Java tutorial
/* * Software License, Version 1.0 Copyright 2011 SRA International, Inc. * Copyright Notice. The software subject to this notice and license includes both human * readable source code form and machine readable, binary, object code form (the "caBIG * Software"). * * Please refer to the complete License text for full details at the root of the project. */ package gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.qclive; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.QCLiveTestDataGenerator; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.SchemaType; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.bean.Archive; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.common.util.FileUtil; import gov.nih.nci.ncicb.tcga.dcc.qclive.common.action.validation.MD5Validator; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowCallbackHandler; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource; import; import; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static; /** * Abstract base class that contains a collection of methods to run integration tests. * * @author Stanley Girshik * Last updated by: $Author$ * @version $Rev$ */ public abstract class QcliveAbstractBaseIntegrationTest { /** Logger */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(QcliveAbstractBaseIntegrationTest.class); protected static Date testStartDate; protected static String auxScriptFile = "auxDiseaseData.sql"; protected static ApplicationContext ctx = null; private static final String defaultApplicationContext = "integration.test.applicationContext.xml"; private static final String isArchiveFinishedSql = "select deploy_status from archive_info where archive_name = ? "; protected static JdbcTemplate localDiseaseTemplate; protected static JdbcTemplate localCommonTemplate; private static final long timeOutTime = 60000 * 15; protected static QCLiveTestDataGenerator dataGenerator = null; /** * Default time to wait between each checks to see if QcLive has finished running */ protected static final long defaultQcLiveSleepTime = 10 * 1000; // 10 sec /** * The directories and files in the directory structure expected by QcLive */ private static final String tcgaFilesRootDirName = "tcgafiles"; private static final String tcgafilesPath = getTcgaFilesRootDirPath(); private static final String ftpAuthPath = tcgafilesPath + File.separator + "ftp_auth"; private static final String depositFtpusersPath = ftpAuthPath + File.separator + "deposit_ftpusers"; private static final String offlinePath = depositFtpusersPath + File.separator + "offline"; private static final String tcgaPath = depositFtpusersPath + File.separator + "tcga"; private static final String receivedPath = tcgaPath + File.separator + "received"; private static final String distroFtpusersPath = ftpAuthPath + File.separator + "distro_ftpusers"; private static final String anonymousPath = distroFtpusersPath + File.separator + "anonymous"; private static final String otherPath = anonymousPath + File.separator + "other"; private static final String includePath = otherPath + File.separator + "include"; private static final String disclaimerPath = includePath + File.separator + "DATA_USE_DISCLAIMER.txt"; private static final String anonymousUserCreatedArchives = anonymousPath + File.separator + "userCreatedArchives"; private static final String tcga4yeoPath = distroFtpusersPath + File.separator + "tcga4yeo"; private static final String cachefilesPath = tcga4yeoPath + File.separator + "cachefiles"; private static final String tumorPath = tcga4yeoPath + File.separator + "tumor"; private static final String tcga4yeoUserCreatedArchives = tcga4yeoPath + File.separator + "userCreatedArchives"; private static final String tempSvg = distroFtpusersPath + File.separator + "temp-svg"; private static final List<String> validPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); static { validPaths.add(tcgafilesPath); validPaths.add(ftpAuthPath); validPaths.add(depositFtpusersPath); validPaths.add(offlinePath); validPaths.add(tcgaPath); validPaths.add(receivedPath); validPaths.add(distroFtpusersPath); validPaths.add(anonymousPath); validPaths.add(otherPath); validPaths.add(includePath); validPaths.add(disclaimerPath); validPaths.add(anonymousUserCreatedArchives); validPaths.add(tcga4yeoPath); validPaths.add(cachefilesPath); validPaths.add(tumorPath); validPaths.add(tcga4yeoUserCreatedArchives); validPaths.add(tempSvg); } private final String getArchiveInfoRecords = "select * from archive_info"; // initializes integration test protected static void init() { testStartDate = new Date(); ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(defaultApplicationContext); DriverManagerDataSource localDiseaseDataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) ctx .getBean("localDiseaseDataSource"); localDiseaseTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(localDiseaseDataSource); DriverManagerDataSource localCommonDataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) ctx .getBean("localCommonDataSource"); localCommonTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(localCommonDataSource); fileSystemInitialization(); } /** * initializes static database data based on an archive passed in * @param archiveName * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException * @throws SQLException */ protected static void initializeDatabase(String archiveName) throws IOException, ParseException, SQLException {" initializing database - IN"); DriverManagerDataSource devDiseaseDataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) ctx .getBean("devDiseaseDataSourceDisease"); DriverManagerDataSource devDcommonDataSource = (DriverManagerDataSource) ctx.getBean("devCommonDataSource"); dataGenerator = new QCLiveTestDataGenerator(); dataGenerator.setDccCommonLocalJdbcTemplate(localCommonTemplate); dataGenerator.setDiseaseLocalJdbcTemplate(localDiseaseTemplate); dataGenerator.setDccCommonDevJdbcTemplate(new JdbcTemplate(devDcommonDataSource)); dataGenerator.setDiseaseDevJdbcTemplate(new JdbcTemplate(devDiseaseDataSource)); dataGenerator.setDiseaseDevSQLInsertScriptFileName("sql/CreateInsertStatementsForClinicalMetaData.sql"); dataGenerator.setDccCommonDevSQLInsertScriptFileName("sql/CreateInsertStatementsForDccCommon.sql"); dataGenerator .setDiseaseDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName("sql/CreateInsertStatementsForDiseaseRefTables.sql"); dataGenerator.setBarcodeSQLInsertScriptFileName("sql/GetInsertsToAddBarcodes.sql"); dataGenerator.setCntlDevRefDataSQLInsertScriptFileName("sql/InsertStatementsForCNTLRefTables.sql"); /* * run the init scripts */ //cleanDb(dataGenerator); Map<String, String> initScripts = new HashMap<String, String>(); initScripts.put("sql/DeleteFromDccCommon.sql", SchemaType.LOCAL_COMMON.getSchemaValue()); initScripts.put("sql/DeleteQcliveTestData.sql", SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE.getSchemaValue()); dataGenerator.setInitSQLScriptClassPathLocations(initScripts); dataGenerator.generateTestData(archiveName); //Resource auxFileResoure = new ClassPathResource(auxScriptFile); //dataGenerator.executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE, auxFileResoure);" initializing database - OUT "); } /** * clears out the databases * @throws SQLException * @throws IOException */ protected static void cleanDb() throws IOException, SQLException {" cleaning database in - IN"); dataGenerator.executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType.LOCAL_COMMON, new ClassPathResource("sql/DeleteFromDccCommon.sql")); dataGenerator.executeSQLScriptFile(SchemaType.LOCAL_DISEASE, new ClassPathResource("sql/DeleteQcliveTestData.sql")); /*//clean up disease schema SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeSqlScript( new SimpleJdbcTemplate(localDiseaseTemplate.getDataSource()), (new EncodedResource(new ClassPathResource("sql/DeleteFromDccCommon.sql"))), false); // clean up common schema SimpleJdbcTestUtils.executeSqlScript( new SimpleJdbcTemplate(localCommonTemplate.getDataSource()), (new EncodedResource(new ClassPathResource("sql/DeleteQcliveTestData.sql"))), false); */" cleaning database in - OUT"); } /** * Drops the given archive in QcLive polling directory and wait for the archive to be finished processing * * @param goldArchiveLocation path to the golden archive location * @param goldArchiveName name of the golden archive * @param qcLivePollingLocation path to the QcLive polling directory * @param qcLiveSleepTime time between checks if QcLive is finished processing. Use <code>null</code> to use default value. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ protected static void runQCLiveWGoldArchive(final String goldArchiveLocation, final String goldArchiveName, final String qcLivePollingLocation, final Long qcLiveSleepTime) throws IOException, InterruptedException {" running qcLive - IN"); FileUtil.copy(goldArchiveLocation + goldArchiveName + ".tar.gz.md5", qcLivePollingLocation); FileUtil.copy(goldArchiveLocation + goldArchiveName + ".tar.gz", qcLivePollingLocation); String archiveAvailable; Boolean isQcliveRunning = true; Date startWait = new Date(); while (isQcliveRunning) { try { archiveAvailable = (String) localCommonTemplate.queryForObject(isArchiveFinishedSql, new String[] { goldArchiveName }, String.class); if (Archive.STATUS_INVALID.equalsIgnoreCase(archiveAvailable)) { throw new IllegalStateException( " QCLive failed on a gold archive with deploy_status = Invalid. The archive should always be valid. Correct the databse/archive and try again"); } else if (Archive.STATUS_IN_REVIEW.equalsIgnoreCase(archiveAvailable)) { throw new IllegalStateException( " QCLive failed on a gold archive with deploy_status = In Review. Correct the databse/archive and try again"); } else if (Archive.STATUS_AVAILABLE.equalsIgnoreCase(archiveAvailable)) { isQcliveRunning = false; } } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // swallow this exception // qclive may take its time processing the archive hence the table is empty for a while } finally { // failsafe in case something goes bad with the data , sleep no longer then allowed if (((new Date()).getTime() - startWait.getTime()) > timeOutTime) { throw new IllegalStateException( " QCLive timed out on a gold archive while waiting on the gold archive to process. Time out is currently set to " + timeOutTime + " milliseconds"); } } // Sleep AFTER testing that qcLive is running, // so that the sleep time can be used to make sure the file system has settled to its final state if (qcLiveSleepTime != null) { Thread.sleep(qcLiveSleepTime); } else { // Use default Thread.sleep(defaultQcLiveSleepTime); } }" running qcLive - OUT"); } /** * Retrieves the absolute root directory path of the tcgafiles directory. * * @return the absolute root directory path of the tcgafiles directory */ private static String getTcgaFilesRootDirPath() { File tcgaFilesRoot = null; for (final File root : File.listRoots()) { tcgaFilesRoot = new File(root + tcgaFilesRootDirName); if (tcgaFilesRoot.canRead()) return tcgaFilesRoot.getAbsolutePath(); } return null; } /** * Reset the FS. * * Disclaimer: do not run this on any of the tiers (DEV and up) */ protected static void fileSystemInitialization() {" fileSystemInitialization - IN"); cleanPath(tcgafilesPath, validPaths);" fileSystemInitialization - OUT"); } /** * Check all files under the given path and delete them if they are not in the given list of valid paths * * @param path the path where to start checking the paths validity (this one included) * @param validPaths the list of valid paths */ private static void cleanPath(final String path, final List<String> validPaths) { // Delete path if not valid final File file = new File(path); if (!validPaths.contains(file.getAbsolutePath())) { final boolean isDeleted = FileUtil.deleteDir(file); if (!isDeleted) { fail("Could not delete file '" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } } // Recursively clean children (don't try this at home) if (file.isDirectory()) { final String[] children = file.list(); for (final String child : children) { cleanPath(path + File.separator + child, validPaths); } } } /** * Check that the archive and its md5 file are both available in the ftp directory. * * Also check that: * - the .tar.gz MD5 sum is correct * - the last modified date is on or after the test start date * - the file size are as expected * * @param tarGzFilepath the .tar.gz filepath * @param md5Filepath the .md5 filepath * @param expectedTarGzSize the expected .tar.gz size * @param expectedMd5Size the expected .md5 size * @param expectedMD5Sum the expected .tar.gz MD5 sum */ protected static void checkFSArchiveInFTP(final String tarGzFilepath, final String md5Filepath, final long expectedTarGzSize, final long expectedMd5Size, final String expectedMD5Sum) {" checkFSArchiveInFTP - IN"); final File tarGzFile = checkExists(tarGzFilepath); final File md5File = checkExists(md5Filepath); checkSize(tarGzFile, expectedTarGzSize); checkSize(md5File, expectedMd5Size); checkMd5(tarGzFile, expectedMD5Sum); checkLastModified(tarGzFile); checkLastModified(md5File);" checkFSArchiveInFTP - OUT"); } /** * Checks that the last modified date of the given file is on or after the test start date * * @param file the file */ protected static void checkLastModified(final File file) {" checkLastModified - IN"); final Date lastModifiedDate = new Date(file.lastModified()); assertFalse(lastModifiedDate.before(testStartDate));" checkLastModified - OUT"); } /** * Retrieves a map with archive_info table values */ protected List<Map<String, Object>> retrieveArchiveInfoRecords() {" retrieveArchiveInfoRecords - IN"); final List<Map<String, Object>> archiveInfoRecordsList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); localCommonTemplate.query(getArchiveInfoRecords, new RowCallbackHandler() { public void processRow(final ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { final Map<String, Object> elementIdMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); elementIdMap.put("ARCHIVE_ID", resultSet.getLong("ARCHIVE_ID")); elementIdMap.put("ARCHIVE_NAME", resultSet.getString("ARCHIVE_NAME")); elementIdMap.put("ARCHIVE_TYPE_ID", resultSet.getLong("ARCHIVE_TYPE_ID")); elementIdMap.put("CENTER_ID", resultSet.getLong("CENTER_ID")); elementIdMap.put("DISEASE_ID", resultSet.getLong("DISEASE_ID")); elementIdMap.put("PLATFORM_ID", resultSet.getLong("PLATFORM_ID")); elementIdMap.put("SERIAL_INDEX", resultSet.getLong("SERIAL_INDEX")); elementIdMap.put("REVISION", resultSet.getLong("REVISION")); elementIdMap.put("SERIES", resultSet.getLong("SERIES")); elementIdMap.put("DATE_ADDED", resultSet.getTimestamp("DATE_ADDED")); elementIdMap.put("DEPLOY_STATUS", resultSet.getString("DEPLOY_STATUS")); elementIdMap.put("DEPLOY_LOCATION", resultSet.getString("DEPLOY_LOCATION")); elementIdMap.put("IS_LATEST", resultSet.getLong("IS_LATEST")); elementIdMap.put("IS_LATEST", resultSet.getLong("INITIAL_SIZE_KB")); elementIdMap.put("FINAL_SIZE_KB", resultSet.getLong("FINAL_SIZE_KB")); elementIdMap.put("IS_LATEST_LOADED", resultSet.getLong("IS_LATEST_LOADED")); elementIdMap.put("DATA_LOADED_DATE", resultSet.getDate("DATA_LOADED_DATE")); archiveInfoRecordsList.add(elementIdMap); } });" retrieveArchiveInfoRecords - OUT"); return archiveInfoRecordsList; } /** * Checks that the given file has the expected MD5 sum * * @param file the file * @param expectedMD5Sum the expected MD5 sum */ protected static void checkMd5(final File file, final String expectedMD5Sum) {" checkMd5 - IN"); try { final String md5Sum = MD5Validator.getFileMD5(file); assertEquals(expectedMD5Sum.toLowerCase(), md5Sum.toLowerCase()); } catch (final IOException e) { fail("NoSuchAlgorithmException was raised: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { fail("NoSuchAlgorithmException was raised: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); }" checkMd5 - OUT"); } /** * Check that the given file has the expected size * * @param file the file * @param expectedSize the expected size */ protected static void checkSize(final File file, long expectedSize) { assertEquals(expectedSize, FileUtils.sizeOf(file)); } /** * Checks that the file with the given filepath exists * * @param filepath the filepath */ protected static File checkExists(final String filepath) { final File file = new File(filepath); if (!file.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected file '" + filepath + "' does not exist"); } return file; } }