List of usage examples for InetAddress getAddress
public byte[] getAddress()
From source
/** * Returns the country the IP address is in. * * @param ipAddress String version of an IP address, i.e. "" * @return the country the IP address is from. *//*w w w . j a va 2 s. c o m*/ public Country getCountry(String ipAddress) { InetAddress addr; try { addr = InetAddress.getByName(ipAddress); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return UNKNOWN_COUNTRY; } return getCountry(bytesToLong(addr.getAddress())); }
From source
/** * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using * the GridEngine methods/* w w w .j a v a2 s. co m*/ * * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data */ void submitJob(AppInput appInput) { // // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object // MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(); // Assigns all enabled infrastructures InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures(); for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {"Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'" + LS); miJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructuresInfo[i]); } // Check the enabled infrastructures if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) { // Application Id int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId()); // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address String portalIPAddress = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3]; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address"); } // Job details String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path String outputFile = "andrea-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output String errorFile = "andrea-Output.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error String appFile = "andrea-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script) // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" + // appPreferences.getPilotScript() + "," + // pilot script appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile; // input file // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file // Take care of job requirements // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements' // separating each requirement by the ';' character String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";"); int numRequirements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) { if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) { jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")"; numRequirements++;"Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'"); } } // for each jobRequirement // Other job initialization settings miJobSubmission.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable miJobSubmission.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox) miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding empty inputSandboxes if (null != inputSandbox && inputSandbox.length() > 0) miJobSubmission.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); // Setup the JDL requirements if (numRequirements > 0) miJobSubmission.setJDLRequirements(jdlRequirements); // Submit Job miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId, appInput.jobIdentifier); // Show log // View jobSubmission details in the log + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS + "Executable : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments : '" + arguments + "'" + LS + "Output path : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS + "Ouput file : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // } // numInfra > 0 else { _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job" + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS); } // numInfra == 0 }
From source
/** * Utility method which compares two InetAddress objects based on the * provided method (MIN/MAX) and returns the InetAddress which is to be * considered the primary interface.//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m * <p/> * NOTE: In order for an interface to be considered primary, if strict is * true, it must be included by a Collectd package which supports the * specified service. This method will return null if the 'oldPrimary' * address is null and the 'currentIf' address does not pass the Collectd * package check, if strict is true.. * * @param svcName Service name * @param currentIf Interface with which to compare the 'oldPrimary' address. * @param oldPrimary Primary interface to be compared against the 'currentIf' * address. * @param method Comparison method to be used (either "min" or "max") * @param strict require interface to be part of a Collectd package * @return InetAddress object of the primary interface based on the provided * method or null if neither address is eligible to be primary. */ private InetAddress compareAndSelectPrimaryCollectionInterface(String svcName, InetAddress currentIf, InetAddress oldPrimary, String method, boolean strict) { InetAddress newPrimary = null; CollectdConfigFactory factory = CollectdConfigFactory.getInstance(); if (oldPrimary == null && strict) { if (factory.isServiceCollectionEnabled(InetAddressUtils.str(currentIf), svcName)) { return currentIf; } else { return oldPrimary; } } if (oldPrimary == null) { return currentIf; } int comparison = new ByteArrayComparator().compare(currentIf.getAddress(), oldPrimary.getAddress()); if (method.equals(CollectdConfigFactory.SELECT_METHOD_MIN)) { // Smallest address wins if (comparison < 0) { /* * Replace the primary interface with the current * interface only if the current interface is managed! */ if (strict) { if (factory.isServiceCollectionEnabled(InetAddressUtils.str(currentIf), svcName)) { newPrimary = currentIf; } } else { newPrimary = currentIf; } } } else { // Largest address wins if (comparison > 0) { /* * Replace the primary interface with the current * interface only if the current interface is managed! */ if (strict) { if (factory.isServiceCollectionEnabled(InetAddressUtils.str(currentIf), svcName)) { newPrimary = currentIf; } } else { newPrimary = currentIf; } } } if (newPrimary != null) { return newPrimary; } else { return oldPrimary; } }
From source
@Override public List<IaAddress> findUnusedIaAddresses(final InetAddress startAddr, final InetAddress endAddr) { long offerExpireMillis = DhcpServerPolicies.globalPolicyAsLong(Property.BINDING_MANAGER_OFFER_EXPIRATION); final long offerExpiration = new Date().getTime() - offerExpireMillis; List<DhcpLease> leases = getJdbcTemplate().query( "select * from dhcplease" + " where ((state=" + IaAddress.ADVERTISED + " and starttime <= ?)" + " or (state=" + IaAddress.EXPIRED + " or state=" + IaAddress.RELEASED + "))" + " and ipaddress >= ? and ipaddress <= ?" + " order by state, validendtime, ipaddress", new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override/*from ww w. ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(offerExpiration); ps.setTimestamp(1, ts); ps.setBytes(2, startAddr.getAddress()); ps.setBytes(3, endAddr.getAddress()); } }, new DhcpLeaseRowMapper()); return toIaAddresses(leases); }
From source
/** * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using the * GridEngine methods/*w ww. ja v a 2 s. com*/ * * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data */ void submitJob(AppInput appInput) { ArrayList<GEJobDescription> descriptions = new ArrayList<GEJobDescription>(); for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(appInput.taskNumber); i++) { GEJobDescription description = new GEJobDescription(); switch (CollectionType.valueOf(appInput.collectionType)) { case JOB_COLLECTION: case WORKFLOW_N1: if (!appInput.executables.get(i).contains("/bin/")) { String tmp = "/bin/"; tmp += appInput.executables.remove(i); appInput.executables.add(i, tmp); } description.setExecutable(appInput.executables.get(i)); description.setInputFiles(""); break; case JOB_PARAMETRIC: if (!appInput.executable.contains("/bin/")) { String tmp = "/bin/"; tmp += appInput.executable; appInput.executable = tmp; } description.setExecutable(appInput.executable); description.setInputFiles(appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/"); break; } description.setArguments(appInput.arguments.get(i)); description.setOutputPath("/tmp"); description.setOutput("myOutput-" + i + ".txt"); description.setError("myError-" + i + ".txt"); descriptions.add(description); } // GridEngine' JobCollectionSubmission job submission object JobCollectionSubmission tmpJobCollectionSubmission = null; JobCollection collection = null; switch (CollectionType.valueOf(appInput.collectionType)) { case JOB_COLLECTION: collection = new JobCollection(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions); break; case WORKFLOW_N1: GEJobDescription finalJobDescription = new GEJobDescription(); if (!appInput.finalJobExecutable.contains("/bin/")) { appInput.finalJobExecutable = "/bin/" + appInput.finalJobExecutable; } finalJobDescription.setExecutable(appInput.finalJobExecutable); finalJobDescription.setArguments(appInput.finalJobArgument); String tmp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.size(); i++) { if (tmp.equals("")) { tmp = descriptions.get(i).getOutput(); } else { tmp += "," + descriptions.get(i).getOutput(); } } finalJobDescription.setInputFiles(tmp); finalJobDescription.setOutputPath("/tmp"); finalJobDescription.setOutput("myOutput-FinalJob.txt"); finalJobDescription.setError("myError-FinalJob.txt"); collection = new WorkflowN1(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions, finalJobDescription); break; case JOB_PARAMETRIC: collection = new JobParametric(appInput.username, appInput.jobIdentifier, "/tmp", descriptions, appInput.executable); break; } // // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object // // GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor // taking void type as argument is used for production environments, while // the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used // for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor // just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters: // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database // if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) { String arg1 = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database(); String arg2 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username(); String arg3 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password();"JobCollectionSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + " Arg1: '" + arg1 + "'" + LS + " Arg2: '" + arg2 + "'" + LS + " Arg3: '" + arg3 + "'"); tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(arg1, arg2, arg3, collection); } else { tmpJobCollectionSubmission = new JobCollectionSubmission(collection);"JobCollectionSubmission [PROD]"); } // Assigns all enabled infrastructures InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures(); // Check the enabled infrastructures if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) { // Application Id int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId()); // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address String portalIPAddress = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); portalIPAddress = "" + ipAddr[0] + ":" + ipAddr[1] + ":" + ipAddr[2] + ":" + ipAddr[3]; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address"); } // Submit Collection tmpJobCollectionSubmission.submitJobCollection(infrastructuresInfo, portalIPAddress, applicationId); // Show log // View jobSubmission details in the log + "Job Collection Sent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS); // } // numInfra > 0 else { _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job" + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS); } // numInfra == 0 }
From source
@Override public String getForeignSource(InetAddress address) { getReadLock().lock();// w ww . ja v a2 s .co m try { LOG.debug("Looking for matching foreign source specific IP or IP range with address: {}...", address); List<Specific> specificCollection = getConfiguration().getSpecificCollection(); for (Specific specific : specificCollection) { String ipAddr = specific.getContent(); if (ipAddr.equals(InetAddressUtils.str(address))) { String foreignSource = specific.getForeignSource(); LOG.debug("Matched foreign source {} matching address: {} against specific {}.", foreignSource, address, ipAddr); return foreignSource; } } final byte[] laddr = address.getAddress(); List<IncludeRange> includeRangeCollection = getConfiguration().getIncludeRangeCollection(); for (IncludeRange range : includeRangeCollection) { if (InetAddressUtils.isInetAddressInRange(laddr, range.getBegin(), range.getEnd())) { String foreignSource = range.getForeignSource(); LOG.debug("Found foreign source {} with address {} in the range begin: {} and end: {}.", foreignSource, address, range.getBegin(), range.getEnd()); return foreignSource; } } List<IncludeUrl> includeUrlCollection = getConfiguration().getIncludeUrlCollection(); for (IncludeUrl includeUrl : includeUrlCollection) { String ipAddr = includeUrl.getContent(); if (ipAddr.equals(InetAddressUtils.str(address))) { String foreignSource = includeUrl.getForeignSource(); LOG.debug("Matched foreign source {} matching address: {} in specified URL.", foreignSource, address); return foreignSource; } } return getConfiguration().getForeignSource(); } finally { getReadLock().unlock(); } }
From source
/** * Check if phone can connect to a specific host. * Does not work....//from ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m * * ENHANCE: Find a way to make network host checks possible * * @return */ /* public static boolean hostIsAvailable(Context ctx, String host) { if (!isOnline(ctx)) return false; int addr; try { addr = lookupHost(host); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); try { return cm.requestRouteToHost(ConnectivityManager., addr); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } */ public static int lookupHost(String hostname) { InetAddress inetAddress; try { inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostname); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return -1; } byte[] addrBytes; int addr; addrBytes = inetAddress.getAddress(); addr = ((addrBytes[3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((addrBytes[2] & 0xff) << 16) | ((addrBytes[1] & 0xff) << 8) | (addrBytes[0] & 0xff); return addr; }
From source
/** * @return the host address to bind this service to *//*from w w w.j av a 2 s . co m*/ protected InetAddress determineHostAddress() { NetworkInterface iface = determineNetworkInterface(); InetAddress raw = null; for (Enumeration<InetAddress> interfaceAddresses = iface.getInetAddresses(); interfaceAddresses .hasMoreElements();) { if (!interfaceAddresses.hasMoreElements()) { String msg = String.format("Unable to find any network address for interface[%s] {%s}", iface.getName(), iface.getDisplayName()); logger.error(msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } raw = interfaceAddresses.nextElement(); if (config.ipV6) { if (raw.getAddress().length == 6) { break; } } else if (raw.getAddress().length == 4) { break; } } if (raw == null) { String msg = String.format("Unable to find any network address for interface[%s] {%s}", iface.getName(), iface.getDisplayName()); logger.error(msg); throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } InetAddress address; try { address = InetAddress.getByName(raw.getCanonicalHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { String msg = String.format("Unable to resolve network address [%s] for interface[%s] {%s}", raw, iface.getName(), iface.getDisplayName()); logger.error(msg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } return address; }
From source
/** * -- WARNING ------------------------------------------------------- * (DEPRECATED) This method will be left only for some future commits * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using * the GridEngine methods//from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m * * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data */ void __submitJob(AppInput appInput) { // GridEngine' MultiInfrastructure job submission object MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = null; // // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object // // GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor // taking void type as argument is used for production environments, while // the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used // for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor // just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters: // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database // if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) { String arg1 = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database(); String arg2 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username(); String arg3 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password(); miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(arg1, arg2, arg3);"MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + " Arg1: '" + arg1 + "'" + LS + " Arg2: '" + arg2 + "'" + LS + " Arg3: '" + arg3 + "'"); } else { miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();"MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [PROD]"); } // Assigns all enabled infrastructures InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures(); for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {"Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'" + LS); miJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructuresInfo[i]); } // Check the enabled infrastructures if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) { // Application Id int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId()); // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address String portalIPAddress = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address"); } // Job details String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path String outputFile = "code-rade-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output String errorFile = "code-rade-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error String appFile = "code-rade-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script) // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" // + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script + "," + appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file ; // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file // Take care of job requirements // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements' // separating each requirement by the ';' character String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";"); int numRequirements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) { if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) { jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")"; numRequirements++;"Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'"); } } // for each jobRequirement // Other job initialization settings miJobSubmission.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable miJobSubmission.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox) miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file if (null != inputSandbox // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding empty inputSandboxes && inputSandbox.length() > 0) miJobSubmission.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); if (numRequirements > 0) // Setup the JDL requirements miJobSubmission.setJDLRequirements(jdlRequirements); // Submit Job miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId, appInput.jobIdentifier); // Show log // View jobSubmission details in the log + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS + "Executable : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments : '" + arguments + "'" + LS + "Output path : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS + "Ouput file : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // } // numInfra > 0 else { _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job" + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS); } // numInfra == 0 }
From source
/** * -- WARNING ------------------------------------------------------- * (DEPRECATED) This method will be left only for some future commits * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * This method sends the job into the distributed infrastructure using * the GridEngine methods/* w w w. java 2 s .co m*/ * * @param appInput AppInput instance storing the jobSubmission data */ void __submitJob(AppInput appInput) { // GridEngine' MultiInfrastructure job submission object MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission miJobSubmission = null; // // Initialize the GridEngine Multi Infrastructure Job Submission object // // GridEngine uses two different kind of constructors. The constructor // taking void type as argument is used for production environments, while // the constructor taking SciGwyUserTrackingDB parameters is normally used // for development purposes. In order to switch-on the production constructor // just set to empty strings the following portlet init parameters: // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password // sciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database // if (null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password().equals("") && null != appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database() && !appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database().equals("")) { String arg1 = "jdbc:mysql://" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Hostname() + "/" + appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Database(); String arg2 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Username(); String arg3 = appPreferences.getSciGwyUserTrackingDB_Password(); miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(arg1, arg2, arg3);"MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [DEVEL]\n" + LS + " Arg1: '" + arg1 + "'" + LS + " Arg2: '" + arg2 + "'" + LS + " Arg3: '" + arg3 + "'"); } else { miJobSubmission = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission();"MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission [PROD]"); } // Assigns all enabled infrastructures InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = appPreferences.getEnabledInfrastructures(); for (int i = 0; i < infrastructuresInfo.length; i++) {"Adding infrastructure #" + (i + 1) + " - Name: '" + infrastructuresInfo[i].getName() + "'" + LS); miJobSubmission.addInfrastructure(infrastructuresInfo[i]); } // Check the enabled infrastructures if (infrastructuresInfo.length > 0) { // Application Id int applicationId = Integer.parseInt(appPreferences.getGridOperationId()); // Grid Engine' UserTraking needs the portal IP address String portalIPAddress = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address"); } // Job details String executable = "/bin/sh"; // Application executable String arguments = appPreferences.getPilotScript(); // executable' arguments String outputPath = "/tmp/"; // Output Path String outputFile = "hostname-Output.txt"; // Distributed application standard output String errorFile = "hostname-Error.txt"; // Distrubuted application standard error String appFile = "hostname-Files.tar.gz"; // Hostname output files (created by the pilot script) // InputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String inputSandbox = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/" // + appPreferences.getPilotScript() // pilot script + "," + appInput.inputSandbox_inputFile // input file ; // OutputSandbox (string with comma separated list of file names) String outputSandbox = appFile; // Output file // Take care of job requirements // More requirements can be specified in the preference value 'jobRequirements' // separating each requirement by the ';' character String jdlRequirements[] = appPreferences.getJobRequirements().split(";"); int numRequirements = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jdlRequirements.length; i++) { if (!jdlRequirements[i].equals("")) { jdlRequirements[numRequirements] = "JDLRequirements=(" + jdlRequirements[i] + ")"; numRequirements++;"Requirement[" + i + "]='" + jdlRequirements[i] + "'"); } } // for each jobRequirement // Other job initialization settings miJobSubmission.setExecutable(executable); // Specify the executeable miJobSubmission.setArguments(arguments); // Specify the application' arguments miJobSubmission.setOutputPath(outputPath); // Specify the output directory miJobSubmission.setOutputFiles(outputSandbox); // Setup output files (OutputSandbox) miJobSubmission.setJobOutput(outputFile); // Specify the std-outputr file miJobSubmission.setJobError(errorFile); // Specify the std-error file if (null != inputSandbox // Setup input files (InputSandbox) avoiding empty inputSandboxes && inputSandbox.length() > 0) miJobSubmission.setInputFiles(inputSandbox); if (numRequirements > 0) // Setup the JDL requirements miJobSubmission.setJDLRequirements(jdlRequirements); // Submit Job miJobSubmission.submitJobAsync(appInput.username, portalIPAddress, applicationId, appInput.jobIdentifier); // Show log // View jobSubmission details in the log + "JobSent" + LS + "-------" + LS + "Portal address: '" + portalIPAddress + "'" + LS + "Executable : '" + executable + "'" + LS + "Arguments : '" + arguments + "'" + LS + "Output path : '" + outputPath + "'" + LS + "Output sandbox: '" + outputSandbox + "'" + LS + "Ouput file : '" + outputFile + "'" + LS + "Error file : '" + errorFile + "'" + LS + "Input sandbox : '" + inputSandbox + "'" + LS); // } // numInfra > 0 else { _log.warn(LS + "There are no enough enabled infrastructures!" + LS + "It is impossible to send any job" + LS + "Configure the application preferences in order to setup" + LS + "or enable at least one infrastructure." + LS); } // numInfra == 0 }