List of usage examples for java.util Date after
public boolean after(Date when)
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/* w ww .j a va 2 s. c o m*/ */ @Override public void inject(final String triggerName, final Long intervalTotal, final InjectionJobInterrupted interrupted) { Date currentTime = new Date(); List<Feed> enabledFeeds = getInjectableFeeds(triggerName, intervalTotal, currentTime); // Only log when we're not doing distributed injection - so to not get this every second if (logger.isInfoEnabled() && intervalTotal == null)"Performing feed injection under trigger '" + triggerName + "' (" + enabledFeeds.size() + " feed" + (enabledFeeds.size() != 1 ? "s" : "") + ")"); // We report on the number of feeds first, and then move on to potentially canceling the operation if (Boolean.getBoolean("profiler.indexing.disabled")) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) "Indexing has been explicitly disabled using 'profiler.indexing.disabled=true'. Skipping injection."); return; } for (Feed feed : enabledFeeds) { if (interrupted.isInterrupted()) { logger.warn("This job was interrupted - not continuing with feed injection"); break; } // Mark this feed's injection date (ahead of the actual injection - but then this is not such a critical matter) profilerService.updateFeedLastInjected(feed.getId(), currentTime); // Determine whether this feed falls within the anonymization run from / until range if (feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null) { Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(), runFrom = feed.getFeedAnonymization().getRunFrom(), runUntil = feed.getFeedAnonymization().getRunUntil(); if ((runFrom != null && currentDate.before(runFrom)) || (runUntil != null && currentDate.after(runUntil))) {"The feed with name '" + feed.getName() + "' falls outside of its anonymization run from/until date - skipping"); continue; } } // Create a map out of the feed result parameters Map<String, String> resultParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (feed.getFeedResultParameters() != null && feed.getFeedResultParameters().size() > 0) for (FeedResultParameter feedResultParameter : feed.getFeedResultParameters()) { if (resultParameters.containsKey(feedResultParameter.getFieldName())) logger.warn("The result map already contains a parameter named '" + feedResultParameter.getFieldName() + "' - it will be overwritten"); resultParameters.put(feedResultParameter.getFieldName(), feedResultParameter.getFieldValue()); } // Now inject each feed URL for (FeedUrl feedUrl : feed.getFeedUrls()) { if (interrupted.isInterrupted()) { logger.warn("This job was interrupted - not continuing with feed injection"); break; } try { Long feedDelay = 0L, resultDelay = 0L; // Determine the feed-URL specific anonymization settings if (feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null) { // Determine the feed delay feedDelay = feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null && feed.getFeedAnonymization().getFeedDelay() != null ? feed.getFeedAnonymization().getFeedDelay() : 0L; if (feed.getFeedAnonymization().getIsFeedDelayRandomized()) feedDelay = (long) randomGenerator .nextInt(feedDelay.intValue() - RANDOM_RANGE_MINIMUM + 1) + RANDOM_RANGE_MINIMUM; // Don't randomize the result delay here, but instead do this on the contender-side resultDelay = feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null && feed.getFeedAnonymization().getFeedElementDelay() != null ? feed.getFeedAnonymization().getFeedElementDelay() : 0L; } // Perform the optional authentication step String authenticatedUrl = feedUrl.getUrl(); Map<String, String> authenticatedResultParameters = resultParameters; if (feed.getFeedConnection() != null) { if (feed.getFeedConnection().getAuthenticationStrategy() != null) { AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = profilerService.applyAuthenticationStrategy( feed.getFeedConnection().getAuthenticationStrategy(), authenticatedUrl, authenticatedResultParameters); authenticatedUrl = authenticationResult.getUrl(); authenticatedResultParameters = authenticationResult.getResultParameters(); } } URI uri = new URI(authenticatedUrl); String hostname = StringUtils.hasText(uri.getHost()) ? uri.getHost().replace("www.", "") : "localhost";"Injecting feed with name '" + feed.getName() + "' and URI '" + uri + "' into bridge layer"); // Determine which of the result parameters to turn into headers Map<String, String> resultHeaders = null; if (StringUtils.hasText(resultMappingParameter) && StringUtils.hasText(resultMappingHeader)) { if (!authenticatedResultParameters.containsKey(resultMappingParameter)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Result mapping was requested, but result mapping parameter '" + resultMappingParameter + "' is not present in the result parameter map - not adding header '" + resultMappingHeader + "'"); } else { resultHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>(); resultHeaders.put(resultMappingHeader, authenticatedResultParameters.get(resultMappingParameter)); } } // Inject it into the queue resultFeed = new; resultFeed.setUri(uri); resultFeed.setId(feed.getId()); resultFeed.setName(feed.getName()); resultFeed.setHostname(hostname); resultFeed.setCollection(feed.getCollection()); resultFeed.setFeedEncodingOverride(feed.getFeedEncodingOverride()); resultFeed.setResultEncodingOverride(feed.getResultEncodingOverride()); resultFeed.setLanguageOverride(feed.getLanguage()); resultFeed.setSummaryBased(feed.getIsSummaryBased()); resultFeed.setDelay(feedDelay); resultFeed.setElementDelay(resultDelay); resultFeed.setElementDelayRandomized(feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(feed.getFeedAnonymization().getIsFeedElementDelayRandomized())); resultFeed.setUserAgent(determineUserAgent(feed)); resultFeed.setUserAgentsOverride(feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null ? feed.getFeedAnonymization().getPreferredUserAgents() : null); resultFeed.setUserAgentsOverrideRandomized(feed.getFeedAnonymization() != null && Boolean.TRUE .equals(feed.getFeedAnonymization().getIsPreferredUserAgentsRandomized())); resultFeed.setResultParameters(authenticatedResultParameters); resultFeed.setRetrievalRequestHeaders(resultHeaders); injectionService.inject(resultFeed, GroupIdDecorator.decorate(hostname), feedDelay); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.error("The given " + (feed.getFeedConnection() != null && feed.getFeedConnection().getAuthenticationStrategy() != null ? "(unauthenticated) " : "") + "feed URI '" + feedUrl.getUrl() + "' is not valid"); } } } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Finished feed injection for trigger '" + triggerName + "'"); }
From source
/** * ??.//from w w w . j av a 2 s . c o m * * @param token * ?. * * @param vin * vin?. * * @param startTime * ,?yyyymmddhh24miss. * * @param endTime * ,?yyyymmddhh24miss. * @return ?. */ @Override public Response getVinTacksDetail(String token, String vin, String startTime, String endTime) { vin = StringUtils.strip(vin); startTime = StringUtils.strip(startTime); endTime = StringUtils.strip(endTime);"-vin?:" + vin + ",:" + startTime + ",:" + endTime); Date sTime; Date eTime; try { sTime = TimeUtil.parseStringToDate(startTime, HttpConstant.TIME_FORMAT); eTime = TimeUtil.parseStringToDate(endTime, HttpConstant.TIME_FORMAT); } catch (ParseException e) {"-?" + startTime + "" + endTime + "??yyyyMMddHHmmss"); throw new ApplicationException(ErrorConstant.ERROR10002, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (sTime.after(eTime)) {"-?" + startTime + "" + endTime + ",?"); throw new ApplicationException(ErrorConstant.ERROR10003, Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } List<TackDetailInfo> resultList = getTackPonits(vin, startTime, endTime); if (CheckRequestParam.isEmpty(resultList)) {"-VIN:" + vin + "" + startTime + "-" + endTime + ""); return Response.status(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT).header(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store") .header("Pragma", "no-cache").build(); } TackDetailResp resp = new TackDetailResp(); resp.setResultList(resultList); return Response.ok(JacksonUtils.toJsonRuntimeException(resp)).header(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store") .header("Pragma", "no-cache").build(); }
From source
private SynchronizationResult updateIndex(ILogResource log, final Date latestEntryDate, final IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { // Measure runtime final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); ARunWithIndexWriter<SynchronizationResult> runnable = new ARunWithIndexWriter<SynchronizationResult>() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sf.logsaw.index.impl.ARunWithIndexWriter#doRunWithIndexWriter(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter, net.sf.logsaw.core.framework.ILogResource) *///from ww w .j a va2s . c o m @Override protected SynchronizationResult doRunWithIndexWriter(final IndexWriter writer, final ILogResource log) throws CoreException { ILogEntryCollector collector = new ALogEntryCollector(monitor) { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override protected boolean doCollect(final LogEntry entry) throws IOException { final Document doc = new Document(); if (latestEntryDate != null) { Date d = entry.get(log.getDialect().getFieldProvider().getTimestampField()); if (!d.after(latestEntryDate)) { // Skip entry because it was already indexed return false; } } // Setup visitor ILogEntryFieldVisitor visitor = new ILogEntryFieldVisitor() { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sf.logsaw.core.model.ILogEntryFieldVisitor#visit(net.sf.logsaw.core.model.StringLogEntryField) */ @Override public void visit(StringLogEntryField fld) { // Decide whether to analyze the field if (fld.isAnalyzed()) { doc.add(new TextField(fld.getKey(), fld.toIndexedValue(entry.get(fld)), Field.Store.YES)); } else { doc.add(new StringField(fld.getKey(), fld.toIndexedValue(entry.get(fld)), Field.Store.YES)); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sf.logsaw.core.model.ILogEntryFieldVisitor#visit(net.sf.logsaw.core.model.LevelLogEntryField) */ @Override public void visit(LevelLogEntryField fld) { Level lvl = entry.get(fld); Assert.isTrue(lvl.getValue() > 0, "Level value must be a positive integer"); //$NON-NLS-1$ doc.add(new IntField(fld.getKey(), fld.toIndexedValue(lvl), Field.Store.YES)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.sf.logsaw.core.model.ILogEntryFieldVisitor#visit(net.sf.logsaw.core.model.DateLogEntryField) */ @Override public void visit(DateLogEntryField fld) { doc.add(new LongField(fld.getKey(), fld.toIndexedValue(entry.get(fld)), Field.Store.YES)); } }; for (ALogEntryField<?, ?> fld : log.getDialect().getFieldProvider().getAllFields()) { if (entry.contains(fld)) { fld.visit(visitor); } } writer.addDocument(doc); return true; } }; if (log.getDialect().getFieldProvider().getTimestampField() == null) { // We have no barrier timestamp, so perform truncate to avoid duplicates truncate(log, writer); collector.addMessage(new Status(IStatus.INFO, IndexPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.LuceneIndexService_info_autoTruncate_noTimestampField)); } else if (!hasDateComponent(log)) { // The date format only contains time components, so perform truncate to avoid duplicates truncate(log, writer); collector.addMessage(new Status(IStatus.INFO, IndexPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, Messages.LuceneIndexService_info_autoTruncate_noDateComponent)); } // Perform synchronize log.synchronize(collector, monitor); return new SynchronizationResult(monitor.isCanceled(), collector.getTotalCollected(), System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime, collector.getMessages()); } }; return runnable.runWithIndexWriter(log, getAnalyzer(), getMatchVersion()); }
From source
private void jcbRoomActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {// GEN-FIRST:event_jcbRoomActionPerformed final Invoice invoice = this.getInvoiceSelected(); this.refreshService(); if (invoice != null) { this.setEnabledNewServiceFields(true); final User user = invoice.getUser(); this.jtfIdentification.setText(String.valueOf(user.getIdentification())); this.jtfName.setText(user.getName()); this.jdcInitialDate.setMinSelectableDate(invoice.getInitialDate()); final Date finalDate = invoice.getFinalDate(); final Date currentDate = new Date(); if (!DateUtils.isSameDay(currentDate, finalDate) && currentDate.after(finalDate)) { this.jdcInitialDate.setMaxSelectableDate(currentDate); } else {/* ww w . j av a2 s.c o m*/ this.jdcInitialDate.setMaxSelectableDate(invoice.getFinalDate()); } } else { this.setEnabledNewServiceFields(false); this.jtfIdentification.setText(""); this.jtfName.setText(""); } }
From source
/** * 2?1???????????.// w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m * @param fromDate1 * @param toDate1 * @param fromDate2 2 * @param toDate2 2 * @return true:?????false:?????? */ public static boolean isDateInclude(Date fromDate1, Date toDate1, Date fromDate2, Date toDate2) { fromDate1 = truncate(fromDate1, Dates.DAY); toDate1 = truncate(toDate1, Dates.DAY); fromDate2 = truncate(fromDate2, Dates.DAY); toDate2 = truncate(toDate2, Dates.DAY); if ((fromDate1.before(fromDate2) || fromDate1.equals(fromDate2)) && // 11??2??? (toDate1.after(fromDate2) || toDate1.equals(fromDate2)) && (fromDate1.before(toDate2) || fromDate1.equals(toDate2)) && // ???11??2??? (toDate1.after(toDate2) || toDate1.equals(toDate2))) return true; return false; }
From source
@Override public void accept(AisPacket packet) { if (out == null) { // Open new output stream out = getNextOutputStram();//from www .j a v a 2 s .co m } end = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (start == 0) { start = end; } for (IPacketFilter filter : filters) { if (filter.rejectedByFilter(packet)) { return; } } Integer baseMMSI = -1; String country = ""; String region = ""; Vdm vdm = packet.getVdm(); if (vdm == null) { return; } // Get source tag properties IProprietarySourceTag sourceTag = vdm.getSourceTag(); if (sourceTag != null) { baseMMSI = sourceTag.getBaseMmsi(); if (sourceTag.getCountry() != null) { country = sourceTag.getCountry().getTwoLetter(); } if (sourceTag.getRegion() != null) { region = sourceTag.getRegion(); } } if (region.equals("")) { region = "0"; } // Maybe check for start date Date timestamp = vdm.getTimestamp(); if (filter.getStartDate() != null && timestamp != null) { if (timestamp.before(filter.getStartDate())) { return; } } // Maybe check for end date if (filter.getEndDate() != null && timestamp != null) { if (timestamp.after(filter.getEndDate())) { System.exit(0); } } // Maybe check for base station MMSI if (filter.getBaseStations().size() > 0) { if (!filter.getBaseStations().contains(baseMMSI)) { return; } } // Maybe check for country if (filter.getCountries().size() > 0) { if (!filter.getCountries().contains(country)) { return; } } // Maybe check for region if (filter.getRegions().size() > 0) { if (!filter.getRegions().contains(region)) { return; } } if (stop) { return; } // Count message msgCount++; // Print tag line packet out.print(packet.getStringMessage() + "\r\n"); // Count bytes bytes += packet.getStringMessage().length() + 2; currentFileBytes += packet.getStringMessage().length() + 2; // Maybe print parsed if (dumpParsed) { if (timestamp != null) { out.println("+ timetamp " + timestampFormat.format(timestamp)); } if (vdm.getTags() != null) { for (IProprietaryTag tag : vdm.getTags()) { out.println("+ " + tag.toString()); } } AisMessage aisMessage = packet.tryGetAisMessage(); if (aisMessage != null) { out.println("+ " + aisMessage.toString()); } else { out.println("+ AIS message could not be parsed"); } // Check for binary message if (aisMessage instanceof AisBinaryMessage) { AisBinaryMessage binaryMessage = (AisBinaryMessage) aisMessage; try { AisApplicationMessage appMessage = binaryMessage.getApplicationMessage(); out.println(appMessage); } catch (SixbitException e) { } } out.println("---------------------------"); } // Maybe time for new outfile if (splitSize != null && currentFileBytes >= splitSize) { out.close(); out = null; currentFileBytes = 0; } }
From source
private void addComments(List<ArtifactSoapDO> artifactHistory, ArtifactSoapDO artifact, Date lastModifiedDate, String connectorUser, String resyncUser) { try {//from ww w.j a va 2 s.c o m CommentSoapList commentList = mSfSoap.getCommentList(mSessionId, artifact.getId()); CommentSoapRow[] comments = commentList.getDataRows(); if (comments != null) { for (CommentSoapRow comment : comments) { String createdBy = comment.getCreatedBy(); Date createdDate = comment.getDateCreated(); if (createdBy.equals(connectorUser) || createdBy.equals(resyncUser)) { continue; } if (lastModifiedDate.after(createdDate) || lastModifiedDate.equals(createdDate)) { continue; } String description = comment.getDescription(); description = "\nOriginal commenter: " + createdBy + "\n" + description; boolean commentSet = false; for (ArtifactSoapDO artifactDO : artifactHistory) { // TODO If nothing is matching what will happen? // if(artifactDO.getLastModifiedDate().after(createdDate) // || // artifactDO.getLastModifiedDate().equals(createdDate)){ // TODO If more than one comment is added, How this will // behave? this.addComment(ArtifactMetaData.SFEEFields.commentText.getFieldName(), artifactDO, description); commentSet = true; break; // } } if (!commentSet) { log.error("Comment " + description + " Could not be set " + createdDate); } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("Could not get comments list for artifact " + artifact.getId() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * @see *//* w w w .java2 s . com*/ public AccountResetResponse verifyResetRequest(final AccountResetRequest request) throws AccountResetException { final String methodName = IAccountResetProcessor.CNAME + "#verifyResetRequest(final AccountResetRequest request) throws AccountResetException"; if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug(methodName); DEBUGGER.debug("AccountResetRequest: {}", request); } AccountResetResponse response = new AccountResetResponse(); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); final RequestHostInfo reqInfo = request.getHostInfo(); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Calendar: {}", cal); DEBUGGER.debug("RequestHostInfo: {}", reqInfo); } try { cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, secConfig.getResetTimeout()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("Reset expiry: {}", cal.getTimeInMillis()); } // the request id should be in here, so lets make sure it exists List<Object> resetData = userSec.getResetData(request.getResetRequestId()); final String commonName = (String) resetData.get(0); final Date resetTimestamp = (Date) resetData.get(1); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("String: {}", commonName); DEBUGGER.debug("Date: {}", resetTimestamp); } // make sure the timestamp is appropriate if (resetTimestamp.after(cal.getTime())) { response.setRequestStatus(SecurityRequestStatus.FAILURE); } // good, now we have something we can look for List<Object> userList = userManager.loadUserAccount(commonName); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("userList: {}", userList); } // we expect back only one if ((userList == null) || (userList.size() == 0)) { throw new AccountResetException("Unable to load user account information. Cannot continue."); } UserAccount userAccount = new UserAccount(); userAccount.setStatus(LoginStatus.RESET); userAccount.setGuid((String) userList.get(0)); userAccount.setUsername((String) userList.get(1)); userAccount.setSurname((String) userList.get(5)); userAccount.setGivenName((String) userList.get(6)); userAccount.setDisplayName((String) userList.get(7)); userAccount.setEmailAddr((String) userList.get(8)); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("UserAccount: {}", userAccount); } // remove the reset request boolean isRemoved = userSec.removeResetData(userAccount.getGuid(), request.getResetRequestId()); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("isRemoved: {}", isRemoved); } if (!(isRemoved)) { ERROR_RECORDER.error("Failed to remove provided reset request from datastore"); } response.setRequestStatus(SecurityRequestStatus.SUCCESS); response.setUserAccount(userAccount); if (DEBUG) { DEBUGGER.debug("AccountResetResponse: {}", response); } } catch (SecurityServiceException ssx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(ssx.getMessage(), ssx); throw new AccountResetException(ssx.getMessage(), ssx); } catch (SQLException sqx) { ERROR_RECORDER.error(sqx.getMessage(), sqx); throw new AccountResetException(sqx.getMessage(), sqx); } return response; }
From source
public boolean isOrderExpired(final PrescriptionItem item, final Date creationDate) { final Double drugToPickUp = item.getDrugToPickUp(); final Date nextPickUpDate = this.getNextPickUpDate(item.getDrugOrder()); final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(nextPickUpDate);/*from w w w . ja v a 2s . co m*/ calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, drugToPickUp.intValue()); while ((calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY) || (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY)) { calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1); } return creationDate.after(calendar.getTime()); }