List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf
@Override public int indexOf(String str)
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@BenchmarkOperation(name = "Login", max90th = 1, timing = Timing.AUTO) public void doLogin() throws IOException, Exception { logger.finer("In doLogin"); int randomId = 0; //use as password username = null;//from w w w . j a v a2s .c o m if (isLoggedOn) { doLogout(); } randomId = selectUserID(); username = UserName.getUserName(randomId); logger.finer("Logging in as " + username + ", " + randomId); String loginPost = constructLoginPost(randomId); StringBuilder response = http.fetchURL(loginURL, loginPost); int loginIdx = response.indexOf("Login:"); if (loginIdx != -1) { throw new Exception(" Found login prompt at index " + loginIdx); } logger.finer("Login successful as " + username + ", " + randomId); isLoggedOn = true; }
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public Keeper(final Url location) {"Starting keeper for " + location); final DesktopIntegrationStrategy desktop = new Bootstrapper().discover(); final ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(new HessianProxyProvider()); final AppsnapService snap = proxyFactory.create(AppsnapService.class, location.toString()); AppsnapServiceInfo serviceInfo;// w w w .j ava 2 s .co m while (true) { try { serviceInfo = snap.serviceInfo(); break; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error talking to appsnap. Will try again in 5 seconds. The message was: " + e.getMessage(), e); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } final File dataLocation = desktop.keeperDataDir(; try { final File logOutput = new File(dataLocation, "log4j.log"); Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(new FileAppender(new SimpleLayout(), logOutput.getAbsolutePath()));"Configured logging to " + logOutput.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"Starting from " + dataLocation.getAbsolutePath()); Data data; try { data = new Data(dataLocation); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } if (data.config.get() == null) { if (System.getProperty("dev-bootstrap", "false").equals("true")) { KeeperConfig config = new KeeperConfig(); data.config.put(config); } else { throw new NullPointerException("Keeper data has no config: have you run the installer?"); } } if (location == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } guts = new Guts(serviceInfo, location, proxyFactory, snap, data, desktop); desktop.noLongerGutless(guts); final Poller poller = new Poller(guts, true); poller.start(); desktop.thePollerWasStartedAndHereItIs(poller); desktop.startLocalApiServer(new ApiMessageHandler() { final SocketFunction[] commands = new SocketFunction[] { new PollFunction(guts, poller), new InstallFunction(guts, poller), new ControlPanelLaunchFunction(guts), new LaunchFunction(guts, poller), new PingFuction() }; public void handle(ApiMessageConnection socket) { try {"Opening connection"); StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder(); Reader r = new InputStreamReader(;"Reading input"); // char[] b = new char[1024]; // for(int;x!=-1;{ // input.append(b, 0, x); // } for (int x =; x != -1 && x != '\n'; x = { input.append((char) x); } // r.close();"Command: " + input); String commandName; String commandParams; int argsDelimiterPos = input.indexOf(" "); if (argsDelimiterPos != -1) { commandName = input.substring(0, argsDelimiterPos); commandParams = input.substring(argsDelimiterPos + 1); } else { commandName = input.toString(); commandParams = ""; } SocketFunction command = null; for (SocketFunction next : commands) { if ( { command = next; } } String response; if (command == null) { response = ("Invalid command: " + commandName); } else { try { response = command.execute(commandParams); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); response = e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + e.getMessage(); } }"Sending response: " + response); Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.out()); w.write(response); w.write('\n'); w.flush(); w.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { socket.close(); } } }); }
From source
public void getNetIp() { new Thread() { public void run() { String line = ""; URL infoUrl = null;/*from www.j av a2s . c o m*/ InputStream inStream = null; try { infoUrl = new URL(""); URLConnection connection = infoUrl.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connection; int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { inStream = httpConnection.getInputStream(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, "utf-8")); StringBuilder strber = new StringBuilder(); // String line = ""; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) strber.append(line + "\n"); inStream.close(); int begin = strber.indexOf("cname\": \"") + 8; int end = strber.indexOf("\"};") - 1; //Log.e("sai", "begin = " + begin + " end =" + end); line = strber.substring(begin + 1, end); //Log.e("sai", "strber = " + strber); Log.e("sai", "line = " + line); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // return null; Message message = new Message(); message.what = 1; message.obj = line; myHandler.sendMessage(message); }; }.start(); }
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private long getLastModifiedValue() { if (this.lastModified == 0) { long bfTimestamp; try {/* w w w. j a v a 2s .co m*/ String path = WebFactory.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/", this.getServletContext()); StringBuilder versionInfo = new StringBuilder(); String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(path), "UTF-8"); try { while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { versionInfo.append(scanner.nextLine() + NL); } } finally { scanner.close(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("VersionInfo: " + versionInfo); } // String APP_NAME = APP_INFO.substring(0, APP_INFO.indexOf(" ")); // String APP_VERSION = APP_INFO.substring(APP_INFO.indexOf(" ") + 1, APP_INFO.indexOf("-") - 1); String timestamp = versionInfo.substring(versionInfo.indexOf("Timestamp:") + 10, versionInfo.length()); String df = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(df); Date date = sdf.parse(timestamp); bfTimestamp = date.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error setting HTTP Header 'Last Modified', could not parse the given date."); bfTimestamp = 0; } this.lastModified = bfTimestamp; } return lastModified; }
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private String readLine() throws IOException { String line = _read.readLine(); if (line == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(line); for (int index; (index = sb.indexOf("\b")) != -1;) sb.replace(Math.max(0, index - 1), index + 1, ""); return sb.toString(); }
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@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "SQL_NONCONSTANT_STRING_PASSED_TO_EXECUTE", justification = "Dynamic based upon tables in the database") public SearchResult search(SearchResult result, String cluster, String dataSource, long t0, long t1, String filter, Token token) throws DataSourceException { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss"); String timeField = null;/* ww w . j a v a 2 s. c om*/ TreeMap<Long, List<Record>> records = result.getRecords(); if (cluster == null) { cluster = "demo"; } if (dataSource.equalsIgnoreCase("MRJob")) { timeField = "LAUNCH_TIME"; } else if (dataSource.equalsIgnoreCase("HodJob")) { timeField = "StartTime"; } else { timeField = "timestamp"; } String startS = formatter.format(t0); String endS = formatter.format(t1); Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String dateclause = timeField + " >= '" + startS + "' and " + timeField + " <= '" + endS + "'"; // ClusterConfig cc = new ClusterConfig(); String jdbc = ""; // cc.getURL(cluster); Connection conn = org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.util.DriverManagerUtil.getConnection(jdbc); stmt = conn.createStatement(); String query = ""; query = "select * from " + dataSource + " where " + dateclause + ";"; rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); if (stmt.execute(query)) { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); ResultSetMetaData rmeta = rs.getMetaData(); int col = rmeta.getColumnCount(); while ( { ChukwaRecord event = new ChukwaRecord(); StringBuilder cell = new StringBuilder(); ; long timestamp = 0; for (int i = 1; i < col; i++) { String value = rs.getString(i); if (value != null) { cell.append(" "); cell.append(rmeta.getColumnName(i)); cell.append(":"); cell.append(value); } if (rmeta.getColumnName(i).equals(timeField)) { timestamp = rs.getLong(i); event.setTime(timestamp); } } boolean isValid = false; if (filter == null || filter.equals("")) { isValid = true; } else if (cell.indexOf(filter) > 0) { isValid = true; } if (!isValid) { continue; } event.add(Record.bodyField, cell.toString()); event.add(Record.sourceField, cluster + "." + dataSource); if (records.containsKey(timestamp)) { records.get(timestamp).add(event); } else { List<Record> list = new LinkedList<Record>(); list.add(event); records.put(event.getTime(), list); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DataSourceException(e); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { log.debug(ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(sqlEx)); } rs = null; } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { log.debug(ExceptionUtil.getStackTrace(sqlEx)); } stmt = null; } } return result; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}// w w w .j av a 2 s.c o m */ @Override public String toJPAQuery() { StringBuilder jpaQuery = new StringBuilder("FROM People "); if (!empty()) { //MD: We need to re-convert the alias text = text.replace("\\\"", "\""); String[] words = RegExUtils.splitPunctuationAndSpaceChars(text); if (words.length > 0) { jpaQuery.append(" WHERE "); } for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { jpaQuery.append("((mapNameLf like '%"); jpaQuery.append(words[i].replace("'", "''")); jpaQuery.append( "%') OR personId IN(SELECT person FROM org.medici.bia.domain.AltName WHERE altName like '%"); jpaQuery.append(words[i]); jpaQuery.append("%'))"); if (i < words.length - 1) { jpaQuery.append(" AND "); } } //To discard record deleted if (jpaQuery.indexOf("WHERE") != -1) { jpaQuery.append(" AND logicalDelete = false"); } } else { jpaQuery.append(" WHERE logicalDelete = false"); } return jpaQuery.toString(); }
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/** * Builds the URL the client needs to visit to approve access. *///from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c om private void buildAznUrl() throws OAuthResponseParams.OAuthRequestException { // We add the token, gadget is responsible for the callback URL. OAuthAccessor accessor = accessorInfo.getAccessor(); if (accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.userAuthorizationURL == null) { throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.BAD_OAUTH_CONFIGURATION, "No authorization URL specified"); } StringBuilder azn = new StringBuilder(accessor.consumer.serviceProvider.userAuthorizationURL); if (azn.indexOf("?") == -1) { azn.append('?'); } else { azn.append('&'); } azn.append(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN); azn.append('='); azn.append(OAuth.percentEncode(accessor.requestToken)); responseParams.setAznUrl(azn.toString()); }
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String appendQueryString(String url, String queryString, Set<String> inheritableParameterNames) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) { return url; }/*from www .j a va 2 s . co m*/ // split url from existing query parameters StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder queryParams = new StringBuilder(); int separatorPos = url.indexOf('?'); if (separatorPos >= 0) { queryParams.append(url.substring(separatorPos + 1)); urlBuilder.append(url.substring(0, separatorPos)); } else { urlBuilder.append(url); } // append new query parameters if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(queryString)) { if (queryParams.length() > 0) { queryParams.append('&'); } queryParams.append(queryString); } // inherit query parameters from current request (only if the parameter is not already included in the params list) if (inheritableParameterNames != null && request != null) { for (String parameterName : inheritableParameterNames) { if (queryParams.indexOf(parameterName + "=") == -1) { String[] values = RequestParam.getMultiple(request, parameterName); if (values != null) { for (String value : values) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { if (queryParams.length() > 0) { queryParams.append('&'); } queryParams.append(parameterName); queryParams.append('='); queryParams.append(value); } } } } } } // build complete url if (queryParams.length() > 0) { urlBuilder.append('?'); urlBuilder.append(queryParams); } return urlBuilder.toString(); }
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@Override public void addWhere(String where) { Matcher entityMatcher = FROM_ENTITY_PATTERN.matcher(buffer); String alias = findAlias(entityMatcher); int insertPos = buffer.length(); Matcher lastClauseMatcher = LAST_CLAUSE_PATTERN.matcher(buffer); if (lastClauseMatcher.find(entityMatcher.end())) insertPos = lastClauseMatcher.start() - 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Matcher whereMatcher = WHERE_PATTERN.matcher(buffer); int whereEnd = -1; boolean needOpenBracket = false; if (whereMatcher.find(entityMatcher.end())) { whereEnd = whereMatcher.end();/*from w ww . j av a 2 s .c om*/ Matcher orMatcher = OR_PATTERN.matcher(buffer); orMatcher.region(whereEnd + 1, insertPos); if (orMatcher.find()) { // surround with brackets if there is OR inside WHERE sb.append(")"); needOpenBracket = true; } sb.append(" and "); } else { sb.append(" where "); } sb.append("(").append(where); int idx; while ((idx = sb.indexOf(ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER)) >= 0) { sb.replace(idx, idx + ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER.length(), alias); } sb.append(")"); if (needOpenBracket) { buffer.insert(whereEnd + 1, "("); insertPos++; } buffer.insert(insertPos, sb); Matcher paramMatcher = PARAM_PATTERN.matcher(where); while (paramMatcher.find()) { addedParams.add(; } }