Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf.


    public int indexOf(String str) 

Source Link


From source file:com.manydesigns.portofino.pageactions.crud.AbstractCrudAction.java

 * If a search has been executed, appends a URL-encoded String representation of the search criteria
 * to the given StringBuilder, as a GET parameter. The StringBuilder's contents are modified.
 * @param sb the base string./*w  w  w.j a v  a 2 s.  c o  m*/
 * @return sb.
protected StringBuilder appendSearchStringParamIfNecessary(StringBuilder sb) {
    String searchStringParam = getEncodedSearchStringParam();
    if (searchStringParam != null) {
        if (sb.indexOf("?") == -1) {
        } else {
    return sb;

From source file:oscar.form.study.hsfo2.pageUtil.XMLTransferUtil.java

private String getPatientName(String xmlText, String location) {

    StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(xmlText);
    String a1 = body.substring(0, body.indexOf(location));
    String a2 = a1.substring(a1.lastIndexOf("txt_Surname value"));
    String surname = a2.substring(19, a2.indexOf("signedWhen") - 2);
    String a3 = a2.substring(a2.indexOf("txt_GivenNames value"));
    String givenname = a3.substring(22, a3.indexOf("signedWhen") - 2);

    return givenname + " " + surname;

From source file:mondrian.test.loader.MondrianFoodMartLoader.java

private StringBuilder insertSchema(StringBuilder sb, String toFind, boolean mandatory, boolean insertBefore) {
    int pos = sb.indexOf(toFind);

    if (pos < 0) {
        if (mandatory) {
            throw new RuntimeException("insert.sql error: No insert clause in " + sb.toString());
        } else {/*  www.ja v a2s  .co  m*/
            return sb;

    StringBuilder insertSb = new StringBuilder();

    if (insertBefore) {
        insertSb.append(sb.substring(0, pos)).append(toFind).append(quoteId(schema)).append(".")
                .append(sb.substring(pos + toFind.length()));
    } else {
        insertSb.append(sb.substring(0, pos)).append(quoteId(schema)).append(".").append(toFind)
                .append(sb.substring(pos + toFind.length()));

    return insertSb;

From source file:edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.service.PersistenceService.java

public long countByExample(QueryByExample queryByExample) {
    long count = 0;
    StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
    if (QueryType.SELECT.equals(queryByExample.getQueryType())) {
    }/* w w  w  . ja va 2s.c o m*/
    switch (queryByExample.getQueryType()) {
    case COUNT:
        queryString.append("select count(*) ");
        queryString.append("select count(distinct(").append(queryByExample.getDistinctField()).append(") ");
        throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Query Type unsupported: " + queryByExample.getQueryType(),
                "Only supports Count types");
    queryString.append("from ").append(queryByExample.getExample().getClass().getSimpleName());

    Map<String, Object> mappedParams = new HashMap<>();
    String whereClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getExample());
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) {
        queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause);

    queryByExample.getExtraWhereCauses().forEach(item -> {
        SpecialOperatorModel special = (SpecialOperatorModel) item;
        String extraWhere = generateWhereClause(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(),
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extraWhere)) {
            if (queryString.indexOf(" where ") != -1) {
                queryString.append(" AND ");
            } else {
                queryString.append(" where ");
            mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(),

    OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection();
    try {
        List<ODocument> documents = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(mappedParams);
        if (documents.isEmpty() == false) {
            count = documents.get(0).field("count");
    } finally {
    return count;

From source file:org.sakaiproject.reports.logic.impl.ReportsManagerImpl.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//  w w w. j a  v  a 2  s.  com
public String replaceSystemValues(String inString) {
    UserDirectoryService userDirectoryService = org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService.getInstance();

    Session s = SessionManager.getCurrentSession();
    User user = userDirectoryService.getCurrentUser();
    String worksiteId = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext(); // current site id
    Site site = getCurrentWorksite(worksiteId);

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("{userid}", Validator.escapeSql(s.getUserId()));
    //system values are stored in session if report is scheduled through quartz
    if (s.getAttribute("toolid") == null) {
        UserDirectoryService dirServ = org.sakaiproject.user.cover.UserDirectoryService.getInstance();
        User u = dirServ.getCurrentUser();
        map.put("{userdisplayname}", Validator.escapeSql(u.getDisplayName()));
        map.put("{useremail}", Validator.escapeSql(u.getEmail()));
        map.put("{userfirstname}", Validator.escapeSql(u.getFirstName()));
        map.put("{userlastname}", Validator.escapeSql(u.getLastName()));
        map.put("{worksiteid}", Validator.escapeSql(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getContext()));
        map.put("{toolid}", Validator.escapeSql(ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement().getId()));
    } else {
        map.put("{userdisplayname}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("userdisplayname")));
        map.put("{useremail}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("useremail")));
        map.put("{userfirstname}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("userfirstname")));
        map.put("{userlastname}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("userlastname")));
        map.put("{worksiteid}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("worksiteid")));
        map.put("{toolid}", Validator.escapeSql((String) s.getAttribute("toolid")));

    Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
    StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(inString);

    //   loop through all the parameters and find in query for replacement
    while (iter.hasNext()) {

        //   get the parameter and associated parameter definition
        String key = (String) iter.next();

        int i = str.indexOf(key);

        //   Loop until no instances exist
        while (i != -1) {

            //   replace the parameter with the value
            str.delete(i, i + key.length());
            str.insert(i, (String) map.get(key));

            //   look for a second instance
            i = str.indexOf(key);

    String string = str.toString();

    // create a list of the supported bean objects whose values can be replaced
    Map beans = new HashMap();
    beans.put("{session.attribute.", s);
    beans.put("{site.property.", site);
    beans.put("{user.property.", user);
    string = replaceSystemValues(string, beans);

    beans = new HashMap();
    beans.put("{session.", s);
    beans.put("{site.", site);
    beans.put("{user.", user);
    string = replaceSystemValues(string, beans);

    return string;

From source file:edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.service.OrientPersistenceService.java

public long countByExample(QueryByExample queryByExample) {
    long count = 0;
    StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
    if (QueryType.SELECT.equals(queryByExample.getQueryType())) {
    }//from w w w .j  a  va  2  s.c o m
    switch (queryByExample.getQueryType()) {
    case COUNT:
        queryString.append("select count(*) ");
        queryString.append("select count(distinct(").append(queryByExample.getDistinctField()).append(") ");
        throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Query Type unsupported: " + queryByExample.getQueryType(),
                "Only supports Count types");
    queryString.append("from ").append(queryByExample.getExample().getClass().getSimpleName());

    Map<String, Object> mappedParams = new HashMap<>();
    String whereClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(),
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) {
        queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause);

    queryByExample.getExtraWhereCauses().forEach(item -> {
        SpecialOperatorModel special = (SpecialOperatorModel) item;
        String extraWhere = generateWhereClause(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(),
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extraWhere)) {
            if (queryString.indexOf(" where ") != -1) {
                queryString.append(" AND ");
            } else {
                queryString.append(" where ");
            mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(),

    OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection();
    try {
        List<ODocument> documents = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(mappedParams);
        if (documents.isEmpty() == false) {
            count = documents.get(0).field("count");
    } finally {
    return count;

From source file:raptor.connector.ics.IcsConnector.java

 * This method is invoked by the run method when there is new text to be
 * handled. It buffers text until a prompt is found then invokes
 * parseMessage.//from   w  w  w .ja v a 2 s  . co m
 * This method also handles login logic which is tricky.
public void messageArrived(StringBuilder buffer) {

    // System.err.println("Message arrived (buffer): " + buffer);

    if (isLoggedIn) {
        isLoggingIn = false;

        // If we are logged in. Then parse out all the text between the
        // prompts.
        int promptIndex = -1;
        while ((promptIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getRawPrompt())) != -1) {
            String message = drainInboundMessageBuffer(buffer, promptIndex + context.getRawPrompt().length());
    } else {

        // We are not logged in.
        // There are several complex cases here depending on the prompt
        // we are waiting on.
        // There is a login prompt, a password prompt, an enter prompt,
        // and also you have to handle invalid logins.
        int loggedInMessageIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getLoggedInMessage());
        if (loggedInMessageIndex != -1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) {
                char character = buffer.charAt(i);
                if (LOGIN_CHARACTERS_TO_FILTER.indexOf(character) != -1) {
            int nameStartIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getLoggedInMessage())
                    + context.getLoggedInMessage().length();
            int endIndex = buffer.indexOf("****", nameStartIndex);

            if (endIndex != -1) {

                userName = IcsUtils.stripTitles(buffer.substring(nameStartIndex, endIndex).trim());
                LOG.info(context.getShortName() + "Connector " + "login complete. userName=" + userName);
                isLoggedIn = true;
                // Since we are now logged in, just buffer the text
                // received and
                // invoke parseMessage when the prompt arrives.
            } else {
                // We have yet to receive the **** closing message so
                // wait
                // until it arrives.
        } else {
            int loginIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getLoginPrompt());
            if (loginIndex != -1) {
                String event = drainInboundMessageBuffer(buffer,
                        loginIndex + context.getLoginPrompt().length());
                onLoginEvent(event, true);
            } else {
                int enterPromptIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getEnterPrompt());
                if (enterPromptIndex != -1) {
                    String event = drainInboundMessageBuffer(buffer,
                            enterPromptIndex + context.getEnterPrompt().length());
                    onLoginEvent(event, false);
                } else {
                    int passwordPromptIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getPasswordPrompt());
                    if (passwordPromptIndex != -1) {
                        String event = drainInboundMessageBuffer(buffer,
                                passwordPromptIndex + context.getPasswordPrompt().length());
                        onLoginEvent(event, false);

                    } else {
                        int errorMessageIndex = buffer.indexOf(context.getLoginErrorMessage());
                        if (errorMessageIndex != -1) {
                            String event = drainInboundMessageBuffer(buffer);
                            event = StringUtils.replaceChars(event, "\uefbf\ubdef\ubfbd\uefbf\ubdef\ubfbd", "");

From source file:com.impetus.client.cassandra.CassandraClientBase.java

 * On relation columns./*from   w  w w  . j a va 2s.  com*/
 * @param columnNames
 *            the column names
 * @param columnValues
 *            the column values
 * @param columnNameBuilder
 *            the column name builder
 * @param columnValueBuilder
 *            the column value builder
 * @param rl
 *            the rl
 * @return To remove redundant columns in insert query
private StringBuilder onRelationColumns(String columnNames, String columnValues,
        StringBuilder columnNameBuilder, StringBuilder columnValueBuilder, RelationHolder rl) {
    int relnameIndx = columnNameBuilder.indexOf("\"" + rl.getRelationName() + "\"");
    if (relnameIndx != -1 && rl.getRelationValue() != null) {

        List<String> cNameArray = Arrays.asList(columnNames.split(","));
        List<String> cValueArray = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(columnValues.split(",")));
        int cValueIndex = cNameArray.indexOf("\"" + rl.getRelationName() + "\"");

        if (cValueArray.get(cValueIndex).equals("null")) {
            columnNameBuilder.delete(relnameIndx - 1, relnameIndx + rl.getRelationName().length() + 2);
            columnValueBuilder = new StringBuilder(
                    cValueArray.toString().substring(1, cValueArray.toString().length() - 1));


    return columnValueBuilder;

From source file:org.calrissian.accumulorecipes.commons.iterators.support.QueryEvaluator.java

public StringBuilder rewriteQuery(StringBuilder query, String fieldName, Collection<FieldValue> fieldValues) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    }//ww w. j  a v  a 2s.  co m

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Modifying original criteria: " + query);
    // Pull the values out of the FieldValue object
    String[] values = new String[fieldValues.size()];
    int idx = 0;
    for (FieldValue fv : fieldValues) {
        values[idx] = new String(fv.getValue());
    // Add the array to the context
    ctx.set(fieldName, values);

    Collection<QueryParser.QueryTerm> qt = terms.get(fieldName);

    // Add a script to the beginning of the criteria for this multi-valued field
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
    script.append("_").append(fieldName).append(" = false;\n");
    script.append("for (field : ").append(fieldName).append(") {\n");

    for (QueryParser.QueryTerm t : qt) {
        if (!t.getOperator().equals(JexlOperatorConstants.getOperator(ParserTreeConstants.JJTFUNCTIONNODE))) {
            script.append("\tif (_").append(fieldName).append(" == false && field ").append(t.getOperator())
                    .append(" ").append(t.getValue()).append(") { \n");
        } else {
            script.append("\tif (_").append(fieldName).append(" == false && ")
                    .append(t.getValue().toString().replace(fieldName, "field")).append(") { \n");
        script.append("\t\t_").append(fieldName).append(" = true;\n");

    // Add the script to the beginning of the criteria
    query.insert(0, script.toString());

    StringBuilder newPredicate = new StringBuilder();
    newPredicate.append("_").append(fieldName).append(" == true");

    for (QueryParser.QueryTerm t : qt) {
        // Find the location of this term in the criteria
        StringBuilder predicate = new StringBuilder();
        int start = 0;
        if (!t.getOperator().equals(JexlOperatorConstants.getOperator(ParserTreeConstants.JJTFUNCTIONNODE))) {
            predicate.append(fieldName).append(" ").append(t.getOperator()).append(" ").append(t.getValue());
            start = query.indexOf(predicate.toString());
        } else {
            // need to find the second occurence of the string.
            start = query.indexOf(predicate.toString());
        if (-1 == start) {
            log.warn("Unable to find predicate: " + predicate.toString() + " in rewritten criteria: "
                    + query.toString());
        int length = predicate.length();

        // Now modify the criteria to check the value of my.fieldName
        query.replace(start, start + length, newPredicate.toString());

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("leaving rewriteQuery with: " + query.toString());
    return query;

From source file:raptor.connector.ics.IcsConnector.java

public String[] breakUpMessage(StringBuilder message) {
    // There are two limits. Max communication size (400 on fics) for tells,
    // etc, and Max message communication size (800 on fics) for sending
    // messages.//from ww  w .  java2s  . c  om
    // This algorithm handles breaking up text that is too long for each.

    if (message.length() <= MAX_SEND_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
        return new String[] { message + "\n" };
    } else {
        int firstSpace = message.indexOf(" ");
        int messageLimit = MAX_SEND_MESSAGE_LENGTH;

        if (firstSpace != -1) {
            String command = message.substring(0, firstSpace);
            if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("message") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("mess")
                    || command.equalsIgnoreCase("mes")) {
                messageLimit = MAX_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_LENGTH;

        if (message.length() <= messageLimit) {
            return new String[] { message + "\n" };

        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(5);
        if (firstSpace != -1) {
            int secondSpace = message.indexOf(" ", firstSpace + 1);
            if (secondSpace != -1) {
                String beginingText = message.substring(0, secondSpace + 1);
                String wrappedText = WordUtils.wrap(message.toString(), messageLimit, "\n", true);
                String[] wrapped = wrappedText.split("\n");
                result.add(wrapped[0] + "\n");
                for (int i = 1; i < wrapped.length; i++) {
                    result.add(beginingText + wrapped[i] + "\n");
            } else {
                result.add(message.substring(0, messageLimit) + "\n");
                publishEvent(new ChatEvent(null, ChatType.INTERNAL,
                        L10n.getInstance().getString("icsConnal") + result.get(0)));
        } else {
            result.add(message.substring(0, messageLimit) + "\n");
            publishEvent(new ChatEvent(null, ChatType.INTERNAL,
                    L10n.getInstance().getString("icsConnal") + result.get(0)));
        return result.toArray(new String[0]);