List of usage examples for java.util Date before
public boolean before(Date when)
From source
/** * Set the actual time when this job was stopped/completed. Sends a notification, if actualStop is set to a time * before actualStart.//from w ww .j a va 2 s .co m * * @param actualStop A Date object representing the time when this job was stopped. * @throws ArgumentNotValid */ public void setActualStop(Date actualStop) throws ArgumentNotValid { ArgumentNotValid.checkNotNull(actualStop, "actualStop"); if (actualStart == null) { log.warn("Job(" + getJobID() + "): actualStart should be defined before setting actualStop"); } else if (actualStop.before(actualStart)) { log.warn("Job(" + getJobID() + "): actualStop (" + actualStop + ") is before actualStart: " + actualStart); } this.actualStop = (Date) actualStop.clone(); }
From source
public String updateTrainingTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertTrainingTime"); // log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ // truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(trainingStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(trainingEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/* w w w . ja va 2s .c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("trainingStartTime", startDate); hm.put("trainingEndTime", endDate); hm.put("section", section); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("studentFk", studentPk); hm.put("timePk", timePk); hm.put("training_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("training_datestamp", new Date()); getStudentService().updateTraining(hm); } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Training Times Updated For Student"); Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
public String updateObservationTime() throws Exception { log.debug("updateObservationTime"); log.debug("updateObservationTime StartTime " + observationStartTime); int start = decodeTime(observationStartTime); log.debug("updateObservationTime StartTime decoded"); Date startDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(observationEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/* w w w . j a va 2s. c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("observationStartTime", startDate); hm.put("observationEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("studentFk", studentPk); hm.put("timePk", timePk); hm.put("observation_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("observation_datestamp", new Date()); getStudentService().updateObservation(hm); } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Observation Times Updated For Student"); Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
public String updateBTWTime() throws Exception { log.debug("updateBtwTime"); // log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ // truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(behindTheWheelStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(behindTheWheelEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/*ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("btwStartTime", startDate); hm.put("btwEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("studentFk", studentPk); hm.put("timePk", timePk); hm.put("btw_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("btw_datestamp", new Date()); getStudentService().updateBehindTheWheel(hm); } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Behind The Wheel Times Updated For Student "); Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
private Date getLatestTimestampProductionDate(final List<XmlDom> timestamps, final TimestampType selectedTimestampType) { Date latestProductionTime = null; for (final XmlDom timestamp : timestamps) { final String timestampType = timestamp.getValue("./@Type"); if (! { continue; }//w ww. j ava 2s. c o m final Date productionTime = timestamp.getTimeValue("./ProductionTime/text()"); if ((latestProductionTime == null) || latestProductionTime.before(productionTime)) { latestProductionTime = productionTime; } } return latestProductionTime; }
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public String insertObservationTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertObservationTime"); // log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ // truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(observationStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(observationEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getObservationDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {//from w ww. j a v a2s .co m Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("observationStartTime", startDate); hm.put("observationEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("observation_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("observation_datestamp", new Date()); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertObservation(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Observation Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
public String insertTrainingTime() throws Exception { //log.debug("insertTrainingTime"); // log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ // truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(trainingStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + start); //log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(trainingEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getTrainingDate().getTime() + end); //log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/*from www . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("trainingStartTime", startDate); hm.put("trainingEndTime", endDate); hm.put("section", section); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("training_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("training_datestamp", new Date()); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertTraining(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Training Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
public String insertBtwTime() throws Exception { log.debug("insertBtwTime"); // log.debug("observationDate truncated "+ // truncateDate(getObservationDate())); int start = decodeTime(behindTheWheelStartTime); Date startDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + start); log.debug("startDate " + startDate.toString()); int end = decodeTime(behindTheWheelEndTime); Date endDate = new Date(getBehindTheWheelDate().getTime() + end); log.debug("endDate " + endDate.toString()); if (endDate.before(startDate)) { addActionError("Start Time Must Be Before End Time"); } else {/*from w w w . java 2 s. c o m*/ Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hm.put("btwStartTime", startDate); hm.put("btwEndTime", endDate); hm.put("vehicleFk", vehicleFk); hm.put("instructorFk", instructorFk); hm.put("classroomFk", classroomPk); hm.put("branchFk", branchFk); hm.put("btw_userid", ((Person) getSession().get(Constants.USER_KEY)).getEmail()); hm.put("btw_datestamp", new Date()); for (int x = 0; x < studentArray.size(); x++) { hm.put("studentFk", studentArray.get(x)); getStudentService().insertBehindTheWheel(hm); } } if (hasErrors()) { return INPUT; } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<br/>Behind The Wheel Times Added For "); sb.append(studentArray.size()); if (studentArray.size() == 1) { sb.append(" Student"); } else { sb.append(" Students"); } Collection<Object> col = new ArrayList<Object>(); col.add(sb); setCommercialAjaxMessages(col); return SUCCESS; } }
From source
@Test public void testTerminateSubscription() { Tenant tenant = createTestTenant(accountTypeDAO.getDefaultRegistrationAccountType()); tenant.setState(com.vmops.model.Tenant.State.ACTIVE); tenant.setAccountType(accountTypeDAO.getDefaultRegistrationAccountType()); User user = createTestUserInTenant(tenant); tenantService.setOwner(tenant, user); List<ProductBundle> bundles = productBundleService.listProductBundles(0, 0); ProductBundle nonVmBundle = null;//w ww .ja v a 2 s. c om for (ProductBundle bundle : bundles) { if (!bundle.getResourceType().getResourceTypeName().equals("VirtualMachine")) { nonVmBundle = bundle; break; } } tenant.getOwner().setEnabled(true); Subscription subscription = subscriptionService.createSubscription(tenant.getOwner(), nonVmBundle, null, null, false, false, null, new HashMap<String, String>()); Assert.assertNotNull(subscription); SubscriptionHandle subscriptionHandle = new SubscriptionHandle(subscription, "", subscription.getServiceInstance().getUuid(), "VirtualMachine", user, State.ACTIVE, null, null, "TestVM"); subscription.addHandle(subscriptionHandle); subscriptionDAO.merge(subscription); prepareMockForTerminateAndCancelSubscriptionDetails(tenant.getOwner()); Date timeBeforeTermination = new Date(); Subscription sub = controller.terminateSubscription(subscription.getParam(), map); Assert.assertNotNull(sub); Assert.assertTrue((timeBeforeTermination.before(sub.getTerminationDateWithTime()) || timeBeforeTermination.equals(sub.getTerminationDateWithTime()))); Assert.assertEquals(sub.getState().name(), new String("EXPIRED")); Assert.assertEquals(State.TERMINATED, sub.getHandle().getState()); }