List of usage examples for java.util Date after
public boolean after(Date when)
From source
/** * Analizes the data and produces the metrics. * // w ww .j av a 2 s. com * @param metrics * produced metrics * @param elapsed * elapsed time * @param now * date as of now * @param date */ private void analyze(final List<Metric> metrics, final long elapsed, final Date now, final Date date) { long diff = 0; boolean behind = false; if (now.before(date)) { behind = true; diff = date.getTime() - now.getTime(); } else if (now.after(date)) { diff = now.getTime() - date.getTime(); } Elapsed elapsedTime = new Elapsed(diff, TimeUnit.MILLISECOND); String msg = getMessage(elapsedTime); if (diff > TimeUnit.SECOND.convert(1)) { if (behind) { msg += "behind"; } else { msg += "ahead"; } } metrics.add(new Metric("offset", msg, new BigDecimal(TimeUnit.MILLISECOND.convert(diff, TimeUnit.SECOND)), null, null)); metrics.add(new Metric("time", "", new BigDecimal(TimeUnit.MILLISECOND.convert(elapsed, TimeUnit.SECOND)), null, null)); }
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/** * //w ww . jav a 2 s . co m * * @param license * ?License * @throws BusinessException * @author huangbuji * <p /> * Create at 2013 ?7:26:05 */ private void expireTimeCheck(License license) throws BusinessException { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); try { Date expire = sdf.parse(license.getExpireTime()); Date now = new Date(); if (now.after(expire)) { throw new BusinessException(ErrorCode.LICENSE_EXPIRED, "Platform license is expired !"); } // ?? long time = userSessionDAO.getLatestSession(); long hisTime = userSessionHistoryDAO.getLatestSession(); if (hisTime > time) { time = hisTime; } if ((time - now.getTime()) > 7 * 24 * 3600000) { throw new BusinessException(ErrorCode.SYSTEM_BAD_CHANGED, "System time has been bad changed !"); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new BusinessException(ErrorCode.LICENSE_EXPIRED_FORMAT_INVALID, "License value expire_time[" + license.getExpireTime() + "] invaild !"); } }
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@Override public Object getAsObject(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic, String string) { logger.trace("Entering getAsObject()"); Locale locale = fc.getViewRoot().getLocale(); ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ispok/pres/inter/ispok", locale); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale); SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat) df; String pattern = sdf.toPattern(); String localPattern = sdf.toLocalizedPattern(); logger.debug("pattern: {}", pattern); logger.debug("localized pattern: {}", localPattern); Date date; try {// ww w. j a va2s. c o m date = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).parse(string); } catch (ParseException ex) { FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "invalid date", pattern); throw new ConverterException(msg); } if (date.after(new Date())) { FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, rb.getString("birthdate_invalid"), rb.getString("birthdate_valid_future")); throw new ConverterException(msg); } Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(1850, 1, 1); if (date.before(c.getTime())) { FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, rb.getString("birthdate_invalid"), rb.getString("birthdate_valid_past")); throw new ConverterException(msg); } return date; }
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public void testSkipExpired() { Date date = new Date(); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date);//from www . j a v a2 s .co m calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -28); // age is 4 weeks Patient patient = new Patient(); patient.setBirthdate(calendar.getTime()); patient.setDateCreated(calendar.getTime()); Capture<Date> minDateCapture = new Capture<Date>(); Capture<Date> dueDateCapture = new Capture<Date>(); Capture<Date> lateDateCapture = new Capture<Date>(); Capture<Date> maxDateCapture = new Capture<Date>(); List<Obs> obsList = new ArrayList<Obs>(); List<ExpectedObs> expectedObsList = new ArrayList<ExpectedObs>(); expect(registrarBean.getObs(patient, opvSchedule.getConceptName(), opvSchedule.getValueConceptName(), patient.getBirthdate())).andReturn(obsList); expect(registrarBean.getExpectedObs(patient, opvSchedule.getName())).andReturn(expectedObsList); expect(registrarBean.createExpectedObs(eq(patient), eq(opvSchedule.getConceptName()), eq(opvSchedule.getValueConceptName()), eq(opv1Event.getNumber()), capture(minDateCapture), capture(dueDateCapture), capture(lateDateCapture), capture(maxDateCapture), eq(opv1Event.getName()), eq(opvSchedule.getName()))).andReturn(new ExpectedObs()); calendar.set(2010, 03, 10); expect(registrarBean.getChildRegistrationDate()).andReturn(calendar.getTime()); calendar.set(2011, 03, 10); Encounter encounter = new Encounter(); encounter.setEncounterDatetime(calendar.getTime()); expect(registrarBean.getEncounters(patient, MotechConstants.ENCOUNTER_TYPE_PATIENTREGVISIT, patient.getBirthdate())).andReturn(Arrays.asList(encounter)); replay(registrarBean); opvSchedule.updateSchedule(patient, date); verify(registrarBean); Date dueDate = dueDateCapture.getValue(); Date lateDate = lateDateCapture.getValue(); assertNotNull("Due date is null", dueDate); assertNotNull("Late date is null", lateDate); assertTrue("Late date is not after due date", lateDate.after(dueDate)); }
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@RequestMapping(value = "/module/OT/ajax/validateRescheduleDate.htm", method = RequestMethod.GET) public void validateRescheduleDate(@RequestParam("rescheduleDate") String rescheduleDateStr, @RequestParam("rescheduledTime") String rescheduledTimeStr, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ParseException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); Date rescheduleDate = OperationTheatreUtil.parseDate(rescheduleDateStr + " " + rescheduledTimeStr); Date now = new Date(); String currentDateStr = OperationTheatreUtil.formatDate(now) + " 12:00 AM"; Date currentDate = OperationTheatreUtil.parseDate(currentDateStr); if (rescheduleDate.after(currentDate)) writer.print("success"); else/*w w w. j a v a2 s .co m*/ writer.print("fail"); }
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@Override public boolean isValid(Object value) { int range = Utils.getAppCountry().equals(Constants.GH) ? -3 : -2; if (Utils.currentPage().contains("TtGenList")) { return true; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ boolean notFuture; if (value != null && value instanceof Date) { Date dateValue = (Date) value; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.add(Calendar.YEAR, range); notFuture = !DateUtils.truncate(dateValue, Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) .after(DateUtils.truncate(new Date(), Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); // value must not be in future return notFuture && dateValue.after(cal.getTime()); } return true; }
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private void updateTripWithVmsPositionCount(TripDTO trip, Collection<MovementMapResponseType> movementMap) { Integer count = 0;/* w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (trip != null && (trip.getRelativeFirstFaDateTime() != null && trip.getRelativeLastFaDateTime() != null)) { for (MovementMapResponseType map : movementMap) { for (MovementType movement : map.getMovements()) { if (movement.getPositionTime() != null) { Date movementDate = movement.getPositionTime(); if (movementDate.after(trip.getRelativeFirstFaDateTime()) && movementDate.before(trip.getRelativeLastFaDateTime())) { count++; } } } } trip.setVmsPositionCount(count); } }
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@Override public OCSPToken getOCSPToken(CertificateToken certificateToken, CertificateToken issuerCertificateToken) { if (dataLoader == null) { throw new NullPointerException("DataLoad is not provided !"); }/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ try { final String dssIdAsString = certificateToken.getDSSIdAsString(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("--> OnlineOCSPSource queried for " + dssIdAsString); } final X509Certificate x509Certificate = certificateToken.getCertificate(); final String ocspAccessLocation = getAccessLocation(x509Certificate); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ocspAccessLocation)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"No OCSP location found for " + dssIdAsString); } certificateToken.extraInfo().infoNoOcspUriFoundInCertificate(); return null; } final X509Certificate issuerX509Certificate = issuerCertificateToken.getCertificate(); final byte[] content = buildOCSPRequest(x509Certificate, issuerX509Certificate); final byte[] ocspRespBytes =, content); final OCSPResp ocspResp = new OCSPResp(ocspRespBytes); final BasicOCSPResp basicOCSPResp = (BasicOCSPResp) ocspResp.getResponseObject(); if (nonceSource != null) { Extension extension = basicOCSPResp.getExtension(OCSPObjectIdentifiers.id_pkix_ocsp_nonce); DEROctetString derReceivedNonce = (DEROctetString) extension.getExtnValue(); BigInteger receivedNonce = new BigInteger(derReceivedNonce.getOctets()); if (!receivedNonce.equals(nonceSource.getNonce())) { throw new DSSException("The OCSP request for " + dssIdAsString + " was the victim of replay attack: nonce [sent:" + nonceSource.getNonce() + ", received:" + receivedNonce + "]"); } } Date bestUpdate = null; SingleResp bestSingleResp = null; final CertificateID certId = DSSRevocationUtils.getOCSPCertificateID(x509Certificate, issuerX509Certificate); for (final SingleResp singleResp : basicOCSPResp.getResponses()) { if (DSSRevocationUtils.matches(certId, singleResp)) { final Date thisUpdate = singleResp.getThisUpdate(); if ((bestUpdate == null) || thisUpdate.after(bestUpdate)) { bestSingleResp = singleResp; bestUpdate = thisUpdate; } } } if (bestSingleResp != null) { final OCSPToken ocspToken = new OCSPToken(basicOCSPResp, bestSingleResp); ocspToken.setSourceURI(ocspAccessLocation); certificateToken.setRevocationToken(ocspToken); return ocspToken; } } catch (NullPointerException e) { throw new DSSException( "OCSPResp is initialised with a null OCSP response... (and there is no nullity check in the OCSPResp implementation)", e); } catch (OCSPException e) { throw new DSSException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DSSException(e); } return null; }
From source
/** * Try to validate the client credentials by parsing and validating the JWT. *///from w w w. j a va 2 @Override public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { JWTBearerAssertionAuthenticationToken jwtAuth = (JWTBearerAssertionAuthenticationToken) authentication; try { ClientDetailsEntity client = clientService.loadClientByClientId(jwtAuth.getClientId()); JWT jwt = jwtAuth.getJwt(); JWTClaimsSet jwtClaims = jwt.getJWTClaimsSet(); // check the signature with nimbus if (jwt instanceof SignedJWT) { SignedJWT jws = (SignedJWT) jwt; JWSAlgorithm alg = jws.getHeader().getAlgorithm(); if (client.getTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg() != null && !client.getTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg().equals(alg)) { throw new InvalidClientException("Client's registered request object signing algorithm (" + client.getRequestObjectSigningAlg() + ") does not match request object's actual algorithm (" + alg.getName() + ")"); } if (client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod() == null || client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.NONE) || client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.SECRET_BASIC) || client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.SECRET_POST)) { // this client doesn't support this type of authentication throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Client does not support this authentication method."); } else if ((client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.PRIVATE_KEY) && (alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.RS256) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.RS384) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.RS512) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.ES256) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.ES384) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.ES512) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.PS256) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.PS384) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.PS512))) || (client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.SECRET_JWT) && (alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS256) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS384) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS512)))) { // double-check the method is asymmetrical if we're in HEART mode if (config.isHeartMode() && !client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod().equals(AuthMethod.PRIVATE_KEY)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("[HEART mode] Invalid authentication method"); } JWTSigningAndValidationService validator = validators.getValidator(client, alg); if (validator == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Unable to create signature validator for client " + client + " and algorithm " + alg); } if (!validator.validateSignature(jws)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Signature did not validate for presented JWT authentication."); } } else { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Unable to create signature validator for method " + client.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod() + " and algorithm " + alg); } } // check the issuer if (jwtClaims.getIssuer() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Assertion Token Issuer is null"); } else if (!jwtClaims.getIssuer().equals(client.getClientId())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Issuers do not match, expected " + client.getClientId() + " got " + jwtClaims.getIssuer()); } // check expiration if (jwtClaims.getExpirationTime() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Assertion Token does not have required expiration claim"); } else { // it's not null, see if it's expired Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.after(jwtClaims.getExpirationTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Assertion Token is expired: " + jwtClaims.getExpirationTime()); } } // check not before if (jwtClaims.getNotBeforeTime() != null) { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.before(jwtClaims.getNotBeforeTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Assertion Token not valid untill: " + jwtClaims.getNotBeforeTime()); } } // check issued at if (jwtClaims.getIssueTime() != null) { // since it's not null, see if it was issued in the future Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.before(jwtClaims.getIssueTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Assertion Token was issued in the future: " + jwtClaims.getIssueTime()); } } // check audience if (jwtClaims.getAudience() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Assertion token audience is null"); } else if (!(jwtClaims.getAudience().contains(config.getIssuer()) || jwtClaims.getAudience().contains(config.getIssuer() + "token"))) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Audience does not match, expected " + config.getIssuer() + " or " + (config.getIssuer() + "token") + " got " + jwtClaims.getAudience()); } // IFF we managed to get all the way down here, the token is valid // add in the ROLE_CLIENT authority Set<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new HashSet<>(client.getAuthorities()); authorities.add(ROLE_CLIENT); return new JWTBearerAssertionAuthenticationToken(client.getClientId(), jwt, authorities); } catch (InvalidClientException e) { throw new UsernameNotFoundException("Could not find client: " + jwtAuth.getClientId()); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("Failure during authentication, error was: ", e); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Invalid JWT format"); } }
From source
/** * Check entry against If-Modified-Since, if If-Modified-Since is in the * future it is invalid as per//from ww w. ja v a2 s .com * * * @param request * @param entry * @param now * @return */ private boolean lastModifiedValidatorMatches(HttpRequest request, HttpCacheEntry entry, Date now) { Header lastModifiedHeader = entry.getFirstHeader(HeaderConstants.LAST_MODIFIED); Date lastModified = null; try { if (lastModifiedHeader != null) { lastModified = DateUtils.parseDate(lastModifiedHeader.getValue()); } } catch (DateParseException dpe) { // nop } if (lastModified == null) { return false; } for (Header h : request.getHeaders(HeaderConstants.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) { try { Date ifModifiedSince = DateUtils.parseDate(h.getValue()); if (ifModifiedSince.after(now) || lastModified.after(ifModifiedSince)) { return false; } } catch (DateParseException dpe) { // nop } } return true; }