List of usage examples for java.util Date before
public boolean before(Date when)
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/** * Whether the value matches or not/* w w w . ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param attributeValue * @return */ @Override public boolean match(Object attributeValue) { Boolean nullMatch = nullMatcher(attributeValue); if (nullMatch != null) { return nullMatch.booleanValue(); } if (attributeValue == null) { return false; } //probably no value specified if (dayBegin == null && dayEnd == null) { return true; } Date attributeValueDate = null; try { attributeValueDate = (Date) attributeValue; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Converting the attribute value " + attributeValue + " of type " + attributeValue.getClass().getName() + " to Date failed with " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.debug(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); return false; } switch (relation) { case MatchRelations.EQUAL_DATE: case MatchRelations.THIS_WEEK: case MatchRelations.THIS_MONTH: case MatchRelations.LAST_WEEK: case MatchRelations.LAST_MONTH: //for dates without time value (for ex. startDate, endDate) the equality should be also tested return (attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayBegin.getTime() || attributeValueDate.after(dayBegin)) && attributeValueDate.before(dayEnd); case MatchRelations.NOT_EQUAL_DATE: //dayEnd is already the next day so the equality should be also tested return attributeValueDate.before(dayBegin) || attributeValueDate.after(dayEnd) || attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayEnd.getTime(); case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN_DATE: case MatchRelations.IN_MORE_THAN_DAYS: return attributeValueDate.after(dayEnd) || attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayEnd.getTime(); case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_DAYS_AGO: return (attributeValueDate.after(dayEnd) || attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayEnd.getTime()) && attributeValueDate.before(new Date()); case MatchRelations.GREATHER_THAN_EQUAL_DATE: case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_DAYS_AGO: case MatchRelations.IN_MORE_THAN_EQUAL_DAYS: return attributeValueDate.after(dayBegin) || attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayBegin.getTime(); case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_DATE: case MatchRelations.MORE_THAN_DAYS_AGO: return attributeValueDate.before(dayBegin); case MatchRelations.IN_LESS_THAN_DAYS: return (attributeValueDate.before(dayBegin) || attributeValueDate.getTime() == dayBegin.getTime()) && attributeValueDate.after(new Date()); case MatchRelations.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_DATE: case MatchRelations.MORE_THAN_EQUAL_DAYS_AGO: case MatchRelations.IN_LESS_THAN_EQUAL_DAYS: return attributeValueDate.before(dayEnd); case MatchRelations.LATER_AS_LASTLOGIN: if (dayBegin == null) { //the very first logging return true; } return attributeValueDate.after(dayBegin); default: return false; } }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/facilities/{facilityName:.+}", params = { "setIntertidal" }, method = RequestMethod.POST) public String setFacilityHWM(@PathVariable String facilityName, Model model, HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam String lwmTimestamp, @RequestParam String hwmTimestamp) throws ConfigurationException { model.addAttribute("returnTo", inferReturnTo(request, "/facilities")); Facility facility = lookupFacilityByName(facilityName); FacilityStatus status = getFacilityStatusManager().getStatus(facility); if (status.getStatus() == FacilityStatusManager.Status.ON) { model.addAttribute("message", "Cannot change LWM and HWM while the Grabber is running."); return "failed"; }//from w ww . j a va 2s . co m Date oldLWM = status.getGrabberLWMTimestamp(); Date oldHWM = status.getGrabberHWMTimestamp(); Date lwm = parseDate(lwmTimestamp); Date hwm = parseDate(hwmTimestamp); Date now = new Date(); if (lwm != null && hwm != null && !lwm.after(hwm) && hwm.before(now)) { getFacilityStatusManager().updateIntertidalTimestamp(facility, lwm, hwm); model.addAttribute("message", "Changed LWM / HWM for '" + facilityName + "' from " + oldLWM + " / " + oldHWM + " to " + lwm + " / " + hwm); return "ok"; } else { if (lwm == null) { model.addAttribute("message", "Invalid LWM timestamp"); } else if (hwm == null) { model.addAttribute("message", "Invalid HWM timestamp"); } else if (lwm.after(hwm)) { model.addAttribute("message", "Inconsistent timestamps: LWM > HWM"); } else if (!hwm.before(now)) { model.addAttribute("message", "Inconsistent timestamps: HWM in the future"); } return "failed"; } }
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public static final boolean printMessageInfo(BufferedReader reader, int id, PrintWriter printWriter) throws IOException { String from = ""; String subject = ""; String received = ""; String to = ""; String replyto = ""; String date = ""; String line = null;// ww w . j av a2s . com Date d = null; Date dd = null; try { dd = dateformat.parse("01 Jan 2020 00:00:00"); } catch (ParseException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } while (true) { if (line == null) { line = reader.readLine(); } if (line == null) { break; } String lower = line.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); System.out.println(line); if (lower.startsWith("from: ")) { from = line.substring(6).trim(); line = null; } else if (lower.startsWith("reply-to: ")) { replyto = line.substring("reply-to: ".length()).trim(); line = null; } else if (lower.startsWith("to: ")) { to = line.substring(3).trim(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { lower = line.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (line.startsWith(" ")) { to += line; } else { break; } } } else if (lower.startsWith("subject: ")) { subject = line.substring(9).trim(); line = null; } else if (lower.startsWith("date: ")) { date = line.substring("date: ".length()).trim(); try { date = date.split(",")[1].trim(); String[] tokens = date.split(" "); d = dateformat.parse(tokens[0] + " " + tokens[1] + " " + tokens[2] + " " + tokens[3]); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } line = null; } else { line = null; } } if (d != null && d.before(dd)) { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("id", id); jsonObject.put("to", to); jsonObject.put("from", from); String[] t = parseTo(to); jsonObject.put("tolist", Arrays.asList(t)); String ttt = ""; for (String tt : t) { ttt += "," + tt; } String[] f = parseTo(from); String fff = ""; for (String ff : f) { fff += "," + ff; } jsonObject.put("fromlist", Arrays.asList(f)); jsonObject.put("subject", subject); jsonObject.put("date", date); jsonObject.put("time", d.getTime()); jsonObject.put("reply-to", replyto); FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(String.format("../json/%05d.json", id)); jsonObject.write(fileWriter); fileWriter.close(); printWriter.println( String.format("%d,'%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',%d", id, escape(from), fff.substring(1), escape(to), ttt.substring(1), escape(replyto), escape(subject), date, d.getTime())); return true; } return false; }
From source
/** * setup the event/meeting's signup begin and deadline time and validate it * too//from w w w. j a v a 2 s.c o m */ private void setSignupBeginDeadlineData(SignupMeeting meeting, int signupBegin, String signupBeginType, int signupDeadline, String signupDeadlineType) throws Exception { Date sBegin = Utilities.subTractTimeToDate(meeting.getStartTime(), signupBegin, signupBeginType); Date sDeadline = Utilities.subTractTimeToDate(meeting.getEndTime(), signupDeadline, signupDeadlineType); boolean origSignupStarted = originalMeetingCopy.getSignupBegins().before(new Date());// ???? /* TODO have to pass it in?? */ if (!START_NOW.equals(signupBeginType) && sBegin.before(new Date()) && !origSignupStarted) { // a warning for user Utilities.addErrorMessage( Utilities.rb.getString("")); } if (!isSignupBeginModifiedByUser() && this.isStartNowTypeForRecurEvents) { /*do nothing and keep the original value since the Sign-up process is already started * No need to re-assign a new start_now value*/ } else { meeting.setSignupBegins(sBegin); } if (sBegin.after(sDeadline)) throw new SignupUserActionException(Utilities.rb.getString("")); meeting.setSignupDeadline(sDeadline); }
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public String addMultiTrainingTime() throws Exception { int start = decodeTime(trainingStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + start); int end = decodeTime(trainingEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + end); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/* ww w . j ava 2 s . c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("trainingStartTime", startDate); hm.put("trainingEndTime", endDate); hm.put("section", section); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < studentArray.size(); i++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(i)); if (getStudentService().insertTraining(hm) == 1) { result++; } } resultMsg = "These " + result + " students of " + getStudentList().size() + " available have been added to this training class."; } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { return SUCCESS; } }
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public String addMultiObservationTime() throws Exception { int start = decodeTime(observationStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + start); int end = decodeTime(observationEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + end); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/*from w w w . j av a m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("observationStartTime", startDate); hm.put("observationEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); int result = 0; for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); if (getStudentService().insertObservation(hm) == 1) { result++; } } resultMsg = "These " + result + " students of " + getStudentList().size() + " available have been added to this observation class."; } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { return SUCCESS; } }
From source
private String saveSingleShip0(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Model model, OrderInfoForm orderInfoForm, MyBillingInfoForm billingForm, MyShippingInfoForm shippingForm, BindingResult result, boolean ajax) throws PricingException, ServiceException, CheckoutException, ParseException { MyCustomer myCustomer = (MyCustomer) CustomerState.getCustomer(); Region region = myCustomer.getRegion(); Boolean w_flag = (Boolean) request.getSession().getAttribute("w_flag"); if (region == null) { if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "redirect:/weixin/region"; } else//from w ww .jav a 2 s .co m return REDIRECT_REGION_SELECT; } MyAddress myAddress = processShippingForm(shippingForm, result); if (result.hasErrors()) { putFulfillmentOptionsAndEstimationOnModel(model); populateModelWithShippingReferenceData(request, model); model.addAttribute("states", stateService.findStates()); model.addAttribute("countries", countryService.findCountries()); model.addAttribute("expirationMonths", populateExpirationMonths()); model.addAttribute("expirationYears", populateExpirationYears()); model.addAttribute("validShipping", false); if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "weixin/cart/w_checkout"; } else return checkoutAddress; } billingForm.setPaymentMethod(shippingForm.getPaymentMethod()); billingForm.setBp_pay(shippingForm.getBp_pay()); billingForm.setAlipay(shippingForm.getAlipay()); if (shippingForm.getBp_pay() == null || shippingForm.getBp_pay().doubleValue() < 0) billingForm.setBp_pay(BigDecimal.ZERO); if (shippingForm.getAlipay() == null || shippingForm.getAlipay().doubleValue() < 0) billingForm.setAlipay(BigDecimal.ZERO); billingForm.setMyAddress(myAddress); prepopulateCheckoutForms(CartState.getCart(), orderInfoForm, null, billingForm); String assign = request.getParameter("assign"); MyOrder cart = (MyOrder) CartState.getCart(); Date dStart = null, dEnd = null; Date nowDay = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (nowDay.after(myDate1) && nowDay.before(myDate2)) { dStart = myDate1; dEnd = myDate2; } else if (nowDay.after(myDate2) && nowDay.before(myDate3)) { dStart = myDate2; dEnd = myDate3; } else if (nowDay.after(myDate3) && nowDay.before(myDate4)) { dStart = myDate3; dEnd = myDate4; } if (dStart != null) { List<Order> orders = myorderService.getAllSubmittedInTime(myCustomer.getId(), dStart, dEnd); boolean contain = ifCanAdd(orders); if (contain) { if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "redirect:/weixin/checkout"; } else return "redirect:/checkout/checkout-step-2?error=%E4%B8%8D%E8%A6%81%E5%A4%AA%E8%B4%AA%E5%BF%83%EF%BC%8C%E5%8F%AA%E8%83%BD%E6%8A%A21%E6%AC%A1%E5%93%A6"; } } String a1; Date a2; if ("2".equals(assign)) { String date = request.getParameter("date"); String detaildate = request.getParameter("detaildate"); int deta = 0; try { deta = Integer.parseInt(detaildate); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, deta); if ("1".equals(date)) { calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 1); } else if ("2".equals(date)) { calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 2); } SimpleDateFormat dateformat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); a2 = calendar.getTime(); a1 = dateformat1.format(a2); } else { SimpleDateFormat dateformat1 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); a2 = new Date(); a1 = dateformat1.format(a2); } cart.setDelieverDate(a2); FulfillmentGroup fulfillmentGroup = cart.getFulfillmentGroups().get(0); fulfillmentGroup.setAddress(shippingForm.getMyAddress()); fulfillmentGroup.setPersonalMessage(shippingForm.getPersonalMessage()); fulfillmentGroup.setDeliveryInstruction(shippingForm.getDeliveryMessage()); cart = (MyOrder), true); CartState.setCart(cart); CustomerAddress defaultAddress = customerAddressService .findDefaultCustomerAddress(CustomerState.getCustomer().getId()); if (defaultAddress == null) { MyAddress address = (MyAddress) addressService.saveAddress(shippingForm.getMyAddress()); CustomerAddress customerAddress = customerAddressService.create(); customerAddress.setAddress(address); customerAddress.setCustomer(CustomerState.getCustomer()); customerAddress = customerAddressService.saveCustomerAddress(customerAddress); customerAddressService.makeCustomerAddressDefault(customerAddress.getId(), customerAddress.getCustomer().getId()); } // ???? if (false) {// if("no".equals(request.getParameter("forcedSubmit"))){ String[] times = region.getShipping_time().split(";"); boolean isOutDeliveryDateRange = true; for (String time : times) { String[] shipping_time = time.split("-"); if ((a1.compareTo(shipping_time[0]) > 0) && (a1.compareTo(shipping_time[1]) < 0)) isOutDeliveryDateRange = false; } if (isOutDeliveryDateRange) { return "redirect:/checkout/checkout-step-2?flag=1"; } } try { if ("alipay_pay".equals(billingForm.getPaymentMethod())) { String description = ""; for (OrderItem ot : cart.getOrderItems()) { description = description + ot.getName() + ""; if (description.length() > 50) { description = description + "...."; break; } } // TODO ?location FulfillmentLocation loc = null; List<FulfillmentGroup> fgroups = cart.getFulfillmentGroups(); if (fgroups == null || fgroups.size() == 0) { Customer customer = CustomerState.getCustomer(); if (customer instanceof MyCustomer) loc = ((MyCustomer) customer).getRegion().getFulfillmentLocations().get(0); } else { Address addr = fgroups.get(0).getAddress(); if (addr instanceof MyAddress) { loc = ((MyAddress) addr).getDormitory().getAreaAddress().getRegion() .getFulfillmentLocations().get(0); } } // TODO path??alipay String path = "/alipay/direct_pay?tradeNo=" + (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm").format(SystemTime.asDate()) + cart.getId()) + "&subject= " + (loc == null ? "" : loc.getId()) + (new Date().getTime() % 1000000) + cart.getId() + " ??&description=" + description + "&tradeUrl="; if (billingForm.getAlipay().compareTo(cart.getTotal().getAmount()) >= 0) { // ? path = path + "&totalFee=" + cart.getTotal(); return "forward:" + path; } else { if (billingForm.getAlipay().doubleValue() == 0) { return completeCodCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result); } else { // ? path = path + "&totalFee=" + billingForm.getAlipay(); return "forward:" + path; } } } else if ("balance_pay".equals(billingForm.getPaymentMethod())) { if (billingForm.getBp_pay().compareTo(cart.getTotal().getAmount()) >= 0) { return completeBpCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result); } else { if (billingForm.getAlipay().doubleValue() <= 0) { return completeCodCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result); } else { return complexCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result, MyPaymentInfoType.Payment_Bp, cart.getId()); } } } else if ("integral_pay".equals(billingForm.getPaymentMethod())) { return completeIntegrlCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result); } else { return completeCodCheckout(request, response, model, billingForm, result); } } catch (CheckoutException e) { if (ajax) throw e; if (e.getCause() instanceof InventoryUnavailableException) { try { if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "redirect:/weixin/checkout"; } else return "redirect:/checkout/checkout-step-2?inventoryError=1&errorMessage=" + URLEncoder .encode(((InventoryUnavailableException) e.getCause()).getMessage(), "utf-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) { if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "redirect:/weixin/checkout"; } else return "redirect:/checkout/checkout-step-2?inventoryError=1&errorMessage=" + ((InventoryUnavailableException) e.getCause()).getMessage(); } } else if (e.getCause() instanceof InsufficientFundsException) { if (w_flag != null && w_flag) { return "redirect:/weixin/checkout"; } else return "redirect:/checkout/checkout-step-2?error=%E7%A7%AF%E5%88%86%E6%88%96%E8%80%85%E4%BD%99%E9%A2%9D%E4%B8%8D%E8%B6%B3"; } else { throw e; } } }
From source
/** * Saves the data of an CalendarEvent and closes the window. * /* w w w. ja va 2 s . co m*/ * @param event */ public void doSave(Event event) { Calendars cals = getCalendarCtrl().getCal(); MySimpleCalendarEvent ce = new MySimpleCalendarEvent(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(cals.getDefaultTimeZone()); Date beginDate = ppbegin.getValue(); Date endDate = ppend.getValue(); beginDate.setSeconds(0); endDate.setSeconds(0); if (!ppallDay.isChecked()) { String[] times = ppbt.getSelectedItem().getLabel().split(":"); cal.setTime(beginDate); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(times[0])); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(times[1])); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); beginDate = cal.getTime(); times = ppet.getSelectedItem().getLabel().split(":"); cal.setTime(endDate); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, Integer.parseInt(times[0])); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, Integer.parseInt(times[1])); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); endDate = cal.getTime(); } if (!beginDate.before(endDate)) { alert("The end date cannot be before/equal than begin date!"); return; } String[] colors = ((String) ppcolor.getSelectedItem().getValue()).split(","); ce.setHeaderColor(colors[0]); ce.setContentColor(colors[1]); ce.setBeginDate(beginDate); ce.setEndDate(endDate); ce.setTitle(txtb_title.getValue()); ce.setContent(ppcnt.getValue()); ce.setLocked(pplocked.isChecked()); getCalendarCtrl().getCalModel().add(ce); ppcnt.setRawValue(""); ppbt.setSelectedIndex(0); ppet.setSelectedIndex(0); final SecUser user = ((UserImpl) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()) .getSecUser(); // prepare the backend Bean MyCalendarEvent calEvt = getCalendarEventService().getNewCalendarEvent(); calEvt.setSecUser(user); calEvt.setTitle(ce.getTitle()); calEvt.setContent(ce.getContent()); calEvt.setBeginDate(ce.getBeginDate()); calEvt.setEndDate(ce.getEndDate()); calEvt.setHeaderColor(colors[0]); calEvt.setContentColor(ce.getContentColor()); // Save the calendar event to database try { getCalendarEventService().saveOrUpdate(calEvt); syncModel(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } createEventWindow.onClose(); }
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@Test public void getSpecificitySearchesRemotely() throws Exception { Mockito.doReturn(this.features).when(this.patient).getFeatures(); URI expectedURI = new URI(""); CapturingMatcher<HttpPost> reqCapture = new CapturingMatcher<>(); when(this.client.execute(Matchers.argThat(reqCapture))).thenReturn(this.response); when(this.response.getEntity()).thenReturn(this.responseEntity); when(this.responseEntity.getContent()) .thenReturn(IOUtils.toInputStream("{\"scaled_score\":2}", StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); CapturingMatcher<PatientSpecificity> specCapture = new CapturingMatcher<>(); Mockito.doNothing().when(this.cache).set(Matchers.eq("HP:1-HP:2"), Matchers.argThat(specCapture)); Date d1 = new Date(); this.mocker.getComponentUnderTest().getSpecificity(this.patient); Date d2 = new Date(); PatientSpecificity spec = specCapture.getLastValue(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedURI, reqCapture.getLastValue().getURI()); String content = URLDecoder .decode(IOUtils.toString(reqCapture.getLastValue().getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); Assert.assertTrue(content.startsWith("annotation_profile=")); JSONObject actualJson = new JSONObject(content.substring("annotation_profile=".length())); JSONObject expectedJson = new JSONObject( "{\"features\":[{\"id\":\"HP:1\"},{\"id\":\"HP:2\",\"isPresent\":false}]}"); Assert.assertTrue(expectedJson.similar(actualJson)); Assert.assertEquals("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", reqCapture.getLastValue().getEntity().getContentType().getValue()); Assert.assertEquals(2.0, spec.getScore(), 0.0); Assert.assertEquals("", spec.getComputingMethod()); Assert.assertFalse(d1.after(spec.getComputationDate())); Assert.assertFalse(d2.before(spec.getComputationDate())); }
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private List findKeysBetween(final SyncClass syncClass, final char state, final Date start, final Date finish) { Query query = _shadowDb.query(); query.constrain(SyncObjectInfo.class); query.constrain(new Evaluation() { public void evaluate(Candidate c) { boolean matches = false; SyncObjectInfo info = (SyncObjectInfo) c.getObject(); if (syncClass.getConfig().equals(info.getClassInfo().getConfig()) && info.getSyncState() == state) { Date timestamp = info.getTimestamp(); matches = ((start == null) || start.before(timestamp)) && ((finish == null) || finish.after(timestamp)); }/* w w w . j a va2 s.c o m*/ c.include(matches); } }); return query.execute(); }