Example usage for java.util Date after

List of usage examples for java.util Date after


In this page you can find the example usage for java.util Date after.


public boolean after(Date when) 

Source Link


Tests if this date is after the specified date.


From source file:com.android.loganalysis.item.LogcatItem.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from  w ww. j  ava  2 s  . co  m
public LogcatItem merge(IItem other) throws ConflictingItemException {
    if (this == other) {
        return this;
    if (other == null || !(other instanceof LogcatItem)) {
        throw new ConflictingItemException("Conflicting class types");

    LogcatItem logcat = (LogcatItem) other;

    Date start = logcat.getStartTime().before(getStartTime()) ? logcat.getStartTime() : getStartTime();
    Date stop = logcat.getStopTime().after(getStopTime()) ? logcat.getStopTime() : getStopTime();
    Date overlapStart = logcat.getStartTime().after(getStartTime()) ? logcat.getStartTime() : getStartTime();
    Date overlapStop = logcat.getStopTime().before(getStopTime()) ? logcat.getStopTime() : getStopTime();

    // Make sure that all events in the overlapping span are
    ItemList mergedEvents = new ItemList();
    for (MiscLogcatItem event : getEvents()) {
        final Date eventTime = event.getEventTime();
        if (eventTime.after(overlapStart) && eventTime.before(overlapStop)
                && !logcat.getEvents().contains(event)) {
            throw new ConflictingItemException(
                    "Event in first logcat not contained in " + "overlapping portion of other logcat.");

    for (MiscLogcatItem event : logcat.getEvents()) {
        final Date eventTime = event.getEventTime();
        if (eventTime.after(overlapStart) && eventTime.before(overlapStop)) {
            if (!getEvents().contains(event)) {
                throw new ConflictingItemException(
                        "Event in first logcat not contained in " + "overlapping portion of other logcat.");
        } else {

    LogcatItem mergedLogcat = new LogcatItem();
    mergedLogcat.setAttribute(EVENTS, mergedEvents);
    return mergedLogcat;

From source file:com.salesmanager.core.util.ProductUtil.java

public static String formatHTMLProductPrice(Locale locale, String currency, Product view,
        boolean showDiscountDate, boolean shortDiscountFormat) {

    if (currency == null) {
        log.error("Currency is null ...");
        return "-N/A-";
    }//from   w  w  w  .  j av  a  2s  .  co  m

    int decimalPlace = 2;

    String prefix = "";
    String suffix = "";

    Map currenciesmap = RefCache.getCurrenciesListWithCodes();
    Currency c = (Currency) currenciesmap.get(currency);

    // regular price
    BigDecimal bdprodprice = view.getProductPrice();

    Date dt = new Date();

    // discount price
    java.util.Date spdate = null;
    java.util.Date spenddate = null;
    BigDecimal bddiscountprice = null;
    Special special = view.getSpecial();
    if (special != null) {
        spdate = special.getSpecialDateAvailable();
        spenddate = special.getExpiresDate();
        if (spdate.before(new Date(dt.getTime())) && spenddate.after(new Date(dt.getTime()))) {
            bddiscountprice = special.getSpecialNewProductPrice();

    // all other prices
    Set prices = view.getPrices();
    if (prices != null) {
        Iterator pit = prices.iterator();
        while (pit.hasNext()) {
            ProductPrice pprice = (ProductPrice) pit.next();
            if (pprice.isDefaultPrice()) {
                suffix = pprice.getPriceSuffix();
                bddiscountprice = null;
                spdate = null;
                spenddate = null;
                bdprodprice = pprice.getProductPriceAmount();
                ProductPriceSpecial ppspecial = pprice.getSpecial();
                if (ppspecial != null) {
                    if (ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate() != null
                            && ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate() != null) {
                        spdate = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialStartDate();
                        spenddate = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialEndDate();
                    bddiscountprice = ppspecial.getProductPriceSpecialAmount();

    double fprodprice = 0;
    if (bdprodprice != null) {
        fprodprice = bdprodprice.setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

    // regular price String
    String regularprice = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedCssAmountWithCurrency(bdprodprice, currency);

    // discount price String
    String discountprice = null;
    String savediscount = null;

    if (bddiscountprice != null && (spdate != null && spdate.before(new Date(dt.getTime()))
            && spenddate.after(new Date(dt.getTime())))) {

        double fdiscountprice = bddiscountprice.setScale(decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).doubleValue();

        discountprice = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(bddiscountprice, currency);

        double arith = fdiscountprice / fprodprice;
        double fsdiscount = 100 - arith * 100;

        Float percentagediscount = new Float(fsdiscount);

        savediscount = String.valueOf(percentagediscount.intValue());


    StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer();
    p.append("<div class='product-price'>");
    if (discountprice == null) {
        p.append("<div class='product-price-price' style='width:50%;float:left;'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        p.append("<div class='product-line'>&nbsp;</div>");
    } else {
        p.append("<div style='width:50%;float:left;'>");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        p.append("<div style='width:50%;float:right;'>");
        p.append("<font color='red'>").append(discountprice);
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(suffix)) {
            p.append(suffix).append(" ");
        if (!shortDiscountFormat) {
            p.append("<br>").append("<font color='red' style='font-size:75%;'>")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.save")).append(": ")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.percentsign")).append(" ")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.off")).append("</font>");

        if (showDiscountDate && spenddate != null) {
            p.append("<br>").append(" <font style='font-size:65%;'>")
                    .append(LabelUtil.getInstance().getText(locale, "label.generic.until")).append("&nbsp;")

    return p.toString();


From source file:edu.sjsu.cmpe275.project.service.SearchRoomAvailability.java

private boolean isAvailable(Room room, Date checkinDate, Date checkoutDate) {
    List<Reservation> reservations = room.getReservationList();
    if (reservations == null) {
        return true;
    }//from   w  ww  .jav a  2s. c o  m
    //traverse all the reservation to check availability
    for (Reservation reservation : reservations) {
        Date inDate = reservation.getCheckinDate();
        Date outDate = reservation.getCheckoutDate();
        if ((inDate.getTime() == checkinDate.getTime()) || (outDate.getTime() == checkoutDate.getTime())
                || (inDate.after(checkinDate) && inDate.before(checkoutDate))
                || (outDate.after(checkinDate) && outDate.before(checkoutDate))) {
            return false;
    return true;

From source file:net.audumla.climate.bom.BOMSimpleClimateForcastObserver.java

public boolean supportsDate(Date date) {
    Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
    c.setTime(Time.getToday());// ww w .j  a v a  2s .  com
    return date.after(c.getTime());

From source file:com.inmobi.messaging.consumer.util.TestUtil.java

public static void prepareExpectedDeltaPck(Date fromTime, Date toTime,
        Map<Integer, PartitionCheckpoint> expectedDeltaPck, FileStatus file, Path streamDir,
        Set<Integer> partitionMinList, PartitionCheckpointList partitionCheckpointList, boolean isStart,
        boolean isFileCompleted) {
    Map<Integer, Date> chkTimeStampMap = new HashMap<Integer, Date>();
    // prepare a checkpoint map
    prepareChkpointTimeMap(chkTimeStampMap, partitionMinList, partitionCheckpointList);
    Calendar current = Calendar.getInstance();
    current.setTime(fromTime);//from  w w  w .  j a  v  a  2s .  com
    int lineNum;
    if (isFileCompleted) {
        lineNum = -1;
    } else {
        lineNum = 0;
    if (isStart) {
        Calendar hourCal = Calendar.getInstance();
        hourCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 60);
        Date hourTime = hourCal.getTime();
        while (current.getTime().before(hourTime)) {
            int minute = current.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
            if (partitionMinList.contains(minute)) {
                Date chkTime = chkTimeStampMap.get(minute);
                if (chkTime == null || chkTime.before(current.getTime())) {
                    expectedDeltaPck.put(Integer.valueOf(minute), new PartitionCheckpoint(
                            DatabusStreamWaitingReader.getHadoopStreamFile(streamDir, current.getTime()),
            current.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
    if (!isStart) {
        current.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
        while (current.getTime().before(toTime)) {
            int minute = current.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
            if (partitionMinList.contains(minute)) {
                Date chkTime = chkTimeStampMap.get(minute);
                if (chkTime == null || !chkTime.after(current.getTime())) {
                    expectedDeltaPck.put(Integer.valueOf(minute), new PartitionCheckpoint(
                            DatabusStreamWaitingReader.getHadoopStreamFile(streamDir, current.getTime()), -1));
            current.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
    if (file != null) {
        int minute = current.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
                new PartitionCheckpoint(DatabusStreamWaitingReader.getHadoopStreamFile(file), -1));
    } else {
        int minute = current.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
        expectedDeltaPck.put(Integer.valueOf(minute), new PartitionCheckpoint(
                DatabusStreamWaitingReader.getHadoopStreamFile(streamDir, current.getTime()), -1));

From source file:com.feilong.core.date.DateUtil.java

 *  <code>date</code>?  <code>whenDate</code>?.
 * @param date/*w  ww .  j a  v a  2  s . co  m*/
 * @param whenDate
 * @return  <code>date</code> null,false<br>
 *          <code>when</code> null,<br>
 *         ? <code>date.after(when)</code>
 * @see java.util.Date#after(Date)
 * @since 1.2.2
public static boolean isAfter(Date date, Date whenDate) {
    Validate.notNull(whenDate, "whenDate can't be null!");
    return null == date ? false : date.after(whenDate);

From source file:mitm.common.security.crl.CRLUtils.java

 * Returns 0 if crl and otherCRL have similar validity (ie no one is newer than the other), 
 * > 0 if crl is newer than otherCRL and < 0 if crl is older than otherCRL 
 *//*from  w  w w .  j  a v a  2 s  .c  o  m*/
public static int compare(X509CRL crl, X509CRL otherCRL) throws IOException, MissingDateException {
    BigInteger crlNumber = X509CRLInspector.getCRLNumber(crl);
    BigInteger otherCRLNumber = X509CRLInspector.getCRLNumber(crl);

    Date thisUpdate = crl.getThisUpdate();
    Date otherThisUpdate = otherCRL.getThisUpdate();

    if (thisUpdate == null || otherThisUpdate == null) {
        throw new MissingDateException("One of the CRLs has a missing thisUpdate.");

    int cmp;

    if (crlNumber != null && otherCRLNumber != null) {
        cmp = crlNumber.compareTo(otherCRLNumber);

        if (cmp > 0) {
            if (thisUpdate.before(otherThisUpdate)) {
                logger.warn("According to CRL numbers a new CRL is found but thisUpdate is older.");

            logger.debug("The CRL number is bigger and is therefore more recent.");
        } else if (cmp == 0) {
             * same CRL number but thisUpdate can be newer
            cmp = thisUpdate.compareTo(otherThisUpdate);

            if (cmp > 0) {
                logger.debug("The CRL numbers are equal but thisUpdate is newer.");
        } else {
            if (thisUpdate.after(otherThisUpdate)) {
                logger.warn("According to CRL numbers this not a new CRL but thisUpdate is newer.");
    } else {
         * no CRL number so compare thisUpdate
        cmp = thisUpdate.compareTo(otherThisUpdate);

        if (cmp > 0) {
            logger.debug("A more recent CRL is found.");

    return cmp;

From source file:net.yacy.cora.protocol.ResponseHeader.java

 * Get the http field Date or now (if header date missing)
 * @return date message was created or now
 *///  www.  j  av a  2s. c om
public Date date() {
    if (this.date_cache_Date != null)
        return this.date_cache_Date;
    final Date d = headerDate(HeaderFramework.DATE);
    final Date now = new Date();
    this.date_cache_Date = (d == null) ? now : d.after(now) ? now : d;
    return this.date_cache_Date;

From source file:admin.jmx.SimpleJobExecutionMetrics.java

private StepExecution getLatestStepExecution(JobExecution jobExecution) {
    Collection<StepExecution> stepExecutions = jobExecution.getStepExecutions();
    StepExecution stepExecution = null;//from w ww.jav a 2  s  .c o m
    if (!stepExecutions.isEmpty()) {
        Date latest = new Date(0L);
        for (StepExecution candidate : stepExecutions) {
            Date stepDate = candidate.getEndTime();
            stepDate = stepDate == null ? new Date() : stepDate;
            if (stepDate.after(latest)) {
                latest = stepDate;
                stepExecution = candidate;
            } else if (stepExecution != null && stepDate.equals(latest)
                    && candidate.getId() > stepExecution.getId()) {
                // Tie breaker using ID
                stepExecution = candidate;
    return stepExecution;