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*  Copyright 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
*  This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
*  of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under
*  the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS
*  OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
*  governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.adobe.sign.utils.validator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import com.adobe.sign.utils.ApiException;
import com.adobe.sign.utils.StringUtil;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator;

 * Utility class for handling the validations of the common and generic parameters used in different ApiValidator classes.
public class ApiValidatorHelper {

     * Private string constants.
    private static final String X_API_USER_USER_ID_FORMAT_BEGINNING = "userid:";
    private static final String X_API_USER_EMAIL_ID_FORMAT_BEGINNING = "email:";
    private static final String ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = "Access-Token";
    private static final String X_API_USER_KEY = "x-api-user";
    private static final String FAX = "fax";
    private static final String COMMA = " , ";
    private static final String EMAIL = "email";

     * Common method for validating header parameters, which are used in all the API's.
     * @param headerParams Map containing headers parameters including accessToken of the API caller and userId or email of the API caller.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateHeaderParams(MultivaluedMap headerParams) throws ApiException {
        Set<String> keys = headerParams.keySet();
        boolean accessToken = false;

        for (String key : keys) {
            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY)) {
                accessToken = true;
            } else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(X_API_USER_KEY)) {
        if (!accessToken) {
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.NO_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER);

     * Function to validate a list of mandatory parameters.
     * @param hashMap The parameter List from which every parameter needs to be validated.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateRequiredParameters(HashMap hashMap) throws ApiException {
        Set<String> keys = hashMap.keySet();
        for (String key : keys) {
            validateParameter(hashMap.get(key), key);

     * A generic helper function  that can accept any type of parameter and validate it.
     * @param param The parameter that needs to be validated.
     * @throws ApiException

    public static <T> void validateParameter(T param, String missingField) throws ApiException {
        validateParameter(param, SdkErrorCodes.MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM, missingField);

     * A generic helper function  that can accept any type of parameter and validate it.
     * @param param        The parameter that needs to be validated.
     * @param sdkErrorCode The error message that needs to be thrown.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static <T> void validateParameter(T param, SdkErrorCodes sdkErrorCode) throws ApiException {
        if (param == null)
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode);

        if ((param instanceof List) && ((List) param).isEmpty())
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode);

        if ((param instanceof String) && (StringUtil.isEmpty((String) param)))
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode);

    public static <T> void validateParameter(T param, SdkErrorCodes sdkErrorCode, String missingField)
            throws ApiException {
        if (param == null)
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode, missingField);

        if ((param instanceof List) && ((List) param).isEmpty())
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode, missingField);

        if ((param instanceof String) && (StringUtil.isEmpty((String) param)))
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode, missingField);

     * Helper function to validate the Id passed to it and throw the error message passed as a parameter.
     * @param id           The ID parameter that needs to be validated.
     * @param sdkErrorCode The error message that needs to be thrown.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateId(String id, SdkErrorCodes sdkErrorCode) throws ApiException {
        validateParameter(id, sdkErrorCode);

     * Helper function to validate the email passed to it.
     * @param email The email that needs to be validated.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateEmailParamater(String email) throws ApiException {
        if (!EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(email))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_EMAIL);

     * Helper method that validates the versionId.
     * @param versionId
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateVersionId(String versionId) throws ApiException {
        if (versionId == null)

        if (versionId.length() == 0)
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_VERSION_ID);

     * Helper method that validates the participantEmail.
     * @param participantEmail
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateParticipantEmail(String participantEmail) throws ApiException {
        if (participantEmail == null)

        if (!EmailValidator.getInstance().isValid(participantEmail))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_PARTICIPANT);

     * Helper method that takes FileInfo objects and validates them
     * @param documentUrl         A url for the file.
     * @param libraryDocumentId   A libraryDocument to be used for creating the file.
     * @param libraryDocumentName The name of the document to be used for creating the file.
     * @param transientDocumentId A transient document to be used for creating the file.
     * @param url                 The url for the file in string format.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateFileInfo(Object documentUrl, String libraryDocumentId, String libraryDocumentName,
            String transientDocumentId, String url) throws ApiException {

        int count = (documentUrl != null ? 1 : 0) + (StringUtil.isEmpty(libraryDocumentId) ? 0 : 1)
                + (StringUtil.isEmpty(libraryDocumentName) ? 0 : 1)
                + (StringUtil.isEmpty(transientDocumentId) ? 0 : 1);

        if (count != 1)
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_FILE_INFO);

        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(url))
            validateUrlParameter(url, SdkErrorCodes.URL_INVALID);

     * Helper method that checks the validity of post sign options
     * @param redirectUrl   The redirectUrl that needs to be validated.
     * @param redirectDelay The redirectDelay that needs to be validated.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validatePostSignOptions(String redirectUrl, Integer redirectDelay) throws ApiException {

        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(redirectUrl))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.EMPTY_REDIRECT_URL);

        if (redirectDelay != null && redirectDelay < 0)
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_REDIRECT_DELAY);

        if (!UrlValidator.getInstance().isValid(redirectUrl))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_REDIRECT_URL);

     * Common method that validates the versionId and participantEmail
    public static void validateVersionIdAndParticipantEmail(String versionId, String participantEmail)
            throws ApiException {

     * Helper method that checks the validity of post sign options
     * @param email              The recipient email.
     * @param fax                The recipent fax.
     * @param numberOfRecipients The total number of recipients.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateRecipientSetInfos(String email, String fax, int numberOfRecipients)
            throws ApiException {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(fax) && StringUtil.isEmpty(email))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM, EMAIL + COMMA + FAX);

        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(fax) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(email))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENTS);

        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(fax) && numberOfRecipients > 1)
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_ARGUMENTS);

        if (email != null)
        if (fax != null)
            validateParameter(fax, FAX);

     * Helper method that checks the validity of post sign options in workflows
     * @param email              The recipient email.
     * @param fax                The recipent fax.
     * @param numberOfRecipients The total number of recipients.
     * @throws ApiException

    public static void validateWorkflowRecipientSetInfos(String email, String fax, int numberOfRecipients)
            throws ApiException {
        if (StringUtil.isEmpty(fax) && StringUtil.isEmpty(email))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.MIN_ADDRESSES_NOT_MET);
        validateRecipientSetInfos(email, fax, numberOfRecipients);

     * Helper function to validate the url passed to it.
     * @param url          The url that needs to be validated.
     * @param sdkErrorCode The error message that needs to be thrown.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateUrlParameter(String url, SdkErrorCodes sdkErrorCode) throws ApiException {
        UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator(UrlValidator.ALLOW_LOCAL_URLS);
        if (!urlValidator.isValid(url))
            throw new ApiException(sdkErrorCode);

     * Helper function to validate the dates passed to it.
     * @param startDate The start date of search that needs to be validated.
     * @param endDate   The end date of search that needs to be validated.
     * @throws ApiException
    public static void validateStartAndEndDatesParameter(Date startDate, Date endDate) throws ApiException {
        validateParameter(startDate, SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE);
        validateParameter(endDate, SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE);

        if (endDate.before(startDate))
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_DATE);

     * Helper function that accepts an accessToken parameter and validates it.
    public static void validateAccessToken(Object accessToken) throws ApiException {
        if (accessToken == null)
            throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.NO_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER);
        else {
            String accessTokenValue = accessToken.toString();
            if (accessTokenValue.length() == 0)
                throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN);

     * Helper function that accepts an xApiUser parameter and validates it.
    private static void validateXApiUser(Object xApiUser) throws ApiException {
        if (xApiUser == null)
        else {
            String xApiUserValue = xApiUser.toString();
            if (xApiUserValue.length() == 0 || !(xApiUserValue.contains(X_API_USER_EMAIL_ID_FORMAT_BEGINNING)
                    || xApiUserValue.contains(X_API_USER_USER_ID_FORMAT_BEGINNING)))
                throw new ApiException(SdkErrorCodes.INVALID_X_API_USER_HEADER);