Example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress

List of usage examples for java.net InetAddress getAddress


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress.


public byte[] getAddress() 

Source Link


Returns the raw IP address of this InetAddress object.


From source file:com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService.java

public Location getLocation(InetAddress addr) {
    return getLocation(bytesToLong(addr.getAddress()));

From source file:com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService.java

 * Returns the country the IP address is in.
 * @param ipAddress the IP address.//w w w. j  a  v  a2  s  .  c  om
 * @return the country the IP address is from.
public synchronized Country getCountry(InetAddress ipAddress) {
    return getCountry(bytesToLong(ipAddress.getAddress()));

From source file:org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageProxy.java

 * for each datacenter, send a message to one node to relay the write to other replicas
 *//*from  w w  w  .  j  a v  a  2 s  .  co  m*/
private static void sendMessages(String localDataCenter, Map<String, Multimap<Message, InetAddress>> dcMessages,
        IWriteResponseHandler handler) throws IOException {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Multimap<Message, InetAddress>> entry : dcMessages.entrySet()) {
        String dataCenter = entry.getKey();

        // send the messages corresponding to this datacenter
        for (Map.Entry<Message, Collection<InetAddress>> messages : entry.getValue().asMap().entrySet()) {
            Message message = messages.getKey();
            // a single message object is used for unhinted writes, so clean out any forwards
            // from previous loop iterations

            if (dataCenter.equals(localDataCenter) || StorageService.instance.useEfficientCrossDCWrites()) {
                // direct writes to local DC or old Cassadra versions
                for (InetAddress destination : messages.getValue())
                    MessagingService.instance().sendRR(message, destination, handler);
            } else {
                // Non-local DC. First endpoint in list is the destination for this group
                Iterator<InetAddress> iter = messages.getValue().iterator();
                InetAddress target = iter.next();
                // Add all the other destinations of the same message as a header in the primary message.
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    InetAddress destination = iter.next();
                    // group all nodes in this DC as forward headers on the primary message
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(bos);

                    // append to older addresses
                    byte[] previousHints = message.getHeader(RowMutation.FORWARD_HEADER);
                    if (previousHints != null)

                    message.setHeader(RowMutation.FORWARD_HEADER, bos.toByteArray());
                // send the combined message + forward headers
                MessagingService.instance().sendRR(message, target, handler);

From source file:com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService.java

 * Finds the country index value given an IPv6 address.
 * @param addr the ip address to find in long format.
 * @return the country index.//from   w  w  w.  ja va 2  s .  com
private synchronized int seekCountryV6(InetAddress addr) {
    byte[] v6vec = addr.getAddress();
    byte[] buf = new byte[2 * MAX_RECORD_LENGTH];
    int[] x = new int[2];
    int offset = 0;
    for (int depth = 127; depth >= 0; depth--) {
        if ((dboptions & GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE) == 1) {
            //read from memory
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_RECORD_LENGTH; i++) {
                buf[i] = dbbuffer[(2 * recordLength * offset) + i];
        } else if ((dboptions & GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE) != 0) {
            //read from index cache
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_RECORD_LENGTH; i++) {
                buf[i] = index_cache[(2 * recordLength * offset) + i];
        } else {
            //read from disk 
            try {
                file.seek(2 * recordLength * offset);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.out.println("IO Exception");
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            x[i] = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < recordLength; j++) {
                int y = buf[i * recordLength + j];
                if (y < 0) {
                    y += 256;
                x[i] += (y << (j * 8));

        int bnum = 127 - depth;
        int idx = bnum >> 3;
        int b_mask = 1 << (bnum & 7 ^ 7);
        if ((v6vec[idx] & b_mask) > 0) {
            if (x[1] >= databaseSegments[0]) {
                last_netmask = 128 - depth;
                return x[1];
            offset = x[1];
        } else {
            if (x[0] >= databaseSegments[0]) {
                last_netmask = 128 - depth;
                return x[0];
            offset = x[0];

    // shouldn't reach here
    System.err.println("Error seeking country while seeking " + addr.getHostAddress());
    return 0;

From source file:com.jagornet.dhcp.db.JdbcLeaseManager.java

public List<IaPrefix> findUnusedIaPrefixes(final InetAddress startAddr, final InetAddress endAddr) {
    final long offerExpiration = new Date().getTime() - 12000; // 2 min = 120 sec = 12000 ms
    List<DhcpLease> leases = getJdbcTemplate().query(
            "select * from dhcplease" + " where ((state=" + IaPrefix.ADVERTISED + " and starttime <= ?)"
                    + " or (state=" + IaPrefix.EXPIRED + " or state=" + IaPrefix.RELEASED + "))"
                    + " and ipaddress >= ? and ipaddress <= ?" + " order by state, validendtime, ipaddress",
            new PreparedStatementSetter() {
                @Override// w w  w  . j a va  2 s  .c o  m
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException {
                    java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(offerExpiration);
                    ps.setTimestamp(1, ts);
                    ps.setBytes(2, startAddr.getAddress());
                    ps.setBytes(3, endAddr.getAddress());
            }, new DhcpLeaseRowMapper());
    return toIaPrefixes(leases);

From source file:it.infn.ct.g_hmmer_portlet.java

 * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using
 * the GridEngine methods//  w  w  w.j a  va 2s.c  o m
 * @param appInput  AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {
    // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

    // Assigns all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {
        _log.info("Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'"
                + LS);

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
        // Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Job details
        String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable
        String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments 
        String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path
        String outputFile = "g-hmmer-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
        String errorFile = "g-hmmer-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error
        String appFile = "g-hmmer-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

        // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
        /*String inputSandbox=appServerPath+"WEB-INF/job/"        //
                       +appPreferences.getPilotScript()     // pilot script
                       +","+appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file

        String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "/WEB-INF/job/pilot_script.sh ," + appServerPath
                + "/WEB-INF/job/hmmer-2.3.2.tar.gz ," + appServerPath + "/WEB-INF/job/secuencia.fasta ,"
                + appServerPath + "/WEB-INF/job/secuenciah.hmm";

        // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
        String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file

        // Take care of job requirements
        // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements'
        // separating each requirement by the ';' character
        String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";");
        int numRequirements = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) {
            if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) {
                jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")";
                _log.info("Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'");
        } // for each jobRequirement

        // Other job initialization settings
        miJobSubmission.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable
        miJobSubmission.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments
        miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory 
        miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox)
        miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file
        miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file
        if (null != inputSandbox // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding empty inputSandboxes
                && inputSandbox.length() > 0)
        if (numRequirements > 0) // Setup the JDL requirements

        // Submit Job
        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info(LS + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS
                + "Executable    : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments     : '" + arguments + "'" + LS
                + "Output path   : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS
                + "Ouput file    : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file    : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS
                + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // _log.info        

    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                    

From source file:hudson.plugins.dimensionsscm.DimensionsSCM.java

public boolean checkout(final AbstractBuild build, final Launcher launcher, final FilePath workspace,
        final BuildListener listener, final File changelogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    boolean bRet = false;

    if (!isCanJobUpdate()) {
        Logger.Debug("Skipping checkout - " + this.getClass().getName());
    }/* w w  w  .  j ava  2s.c  o  m*/

    Logger.Debug("Invoking checkout - " + this.getClass().getName());

    try {
        // Load other Dimensions plugins if set
        DimensionsBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl bwplugin = (DimensionsBuildWrapper.DescriptorImpl) Hudson
        DimensionsBuildNotifier.DescriptorImpl bnplugin = (DimensionsBuildNotifier.DescriptorImpl) Hudson

        if (DimensionsChecker.isValidPluginCombination(build, listener)) {
            Logger.Debug("Plugins are ok");
        } else {
            listener.fatalError("\n[DIMENSIONS] The plugin combinations you have selected are not valid.");
            listener.fatalError("\n[DIMENSIONS] Please review online help to determine valid plugin uses.");
            return false;

        if (isCanJobUpdate()) {
            int version = 2009;
            long key = dmSCM.login(getJobUserName(), getJobPasswd(), getJobDatabase(), getJobServer());

            if (key > 0) {
                // Get the server version
                Logger.Debug("Login worked.");
                version = dmSCM.getDmVersion();
                if (version == 0) {
                    version = 2009;

            // Get the details of the master
            InetAddress netAddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = netAddr.getAddress();
            String hostname = netAddr.getHostName();

            boolean master = false;
            GetHostDetailsTask buildHost = new GetHostDetailsTask(hostname);
            master = workspace.act(buildHost);

            if (master) {
                // Running on master...
                listener.getLogger().println("[DIMENSIONS] Running checkout on master...");

                // Using Java API because this allows the plugin to work on platforms
                // where Dimensions has not been ported, e.g. MAC OS, which is what
                // I use
                CheckOutAPITask task = new CheckOutAPITask(build, this, workspace, listener, version);
                bRet = workspace.act(task);
            } else {
                // Running on slave... Have to use the command line as Java API will not
                // work on remote hosts. Cannot serialise it...

                    // VariableResolver does not appear to be serialisable either, so...
                    VariableResolver<String> myResolver = build.getBuildVariableResolver();

                    String baseline = myResolver.resolve("DM_BASELINE");
                    String requests = myResolver.resolve("DM_REQUEST");

                    listener.getLogger().println("[DIMENSIONS] Running checkout on slave...");

                    CheckOutCmdTask task = new CheckOutCmdTask(getJobUserName(), getJobPasswd(),
                            getJobDatabase(), getJobServer(), getProject(), baseline, requests,
                            isCanJobDelete(), isCanJobRevert(), isCanJobForce(), isCanJobExpand(),
                            isCanJobNoMetadata(), (build.getPreviousBuild() == null), getFolders(), version,
                            permissions, workspace, listener);
                    bRet = workspace.act(task);
        } else {
            bRet = true;

        if (bRet) {
            bRet = generateChangeSet(build, listener, changelogFile);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String errMsg = e.getMessage();
        if (errMsg == null) {
            errMsg = "An unknown error occurred. Please try the operation again.";
        listener.fatalError("Unable to run checkout callout - " + errMsg);
        // e.printStackTrace();
        //throw new IOException("Unable to run checkout callout - " + e.getMessage());
        bRet = false;
    return bRet;

From source file:com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService.java

public int getID(String ipAddress) {
    InetAddress addr;
    try {/*  w  ww  .j  ava 2s .com*/
        addr = InetAddress.getByName(ipAddress);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        return 0;
    return getID(bytesToLong(addr.getAddress()));

From source file:com.maxmind.geoip.LookupService.java

public synchronized Region getRegion(String str) {
    InetAddress addr;
    try {//from   w  ww  .  ja v a2s .  c o m
        addr = InetAddress.getByName(str);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        return null;

    return getRegion(bytesToLong(addr.getAddress()));

From source file:it.infn.ct.octave2_portlet.java

 * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using
 * the GridEngine methods//from  ww w .  ja v a 2s . co  m
 * @param appInput  AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data
void submitJob(AppInput appInput) {
    // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object
    MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();

    // Assigns all enabled infrastructures
    InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures();
    for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {
        _log.info("Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'"
                + LS);

    // Check the enabled infrastructures
    if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) {
        // Application Id
        int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId());

        // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address
        String portalIPAddress = "";
        try {
            InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
            byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
            portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address");

        // Job details
        String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable
        String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript() // executable' arguments: pilot_script.sh
                + " '" + appInput.jobIdentifier + "'" // User job description
                + " '" + appInput.username + "'" // User name
        String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path
        String outputFile = ".octave-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output
        String errorFile = ".octave-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error
        String appFile = "octave-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script)

        // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
        String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" //
                + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script
                + "," + appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file
        // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names)
        String outputSandbox = appFile + ",README.txt"; // Output file

        // Take care of job requirements
        // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements'
        // separating each requirement by the ';' character
        String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";");
        int numRequirements = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) {
            if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) {
                jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")";
                _log.info("Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'");
        } // for each jobRequirement

        // Other job initialization settings
        miJobSubmission.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable
        miJobSubmission.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments
        miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory 
        miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox)
        miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file
        miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file
        if (null != inputSandbox // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding empty inputSandboxes
                && inputSandbox.length() > 0)
        if (numRequirements > 0) // Setup the JDL requirements

        // Submit Job
        miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId,

        // Show log
        // View jobSubmission details in the log
        _log.info(LS + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS
                + "Executable    : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments     : '" + arguments + "'" + LS
                + "Output path   : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS
                + "Ouput file    : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file    : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS
                + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // _log.info        

    } // numInfra > 0
    else {
        _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job"
                + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS
                + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS);
    } // numInfra == 0                    