List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf
@Override public int indexOf(String str)
From source
@Override public void set(String propertyPath, Map<String, Object> propertyResult, EntityType domainEntityType) throws Exception { if (domainEntityType.isOpen()) { String propertyName = propertyPath.substring(propertyPath.indexOf(OpenType.DELIM) + 1); Property property = getType().getProperty(propertyName); ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(this, propertyResult.get(QueryViewProperty.qualifyProperty(propertyPath))); return;// w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m } // If we are setting a null value then nothing needs to be done if (propertyResult.get(QueryViewProperty.qualifyProperty(propertyPath)) == null) return; // Since this builds the path for objects already persisted, the identifier value will not be null String[] pathSteps = propertyPath.split(Settings.PATH_DELIMITER_REGEX); BusinessObject current = this; StringBuilder currentPath = new StringBuilder(QueryViewProperty.ROOT_PROPERTY_NAME); for (String step : pathSteps) { if (currentPath.length() > 0) currentPath.append(Settings.PATH_DELIMITER); currentPath.append(step); Property property = current.getInstanceProperty(step); Property domainProperty = domainEntityType .getProperty(currentPath.substring(currentPath.indexOf(Settings.PATH_DELIMITER) + 1)); if (property == null) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to resolve property: " + propertyPath); //Object propertyDO = current.get(property); Object propertyDO = current.getDataObject(property); if (!property.isMany()) { if (property.getType().isDataType()) { // Populate the field and return the data object ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(current, propertyResult.get(QueryViewProperty.qualifyProperty(propertyPath))); return; } if (((EntityType) property.getType()).isEmbedded()) { // Is this true? // TODO: Check if the embedded object gets created // What about collection of embedded objects? // Maybe we only allow the fast path of object creation, i.e., the result needs to be sorted // and we use this ability to construct the fields as we scan through each row. // This also allows optimization using OpenCL continue; // Embedded objects are automatically created as part of its lifecycle owner } if (propertyDO == null) { // Set the natural key if there is one Map<String, Object> naturalKeyValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (((EntityType) property.getType()).getNaturalKey() != null) { Set<String> naturalKey = ((EntityType) property.getType()).getNaturalKey(); if (naturalKey != null) { for (String key : naturalKey) { Object keyValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + key); naturalKeyValues.put(key, keyValue); } propertyDO = getByNaturalKey(naturalKeyValues, domainProperty.getType()); } } // Check if there is a data object with the given key // Get the identifier value Object idValue = null; if (propertyDO == null && ((EntityType) property.getType()).getIdentifierProperty() != null) { idValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + ((EntityType) property.getType()).getIdentifierProperty().getName()); propertyDO = getBySurrogateKey(idValue, domainProperty.getType()); } if (propertyDO == null) { // create and set the instance object // check if we are narrowing String narrowToType = (String) propertyResult.get( currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.ENTITYNAME_ATTRIBUTE); EntityType objectType = (EntityType) property.getType(); if (narrowToType != null) objectType = (EntityType) getObjectCreator().getDAS().getType(narrowToType); propertyDO = current.createDataObject(idValue, naturalKeyValues, objectType, property); } } if (property.isContainment()) { ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).setContainer(current); ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).setContainmentProperty(property); } // Set the instance value in the container ((ExtendedProperty) property).setValue(current, ((BusinessObject) propertyDO).getInstance()); current = (BusinessObject) propertyDO; } else { //System.out.println("propertyDO class: " + propertyDO.getClass() + ", property: " + property.getName()); if (propertyDO == null) { // create and set the collection/map object propertyDO = current.createDataObject(null, property.getType(), property); } else if (!BusinessObject.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyDO.getClass())) { propertyDO = objectCreator.createDataObject(propertyDO, property.getType(), current, property); } current = (BusinessObject) propertyDO; Object elementDO = null; // Get the identifier value from the collection element Type elementType = ((ExtendedProperty) property).getElementType(); Type domainElementType = ((ExtendedProperty) domainProperty).getElementType(); // Get by the natural key if there is one Map<String, Object> naturalKeyValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (((EntityType) elementType).getNaturalKey() != null) { Set<String> naturalKey = ((EntityType) elementType).getNaturalKey(); for (String key : naturalKey) { Object keyValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + key); naturalKeyValues.put(key, keyValue); } // Get the element elementDO = getByNaturalKey(naturalKeyValues, domainElementType); } Object idValue = null; if (elementDO == null && ((EntityType) elementType).getIdentifierProperty() != null) { idValue = propertyResult.get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + ((EntityType) elementType).getIdentifierProperty().getName()); elementDO = getBySurrogateKey(idValue, domainElementType); } // check flag to see if the containment should be set if (elementDO != null && property.isContainment()) { ((BusinessObject) elementDO).setContainer(current); // Containment property is null for a collection element } if (elementDO == null) { // create and set the instance object // Get the property instance if possible Object elementInstance = null; if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isMap()) { Object keyValue = propertyResult .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.MAP_KEY_ATTRIBUTE); Map map = (Map) current.getInstance(); elementInstance = map.get(keyValue); } if (elementInstance == null) { if (idValue != null || naturalKeyValues.size() > 0) elementDO = current.createDataObject(idValue, naturalKeyValues, (EntityType) elementType, null); else return; // Does not have a collection element } else // create the data object using the instance elementDO = objectCreator.createDataObject(elementInstance, elementType, current, null); // check flag to see if the containment should be set if (property.isContainment()) ((BusinessObject) elementDO).setContainer(current); // Containment property is null for a collection element } // Add the element Object elementInstance = ((BusinessObject) elementDO).getInstance(); if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isMap()) { // If this is a map, get the key Object keyValue = propertyResult .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.MAP_KEY_ATTRIBUTE); Map map = (Map) current.getInstance(); map.put(keyValue, elementInstance); } else if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isList()) { Object indexValue = propertyResult .get(currentPath + Settings.PATH_DELIMITER + QueryViewProperty.LIST_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE); List list = (List) current.getInstance(); int index = Integer.parseInt(indexValue.toString()); if (index >= list.size() || list.get(index) != elementInstance) list.add(elementInstance); } else if (((ExtendedProperty) property).isSet()) { // Currently Immutable JSON is treated as a set, so we should check for this if (current.getInstance() instanceof JSONArray) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) current.getInstance(); jsonArray.put(elementInstance); } else { Set set = (Set) current.getInstance(); set.add(elementInstance); } } current = (BusinessObject) elementDO; } } return; }
From source
public String getFilteredName(final ExecutionYear executionYear, final Locale locale) { final StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(getNameFor(executionYear).getContent(locale)); for (final Space campus : Space.getAllCampus()) { String toRemove = " - " + campus.getName(); if (res.toString().contains(toRemove)) { res.replace(res.indexOf(toRemove), res.indexOf(toRemove) + toRemove.length(), StringUtils.EMPTY); }//from w ww . j ava 2 s. c o m } return res.toString(); }
From source
@Override public void slice(@Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_SLICE_CONFIG_ARRAY_LIST) String configList, @Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_CAMEL_FILE_ABSOLUTE_PATH) String filePath, @Header(value = Constants.MSG_HEADER_OUTPUT_PATH) String headerOutputFilename) { Endpoint epSlice = camel.getEndpoint(Constants.EP_NAME_JMS_QUEUE_PENDINGSTL); Exchange inEx = epSlice.createExchange(ExchangePattern.InOnly); // check if output filename header present StringBuilder configFileParam = new StringBuilder(); if (null != configList) { configList = configList.trim();//from w ww. j a v a2s . co m String[] configs = configList.split(","); LOG.debug("configs received in msg header"); configFileParam.append(Constants.SPACE); for (String configName : configs) { configFileParam.append(Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_NAME_LOAD).append(Constants.SPACE).append(configName); } } // check if output filename header present try { StringBuilder gcodeOutputFilename = new StringBuilder().append(Constants.PARENT_DIR) .append(Constants.FILEPATH_GCODEOUT); // slic3r // uses // STL // folder // by // default if (null != headerOutputFilename) { gcodeOutputFilename.append(Constants.SLASH) .append(headerOutputFilename.replace(Constants.TILDE_BANG_TILDE, Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE + Constants.UNDERSCORE)); // init directory-tree in output filename int lastSlash = headerOutputFilename.lastIndexOf("/"); if (0 < lastSlash) { String outputTree = headerOutputFilename.substring(0, lastSlash); outputTree = outputTree.replace("/./", "/"); File outDir = new File(buildOutputPath() + Constants.SLASH + outputTree); outDir.mkdirs(); } } else { gcodeOutputFilename.append(Constants.SLASH).append(Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM__HH-mm-ss"); gcodeOutputFilename.append("_TS").append(sdf.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); } if (null == pathToExecutable) { throw new InterruptedException("no exec path found"); } for (int i = 0; i < pathToExecutable.size(); i++) { String execPath = pathToExecutable.get(i); // inject executable name into gcode output filename String insToken = null; int insertPos = gcodeOutputFilename.indexOf(Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE); if (0 < insertPos) { insertPos += Constants.SLIC3R_PARAM_VAL_INPUT_FILENAME_BASE.length(); if (null != execOutputFilenameFilter) { insToken = execOutputFilenameFilter.get(i); } if (null == insToken) { insToken = sanitizeFilename(execPath); } insToken = Constants.UNDERSCORE + insToken; } // build exec string final StringBuilder execStr = new StringBuilder(execPath).append(configFileParam) .append(Constants.SPACE).append(Constants.SLIC3R_CLI_PARAM_OUTPUT_FILENAME_FORMAT) .append(gcodeOutputFilename.substring(0, insertPos)).append(insToken) .append(gcodeOutputFilename.substring(insertPos, gcodeOutputFilename.length())) .append(Constants.EXT_GCODE).append(Constants.SPACE).append(filePath); LOG.debug("executing-slic3r: " + execStr + Constants.NEWLINE); final String fPath = filePath; final StringBuilder gcodeOutFName = gcodeOutputFilename; executorService.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); RuntimeExec rte = new RuntimeExec(); StreamWrapper error, output; Process proc = rt.exec(execStr.toString()); error = rte.getStreamWrapper(proc.getErrorStream(), Constants.STREAM_NAME_ERROR); output = rte.getStreamWrapper(proc.getInputStream(), Constants.STREAM_NAME_OUTPUT); int exitVal = 0; error.start(); output.start(); error.join(3000); output.join(3000); exitVal = proc.waitFor(); // TODO process exitVal for caller - decide what to // do in // StringBuilder().append("stl-file-path: ").append(fPath) .append(", output-file-path:").append(gcodeOutFName).append(Constants.NEWLINE) .append(", proc-output: ").append(output.getMessage()).append(Constants.NEWLINE) .append(", proc-error: ").append(error.getMessage()).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.trace(e.toString()); } } }); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.trace(e.toString()); } }
From source
private String generateParsingError(ParsingResult<ASTNode> result) { StringBuilder parsingErrorBuilder = new StringBuilder( "Parsing error" + ((result.parseErrors.size() > 1) ? "s" : "") + ": \n"); InputBuffer inputBuffer = result.inputBuffer; String parsedLine = inputBuffer.extract(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); StringBuilder invalidInputLineBuilder = null; for (ParseError parseError : result.parseErrors) { StringBuilder otherErrorLineBuilder = getCaratLineStringBuilder(parsedLine); // NOTE for some reason, these indexes start at 1, not 0 int originalEndIndex = inputBuffer.getOriginalIndex(parseError.getEndIndex()) - 1; int originalStartIndex = inputBuffer.getOriginalIndex(parseError.getStartIndex()) - 1; if (parseError.getClass().isAssignableFrom(InvalidInputError.class)) { // Combine all InvalidInputError's if (invalidInputLineBuilder == null) { invalidInputLineBuilder = getCaratLineStringBuilder(parsedLine); }/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ addCaretsToStringBuilder(invalidInputLineBuilder, originalEndIndex, originalStartIndex); } else { // output other types of errors separately parsingErrorBuilder.append("\nError found in: \n"); addCaretsToStringBuilder(otherErrorLineBuilder, originalEndIndex, originalStartIndex); parsingErrorBuilder.append("\n\t"); parsingErrorBuilder.append(parsedLine); parsingErrorBuilder.append("\n\t"); parsingErrorBuilder.append(otherErrorLineBuilder); } } if (invalidInputLineBuilder != null) { // if the first and last occurrence of CARET aren't the same, there are more than one in // the string parsingErrorBuilder.append("\nInvalid character") .append((invalidInputLineBuilder.indexOf(CARET) != invalidInputLineBuilder.lastIndexOf(CARET)) ? "s" : "") .append(" found in: \n"); parsingErrorBuilder.append("\n\t"); parsingErrorBuilder.append(parsedLine); parsingErrorBuilder.append("\n\t"); parsingErrorBuilder.append(invalidInputLineBuilder); } return parsingErrorBuilder.toString(); }
From source
/** * Prints the structure of a string tree in bracketed notation * * @param nodeID//from w w w .ja va2 s . c o m * @param printSemantics * @return */ public String getStructure(int nodeID, boolean printSemantics) { StringBuilder struct = new StringBuilder(); ArrayList<Integer> childlist = children.get(nodeID); if (childlist == null || childlist.isEmpty()) { return getLexName(nodeID, printSemantics); //return nodeID + ":" +getLexName(nodeID); } StringBuilder childString = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer childid : childlist) { //System.err.print(nodeID + ":" + childString + " " + childid + "\n"); childString.append(" ").append(getStructure(childid, printSemantics)); } String structString; if (!fullcategories[nodeID].equals("")) // if (!fullcategories[Integer.parseInt(nodeID)].equals("")) { struct.append("( ").append(getLexName(nodeID, printSemantics)).append(childString.toString()) .append(")"); structString = struct.toString(); } else { int upind = childString.indexOf("^"); int downind = childString.indexOf("_"); structString = childString.subSequence(0, upind + 1) + "null" + childString.substring(downind); structString = structString.trim(); } //struct = "( "+nodeID + ":" + getLexName(nodeID)+childString+")"; return structString; }
From source
@Override public void createContent(OutputStream out) throws Exception { try {//from ww w . j a va 2 s .c o m StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); final IPluginManager pluginManager = (IPluginManager) PentahoSystem.get(IPluginManager.class, PentahoSessionHolder.getSession()); final PluginClassLoader pluginClassloader = (PluginClassLoader) pluginManager .getClassLoader(PluginConfig.PLUGIN_NAME); File pluginDir = pluginClassloader.getPluginDir(); IParameterProvider requestParams = parameterProviders.get(IParameterProvider.SCOPE_REQUEST); if (requestParams == null) { LOG.error("Parameter provider is null"); throw new NullPointerException("Parameter provider is null"); } String run = requestParams.getStringParameter("run", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ File indexFile; String extrasnippet = ""; if (run != null && run.equals("table")) { indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/run.html"); } else if (run != null && run.equals("view")) { indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/index.html"); extrasnippet += "PLUGIN_REMOVE_CONTENT = 'a[href=\"#save_query\"], a[href=\"#automatic_execution\"], a[href=\"#toggle_fields\"], a[href=\"#switch_to_mdx\"], a[href=\"#run_query\"]';\r\n"; extrasnippet += "ALLOW_PUC_SAVE = false;\r\n"; extrasnippet += "REDUCED = true;\r\n"; } else { indexFile = new File(pluginDir, "ui/index.html"); extrasnippet += "PLUGIN_REMOVE_CONTENT = 'a[href=\"#save_query\"]';\r\n"; } FileReader fr = new FileReader(indexFile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String inputLine; while ((inputLine = br.readLine()) != null) { html.append(inputLine); } int bodyend = html.indexOf("</body>"); if (bodyend >= 0) { html.append("\r\n"); String snippet = ""; snippet = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n"; if (document != null) { document = document.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", " ").replaceAll(" ", " "); ; snippet += "QUERY = '" + document + "';\r\n"; } snippet += extrasnippet; snippet += "</script>\r\n"; html.insert(bodyend, snippet); } out.write(html.toString().getBytes(LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error creating content", e); } }
From source
private void handleFetch(ExchangeSession.Message message, int currentIndex, String parameters) throws IOException, MessagingException { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("* ").append(currentIndex).append(" FETCH (UID ").append(message.getImapUid()); if (parameters != null) { StringTokenizer paramTokens = new StringTokenizer(parameters); while (paramTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { @SuppressWarnings({ "NonConstantStringShouldBeStringBuffer" }) String param = paramTokens.nextToken().toUpperCase(); if ("FLAGS".equals(param)) { buffer.append(" FLAGS (").append(message.getImapFlags()).append(')'); } else if ("RFC822.SIZE".equals(param)) { int size; if (parameters.indexOf("BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (") >= 0) { // Header request, send approximate size size = message.size; } else { size = message.getMimeMessageSize(); }//from w w w . ja va 2s . com buffer.append(" RFC822.SIZE ").append(size); } else if ("ENVELOPE".equals(param)) { appendEnvelope(buffer, message); } else if ("BODYSTRUCTURE".equals(param)) { appendBodyStructure(buffer, message); } else if ("INTERNALDATE".equals(param) && != null && > 0) { try { SimpleDateFormat dateParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); dateParser.setTimeZone(ExchangeSession.GMT_TIMEZONE); Date date = ExchangeSession.getZuluDateFormat().parse(; SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.ENGLISH); buffer.append(" INTERNALDATE \"").append(dateFormatter.format(date)).append('\"'); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_DATE",; } } else if (param.equals("RFC822") || param.startsWith("BODY[") || param.startsWith("BODY.PEEK[") || "RFC822.HEADER".equals(param)) { // get full param if (param.indexOf('[') >= 0) { StringBuilder paramBuffer = new StringBuilder(param); while (paramTokens.hasMoreTokens() && paramBuffer.indexOf("]") < 0) { paramBuffer.append(' ').append(paramTokens.nextToken()); } param = paramBuffer.toString(); } // parse buffer size int startIndex = 0; int maxSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int ltIndex = param.indexOf('<'); if (ltIndex >= 0) { int dotIndex = param.indexOf('.', ltIndex); if (dotIndex >= 0) { startIndex = Integer.parseInt(param.substring(ltIndex + 1, dotIndex)); maxSize = Integer.parseInt(param.substring(dotIndex + 1, param.indexOf('>'))); } } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream partInputStream = null; OutputStream partOutputStream = null; // try to parse message part index String partIndexString = StringUtil.getToken(param, "[", "]"); if ("".equals(partIndexString) || partIndexString == null) { // write message with headers partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize); partInputStream = message.getRawInputStream(); } else if ("TEXT".equals(partIndexString)) { // write message without headers partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize); partInputStream = message.getMimeMessage().getRawInputStream(); } else if ("RFC822.HEADER".equals(param) || partIndexString.startsWith("HEADER")) { // Header requested fetch headers String[] requestedHeaders = getRequestedHeaders(partIndexString); if (requestedHeaders != null) { // OSX Lion special flags request if (requestedHeaders.length == 1 && "content-class".equals(requestedHeaders[0]) && message.contentClass != null) { baos.write("Content-class: ".getBytes("UTF-8")); baos.write(message.contentClass.getBytes("UTF-8")); baos.write(13); baos.write(10); } else { Enumeration headerEnumeration = message.getMatchingHeaderLines(requestedHeaders); while (headerEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { baos.write(((String) headerEnumeration.nextElement()).getBytes("UTF-8")); baos.write(13); baos.write(10); } } } else { // write headers only partOutputStream = new PartOutputStream(baos, true, false, startIndex, maxSize); partInputStream = message.getRawInputStream(); } } else { MimePart bodyPart = message.getMimeMessage(); String[] partIndexStrings = partIndexString.split("\\."); for (String subPartIndexString : partIndexStrings) { // ignore MIME subpart index, will return full part if ("MIME".equals(subPartIndexString)) { break; } int subPartIndex; // try to parse part index try { subPartIndex = Integer.parseInt(subPartIndexString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param); } Object mimeBody = bodyPart.getContent(); if (mimeBody instanceof MimeMultipart) { MimeMultipart multiPart = (MimeMultipart) mimeBody; if (subPartIndex - 1 < multiPart.getCount()) { bodyPart = (MimePart) multiPart.getBodyPart(subPartIndex - 1); } else { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param); } } else if (subPartIndex != 1) { throw new DavMailException("EXCEPTION_INVALID_PARAMETER", param); } } // write selected part, without headers partOutputStream = new PartialOutputStream(baos, startIndex, maxSize); if (bodyPart instanceof MimeMessage) { partInputStream = ((MimeMessage) bodyPart).getRawInputStream(); } else { partInputStream = ((MimeBodyPart) bodyPart).getRawInputStream(); } } // copy selected content to baos if (partInputStream != null && partOutputStream != null) { IOUtil.write(partInputStream, partOutputStream); partInputStream.close(); partOutputStream.close(); } baos.close(); if ("RFC822.HEADER".equals(param)) { buffer.append(" RFC822.HEADER "); } else { buffer.append(" BODY[").append(partIndexString).append(']'); } // partial if (startIndex > 0 || maxSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { buffer.append('<').append(startIndex).append('>'); } buffer.append(" {").append(baos.size()).append('}'); sendClient(buffer.toString()); // log content if less than 2K if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && baos.size() < 2048) { LOGGER.debug(new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-8")); } os.write(baos.toByteArray()); os.flush(); buffer.setLength(0); } } } buffer.append(')'); sendClient(buffer.toString()); // do not keep message content in memory message.dropMimeMessage(); }
From source
private void doExportPointHandling(ExportEntity entity) { StringBuilder confirmation = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder notice = new StringBuilder(); if (!entity.isToBeDeleted()) { confirmation.append("Copy of ").append(entity.getVfsPath()).append(" to ") .append(entity.getDestination()).append(" - "); File file = new File(entity.getSourcePath()); if (file.exists()) { if (file.isFile()) { try { FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath())); confirmation.append("SUCCESS"); } catch (IOException e) { confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX); confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")"); }/*from ww w . jav a2 s. co m*/ } else if (file.isDirectory()) { try { FileUtils.copyDirectory(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath())); confirmation.append("SUCCESS"); } catch (IOException e) { confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX); confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")"); } } } else { confirmation.append(" - FILE NOT FOUND"); } } else { String targetPath = entity.getTargetPath(); String vfsPath = entity.getVfsPath(); deleteExportedResource(vfsPath, targetPath, confirmation, notice); } if (confirmation.indexOf(ERROR_PREFIX) > -1) { console.error(confirmation.toString()); } else {; } if (notice.length() > 0) { console.notice(notice.toString()); } }
From source
public static String getOrg(Id id, boolean isCourse) { String org = ""; StringBuilder orgs = new StringBuilder(","); if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 8)) { NodeAssociationManager nodeAssociationManager = NodeManagerFactory.getAssociationManager(); NodeManager nodeManager = NodeManagerFactory.getHierarchyManager(); try {//from w w w . j a va 2 s . c om List<Node> nodes; if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 10)) { ObjectType type; if (isCourse) { type = ObjectType.Course; } else { type = ObjectType.User; } nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadAssociatedNodes(id, type); } else if (isCourse) { nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadCourseAssociatedNodes(id); } else { nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadUserAssociatedNodes(id); } Node node; Id nodeId; for (Iterator<Node> iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { node =; do { if (orgs.indexOf("," + node.getName() + ",") < 0) { orgs.append("dc=").append(node.getName()).append(","); } nodeId = node.getParentId(); if (nodeId != null) { node = nodeManager.loadNodeById(nodeId); } } while (nodeId != null); } } catch (PersistenceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (orgs.length() > 1) { org = orgs.substring(1, orgs.length() - 1); } } return org; }
From source
/** * Creates the SELECT query for key and update columns. * /*from www. j av a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param tableName * @param keys * @param columns * @return */ private PreparedStatement getSelectQueryStatement(final IDBFactory dbFactory, final Table table, final Collection<String> keys, final Collection<String> columns) throws SQLException { final List<String> params = new LinkedList<>(); final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT DISTINCT "); query.append(StringUtils.join(keys, ", ")).append(", ").append(StringUtils.join(columns, ", ")) .append(" FROM ").append(table.getName()); final List<Exclude> exclusions = table.getExclusions(); if (exclusions != null) { String separator = " WHERE ("; for (final Exclude exc : exclusions) { final String eq = exc.getEqualsValue(); final String lk = exc.getLikeValue(); final boolean nl = exc.isExcludeNulls(); final String col = exc.getName(); if (col != null && col.length() != 0) { if (eq != null) { query.append(separator).append('(').append(col).append(" != ? OR ").append(col) .append(" IS NULL)"); params.add(eq); separator = AND; } if (lk != null && lk.length() != 0) { query.append(separator).append('(').append(col).append(" NOT LIKE ? OR ").append(col) .append(" IS NULL)"); params.add(lk); separator = AND; } if (nl) { query.append(separator).append(col).append(" IS NOT NULL"); separator = AND; } } } if (query.indexOf(" WHERE (") != -1) { separator = ") AND ("; } for (final Exclude exc : exclusions) { final String neq = exc.getNotEqualsValue(); final String nlk = exc.getNotLikeValue(); final String col = exc.getName(); if (neq != null) { query.append(separator).append(col).append(" = ?"); separator = " OR "; } if (nlk != null && nlk.length() != 0) { query.append(separator).append(col).append(" LIKE ?"); separator = " OR "; } } if (query.indexOf(" WHERE (") != -1) { query.append(')'); } } final PreparedStatement stmt = dbFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(query.toString(), ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); if (dbFactory.getVendorName().equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { stmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } int paramIndex = 1; for (final String param : params) { stmt.setString(paramIndex, param); ++paramIndex; } log.debug("Querying for: " + query.toString()); if (params.size() > 0) { log.debug("\t - with parameters: " + StringUtils.join(params, ',')); } return stmt; }