Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf.


    public int indexOf(String str) 

Source Link


From source file:tools.xor.AbstractBO.java

public void set(String propertyPath, Map<String, Object> propertyResult, EntityType domainEntityType)
        throws Exception {

    if (domainEntityType.isOpen()) {
        String propertyName = propertyPath.substring(propertyPath.indexOf(OpenType.DELIM) + 1);
        Property property = getType().getProperty(propertyName);
        ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(this,
        return;//  w  w w  .  j  a v  a  2  s. c  o m

    // If we are setting a null value then nothing needs to be done
    if (propertyResult.get(QueryViewProperty.qualifyProperty(propertyPath)) == null)

    // Since this builds the path for objects already persisted, the identifier value will not be null
    String[] pathSteps = propertyPath.split(Settings.PATH_DELIMITER_REGEX);
    BusinessObject current = this;
    StringBuilder currentPath = new StringBuilder(QueryViewProperty.ROOT_PROPERTY_NAME);
    for (String step : pathSteps) {
        if (currentPath.length() > 0)

        Property property = current.getInstanceProperty(step);
        Property domainProperty = domainEntityType
                .getProperty(currentPath.substring(currentPath.indexOf(Settings.PATH_DELIMITER) + 1));
        if (property == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve property: " + propertyPath);

        //Object propertyDO = current.get(property);
        Object propertyDO = current.getDataObject(property);
        if (!property.isMany()) {
            if (property.getType().isDataType()) {
                // Populate the field and return the data object
                ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(current,

            if (((EntityType) property.getType()).isEmbedded()) {
                // Is this true? 
                // TODO: Check if the embedded object gets created
                // What about collection of embedded objects?
                // Maybe we only allow the fast path of object creation, i.e., the result needs to be sorted
                //   and we use this ability to construct the fields as we scan through each row.
                //   This also allows optimization using OpenCL
                continue; // Embedded objects are automatically created as part of its lifecycle owner

            if (propertyDO == null) {
                // Set the natural key if there is one
                Map<String, Object> naturalKeyValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                if (((EntityType) property.getType()).getNaturalKey() != null) {
                    Set<String> naturalKey = ((EntityType) property.getType()).getNaturalKey();
                    if (naturalKey != null) {
                        for (String key : naturalKey) {
                            Object keyValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + key);
                            naturalKeyValues.put(key, keyValue);
                        propertyDO = getByNaturalKey(naturalKeyValues, domainProperty.getType());
                // Check if there is a data object with the given key
                // Get the identifier value
                Object idValue = null;
                if (propertyDO == null && ((EntityType) property.getType()).getIdentifierProperty() != null) {
                    idValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER
                            + ((EntityType) property.getType()).getIdentifierProperty().getName());
                    propertyDO = getBySurrogateKey(idValue, domainProperty.getType());

                if (propertyDO == null) { // create and set the instance object
                    // check if we are narrowing
                    String narrowToType = (String) propertyResult.get(
                            currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.ENTITYNAME_ATTRIBUTE);
                    EntityType objectType = (EntityType) property.getType();
                    if (narrowToType != null)
                        objectType = (EntityType) getObjectCreator().getDAS().getType(narrowToType);
                    propertyDO = current.createDataObject(idValue, naturalKeyValues, objectType, property);
            if (property.isContainment()) {
                ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).setContainer(current);
                ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).setContainmentProperty(property);

            // Set the instance value in the container
            ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(current, ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).getInstance());

            current = (BusinessObject) propertyDO;
        } else {

            //System.out.println("propertyDO class: " + propertyDO.getClass() + ", property: " + property.getName());
            if (propertyDO == null) { // create and set the collection/map object
                propertyDO = current.createDataObject(null, property.getType(), property);
            } else if (!BusinessObject.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDO.getClass())) {
                propertyDO = objectCreator.createDataObject(propertyDO, property.getType(), current, property);
            current = (BusinessObject) propertyDO;
            Object elementDO = null;

            // Get the identifier value from the collection element
            Type elementType = ((ExtendedProperty) property).getElementType();
            Type domainElementType = ((ExtendedProperty) domainProperty).getElementType();

            // Get by the natural key if there is one
            Map<String, Object> naturalKeyValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            if (((EntityType) elementType).getNaturalKey() != null) {
                Set<String> naturalKey = ((EntityType) elementType).getNaturalKey();
                for (String key : naturalKey) {
                    Object keyValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + key);
                    naturalKeyValues.put(key, keyValue);

                // Get the element
                elementDO = getByNaturalKey(naturalKeyValues, domainElementType);

            Object idValue = null;
            if (elementDO == null && ((EntityType) elementType).getIdentifierProperty() != null) {
                idValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER
                        + ((EntityType) elementType).getIdentifierProperty().getName());
                elementDO = getBySurrogateKey(idValue, domainElementType);

            // check flag to see if the containment should be set
            if (elementDO != null && property.isContainment()) {
                ((BusinessObject) elementDO).setContainer(current); // Containment property is null for a collection element

            if (elementDO == null) { // create and set the instance object

                // Get the property instance if possible
                Object elementInstance = null;

                if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isMap()) {
                    Object keyValue = propertyResult
                            .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.MAP_KEY_ATTRIBUTE);
                    Map map = (Map) current.getInstance();
                    elementInstance = map.get(keyValue);

                if (elementInstance == null) {
                    if (idValue != null || naturalKeyValues.size() > 0)
                        elementDO = current.createDataObject(idValue, naturalKeyValues,
                                (EntityType) elementType, null);
                        return; // Does not have a collection element
                } else
                    // create the data object using the instance
                    elementDO = objectCreator.createDataObject(elementInstance, elementType, current, null);

                // check flag to see if the containment should be set
                if (property.isContainment())
                    ((BusinessObject) elementDO).setContainer(current); // Containment property is null for a collection element

            // Add the element
            Object elementInstance = ((BusinessObject) elementDO).getInstance();
            if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isMap()) {
                // If this is a map, get the key
                Object keyValue = propertyResult
                        .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.MAP_KEY_ATTRIBUTE);
                Map map = (Map) current.getInstance();
                map.put(keyValue, elementInstance);
            } else if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isList()) {
                Object indexValue = propertyResult
                        .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.LIST_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE);
                List list = (List) current.getInstance();
                int index = Integer.parseInt(indexValue.toString());
                if (index >= list.size() || list.get(index) != elementInstance)
            } else if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isSet()) {
                // Currently Immutable JSON is treated as a set, so we should check for this
                if (current.getInstance() instanceof JSONArray) {
                    JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) current.getInstance();
                } else {
                    Set set = (Set) current.getInstance();

            current = (BusinessObject) elementDO;


From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Degree.java

public String getFilteredName(final ExecutionYear executionYear, final Locale locale) {
    final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(getNameFor(executionYear).getContent(locale));

    for (final Space campus : Space.getAllCampus()) {
        String toRemove = " - " + campus.getName();
        if (res.toString().contains(toRemove)) {
            res.replace(res.indexOf(toRemove), res.indexOf(toRemove) + toRemove.length(), StringUtils.EMPTY);
        }//from w ww  . j ava  2 s. c  o  m

    return res.toString();

From source file:com.longevitysoft.java.bigslice.server.SlicerSlic3r.java

public void slice(@Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_SLICE_CONFIG_ARRAY_LIST) String configList,
        @Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_CAMEL_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH) String filePath,
        @Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_OUTPUT_PATH) String headerOutputFilename) {
    Endpoint epSlice = camel.getEndpoint(Constants.EP_NAME_JMS_QUEUE_PENDINGSTL);
    Exchange inEx = epSlice.createExchange(ExchangePattern.InOnly);
    // check if output filename header present
    StringBuilder configFileParam = new StringBuilder();
    if (null != configList) {
        configList = configList.trim();//from   w  ww. j a  v  a2s  .  co m
        String[] configs = configList.split(",");
        LOG.debug("configs received in msg header");
        for (String configName : configs) {
    // check if output filename header present
    try {
        StringBuilder gcodeOutputFilename = new StringBuilder().append(Constants.PARENT_DIR)
                .append(Constants.FILEPATH_GCODEOUT); // slic3r
        // uses
        // STL
        // folder
        // by
        // default
        if (null != headerOutputFilename) {
                            Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE + Constants.UNDERSCORE));
            // init directory-tree in output filename
            int lastSlash = headerOutputFilename.lastIndexOf("/");
            if (0 < lastSlash) {
                String outputTree = headerOutputFilename.substring(0, lastSlash);
                outputTree = outputTree.replace("/./", "/");
                File outDir = new File(buildOutputPath() + Constants.SLASH + outputTree);
        } else {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM__HH-mm-ss");
        if (null == pathToExecutable) {
            throw new InterruptedException("no exec path found");
        for (int i = 0; i < pathToExecutable.size(); i++) {
            String execPath = pathToExecutable.get(i);
            // inject executable name into gcode output filename
            String insToken = null;
            int insertPos = gcodeOutputFilename.indexOf(Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE);
            if (0 < insertPos) {
                insertPos += Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE.length();
                if (null != execOutputFilenameFilter) {
                    insToken = execOutputFilenameFilter.get(i);
                if (null == insToken) {
                    insToken = sanitizeFilename(execPath);
                insToken = Constants.UNDERSCORE + insToken;
            // build exec string
            final StringBuilder execStr = new StringBuilder(execPath).append(configFileParam)
                    .append(gcodeOutputFilename.substring(0, insertPos)).append(insToken)
                    .append(gcodeOutputFilename.substring(insertPos, gcodeOutputFilename.length()))
            LOG.debug("executing-slic3r: " + execStr + Constants.NEWLINE);
            final String fPath = filePath;
            final StringBuilder gcodeOutFName = gcodeOutputFilename;
            executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                        RuntimeExec rte = new RuntimeExec();
                        StreamWrapper error, output;
                        Process proc = rt.exec(execStr.toString());
                        error = rte.getStreamWrapper(proc.getErrorStream(), Constants.STREAM_NAME_ERROR);
                        output = rte.getStreamWrapper(proc.getInputStream(), Constants.STREAM_NAME_OUTPUT);
                        int exitVal = 0;
                        exitVal = proc.waitFor();
                        // TODO process exitVal for caller - decide what to
                        // do in
                        // http://camel.apache.org/exception-clause.html
                        LOG.info(new StringBuilder().append("stl-file-path: ").append(fPath)
                                .append(", output-file-path:").append(gcodeOutFName).append(Constants.NEWLINE)
                                .append(", proc-output: ").append(output.getMessage()).append(Constants.NEWLINE)
                                .append(", proc-error: ").append(error.getMessage()).toString());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

From source file:org.codice.ddf.opensearch.endpoint.query.OpenSearchQuery.java

private String generateParsingError(ParsingResult<ASTNode> result) {
    StringBuilder parsingErrorBuilder = new StringBuilder(
            "Parsing error" + ((result.parseErrors.size() > 1) ? "s" : "") + ": \n");
    InputBuffer inputBuffer = result.inputBuffer;
    String parsedLine = inputBuffer.extract(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    StringBuilder invalidInputLineBuilder = null;
    for (ParseError parseError : result.parseErrors) {
        StringBuilder otherErrorLineBuilder = getCaratLineStringBuilder(parsedLine);

        // NOTE for some reason, these indexes start at 1, not 0
        int originalEndIndex = inputBuffer.getOriginalIndex(parseError.getEndIndex()) - 1;
        int originalStartIndex = inputBuffer.getOriginalIndex(parseError.getStartIndex()) - 1;

        if (parseError.getClass().isAssignableFrom(InvalidInputError.class)) {
            // Combine all InvalidInputError's
            if (invalidInputLineBuilder == null) {
                invalidInputLineBuilder = getCaratLineStringBuilder(parsedLine);
            }/*from w  w  w.  ja v  a2  s  . c o  m*/

            addCaretsToStringBuilder(invalidInputLineBuilder, originalEndIndex, originalStartIndex);
        } else {
            // output other types of errors separately
            parsingErrorBuilder.append("\nError found in: \n");

            addCaretsToStringBuilder(otherErrorLineBuilder, originalEndIndex, originalStartIndex);


    if (invalidInputLineBuilder != null) {
        // if the first and last occurrence of CARET aren't the same, there are more than one in
        // the string
        parsingErrorBuilder.append("\nInvalid character")
                .append((invalidInputLineBuilder.indexOf(CARET) != invalidInputLineBuilder.lastIndexOf(CARET))
                        ? "s"
                        : "")
                .append(" found in: \n");
    return parsingErrorBuilder.toString();

From source file:pltag.corpus.StringTree.java

 * Prints the structure of a string tree in bracketed notation
 * @param nodeID//from w w w .ja  va2  s .  c o m
 * @param printSemantics
 * @return
public String getStructure(int nodeID, boolean printSemantics) {
    StringBuilder struct = new StringBuilder();
    ArrayList<Integer> childlist = children.get(nodeID);
    if (childlist == null || childlist.isEmpty()) {
        return getLexName(nodeID, printSemantics);
        //return nodeID + ":" +getLexName(nodeID);
    StringBuilder childString = new StringBuilder();
    for (Integer childid : childlist) {
        //System.err.print(nodeID + ":" + childString + " " + childid + "\n");
        childString.append(" ").append(getStructure(childid, printSemantics));
    String structString;
    if (!fullcategories[nodeID].equals(""))
    //        if (!fullcategories[Integer.parseInt(nodeID)].equals(""))
        struct.append("( ").append(getLexName(nodeID, printSemantics)).append(childString.toString())
        structString = struct.toString();
    } else {
        int upind = childString.indexOf("^");
        int downind = childString.indexOf("_");
        structString = childString.subSequence(0, upind + 1) + "null" + childString.substring(downind);
        structString = structString.trim();
    //struct = "( "+nodeID + ":" + getLexName(nodeID)+childString+")";
    return structString;

From source file:org.saiku.plugin.SaikuContentGenerator.java

public void createContent(OutputStream out) throws Exception {
    try {//from  ww  w .  j a  va 2  s  .c  o m
        StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
        final IPluginManager pluginManager = (IPluginManager) PentahoSystem.get(IPluginManager.class,
        final PluginClassLoader pluginClassloader = (PluginClassLoader) pluginManager
        File pluginDir = pluginClassloader.getPluginDir();

        IParameterProvider requestParams = parameterProviders.get(IParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST);
        if (requestParams == null) {
            LOG.error("Parameter provider is null");
            throw new NullPointerException("Parameter provider is null");
        String run = requestParams.getStringParameter("run", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$

        File indexFile;
        String extrasnippet = "";
        if (run != null && run.equals("table")) {
            indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/run.html");
        } else if (run != null && run.equals("view")) {
            indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/index.html");
            extrasnippet += "PLUGIN_REMOVE_CONTENT = 'a[href=\"#save_query\"], a[href=\"#automatic_execution\"], a[href=\"#toggle_fields\"], a[href=\"#switch_to_mdx\"], a[href=\"#run_query\"]';\r\n";
            extrasnippet += "ALLOW_PUC_SAVE = false;\r\n";
            extrasnippet += "REDUCED = true;\r\n";

        } else {
            indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/index.html");
            extrasnippet += "PLUGIN_REMOVE_CONTENT = 'a[href=\"#save_query\"]';\r\n";


        FileReader fr = new FileReader(indexFile);
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
        String inputLine;

        while ((inputLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
        int bodyend = html.indexOf("</body>");
        if (bodyend >= 0) {
            String snippet = "";
            snippet = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n";

            if (document != null) {
                document = document.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ").replaceAll("  ", " ");
                snippet += "QUERY = '" + document + "';\r\n";
            snippet += extrasnippet;
            snippet += "</script>\r\n";
            html.insert(bodyend, snippet);


    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new Exception("Error creating content", e);


From source file:davmail.imap.ImapConnection.java

private void handleFetch(ExchangeSession.Message message, int currentIndex, String parameters)
        throws IOException, MessagingException {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    buffer.append("* ").append(currentIndex).append(" FETCH (UID ").append(message.getImapUid());
    if (parameters != null) {
        StringTokenizer paramTokens = new StringTokenizer(parameters);
        while (paramTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            @SuppressWarnings({ "NonConstantStringShouldBeStringBuffer" })
            String param = paramTokens.nextToken().toUpperCase();
            if ("FLAGS".equals(param)) {
                buffer.append(" FLAGS (").append(message.getImapFlags()).append(')');
            } else if ("RFC822.SIZE".equals(param)) {
                int size;
                if (parameters.indexOf("BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (") >= 0) {
                    // Header request, send approximate size
                    size = message.size;
                } else {
                    size = message.getMimeMessageSize();
                }//from  w w  w . ja  va  2s  . com
                buffer.append(" RFC822.SIZE ").append(size);
            } else if ("ENVELOPE".equals(param)) {
                appendEnvelope(buffer, message);
            } else if ("BODYSTRUCTURE".equals(param)) {
                appendBodyStructure(buffer, message);
            } else if ("INTERNALDATE".equals(param) && message.date != null && message.date.length() > 0) {
                try {
                    SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'");
                    Date date = ExchangeSession.getZuluDateFormat().parse(message.date);
                    SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Z",
                    buffer.append(" INTERNALDATE \"").append(dateFormatter.format(date)).append('\"');
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATE", message.date);
            } else if (param.equals("RFC822") || param.startsWith("BODY[") || param.startsWith("BODY.PEEK[")
                    || "RFC822.HEADER".equals(param)) {
                // get full param
                if (param.indexOf('[') >= 0) {
                    StringBuilder paramBuffer = new StringBuilder(param);
                    while (paramTokens.hasMoreTokens() && paramBuffer.indexOf("]") < 0) {
                        paramBuffer.append(' ').append(paramTokens.nextToken());
                    param = paramBuffer.toString();
                // parse buffer size
                int startIndex = 0;
                int maxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                int ltIndex = param.indexOf('<');
                if (ltIndex >= 0) {
                    int dotIndex = param.indexOf('.', ltIndex);
                    if (dotIndex >= 0) {
                        startIndex = Integer.parseInt(param.substring(ltIndex + 1, dotIndex));
                        maxSize = Integer.parseInt(param.substring(dotIndex + 1, param.indexOf('>')));

                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                InputStream partInputStream = null;
                OutputStream partOutputStream = null;

                // try to parse message part index
                String partIndexString = StringUtil.getToken(param, "[", "]");
                if ("".equals(partIndexString) || partIndexString == null) {
                    // write message with headers
                    partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize);
                    partInputStream = message.getRawInputStream();
                } else if ("TEXT".equals(partIndexString)) {
                    // write message without headers
                    partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize);
                    partInputStream = message.getMimeMessage().getRawInputStream();
                } else if ("RFC822.HEADER".equals(param) || partIndexString.startsWith("HEADER")) {
                    // Header requested fetch  headers
                    String[] requestedHeaders = getRequestedHeaders(partIndexString);
                    if (requestedHeaders != null) {
                        // OSX Lion special flags request
                        if (requestedHeaders.length == 1 && "content-class".equals(requestedHeaders[0])
                                && message.contentClass != null) {
                            baos.write("Content-class: ".getBytes("UTF-8"));
                        } else {
                            Enumeration headerEnumeration = message.getMatchingHeaderLines(requestedHeaders);
                            while (headerEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                                baos.write(((String) headerEnumeration.nextElement()).getBytes("UTF-8"));
                    } else {
                        // write headers only
                        partOutputStream = new PartOutputStream(baos, true, false, startIndex, maxSize);
                        partInputStream = message.getRawInputStream();
                } else {
                    MimePart bodyPart = message.getMimeMessage();
                    String[] partIndexStrings = partIndexString.split("\\.");
                    for (String subPartIndexString : partIndexStrings) {
                        // ignore MIME subpart index, will return full part
                        if ("MIME".equals(subPartIndexString)) {
                        int subPartIndex;
                        // try to parse part index
                        try {
                            subPartIndex = Integer.parseInt(subPartIndexString);
                        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                            throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param);

                        Object mimeBody = bodyPart.getContent();
                        if (mimeBody instanceof MimeMultipart) {
                            MimeMultipart multiPart = (MimeMultipart) mimeBody;
                            if (subPartIndex - 1 < multiPart.getCount()) {
                                bodyPart = (MimePart) multiPart.getBodyPart(subPartIndex - 1);
                            } else {
                                throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param);
                        } else if (subPartIndex != 1) {
                            throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param);

                    // write selected part, without headers
                    partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize);
                    if (bodyPart instanceof MimeMessage) {
                        partInputStream = ((MimeMessage) bodyPart).getRawInputStream();
                    } else {
                        partInputStream = ((MimeBodyPart) bodyPart).getRawInputStream();

                // copy selected content to baos
                if (partInputStream != null && partOutputStream != null) {
                    IOUtil.write(partInputStream, partOutputStream);

                if ("RFC822.HEADER".equals(param)) {
                    buffer.append(" RFC822.HEADER ");
                } else {
                    buffer.append(" BODY[").append(partIndexString).append(']');
                // partial
                if (startIndex > 0 || maxSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                buffer.append(" {").append(baos.size()).append('}');
                // log content if less than 2K
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && baos.size() < 2048) {
                    LOGGER.debug(new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8"));
    // do not keep message content in memory

From source file:com.mediaworx.intellij.opencmsplugin.sync.SyncJob.java

private void doExportPointHandling(ExportEntity entity) {
    StringBuilder confirmation = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder notice = new StringBuilder();

    if (!entity.isToBeDeleted()) {
        confirmation.append("Copy of ").append(entity.getVfsPath()).append(" to ")
                .append(entity.getDestination()).append(" - ");
        File file = new File(entity.getSourcePath());
        if (file.exists()) {
            if (file.isFile()) {
                try {
                    FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath()));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX);
                    confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")");
                }/*from ww  w .  jav  a2  s. co m*/
            } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
                try {
                    FileUtils.copyDirectory(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath()));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX);
                    confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")");
        } else {
            confirmation.append(" - FILE NOT FOUND");
    } else {
        String targetPath = entity.getTargetPath();
        String vfsPath = entity.getVfsPath();

        deleteExportedResource(vfsPath, targetPath, confirmation, notice);
    if (confirmation.indexOf(ERROR_PREFIX) > -1) {
    } else {
    if (notice.length() > 0) {

From source file:org.oscelot.blackboard.lti.Utils.java

public static String getOrg(Id id, boolean isCourse) {

    String org = "";
    StringBuilder orgs = new StringBuilder(",");
    if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 8)) {
        NodeAssociationManager nodeAssociationManager = NodeManagerFactory.getAssociationManager();
        NodeManager nodeManager = NodeManagerFactory.getHierarchyManager();
        try {//from   w  w  w .  j  a va 2  s  .  c om
            List<Node> nodes;
            if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 10)) {
                ObjectType type;
                if (isCourse) {
                    type = ObjectType.Course;
                } else {
                    type = ObjectType.User;
                nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadAssociatedNodes(id, type);
            } else if (isCourse) {
                nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadCourseAssociatedNodes(id);
            } else {
                nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadUserAssociatedNodes(id);
            Node node;
            Id nodeId;
            for (Iterator<Node> iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                node = iter.next();
                do {
                    if (orgs.indexOf("," + node.getName() + ",") < 0) {
                    nodeId = node.getParentId();
                    if (nodeId != null) {
                        node = nodeManager.loadNodeById(nodeId);
                } while (nodeId != null);
        } catch (PersistenceException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        if (orgs.length() > 1) {
            org = orgs.substring(1, orgs.length() - 1);

    return org;


From source file:com.strider.datadefender.DatabaseAnonymizer.java

 * Creates the SELECT query for key and update columns.
 * /*from   www.  j av a  2  s.c o  m*/
 * @param tableName
 * @param keys
 * @param columns
 * @return 
private PreparedStatement getSelectQueryStatement(final IDBFactory dbFactory, final Table table,
        final Collection<String> keys, final Collection<String> columns) throws SQLException {

    final List<String> params = new LinkedList<>();
    final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT DISTINCT ");
    query.append(StringUtils.join(keys, ", ")).append(", ").append(StringUtils.join(columns, ", "))
            .append(" FROM ").append(table.getName());

    final List<Exclude> exclusions = table.getExclusions();
    if (exclusions != null) {
        String separator = " WHERE (";
        for (final Exclude exc : exclusions) {
            final String eq = exc.getEqualsValue();
            final String lk = exc.getLikeValue();
            final boolean nl = exc.isExcludeNulls();
            final String col = exc.getName();

            if (col != null && col.length() != 0) {
                if (eq != null) {
                    query.append(separator).append('(').append(col).append(" != ? OR ").append(col)
                            .append(" IS NULL)");
                    separator = AND;
                if (lk != null && lk.length() != 0) {
                    query.append(separator).append('(').append(col).append(" NOT LIKE ? OR ").append(col)
                            .append(" IS NULL)");
                    separator = AND;
                if (nl) {
                    query.append(separator).append(col).append(" IS NOT NULL");
                    separator = AND;

        if (query.indexOf(" WHERE (") != -1) {
            separator = ") AND (";

        for (final Exclude exc : exclusions) {
            final String neq = exc.getNotEqualsValue();
            final String nlk = exc.getNotLikeValue();
            final String col = exc.getName();

            if (neq != null) {
                query.append(separator).append(col).append(" = ?");
                separator = " OR ";
            if (nlk != null && nlk.length() != 0) {
                query.append(separator).append(col).append(" LIKE ?");
                separator = " OR ";


        if (query.indexOf(" WHERE (") != -1) {

    final PreparedStatement stmt = dbFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(query.toString(),
            ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
    if (dbFactory.getVendorName().equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {

    int paramIndex = 1;
    for (final String param : params) {
        stmt.setString(paramIndex, param);

    log.debug("Querying for: " + query.toString());
    if (params.size() > 0) {
        log.debug("\t - with parameters: " + StringUtils.join(params, ','));

    return stmt;