Example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress

List of usage examples for java.net InetAddress getAddress


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress.


public byte[] getAddress() 

Source Link


Returns the raw IP address of this InetAddress object.


From source file:it.infn.ct.code_rade_portlet.java

  * -- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------
  * (DEPRECATED) This method will be left only for some future commits
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
  * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using
  * the GridEngine methods// w ww .j  a  v  a  2  s  .c o  m
  * @param appInput  AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {

    // Job details
    String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable
    String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments
    String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path
    String outputFile = "code-rade-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
    String errorFile = "code-rade-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error
    String appFile = "code-rade-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

    // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
    String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" //
            + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script
            + "," + appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file
    // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
    String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file

    // Take care of job requirements
    // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements'
    // separating each requirement by the ';' character
    // The loop prepares a string array with GridEngine/JSAGA compliant requirements
    String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";");
    int numRequirements = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) {
        if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) {
            jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")";
            _log.info("Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'");
    } // for each jobRequirement

    // Prepare the GridEngine job description
    GEJobDescription jobDesc = new GEJobDescription();
    jobDesc.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable
    jobDesc.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments
    jobDesc.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory
    jobDesc.setOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-output file
    jobDesc.setError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file
    jobDesc.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox) (*)
    jobDesc.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); // Setut input files (InputSandbox)

    // GridEngine' MultiInfrastructure job submission object
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = null;

    // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
    //  GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor
    //  taking no database arguments is used for production environments, while
    //  the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used
    //  for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor
    //  just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters or form
    //  the portlet preferences:
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database
    if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) {
        String DBNM = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/"
                + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database();
        String DBUS = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username();
        String DBPW = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();
        miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(DBNM, DBUS, DBPW, jobDesc);
        _log.info("MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + "    DBNM: '" + DBNM + "'" + LS
                + "    DBUS: '" + DBUS + "'" + LS + "    DBPW: '" + DBPW + "'");
    } else {
        miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(jobDesc);
        _log.info("MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [PROD]");

    // Assigns now all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {
        _log.info("Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'"
                + LS);

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {

        // GridOperations' Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":"
                    + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Setup job requirements
        if (numRequirements > 0)

        // Ready now to submit the Job
        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info(LS + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS
                + "Executable    : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments     : '" + arguments + "'" + LS
                + "Output path   : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS
                + "Ouput file    : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file    : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS
                + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // _log.info
    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0

From source file:it.infn.ct.mi_hostname_portlet.java

  * -- WARNING -------------------------------------------------------
  * (DEPRECATED) This method will be left only for some future commits
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------
  * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using
  * the GridEngine methods/*from   w  ww . j a v  a  2  s .  c o  m*/
  * @param appInput  AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {

    // Job details
    String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable
    String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments
    String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path
    String outputFile = "hostname-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
    String errorFile = "hostname-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error
    String appFile = "hostname-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

    // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
    String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" //
            + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script
            + "," + appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file
    // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
    String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file

    // Take care of job requirements
    // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements'
    // separating each requirement by the ';' character
    // The loop prepares a string array with GridEngine/JSAGA compliant requirements
    String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";");
    int numRequirements = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) {
        if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) {
            jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")";
            _log.info("Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'");
    } // for each jobRequirement

    // Prepare the GridEngine job description
    GEJobDescription jobDesc = new GEJobDescription();
    jobDesc.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable
    jobDesc.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments
    jobDesc.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory
    jobDesc.setOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-output file
    jobDesc.setError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file
    jobDesc.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox) (*)
    jobDesc.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); // Setut input files (InputSandbox)

    // GridEngine' MultiInfrastructure job submission object
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = null;

    // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
    //  GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor
    //  taking no database arguments is used for production environments, while
    //  the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used
    //  for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor
    //  just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters or form
    //  the portlet preferences:
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password
    //      sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database
    if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("")
            && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database()
            && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) {
        String DBNM = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/"
                + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database();
        String DBUS = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username();
        String DBPW = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();
        miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(DBNM, DBUS, DBPW, jobDesc);
        _log.info("MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + "    DBNM: '" + DBNM + "'" + LS
                + "    DBUS: '" + DBUS + "'" + LS + "    DBPW: '" + DBPW + "'");
    } else {
        miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(jobDesc);
        _log.info("MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [PROD]");

    // Assigns now all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {
        _log.info("Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'"
                + LS);

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {

        // GridOperations' Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":"
                    + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Setup job requirements
        if (numRequirements > 0)

        // Ready now to submit the Job
        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info(LS + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS
                + "Executable    : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments     : '" + arguments + "'" + LS
                + "Output path   : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS
                + "Ouput file    : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file    : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS
                + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // _log.info
    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0

From source file:org.opendaylight.netvirt.dhcpservice.DhcpPktHandler.java

protected byte[] getDhcpPacketOut(DHCP reply, Ethernet etherPkt, String phyAddrees) {
    if (reply == null) {
        /*/*from   w  w  w  .  j  av  a2 s.com*/
         * DECLINE or RELEASE don't result in reply packet
        return null;
    LOG.trace("Sending DHCP Pkt {}", reply);
    InetAddress serverIp = reply.getOptionInetAddr(DHCPConstants.OPT_SERVER_IDENTIFIER);
    // create UDP pkt
    UDP udpPkt = new UDP();
    byte[] rawPkt;
    try {
        rawPkt = reply.serialize();
    } catch (PacketException e) {
        LOG.warn("Failed to serialize packet", e);
        return null;
    udpPkt.setLength((short) (rawPkt.length + 8));
    //Create IP Pkt
    try {
        rawPkt = udpPkt.serialize();
    } catch (PacketException e) {
        LOG.warn("Failed to serialize packet", e);
        return null;
    short checkSum = 0;
    boolean computeUdpChecksum = true;
    if (computeUdpChecksum) {
        checkSum = computeChecksum(rawPkt, serverIp.getAddress(),
    IPv4 ip4Reply = new IPv4();
    ip4Reply.setTotalLength((short) (rawPkt.length + 20));
    ip4Reply.setTtl((byte) 32);
    // create Ethernet Frame
    Ethernet ether = new Ethernet();
    if (etherPkt.getEtherType() == (short) NwConstants.ETHTYPE_802_1Q) {
        IEEE8021Q vlanPacket = (IEEE8021Q) etherPkt.getPayload();
        IEEE8021Q vlanTagged = new IEEE8021Q();
        ether.setEtherType((short) NwConstants.ETHTYPE_802_1Q);
    } else {

    try {
        rawPkt = ether.serialize();
    } catch (PacketException e) {
        LOG.warn("Failed to serialize ethernet reply", e);
        return null;
    return rawPkt;

From source file:it.infn.ct.corsika_portlet.java

void submitJobSingle(AppInput appInput, ActionRequest request) {

    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
        // Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {//from w ww .ja v  a 2 s  .co m
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Other job initialization settings
        MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

        ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
        User user = themeDisplay.getUser();
        String emailAddress = user.getDisplayEmailAddress();

        // Setting the user's email for notifications

        if (appInput.emailWhenFinished) {
            _log.info("Setting user email address: " + emailAddress);
            _log.info("Setting sender email adress: manuel@testmail.com");

        String inputFiles = "";
        String inputFileName = "";

        if (appInput.inputFile == "") {
            inputFiles = appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/URLParser.py";
        } else {
            inputFiles = appInput.inputFile;
            String[] inputFileNames = appInput.inputFile.split("/");
            inputFileName = inputFileNames[inputFileNames.length - 1];
            System.out.print("inputFile vale " + appInput.inputFile);
            System.out.print("inputFileNames vale " + inputFileNames);
            System.out.print("inputFile vale " + inputFileName);

        if (appInput.useStorageElement)
            inputFiles += "," + appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/corsikaStorageElements.sh";
            inputFiles += "," + appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/corsika.sh";
        miJobSubmission.setExecutable("/usr/bin/env"); // Application executable

        miJobSubmission.setArguments(this.createJobArguments(appInput, inputFileName));
        miJobSubmission.setOutputPath("/tmp/"); // Output Path
        miJobSubmission.setJobOutput("corsika-Output.txt"); // Distributed application standard output
        miJobSubmission.setJobError("corsika-Error.txt"); // Distrubuted application standard error
        miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles("corsika-Files.tar.gz"); // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

        // Submit Job
        //miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(username, hostUTDB, applicationId, appInput.jobIdentifier);
        // JobCollection(java.lang.String commonName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String outputPath, java.util.ArrayList<GEJobDescription> subJobDescriptions)
        //  JobCollection collection = new JobCollection(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", tasksToExecute);

        for (InfrastructureInfo i : infrastructuresInfo)

        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info("JobSent"); // _log.info        

    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no infrastructures configured; impossible to send any job" + LS
                + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup at least" + LS + "an infrastructure."
                + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                     

From source file:it.infn.ct.corsika_portlet.java

void submitJobParametric(AppInput appInput, ActionRequest request) {

    ArrayList<GEJobDescription> descriptions = new ArrayList<GEJobDescription>();
    ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
    User user = themeDisplay.getUser();/*from   w  ww.  jav a  2s .  co  m*/

    //job description
    int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());
    String emailAddress = user.getDisplayEmailAddress();
    String executable = "/usr/bin/env";
    String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path
    String output = "corsika-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
    String error = "corsika-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error
    String outputFiles = "corsika-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

    String scriptName = "";
    if (appInput.useStorageElement)
        scriptName = "corsikaFiles/corsikaStorageElements.sh";
        scriptName += "corsikaFiles/corsika.sh";

    String uncompressedFolder = uncompress(appInput.inputFile, "/tmp");
    ArrayList<String> fileNames = listFolderContents(uncompressedFolder);

    String _requirements = appPreferences.getJobRequirements();

    for (String fileName : files) {
        _log.info("File = " + fileName);
        GEJobDescription description = new GEJobDescription();
        //String inputfiles = uncompressedFolder + "/"+ fileName + ", " +  appServerPath + scriptName;
        String inputfiles = fileName + ", " + appServerPath + scriptName;
        inputfiles += ", " + appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/curl, " + appServerPath
                + "corsikaFiles/libcrypto.so.6, " + appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/libcurl.so.3, "
                + appServerPath + "corsikaFiles/libssl.so.6";

        description.setArguments(this.createJobArguments(appInput, fileName));

        if ((_requirements != null) && (!_requirements.isEmpty()))

    // GridEngine' JobCollectionSubmission job submission object
    JobCollection collection = new JobParametric(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, emailAddress,
            "/tmp", descriptions, executable);
    JobCollectionSubmission tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(collection);

    // Assigns all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Submit Collection
        tmpJobCollectionSubmission.submitJobCollection(infrastructuresInfo, portalIPAddress, applicationId);

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info(LS + "Job Collection Sent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'"
                + LS); // _log.info        

    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                   

From source file:it.infn.ct.molon_portlet.java

 * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using the
 * GridEngine methods/*  w  w w  .  ja  va  2 s.c om*/
 * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data

void submitJobGroup(AppInput appInput) {
_log.info("Starting to submit job");
String inputFiles= appServerPath + "molonFiles/URLParser.py";
inputFiles += "," + appServerPath+ "molonFiles/Molon.sh";
GEJobDescription taskToExecute = new GEJobDescription();
  taskToExecute.setExecutable("/usr/bin/env");                  // Application executable
  taskToExecute.setArguments("sh Molon.sh " + appInput.jobPID);
  taskToExecute.setOutputPath("/tmp/");                    // Output Path
  taskToExecute.setOutput("molon-Output.txt");      // Distributed application standard output
  taskToExecute.setError("molon-Error.txt");       // Distrubuted application standard error
  taskToExecute.setOutputFiles("molon-Files.tar.gz");    // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)
ArrayList<GEJobDescription> tasksToExecute = new ArrayList<GEJobDescription>();
  // GridEngine' JobCollectionSubmission job submission object
JobCollectionSubmission tmpJobCollectionSubmission = null;
JobCollection collection = new JobCollection(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", tasksToExecute);
if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
        && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("")
        && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username()
        && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("")
        && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password()
        && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("")
        && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database()
        && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) {
    String arg1 = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname()
            + "/" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database();
    String arg2 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username();
    String arg3 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();
    _log.info("JobCollectionSubmission [DEVEL]\n"
            + LS + "    Arg1: '" + arg1 + "'"
            + LS + "    Arg2: '" + arg2 + "'"
            + LS + "    Arg3: '" + arg3 + "'");
    tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(arg1, arg2, arg3, collection);
} else {
    tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(collection);
    _log.info("JobCollectionSubmission [PROD]");
// Assigns all enabled infrastructures
InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
// Check the enabled infrastructures
if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
    // Application Id
    int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());
    // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
    String portalIPAddress = "";
    try {
        InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
        portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0]
                + ":" + ipAddr[1]
                + ":" + ipAddr[2]
                + ":" + ipAddr[3];
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");
    // Submit Collection
            portalIPAddress, applicationId);
    // Show log
    // View jobSubmission details in the log
            LS + "Job Collection Sent"
            + LS + "-------"
            + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'"
            + LS); // _log.info        
} // numInfra > 0
else {
            LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!"
            + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
            + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup"
            + LS + "or enable at least one infrastructure."
            + LS);
} // numInfra == 0                    
} // submitJob

void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {

    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
        // Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Data below should not used by portlets
        //String  unameUTDB=appInit.sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username; // Username
        //String passwdUTDB=appInit.sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password; // Password
        //String dbnameUTDB=appInit.sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database; // Database

        // Job details

        // Other job initialization settings
        MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

        String inputFiles = "";
        String inputFileName = "";

        if (appInput.jobPID.length() > 1) {
            inputFiles = appServerPath + "molonFiles/URLParser.py,";
        } else if (appInput.inputFile.length() > 1) {
            inputFiles = appInput.inputFile + ",";
            String[] inputFileNames = appInput.inputFile.split("/");
            inputFileName = inputFileNames[inputFileNames.length - 1];
            System.out.print("inputFile vale " + appInput.inputFile);
            System.out.print("inputFileNames vale " + inputFileNames);
            System.out.print("inputFile vale " + inputFileName);

        inputFiles += appServerPath + "molonFiles/Molon.sh";
        inputFiles += "," + appServerPath + "molonFiles/molon.cpp";

        miJobSubmission.setExecutable("/usr/bin/env"); // Application executable

        if (appInput.jobPID.length() > 1)
            miJobSubmission.setArguments("sh Molon.sh PID " + appInput.jobPID);
        else if (appInput.inputURL.length() > 1) {

            String escapedURL = StringUtils.replace(appInput.inputURL, "(", "\\(");
            escapedURL = StringUtils.replace(escapedURL, ")", "\\)");
            escapedURL = StringUtils.replace(escapedURL, "%", "\\%");
            escapedURL = StringUtils.replace(escapedURL, "-", "\\-");
            escapedURL = StringUtils.replace(escapedURL, "_", "\\_");

            miJobSubmission.setArguments("sh Molon.sh URL " + escapedURL); //QUYIZA HAYA QUE PONER COMILLAS AQUI
        } else
            miJobSubmission.setArguments("sh Molon.sh FILE " + inputFileName);

        miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles("outputFile.txt"); // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

        miJobSubmission.setOutputPath("/tmp/"); // Output Path
        miJobSubmission.setJobOutput("molon-Output.txt"); // Distributed application standard output
        miJobSubmission.setJobError("molon-Error.txt"); // Distrubuted application standard error

        // Submit Job
        //miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(username, hostUTDB, applicationId, appInput.jobIdentifier);
        // JobCollection(java.lang.String commonName, java.lang.String description, java.lang.String outputPath, java.util.ArrayList<GEJobDescription> subJobDescriptions)
        //  JobCollection collection = new JobCollection(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", tasksToExecute);

        for (InfrastructureInfo i : infrastructuresInfo)

        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info("JobSent"); // _log.info        

    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no infrastructures configured; impossible to send any job" + LS
                + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup at least" + LS + "an infrastructure."
                + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                     

From source file:it.infn.ct.picalc_portlet.java

 * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using
 * the GridEngine methods/*from  w  w  w . java2 s. c  om*/
 * @param appInput  AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
void submitJob(AppInput appInput, PortalInfo portalInfo) {

    // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

    // Assigns all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {
        _log.info("Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'"
                + LS);

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
        // Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":" + (ipAddr[2] & 0xff)
                    + ":" + (ipAddr[3] & 0xff);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Multimiddleware
        boolean readyToSubmit = false; // True only if the selected middleware is recognized and properly setup
        InfrastructureInfo infrastructure = miJobSubmission.getInfrastructure(); // Returns one of the added infrastructures

        // Update the middleware info into PortalInfo
        _log.info(LS + "----------------------------------" + LS + "MULTIMIDDLEWARE: "
                + infrastructure.getMiddleware() + LS + "----------------------------------");

        // Get the PortalInfo script file name
        String PortalInfoScript = portalInfo.jobPortalInfo();

        String executable = "";
        String arguments = "";
        String outputPath = "/tmp/";
        String cpunumber = "4";

        String outputFile = "Hello-Parallel-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
        String errorFile = ".Hello-Parallel-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error 
        String outputSandbox = "README.txt"; // PiCalc output files (created by the mpi-hooks scripts)

        // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
        String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" //
                + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script
                + "," + PortalInfoScript // portalinfo
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/README.txt" // README.txt 
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/cpi.c" // MPI code to compute cpi
                + "," + appServerPath + "images/AppLogo.png" // application logo (used by notification)
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/mpi-hooks.sh" // mpi-wrapper-script
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/mpi-start-wrapper.sh" // mpi-wrapper-script
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/cpi_xn03" // GARUDA binary 
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/cpi_ec" // GARUDA binary 
                + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/hello.mpi" // UNICORE binary

        // Infrastructure specific settings
        if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("glite")) {
            executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable (mpi-start)
            arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript() // executable' arguments: (pilot_script)
                    + " " + PortalInfoScript; // PortalInfo.sh script (full path in local filesystem)

            // Take care of job requirements
            // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements'
            // separating each requirement by the ';' character
            // The ';' separated list will be translated into an array of strings 
            // including the statement 'JDLRequirements=(x)' where x is the requirement field
            String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";");
            int numRequirements = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) {
                if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) {
                    jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")";
                    _log.info("Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'");
            } // for each jobRequirement
            if (numRequirements > 0)


            // Infrastructure specific settings have been specified
            // the job is ready to be submitted
            readyToSubmit = true;
        } // if supported middleware (gLite)
        else if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("wsgram")) {
            //WSGRAM MPI

            // Infrastructure specific settings have been specified
            // the job is ready to be submitted
            readyToSubmit = true;
        } // if supported middleware (wsgram)
        else if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("unicore")) {

            // Infrastructure specific settings have been specified
            // the job is ready to be submitted
            readyToSubmit = true;
        } // if supported middleware (unicore)
        else if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("ssh")) {
            // determine the queue name
            String infrastructureName = infrastructure.getName();
            String[] nameItems = infrastructureName.split(";");
            String infrastructureQueue = "";
            String infrastructureHost = "";
            if (nameItems.length > 1) {
                String[] infraQatH = nameItems[1].split("@");
                if (infraQatH.length > 0)
                    infrastructureQueue = infraQatH[0];
                if (infraQatH.length > 1)
                    infrastructureHost = infraQatH[1];
                _log.info(LS + "----------------------" + LS + "SSH:" + LS + "    infraQueue: "
                        + infrastructureQueue + LS + "    infraHost : " + infrastructureHost + LS
                        + "----------------------");
            // Prepare job description
            miJobSubmission.setArguments(infrastructureHost + " lsf.sh mpi.job " + infrastructureQueue);
            outputSandbox = "job.output,job.error,pwd.out";
            inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/start.sh" + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/lsf.sh"
            //+","+appServerPath+"WEB-INF/job/mpi.job" automatically generated by start.sh
                    + "," + appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/hello.mpi"
            // Infrastructure specific settings have been specified
            // the job is ready to be submitted
            readyToSubmit = true;
        } // if supported middleware (ssh)
          // No possible to use ourgrid with MPI
          // else if (infrastructure.getMiddleware().equals("ourgrid")) {
          // } // if supported middleware (ourgrid)
        else {
            // Unsupported middleware
            _log.warn(LS + "The selected middleware: '" + infrastructure.getMiddleware() + "' is unsupported!");

        // If ready for submission
        if (readyToSubmit) {
            // Common job initialization settings
            miJobSubmission.setNumberOfProcesses("4"); // Number of processes
            miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory 
            miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox)
            miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file
            miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file
            if (null != inputSandbox // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding 
                    && inputSandbox.length() > 0) // null or empty inputSandboxes
                miJobSubmission.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); // Input files 

            // Submit the job
            miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(infrastructure, appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

            // Show log
            // View jobSubmission details in the log
            _log.info(LS + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS
                    + "Executable    : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments     : '" + arguments + "'" + LS
                    + "Output path   : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'"
                    + LS + "Ouput file    : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file    : '" + errorFile + "'"
                    + LS + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // _log.info
        } // readyToSubmit     
    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                    

From source file:it.infn.ct.aleph_portlet.java

public int occiSubmit(String username, String firstName, String lastName, String portalname, String alephfile,
        String alephAlg) {// w w w  . ja v a2  s.  com
    // Retrieve the full  path to the job directory
    String jobPath = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/";
    String rOCCIResourcesList[] = null;

    Boolean useCloudProviderInfrastructure = false;
    InfrastructureInfo infrastructure;
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission mijs = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

    if (cloudProvider != null && cloudProvider.isEnabled()
            && cloudProvider.getProviderList(alephGridOperation) > 0) {
        if (!useCloudProviderInfrastructure) {
            _log.info("Submission aided by CloudProvider - Using the resourceList method (no Infrastructures)");
            rOCCIResourcesList = cloudProvider.getResourcesList();
            // Retrieve preference settings first
            eTokenHost = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenHost");
            eTokenPort = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenPort");
            eTokenMd5Sum = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenMd5Sum");
            eTokenVO = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVO");
            eTokenVOGroup = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVOGroup");
            eTokenProxyRenewal = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenProxyRenewal");
            // Prepare the GridEngine' InfrastructureInfo object
            infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo("GridCT" // Infrastruture name
                    , "rocci" // Adaptor
                    , "" //
                    , rOCCIResourcesList // Resources list
                    , eTokenHost // eTokenServer host
                    , eTokenPort // eTokenServer port
                    , eTokenMd5Sum // eToken id (md5sum)
                    , eTokenVO // VO
                    , eTokenVOGroup // VO.group.role
                    , true // ProxyRFC
            // Add infrastructure to an array of infrastructures and add them to MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission object
        } else {
            _log.info("Submission aided by CloudProvider - Using the infrastructure method");
            //InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = new InfrastructureInfo[cloudProvider.infrastructuresList.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < cloudProvider.infrastructuresList.size(); i++) {
                CloudProvider.Infrastructure cpinfra = (CloudProvider.Infrastructure) cloudProvider.infrastructuresList
                _log.info("Infrastructure[" + i + "]:" + LS + "     name: '" + cpinfra.name + "'" + LS
                        + "  adaptor: '" + cpinfra.adaptor + "'" + LS + "  enabled: '" + cpinfra.enabled + "'");
                infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo(cpinfra.name, cpinfra.adaptor, "",
                        cpinfra.resourceList(), cpinfra.getParam("etoken_host"),
                        cpinfra.getParam("etoken_port"), cpinfra.getParam("etoken_id"), cpinfra.getParam("VO"),
                // Enabled flag is obtained ANDing Infrastructure main flag with applicationInfrastructure flag
                if (cpinfra.enabled) {
                    _log.info("Added infrastructure - '" + cpinfra.name + "'");
                } else
                    _log.info("Skipping infrastructure - '" + cpinfra.name + "' because not enabled");
    } else {
        // Setup CloudProvider object for nebula-server-01
        CloudProvider cp1 = new CloudProvider("nebula-server-01", "nebula-server-01.ct.infn.it", 9000, "rocci");
        // Assign OCCI parameters to the CloudProvider object
        String params1[][] = { { "resource", "compute" }, { "action", "create" },
                { "attributes_title", "aleph2k" }, { "mixin_os_tpl", "uuid_aleph2000_vm_71" },
                { "mixin_resource_tpl", "small" }, { "auth", "x509" }
                //,{ "publickey_file"    , jobPath + ".ssh/id_dsa.pub" } // (!) UNUSED; GE uses: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
                //,{ "privatekey_file"   , jobPath + ".ssh/id_dsa"     } // (!) UNUSED; GE uses: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
        // Add OCCI parameters to the cloud provider object

        // Setup CloudProvider object for stack-server-01
        CloudProvider cp2 = new CloudProvider("stack-server-01", "stack-server-01.ct.infn.it", 8787, "rocci");
        // Assign OCCI parameters to the CloudProvider object
        String params2[][] = { { "resource", "compute" }, { "action", "create" },
                { "attributes_title", "aleph2k" }, { "mixin_os_tpl", "c3484114-9c67-44ff-a3da-ea9e6058fe3b" },
                { "mixin_resource_tpl", "m1-large" }, { "auth", "x509" } };

        // Add OCCI parameters to the cloud provider object

        // Retrieve from cloud provider objects the OCCI endpoints
        String rOCCIURL1 = cp1.endPoint();
        _log.info("OCCI Endpoint1: '" + rOCCIURL1 + "'");
        String rOCCIURL2 = cp2.endPoint();
        _log.info("OCCI Endpoint2: '" + rOCCIURL2 + "'");

        // Prepare the ROCCI resource list
        String resList[] = { rOCCIURL1
                //  ,rOCCIURL2
        rOCCIResourcesList = resList;

        // Prepare the GridEngine' InfrastructureInfo object
        infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo("GridCT" // Infrastruture name
                , "rocci" // Adaptor
                , "" //
                , rOCCIResourcesList // Resources list
                , "etokenserver.ct.infn.it" // eTokenServer host
                , "8082" // eTokenServer port
                , "bc779e33367eaad7882b9dfaa83a432c"// eToken id (md5sum)
                , "fedcloud.egi.eu" // VO
                , "fedcloud.egi.eu" // VO.group.role
                , true // ProxyRFC
        // Add infrastructure to an array of infrastructures and add them to MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission object

    // Cloud job requires a valid proxy to operate
    // The eTokenserver proxy will be included into the inputSandbox
    //File temp=null;
    //String alephPxyFile = "/tmp/aleph.pxy";
    //temp = new File(alephPxyFile);
    iSrv.getRobotProxyFile("etokenserver.ct.infn.it", "8082", "bc779e33367eaad7882b9dfaa83a432c",
            "fedcloud.egi.eu", "fedcloud.egi.eu", "true", proxyFile);

    // Build the job identifier
    String[] alephfile_path = { "" };
    String alephfileName = "";
    int vmduration = -1;
    if (null != alephfile) {
        alephfile_path = alephfile.split("/");
        alephfileName = alephfile_path[alephfile_path.length - 1];
    String vmuuid = "";
    String GE_JobId = "aleph: ";
    if (isAlephVMEnabled && alephAlg == null) {
        String moreInfo = "";
        if (!alephfileName.equals(""))
            moreInfo = "'" + alephfile + "'";
        vmuuid = iSrv.getUUID();
        vmduration = iSrv.getServiceDuration();
        GE_JobId = "VM('" + vmuuid + "') " + moreInfo;
    } else
        GE_JobId = "'" + alephfileName + "'";

    // Set job properties
    mijs.setExecutable("aleph.sh"); // Executable
    mijs.setArguments( // Arguments
            (null == alephfile ? "\"\"" : alephfile) + " " //   aleph file 
                    + proxyFile + " " //   proxy certificate file (having full path)
                    + portalSSHKey + " " //   portal public SSH key (having full path)
                    + portalHost + " " //   portlal host (needed to get notify) 
                    + username + " " //   portal username
                    + "\"" + firstName + "\" " //   portal user first name
                    + "\"" + lastName + "\" " //   portal user last name
                    + userMail + " " //   portal user email address
                    + cloudmgrHost + " " //   cloudmgr contacting URL
                    + "\"" + vmuuid + "\" " //   VM UUID
                    + (null == alephAlg ? "\"\"" : alephAlg) + " " //   ALEPH analisys application (MITQCD,6LEP,...)
                    + "\"" + portalname + "\" " //   portal name
                    + vmduration + " " //   VM duration in seconds
                    + "\"" + GE_JobId + "\" " //   the job identifier
    mijs.setJobOutput("stdout.txt"); // std-output
    mijs.setJobError("stderr.txt"); // std-error
    mijs.setOutputPath("/tmp/"); // Output path
    mijs.setInputFiles(jobPath + "aleph.sh" + "," + // Aleph pilot script
            proxyFile + "," + // proxy file full path
            portalSSHKey // portal public ssh key
    ); // InputSandbox
    mijs.setOutputFiles("aleph_output.tar"); // OutputSandbox

    // Determine the host IP address
    String portalIPAddress = "";
    try {
        InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
        portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":"
                + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

    // Submit the job     
    // Submission uses addInfrastructure method; this call is no longer necessary
    // mijs.submitJobAsync(infrastructure, username, portalIPAddress, alephGridOperation, GE_JobId);
    mijs.submitJobAsync(username, portalIPAddress, alephGridOperation, GE_JobId);

    // Remove proxy temporary file
    // temp.delete(); Cannot remove here the file, job submission fails

    // Interactive job execution (iservices)
    if (isAlephVMEnabled && alephAlg == null) {
        iSrv.allocService(username, vmuuid);
    return 0;

From source file:org.openbaton.clients.interfaces.client.openstack.OpenstackClient.java

private static String translateToNAT(String floatingIp) throws UnknownHostException {

    Properties natRules = new Properties();
    try {//from  ww  w  . j a  v  a2s  .com
        File file = new File("/etc/openbaton/plugin/openstack/nat-translation-rules.properties");
        if (file.exists()) {
            natRules.load(new FileInputStream(file));
        } else {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        log.warn("no translation rules!");
        return floatingIp;

    for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : natRules.entrySet()) {
        String fromCidr = (String) entry.getKey();
        String toCidr = (String) entry.getValue();
        log.debug("cidr is: " + fromCidr);
        SubnetUtils utilsFrom = new SubnetUtils(fromCidr);
        SubnetUtils utilsTo = new SubnetUtils(toCidr);

        SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnetInfoFrom = utilsFrom.getInfo();
        SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo subnetInfoTo = utilsTo.getInfo();
        InetAddress floatingIpNetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(floatingIp);
        if (subnetInfoFrom.isInRange(floatingIp)) { //translation!

            log.debug("From networkMask " + subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask());
            log.debug("To networkMask " + subnetInfoTo.getNetmask());
            if (!subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask().equals(subnetInfoTo.getNetmask())) {
                log.error("Not translation possible, netmasks are different");
                return floatingIp;
            byte[] host = new byte[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < floatingIpNetAddr.getAddress().length; i++) {
                byte value = (byte) (floatingIpNetAddr.getAddress()[i]
                        | InetAddress.getByName(subnetInfoFrom.getNetmask()).getAddress()[i]);
                if (value == -1) {
                    host[i] = 0;
                } else {
                    host[i] = value;

            byte[] netaddress = InetAddress.getByName(subnetInfoTo.getNetworkAddress()).getAddress();
            String[] result = new String[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < netaddress.length; i++) {
                int intValue = new Byte((byte) (netaddress[i] | Byte.valueOf(host[i]))).intValue();
                if (intValue < 0) {
                    intValue = intValue & 0xFF;
                result[i] = String.valueOf(intValue);

            return StringUtils.join(result, ".");
    return floatingIp;

From source file:android_network.hetnet.vpn_service.ServiceSinkhole.java

public static List<InetAddress> getDns(Context context) {
    List<InetAddress> listDns = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> sysDns = Util.getDefaultDNS(context);

    // Get custom DNS servers
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    String vpnDns1 = prefs.getString("dns", null);
    String vpnDns2 = prefs.getString("dns2", null);
    Log.i(TAG, "DNS system=" + TextUtils.join(",", sysDns) + " VPN1=" + vpnDns1 + " VPN2=" + vpnDns2);

    if (vpnDns1 != null)
        try {//w  ww .jav  a 2 s. c o m
            InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns1);
            if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress()))
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {

    if (vpnDns2 != null)
        try {
            InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns2);
            if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress()))
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));

    // Use system DNS servers only when no two custom DNS servers specified
    if (listDns.size() <= 1)
        for (String def_dns : sysDns)
            try {
                InetAddress ddns = InetAddress.getByName(def_dns);
                if (!listDns.contains(ddns) && !(ddns.isLoopbackAddress() || ddns.isAnyLocalAddress()))
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));

    // Remove local DNS servers when not routing LAN
    boolean lan = prefs.getBoolean("lan", false);
    if (lan) {
        List<InetAddress> listLocal = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
            if (nis != null)
                while (nis.hasMoreElements()) {
                    NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement();
                    if (ni != null && ni.isUp() && !ni.isLoopback()) {
                        List<InterfaceAddress> ias = ni.getInterfaceAddresses();
                        if (ias != null)
                            for (InterfaceAddress ia : ias) {
                                InetAddress hostAddress = ia.getAddress();
                                BigInteger host = new BigInteger(1, hostAddress.getAddress());

                                int prefix = ia.getNetworkPrefixLength();
                                BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(-1)
                                        .shiftLeft(hostAddress.getAddress().length * 8 - prefix);

                                for (InetAddress dns : listDns)
                                    if (hostAddress.getAddress().length == dns.getAddress().length) {
                                        BigInteger ip = new BigInteger(1, dns.getAddress());

                                        if (host.and(mask).equals(ip.and(mask))) {
                                            Log.i(TAG, "Local DNS server host=" + hostAddress + "/" + prefix
                                                    + " dns=" + dns);
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));

        List<InetAddress> listDns4 = new ArrayList<>();
        List<InetAddress> listDns6 = new ArrayList<>();
        try {

        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex));

        for (InetAddress dns : listLocal) {
            if (dns instanceof Inet4Address) {
                if (listDns4.size() > 0) {
            } else {
                if (listDns6.size() > 0) {

    // Prefer IPv4 addresses
    Collections.sort(listDns, new Comparator<InetAddress>() {
        public int compare(InetAddress a, InetAddress b) {
            boolean a4 = (a instanceof Inet4Address);
            boolean b4 = (b instanceof Inet4Address);
            if (a4 && !b4)
                return -1;
            else if (!a4 && b4)
                return 1;
                return 0;

    return listDns;