Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ngrinder.perftest.service; import net.grinder.SingleConsole; import net.grinder.SingleConsole.ConsoleShutdownListener; import net.grinder.StopReason; import net.grinder.common.GrinderProperties; import net.grinder.console.model.ConsoleProperties; import net.grinder.util.ListenerHelper; import net.grinder.util.ListenerSupport; import net.grinder.util.UnitUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.ngrinder.common.constant.ControllerConstants; import org.ngrinder.extension.OnTestLifeCycleRunnable; import org.ngrinder.extension.OnTestSamplingRunnable; import org.ngrinder.infra.config.Config; import org.ngrinder.infra.plugin.PluginManager; import org.ngrinder.infra.schedule.ScheduledTaskService; import org.ngrinder.model.PerfTest; import org.ngrinder.model.Status; import org.ngrinder.perftest.model.NullSingleConsole; import org.ngrinder.perftest.service.samplinglistener.*; import org.ngrinder.script.handler.ScriptHandler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Profile; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import static org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull; import static org.ngrinder.common.constant.ClusterConstants.PROP_CLUSTER_SAFE_DIST; import static org.ngrinder.common.util.AccessUtils.getSafe; import static org.ngrinder.model.Status.*; /** * {@link PerfTest} run scheduler. * <p/> * This class is responsible to execute/finish the performance test. The job is * started from {@link #doStart()} and {@link #doFinish()} method. These * methods are scheduled by Spring Task. * * @author JunHo Yoon * @since 3.0 */ @Profile("production") @Component public class PerfTestRunnable implements ControllerConstants { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PerfTestRunnable.class); @SuppressWarnings("SpringJavaAutowiringInspection") @Autowired private PerfTestService perfTestService; @Autowired private ConsoleManager consoleManager; @Autowired private AgentManager agentManager; @Autowired private PluginManager pluginManager; @Autowired private Config config; @Autowired private ScheduledTaskService scheduledTaskService; private Runnable startRunnable; private Runnable finishRunnable; @PostConstruct public void init() { // Clean up db first. doFinish(true); this.startRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startPeriodically(); } }; scheduledTaskService.addFixedDelayedScheduledTask(startRunnable, PERFTEST_RUN_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS); this.finishRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { finishPeriodically(); } }; scheduledTaskService.addFixedDelayedScheduledTask(finishRunnable, PERFTEST_RUN_FREQUENCY_MILLISECONDS); } @PreDestroy public void destroy() { scheduledTaskService.removeScheduledJob(this.startRunnable); scheduledTaskService.removeScheduledJob(this.finishRunnable); } /** * Scheduled method for test execution. This method dispatches the test * candidates and run one of them. This method is responsible until a test * is executed. */ public void startPeriodically() { doStart(); } void doStart() { if (config.hasNoMoreTestLock()) { return; } // Block if the count of testing exceed the limit if (!canExecuteMore()) { // LOG MORE List<PerfTest> currentlyRunningTests = perfTestService.getCurrentlyRunningTest(); LOG.debug("Currently running test is {}. No more tests can not run.", currentlyRunningTests.size()); return; } // Find out next ready perftest PerfTest runCandidate = getRunnablePerfTest(); if (runCandidate == null) { return; } if (!isScheduledNow(runCandidate)) { // this test project is reserved,but it isn't yet going to run test // right now. return; } if (!hasEnoughFreeAgents(runCandidate)) { return; } doTest(runCandidate); } private PerfTest getRunnablePerfTest() { return perfTestService.getNextRunnablePerfTestPerfTestCandidate(); } private boolean canExecuteMore() { return consoleManager.getConsoleInUse().size() < perfTestService.getMaximumConcurrentTestCount(); } private boolean isScheduledNow(PerfTest test) { Date current = new Date(); Date scheduledDate = DateUtils.truncate((Date) defaultIfNull(test.getScheduledTime(), current), Calendar.MINUTE); return current.after(scheduledDate); } /** * Check the free agent availability for the given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param test {@link PerfTest} * @return true if enough agents */ protected boolean hasEnoughFreeAgents(PerfTest test) { int size = agentManager.getAllFreeApprovedAgentsForUser(test.getCreatedUser()).size(); if (test.getAgentCount() != null && test.getAgentCount() > size) { perfTestService.markProgress(test, "The test is tried to execute but there is not enough free agents." + "\n- Current free agent count : " + size + " / Requested : " + test.getAgentCount() + "\n"); return false; } return true; } /** * Run the given test. * <p/> * If fails, it marks STOP_BY_ERROR in the given {@link PerfTest} status * * @param perfTest perftest instance; */ public void doTest(final PerfTest perfTest) { SingleConsole singleConsole = null; try { singleConsole = startConsole(perfTest); ScriptHandler prepareDistribution = perfTestService.prepareDistribution(perfTest); GrinderProperties grinderProperties = perfTestService.getGrinderProperties(perfTest, prepareDistribution); startAgentsOn(perfTest, grinderProperties, checkCancellation(singleConsole)); distributeFileOn(perfTest, checkCancellation(singleConsole)); singleConsole.setReportPath(perfTestService.getReportFileDirectory(perfTest)); runTestOn(perfTest, grinderProperties, checkCancellation(singleConsole)); } catch (SingleConsoleCancellationException ex) { // In case of error, mark the occurs error on perftest. doCancel(perfTest, singleConsole); notifyFinish(perfTest, StopReason.CANCEL_BY_USER); } catch (Exception e) { // In case of error, mark the occurs error on perftest. LOG.error("Error while executing test: {} - {} ", perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), e.getMessage()); LOG.debug("Stack Trace is : ", e); doTerminate(perfTest, singleConsole); notifyFinish(perfTest, StopReason.ERROR_WHILE_PREPARE); } } /** * Check the cancellation status on console. * * @param singleConsole console * @return true if cancellation is requested. */ SingleConsole checkCancellation(SingleConsole singleConsole) { if (singleConsole.isCanceled()) { throw new SingleConsoleCancellationException( "Single Console " + singleConsole.getConsolePort() + " is canceled"); } return singleConsole; } /** * Start a console for given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param perfTest perftest * @return started console */ SingleConsole startConsole(PerfTest perfTest) { perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, START_CONSOLE, "Console is being prepared."); // get available consoles. ConsoleProperties consoleProperty = perfTestService.createConsoleProperties(perfTest); SingleConsole singleConsole = consoleManager.getAvailableConsole(consoleProperty); singleConsole.start(); perfTestService.markPerfTestConsoleStart(perfTest, singleConsole.getConsolePort()); return singleConsole; } /** * Distribute files to agents. * * @param perfTest perftest * @param singleConsole console to be used. */ void distributeFileOn(final PerfTest perfTest, SingleConsole singleConsole) { // Distribute files perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, DISTRIBUTE_FILES, "All necessary files are being distributed."); ListenerSupport<SingleConsole.FileDistributionListener> listener = ListenerHelper.create(); final long safeThreadHold = getSafeTransmissionThreshold(); listener.add(new SingleConsole.FileDistributionListener() { @Override public void distributed(String fileName) { perfTestService.markProgress(perfTest, " - " + fileName); } @Override public boolean start(File dir, boolean safe) { if (safe) { perfTestService.markProgress(perfTest, "Safe file distribution mode is enabled."); return safe; } long sizeOfDirectory = FileUtils.sizeOfDirectory(dir); if (sizeOfDirectory > safeThreadHold) { perfTestService.markProgress(perfTest, "The total size of distributed files is over " + UnitUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(safeThreadHold) + "B.\n- Safe file distribution mode is enabled by force."); return true; } return safe; } }); // the files have prepared before singleConsole.distributeFiles(perfTestService.getDistributionPath(perfTest), listener, isSafeDistPerfTest(perfTest)); perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, DISTRIBUTE_FILES_FINISHED, "All necessary files are distributed."); } protected long getSafeTransmissionThreshold() { return config.getControllerProperties().getPropertyLong(PROP_CONTROLLER_SAFE_DIST_THRESHOLD); } private boolean isSafeDistPerfTest(final PerfTest perfTest) { boolean safeDist = getSafe(perfTest.getSafeDistribution()); if (config.isClustered()) { safeDist = config.getClusterProperties().getPropertyBoolean(PROP_CLUSTER_SAFE_DIST); } return safeDist; } /** * Start agents for the given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param perfTest perftest * @param grinderProperties grinder properties * @param singleConsole console to be used. */ void startAgentsOn(PerfTest perfTest, GrinderProperties grinderProperties, SingleConsole singleConsole) { perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, START_AGENTS, getSafe(perfTest.getAgentCount()) + " agents are starting."); agentManager.runAgent(perfTest.getCreatedUser(), singleConsole, grinderProperties, getSafe(perfTest.getAgentCount())); singleConsole.waitUntilAgentConnected(perfTest.getAgentCount()); perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, START_AGENTS_FINISHED, getSafe(perfTest.getAgentCount()) + " agents are ready."); } /** * Run a given {@link PerfTest} with the given {@link GrinderProperties} and * the {@link SingleConsole} . * * @param perfTest perftest * @param grinderProperties grinder properties * @param singleConsole console to be used. */ void runTestOn(final PerfTest perfTest, GrinderProperties grinderProperties, final SingleConsole singleConsole) { // start target monitor for (OnTestLifeCycleRunnable run : pluginManager.getEnabledModulesByClass(OnTestLifeCycleRunnable.class)) { run.start(perfTest, perfTestService, config.getVersion()); } // Run test perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, START_TESTING, "The test is ready to start."); // Add listener to detect abnormal condition and mark the perfTest singleConsole.addListener(new ConsoleShutdownListener() { @Override public void readyToStop(StopReason stopReason) { perfTestService.markAbnormalTermination(perfTest, stopReason); LOG.error("Abnormal test {} due to {}", perfTest.getId(),; } }); long startTime = singleConsole.startTest(grinderProperties); perfTest.setStartTime(new Date(startTime)); addSamplingListeners(perfTest, singleConsole); perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, TESTING, "The test is started."); singleConsole.startSampling(); } protected void addSamplingListeners(final PerfTest perfTest, final SingleConsole singleConsole) { // Add SamplingLifeCycleListener singleConsole.addSamplingLifeCyleListener(new PerfTestSamplingCollectorListener(singleConsole, perfTest.getId(), perfTestService, scheduledTaskService)); singleConsole.addSamplingLifeCyleListener( new AgentLostDetectionListener(singleConsole, perfTest, perfTestService, scheduledTaskService)); List<OnTestSamplingRunnable> testSamplingPlugins = pluginManager.getEnabledModulesByClass( OnTestSamplingRunnable.class, new MonitorCollectorPlugin(config, scheduledTaskService, perfTestService, perfTest.getId())); singleConsole.addSamplingLifeCyleListener( new PluginRunListener(testSamplingPlugins, singleConsole, perfTest, perfTestService)); singleConsole.addSamplingLifeCyleListener(new AgentDieHardListener(singleConsole, perfTest, perfTestService, agentManager, scheduledTaskService)); } /** * Notify test finish to plugins. * * @param perfTest PerfTest * @param reason the reason of test finish.. * @see OnTestLifeCycleRunnable */ public void notifyFinish(PerfTest perfTest, StopReason reason) { for (OnTestLifeCycleRunnable run : pluginManager.getEnabledModulesByClass(OnTestLifeCycleRunnable.class)) { run.finish(perfTest,, perfTestService, config.getVersion()); } } /** * Finish the tests.(Scheduled by SpringTask) * <p/> * There are three types of test finish. * <p/> * <ul> * <li>Abnormal test finish : when TPS is too low or too many errors occur</li> * <li>User requested test finish : when user requested to finish the test</li> * <li>Normal test finish : when the test reaches the planned duration and run * count.</li> * </ul> */ public void finishPeriodically() { doFinish(false); } protected void doFinish(boolean initial) { if (!initial && consoleManager.getConsoleInUse().isEmpty()) { return; } doFinish(); } void doFinish() { for (PerfTest each : perfTestService.getAllAbnormalTesting()) {"Terminate {}", each.getId()); SingleConsole consoleUsingPort = consoleManager.getConsoleUsingPort(each.getPort()); doTerminate(each, consoleUsingPort); cleanUp(each); notifyFinish(each, StopReason.TOO_MANY_ERRORS); } for (PerfTest each : perfTestService.getAllStopRequested()) {"Stop test {}", each.getId()); SingleConsole consoleUsingPort = consoleManager.getConsoleUsingPort(each.getPort()); doCancel(each, consoleUsingPort); cleanUp(each); notifyFinish(each, StopReason.CANCEL_BY_USER); } for (PerfTest each : perfTestService.getAllTesting()) { SingleConsole consoleUsingPort = consoleManager.getConsoleUsingPort(each.getPort()); if (isTestFinishCandidate(each, consoleUsingPort)) { doNormalFinish(each, consoleUsingPort); cleanUp(each); notifyFinish(each, StopReason.NORMAL); } } } /** * Clean up distribution directory for the given perfTest. * * @param perfTest perfTest */ private void cleanUp(PerfTest perfTest) { perfTestService.cleanUpDistFolder(perfTest); perfTestService.cleanUpRuntimeOnlyData(perfTest); } /** * Check if the given {@link PerfTest} is ready to finish. * * @param perfTest perf test * @param singleConsoleInUse singleConsole * @return true if it's a finish candidate. */ private boolean isTestFinishCandidate(PerfTest perfTest, SingleConsole singleConsoleInUse) { // Give 5 seconds to be finished if (perfTest.isThresholdDuration() && singleConsoleInUse.isCurrentRunningTimeOverDuration(perfTest.getDuration())) { LOG.debug("Test {} is ready to finish. Current : {}, Planned : {}", new Object[] { perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse.getCurrentRunningTime(), perfTest.getDuration() }); return true; } else if (perfTest.isThresholdRunCount() && singleConsoleInUse.getCurrentExecutionCount() >= perfTest.getTotalRunCount()) { LOG.debug("Test {} is ready to finish. Current : {}, Planned : {}", new Object[] { perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse.getCurrentExecutionCount(), perfTest.getTotalRunCount() }); return true; } else if (singleConsoleInUse instanceof NullSingleConsole) { LOG.debug("Test {} is ready to finish. Current : {}, Planned : {}", new Object[] { perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse.getCurrentExecutionCount(), perfTest.getTotalRunCount() }); return true; } return false; } /** * Cancel the given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param perfTest {@link PerfTest} to be canceled. * @param singleConsoleInUse {@link SingleConsole} which is being used for the given * {@link PerfTest} */ public void doCancel(PerfTest perfTest, SingleConsole singleConsoleInUse) {"Cancel test {} by user request.", perfTest.getId()); singleConsoleInUse.unregisterSampling(); try { perfTestService.markProgressAndStatusAndFinishTimeAndStatistics(perfTest, CANCELED, "Stop requested by user"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while canceling test {} : {}", perfTest.getId(), e.getMessage()); LOG.debug("Details : ", e); } consoleManager.returnBackConsole(perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse); } /** * Terminate the given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param perfTest {@link PerfTest} to be finished * @param singleConsoleInUse {@link SingleConsole} which is being used for the given * {@link PerfTest} */ public void doTerminate(PerfTest perfTest, SingleConsole singleConsoleInUse) { singleConsoleInUse.unregisterSampling(); try { perfTestService.markProgressAndStatusAndFinishTimeAndStatistics(perfTest, Status.STOP_BY_ERROR, "Stopped by error"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error while terminating {} : {}", perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), e.getMessage()); LOG.debug("Details : ", e); } consoleManager.returnBackConsole(perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse); } /** * Finish the given {@link PerfTest}. * * @param perfTest {@link PerfTest} to be finished * @param singleConsoleInUse {@link SingleConsole} which is being used for the given * {@link PerfTest} */ public void doNormalFinish(PerfTest perfTest, SingleConsole singleConsoleInUse) { LOG.debug("PerfTest {} status - currentRunningTime {} ", perfTest.getId(), singleConsoleInUse.getCurrentRunningTime()); singleConsoleInUse.unregisterSampling(); try { // stop target host monitor if (perfTestService.hasTooManyError(perfTest)) { perfTestService.markProgressAndStatusAndFinishTimeAndStatistics(perfTest, Status.STOP_BY_ERROR, "[WARNING] The test is finished but contains too much errors(over 30% of total runs)."); } else if (singleConsoleInUse.hasNoPerformedTest()) { perfTestService.markProgressAndStatusAndFinishTimeAndStatistics(perfTest, Status.STOP_BY_ERROR, "[WARNING] The test is finished but has no TPS."); } else { perfTestService.markProgressAndStatusAndFinishTimeAndStatistics(perfTest, Status.FINISHED, "The test is successfully finished."); } } catch (Exception e) { perfTestService.markStatusAndProgress(perfTest, Status.STOP_BY_ERROR, e.getMessage()); LOG.error("Error while finishing {} : {}", perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), e.getMessage()); LOG.debug("Details : ", e); } consoleManager.returnBackConsole(perfTest.getTestIdentifier(), singleConsoleInUse); } public PerfTestService getPerfTestService() { return perfTestService; } public AgentManager getAgentManager() { return agentManager; } }