Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Space Dynamics Laboratory - Utah State University Research Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.service; import; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.query.OSQLSynchQuery; import com.orientechnologies.orient.object.db.OObjectDatabaseTx; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.common.exception.OpenStorefrontRuntimeException; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.common.util.ReflectionUtil; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.common.util.StringProcessor; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.annotation.PK; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.PersistenceService; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.ComplexFieldStack; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.GenerateStatementOption; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.GenerateStatementOptionBuilder; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.QueryByExample; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.QueryType; import static edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.QueryType.COUNT; import static edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.QueryType.COUNT_DISTINCT; import static edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.QueryType.SELECT; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.api.query.SpecialOperatorModel; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.entity.BaseEntity; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.entity.StandardEntity; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.core.util.EntityUtil; import; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.service.manager.DBManager; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.validation.ValidationModel; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.validation.ValidationResult; import edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.validation.ValidationUtil; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javassist.util.proxy.Proxy; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * Handles all interaction with the database * * @author dshurtleff */ public class OrientPersistenceService implements PersistenceService { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OrientPersistenceService.class.getName()); private static final String PARAM_NAME_SEPARATOR = "1"; private OObjectDatabaseTx transaction; public OrientPersistenceService() { } @Override public String generateId() { return UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } public OObjectDatabaseTx getConnection() { OObjectDatabaseTx db; if (transaction == null) { db = DBManager.getConnection(); } else { db = transaction; } db.setLazyLoading(false); return db; } public void closeConnection(OObjectDatabaseTx db) { if (transaction == null) { db.close(); } } @Override public void begin() { if (transaction == null) { transaction = DBManager.getConnection(); transaction.begin(); } else { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Already in a Transaction", "Commit or rollback transaction action before beginning a new one."); } } @Override public void commit() { if (transaction == null) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Not in a transaction", "Begin a new one."); } else { transaction.commit(); } } @Override public void rollback() { if (transaction == null) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Not in a transaction", "Begin a new one."); } else { transaction.rollback(); } } @Override public void endTransaction() { if (transaction != null) { transaction.close(); transaction = null; } } @Override public boolean isTransactionActive() { boolean active = false; if (transaction != null) { active = transaction.getTransaction().isActive(); } return active; } @Override public boolean isAttached(BaseEntity baseEntity) { boolean attached = false; OObjectDatabaseTx database = getConnection(); try { attached = database.isManaged(baseEntity); } finally { closeConnection(database); } return attached; } @Override public <T extends StandardEntity> T setStatusOnEntity(Class<T> entity, Object id, String activeStatus) { T found = findById(entity, id); if (found != null) { found.setUpdateUser(SecurityUtil.getCurrentUserName()); found.populateBaseUpdateFields(); found.setActiveStatus(activeStatus); persist(found); } else { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Unable to find entity to set status on.", "Check Input: " + entity.getSimpleName() + " id: " + id); } return found; } /** * This only works on managed objects * * @param <T> * @param entityClass * @param primaryKey (DB RID not our Entity PK) * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T find(Class<T> entityClass, Object primaryKey) { final ORecordId rid; OObjectDatabaseTx database = getConnection(); try { if (primaryKey instanceof ORecordId) { rid = (ORecordId) primaryKey; } else if (primaryKey instanceof String) { rid = new ORecordId((String) primaryKey); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "PrimaryKey '" + primaryKey + "' type (" + primaryKey.getClass() + ") is not supported"); } return (T) database.load(rid); } finally { closeConnection(database); } } @Override public <T> T findById(Class<T> entity, Object id) { if (id == null) { log.log(Level.FINEST, "Id is null so return null"); return null; } OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T returnEntity = null; try { if (checkPkObject(db, entity, id)) { Map<String, Object> pkFields = findIdField(entity, id); if (pkFields.isEmpty()) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Unable to find PK field", "Mark the Primary Key field (@PK) on the entity: " + entity.getName()); } StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>(); for (String fieldName : pkFields.keySet()) { parameters.put(fieldName.replace(".", PARAM_NAME_SEPARATOR) + "Param", pkFields.get(fieldName)); whereClause.append(" ").append(fieldName).append(" = :") .append(fieldName.replace(".", PARAM_NAME_SEPARATOR)).append("Param").append(" AND"); } String whereClauseString = whereClause.substring(0, whereClause.length() - 3); List<T> results = db.query( new OSQLSynchQuery<>( "select * from " + entity.getSimpleName() + " where " + whereClauseString), parameters); if (!results.isEmpty()) { returnEntity = results.get(0); } } else { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Id passed in doesn't match the PK type of the entity", "Make sure you are passing the right PK"); } } finally { closeConnection(db); } return returnEntity; } /** * Check to make sure the id is the same type as the pk. If not it's a * programming error. * * @param entityClass * @param id required * @return */ private boolean checkPkObject(OObjectDatabaseTx db, Class entityClass, Object id) { boolean pkValid = true; Objects.requireNonNull(id, "Id must not be null"); if (entityClass.getSuperclass() != null) { pkValid = checkPkObject(db, entityClass.getSuperclass(), id); } if (pkValid) { for (Field field : entityClass.getDeclaredFields()) { PK idAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(PK.class); if (idAnnotation != null) { if (id.getClass().getName().equals(field.getType().getName()) == false) { //Manage PK has likely been pull by the DB and passed back in ...let it through if ((id instanceof Proxy) == false) { pkValid = false; } } } } } return pkValid; } private Map<String, Object> findIdField(Class entityClass, Object id) { Map<String, Object> fieldValueMap = new HashMap<>(); //Start at the root (The fist Id found wins ...there should only be one) if (entityClass.getSuperclass() != null) { fieldValueMap = findIdField(entityClass.getSuperclass(), id); } if (fieldValueMap.isEmpty()) { for (Field field : entityClass.getDeclaredFields()) { PK idAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(PK.class); if (idAnnotation != null) { if (ReflectionUtil.isComplexClass(field.getType())) { //PK class should only be one level deep for (Field pkField : field.getType().getDeclaredFields()) { try { // Method pkMethod = id.getClass().getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(field.getName()), (Class<?>[]) null); // Object pkObj = pkMethod.invoke(id, (Object[]) null); // // Method method = pkObj.getClass().getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(pkField.getName()), (Class<?>[]) null); // Object returnObj = method.invoke(pkObj, (Object[]) null); Method method = id.getClass().getMethod( "get" + StringUtils.capitalize(pkField.getName()), (Class<?>[]) null); Object returnObj = method.invoke(id, (Object[]) null); fieldValueMap.put(field.getName() + "." + pkField.getName(), returnObj); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException(ex); } } } else { fieldValueMap.put(field.getName(), id); break; } } } } return fieldValueMap; } @Override public long countClass(Class entityClass) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); long count = 0; try { count = db.countClass(entityClass); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return count; } @Override public <T> int deleteByExample(BaseEntity example) { return deleteByExample(new QueryByExample(example)); } @Override public <T> int deleteByExample(QueryByExample queryByExample) { int deleteCount = 0; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("delete from ").append(queryByExample.getExample().getClass().getSimpleName()); Map<String, Object> mappedParams = new HashMap<>(); String whereClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), queryByExample.getExampleOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) { queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(queryByExample.getExample())); } queryByExample.getExtraWhereCauses().forEach(item -> { SpecialOperatorModel special = (SpecialOperatorModel) item; String extraWhere = generateWhereClause(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extraWhere)) { if (queryString.indexOf(" where ") != -1) { queryString.append(" AND "); } else { queryString.append(" where "); } queryString.append(extraWhere); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption())); } }); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { deleteCount = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(mappedParams); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return deleteCount; } @Override public int deleteByQuery(Class entityClass, String whereClause, Map<String, Object> queryParams) { int deleteCount = 0; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("delete from ").append(entityClass.getSimpleName()); queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { deleteCount = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(queryParams); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return deleteCount; } @Override public <T> int updateByExample(Class<T> entityClass, T exampleSet, T exampleWhere) { int updateCount = 0; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("update ").append(entityClass.getSimpleName()); GenerateStatementOption generateStatementOption = new GenerateStatementOptionBuilder().build(); generateStatementOption.setCondition(GenerateStatementOption.CONDITION_COMMA); generateStatementOption.setParameterSuffix(GenerateStatementOption.PARAMETER_SUFFIX_SET); queryString.append(" set ") .append(generateWhereClause(exampleSet, new ComplexFieldStack(), generateStatementOption)); queryString.append(" where ").append(generateWhereClause(exampleWhere)); Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<>(); queryParams.putAll(mapParameters(exampleSet, new ComplexFieldStack(), generateStatementOption)); queryParams.putAll(mapParameters(exampleWhere)); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { updateCount = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(queryParams); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return updateCount; } @Override public <T> int runDbCommand(String query, Map<String, Object> queryParams) { int updateCount = 0; OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { updateCount = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute(queryParams); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return updateCount; } @Override public long countByExample(BaseEntity example) { QueryByExample queryByExample = new QueryByExample(example); queryByExample.setQueryType(QueryType.COUNT); return countByExample(new QueryByExample(example)); } @Override public long countByExample(QueryByExample queryByExample) { long count = 0; StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); if (QueryType.SELECT.equals(queryByExample.getQueryType())) { queryByExample.setQueryType(QueryType.COUNT); } switch (queryByExample.getQueryType()) { case COUNT: queryString.append("select count(*) "); break; case COUNT_DISTINCT: queryString.append("select count(distinct(").append(queryByExample.getDistinctField()).append(") "); break; default: throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Query Type unsupported: " + queryByExample.getQueryType(), "Only supports Count types"); } queryString.append("from ").append(queryByExample.getExample().getClass().getSimpleName()); Map<String, Object> mappedParams = new HashMap<>(); String whereClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), queryByExample.getExampleOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) { queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(queryByExample.getExample())); } queryByExample.getExtraWhereCauses().forEach(item -> { SpecialOperatorModel special = (SpecialOperatorModel) item; String extraWhere = generateWhereClause(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extraWhere)) { if (queryString.indexOf(" where ") != -1) { queryString.append(" AND "); } else { queryString.append(" where "); } queryString.append(extraWhere); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption())); } }); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { List<ODocument> documents = db.command(new OCommandSQL(queryString.toString())).execute(mappedParams); if (documents.isEmpty() == false) { count = documents.get(0).field("count"); } } finally { closeConnection(db); } return count; } public List<ODocument> dbCommandQuery(String query, Map<String, Object> params) { List<ODocument> documents = new ArrayList<>(); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { documents = db.command(new OCommandSQL(query)).execute(params); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return documents; } /** * This will run the example with the default options * * @param <T> * @param exampleClass * @param baseEntity * @return */ @Override public <T> List<T> queryByExample(Class<T> exampleClass, BaseEntity baseEntity) { return queryByExample(exampleClass, new QueryByExample(baseEntity)); } @Override public <T> List<T> queryByExample(Class<T> exampleClass, QueryByExample queryByExample) { StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); switch (queryByExample.getQueryType()) { case SELECT: queryString.append("select "); break; default: throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException("Query Type unsupported: " + queryByExample.getQueryType(), "Only supports select"); } queryString.append(" from ").append(queryByExample.getExample().getClass().getSimpleName()); Map<String, Object> mappedParams = new HashMap<>(); String whereClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), queryByExample.getExampleOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) { queryString.append(" where ").append(whereClause); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(queryByExample.getExample())); } if (queryByExample.getLikeExample() != null) { String likeClause = generateWhereClause(queryByExample.getLikeExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), queryByExample.getLikeExampleOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(likeClause)) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(whereClause)) { queryString.append(" AND "); } else { queryString.append(" where "); } queryString.append(likeClause); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(queryByExample.getLikeExample())); } } queryByExample.getExtraWhereCauses().forEach(item -> { SpecialOperatorModel special = (SpecialOperatorModel) item; String extraWhere = generateWhereClause(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extraWhere)) { if (queryString.indexOf(" where ") != -1) { queryString.append(" AND "); } else { queryString.append(" where "); } queryString.append(extraWhere); mappedParams.putAll(mapParameters(special.getExample(), new ComplexFieldStack(), special.getGenerateStatementOption())); } }); if (queryByExample.getGroupBy() != null) { String names = generateExampleNames(queryByExample.getGroupBy()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(names)) { queryString.append(" group by ").append(names); } } if (queryByExample.getOrderBy() != null) { String names = generateExampleNames(queryByExample.getOrderBy()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(names)) { queryString.append(" order by ").append(names).append(" ") .append(queryByExample.getSortDirection()); } } if (queryByExample.getFirstResult() != null && queryByExample.getFirstResult() > 0) { queryString.append(" SKIP ").append(queryByExample.getFirstResult()); } if (queryByExample.getMaxResults() != null && queryByExample.getMaxResults() > 0) { queryString.append(" LIMIT ").append(queryByExample.getMaxResults()); } if (queryByExample.getTimeout() != null) { queryString.append(" TIMEOUT ").append(queryByExample.getTimeout()).append(" ") .append(queryByExample.getTimeoutStrategy()); } if (queryByExample.isParallelQuery()) { queryString.append(" PARALLEL "); } List<T> results = query(queryString.toString(), mappedParams, exampleClass, queryByExample.isReturnNonProxied()); return results; } private <T> String generateWhereClause(T example) { return generateWhereClause(example, new ComplexFieldStack(), new GenerateStatementOptionBuilder().build()); } private <T> String generateWhereClause(T example, ComplexFieldStack complexFieldStack, GenerateStatementOption generateStatementOption) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); try { Map fieldMap = BeanUtils.describe(example); boolean addAnd = false; for (Object field : fieldMap.keySet()) { if ("class".equalsIgnoreCase(field.toString()) == false) { Object value = fieldMap.get(field); if (value != null) { Method method = example.getClass() .getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(field.toString()), (Class<?>[]) null); Object returnObj = method.invoke(example, (Object[]) null); if (ReflectionUtil.isComplexClass(returnObj.getClass())) { complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().push(field.toString()); if (addAnd) { where.append(generateStatementOption.getCondition()); } else { addAnd = true; where.append(" "); } where.append( generateWhereClause(returnObj, complexFieldStack, generateStatementOption)); complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().pop(); } else { if (addAnd) { where.append(generateStatementOption.getCondition()); } else { addAnd = true; where.append(" "); } String fieldName = complexFieldStack.getQueryFieldName() + field.toString() + generateStatementOption.getMethod(); String fieldParamName = complexFieldStack.getQueryFieldName() + field.toString(); where.append(fieldName).append(" ").append(generateStatementOption.getOperation()) .append(" :").append(fieldParamName.replace(".", PARAM_NAME_SEPARATOR)) .append(generateStatementOption.getParameterSuffix()); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return where.toString(); } private <T> String generateExampleNames(T example) { return generateExampleNames(example, new ComplexFieldStack()); } private <T> String generateExampleNames(T example, ComplexFieldStack complexFieldStack) { StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); try { Map fieldMap = BeanUtils.describe(example); boolean addAnd = false; for (Object field : fieldMap.keySet()) { if ("class".equalsIgnoreCase(field.toString()) == false) { Object value = fieldMap.get(field); if (value != null) { Method method = example.getClass() .getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(field.toString()), (Class<?>[]) null); Object returnObj = method.invoke(example, (Object[]) null); if (ReflectionUtil.isComplexClass(returnObj.getClass())) { complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().push(field.toString()); if (addAnd) { where.append(","); } else { addAnd = true; where.append(" "); } where.append(generateExampleNames(returnObj, complexFieldStack)); complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().pop(); } else { if (addAnd) { where.append(","); } else { addAnd = true; where.append(" "); } String fieldName = complexFieldStack.getQueryFieldName() + field.toString(); where.append(fieldName); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return where.toString(); } private <T> Map<String, Object> mapParameters(T example) { return mapParameters(example, new ComplexFieldStack(PARAM_NAME_SEPARATOR), new GenerateStatementOptionBuilder().build()); } private <T> Map<String, Object> mapParameters(T example, ComplexFieldStack complexFieldStack, GenerateStatementOption generateStatementOption) { Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<>(); try { List<Field> fields = ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(example.getClass()); for (Field field : fields) { if ("class".equalsIgnoreCase(field.getName()) == false) { field.setAccessible(true); //Note: this may not work for proxy object....they may need to be call through a get method Object value = field.get(example); if (value != null) { if (ReflectionUtil.isComplexClass(value.getClass())) { complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().push(field.getName()); parameterMap.putAll(mapParameters(value, complexFieldStack, generateStatementOption)); complexFieldStack.getFieldStack().pop(); } else { String fieldName = complexFieldStack.getQueryFieldName() + field.getName(); parameterMap.put(fieldName + generateStatementOption.getParameterSuffix(), value); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return parameterMap; } /** * This just returns one result. Typically the query results in only one * entity. * * @param <T> * @param exampleClass * @param baseEnity * @return the entity or null if not found */ @Override public <T> T queryOneByExample(Class<T> exampleClass, BaseEntity baseEnity) { return queryOneByExample(exampleClass, new QueryByExample(baseEnity)); } @Override public <T> T queryOneByExample(Class<T> exampleClass, QueryByExample queryByExample) { List<T> results = queryByExample(exampleClass, queryByExample); if (results.size() > 0) { return results.get(0); } return null; } /** * This will run the query and returns the Proxy Objects * * @param <T> * @param query * @param parameterMap * @return */ @Override public <T> List<T> query(String query, Map<String, Object> parameterMap) { return query(query, parameterMap, null, false); } /** * This will run the query and then unwrap if desired * * @param <T> * @param query * @param parameterMap * @param dataClass * @param unwrap * @return */ @Override public <T> List<T> query(String query, Map<String, Object> parameterMap, Class<T> dataClass, boolean unwrap) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); List<T> results = new ArrayList<>(); try { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) { log.log(Level.FINEST, query); } //look for empty collection if (parameterMap != null) { for (Object value : parameterMap.values()) { if (value != null && value instanceof Collection) { if (((Collection) value).isEmpty()) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException( "Unable to complete query with a empty collection.", "Check query and parameter map"); } } } } results = db.query(new OSQLSynchQuery<>(query), parameterMap); if (unwrap) { results = unwrapProxy(db, dataClass, results); } } finally { closeConnection(db); } return results; } @Override public <T extends BaseEntity> T persist(T entity) { Objects.requireNonNull(entity, "Unable to persist a NULL entity."); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T t = null; try { String pkValue = EntityUtil.getPKFieldValue(entity); if (pkValue == null) { if (EntityUtil.isPKFieldGenerated(entity)) { EntityUtil.updatePKFieldValue(entity, generateId()); } } ValidationModel validationModel = new ValidationModel(entity); validationModel.setSantize(false); ValidationResult validationResult = ValidationUtil.validate(validationModel); if (validationResult.valid()) { t =; } else { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException(validationResult.toString(), "Check the data to make sure it conforms to the rules. Recored type: " + entity.getClass().getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException( "Unable to save record. (See stacktrace cause) \n Field Values: \n" + StringProcessor.printObject(entity), e); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return t; } @Override public <T extends BaseEntity> T saveNonPkEntity(T entity) { return saveNonBaseEntity(entity); } /** * This is used for non-base entity object. Keep in mind they still need to * be registered with the DB. * * @param <T> * @param entity * @return */ @Override public <T> T saveNonBaseEntity(T entity) { Objects.requireNonNull(entity, "Unable to persist a NULL entity."); OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T t = null; try { ValidationModel validationModel = new ValidationModel(entity); validationModel.setSantize(false); ValidationResult validationResult = ValidationUtil.validate(validationModel); if (validationResult.valid()) { t =; } else { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException(validationResult.toString(), "Check the data to make sure it conforms to the rules. Recored type: " + entity.getClass().getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OpenStorefrontRuntimeException( "Unable to save record: " + StringProcessor.printObject(entity), e); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return t; } @Override public <T> void delete(T entity) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); try { if (entity != null) { db.delete(entity); } } finally { closeConnection(db); } } /** * Detaches and removes the proxy object * * @param <T> * @param entity * @return */ @Override public <T> T detach(T entity) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T nonProxy = null; try { nonProxy = db.detach(entity, true); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return nonProxy; } /** * Detaches the whole object tree and removes the proxy object * * @param <T> * @param entity * @return */ @Override public <T> T deattachAll(T entity) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T nonProxy = null; try { nonProxy = db.detachAll(entity, true); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return nonProxy; } @Override public <T> List<T> unwrapProxy(Class<T> origClass, List<T> data) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); List<T> nonProxyData = null; try { nonProxyData = unwrapProxy(db, origClass, data); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return nonProxyData; } public <T> List<T> unwrapProxy(OObjectDatabaseTx db, Class<T> origClass, List<T> data) { List<T> nonProxyList = new ArrayList<>(); for (T dbproxy : data) { T nonProxied = db.detachAll(dbproxy, true); nonProxyList.add(nonProxied); } return nonProxyList; } @Override public <T> T unwrapProxyObject(Class<T> origClass, T data) { OObjectDatabaseTx db = getConnection(); T nonProxyData = null; try { nonProxyData = unwrapProxyObject(db, origClass, data); } finally { closeConnection(db); } return nonProxyData; } public <T> T unwrapProxyObject(OObjectDatabaseTx db, Class<T> origClass, T data) { T nonProxy = db.detachAll(data, true); return nonProxy; } }