List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf
@Override public int indexOf(String str)
From source
private void clearUnknownSimples(final StringBuilder sb) { String simple;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c om*/ int indexValid; int indexDefault; final int startLen = this.template.getVariableOpen().length(); final int stopLen = this.template.getVariableClose().length(); // get first int index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen()); int indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); for (; index > -1 && indexStop > -1;) { simple = sb.substring(index + startLen, indexStop); indexValid = simple.indexOf(this.template.getOperatorThen()); indexDefault = simple.indexOf(this.template.getOperatorElse()); if (indexValid == -1 && indexDefault == -1) { sb.replace(index, indexStop + stopLen, ""); } // get next index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen(), index + 1); if (index > -1) { indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); } } }
From source
public StringBuilder normalizeKommataString(StringBuilder pKommataStr) { if ((pKommataStr != null) && (pKommataStr.length() > 0)) { if (pKommataStr.indexOf(",") > 0) { String[] vStrLst = pKommataStr.toString().split(","); pKommataStr.delete(0, pKommataStr.length()); for (int i = 0; i < vStrLst.length; i++) { if (pKommataStr.length() > 0) { pKommataStr.append(","); }/*w w w .j a va2 s . c o m*/ pKommataStr.append(vStrLst[i].trim()); } } } return pKommataStr; }
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/** * Evaluates the given {@link EvaluationContext} and builds an URL to the appropriate * view./*from w w w . j a v a2 s . co m*/ * * @param context * {@link EvaluationContext} to be used * @param data * {@link PathContext} containing all data required for building the URL * @return URL that was built, or {@code null} if the {@link PathContext} did not * contain all necessary data for building the URL */ public String evaluate(EvaluationContext context, PathContext data) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Expression expr : expression) { String value = expr.getValue(context, data, String.class); if (value == null) { // A part resolved to null, so this ViewPattern is unable // to build a path from the given PathData. return null; } sb.append(value); } // Remove ugly double slashes int pos; while ((pos = sb.indexOf("//")) >= 0) { sb.deleteCharAt(pos); } return sb.toString(); }
From source
private ArrayList<String> parseNotamsFromHtml(InputStream in) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> notams = new ArrayList<>(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line;/* ww w . j a v a2s .c o m*/ boolean inside = false; StringBuilder builder = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!inside) { // Inspect the contents of all <pre> tags to find NOTAMs if (line.toUpperCase(Locale.US).contains("<PRE>")) { builder = new StringBuilder(); inside = true; } } if (inside) { builder.append(line); builder.append(" "); if (line.toUpperCase(Locale.US).contains("</PRE>")) { inside = false; int start = builder.indexOf("!"); if (start >= 0) { // Now get the actual inner contents int end = builder.indexOf("SOURCE:"); String notam = builder.substring(start, end).trim(); // Normalize the whitespaces //notam = whitespaces.matcher( notam ).replaceAll( " " ); notams.add(notam); } } } } return notams; }
From source
/** * Returns formatted source located in the cache, or adds to the cache and * returns the source found at sourceCodePath, removing oldest cached files * if MAX_CACHE_SIZE exceeded. * //from w w w . j av a 2 s . co m * Implementing the map interface method `get` to allow parameter passing * in EL versions prior to 2.0 * * @param sourceCodePathObj The String location of the source file relative * to the web application root. * @return The XHTML formatted source code or a stack trace if the URL * could not be UTF-8 encoded. */ public String get(Object sourceCodePathObj) { if (SOURCE_SERVLET_URL == null || MAX_CACHE_SIZE == null || !(sourceCodePathObj instanceof String)) { return null; } String sourceCodePath; // Try encoding sourceCodePathObj parameter, return a stack trace // instead of source if it fails. try { sourceCodePath = URLEncoder.encode((String) sourceCodePathObj, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.severe("UTF-8 is not supported by this platform."); return ""; } CachedSource cs; // Only allow the cache to be accessed by a single user when being used // within one of these blocks. synchronized (cache) { // Search the cache for formatted source code from this path. If it is // found, update the formatted source code with the current timestamp // and return the cached source. if ((cs = (CachedSource) cache.get(sourceCodePath)) != null) { logger.finer("Source Cache Hit."); logger.finest("Hit: " + sourceCodePath); cs.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; cache.put(cs.path, cs); return cs.source; } } logger.finer("Source Cache Miss."); logger.finest("Miss: " + sourceCodePath); URL servletUrl = null; InputStream inputStream = null; InputStreamReader inputReader = null; try { if (!IS_SECURE) { servletUrl = new URL(SOURCE_SERVLET_URL + sourceCodePath); inputStream = (InputStream) servletUrl.getContent(); } else { // don't use a connection, just access methods directly inputStream = SourceCodeLoaderServlet.getServlet().getSource((String) sourceCodePathObj); } brokenUrl = false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.severe( "Broken URL for the source code loader (" + SOURCE_SERVLET_URL + "), check your web.xml."); brokenUrl = true; } if (!brokenUrl) { try { // Set up streams and buffers for source servlet reading inputReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(16384); // Read into stringBuilder until EOF int readChar; while ((readChar = != -1) { buf.append((char) readChar); } // Extract page content from <body> tag and fix nbsp for valid XHTML String ret = buf.indexOf(" ") != -1 ? buf.substring(buf.indexOf("<body>") + 6, buf.lastIndexOf("</body>")).replace(" ", " ") : buf.toString(); synchronized (cache) { // If cache is full, remove files until the newly loaded string // will fit and add it to the cache while ((ret.length() * 16) + cacheSize > MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { OrderedBidiMap iCache = cache.inverseOrderedBidiMap(); CachedSource c = (CachedSource) iCache.firstKey(); cache.remove(c.path); cacheSize -= c.source.length() * 16; logger.finer("Cache Oversized. Removing oldest file."); logger.finest("Removed: " + c.path); } cache.put(sourceCodePath, new CachedSource(sourceCodePath, ret)); cacheSize += ret.length() * 16; } // Return newly loaded and cached source return ret; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { logger.severe("Attempted to connect to malformed URL."); logger.severe("Likely either EL param or web.xml SOURCE_SERVLET_URL param is incorrectly set"); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.severe("UTF-8 is not supported by this platform."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.severe("IOException raised while reading characters from Servlet response stream."); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (Exception ignoredClose) { } } if (inputReader != null) { try { inputReader.close(); } catch (Exception ignoredClose) { } } } } return ""; }
From source
public static SpannableStringBuilder replaceTags(String str, int flag) { try {/*www .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ int start; int end; StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(str); if ((flag & FLAG_TAG_BR) != 0) { while ((start = stringBuilder.indexOf("<br>")) != -1) { stringBuilder.replace(start, start + 4, "\n"); } while ((start = stringBuilder.indexOf("<br/>")) != -1) { stringBuilder.replace(start, start + 5, "\n"); } } ArrayList<Integer> bolds = new ArrayList<>(); if ((flag & FLAG_TAG_BOLD) != 0) { while ((start = stringBuilder.indexOf("<b>")) != -1) { stringBuilder.replace(start, start + 3, ""); end = stringBuilder.indexOf("</b>"); if (end == -1) { end = stringBuilder.indexOf("<b>"); } stringBuilder.replace(end, end + 4, ""); bolds.add(start); bolds.add(end); } } SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(stringBuilder); for (int a = 0; a < bolds.size() / 2; a++) { spannableStringBuilder.setSpan(new TypefaceSpan(AndroidUtilities.getTypeface("fonts/rmedium.ttf")), bolds.get(a * 2), bolds.get(a * 2 + 1), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } return spannableStringBuilder; } catch (Exception e) { FileLog.e(e); } return new SpannableStringBuilder(str); }
From source
private void replaceSimples(final StringBuilder sb, final String key, final String value) { String simple;/* www .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ final int valueLen = value.length(); final int startLen = this.template.getVariableOpen().length(); final int stopLen = this.template.getVariableClose().length(); // get first int index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen()); int indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); for (; index > -1 && indexStop > -1;) { simple = sb.substring(index + startLen, indexStop); if (key.equals(simple.trim())) { sb.replace(index, indexStop + stopLen, value); index += valueLen; } // get next index = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableOpen(), index + startLen); if (index > -1) { indexStop = sb.indexOf(this.template.getVariableClose(), index + startLen); } } }
From source
/** * Test inbound authentication with redirect binding with invalid signature parameter. *//*from w w w. j av a 2s .c o m*/ @Test public void testAuthnRequestSignatureValidationWithInvalidSignatureForRedirect() { ServiceProviderConfig serviceProviderConfig = TestUtils .getServiceProviderConfigs(TestConstants.SAMPLE_ISSUER_NAME, bundleContext); serviceProviderConfig.getRequestValidationConfig().getRequestValidatorConfigs().get(0).getProperties() .setProperty(SAML2AuthConstants.Config.Name.AUTHN_REQUEST_SIGNED, "true"); try { AuthnRequest samlRequest = TestUtils.buildAuthnRequest("https://localhost:9292/gateway", false, false, TestConstants.SAMPLE_ISSUER_NAME, TestConstants.ACS_URL); String samlRequestString = SAML2AuthUtils.encodeForRedirect(samlRequest); StringBuilder httpQueryString = new StringBuilder( SAML2AuthConstants.SAML_REQUEST + "=" + samlRequestString); httpQueryString.append("&" + SAML2AuthConstants.RELAY_STATE + "=" + URLEncoder.encode("relayState",; SAML2AuthUtils.addSignatureToHTTPQueryString(httpQueryString, "", SAML2AuthUtils.getServerCredentials()); httpQueryString.replace(httpQueryString.indexOf("Signature=") + 10, httpQueryString.length(), "invalid_signature"); HttpURLConnection urlConnection = TestUtils.request( TestConstants.GATEWAY_ENDPOINT + "?" + httpQueryString.toString(), HttpMethod.GET, false); String postBody = TestUtils.getContent(urlConnection); // Relay state must be returned for error scenarios as well // Assert.assertTrue(postBody.contains(TestConstants.RELAY_STATE)); Assert.assertEquals(urlConnection.getResponseCode(), 200); Assert.assertNotNull(postBody); String samlResponse = postBody.split("SAMLResponse' value='")[1].split("'>")[0]; Response samlResponseObject = TestUtils.getSAMLResponse(samlResponse); Assert.assertEquals(samlResponseObject.getAssertions().size(), 0); } catch (IOException e) {"Error while running testSAMLInboundAuthentication test case", e); } catch (SAML2SSOServerException e) {"Error while building response object", e); } finally { serviceProviderConfig.getRequestValidationConfig().getRequestValidatorConfigs().get(0).getProperties() .setProperty(SAML2AuthConstants.Config.Name.AUTHN_REQUEST_SIGNED, "false"); } }
From source
private static String _MakeURL(String p_url, Map<String, Object> params) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(p_url); if (url.indexOf("?") < 0) url.append('?'); for (String name : params.keySet()) { url.append('&'); url.append(name);/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s.c om*/ url.append('='); url.append(String.valueOf(params.get(name))); //??URLEncoder? //url.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(params.get(name)), UTF_8)); } return url.toString().replace("?&", "?"); }
From source
public String getEndpointUri() { if (sendMailEndpointUri == null) { StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder(); if (!settings.getUri().startsWith("smtp://") && !settings.getUri().startsWith("smtps://")) { uri.append("smtp://"); }/*from w w w.j a va2 s.c o m*/ uri.append(settings.getUri()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(settings.getFrom())) { uri.append(uri.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?").append("from=").append(settings.getFrom()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(settings.getTo())) { uri.append(uri.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?").append("to=").append(settings.getTo()); } sendMailEndpointUri = uri.toString(); logger.debug("Using mail endpoint: {}", sendMailEndpointUri); } return sendMailEndpointUri; }