List of usage examples for java.util Date before
public boolean before(Date when)
From source
/** * Refreshes all cached security tokens. Can be used by a background process * in order to minimize the possible delay on clients because of expired * security tokens. The returned expiry date can be used to program a timer * at which the method should be called again. Don't forget to take the * token retirement duration into account when programming such a timer. * //from ww w.j a v a 2s .c om * @return the expiry date of the token that expires next in line. */ public Date refreshSecurityTokens() { refreshIPSTSSecurityToken(); Date expiryDate = this.ipStsSecurityToken.getExpires(); Set<String> serviceRealms = this.rStsSecurityTokens.keySet(); if (serviceRealms.isEmpty()) { return expiryDate; } for (String serviceRealm : serviceRealms) { SecurityToken rStsSecurityToken = refreshRSTSSecurityToken(serviceRealm); Date rStsExpiryDate = rStsSecurityToken.getExpires(); if (rStsExpiryDate.before(expiryDate)) { expiryDate = rStsExpiryDate; } } Set<String> serviceLocations = this.secureConversationTokens.keySet(); if (serviceLocations.isEmpty()) { return expiryDate; } for (String serviceLocation : serviceLocations) { SecurityToken secureConversationToken = this.secureConversationTokens.get(serviceLocation); SecurityToken rStsSecurityToken = secureConversationToken.getParentSecurityToken(); String serviceRealm = rStsSecurityToken.getRealm(); secureConversationToken = refreshSecureConversationToken(serviceLocation, serviceRealm); Date sctExpiryDate = secureConversationToken.getExpires(); if (sctExpiryDate.before(expiryDate)) { expiryDate = sctExpiryDate; } } return expiryDate; }
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@Override protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Long annId = Long.valueOf(request.getParameter("annId")); Boolean approval = Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("approval")); Announcement ann = announcementService.getAnnouncement(annId); Date startDisplay = ann.getStartDisplay(); Date endDisplay = ann.getEndDisplay(); if (endDisplay == null) { // Unspecified end date means the announcement does not expire; we // will substitute a date in the future each time this item is // evaluated. long aYearFromNow = System.currentTimeMillis() + Announcement.MILLISECONDS_IN_A_YEAR; endDisplay = new Date(aYearFromNow); }//from w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m Date now = new Date(); int status = 3; /** * Scheduled = 0 * Expired = 1 * Showing = 2 * Pending = 3 */ if (startDisplay.after(now) && endDisplay.after(now) && approval) { status = 0; } else if (startDisplay.before(now) && endDisplay.after(now) && approval) { status = 2; } else if (endDisplay.before(now)) { status = 1; } ann.setPublished(approval); cacheManager.getCacheManager().getCache("guestAnnouncementCache").flush(); announcementService.addOrSaveAnnouncement(ann); return new ModelAndView("ajaxApprove", "status", status); }
From source
@Override protected ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { Long annId = Long.valueOf(request.getParameter("annId")); Boolean approval = Boolean.valueOf(request.getParameter("approval")); Announcement ann = announcementService.getAnnouncement(annId); Date startDisplay = ann.getStartDisplay(); Date endDisplay = ann.getEndDisplay(); if (endDisplay == null) { // Unspecified end date means the announcement does not expire; we // will substitute a date in the future each time this item is // evaluated. long aYearFromNow = System.currentTimeMillis() + Announcement.MILLISECONDS_IN_A_YEAR; endDisplay = new Date(aYearFromNow); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s. co m Date now = new Date(); int status = 3; /** * Scheduled = 0 * Expired = 1 * Showing = 2 * Pending = 3 */ if (startDisplay.after(now) && endDisplay.after(now) && approval) { status = 0; } else if (startDisplay.before(now) && endDisplay.after(now) && approval) { status = 2; } else if (endDisplay.before(now)) { status = 1; } ann.setPublished(approval); cm.getCacheManager().getCache("guestAnnouncementCache").flush(); announcementService.addOrSaveAnnouncement(ann); return new ModelAndView("ajaxApprove", "status", status); }
From source
/** * Maps a discussion forum message to DiscourseDB * /*w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param when * @param author * @param group * @param team * @param text * @param discourse_name * @param dataset_name * @param source_file_name * @param source_column_name * @param source_unique_index * * @returns the contribution Id written to the database */ public Long mapChat(String when, String author, String group, String team, String text, String discourse_name, String dataset_name, String source_file_name, String source_column_name, String source_unique_index) { if (when == null) { when = sdf.format(dummyTime); dummyTime = DateUtils.addMinutes(dummyTime, 1); } Discourse curDiscourse = discourseService.createOrGetDiscourse(discourse_name); User curUser = userService.createOrGetUser(curDiscourse, author); ContributionTypes mappedType = null; log.trace("Create Content entity"); Content curContent = contentService.createContent(); curContent.setText(text); curContent.setAuthor(curUser); dataSourceService.addSource(curContent, new DataSourceInstance(source_unique_index, source_file_name + "#" + source_column_name + "(content)", DataSourceTypes.BAZAAR, dataset_name)); log.trace("Create Contribution entity"); Contribution curContribution = contributionService.createTypedContribution(ContributionTypes.POST); curContribution.setCurrentRevision(curContent); curContribution.setFirstRevision(curContent); dataSourceService.addSource(curContribution, new DataSourceInstance(source_unique_index, source_file_name + "#" + source_column_name + "(contribution)", DataSourceTypes.BAZAAR, dataset_name)); discussion_source2ddb.put(Long.valueOf(source_unique_index), curContribution.getId()); DiscoursePart team_chat = discoursepartService.createOrGetDiscoursePartByDataSource(curDiscourse, group + "_" + team, "xustudty#teamchat", DataSourceTypes.BAZAAR, dataset_name, DiscoursePartTypes.CHATROOM); team_chat.setName("Team " + group + "_" + team + " chat"); DiscoursePart team_dp = discoursepartService.createOrGetTypedDiscoursePart(curDiscourse, teamDpName(group, team), DiscoursePartTypes.TEAM); discoursepartService.createDiscoursePartRelation(team_dp, team_chat, DiscoursePartRelationTypes.SUBPART); discoursepartService.addContributionToDiscoursePart(curContribution, team_chat); //parse and set creation time for content and contribution try { Date date = forgiving_date_parse(when); curContent.setStartTime(date); curContent.setEndTime(date); curContribution.setStartTime(date); curContribution.setEndTime(date); if (team_chat.getEndTime() == null || date.after(team_chat.getEndTime())) { team_chat.setEndTime(date); } if (team_chat.getStartTime() == null || date.before(team_chat.getStartTime())) { team_chat.setStartTime(date); } } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("Could not parse creation time " + when, e); } return curContribution.getId(); }
From source
private boolean filterDate(String value) throws java.text.ParseException { boolean matched = false; Date dateValue = dateFormatter.parse(value); Date dateFilterValue = dateFormatter.parse(filterValue); switch (filterComparator) { case FilterComparator.MATCHES: if (dateValue.equals(dateFilterValue)) matched = true;/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ break; case FilterComparator.DOES_NOT_MATCH: if (!dateValue.equals(dateFilterValue)) matched = true; break; case FilterComparator.IS_GREATER_THAN: if (dateValue.after(dateFilterValue)) matched = true; break; case FilterComparator.IS_LESS_THAN: if (dateValue.before(dateFilterValue)) matched = true; break; } return matched; }
From source
public String insertTrainingTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertTrainingTime"); //log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(trainingStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(trainingEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {//from w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("trainingStartTime", startDate); hm.put("trainingEndTime", endDate); hm.put("section", section); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertTraining(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Training Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setThirdPartyAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
/** * This function will be mapped with URL {@link /uriage/ organizationCode} * /{businessDay}}, it can be used to render the Sales report with a month * for a shop. Will be displayed a message when have a exception or an error * occurred/*from w ww. j av a 2s . co m*/ * * @param orgCodeStored * @param businessDay * @param orgCode * @param monthly * @param request * @param model * @return String redirect Uri */ @RequestMapping("/{orgCode:[a-z0-9]+}/{monthly:[\\d]+}") public String render(@SessionAttribute(Constants.SESS_BUSINESS_DAY) Date businessDay, @UserPrincipal User user, @PathVariable String proGNo, @PathVariable String orgCode, @PathVariable @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyyMM") Date monthly, final Model model) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Redering uriage page..."); }"Trying to generate the uriage template for monthly {} and organization code {}", monthly, orgCode); String monthlyStr = null; try { monthlyStr = DateFormatUtil.format(monthly, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); model.addAttribute(PROCESSING_MONTH, monthly); } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); } // ???? Organization organization = user.getOrganization(); if (organization != null) { // ????1???""?2???""?? "????1???\"\"?2???\"\"??"); // organization = organizationService.findByOrgCode(organization.getStrCode()); // model.addAttribute(TAX_TYPE, organization.getTaxKbn()); model.addAttribute(COUNT_DATE, getActualMaximumDayOfMonth(monthly)); model.addAttribute(ORGANIZATION, organization); } // Get a list of UriageData(Hendo)/at001 data from DB List<SalesChange> salesChanges = null; try { salesChanges = salesChangeService.findByOrgCodeAndMonth(orgCode, monthlyStr, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | ObjectNotFoundException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); } catch (TooManyObjectsException | ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); // ??????????? model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, getSystemError()); model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); return getViewName(); } try { String nextMontly = BusinessDayHelper.getNextMonthly(monthly, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); boolean checkEmptyMonthly = hasSaleChangesOfMonthly(orgCode, nextMontly); // Disable the "NEXT MONTHLY" button if the data of next month is empty or null if (!checkEmptyMonthly) { nextMontly = null; } model.addAttribute(NEXT_MONTH, nextMontly); String previousMonthly = BusinessDayHelper.getPreviousMonthly(monthly, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); checkEmptyMonthly = hasSaleChangesOfMonthly(orgCode, previousMonthly); // Disable the "PREVIOUS MONTHLY" button if the data of previous month is empty or null if (!checkEmptyMonthly) { previousMonthly = null; } model.addAttribute(PREVIOUS_MONTH, previousMonthly); } catch (ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); // ??????????? model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, getSystemError()); model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); return getViewName(); } List<SalesChangeBean> salesChangeBeans = new ArrayList<>(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(salesChanges)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "sales data of organization code: " + orgCode + " on month: " + monthly + " is not exist."); } // model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_QRY_M01)); model.addAttribute(EDITABLE, Boolean.FALSE); model.addAttribute(SALES_CHANGE_CATEGORY, salesChangeBeans); return getViewName(); } try { Map<String, Double> rateDefMap = consumptionTaxRateService.findRateDefByMonth(monthly); Object[] keySet = rateDefMap.keySet().toArray(); Double taxRateTmp = 0D; String enfDateStrTmp = null; String keyStr = null; for (SalesChange obj : salesChanges) { for (int i = 0; i < keySet.length; i++) { keyStr = keySet[i].toString(); Date actualDate = obj.getSrDate(); try { Date date = DateFormatUtil.parse(keyStr, FORMAT_DATE); if (!actualDate.before(date)) { //get taxRate with folowed date if (enfDateStrTmp == null || !date.before(DateFormatUtil.parse(enfDateStrTmp, FORMAT_DATE))) { enfDateStrTmp = keyStr; taxRateTmp = rateDefMap.get(keyStr); } keySet = ArrayUtils.removeElement(keySet, keySet[i]); i--; } } catch (NullPointerException | ParseException e) { logger.warn("warning parse string to date is error: " + e.getMessage()); continue; } } SalesChangeBean bean = new SalesChangeBean(taxRateTmp, obj); salesChangeBeans.add(bean); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, MessageHelper.get(MsgConstants.CM_QRY_M01)); return getViewName(); } catch (ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); // ??????????? model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, getSystemError()); model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); return getViewName(); } model.addAttribute(SALES_CHANGE_CATEGORY, salesChangeBeans); try { SalesFixed salesFixedObj = salesFixedService.findByOrgCodeAndMonth(orgCode, monthlyStr, false); model.addAttribute(SALES_FIXED, salesFixedObj); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // model.addAttribute(SALES_FIXED, null); } catch (ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); // ??????????? model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, getSystemError()); model.addAttribute(ERROR, true); return getViewName(); } // The following source code will be detected the end-user can be changed // the sales data or not. If the data already pushed into Tighten table // so that means end-user can not modify the data. Otherwise that is TRUE Tighten tighten = null; try { tighten = tightenService.findByClassifyAndMonth("1"); // The final month year of tighten String sudoOfTighten = tighten.getGetSudo(); try { Date monthlyOfTighten = DateFormatUtil.parse(sudoOfTighten, DateFormat.DATE_WITHOUT_DAY); model.addAttribute(EDITABLE, monthly.after(monthlyOfTighten)); } catch (NullPointerException | ParseException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); // The default is can be edited model.addAttribute(EDITABLE, Boolean.TRUE); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | ObjectNotFoundException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage()); // If the sales data is not push into the Tighten that means can edit // current data. So the EDITABLE should being Boolean.TRUE Date monthsToSubtract = DateUtil.monthsToSubtract(businessDay, 3); model.addAttribute(EDITABLE, monthly.after(monthsToSubtract)); } catch (TooManyObjectsException ex) { logger.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); // The default is can be edited model.addAttribute(EDITABLE, Boolean.TRUE); } catch (ServiceException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); // ??????????? model.addAttribute(ERROR, Boolean.TRUE); model.addAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGE, getSystemError()); return getViewName(); } return getViewName(); }
From source
public String insertObservationTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertObservationTime"); //log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(observationStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(observationEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/*from w w w. j a va 2s. c om*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("observationStartTime", startDate); hm.put("observationEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertObservation(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Observation Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setThirdPartyAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
public String insertBtwTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertBtwTime"); //log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(behindTheWheelStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(behindTheWheelEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {//w ww .j a va2s .c o m Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("btwStartTime", startDate); hm.put("btwEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertBehindTheWheel(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Behind The Wheel Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setThirdPartyAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
@ModelAttribute("availableTimes") public List<TimeSlot> getAvailableTimes(ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest request, Appointment appointment, @RequestParam(value = "fromDate", required = false) Date fromDate, @RequestParam(value = "toDate", required = false) Date toDate, @RequestParam(value = "providerSelect", required = false) Provider provider, @RequestParam(value = "locationId", required = false) Location location, @RequestParam(value = "includeFull", required = false) String includeFull, @RequestParam(value = "flow", required = false) String flow) { AppointmentType appointmentType = appointment.getAppointmentType(); if (appointmentType == null || (fromDate != null && toDate != null && !fromDate.before(toDate))) return null; //If its a walk-in flow change the start date to current time and end date to the end of today (23:59:59.999) if (flow != null) { fromDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999); toDate = cal.getTime();/*from w w w . jav a 2s .c o m*/ } try { List<TimeSlot> availableTimeSlots = null; //No need to include full slots if (includeFull == null || !Context.hasPrivilege(AppointmentUtils.PRIV_SQUEEZE_APPOINTMENTS)) { availableTimeSlots = Context.getService(AppointmentService.class) .getTimeSlotsByConstraints(appointmentType, fromDate, toDate, provider, location); TimeSlot currentSelectedSlot = appointment.getTimeSlot(); //The appointment time slot should be selected from the latest list if (currentSelectedSlot != null && !availableTimeSlots.contains(currentSelectedSlot)) appointment.setTimeSlot(null); } //Include full and indicate which are full using the model attribute fullSlots else { availableTimeSlots = Context.getService(AppointmentService.class) .getTimeSlotsByConstraintsIncludingFull(appointmentType, fromDate, toDate, provider, location); List<TimeSlot> fullTimeSlots = new LinkedList<TimeSlot>(); Map<Integer, Integer> overdueTimes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Integer typeDuration = appointmentType.getDuration(); Iterator<TimeSlot> iterator = availableTimeSlots.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { TimeSlot slot =; Integer timeLeft = Context.getService(AppointmentService.class).getTimeLeftInTimeSlot(slot); if (timeLeft < typeDuration) { fullTimeSlots.add(slot); overdueTimes.put(slot.getId(), timeLeft); iterator.remove(); } } model.put("fullSlots", fullTimeSlots); model.put("overdueTimes", overdueTimes); } return availableTimeSlots; } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } }