (startDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } // hide until open if (specialAccess.isOverrideStartDate()) { /*ignore hide until open setting of forum*/ //specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { //consider hide until open setting of forum and override if not selected for special access if (forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } } else { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } } } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } } // due date String endDateParam = this.request.getParameter("end_date"); if (endDateParam != null && endDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date endDate; try { endDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(endDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(endDate); // check with forum dates if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { if (endDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { /*no special access end date*/ specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(false); } } // allow until date String allowUntilParam = this.request.getParameter("allow_until_date"); if (allowUntilParam != null && allowUntilParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date allowUntilDate; try { allowUntilDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(allowUntilParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(allowUntilDate); // check with forum dates if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } else if (allowUntilDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate())) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(false); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } int userId = this.request.getIntParameter("user_id"); List<Integer> specialAccessUser = new ArrayList<Integer>(); specialAccessUser.add(new Integer(userId)); specialAccess.setUserIds(specialAccessUser); }
From source
/** * Adds or edits the forum special access * /* ww w . j ava 2s . c om*/ * @param forum Forum * * @param specialAccess Special access * * @throws ParseException Date parsing error */ protected void addEditSpecialAccess( forum, specialAccess) throws ParseException { // open date String startDateParam = this.request.getParameter("start_date"); if (startDateParam != null && startDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date startDate; try { startDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(startDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(startDate); // hide until open String hideUntilOpen = this.request.getParameter("hide_until_open"); // check with forum start date if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { if (startDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } // hide until open if (specialAccess.isOverrideStartDate()) { /*ignore hide until open setting of forum*/ //specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); } } else { //consider hide until open setting of forum and override if not selected for special access if (forum.getAccessDates().isHideUntilOpen()) { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } } else { if (hideUntilOpen != null && "1".equals(hideUntilOpen)) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(true); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(true); } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setHideUntilOpen(false); specialAccess.setOverrideHideUntilOpen(false); } } } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setOpenDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getOpenDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideStartDate(true); } } // due date String endDateParam = this.request.getParameter("end_date"); if (endDateParam != null && endDateParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date endDate; try { endDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(endDateParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(endDate); // check with forum dates if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { if (endDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate())) { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); } } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { /*no special access end date*/ specialAccess.getAccessDates().setDueDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getDueDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(true); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(true); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideEndDate(false); specialAccess.setOverrideLockEndDate(false); } } // allow until date String allowUntilParam = this.request.getParameter("allow_until"); if (allowUntilParam != null && allowUntilParam.trim().length() > 0) { Date allowUntilDate; try { allowUntilDate = DateUtil.getDateFromString(allowUntilParam.trim()); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(allowUntilDate); // check with forum dates if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() == null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } else if (allowUntilDate.equals(forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate())) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(false); specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); } else { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw e; } } else { specialAccess.getAccessDates().setAllowUntilDate(null); if (forum.getAccessDates().getAllowUntilDate() != null) { specialAccess.setOverrideAllowUntilDate(true); } } List<Integer> users = new ArrayList<Integer>(); String userIds[] = (String[]) this.request.getObjectParameter("toUsername" + "ParamValues"); if (userIds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++) { if (userIds[i] != null && userIds[i].trim().length() > 0) { int userId; try { userId = Integer.parseInt(userIds[i]); users.add(new Integer(userId)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn(this.getClass().getName() + ".editForumSpecialAccess() : Error while parsing the userId.", e); } } } } else { try { int userId = Integer.parseInt(this.request.getParameter("toUsername")); users.add(new Integer(userId)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) logger.warn(this.getClass().getName() + ".editForumSpecialAccess() : Error while parsing the userId.", e); } } specialAccess.setUserIds(users); }
From source
/** * @param connection/*from w w w .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * @param clientName * @param browserKey * @param sessionName * @param proctorKey * @param procId * @param procName * @param dateBegin * @param dateEnd * @param sessionType * @return * @throws ReturnStatusException */ public SingleDataResultSet P_CreateSession_SP(SQLConnection connection, String clientName, UUID browserKey, String sessionName, Long proctorKey, String procId, String procName, Date dateBegin, Date dateEnd, Integer sessionType) throws ReturnStatusException { SingleDataResultSet result = null; UUID sessionKey = null; _Ref<String> sessionId = new _Ref<>(); String environment = null; String prefix = null; String status = "closed"; String errMsg = null; Date now = _dateUtil.getDateWRetStatus(connection); Integer audit = null; audit = _commonDll.AuditSessions_FN(connection, clientName); final String SQL_QUERY1 = "select environment from _externs where clientname = ${clientname};"; SqlParametersMaps parms1 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName); result = executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY1, parms1, false).getResultSets().next(); DbResultRecord record = (result.getCount() > 0 ? result.getRecords().next() : null); if (record != null) { environment = record.<String>get("environment"); } if (environment == null) { errMsg = String.format("Unknown client: %s", clientName); return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession", errMsg); } final String SQL_QUERY2 = "select top 1 _Key from session S where clientname = ${clientname} and _efk_Proctor = ${proctorKey} and ${now} between S.DateBegin and S.DateEnd and sessiontype = ${sessiontype}"; SqlParametersMaps parms2 = (new SqlParametersMaps()).put("clientname", clientName) .put("proctorKey", proctorKey).put("now", now).put("sessiontype", sessionType); if (exists(executeStatement(connection, SQL_QUERY2, parms2, true))) { return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession", "There already is an active session for this user."); } prefix = _commonDll._CoreSessName_FN(connection, clientName, procName); sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID(); if (dateBegin == null) { dateBegin = now; } if (dateEnd == null) { dateEnd = adjustDateHours(dateBegin, 8); } else if (DbComparator.lessOrEqual(dateEnd, dateBegin)) { dateEnd = adjustDateHours(dateBegin, 8); } if ((now.equals(dateBegin) || now.after(dateBegin)) && (now.equals(dateEnd) || now.before(dateEnd))) { status = "open"; } _commonDll._CreateClientSessionID_SP(connection, clientName, prefix, sessionId); if (sessionId.get() == null) { return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession", "Failed to insert new session into database"); } try { final String SQL_INSERT = "insert into Session (_Key, [Name], _efk_Proctor, ProctorID, ProctorName, [status], DateBegin, DateEnd, SessionID, _fk_browser, clientname, environment, dateVisited, sessiontype) " + " values (${sessionKey}, ${sessionName}, ${proctorKey}, ${procID}, ${procName}, ${status}, ${dateBegin}, ${dateEnd}, ${sessionID}, ${browserKey}, ${clientname}, ${environment}, ${now}, ${sessiontype});"; SqlParametersMaps parms3 = new SqlParametersMaps(); parms3.put("sessionKey", sessionKey); parms3.put("sessionName", sessionName); parms3.put("proctorKey", proctorKey); parms3.put("procID", procId); parms3.put("procName", procName); parms3.put("status", status); parms3.put("dateBegin", dateBegin); parms3.put("dateEnd", dateEnd); parms3.put("sessionID", sessionId.toString()); parms3.put("browserKey", browserKey); parms3.put("clientname", clientName); parms3.put("environment", environment); parms3.put("now", now); parms3.put("sessiontype", sessionType); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT, parms3, false).getUpdateCount(); // // (insertedCnt); // for testing } catch (Exception e) { String err = e.getMessage(); _commonDll._LogDBError_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", err, null, null, null, null, clientName, null); _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, null, clientName, null); return _commonDll._ReturnError_SP(connection, clientName, "P_CreateSession", "Failed to insert new session into database"); } String localhostname = _commonDll.getLocalhostName(); if (DbComparator.notEqual(audit, 0)) { final String SQL_INSERT1 = "insert into SessionAudit (_fk_session, DateAccessed, AccessType, hostname, browserKey) values (${sessionKey}, ${now}, ${status}, ${hostname}, ${browserKey});"; SqlParametersMaps parms4 = new SqlParametersMaps().put("sessionKey", sessionKey).put("now", now) .put("status", status).put("hostname", localhostname).put("browserKey", browserKey); int insertedCnt = executeStatement(connection, SQL_INSERT1, parms4, false).getUpdateCount(); // // (insertedCnt); // for testing } List<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>> resultlist = new ArrayList<CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>>(); CaseInsensitiveMap<Object> rcrd = new CaseInsensitiveMap<Object>(); rcrd.put("sessionKey", sessionKey.toString()); rcrd.put("sessionID", sessionId.get()); rcrd.put("Name", sessionName); rcrd.put("sessionStatus", status); resultlist.add(rcrd); result = new SingleDataResultSet(); result.addColumn("sessionKey", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.UNIQUEIDENTIFIER); result.addColumn("sessionID", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addColumn("Name", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addColumn("sessionStatus", SQL_TYPE_To_JAVA_TYPE.VARCHAR); result.addRecords(resultlist); _commonDll._LogDBLatency_SP(connection, "P_CreateSession", now, proctorKey, true, null, null, sessionKey, clientName, null); return result; }
From source
/** * @author Mustansar Mehmood * *//* ww w .ja v a2s . c o m*/ public HashMap getAverageAssessmentGradingByPublishedItem(final Long publishedAssessmentId) { HashMap h = new HashMap(); final String query = "select new AssessmentGradingData(" + " a.assessmentGradingId, p.itemId, " + " a.agentId, a.finalScore, a.submittedDate) " + " from ItemGradingData i, AssessmentGradingData a," + " PublishedItemData p where " + " i.assessmentGradingId = a.assessmentGradingId and i.publishedItemId = p.itemId and " + " a.publishedAssessmentId=? " + " order by a.agentId asc, a.submittedDate desc"; final HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Query q = session.createQuery(query); q.setLong(0, publishedAssessmentId.longValue()); return q.list(); }; }; List assessmentGradings = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(hcb); String currentAgent = ""; Date submittedDate = null; for (int i = 0; i < assessmentGradings.size(); i++) { AssessmentGradingData g = (AssessmentGradingData) assessmentGradings.get(i); Long itemId = g.getPublishedItemId(); Long gradingId = g.getAssessmentGradingId(); if (i == 0) { currentAgent = g.getAgentId(); submittedDate = g.getSubmittedDate(); } if (currentAgent.equals(g.getAgentId()) && ((submittedDate == null && g.getSubmittedDate() == null) || (submittedDate != null && submittedDate.equals(g.getSubmittedDate())))) { Object o = h.get(itemId); if (o != null) ((ArrayList) o).add(gradingId); else { ArrayList gradingIds = new ArrayList(); gradingIds.add(gradingId); h.put(itemId, gradingIds); } } if (!currentAgent.equals(g.getAgentId())) { currentAgent = g.getAgentId(); submittedDate = g.getSubmittedDate(); } } return h; }
From source
public HashMap getLastAssessmentGradingByPublishedItem(final Long publishedAssessmentId) { HashMap h = new HashMap(); final String query = "select new AssessmentGradingData(" + " a.assessmentGradingId, p.itemId, " + " a.agentId, a.finalScore, a.submittedDate) " + " from ItemGradingData i, AssessmentGradingData a," + " PublishedItemData p where " + " i.assessmentGradingId = a.assessmentGradingId and i.publishedItemId = p.itemId and " + " a.publishedAssessmentId=? " + " order by a.agentId asc, a.submittedDate desc"; final HibernateCallback hcb = new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { Query q = session.createQuery(query); q.setLong(0, publishedAssessmentId.longValue()); return q.list(); };/*from ww w .j av a2s . c om*/ }; List assessmentGradings = getHibernateTemplate().executeFind(hcb); // List assessmentGradings = getHibernateTemplate().find(query, // new Object[] { publishedAssessmentId }, // new org.hibernate.type.Type[] { Hibernate.LONG }); // ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); String currentAgent = ""; Date submittedDate = null; for (int i = 0; i < assessmentGradings.size(); i++) { AssessmentGradingData g = (AssessmentGradingData) assessmentGradings.get(i); Long itemId = g.getPublishedItemId(); Long gradingId = g.getAssessmentGradingId(); log.debug("**** itemId=" + itemId + ", gradingId=" + gradingId + ", agentId=" + g.getAgentId() + ", score=" + g.getFinalScore()); if (i == 0) { currentAgent = g.getAgentId(); submittedDate = g.getSubmittedDate(); } if (currentAgent.equals(g.getAgentId()) && ((submittedDate == null && g.getSubmittedDate() == null) || (submittedDate != null && submittedDate.equals(g.getSubmittedDate())))) { Object o = h.get(itemId); if (o != null) ((ArrayList) o).add(gradingId); else { ArrayList gradingIds = new ArrayList(); gradingIds.add(gradingId); h.put(itemId, gradingIds); } } if (!currentAgent.equals(g.getAgentId())) { currentAgent = g.getAgentId(); submittedDate = g.getSubmittedDate(); } } return h; }
From source
public static String getMsgDate(EipTSchedule schedule) { Calendar start_cal = Calendar.getInstance(); start_cal.setTime(schedule.getStartDate()); Calendar end_cal = Calendar.getInstance(); end_cal.setTime(schedule.getEndDate()); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // DN -> (A = N -> ??? A = L -> ??) // WnnnnnnnN W01111110 -> () // MnnN M25 -> 25 // YnnmmN Y0825N ->825 // S -> ?? String ptn = schedule.getRepeatPattern(); int count = 0; boolean is_repeat = true; boolean is_span = false; // // www . j a v a2 s.c o m if (ptn.charAt(0) == 'D') { result.append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_EVERY_DAY")); count = 1; // } else if (ptn.charAt(0) == 'W') { result.append(new StringBuffer().append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_EVERY_WEEK")) .append(ptn.charAt(1) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_SUNDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(2) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_MONDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(3) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_TUSEDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(4) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_WEDNESDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(5) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_THURSDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(6) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_FRIDAY") : "") .append(ptn.charAt(7) != '0' ? ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_SATURDAY") : "") .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_A_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK")).toString()); count = 8; // } else if (ptn.charAt(0) == 'M') { if (ptn.substring(1, 3).equals("XX")) { result.append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_EVERY_MONTH_SPACE")) .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_END_OF_MONTH")) .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_DAY")).toString(); } else { result.append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_EVERY_MONTH_SPACE")) .append(Integer.parseInt(ptn.substring(1, 3))) .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_DAY")).toString(); } count = 3; // } else if (ptn.charAt(0) == 'Y') { result.append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_EVERY_YEAR_SPACE")) .append(Integer.parseInt(ptn.substring(1, 3))) .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_MONTH")) .append(Integer.parseInt(ptn.substring(3, 5))) .append(ALLocalizationUtils.getl10n("SCHEDULE_DAY")).toString(); count = 5; // } else if (ptn.charAt(0) == 'S') {// ?S is_span = true; is_repeat = false; } else { is_repeat = false; } ALDateTimeField date_field = new ALDateTimeField("yyyy/MM/dd"); ALDateTimeField time_field = new ALDateTimeField("HH:mm"); if (!is_span) { if (!is_repeat) { date_field.setValue(schedule.getStartDate()); result.append(date_field.toString()); } time_field.setValue(schedule.getStartDate()); // ?????? - ? result.append(" ").append(time_field.toString()).append(" - "); time_field.setValue(schedule.getEndDate()); result.append(time_field.toString()).append(" "); } else { Date start = schedule.getStartDate(); Date end = schedule.getEndDate(); date_field.setValue(start); result.append(date_field.toString()); if (!start.equals(end)) { result.append(" - "); date_field.setValue(end); result.append(date_field.toString()); } } if (is_repeat) { if (ptn.charAt(count) == 'N') { // schedule.setLimit(false); } else { // schedule.setLimit(true); // ? date_field.setValue(schedule.getStartDate()); result.append(" ").append(date_field.toString()).append(" - "); date_field.setValue(schedule.getEndDate()); result.append(date_field.toString()).append("").toString(); } } return result.toString(); }