Java tutorial
/************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Italy Consorzio COMETA (COMETA), Italy See and and for details on the copyright holders. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @author <a href="">Riccardo Bruno</a>(INFN) ****************************************************************************/ package it.infn.ct; // Import generic java libraries import*; import*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; // Importing portlet libraries import javax.portlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; // Importing liferay libraries import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay; import com.liferay.portal.model.Company; import com.liferay.portal.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.model.Role; import com.liferay.portal.model.Group; import com.liferay.portal.util.PortletKeys; import com.liferay.portal.service.RoleServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserGroupLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; // Importing GridEngine Job libraries import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.Job.*; import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.JobResubmission.GEJobDescription; import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.Job.MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission; import it.infn.ct.GridEngine.UsersTracking.UsersTrackingDBInterface; import java.util.*; // JSON import org.json.simple.JSONValue; // Logging import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * This is the class that overrides the GenericPortlet class methods * for the aleph_access project * * @author <a href="">Riccardo Bruno</a>(COMETA) */ public class aleph_portlet extends GenericPortlet { // Instantiate the logger object AppLogger _log = new AppLogger(aleph_portlet.class); // This portlet uses Aciont/Views enumerations in order to // manage the different portlet modes and the corresponding // view to display // You may override the current values with your own business // logic best identifiers and manage them through: jsp pages and // this java code // The jsp parameter PortletStatus will be the responsible of // portlet mode switching. This parameter will be read by // the processAction method (actionRequest) who will select // then the proper view mode. The doView method will read this // value (renderResponSe) assigning the correct view mode. // // At first boot the application will be in ACTIVATE status // that means the application still requires to be registered // into the GridEngine' UsersTrackingDB' GridOperations table // Once registered the defaul view mode will be the VIEW_INPUT /** * Actions enumeration contains the possible action status mode * managed by the application. Action modes are stored into the * 'PortletStatus' parameter inside the actionRequest object */ private enum Actions { ACTION_INPUT // Only one action is possible by this portlet , ACTION_DOI } /** * Views enumeration contains the possible view mondes managed b * the application. View modes are stored into the parameter 'PortletStatus' * inside the renderResponse object */ private enum Views { VIEW_INPUT // Only one view is possible by this portlet , VIEW_DOI } // Liferay portal data // Classes below are used by this portlet code to get information // about the current user public String userName = "unknown"; // Portal username public String firstName = "unknown"; // Portal user first name public String lastName = "unknown"; // Portal user last name public String userMail = "unknown"; // Portal user mail public String portalName = "localhost"; // Name of the hosting portal public String appServerPath; // This variable stores the absolute path of the Web applications public String searchText; public String checked; public String offset; public ArrayList globalList;//=new ArrayList(); public ArrayList listReecords; // Other misc valuse // (!) Pay attention that altough the use of the LS variable // the replaceAll("\n","") has to be used public static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // Users must have separated inputSandbox files // these file will be generated into /tmp directory // and prefixed with the format <timestamp>_<user>_* // The timestamp format is: public static final String tsFormat = "yyyyMMddHHmmss"; // Portlet parameters int alephGridOperation; // GridEngine Grid operation String portalHost; // Used to build JSPs AJAX calls String portletPage; // Used to build JSPs AJAX calls String cloudmgrHost; // CloudMgr URL String proxyFile; // Proxy full pathname String portalSSHKey; // Full path to portal' SSH public key String eTokenHost; // eTokenServer host String eTokenPort; // eTokenServer port String eTokenMd5Sum; // eTokenServer Md5Sum String eTokenVO; // eTokenServer VO name String eTokenVOGroup; // eTokenServer VO Group name String eTokenProxyRenewal; // eTokenProxyRenewal flag String alephGroupName; // This is the necessary Liferay' Group to enable ALEPH VM initialization String guacamole_dir; // Guacamole directory String guacamole_noauthxml; // Guacamole noauthxml file String guacamole_page; // Guacamole main page name (version) String service_description; // iService long description boolean isAlephVMEnabled = false; // This flag tells if the user' has the right to instantiate ALEPH VMs or not boolean initialized = true; // The portlet is just initialized? /* // Preferences class public class Preferences { public String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); HashMap<String,String> prefValues = null; String prefNames[] = { "GridOperation" ,"cloudMgrHost" ,"proxyFile" ,"portalSSHKey" ,"eTokenHost" ,"eTokenPort" ,"eTokenMd5Sum" ,"eTokenVO" ,"eTokenVOGroup" ,"eTokenProxyRenewal" ,"alephGroupName" ,"guacamole_dir" ,"guacamole_noauthxml" ,"guacamole_page" ,"iservices_dbname" ,"iservices_dbhost" ,"iservices_dbport" ,"iservices_dbuser" ,"iservices_dbpass" ,"iservices_srvname" ,"cloudprovider_dbname" ,"cloudprovider_dbhost" ,"cloudprovider_dbport" ,"cloudprovider_dbuser" ,"cloudprovider_dbpass" }; PortletPreferences pPrefs = null; public String[] getPrefNames() { return prefNames; } Preferences() { prefValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) prefValues.put( "", prefNames[i]); } PortletPreferences getPortletPreferences() { return pPrefs; } public void setPrefValue(String prefName, String prefValue) { if(prefValues != null) prefValues.put(prefName,prefValue); } public String getPrefValue(String prefName) { if(prefValues != null) return prefValues.get(prefName); else return ""; } public String getPrefName(int ithName) { return prefNames[ithName]; } public String tabify(boolean editableFlag) { String prefTable = ""; String prefValue = ""; if(prefValues != null) for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) { if(editableFlag) prefValue = "<input id=\"pref_input\" type=\"text\" name=\""+prefNames[i]+"\" value=\""+prefValues.get(prefNames[i])+"\"/></td"; else prefValue = prefValues.get(prefNames[i]); prefTable+="<tr><td>"+prefNames[i]+"</td><td>"+prefValue+"</td></tr>"+LS; } return prefTable; } public String dump() { String prefDump = ""; if(prefValues != null) for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) prefDump+=prefNames[i]+" - "+prefValues.get(prefNames[i]) + LS; return prefDump; } public String json() { String prefJSON = ""; String comma = ""; if(prefValues != null) for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) { if (i == 0 ) comma = ""; else comma = ","; prefJSON+= comma + " \"" + prefNames[i]+"\" : \""+ prefValues.get(prefNames[i]) + "\" "; } return "{ "+ prefJSON + " }"; } // Set portlet preferences public void setPortletPrefs(ActionRequest request) { if(request != null) { this.pPrefs = request.getPreferences(); setPortletPrefs(pPrefs); } } public void setPortletPrefs(RenderRequest request) { if(request != null) { this.pPrefs = request.getPreferences(); setPortletPrefs(pPrefs); } } public void setPortletPrefs(ResourceRequest request) { if(request != null) { this.pPrefs = request.getPreferences(); setPortletPrefs(pPrefs); } } public void setPortletPrefs(PortletPreferences pPrefs) { if(pPrefs != null) { this.pPrefs = pPrefs; setPortletPrefs(); } else _log.error("Unable to set portlet preferences from null portlet preference object" + LS); } public void setPortletPrefs() { String report = LS; if(pPrefs != null) { for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) try { report += "====PREF["+prefNames[i]+"]===>"+ prefNames[i] + " = " + prefValues.get(prefNames[i]) + LS; pPrefs.setValue(prefNames[i],prefValues.get(prefNames[i]));; } catch(Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to set portlet preferences: '"+e.toString()+"'"); }; } else _log.error("Unable to set portlet preferences from null portlet preference object" + LS); } // Get portlet preferences public void getPortletPrefs(ActionRequest request) { getPortletPrefs(request.getPreferences()); } public void getPortletPrefs(RenderRequest request) { getPortletPrefs(request.getPreferences()); } public void getPortletPrefs(ResourceRequest request) { getPortletPrefs(request.getPreferences()); } public void getPortletPrefs(PortletPreferences pPrefs) { if(pPrefs != null) { for(int i=0; i<prefNames.length; i++) setPrefValue(prefNames[i], pPrefs.getValue(prefNames[i],"")); } else _log.error("Unable to get portlet preferences from null portlet preference object" + LS); } } */ Preferences prefs = new Preferences(); // iservices object iservices iSrv = null; // cloudprovider object CloudProvider cloudProvider = null; //---------------------------- // Portlet Overriding Methods //---------------------------- /** * The init method will be called when installing the portlet for the first time * or when restarting the portal server. * This is the right time to get default values from WEBINF/portlet.xml file * Those values will be assigned into the application preferences as default values * If preference values already exists for this application the default settings will * be overwritten * * @see AppInfrastructureInfo * @see AppPreferences * * @throws PortletException */ @Override public void init() throws PortletException {"Calling init()"); // Load default values from WEBINF/portlet.xml // // <init-param> // <name>view-template</name> // <value>/view.jsp</value> // </init-param> String GridOp = getInitParameter("GridOperation"); prefs.setPrefValue("GridOperation", GridOp); alephGridOperation = Integer.parseInt(GridOp); String CAPath = getInitParameter("CAPath"); prefs.setPrefValue("CAPath", CAPath); proxyFile = getInitParameter("ProxyFile"); prefs.setPrefValue("ProxyFile", proxyFile); portalSSHKey = getInitParameter("portalSSHKey"); prefs.setPrefValue("portalSSHKey", portalSSHKey); cloudmgrHost = getInitParameter("CloudMgr"); prefs.setPrefValue("CloudMgr", cloudmgrHost); alephGroupName = getInitParameter("AlephGroupName"); prefs.setPrefValue("AlephGroupName", alephGroupName); eTokenHost = getInitParameter("eTokenHost"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenHost", eTokenHost); eTokenPort = getInitParameter("eTokenPort"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenPort", eTokenPort); eTokenMd5Sum = getInitParameter("eTokenMd5Sum"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenMd5Sum", eTokenMd5Sum); eTokenVO = getInitParameter("eTokenVO"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenVO", eTokenVO); eTokenVOGroup = getInitParameter("eTokenVOGroup"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenVOGroup", eTokenVOGroup); eTokenProxyRenewal = getInitParameter("eTokenProxyRenewal"); prefs.setPrefValue("eTokenProxyRenewal", eTokenProxyRenewal); guacamole_dir = getInitParameter("guacamole_dir"); prefs.setPrefValue("guacamole_dir", guacamole_dir); guacamole_noauthxml = getInitParameter("guacamole_noauthxml"); prefs.setPrefValue("guacamole_noauthxml", guacamole_noauthxml); guacamole_page = getInitParameter("guacamole_page"); prefs.setPrefValue("guacamole_page", guacamole_page); // iservices params String iservices_dbname = getInitParameter("iservices_dbname"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_dbname", iservices_dbname); String iservices_dbhost = getInitParameter("iservices_dbhost"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_dbhost", iservices_dbhost); String iservices_dbport = getInitParameter("iservices_dbport"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_dbport", iservices_dbport); String iservices_dbuser = getInitParameter("iservices_dbuser"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_dbuser", iservices_dbuser); String iservices_dbpass = getInitParameter("iservices_dbpass"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_dbpass", iservices_dbpass); String iservices_srvname = getInitParameter("iservices_srvname"); prefs.setPrefValue("iservices_srvname", iservices_srvname); // cloudprovider params String cloudprovider_dbname = getInitParameter("cloudprovider_dbname"); prefs.setPrefValue("cloudprovider_dbname", cloudprovider_dbname); String cloudprovider_dbhost = getInitParameter("cloudprovider_dbhost"); prefs.setPrefValue("cloudprovider_dbhost", cloudprovider_dbhost); String cloudprovider_dbport = getInitParameter("cloudprovider_dbport"); prefs.setPrefValue("cloudprovider_dbport", cloudprovider_dbport); String cloudprovider_dbuser = getInitParameter("cloudprovider_dbuser"); prefs.setPrefValue("cloudprovider_dbuser", cloudprovider_dbuser); String cloudprovider_dbpass = getInitParameter("cloudprovider_dbpass"); prefs.setPrefValue("cloudprovider_dbpass", cloudprovider_dbpass); // Show init-parameters to log files + "Init parameters " + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "Grid operation: '" + GridOp + "'" + LS + "CloudMgr host : '" + cloudmgrHost + "'" + LS + "AlephGroupName: '" + alephGroupName + "'" + LS + "Aleph proxy : '" + proxyFile + "'" + LS + "portalSSHKey : '" + portalSSHKey + "'" + LS + "CA path : '" + CAPath + "'" + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "[eTokenServer ]" + LS + "eTokenHost : '" + eTokenHost + "'" + LS + "eTokenPort : '" + eTokenPort + "'" + LS + "eTokenMd5Sum : '" + eTokenMd5Sum + "'" + LS + "eTokenVO : '" + eTokenVO + "'" + LS + "eTokenVOGroup : '" + eTokenVOGroup + "'" + LS + "eTokenProxyRenewal: '" + eTokenProxyRenewal + "'" + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "[iservices]" + LS + "iservices_dbname : '" + iservices_dbname + "'" + LS + "iservices_dbhost : '" + iservices_dbhost + "'" + LS + "iservices_dbport : '" + iservices_dbport + "'" + LS + "iservices_dbuser : '" + iservices_dbuser + "'" + LS + "iservices_dbpass : '" + iservices_dbpass + "'" + LS + "iservices_srvname: '" + iservices_srvname + "'" + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "[cloudprovider]" + LS + "cloudprovider_dbname : '" + cloudprovider_dbname + "'" + LS + "cloudprovider_dbhost : '" + cloudprovider_dbhost + "'" + LS + "cloudprovider_dbport : '" + cloudprovider_dbport + "'" + LS + "cloudprovider_dbuser : '" + cloudprovider_dbuser + "'" + LS + "cloudprovider_dbpass : '" + cloudprovider_dbpass + "'" + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "[guacamole]" + LS + "guacamole_dir : '" + guacamole_dir + "'" + LS + "guacamole_noauthxml: '" + guacamole_noauthxml + "'" + LS + "guacamole_page : '" + guacamole_page + "'" + LS + "---------------------------------------" + LS + "Preferences:" + LS + prefs.dump()); // init iservices object iSrv = new iservices(iservices_srvname, iservices_dbname, iservices_dbhost, iservices_dbport, iservices_dbuser, iservices_dbpass); if (iSrv.isEnabled()) {"Id for service '" + iservices_srvname + "' = " + iSrv.getServiceId()); iSrv.initCloudMgr(proxyFile, CAPath, cloudmgrHost, eTokenHost, eTokenPort, eTokenMd5Sum, eTokenVO, eTokenVOGroup, eTokenProxyRenewal.equals("true")); if (iSrv.isCloudMgrEnabled()) { iSrv.initNoAuthConfigXML(guacamole_dir + + guacamole_noauthxml);"CloudMgr is enabled"); } else"CloudMgr not enabled"); } // init cloudprovider object cloudProvider = new CloudProvider(cloudprovider_dbname, cloudprovider_dbhost, cloudprovider_dbport, cloudprovider_dbuser, cloudprovider_dbpass); if (cloudProvider.isEnabled())"Cloudprovider is enabled"); else"Cloudprovider not enabled"); } // init /** * This method retrieves common portlet information such as: * - The user name * - The portal name * - Application home path * - User's groups * - User's roles * @param request ActionRequest object isntance */ public void getPortletInfo(ActionRequest actionRequest, ResourceRequest resourceRequest, RenderRequest renderRequest) { String portletInfo = LS + "------------------------------" + LS + " portletInfo " + LS + "------------------------------" + LS; ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = null; User user = null; PortletSession portletSession = null; Company company = null; try { // Get request specific values if (null != actionRequest) { themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) actionRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); portletSession = actionRequest.getPortletSession(); company = PortalUtil.getCompany(actionRequest); if (initialized) { prefs.setPortletPrefs(actionRequest); initialized = false; } else prefs.getPortletPrefs(actionRequest); } else if (null != resourceRequest) { themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) resourceRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); portletSession = resourceRequest.getPortletSession(); company = PortalUtil.getCompany(resourceRequest); if (initialized) { prefs.setPortletPrefs(resourceRequest); initialized = false; } else prefs.getPortletPrefs(resourceRequest); } else if (null != renderRequest) { themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) renderRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); portletSession = renderRequest.getPortletSession(); company = PortalUtil.getCompany(renderRequest); portalHost = themeDisplay.getPortalURL(); if (initialized) { prefs.setPortletPrefs(renderRequest); initialized = false; } else prefs.getPortletPrefs(renderRequest); } else _log.error("Method getPortletInfo called with no valid requests!"); // Retrieves portalHost, username & mail portalHost = themeDisplay.getPortalURL(); portletPage = themeDisplay.getLayout().getName(themeDisplay.getLocale()); user = themeDisplay.getUser(); userName = user.getScreenName(); firstName = user.getFirstName(); lastName = user.getLastName(); userMail = user.getEmailAddress(); portletInfo += ("portalHost : '" + portalHost + "'" + LS + "portletPage: '" + portletPage + "'" + LS + "User name : '" + userName + "'" + LS + "First name : '" + firstName + "'" + LS + "Last name : '" + lastName + "'" + LS + "User mail : '" + userMail + "'" + LS); // Retrieve user groups portletInfo += "User's groups" + LS; long[] groups = user.getUserGroupIds(); isAlephVMEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { String groupName = UserGroupLocalServiceUtil.getUserGroup(groups[i]).getName(); // Enable user to instantiate ALEPH VM if (groupName.equalsIgnoreCase(alephGroupName)) { isAlephVMEnabled = true; // Enable user to instantiate ALEPH VM portletInfo += "* Enabling ALEPH VM flag *"; // break # disabled so _log will contain all user groups } portletInfo += " group: '" + UserGroupLocalServiceUtil.getUserGroup(groups[i]).getName() + "'" + LS; } // Retrieve user roles List<Role> roles = (List<Role>) RoleServiceUtil.getUserRoles(user.getUserId()); portletInfo += "User's roles" + LS; for (Role role : roles) portletInfo += role.getName() + " -> " + role.getRoleId() + LS; // Retrieves the application pathname PortletContext portletContext = portletSession.getPortletContext(); appServerPath = portletContext.getRealPath("/"); portletInfo += "App server path: '" + appServerPath + "'" + LS; // Retrieves portal name portalName = company.getName(); // // Update values from preferences (they could be changed) // alephGridOperation = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getPrefValue("GridOperation")); proxyFile = prefs.getPrefValue("ProxyFile"); portalSSHKey = prefs.getPrefValue("portalSSHKey"); cloudmgrHost = prefs.getPrefValue("CloudMgr"); alephGroupName = prefs.getPrefValue("AlephGroupName"); eTokenHost = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenHost"); eTokenPort = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenPort"); eTokenMd5Sum = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenMd5Sum"); eTokenVO = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVO"); eTokenVOGroup = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVOGroup"); eTokenProxyRenewal = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenProxyRenewal"); guacamole_dir = prefs.getPrefValue("guacamole_dir"); guacamole_noauthxml = prefs.getPrefValue("guacamole_noauthxml"); // Show taken info portletInfo += "------------------------------" + LS;; } catch (PortalException e) { _log.error("PortletInfo: got PortalException on actionRequest" + e.toString()); } catch (SystemException e) { _log.error("PortletInfo: got SystemException on actionRequest" + e.toString()); } // User services name String serviceInfo = ""; iSrv.getAllocationInfo(userName); service_description = iSrv.getServiceShDesc(); serviceInfo += LS + "--------------------------------------------------------" + LS + "Allocation info for service: '" + iSrv.getServiceName() + "'" + LS + "Service long description : '" + service_description + "'"; if (0 >= iSrv.getNumAllocations()) serviceInfo += LS + " No available service allocation for user '" + userName + "'"; else serviceInfo += LS + iSrv.dumpAllocations(); serviceInfo += LS + "--------------------------------------------------------";; } /** * This method allows the portlet to process an action request; this method is normally * called upon each user interaction (i.e. A submit button inside a jsp' <form statement) * This method determines the current application mode through the actionRequest value: * 'PortletStatus' and then determines the correct view mode to assign through the * ActionResponse 'PortletStatus' variable that will be read by the doView * This method will also takes care about the std JSR168/286: EDIT and HELP portlet modes. * * @param request ActionRequest object instance * @param response ActionResponse object instance * * @throws PortletException * @throws IOException */ @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling processAction()"); // Get portlet common information getPortletInfo(request, null, null); // Determine the current portlet mode and forward this state to the response // Accordingly to JSRs168/286 the standard portlet modes are: // VIEW, EDIT, HELP // Supported values are referred in portlet.xml under the '<supports>' tag PortletMode mode = request.getPortletMode(); response.setPortletMode(mode);"portletMode : '" + mode + "'"); // Switch among different portlet modes: VIEW, EDIT, HELP // any custom modes can be managed adding a swicth statement // corresponding to the PortletMode.<CUSTOM_MODE> value //---------- // VIEW Mode // // The actionStatus value will be taken from the calling jsp file // through the 'PortletStatus' parameter; the corresponding // VIEW mode will be stored registering the portlet status // as render parameter. See the call to setRenderParameter // If the actionStatus parameter is null or empty the default // action will be the ACTION_MAIN (main interface) // This happens the first time the portlet is shown // The PortletStatus variable is managed by the jsp page and // this java code //---------- if (mode.equals(PortletMode.VIEW)) { // Retrieve the portlet action value, assigning a default value // if not specified in the Request (PortletStatus) String actionStatus = request.getParameter("PortletStatus"); // Assigns the default ACTION mode if (null == actionStatus || actionStatus.equals("")) actionStatus = "" + Actions.ACTION_INPUT; // Different actions will be performed accordingly to the // different possible statuses int jrec = 0; int rg = 100; // Different actions will be performed accordingly to the // different possible statuses switch (Actions.valueOf(actionStatus)) { case ACTION_INPUT:"Got action: 'ACTION_INPUT'"); // Create the appInput object //App_Input appInput = new App_Input(); // Assign the correct view response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT); break; case ACTION_DOI:"Got action: 'ACTION_DOI'"); if ((request.getParameter("filterSearch").toString()).equals("doi")) { String doi = (String) request.getParameter("searchText"); System.out.println("DOI----->" + doi); searchText = doi; checked = "doi"; getRecordsOAR(doi, jrec, rg); createJsonFromAPI(); } if ((request.getParameter("filterSearch").toString()).equals("keyword")) { String keyword = (String) request.getParameter("searchText"); System.out.println("KEYWORD----->" + keyword); searchText = keyword; checked = "keyword"; int numF = getNumRec(keyword, jrec, rg); for (int i = 0; i < numF; i++) {"QUERY--> -- " + jrec + " -- " + rg); getRecordsOAR(keyword, jrec, rg); jrec = jrec + rg + 1; } createJsonFromAPI(); } if ((request.getParameter("filterSearch").toString()).equals("all")) {"-------ALL-----" + offset); searchText = ""; checked = "all"; int numF = getNumRec("", jrec, rg); for (int i = 0; i < numF; i++) {"QUERY--> -- " + jrec + " -- " + rg); getRecordsOAR("", jrec, rg); jrec = jrec + rg + 1; } createJsonFromAPI(); } // Assign the correct view response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_DOI); break; } } // VIEW //---------- // HELP Mode // // The HELP mode used to give portlet usage HELP to the user // This code will be called after the call to doHelp method //---------- else if (mode.equals(PortletMode.HELP)) { } //---------- // EDIT Mode // // The EDIT mode is used to view/setup portlet preferences // This code will be called after the user sends the actionURL // generated by the doEdit method // The code below just stores new preference values or // reacts to the preference settings changes //---------- else if (mode.equals(PortletMode.EDIT)) { // Get the editAction String editAction = request.getParameter("editAction"); if (editAction == null) editAction = "none";"editAction: '" + editAction + "'"); // Perform the corresponding editAction if (editAction.equals("goBack")) { response.setPortletMode(PortletMode.VIEW); response.setRenderParameter("PortletStatus", "" + Views.VIEW_INPUT); } else { _log.warn("Unhandled editAction: '" + editAction + "'"); } } // EDIT Mode //---------- // EDIT Mode // // Any custom portlet mode should be placed here below // in a proper 'else if' condition //---------- else { // Unsupported portlet modes will come here _log.warn("Custom portlet mode: '" + mode.toString() + "'"); } // CUSTOM Mode } // processAction /** * This method is responsible to assign the correct Application view * the view mode is taken from the renderRequest instance by the PortletStatus patameter * or automatically assigned accordingly to the Application status/default view mode * * @param request RenderRequest instance normally sent by the processAction * @param response RenderResponse used to send values to the jsp page * * @throws PortletException * @throws IOException */ @Override protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling doView()"); // Get portlet common information getPortletInfo(null, null, request); // Read a param from URL String param = ""; HttpServletRequest httpRequest = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(request); String aleph_file = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(httpRequest).getParameter("aleph_file"); if (aleph_file != null) {"aleph_file=>>" + aleph_file.split("/").length); param = aleph_file.split("/")[aleph_file.split("/").length - 1];"param=>>" + param); } // Set the return content type response.setContentType("text/html"); // currentView comes from the processAction; unless such method // is not called before (example: page shown with no user action) // VIEW_MAIN will be selected as default view String currentView = request.getParameter("PortletStatus"); if (currentView == null) currentView = "VIEW_INPUT"; // Different actions will be performed accordingly to the // different possible view modes switch (Views.valueOf(currentView)) { // The following code is responsible to call the proper jsp file // that will provide the correct portlet interface case VIEW_INPUT: {"VIEW_MAIN Selected ..."); request.setAttribute("param", param); request.setAttribute("portalHost", portalHost); request.setAttribute("portletPage", portletPage); request.setAttribute("isAlephVMEnabled", isAlephVMEnabled); request.setAttribute("iSrv", iSrv); request.setAttribute("serviceDesc", service_description); request.setAttribute("guacamole_page", guacamole_page); PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/search_view.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } break; case VIEW_DOI: {"VIEW_SEARCH Selected ..."); request.setAttribute("listReecords", listReecords); request.setAttribute("portalHost", portalHost); request.setAttribute("portletPage", portletPage); request.setAttribute("globalList", globalList); request.setAttribute("searchText", searchText); request.setAttribute("checked", checked); request.setAttribute("offset", offset); request.setAttribute("isAlephVMEnabled", isAlephVMEnabled); request.setAttribute("iSrv", iSrv); request.setAttribute("serviceDesc", service_description); request.setAttribute("guacamole_page", guacamole_page); PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext() .getRequestDispatcher("/result_search_view.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } break; default: _log.warn("Unknown view mode: " + currentView.toString()); } // switch } // doView /** * This method is responsible to retrieve the current Application preference settings * and then show the edit.jsp page where the user can edit the Application preferences * This methods prepares an actionURL that will be used by edit.jsp file into a <input ...> form * As soon the user press the action button the processAction will be called going in EDIT mode * This method is equivalent to the doView method * * @param request Render request object instance * @param response Render response object instance * * @throws PortletException * @throws IOException * */ @Override public void doEdit(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling doEdit()"); // Get portlet common information getPortletInfo(null, null, request); // Set the return content type response.setContentType("text/html"); // ActionURL and the current preference value will be passed to the edit.jsp //PortletURL pref_actionURL = response.createActionURL(); //request.setAttribute("<paramname>","<param_value>"); request.setAttribute("prefs", prefs); request.setAttribute("portalHost", portalHost); request.setAttribute("portletPage", portletPage); // The edit.jsp will be the responsible to show/edit the current preference values PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/edit.jsp"); dispatcher.include(request, response); } // doEdit /** * This method just calls the jsp responsible to show the portlet information * This method is equivalent to the doView method * * @param request Render request object instance * @param response Render response object instance * * @throws PortletException * @throws IOException */ @Override public void doHelp(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling doHelp()"); response.setContentType("text/html"); //request.setAttribute("portletVersion",appPreferences.getPortletVersion()); //PortletRequestDispatcher dispatcher=getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/help.jsp"); //dispatcher.include(request, response); } // doHelp /** * This enum contains all supported commands managed by the * portlet serveResource method */ private enum serveCommands { none // Unhandled command , submit // Submit the job , allocinfo // Retrieve allocation info , notify // Notify to portlet , setprefs // set preference values , getprefs // get preference values , resetprefs // back to default preference values , test // Tester command }; /** * This method is used to make ajax calls from the portlet' js page * * @param request Render request object instance * @param response Render response object instance * * @throws PortletException * @throws IOException */ @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException {"Calling serverResource()"); // Get portlet common information getPortletInfo(null, request, null); // Retrieve portletPreferences (not used yet) // PortletPreferences portletPreferences = (PortletPreferences) request.getPreferences(); Map obj = new LinkedHashMap(); // Used to prepare JSON output String commandParameters = ""; // Used to log commands input parameter String commandValue = (String) request.getParameter("command"); // Received command if (commandValue == null) commandValue = "none"; // Set unhandled command if no command received // Switch among possible commands received from the js switch (serveCommands.valueOf(commandValue)) { case test: // Retrieve command parameters String testParamValue1 = request.getParameter("testParam1"); String testParamValue2 = request.getParameter("testParam2"); // Prepare log parameter output obj.put("testParamValue1", testParamValue1); obj.put("testParamValue2", testParamValue2); commandParameters = "testParamValue1: '" + testParamValue1 + "'" + LS + "testParamValue2: '" + testParamValue2 + "'"; // Do something with parameters // ... // Prepare JSON ouptut obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); obj.put("testParamValue1", testParamValue1); obj.put("testParamValue2", testParamValue2); break; case setprefs: String jsonPrefs = (String) request.getParameter("prefs"); + "Set preferences" + LS + "---------------" + LS + "prefs: '" + jsonPrefs + "'" + LS); String params[] = jsonPrefs.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String param[] = params[i].split("="); prefs.setPrefValue(param[0], param[1]); // "Param#"+i+" name: '"+param[0]+"' - Param#"+i+" value: '"+param[1]+"'"+LS); } prefs.setPortletPrefs(); //; // Update changes on Guacamole XML info if (iSrv.isCloudMgrEnabled()) { guacamole_dir = prefs.getPrefValue("guacamole_dir"); guacamole_noauthxml = prefs.getPrefValue("guacamole_noauthxml"); iSrv.initNoAuthConfigXML(guacamole_dir + + guacamole_noauthxml); } obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); break; case getprefs: + "Get preferences" + LS + "---------------" + LS); obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); String prefNames[] = prefs.getPrefNames(); for (int i = 0; i < prefNames.length; i++) { obj.put(prefs.getPrefName(i), prefs.getPrefValue(prefs.getPrefName(i))); } break; case resetprefs: + "Reset preferences" + LS + "-----------------" + LS); obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); initialized = true; // Will force to reset prefs init(); break; case submit: // Retrieve command parameters String alephfile = request.getParameter("aleph_file"); String alephAlg = request.getParameter("aleph_alg");"Submit:" + LS + "=======" + LS + "Aleph file: '" + alephfile + "'" + LS + "Aleph algorithm: '" + alephAlg + "'"); // Services may be installed only having iSrv class enabled if (alephAlg == null && !iSrv.isEnabled()) { obj.put("commandRes", "KO"); obj.put("commandInfo", "Service: '" + iSrv.getServiceName() + "' cannot be instantiated because iservice class is not available. Please contact the administrator."); } // In case of new service check for its maximum allowed allocations number else if (alephAlg == null && iSrv.getNumAllocations() == iSrv.getMaxAllowedAllocations()) { obj.put("commandRes", "KO"); obj.put("commandInfo", "Reached maximum allowed allocations for service: '" + iSrv.getServiceName() + "'"); } // Otherwise submit the job else { occiSubmit(userName, firstName, lastName, portalName, alephfile, alephAlg); obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); } break; case allocinfo: if (iSrv.isEnabled()) { LinkedList allocList = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < iSrv.getNumAllocations(); i++) { // Get values from iservices iservices.AllocInfo alliV[] = iSrv.allocInfo; // Put values into JSON elemen Map allocEntry = new LinkedHashMap(); allocEntry.put("allocTs", "" + alliV[i].getAllocTs()); allocEntry.put("allocExpTs", "" + alliV[i].getAllocExpTs()); allocEntry.put("allocState", alliV[i].getAllocState()); allocEntry.put("allocId", alliV[i].getAllocId()); allocEntry.put("srvUUID", alliV[i].getSrvUUID()); // accInfo LinkedList accessList = new LinkedList(); if (iSrv.allocInfo[i].accInfo != null && iSrv.allocInfo[i].accInfo.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < iSrv.allocInfo[i].accInfo.length; j++) { // Get values iservices.AccessInfo[] acciV = iSrv.allocInfo[i].getAccInfo(); // Put values Map accessEntry = new LinkedHashMap(); accessEntry.put("ip", acciV[j].getIP()); accessEntry.put("workgroup", acciV[j].getWorkGroup()); accessEntry.put("username", acciV[j].getUserName()); accessEntry.put("password", acciV[j].getPassword()); accessEntry.put("port", acciV[j].getPort()); accessEntry.put("proto", acciV[j].getProto()); accessList.add(accessEntry); } } allocEntry.put("accInfo", accessList); allocList.add(allocEntry); } obj.put("commandRes", "OK"); obj.put("allocInfo", allocList); } else {"Ignoring allocinfo command since iservices class is not enabled"); obj.put("commandRes", "KO"); } break; case notify: // Something has to be notified to the portlet String sender = request.getParameter("sender"); String keyname = request.getParameter("keyname"); String keyvalue = request.getParameter("keyvalue"); if (keyname.equalsIgnoreCase("ipaddr")) {"Retrieving notification from '" + sender + "': " + keyname + "='" + keyvalue + "'"); } else "Ignored notification message: '" + keyname + "='" + keyvalue + "' from: '" + sender + "'"); break; // default condition does not work since null commands are generating an // exception on request.getParameter('command') call // the warning below could be replaced by a dedicated catch condition default: _log.warn("Unhandled command: '" + commandValue + "'"); return; } // swicth // Set the content type response.setContentType("application/json"); // Prepare JSON Object obj.put("commandValue", commandValue); response.getPortletOutputStream().write(JSONValue.toJSONString(obj).getBytes()); // Show taken parameters + "Command: '" + commandValue + "'" + LS + "------------------------------" + LS + "Parameters: " + LS + "------------------------------" + LS + commandParameters + LS + "------------------------------" + LS + "JSON output: " + LS + "------------------------------" + LS + JSONValue.toJSONString(obj)); } //---------------------------- // Portlet Other Methods //---------------------------- public int occiSubmit(String username, String firstName, String lastName, String portalname, String alephfile, String alephAlg) { // Retrieve the full path to the job directory String jobPath = appServerPath + "WEB-INF/job/"; String rOCCIResourcesList[] = null; Boolean useCloudProviderInfrastructure = false; InfrastructureInfo infrastructure; MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission mijs = new MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission(); if (cloudProvider != null && cloudProvider.isEnabled() && cloudProvider.getProviderList(alephGridOperation) > 0) { if (!useCloudProviderInfrastructure) {"Submission aided by CloudProvider - Using the resourceList method (no Infrastructures)"); rOCCIResourcesList = cloudProvider.getResourcesList(); // Retrieve preference settings first eTokenHost = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenHost"); eTokenPort = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenPort"); eTokenMd5Sum = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenMd5Sum"); eTokenVO = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVO"); eTokenVOGroup = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenVOGroup"); eTokenProxyRenewal = prefs.getPrefValue("eTokenProxyRenewal"); // Prepare the GridEngine' InfrastructureInfo object infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo("GridCT" // Infrastruture name , "rocci" // Adaptor , "" // , rOCCIResourcesList // Resources list , eTokenHost // eTokenServer host , eTokenPort // eTokenServer port , eTokenMd5Sum // eToken id (md5sum) , eTokenVO // VO , eTokenVOGroup // , true // ProxyRFC ); // Add infrastructure to an array of infrastructures and add them to MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission object mijs.addInfrastructure(infrastructure); } else {"Submission aided by CloudProvider - Using the infrastructure method"); cloudProvider.AppInfrastructures(alephGridOperation); //InfrastructureInfo[] infrastructuresInfo = new InfrastructureInfo[cloudProvider.infrastructuresList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < cloudProvider.infrastructuresList.size(); i++) { CloudProvider.Infrastructure cpinfra = (CloudProvider.Infrastructure) cloudProvider.infrastructuresList .get(i);"Infrastructure[" + i + "]:" + LS + " name: '" + + "'" + LS + " adaptor: '" + cpinfra.adaptor + "'" + LS + " enabled: '" + cpinfra.enabled + "'"); infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo(, cpinfra.adaptor, "", cpinfra.resourceList(), cpinfra.getParam("etoken_host"), cpinfra.getParam("etoken_port"), cpinfra.getParam("etoken_id"), cpinfra.getParam("VO"), cpinfra.getParam("VO_GroupRole"), cpinfra.getParam("ProxyRFC").equalsIgnoreCase("true")); //infrastructuresInfo[i]=infraInfo; // Enabled flag is obtained ANDing Infrastructure main flag with applicationInfrastructure flag if (cpinfra.enabled) { mijs.addInfrastructure(infrastructure);"Added infrastructure - '" + + "'"); } else"Skipping infrastructure - '" + + "' because not enabled"); } } } else { // Setup CloudProvider object for nebula-server-01 CloudProvider cp1 = new CloudProvider("nebula-server-01", "", 9000, "rocci"); // Assign OCCI parameters to the CloudProvider object String params1[][] = { { "resource", "compute" }, { "action", "create" }, { "attributes_title", "aleph2k" }, { "mixin_os_tpl", "uuid_aleph2000_vm_71" }, { "mixin_resource_tpl", "small" }, { "auth", "x509" } //,{ "publickey_file" , jobPath + ".ssh/" } // (!) UNUSED; GE uses: $HOME/.ssh/ //,{ "privatekey_file" , jobPath + ".ssh/id_dsa" } // (!) UNUSED; GE uses: $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa }; // Add OCCI parameters to the cloud provider object cp1.addParams(params1); // Setup CloudProvider object for stack-server-01 CloudProvider cp2 = new CloudProvider("stack-server-01", "", 8787, "rocci"); // Assign OCCI parameters to the CloudProvider object String params2[][] = { { "resource", "compute" }, { "action", "create" }, { "attributes_title", "aleph2k" }, { "mixin_os_tpl", "c3484114-9c67-44ff-a3da-ea9e6058fe3b" }, { "mixin_resource_tpl", "m1-large" }, { "auth", "x509" } }; // Add OCCI parameters to the cloud provider object cp2.addParams(params2); // Retrieve from cloud provider objects the OCCI endpoints String rOCCIURL1 = cp1.endPoint();"OCCI Endpoint1: '" + rOCCIURL1 + "'"); String rOCCIURL2 = cp2.endPoint();"OCCI Endpoint2: '" + rOCCIURL2 + "'"); // Prepare the ROCCI resource list String resList[] = { rOCCIURL1 // ,rOCCIURL2 }; rOCCIResourcesList = resList; // Prepare the GridEngine' InfrastructureInfo object infrastructure = new InfrastructureInfo("GridCT" // Infrastruture name , "rocci" // Adaptor , "" // , rOCCIResourcesList // Resources list , "" // eTokenServer host , "8082" // eTokenServer port , "bc779e33367eaad7882b9dfaa83a432c"// eToken id (md5sum) , "" // VO , "" // , true // ProxyRFC ); // Add infrastructure to an array of infrastructures and add them to MultiInfrastructureJobSubmission object mijs.addInfrastructure(infrastructure); } // Cloud job requires a valid proxy to operate // The eTokenserver proxy will be included into the inputSandbox //File temp=null; //String alephPxyFile = "/tmp/aleph.pxy"; //temp = new File(alephPxyFile); iSrv.getRobotProxyFile("", "8082", "bc779e33367eaad7882b9dfaa83a432c", "", "", "true", proxyFile); // Build the job identifier String[] alephfile_path = { "" }; String alephfileName = ""; int vmduration = -1; if (null != alephfile) { alephfile_path = alephfile.split("/"); alephfileName = alephfile_path[alephfile_path.length - 1]; } String vmuuid = ""; String GE_JobId = "aleph: "; if (isAlephVMEnabled && alephAlg == null) { String moreInfo = ""; if (!alephfileName.equals("")) moreInfo = "'" + alephfile + "'"; vmuuid = iSrv.getUUID(); vmduration = iSrv.getServiceDuration(); GE_JobId = "VM('" + vmuuid + "') " + moreInfo; } else GE_JobId = "'" + alephfileName + "'"; // Set job properties mijs.setExecutable(""); // Executable mijs.setArguments( // Arguments (null == alephfile ? "\"\"" : alephfile) + " " // aleph file + proxyFile + " " // proxy certificate file (having full path) + portalSSHKey + " " // portal public SSH key (having full path) + portalHost + " " // portlal host (needed to get notify) + username + " " // portal username + "\"" + firstName + "\" " // portal user first name + "\"" + lastName + "\" " // portal user last name + userMail + " " // portal user email address + cloudmgrHost + " " // cloudmgr contacting URL + "\"" + vmuuid + "\" " // VM UUID + (null == alephAlg ? "\"\"" : alephAlg) + " " // ALEPH analisys application (MITQCD,6LEP,...) + "\"" + portalname + "\" " // portal name + vmduration + " " // VM duration in seconds + "\"" + GE_JobId + "\" " // the job identifier ); mijs.setJobOutput("stdout.txt"); // std-output mijs.setJobError("stderr.txt"); // std-error mijs.setOutputPath("/tmp/"); // Output path mijs.setInputFiles(jobPath + "" + "," + // Aleph pilot script proxyFile + "," + // proxy file full path portalSSHKey // portal public ssh key ); // InputSandbox mijs.setOutputFiles("aleph_output.tar"); // OutputSandbox // Determine the host IP address String portalIPAddress = ""; try { InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); byte[] ipAddr = addr.getAddress(); portalIPAddress = "" + (short) (ipAddr[0] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[1] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[2] & 0xff) + ":" + (short) (ipAddr[3] & 0xff); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Unable to get the portal IP address"); } // Submit the job // Submission uses addInfrastructure method; this call is no longer necessary // mijs.submitJobAsync(infrastructure, username, portalIPAddress, alephGridOperation, GE_JobId); mijs.submitJobAsync(username, portalIPAddress, alephGridOperation, GE_JobId); // Remove proxy temporary file // temp.delete(); Cannot remove here the file, job submission fails // Interactive job execution (iservices) if (isAlephVMEnabled && alephAlg == null) { iSrv.allocService(username, vmuuid); iSrv.dumpAllocations(); } return 0; } public static HttpMethod callAPIOAR(String search, int jrec, int num_rec) { HttpMethod method = null; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); // String ccVal="REAL%20DATA"; String ccVal = "Dataset%20INFN%20ALEPH%202000"; method = new GetMethod("" + ccVal + "&p=" + search + "&jrec=" + jrec + "&rg=" + num_rec); System.out.println("QUERY=>>>>>" + ccVal + "&p=" + search + "&jrec=" + jrec + "&rg=" + num_rec); return method; } public static int getNumRec(String date, int jrec, int num_rec) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpMethod method = callAPIOAR(date, jrec, num_rec); double numRec = 0; int numFor = 0; String responseXML = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { client.executeMethod(method); if (method.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { method.getResponseBody(); responseXML = convertStreamToString(method.getResponseBodyAsStream()); numRec = Double.parseDouble(responseXML.split("Results:")[1].split("-->")[0].replace(" ", "")); System.out.println("NUM REC=>" + numRec / 100); numFor = (int) Math.ceil(numRec / 100); System.out.println("NUM REC=>" + numFor); method.releaseConnection(); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(aleph_portlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return numFor; } public static String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException { if (is != null) { Writer writer = new StringWriter(); char[] buffer = new char[1024]; try { Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); int n; while ((n = != -1) { writer.write(buffer, 0, n); } } finally { is.close(); } return writer.toString(); } else { return ""; } } public void getRecordsOAR(String search, int jrec, int num_rec) { String responseXML = null; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpMethod method = callAPIOAR(search, jrec, num_rec); try { client.executeMethod(method); if (method.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { method.getResponseBody(); responseXML = convertStreamToString(method.getResponseBodyAsStream()); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( appServerPath + "datatable/marcXML_OAR_" + jrec + "_" + num_rec + ".xml"); System.out.println(); fw.append(responseXML); fw.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } } public void createJsonFromAPI() { try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray list = new JSONArray(); String title = ""; String url_invenio = ""; String link_data = ""; String abs = ""; int count = 0; //creation of a json file output FileOutputStream out = null; BufferedWriter output = null; File file = new File(appServerPath + "datatable/exampleJson.txt"); output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)); File f = new File(appServerPath + "datatable/"); for (int i = 0; i < f.listFiles().length; i++) { if (f.listFiles()[i].getName().contains("marcXML_OAR")) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document = builder .build(new File(appServerPath + "datatable/" + f.listFiles()[i].getName())); Element root = document.getRootElement(); String nomeRadice = root.getName(); // System.out.println("TAG ROOT--->" + nomeRadice); //Estraggo i figli dalla radice List children = root.getChildren(); Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); //Per ogni figlio record while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject info = new JSONObject(); Element itemRecord = (Element); String nomeTag = itemRecord.getName(); //System.out.println("Nome Tag=>" + count + ")" + nomeTag); //prendo i figli di record che sono o controlfield o datafield List childrenRecord = itemRecord.getChildren(); Iterator iteratorRecord = childrenRecord.iterator(); // System.out.println("FIGLI DI RECORD: " + childrenRecord.size()); while (iteratorRecord.hasNext()) { Element childRecord = (Element); String childName = childRecord.getName(); // System.out.println("CHILD NAME" + childName); if (childName.equals("controlfield")) { String attributeTag = childRecord.getAttribute("tag").getValue(); // System.out.println("ATTRIBUTE TAG: " + attributeTag); if (attributeTag.equals("001")) { url_invenio = "" + childRecord.getValue(); // System.out.println("URL INVENIO " + count + ") " + url_invenio); } } else { String attributeTag = childRecord.getAttribute("tag").getValue(); if (attributeTag.equals("856")) { List childrenDataField = childRecord.getChildren(); Iterator iteratorchildrenDataField = childrenDataField.iterator(); while (iteratorchildrenDataField.hasNext()) { Element childDataField = (Element); String childDataFieldNome = childDataField.getName(); String attribute_code = childDataField.getAttribute("code").getValue(); if (attribute_code.equals("u")) { link_data = childDataField.getValue(); // System.out.println("LINKDATA=>" + count + ") " + link_data); } } } if (attributeTag.equals("245")) { List childrenDataField = childRecord.getChildren(); Iterator iteratorchildrenDataField = childrenDataField.iterator(); while (iteratorchildrenDataField.hasNext()) { Element childDataField = (Element); String attribute_code = childDataField.getAttribute("code").getValue(); if (attribute_code.equals("a")) { title = childDataField.getValue(); //System.out.println("TITLE=>" + count + ") " + title); } } } if (attributeTag.equals("520")) { List childrenDataField = childRecord.getChildren(); Iterator iteratorchildrenDataField = childrenDataField.iterator(); while (iteratorchildrenDataField.hasNext()) { Element childDataField = (Element); String attribute_code = childDataField.getAttribute("code").getValue(); if (attribute_code.equals("a")) { abs = childDataField.getValue(); // System.out.println("ABS=>" + count + ") " + abs); } } } } } info.put("title", title); info.put("abs", abs); info.put("link_data", link_data); info.put("url", url_invenio); info.put("type_analisys", "<select id='" + count + "sel'> <option value='6LEP'>6LEP</option> <option value='MITQCD'>MITQCD</option></select>"); info.put("action", "<input class='buttonAnalyze' id='" + count + "' type='button' value='Analyze' onclick='submitAction('>"); list.add(info); count++; } } } obj.put("data", list); output.write(obj.toJSONString()); output.flush(); output.close(); //for (int j = 0; j < (f.listFiles().length)-1; j++){ // while (f.listFiles()[j].getName().contains("marcXML_OAR")){ // boolean success = (new File(appServerPath + "datatable/"+f.listFiles()[j].getName())).delete(); // } //} String name; for (int j = 0; j < (f.listFiles().length); j++) { //System.out.println("FileName: "+fn.getName()); // while (fn.getName().contains("marcXML_OAR")){ if (f.listFiles()[j].isFile()) { name = f.listFiles()[j].getName(); if (name.contains("marcXML_OAR")) { System.out.println("FILE DA CANCELLARE--->" + f.listFiles()[j].toString()); boolean success = (new File(f.listFiles()[j].toString())).delete(); System.err.println("Deletion Success " + success); // boolean success = (new File(appServerPath + "datatable/"+fn.getName())).delete(); j = j - 1; } } } } catch (JDOMException ex) { Logger.getLogger(aleph_portlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(aleph_portlet.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } // aleph_portlet