List of usage examples for java.util Date after
public boolean after(Date when)
From source
@Override protected String getValue(String visitIDFilter, String userNameFilter, String accessName) throws Exception { String filepath = "file:" + LocalProperties.get(URL_PROP); Resource xmlfile = new FileSystemResourceLoader().getResource(filepath); XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory(xmlfile); long tolerance = LocalProperties.getAsInt(SHIFT_TOL_PROP, 1440); // if not filtering on visit ID if (visitIDFilter == null || visitIDFilter.isEmpty()) { //loop over all the beans String values = ""; Map<String, XMLIcatEntry> beans = bf.getBeansOfType(XMLIcatEntry.class); for (XMLIcatEntry bean : beans.values()) { // filter on username String names[] = bean.getUsernames().split(","); if (ArrayUtils.contains(names, userNameFilter)) { // filter on date Date now; if (operatingDate != null) { now = operatingDate; } else { now = new Date(); }/* w w w.j ava 2s . co m*/ Date start = formatter.parse(bean.getExperimentStart()); Date end = formatter.parse(bean.getExperimentStart()); start.setTime(start.getTime() - tolerance * 60000);// tolerance is in minutes but getTime returns in // ms end.setTime(end.getTime() + tolerance * 60000); // tolerance is in minutes but getTime returns in ms if (now.after(start) && now.before(end)) { // add to return string try { if (values.isEmpty()) { values = BeanUtils.getProperty(bean, accessName); } else { values += "," + BeanUtils.getProperty(bean, accessName); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception trying to get property " + accessName + " from bean.", e); } } } } // return the values string if (values.isEmpty()) { return null; } return values; } // else find the experiment for that visit and get its property XMLIcatEntry visit = bf.getBean(visitIDFilter, XMLIcatEntry.class); String names[] = visit.getUsernames().split(","); if (ArrayUtils.contains(names, userNameFilter)) { try { return BeanUtils.getProperty(visit, accessName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception trying to get property " + accessName + " from bean.", e); } } // else return null; }
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public static Map<String, List<String>> getIteration(Configuration configuration, String projectId) throws IOException, ParseException, URISyntaxException { RallyRestApi restApi = loginRally(configuration); Map<String, List<String>> testSetsInformation = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); QueryRequest iterationRequest = new QueryRequest("Iteration"); iterationRequest.setProject("/project/" + projectId); iterationRequest.setLimit(2000);//from w w w. ja v a 2 s . c o m QueryResponse iterationResponse = restApi.query(iterationRequest); JsonArray iterationArray = iterationResponse.getResults(); QueryFilter queryFilter = null; for (int i = 0; i < iterationArray.size(); i++) { JsonElement elements = iterationArray.get(i); JsonObject object = elements.getAsJsonObject(); String ref = object.get("_ref").getAsString(); ref = ref.substring(ref.indexOf("/iteration/")); ref = ref.replace(".js", ""); DateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String strStartDate = object.get("StartDate").getAsString().substring(0, 10); Date startDate = (Date) formatter1.parse(strStartDate); String strEndDate = object.get("EndDate").getAsString().substring(0, 10); Date endDate = (Date) formatter1.parse(strEndDate); Date dateNow = new Date(); if (dateNow.after(startDate) && dateNow.before(endDate)) { if (queryFilter == null) { queryFilter = new QueryFilter("Iteration", "=", ref); } else { queryFilter = queryFilter.or(new QueryFilter("Iteration", "=", ref)); } } } if (queryFilter != null) { QueryRequest testSetRequest = new QueryRequest("TestSet"); testSetRequest.setQueryFilter(queryFilter); String wsapiVersion = "1.43"; restApi.setWsapiVersion(wsapiVersion); testSetRequest.setProject("/project/" + projectId); testSetRequest.setScopedDown(true); QueryResponse testSetQueryResponse = restApi.query(testSetRequest); List<String> iosTestSetList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> winTestSetList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < testSetQueryResponse.getResults().size(); i++) { JsonObject testSetJsonObject = testSetQueryResponse.getResults().get(i).getAsJsonObject(); String testSetId = testSetJsonObject.get("FormattedID").getAsString(); String testSetName = testSetJsonObject.get("Name").getAsString(); if (testSetName.toUpperCase().contains("EOS")) { if (testSetName.toUpperCase().contains("WIN")) { winTestSetList.add(testSetId); } else { iosTestSetList.add(testSetId); } } } testSetsInformation.put("IOS", iosTestSetList); testSetsInformation.put("WIN", winTestSetList); } return testSetsInformation; }
From source
/** * generate student attendance detail for given time range in studentTemplate. map key contains date and * value contains attendance status as AttendeceStatus object. * //w w w . jav a 2s . c o m * @param studentTemplate time rage as template * @param studentId for given studentId(primary key) * @param modelMap - a hash map related to the student attendance. * @return map with attendant status * @throws AkuraAppException when exception occurs */ private Map<String, AttendeceStatus> getAllAttendanceStatus(StudentWiseSwipInOutTemplate studentTemplate, int studentId, ModelMap modelMap) throws AkuraAppException { Date from = DateUtil.getParseDate(studentTemplate.getDateFrom()); Date to = DateUtil.getParseDate(studentTemplate.getDateTo()); Map<String, AttendeceStatus> allDays = new TreeMap<String, AttendeceStatus>(); // if the start date of the student is less than the attendance search from date, // save or edit. Date startedDate = studentService.getStudentStartedDate(studentId); if (startedDate != null && from.after(startedDate) || (startedDate != null && startedDate.equals(from))) { // map contains all the days with absent in default allDays = getDaysWithoutHolydays(from, to); // to overwrite the "allDays" map values for absent with a reason List<StudentLeave> leaveList = studentService.findAlreadyExistLeave(studentId, from, to); for (StudentLeave leave : leaveList) { Date leaveFrom = leave.getFromDate(); Date leaveTo = leave.getToDate(); for (Entry<String, AttendeceStatus> entry : allDays.entrySet()) { Date day = DateUtil.getParseDate(entry.getKey()); if (day.equals(leaveFrom) || day.equals(leaveTo) || (day.after(leaveFrom) && day.before(leaveTo))) { entry.getValue().setDescription(leave.getReason()); } } } // to overwrite the "allDays" map values for attended days List<DailyStudentAttendance> dalyAttendList = dailyAttendanceService.getAttendanceBettween(studentId, from, to); for (DailyStudentAttendance dalyAttend : dalyAttendList) { String dayKey = DateUtil.getFormatDate(dalyAttend.getDate()); if (allDays.containsKey(dayKey)) { AttendeceStatus attendStatus = allDays.get(dayKey); attendStatus.setAbsent(false); attendStatus.setTimeIn(dalyAttend.getTimeIn()); attendStatus.setTimeOut(dalyAttend.getTimeOut()); } } } else { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_FIRST_DATE_ATTENDANCE_ERROR); modelMap.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); } return allDays; }
From source
private void checkRange(String[] formFieldNames) { if (!this.isAttributeFilter() || null != this.getFormFieldErrors() || null == this.getFormFieldValues() || this.getFormFieldValues().size() < 2) return;/*from w ww.j a va 2s. c o m*/ boolean check = false; if (this.getAttribute() instanceof DateAttribute) { Date start = DateConverter.parseDate(this.getFormFieldValues().get(formFieldNames[0]), this.getDateFormat()); Date end = DateConverter.parseDate(this.getFormFieldValues().get(formFieldNames[1]), this.getDateFormat()); check = (!start.equals(end) && start.after(end)); } else if (this.getAttribute() instanceof NumberAttribute) { Integer start = Integer.parseInt(this.getFormFieldValues().get(formFieldNames[0])); Integer end = Integer.parseInt(this.getFormFieldValues().get(formFieldNames[1])); check = (!start.equals(end) && start.intValue() > end.intValue()); } if (check) { this.setFormFieldErrors(new HashMap<String, AttributeFormFieldError>(2)); AttributeFormFieldError error = new AttributeFormFieldError(this.getAttribute().getName(), formFieldNames[1], AttributeFormFieldError.INVALID_RANGE_KEY, null); this.getFormFieldErrors().put(formFieldNames[1], error); } }
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public Date getLastChangedOrDeployed(WGDatabase db) { String designDBKey = _core.getDesignDatabaseKey(db); Date lastDeployed = getLastDeployed(designDBKey); Date lastChanged = db.getLastChanged(); if (lastDeployed == null || (lastChanged != null && lastChanged.after(lastDeployed))) { return lastChanged; } else {//from w ww . j av a 2s . c om return lastDeployed; } }
From source
/** * This method is to Add/Edit/Delete student leave. * /*from w w w . j a v a2s . c om*/ * @param studentLeave - {@link StudentLeave} * @param bindingResult - {@link BindingResult} * @param request - {@link HttpServletRequest} * @param model - {@link ModelMap} * @param session - {@link HttpSession} * @return the name of the view. * @throws AkuraAppException - The exception details that occurred when processing. */ @RequestMapping(value = REQ_MAP_VALUE_SAVEORUPDATE, method = RequestMethod.POST) public String saveOrUpdateStudentLeave(@ModelAttribute(MODEL_ATT_STUDENT_LEAVE) StudentLeave studentLeave, BindingResult bindingResult, HttpServletRequest request, ModelMap model, HttpSession session) throws AkuraAppException { studentLeaveValidator.validate(studentLeave, bindingResult); if (request.getParameter(ATTENDANCE_PAGE).equals(TRUE)) { model.addAttribute(ATTENDANCE_PAGE, TRUE); } else { model.addAttribute(ATTENDANCE_PAGE, FALSE); } if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) { setRatingValue(model, session); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } else { Date dateFrom = studentLeave.getFromDate(); int studentId = (Integer) session.getAttribute(STUDENT_ID); // if the first date of the student is less than the start date of the leave, // save or edit. Date startedDate = studentService.getStudentStartedDate(studentId); if (startedDate != null && dateFrom.after(startedDate) || (startedDate != null && startedDate.equals(dateFrom))) { Date dateTo = studentLeave.getToDate(); Calendar fromDate = Calendar.getInstance(); fromDate.setTime(dateFrom); Calendar toDate = Calendar.getInstance(); toDate.setTime(dateTo); List<Holiday> holidayList = getHolidayList(dateFrom, dateTo); int holidayCount = HolidayUtil.countHolidays(fromDate, toDate, holidayList); int daysCount = StaticDataUtil.daysBetween(dateFrom, dateTo) - holidayCount; if (daysCount > MAXIMUM_LEAVE_DAYS) { if (!studentLeave.getCertificategiven()) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(LEAVE_ERROR); model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } } else if (daysCount == 0) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(LEAVE_ON_HOLIDAY_DATES); model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } String reason = StaticDataUtil.removeExtraWhiteSpace(studentLeave.getReason()); List<StudentLeave> existLeave = studentService.findAlreadyExistLeave(studentId, dateFrom, dateTo); if ((!existLeave.isEmpty() && studentLeave.getStudentLeaveId() == 0) || (!existLeave.isEmpty() && existLeave.get(0).getStudentLeaveId() != studentLeave.getStudentLeaveId())) { model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(ALREADY_EXIST)); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } else if (studentService.isPresentDay(studentId, dateFrom, dateTo)) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_PRESENT_DATE_ERROR); model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } else { studentLeave.setStudentId(studentId); studentLeave.setReason(reason); studentLeave.setNoOfDays(daysCount); if (studentLeave.getStudentLeaveId() == 0) { studentService.createStudentLeave(studentLeave); } else { studentService.updateStudentLeave(studentLeave); } } } else { if (startedDate != null) { String message = new ErrorMsgLoader().getErrorMessage(STUDENT_FIRST_DATE_ERROR); model.addAttribute(MESSAGE, message); return VIEW_GET_STUDENT_LEAVE; } } } return VIEW_POST_MANAGE_STUDENT_LEAVE; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}/*from w w w . ja v a2 s . co m*/ * * @see ch.entwine.weblounge.common.request.WebloungeResponse#setModificationDate(Date) */ @Override public Date setModificationDate(Date modificationDate) { if (modificationDate == null) return this.modificationDate; this.modificationDate = modificationDate.after(this.modificationDate) ? modificationDate : this.modificationDate; if (cacheHandle == null) return this.modificationDate; CacheHandle hdl = cacheHandle.get(); if (hdl == null) return this.modificationDate; return hdl.setModificationDate(modificationDate); }
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public int getState(Date now) { int state;//from ww w. j a v a 2 if (isApproved() && isMainVersion()) { Date from = content.getAvailableFrom(); Date to = content.getAvailableTo(); if (from == null && to == null) { state = ContentStatus.APPROVED.getKey(); } else if (from == null) { if (now.after(to) || now.equals(to)) { state = ContentVersionEntity.STATE_PUBLISH_EXPIRED; } else { state = ContentStatus.APPROVED.getKey(); } } else if (from.after(now)) { state = ContentVersionEntity.STATE_PUBLISH_WAITING; } else { // from.before(now) == true if (to == null || to.after(now)) { state = ContentVersionEntity.STATE_PUBLISHED; } else { state = ContentVersionEntity.STATE_PUBLISH_EXPIRED; } } } else { state = status; } return state; }
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/** * @return <code>true</code> if the file has been modified more recently and should be retransmitted * <br> <code>false</code> if the file has not been modified. *//*from ww w . ja v a 2s . c om*/ private boolean checkModifiedSinceHeader(HttpServletRequest request, Date lastModified) { if (!cacheEnabled) { return true; } lastModified = new Date((lastModified.getTime() / 1000) * 1000); final String header = request.getHeader("If-Modified-Since"); if (isBlank(header)) { return true; } synchronized (HTTP_DATE_FORMAT) { try { final Date lastChecked = HTTP_DATE_FORMAT.parse(header); return lastModified.after(lastChecked); } catch (ParseException e) { return true; } } }
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/** * Returns <i>true</i> if the time for a full service wake-up has * arrived.//from w ww . j ava 2s . c o m * * @return <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> */ public boolean isTimeForFullService() { boolean isTime = false; Logger appLogger = mAppMgr.getLogger(this, "isTimeForFullService"); appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_ENTER); if (mIsFirstService) { Date tsNow = new Date(); String msgStr = String.format("The full service time of '%s' has arrived (first time event).", Field.dateValueFormatted(tsNow, Field.FORMAT_DATETIME_DEFAULT)); appLogger.debug(msgStr); isTime = true; mIsFirstService = false; } else { Date tsNow = new Date(); Date tsFullService = getNextTS("run_full_interval", getLastFullServiceTS()); if (tsNow.after(tsFullService)) { String msgStr = String.format("The full service time of '%s' has arrived.", Field.dateValueFormatted(tsFullService, Field.FORMAT_DATETIME_DEFAULT)); appLogger.debug(msgStr); isTime = true; } } appLogger.trace(mAppMgr.LOGMSG_TRACE_DEPART); return isTime; }