List of usage examples for java.util Date before
public boolean before(Date when)
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/** * ?????//from ww w .j a v a 2s . co m * * @param date * @return */ public static int getWarekiYear(Date date) { for (int i = GENGO_BEGIN_DATES.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!date.before(GENGO_BEGIN_DATES[i])) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); return year - GENGO_BEGIN_YEARS[i] + 1; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wareki Gengo not found for " + date); }
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/** * consider time and date./*from w w w .j av a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param date * @param startDate * @param endDate * @return */ public static boolean isBetweenDateTime(Date date, Date startDate, Date endDate) { return (date.equals(startDate) || date.after(startDate)) && (date.equals(endDate) || date.before(endDate)); }
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/** * Returns the minimum of two dates. A null date is treated as being greater * than any non-null date. /*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ */ public static Date min(Date d1, Date d2) { if (d1 == null && d2 == null) return null; if (d1 == null) return d2; if (d2 == null) return d1; return (d1.before(d2)) ? d1 : d2; }
From source
public static String orderReceipt(Reservation reservation) { //TODO: discount + total fee String bill = ""; int total = 0; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/DD/YYYY"); Date date = reservation.getCheckinDate(); bill = "<table border='1' style='width:100%'>"; bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<th>Date</th>"; bill += "<th>Room No</th>"; bill += "<th>Base Price</th>"; bill += "<th>Discount(%)</th>"; bill += "<th>Final Fee</th>"; bill += "</tr>"; while (date.before(reservation.getCheckoutDate())) { for (Room room : reservation.getRoomList()) { bill += "<tr>"; bill += "<td>" + sdf.format(date) + "</td>"; bill += "<td>" + room.getRoomNo() + "</td>"; bill += "<td>" + room.getBasePrice() + "</td>"; bill += "<td>" + reservation.getDiscount() + "</td>"; int fee = room.getBasePrice() * (100 - reservation.getDiscount()) / 100; total += fee;//from w ww . j a v a 2s. c om bill += "<td>" + fee + "</td>"; bill += "</tr>"; } //increase one day Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(date); c.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); date = c.getTime(); } bill += "</table>"; bill += "<h3 align='right'>Total($): " + total + "</h3>"; String page = "<html><body>" + "<h3>Dear " + reservation.getName().getFname() + ",</h3>" + "<h3>Thank you for choosing us serving you! Your room(s) have been checked out.</h3>" + "<h3>Here is the detail of bill:</h3>" + bill + "<h3>Regards,</h3>" + "<h3>CMPE275 Mini Hotel Team</h3>" + "</body></html>"; return page; }
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public static ScheduledActivity newFromEntity(ScheduledActivityEntity entity) { ScheduledActivityImpl scheduledActivity = new ScheduledActivityImpl(); scheduledActivity.healthPlanName = entity.getActivityDefinitionEntity().getHealthPlan().getName(); = entity.getId(); scheduledActivity.activityDefinition = ActivityDefinitionImpl .newFromEntity(entity.getActivityDefinitionEntity()); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(entity.getScheduledTime()); int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); = new Option("weekday." + day, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); cal.setTime(new Date()); ApiUtil.dayBegin(cal);//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c o m Date time = entity.getScheduledTime(); scheduledActivity.due = (time.compareTo(cal.getTime()) < 0); = ApiUtil.formatDate(time); scheduledActivity.time = ApiUtil.formatTime(time); if (entity.getReportedTime() != null) { Calendar reportedCal = Calendar.getInstance(); reportedCal.setTime(entity.getReportedTime()); int repDay = reportedCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); Date reportedTime = entity.getReportedTime(); scheduledActivity.reportedDay = new Option("weekday." + repDay, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); scheduledActivity.reportedDate = ApiUtil.formatDate(reportedTime); scheduledActivity.reportedTime = ApiUtil.formatTime(reportedTime); scheduledActivity.reported = new StringBuilder(scheduledActivity.reportedDate).append(" ") .append(scheduledActivity.reportedTime).toString(); final Calendar act = Calendar.getInstance(); act.setTime(entity.getActualTime()); int actWeekday = act.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); scheduledActivity.actDay = new Option("weekday." + actWeekday, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()); scheduledActivity.actDate = ApiUtil.formatDate(entity.getActualTime()); scheduledActivity.actTime = ApiUtil.formatTime(entity.getActualTime()); } if (entity.getActualTime() != null) { scheduledActivity.actualTime = ApiUtil.formatDate(entity.getActualTime()) + " " + ApiUtil.formatTime(entity.getActualTime()); } // Scheduled time within one week? final Date oneWeek = new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()).plusWeeks(1).toDate(); final Date scheduled = entity.getScheduledTime(); if (scheduled.before(oneWeek) && entity.getReportedTime() == null) { scheduledActivity.setReportingPossible(true); } else { scheduledActivity.setReportingPossible(false); } scheduledActivity.setExtra(entity.isExtra()); List<ActivityItemValuesEntity> activityEntities = entity.getActivities(); scheduledActivity.activityItemValues = new ActivityItemValues[activityEntities.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < scheduledActivity.activityItemValues.length; i++) { ActivityItemValuesEntity activityItemValuesEntity = activityEntities.get(i); if (activityItemValuesEntity instanceof MeasurementEntity) { scheduledActivity.activityItemValues[i] = MeasurementImpl .newFromEntity((MeasurementEntity) activityItemValuesEntity); } else if (activityItemValuesEntity instanceof EstimationEntity) { scheduledActivity.activityItemValues[i] = EstimationImpl .newFromEntity((EstimationEntity) activityItemValuesEntity); } else if (activityItemValuesEntity instanceof YesNoEntity) { scheduledActivity.activityItemValues[i] = YesNoImpl .newFromEntity((YesNoEntity) activityItemValuesEntity); } else if (activityItemValuesEntity instanceof TextEntity) { scheduledActivity.activityItemValues[i] = TextImpl .newFromEntity((TextEntity) activityItemValuesEntity); } } scheduledActivity.rejected = entity.isRejected(); scheduledActivity.patient = PatientBaseViewImpl .newFromEntity(entity.getActivityDefinitionEntity().getHealthPlan().getForPatient()); scheduledActivity.note = entity.getNote(); scheduledActivity.comments = new ActivityComment[entity.getComments().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < entity.getComments().size(); i++) { scheduledActivity.comments[i] = ActivityCommentImpl.newFromEntity(entity.getComments().get(i)); } return scheduledActivity; }
From source
/** * Helper function to validate the dates passed to it. * * @param startDate The start date of search that needs to be validated. * @param endDate The end date of search that needs to be validated. * @throws ApiException//from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m */ public static void validateStartAndEndDatesParameter(Date startDate, Date endDate) throws ApiException { validateParameter(startDate, SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE); validateParameter(endDate, SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE); if (endDate.before(startDate)) throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE); }
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private static boolean CombineTimephasedDataIfOnSameDay(TimephasedDataType original, TimephasedDataType newData) {/*from w ww .j a v a 2s . co m*/ boolean dataCombined = false; Date newStart = newData.getStart().getTime(); Date newFinish = newData.getFinish().getTime(); Date originalStart = original.getStart().getTime(); Date originalFinish = original.getFinish().getTime(); if (newStart.after(originalStart) && newFinish.before(originalFinish)) { long sumValue = XsdDuration.millis(original.getValue()) + XsdDuration.millis(newData.getValue()); Duration combined = Duration.getInstance(sumValue / WorkCalendar.MILLIS_IN_MINUTE, TimeUnit.MINUTES); original.setValue(new XsdDuration(combined).toString()); dataCombined = true; } return dataCombined; }
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/** * Checks that the last modified date of the given file is on or after the test start date * * @param file the file//from ww w. j a va 2s . c o m */ protected static void checkLastModified(final File file) {" checkLastModified - IN"); final Date lastModifiedDate = new Date(file.lastModified()); assertFalse(lastModifiedDate.before(testStartDate));" checkLastModified - OUT"); }
From source
static void deployAllToEngine() { File repoDir = JenkowWorkflowRepository.getRepositoryDir(); if (!repoDir.exists()) {"no workflow source repository"); return;//from w w w .java2 s . com }"deploying all workflow engine"); RepositoryService repoSvc = JenkowEngine.getEngine().getRepositoryService(); Map<String, Date> deplTimes = new HashMap<String, Date>(); for (Deployment depl : repoSvc.createDeploymentQuery().list()) { //System.out.println(" depl: id="+depl.getId()+" name="+depl.getName()+" time="+depl.getDeploymentTime()); deplTimes.put(depl.getId(), depl.getDeploymentTime()); } Map<String, Date> pDefTimes = new HashMap<String, Date>(); for (ProcessDefinition pDef : repoSvc.createProcessDefinitionQuery().latestVersion().list()) { //System.out.println(" pDef:"+pDef+" deplId="+pDef.getDeploymentId()+" key="+pDef.getKey()); Date t = deplTimes.get(pDef.getDeploymentId()); if (t != null) pDefTimes.put(pDef.getKey(), t); } for (Iterator it = FileUtils.iterateFiles(repoDir, new String[] { Consts.WORKFLOW_EXT }, /*recursive=*/true); it.hasNext();) { File wff = (File); String wfn = wff.getName(); int p = wfn.lastIndexOf('.'); if (p > -1) wfn = wfn.substring(0, p); Date prevDeplTime = pDefTimes.get(wfn); //System.out.println(" f="+wff+" wfn="+wfn+" deplTime="+prevDeplTime+" wff.lastModified="+new Date(wff.lastModified())); if (prevDeplTime == null || prevDeplTime.before(new Date(wff.lastModified()))) { try { WfUtil.deployToEngine(wff); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "file not found " + wff, e); } } } }
From source
/** * <p>/*from w w w .ja v a2 s .co m*/ * Calcula o fator de vencimento a partir da subtrao entre a DATA DE * VENCIMENTO de um ttulo e a DATA BASE fixada em 07/10/1997. * </p> * * <p> * O fator de vencimento nada mais que um referencial numrico de 4 * dgitos que representa a quantidade de dias decorridos desde a data base * (07/10/1997) at a data de vencimento do ttulo. Ou seja, a diferena em * dias entre duas datas. * </p> * * <p> * Exemplos: * </p> * <ul type="circule"> <li>07/10/1997 (Fator = 0);</li> <li>03/07/2000 * (Fator = 1000);</li> <li>05/07/2000 (Fator = 1002);</li> <li>01/05/2002 * (Fator = 1667);</li> <li>21/02/2025 (Fator = 9999).</li> </ul> * * <p> * Funcionamento: * </p> * * <ul type="square"> <li>Caso a data de vencimento seja anterior a data * base (Teoricamente fator negativo), uma exceo do tipo * IllegalArgumentException ser lanada.</li> <li>A data limite para o * clculo do fator de vencimento 21/02/2025 (Fator de vencimento = 9999). * Caso a data de vencimento seja posterior a data limite, uma exceo do * tipo IllegalArgumentException ser lanada.</li> </ul> * * <p> * <strong>ATENO</strong>, esse clculo se refere a ttulos em cobrana, * ou melhor: BOLETOS. Desta forma, lembramos que a DATA BASE uma norma da * FEBRABAN. Essa norma diz que todos os boletos emitidos a partir de 1 de * setembro de 2000 (primeiro dia til = 03/07/2000 - SEGUNDA) devem seguir * esta regra de clculo para compor a informao de vencimento no cdigo de * barras. Portanto, boletos no padro FEBRABAN quando capturados por * sistemas da rede bancria permitem que se possa realizar a operao * inversa, ou seja, adicionar data base o fator de vencimento capturado. * Obtendo ento a data de vencimento deste boleto. * </p> * * @param dataVencimento * data de vencimento de um ttulo * @return fator de vencimento calculado * @throws IllegalArgumentException * * @since 0.2 */ public static int calculceFatorDeVencimento(Date dataVencimento) throws IllegalArgumentException { Date dataVencTruncada = null; int fator; if (isNull(dataVencimento)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Impossvel realizar o clculo do fator" + " de vencimento de uma data nula."); } else { dataVencTruncada = DateUtils.truncate(dataVencimento, Calendar.DATE); if (dataVencTruncada.before(DATA_BASE_DO_FATOR_DE_VENCIMENTO) || dataVencTruncada.after(DATA_LIMITE_DO_FATOR_DE_VENCIMENTO)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Para o clculo do fator de" + " vencimento se faz necessrio informar uma data entre" + " " + DateUtil.FORMAT_DD_MM_YYYY.format(DATA_BASE_DO_FATOR_DE_VENCIMENTO) + " e " + DateUtil.FORMAT_DD_MM_YYYY.format(DATA_LIMITE_DO_FATOR_DE_VENCIMENTO)); } else { fator = (int) DateUtil.calculeDiferencaEmDias(DATA_BASE_DO_FATOR_DE_VENCIMENTO, dataVencTruncada); } } return fator; }