Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf.


    public int indexOf(String str) 

Source Link


From source file:com.jaspersoft.studio.community.utils.CommunityAPIUtils.java

 * Returns the contents of '/etc/lsb-release' (and/or others).
 *///from  w  w  w. j  a  v a2  s. c  om
private static String getLinuxDescription() {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    if (EnvironmentUtils.IS_LINUX) {
        String[] files = new String[] { "/etc/lsb-release", //$NON-NLS-1$
                "/etc/lsb_release", "/etc/system-release", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "/etc/fedora-release", "/etc/SuSE-release", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "/etc/redhat-release", "/etc/release", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "/proc/version_signature", "/proc/version", "/etc/issue", }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            File file = new File(files[i]);
            if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
                try {
                    String version = IOUtils2.readString(file).trim();
                    if (version != null && result.indexOf(version) == -1) {
                        result.append("\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    new Object[] { file.getAbsolutePath() }), e);
    return result.toString();

From source file:org.apache.commons.digester3.examples.plugins.pipeline.SubstituteTransform.java

public String transform(String s) {
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s);
    while (true) {
        int idx = buf.indexOf(from);
        if (idx == -1) {
        }/*from  ww  w .ja v a  2  s. c om*/

        buf.replace(idx, idx + from.length(), to);
    return buf.toString();

From source file:org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.csvinput.CsvInput.java

 * This method is borrowed from TextFileInput
 * @param log//from  w ww  .j  a  v a 2  s  . c o  m
 *          logger
 * @param line
 *          line to analyze
 * @param delimiter
 *          delimiter used
 * @param enclosure
 *          enclosure used
 * @param escapeCharacter
 *          escape character used
 * @return list of string detected
 * @throws KettleException
public static String[] guessStringsFromLine(LogChannelInterface log, String line, String delimiter,
        String enclosure, String escapeCharacter) throws KettleException {
    List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();

    String pol; // piece of line

    try {
        if (line == null) {
            return null;

        // Split string in pieces, only for CSV!

        int pos = 0;
        int length = line.length();
        boolean dencl = false;

        int len_encl = (enclosure == null ? 0 : enclosure.length());
        int len_esc = (escapeCharacter == null ? 0 : escapeCharacter.length());

        while (pos < length) {
            int from = pos;
            int next;

            boolean encl_found;
            boolean contains_escaped_enclosures = false;
            boolean contains_escaped_separators = false;

            // Is the field beginning with an enclosure?
            // "aa;aa";123;"aaa-aaa";000;...
            if (len_encl > 0 && line.substring(from, from + len_encl).equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure)) {
                if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                    log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                            BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRow",
                                    line.substring(from, from + len_encl)));
                encl_found = true;
                int p = from + len_encl;

                boolean is_enclosure = len_encl > 0 && p + len_encl < length
                        && line.substring(p, p + len_encl).equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure);
                boolean is_escape = len_esc > 0 && p + len_esc < length
                        && line.substring(p, p + len_esc).equalsIgnoreCase(escapeCharacter);

                boolean enclosure_after = false;

                // Is it really an enclosure? See if it's not repeated twice or escaped!
                if ((is_enclosure || is_escape) && p < length - 1) {
                    String strnext = line.substring(p + len_encl, p + 2 * len_encl);
                    if (strnext.equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure)) {
                        enclosure_after = true;
                        dencl = true;

                        // Remember to replace them later on!
                        if (is_escape) {
                            contains_escaped_enclosures = true;

                // Look for a closing enclosure!
                while ((!is_enclosure || enclosure_after) && p < line.length()) {
                    enclosure_after = false;
                    is_enclosure = len_encl > 0 && p + len_encl < length
                            && line.substring(p, p + len_encl).equals(enclosure);
                    is_escape = len_esc > 0 && p + len_esc < length
                            && line.substring(p, p + len_esc).equals(escapeCharacter);

                    // Is it really an enclosure? See if it's not repeated twice or escaped!
                    if ((is_enclosure || is_escape) && p < length - 1) {
                        String strnext = line.substring(p + len_encl, p + 2 * len_encl);
                        if (strnext.equals(enclosure)) {
                            enclosure_after = true;
                            dencl = true;

                            // Remember to replace them later on!
                            if (is_escape) {
                                contains_escaped_enclosures = true; // remember

                if (p >= length) {
                    next = p;
                } else {
                    next = p + len_encl;

                if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                    log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                            BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.EndOfEnclosure", "" + p));
            } else {
                encl_found = false;
                boolean found = false;
                int startpoint = from;
                do {
                    next = line.indexOf(delimiter, startpoint);

                    // See if this position is preceded by an escape character.
                    if (len_esc > 0 && next - len_esc > 0) {
                        String before = line.substring(next - len_esc, next);

                        if (escapeCharacter != null && escapeCharacter.equals(before)) {
                            // take the next separator, this one is escaped...
                            startpoint = next + 1;
                            contains_escaped_separators = true;
                        } else {
                            found = true;
                    } else {
                        found = true;
                } while (!found && next >= 0);
            if (next == -1) {
                next = length;

            if (encl_found) {
                pol = line.substring(from + len_encl, next - len_encl);
                if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                    log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                            BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.EnclosureFieldFound", "" + pol));
            } else {
                pol = line.substring(from, next);
                if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                    log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                            BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.NormalFieldFound", "" + pol));

            if (dencl) {
                StringBuilder sbpol = new StringBuilder(pol);
                int idx = sbpol.indexOf(enclosure + enclosure);
                while (idx >= 0) {
                    sbpol.delete(idx, idx + (enclosure == null ? 0 : enclosure.length()));
                    idx = sbpol.indexOf(enclosure + enclosure);
                pol = sbpol.toString();

            // replace the escaped enclosures with enclosures...
            if (contains_escaped_enclosures) {
                String replace = escapeCharacter + enclosure;
                pol = Const.replace(pol, replace, enclosure);

            // replace the escaped separators with separators...
            if (contains_escaped_separators) {
                String replace = escapeCharacter + delimiter;
                pol = Const.replace(pol, replace, delimiter);

            // Now add pol to the strings found!

            pos = next + delimiter.length();
        if (pos == length) {
            if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                        BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.EndOfEmptyLineFound"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new KettleException(
                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "CsvInput.Log.Error.ErrorConvertingLine", e.toString()), e);

    return strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]);

From source file:com.forerunnergames.tools.common.Strings.java

 * Checks whether the specified string is contained in the specified StringBuilder.
 * @param stringBuilder/*from  www  .  j  a v a2 s.  c  o m*/
 *          The StringBuilder, must not be null.
 * @param s
 *          The string, must not be null.
 * @return true if at least one instance of s is contained within stringBuilder, false otherwise
public static boolean contains(final StringBuilder stringBuilder, final String s) {
    Arguments.checkIsNotNull(stringBuilder, "stringbuilder");
    Arguments.checkIsNotNullOrEmptyOrBlank(s, "s");

    return stringBuilder.indexOf(s) > -1;

From source file:de.terministic.serein.core.StatsListener.java

private String ArrayToString(double[] array) {
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
    for (double d : array) {
        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("        ");
        str.append(f.format(d));//from   w  w  w. j  ava2 s . c o m
        int i = str.indexOf(".");
        if (i > 0) {
            result.append(str.substring(i - 8, i + 7));
        } else {
            result.append(str.substring(str.length() - 9));
    return result.toString();

From source file:org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.fileinput.text.TextFileInputUtils.java

public static final String[] guessStringsFromLine(VariableSpace space, LogChannelInterface log, String line,
        TextFileInputMeta inf, String delimiter, String enclosure, String escapeCharacter)
        throws KettleException {
    List<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();

    String pol; // piece of line

    try {//from  w w w.  ja va  2s.  c  o m
        if (line == null) {
            return null;

        if (inf.content.fileType.equalsIgnoreCase("CSV")) {

            // Split string in pieces, only for CSV!

            int pos = 0;
            int length = line.length();
            boolean dencl = false;

            int len_encl = (enclosure == null ? 0 : enclosure.length());
            int len_esc = (escapeCharacter == null ? 0 : escapeCharacter.length());

            while (pos < length) {
                int from = pos;
                int next;

                boolean encl_found;
                boolean contains_escaped_enclosures = false;
                boolean contains_escaped_separators = false;
                boolean contains_escaped_escape = false;

                // Is the field beginning with an enclosure?
                // "aa;aa";123;"aaa-aaa";000;...
                if (len_encl > 0 && line.substring(from, from + len_encl).equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure)) {
                    if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                        log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRow",
                                        line.substring(from, from + len_encl)));
                    encl_found = true;
                    int p = from + len_encl;

                    boolean is_enclosure = len_encl > 0 && p + len_encl < length
                            && line.substring(p, p + len_encl).equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure);
                    boolean is_escape = len_esc > 0 && p + len_esc < length
                            && line.substring(p, p + len_esc).equalsIgnoreCase(escapeCharacter);

                    boolean enclosure_after = false;

                    // Is it really an enclosure? See if it's not repeated twice or escaped!
                    if ((is_enclosure || is_escape) && p < length - 1) {
                        String strnext = line.substring(p + len_encl, p + 2 * len_encl);
                        if (strnext.equalsIgnoreCase(enclosure)) {
                            enclosure_after = true;
                            dencl = true;

                            // Remember to replace them later on!
                            if (is_escape) {
                                contains_escaped_enclosures = true;
                        } else if (strnext.equals(escapeCharacter)) {
                            // Remember to replace them later on!
                            if (is_escape) {
                                contains_escaped_escape = true; // remember

                    // Look for a closing enclosure!
                    while ((!is_enclosure || enclosure_after) && p < line.length()) {
                        enclosure_after = false;
                        is_enclosure = len_encl > 0 && p + len_encl < length
                                && line.substring(p, p + len_encl).equals(enclosure);
                        is_escape = len_esc > 0 && p + len_esc < length
                                && line.substring(p, p + len_esc).equals(escapeCharacter);

                        // Is it really an enclosure? See if it's not repeated twice or escaped!
                        if ((is_enclosure || is_escape) && p < length - 1) {

                            String strnext = line.substring(p + len_encl, p + 2 * len_encl);
                            if (strnext.equals(enclosure)) {
                                enclosure_after = true;
                                dencl = true;

                                // Remember to replace them later on!
                                if (is_escape) {
                                    contains_escaped_enclosures = true; // remember
                            } else if (strnext.equals(escapeCharacter)) {
                                // Remember to replace them later on!
                                if (is_escape) {
                                    contains_escaped_escape = true; // remember

                    if (p >= length) {
                        next = p;
                    } else {
                        next = p + len_encl;

                    if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                        log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.EndOfEnclosure", "" + p));
                } else {
                    encl_found = false;
                    boolean found = false;
                    int startpoint = from;
                    // int tries = 1;
                    do {
                        next = line.indexOf(delimiter, startpoint);

                        // See if this position is preceded by an escape character.
                        if (len_esc > 0 && next - len_esc > 0) {
                            String before = line.substring(next - len_esc, next);

                            if (escapeCharacter.equals(before)) {
                                // take the next separator, this one is escaped...
                                startpoint = next + 1;
                                // tries++;
                                contains_escaped_separators = true;
                            } else {
                                found = true;
                        } else {
                            found = true;
                    } while (!found && next >= 0);
                if (next == -1) {
                    next = length;

                if (encl_found) {
                    pol = line.substring(from + len_encl, next - len_encl);
                    if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                        log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.EnclosureFieldFound", "" + pol));
                } else {
                    pol = line.substring(from, next);
                    if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                        log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.NormalFieldFound", "" + pol));

                if (dencl) {
                    StringBuilder sbpol = new StringBuilder(pol);
                    int idx = sbpol.indexOf(enclosure + enclosure);
                    while (idx >= 0) {
                        sbpol.delete(idx, idx + enclosure.length());
                        idx = sbpol.indexOf(enclosure + enclosure);
                    pol = sbpol.toString();

                // replace the escaped enclosures with enclosures...
                if (contains_escaped_enclosures) {
                    String replace = escapeCharacter + enclosure;
                    String replaceWith = enclosure;

                    pol = Const.replace(pol, replace, replaceWith);

                // replace the escaped separators with separators...
                if (contains_escaped_separators) {
                    String replace = escapeCharacter + delimiter;
                    String replaceWith = delimiter;

                    pol = Const.replace(pol, replace, replaceWith);

                // replace the escaped escape with escape...
                if (contains_escaped_escape) {
                    String replace = escapeCharacter + escapeCharacter;
                    String replaceWith = escapeCharacter;

                    pol = Const.replace(pol, replace, replaceWith);

                // Now add pol to the strings found!

                pos = next + delimiter.length();
            if (pos == length) {
                if (log.isRowLevel()) {
                    log.logRowlevel(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.ConvertLineToRowTitle"),
                            BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.EndOfEmptyLineFound"));
        } else {
            // Fixed file format: Simply get the strings at the required positions...
            for (int i = 0; i < inf.inputFields.length; i++) {
                BaseFileField field = inf.inputFields[i];

                int length = line.length();

                if (field.getPosition() + field.getLength() <= length) {
                    strings.add(line.substring(field.getPosition(), field.getPosition() + field.getLength()));
                } else {
                    if (field.getPosition() < length) {
                    } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new KettleException(
                BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "TextFileInput.Log.Error.ErrorConvertingLine", e.toString()), e);

    return strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]);

From source file:nz.net.orcon.kanban.automation.plugin.TemplatePlugin.java

private void replaceAll(String field, String value, StringBuilder builder) {

    int x = 0;//from   ww  w  . ja  v a2 s.  c  om
    String toFind = "${" + field + "}";
    while (x >= 0) {
        x = builder.indexOf(toFind);
        if (x >= 0) {
            builder.replace(x, x + toFind.length(), value);

From source file:org.alfresco.web.app.servlet.BaseServlet.java

 * Redirect to the Login page - saving the current URL which can be redirected back later
 * once the user has successfully completed the authentication process.
 * @param sendRedirect allow a redirect status code to be set? If <code>false</code> redirect
 * will be via markup rather than status code (to allow the status code to be used for handshake
 * responses etc.//from  ww w. j  ava2s .  com
public static void redirectToLoginPage(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, ServletContext sc,
        boolean sendRedirect) throws IOException {
    // Pass the full requested URL as a parameter so the login page knows where to redirect to later
    final String uri = req.getRequestURI();
    String redirectURL = uri;

    // authentication failed - so end servlet execution and redirect to login page
    if (WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(sc)
            .containsBean(Application.BEAN_CONFIG_SERVICE)) {
        StringBuilder redirect = new StringBuilder(128).append(req.getContextPath()).append(FACES_SERVLET)

        // if we find a JSF servlet reference in the URI then we need to check if the rest of the
        // JSP specified is valid for a redirect operation after Login has occured.
        int jspIndex;
        if (uri.indexOf(req.getContextPath() + FACES_SERVLET) == -1 || uri
                .length() > (jspIndex = uri.indexOf(BaseServlet.FACES_SERVLET)
                        + BaseServlet.FACES_SERVLET.length())
                && BaseServlet.validRedirectJSP(uri.substring(jspIndex))) {
            if (redirect.indexOf("?") == -1) {
            } else {
            String url = uri;

            // Append the query string if necessary
            String queryString = req.getQueryString();
            if (queryString != null) {
                // Strip out leading ticket arguments
                queryString = queryString.replaceAll("(?<=^|&)" + ARG_TICKET + "(=[^&=]*)?&", "");
                // Strip out trailing ticket arguments
                queryString = queryString.replaceAll("(^|&)" + ARG_TICKET + "(=[^&=]*)?(?=&|$)", "");
                if (queryString.length() != 0) {
                    url += "?" + queryString;
            redirect.append(URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF-8"));
        redirectURL = redirect.toString();
    // If external authentication isn't in use (e.g. proxied share authentication), it's safe to return a redirect to the client
    if (sendRedirect) {
    // Otherwise, we must signal to the client with an unauthorized status code and rely on a browser refresh to do
    // the redirect for failover login (as we do with NTLM, Kerberos)
    else {
        res.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

        final PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
        out.println("<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"0; url=" + redirectURL + "\">");
        out.println("</head><body><p>Please <a href=\"" + redirectURL + "\">log in</a>.</p>");

From source file:raptor.swt.RaptorStyledText.java

public void copy() {
    if ((getStyle() & SWT.SINGLE) != 0) {
    } else {//  w  w  w  .  j  a  v a2 s. c om
        String text = getSelectionText();
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
            // TO DO: This really should be moved down into the connector.
            // Currently, however, that is not needed .
            if (text.startsWith("http")) {
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(text);
                int newLineIndex = builder.indexOf("\n\\");

                while (newLineIndex != -1) {
                    int cursor = newLineIndex + 2;
                    while (Character.isWhitespace(builder.charAt(cursor))) {
                    if (cursor > newLineIndex + 2) {
                        builder.delete(newLineIndex, cursor);
                    newLineIndex = builder.indexOf("\n\\", newLineIndex + 1);
                text = builder.toString();

            } else {
                text = IcsUtils.removeLineBreaks(text);

            clipBoard.setContents(new Object[] { text }, new Transfer[] { TextTransfer.getInstance() },

From source file:org.glite.lb.NotifParser.java

 * this method creates an XML document out of a provided String
 * note that the string has to be a valid escaped XML document representation,
 * otherwise the process will fail/*from   w  w w. j  a  v a 2  s.c o  m*/
 * @param body a String containing an XML document
 * @return an XML document in the Document format
 * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException
 * @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
 * @throws java.io.IOException
private Document createXML(String body) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
    String removed = body.substring(0, body.length() - 1);
    String parsed = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(removed);
    //this code removes hexadecimal references from the string (couldn't find
    //a suitable parser for this)
    StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder(parsed);
    int j = build.indexOf("%");
    while (j > 0) {
        if (build.charAt(j - 1) == '>') {
            build.delete(j, j + 3);
            if (build.charAt(j) == '<') {
                j = build.indexOf("%");
        } else {
            j = build.indexOf("%", j + 1);
    parsed = build.toString();
    //ends here
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    return factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(parsed)));