Example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress

List of usage examples for java.net InetAddress getAddress


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net InetAddress getAddress.


public byte[] getAddress() 

Source Link


Returns the raw IP address of this InetAddress object.


From source file:org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.agent.client.SecureAgentConnection.java

protected Socket getSocket() throws IOException {
    SSLSocket socket;// www  .ja v a2  s  . com

    log.debug("Creating secure socket");

    try {
        // Check for configured agent read timeout from System properties
        int readTimeout;

        try {
            readTimeout = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(PROP_READ_TIMEOUT));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            readTimeout = READ_TIMEOUT;

        // Check for configured agent post handshake timeout
        // from System properties
        int postHandshakeTimeout;
        try {
            postHandshakeTimeout = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty(PROP_POST_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            postHandshakeTimeout = POST_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT;

        SSLProvider sslProvider = new DefaultSSLProviderImpl(keystoreConfig, acceptUnverifiedCertificate);

        SSLSocketFactory factory = sslProvider.getSSLSocketFactory();

        // See the following links...
        // http://www.apache.org/dist/httpcomponents/httpcore/RELEASE_NOTES-4.1.x.txt
        // http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/dw_thread.jsp?message=13695343&cat=10&thread=73546&treeDisplayType=threadmode1&forum=178#13695343
        // In any case, it would seem as though the bug has since been fixed in IBM's JRE, no need to work around it anymore...
        socket = (SSLSocket) factory.createSocket();

        // Make sure the InetAddress used to initialize the socket has a non-null hostname (empty string).
        // This prevents slow and unnecessary reverse DNS querying when the connection is opened.
        InetAddress withoutHost = InetAddress.getByName(this.agentAddress);
        InetAddress withHost = InetAddress.getByAddress("", withoutHost.getAddress());
        InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(withHost, this.agentPort);

        socket.connect(address, readTimeout);

        // Set the socket timeout during the initial handshake to detect
        // connection issues with the agent.  

        log.debug("Secure socket is connected to " + address + " - starting handshake.");


        log.debug("SSL handshake complete");

        // [HHQ-3694] The timeout is set to a post handshake value.

    } catch (IOException exc) {
        IOException toThrow = new IOException(
                "Unable to connect to " + this.agentAddress + ":" + this.agentPort + ": " + exc.getMessage());
        // call initCause instead of constructor to be java 1.5 compat
        throw toThrow;

    // Write our security settings
    try {
        DataOutputStream dOs;

        dOs = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException exc) {
        IOException toThrow = new IOException("Unable to write auth params to server");
        // call initCause instead of constructor to be java 1.5 compat
        throw toThrow;

    return socket;

From source file:org.mule.transport.legstar.gen.AbstractTestTemplate.java

 * Assuming the local machine is running Mule.
 * @return the local machine IP address//from w w  w  .j  a  va 2  s .  com
public String getLocalIPAddress() {
    try {
        InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress();
        String ipAddrStr = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < ipAddr.length; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                ipAddrStr += ".";
            ipAddrStr += ipAddr[i] & 0xFF;
        return ipAddrStr;
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        return "";


From source file:org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.remote.RemoteAddressAuthenticationHandler.java

 * Checks if a subnet contains a specific IP address.
 * /*from  w  ww  .ja v a  2  s.c o m*/
 * @param network The network address.
 * @param netmask The subnet mask.
 * @param ip The IP address to check.
 * @return A boolean value.
private boolean containsAddress(final InetAddress network, final InetAddress netmask, final InetAddress ip) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Checking IP address: " + ip + " in " + network + " / " + netmask);

    byte[] networkBytes = network.getAddress();
    byte[] netmaskBytes = netmask.getAddress();
    byte[] ipBytes = ip.getAddress();

    /* check IPv4/v6-compatibility or parameters: */
    if (networkBytes.length != netmaskBytes.length || netmaskBytes.length != ipBytes.length) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Network address " + network + ", subnet mask " + netmask + " and/or host address " + ip
                    + " have different sizes! (return false ...)");
        return false;

    /* Check if the masked network and ip addresses match: */
    for (int i = 0; i < netmaskBytes.length; i++) {
        int mask = netmaskBytes[i] & 0xff;
        if ((networkBytes[i] & mask) != (ipBytes[i] & mask)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(ip + " is not in " + network + " / " + netmask);
            return false;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug(ip + " is in " + network + " / " + netmask);
    return true;

From source file:org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.Subnet.java

private InetAddress getPrefixForAddress(InetAddress ip) {
    int bytes = this.subnetMaskLength / 8;
    int bits = this.subnetMaskLength % 8;
    byte modifiedByte;
    byte[] sn = ip.getAddress();
    if (bits > 0) {
        modifiedByte = (byte) (sn[bytes] >> (8 - bits));
        sn[bytes] = (byte) (modifiedByte << (8 - bits));
        bytes++;//w  w  w .j a v a 2s .  co  m
    for (; bytes < sn.length; bytes++) {
        sn[bytes] = (byte) (0);
    try {
        return InetAddress.getByAddress(sn);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.qut.middleware.esoe.sso.servlet.SSOServlet.java

private void doRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, RequestMethod method)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    SSOProcessorData data;//from w ww  . jav a2s. c  o m

    data = (SSOProcessorData) request.getSession().getAttribute(SSOProcessorData.SESSION_NAME);

    String remoteAddress = request.getRemoteAddr();

    this.logger.debug("[SSO for {}] SSOServlet got {} request. SSO processor data element was {}",
            new Object[] { remoteAddress, method.toString(), data == null ? "null" : "not null" });

    if (data == null) {
        data = new SSOProcessorDataImpl();
        request.getSession().setAttribute(SSOProcessorData.SESSION_NAME, data);


    String oldRemoteAddress = data.getRemoteAddress();
    if (oldRemoteAddress != null) {
        if (!oldRemoteAddress.equals(remoteAddress)) {
            this.logger.warn("[SSO for {}] IP address changed. Old address was: {}", remoteAddress,


    try {
        SSOProcessor.result result = this.ssoProcessor.execute(data);
        this.logger.debug("[SSO for {}] SSOProcessor returned a result of {}",
                new Object[] { remoteAddress, String.valueOf(result) });
    } catch (SSOException e) {
        if (!data.isResponded()) {
            InetAddress inetAddress = Inet4Address.getByName(remoteAddress);
            String code = CalendarUtils.generateXMLCalendar().toString() + "-"
                    + new String(Hex.encodeHex(inetAddress.getAddress()));

            this.logger.error("[SSO for {}] {} Error occurred in SSOServlet.doPost. Exception was: {}", code,
            this.logger.debug(code + " Error occurred in SSOServlet.doPost. Exception follows", e);
            throw new ServletException(
                    "An error occurred during the sign-on process, and the session could not be established. Instance error is: "
                            + code);

From source file:com.jagornet.dhcp.db.JdbcIaAddressDAO.java

public void deleteByInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddr) {
    getJdbcTemplate().update("delete from iaaddress where ipaddress = ?", inetAddr.getAddress());

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.util.net.FiretweetHostAddressResolver.java

private InetAddress[] fromAddressString(String host, String address) throws UnknownHostException {
    InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(address);
    if (inetAddress instanceof Inet4Address) {
        return new InetAddress[] { Inet4Address.getByAddress(host, inetAddress.getAddress()) };
    } else if (inetAddress instanceof Inet6Address) {
        return new InetAddress[] { Inet6Address.getByAddress(host, inetAddress.getAddress()) };
    }/*from w  w  w  . ja v a 2s  .  c  o  m*/
    throw new UnknownHostException("Bad address " + host + " = " + address);

From source file:com.jagornet.dhcp.db.JdbcIaPrefixDAO.java

public void deleteByInetAddress(InetAddress inetAddr) {
    getJdbcTemplate().update("delete from iaprefix where prefixaddress = ?", inetAddr.getAddress());

From source file:org.silverpeas.components.silvercrawler.util.IpAddressMatcher.java

public boolean matches(String address) {
    InetAddress remoteAddress = parseAddress(address);

    if (!requiredAddress.getClass().equals(remoteAddress.getClass())) {
        return false;
    }/*from  w  w w  .  j  a v  a 2 s .c  o  m*/

    if (nMaskBits < 0) {
        return remoteAddress.equals(requiredAddress);

    byte[] remAddr = remoteAddress.getAddress();
    byte[] reqAddr = requiredAddress.getAddress();

    int oddBits = nMaskBits % 8;
    int nMaskBytes = nMaskBits / 8 + (oddBits == 0 ? 0 : 1);
    byte[] mask = new byte[nMaskBytes];

    Arrays.fill(mask, 0, oddBits == 0 ? mask.length : mask.length - 1, (byte) 0xFF);

    if (oddBits != 0) {
        int finalByte = (1 << oddBits) - 1;
        finalByte <<= 8 - oddBits;
        mask[mask.length - 1] = (byte) finalByte;

    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
        if ((remAddr[i] & mask[i]) != (reqAddr[i] & mask[i])) {
            return false;

    return true;

From source file:org.tamacat.httpd.util.IpAddressMatcher.java

public boolean matches(String address) {
    InetAddress remoteAddress = parseAddress(address);
    if (!requiredAddress.getClass().equals(remoteAddress.getClass())) {
        return false;
    }/*from  ww w .  j ava 2 s. c  o m*/

    if (nMaskBits < 0) {
        return remoteAddress.equals(requiredAddress);

    byte[] remAddr = remoteAddress.getAddress();
    byte[] reqAddr = requiredAddress.getAddress();

    int oddBits = nMaskBits % 8;
    int nMaskBytes = nMaskBits / 8 + (oddBits == 0 ? 0 : 1);
    byte[] mask = new byte[nMaskBytes];

    Arrays.fill(mask, 0, oddBits == 0 ? mask.length : mask.length - 1, (byte) 0xFF);

    if (oddBits != 0) {
        int finalByte = (1 << oddBits) - 1;
        finalByte <<= 8 - oddBits;
        mask[mask.length - 1] = (byte) finalByte;

    for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) {
        if ((remAddr[i] & mask[i]) != (reqAddr[i] & mask[i])) {
            return false;
    return true;