Example usage for java.util Date after

List of usage examples for java.util Date after


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Date after.


public boolean after(Date when) 

Source Link


Tests if this date is after the specified date.


From source file:net.di2e.ecdr.commons.query.rest.CDRQueryImpl.java

protected Filter getTemporalFilter(FilterBuilder filterBuilder, Date startDate, Date endDate, String type)
        throws UnsupportedQueryException {
    Filter filter = null;/*from w ww  .  j  a  v  a 2  s .c o  m*/
    if (startDate != null || endDate != null) {
        if (startDate != null && endDate != null) {
            if (startDate.after(endDate)) {
                throw new UnsupportedQueryException(
                        "Start date value [" + startDate + "] cannot be after endDate [" + endDate + "]");
            filter = filterBuilder.attribute(type).during().dates(startDate, endDate);
            humanReadableQueryBuilder.append(" " + SearchConstants.STARTDATE_PARAMETER + "=[" + startDate + "] "
                    + SearchConstants.ENDDATE_PARAMETER + "=[" + endDate + "] "
                    + SearchConstants.DATETYPE_PARAMETER + "=[" + type + "]");
        } else if (startDate != null) {
            filter = filterBuilder.attribute(type).after().date(startDate);
            humanReadableQueryBuilder.append(" " + SearchConstants.STARTDATE_PARAMETER + "=[" + startDate + "] "
                    + SearchConstants.DATETYPE_PARAMETER + "=[" + type + "]");
        } else if (endDate != null) {
            filter = filterBuilder.attribute(type).before().date(endDate);
            humanReadableQueryBuilder.append(" " + SearchConstants.ENDDATE_PARAMETER + "=[" + endDate + "] "
                    + SearchConstants.DATETYPE_PARAMETER + "=[" + type + "]");

    return filter;

From source file:com.sube.daos.mongodb.StatisticDaoTest.java

private void generateUsages() throws InvalidSubeCardException, InvalidProviderException {
    for (int i = 0; i < usagesSize; i++) {
        SubeCardUsage usage = new SubeCardUsage();
        usage.setCard((SubeCard) getRandom(cards));
        Date randomDate = DateUtils.round(
                DateUtils.round(DateUtils.round(getRandomDate(FROM, TO), Calendar.SECOND), Calendar.MINUTE),
                Calendar.HOUR);//from  w  w  w. j  a va 2  s. c  o  m
        if ((randomDate.after(TO_DIFF) || DateUtils.isSameDay(randomDate, TO_DIFF))
                && (randomDate.before(TO) || DateUtils.isSameDay(randomDate, TO))) {
            Long count = usages1.get(randomDate);
            if (count != null) {
            } else {
                count = Long.valueOf(1l);
            usages1.put(randomDate, count);
        } else if ((randomDate.after(FROM) || DateUtils.isSameDay(randomDate, FROM))
                && (randomDate.before(FROM_DIFF) || DateUtils.isSameDay(randomDate, FROM_DIFF))) {
            Long count = usages2.get(randomDate);
            if (count != null) {
            } else {
                count = Long.valueOf(1l);
            usages2.put(randomDate, count);
        if (random.nextInt() % 2 == 0) {
            //Charge Money
            usage.setMoney((random.nextDouble() + 0.1d) * MONEY_LAMBDA); // 3.1
            // max,
            // min
            // 0.1
            usage.setPerformer((Provider) getRandom(cashierProviders));
        } else {
            //Charge Service
            usage.setMoney((random.nextDouble() + 0.1d) * -MONEY_LAMBDA); // -3.1
            // min,
            // max
            // -0.1
            usage.setPerformer((Provider) getRandom(serviceProviders));
            Long travelsCount = travels.get(usage.getCard());
            if (travelsCount == null) {
                travelsCount = Long.valueOf(1l);
            } else {
            travels.put(usage.getCard(), travelsCount);
        Double totalMoney = usages.get(usage.getPerformer());
        if (totalMoney == null) {
            usages.put(usage.getPerformer(), Math.abs(usage.getMoney()));
        } else {
            totalMoney += Math.abs(usage.getMoney());
            usages.put(usage.getPerformer(), totalMoney);

From source file:com.qcadoo.mes.productionPerShift.hooks.ProductionPerShiftDetailsHooks.java

private void checkOrderDates(final ViewDefinitionState view, final Entity order) {
    Long technologyId = order.getBelongsToField(OrderFields.TECHNOLOGY).getId();
    Set<Long> progressForDayIds = productionPerShiftDataProvider.findIdsOfEffectiveProgressForDay(technologyId);
    DataDefinition progressForDayDD = dataDefinitionService.get(ProductionPerShiftConstants.PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER,
    Optional<OrderDates> maybeOrderDates = OrderDates.of(order);
    boolean areDatesCorrect = true;
    if (maybeOrderDates.isPresent()) {
        OrderDates orderDates = maybeOrderDates.get();
        Date orderStart = removeTime(orderDates.getStart().effectiveWithFallback().toDate());
        Date orderEnd = removeTime(orderDates.getEnd().effectiveWithFallback().toDate());
        for (Long id : progressForDayIds) {
            Entity progressForDay = progressForDayDD.get(id);
            Date progressDate = progressForDay.getDateField(ProgressForDayFields.ACTUAL_DATE_OF_DAY);
            if (progressDate == null) {
                progressDate = progressForDay.getDateField(ProgressForDayFields.DATE_OF_DAY);
            }//  w w  w  . ja v a  2  s  .c  om
            if (progressDate.before(orderStart) || progressDate.after(orderEnd)) {
                areDatesCorrect = false;
    if (!areDatesCorrect) {
        view.addMessage("productionPerShift.info.invalidDates", MessageType.INFO, false);

From source file:ch.entwine.weblounge.test.harness.content.CacheTest.java

 * Tests if the modification date of a page can properly be adjusted by a
 * pagelet that is using the <code>&lt;modified&gt;</code> tag.
 * /*  w ww.j av  a  2 s .  c o  m*/
 * @param serverUrl
 *          the server url
 * @throws Exception
 *           if the test fails
private void testPageletModifcationDate(String serverUrl) throws Exception {
    logger.info("Preparing test of cache headers influenced by the 'modified' tag");

    // Load the page's modification date

    String requestUrl = UrlUtils.concat(serverUrl, "system/weblounge/pages", modificationTestPageId);
    HttpGet getPageRequest = new HttpGet(requestUrl);
    HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    Page page = null;
    logger.info("Requesting the page's modification date at {}", requestUrl);
    try {
        HttpResponse response = TestUtils.request(httpClient, getPageRequest, null);
        assertEquals(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
        PageReader reader = new PageReader();
        page = reader.read(response.getEntity().getContent(), site);
    } finally {

    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US);

    // Regularly load the page

    requestUrl = UrlUtils.concat(serverUrl, modificationTestPage);

    logger.info("Sending request to {}", requestUrl);
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(requestUrl);
    request.addHeader("X-Cache-Debug", "yes");
    String[][] params = new String[][] { {} };

    // Send and the request and examine the response. Keep the modification
    // date.
    httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    try {
        HttpResponse response = TestUtils.request(httpClient, request, params);

        int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        boolean okOrNotModified = statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK
                || statusCode == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED;

        // Get the Modified header
        assertEquals(1, response.getHeaders("Last-Modified").length);
        Date hostModified = df.parse(response.getHeaders("Last-Modified")[0].getValue());

        // Make sure the page is advertised as being more recent than the page's
        // modification date

    } finally {

From source file:org.ngrinder.perftest.service.PerfTestRunnable.java

private boolean isScheduledNow(PerfTest test) {
    Date current = new Date();
    Date scheduledDate = DateUtils.truncate((Date) defaultIfNull(test.getScheduledTime(), current),
            Calendar.MINUTE);//from  w w  w  .  j av a2  s  . com
    return current.after(scheduledDate);

From source file:com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.AbstractReferralPlugin.java

 *  Filters a collection according to the include and exclude parameters.
 *  //  w  w  w.j av  a2s  .  c o m
 *  @param c The collection to filter.
 *  @return A filtered collection.
protected Collection filterCollection(Collection c) {
    ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();

    PatternMatcher pm = new Perl5Matcher();

    for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        String pageName = null;
        Object objectje = i.next();
        if (objectje instanceof WikiPage) {
            pageName = ((WikiPage) objectje).getName();
        } else {
            pageName = (String) objectje;

        //  If include parameter exists, then by default we include only those
        //  pages in it (excluding the ones in the exclude pattern list).
        //  include='*' means the same as no include.
        boolean includeThis = m_include == null;

        if (m_include != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m_include.length; j++) {
                if (pm.matches(pageName, m_include[j])) {
                    includeThis = true;

        if (m_exclude != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m_exclude.length; j++) {
                if (pm.matches(pageName, m_exclude[j])) {
                    includeThis = false;
                    break; // The inner loop, continue on the next item

        if (includeThis) {
            if (objectje instanceof WikiPage) {
            } else {
            //  if we want to show the last modified date of the most recently change page, we keep a "high watermark" here:
            WikiPage page = null;
            if (m_lastModified) {
                page = m_engine.getPage(pageName);
                if (page != null) {
                    Date lastModPage = page.getLastModified();
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("lastModified Date of page " + pageName + " : " + m_dateLastModified);
                    if (lastModPage.after(m_dateLastModified)) {
                        m_dateLastModified = lastModPage;


    return result;

From source file:eu.europa.esig.dss.tsl.service.TSLRepository.java

public List<TSLValidationModel> getTSLValidationModels() {
    List<TSLValidationModel> result = new ArrayList<TSLValidationModel>();
    Date now = new Date();
    for (TSLValidationModel tslValidationModel : tsls.values()) {
        if (!allowExpiredTSLs) {
            TSLParserResult parseResult = tslValidationModel.getParseResult();
            if (parseResult != null) {
                if (now.after(parseResult.getNextUpdateDate())) {
                }/*w  ww .ja  v  a  2 s.c  o m*/
        if (!allowInvalidSignatures) {
            TSLValidationResult validationResult = tslValidationModel.getValidationResult();
            if (validationResult != null) {
                if (validationResult.isInvalid()) {
        if (!allowIndeterminateSignatures) {
            TSLValidationResult validationResult = tslValidationModel.getValidationResult();
            if (validationResult != null) {
                if (validationResult.isIndeterminate()) {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(result);

From source file:com.qcadoo.mes.orders.hooks.OrderHooks.java

public boolean checkOrderDates(final DataDefinition orderDD, final Entity order) {
    DateRange orderDateRange = orderDatesService.getCalculatedDates(order);
    Date dateFrom = orderDateRange.getFrom();
    Date dateTo = orderDateRange.getTo();

    if (dateFrom == null || dateTo == null || dateTo.after(dateFrom)) {
        return true;
    }/*from  w ww. j  av a2s.c  o m*/

    order.addError(orderDD.getField(OrderFields.FINISH_DATE), "orders.validate.global.error.datesOrder");

    return false;

From source file:de.seitenbau.govdata.edit.gui.controller.EditController.java

public void submitForm(@Valid @ModelAttribute("editForm") EditForm editForm, BindingResult result,
        ActionResponse response, ActionRequest request) {
    // fix zeitbezug dates if they are in the wrong temporal order
    Date fromDate = parseDate(editForm.getTemporalCoverageFrom());
    Date untilDate = parseDate(editForm.getTemporalCoverageUntil());
    if (fromDate != null && untilDate != null && fromDate.after(untilDate)) {
    } else {//from ww  w.j  a va 2 s .c  o m

    // check if form is valid
    if (!result.hasErrors()) {
        try {
            User ckanUser = getCkanuserFromRequestProxy(request);
            saveDataset(editForm, ckanUser);

            // get the name in the same way he new name is created for new datasets
            if (editForm.isNewDataset()) {

            // reload saved dataset, so we reflect the actual saved data
            editForm = loadDataset(ckanUser, editForm.getName());

            response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE_TYPE, MessageType.SUCCESS.toString());
            response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE, "od.editform.save.success");
        } catch (OpenDataRegistryException | PortalException | SystemException e) {
            response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE_TYPE, MessageType.ERROR.toString());
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(e.getMessage())) {
                response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
            } else {
                response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE, "od.editform.save.error");
                e.printStackTrace(); // just so we can look it up... we don't know yet what's going on.
    } else {
        response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE_TYPE, MessageType.WARNING.toString());
        response.setRenderParameter(MESSAGE, "od.editform.save.warning");
        log.warn("Form has errors: " + result.getAllErrors());

From source file:com.autentia.tnt.businessobject.User.java

 * @return Return if the user password expired
 *///ww w .j av  a  2  s . c o m
public boolean isPasswordExpired() {
    Date nowDate = new Date();
    Date expireDate = this.getPasswordExpireDate();
    boolean passExpired = (expireDate == null) || nowDate.after(expireDate);

    if (passExpired && log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        log.info("Passord expired for user " + this.getLogin());

    return passExpired;