Java tutorial
/* basiclti - Building Block to provide support for Basic LTI Copyright (C) 2016 Stephen P Vickers This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. Contact: */ package org.oscelot.blackboard.lti; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.filter.ElementFilter; import net.oauth.OAuthMessage; import net.oauth.OAuth.Parameter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import blackboard.platform.user.MyPlacesUtil; import blackboard.platform.user.MyPlacesUtil.AvatarType; import blackboard.platform.user.MyPlacesUtil.Setting; import blackboard.platform.servlet.InlineReceiptUtil; import blackboard.platform.gradebook2.GradebookManager; import blackboard.platform.gradebook2.GradebookManagerFactory; import blackboard.platform.gradebook2.GradableItem; import blackboard.persist.role.PortalRoleDbLoader; import; import; import; import; import blackboard.platform.persistence.PersistenceServiceFactory; import blackboard.persist.BbPersistenceManager; import blackboard.persist.Id; import blackboard.persist.user.UserDbLoader; import blackboard.persist.PersistenceException; import blackboard.persist.KeyNotFoundException; import blackboard.persist.course.CourseDbLoader; import blackboard.platform.context.Context; import blackboard.platform.context.ContextManagerFactory; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.NodeInternal; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.service.Node; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.service.NodeAssociationManager; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.service.NodeManager; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.service.NodeManagerFactory; import blackboard.platform.institutionalhierarchy.service.ObjectType; import blackboard.servlet.util.DatePickerUtil; import; import blackboard.portal.persist.ModuleDbLoader; import; import com.spvsoftwareproducts.blackboard.utils.B2Context; public class Utils { private static final char[] HEX_CHARS = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', }; private static Comparator<PortalRole> cmSortByName = null; // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to generate an encrypted ID for use with LTI service requests public static String getServiceId(List<String> data, String value, String secret) { data.add(value); StringBuilder id = new StringBuilder(); id.append(encodeHash(getHash(data, secret))); for (Iterator<String> iter = data.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String item =; id.append(Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR).append(encodeHash(item)); } data.remove(data.size() - 1); return id.toString(); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get an encrypted hash value from a list using SHA-256 as base64 private static String getHash(List<String> dataList, String secret) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<String> iter = dataList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { data.append(; } return getHash(data.toString(), secret); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get an encrypted hash value from a string using SHA-256 as base64 public static String getHash(String data, String secret) { return getHash(data, secret, "SHA-256", false); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get an encrypted hash value from a string public static String getHash(String data, String secret, String algorithm, boolean asHex) { if ((secret == null) || (secret.length() <= 0)) { return ""; } String hash; // Append the shared secret data = data + secret; // Calculate the hash try { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); digest.reset(); byte hashdata[]; try { hashdata = digest.digest(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { hashdata = digest.digest(data.getBytes()); } if (asHex) { hash = arrayToHexString(hashdata); } else { hash = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(hashdata)); } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { hash = ""; } return hash; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to check the hash value. The value is a concatenation of a hash and other // data values; each element separated by a separator string. The hash value is calculated // from a concatenation of the query string and the data elements. If the hash is // verified the function returns the data values. public static String checkHash(HttpServletRequest request, String value, String secret) { String data = null; if (value != null) { String query = request.getQueryString(); int pos = value.indexOf(Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR); if (pos >= 0) { data = value.substring(pos + 1); value = value.substring(0, pos); } else { data = ""; } String calcHash = getHash(query + data, secret, "SHA-256", true); if (!calcHash.equals(value)) { data = null; } } return data; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to check hash value of the request body public static boolean checkBodyHash(String header, String signaturemethod, String xml) { boolean ok = false; List<Parameter> authParams; String value = null; authParams = OAuthMessage.decodeAuthorization(header); for (Iterator<Parameter> iter = authParams.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Parameter param =; if (param.getKey().equals("oauth_body_hash")) { value = param.getValue(); break; } } if (value != null) { String algorithm; if (signaturemethod.equals("HMAC-SHA256")) { algorithm = "SHA-256"; } else { algorithm = "SHA-1"; } ok = value.equals(getHash("", xml, algorithm, false)); } return ok; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string private static String arrayToHexString(byte hash[]) { char buf[] = new char[hash.length * 2]; int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hash.length; i++) { buf[x++] = HEX_CHARS[(hash[i] >>> 4) & 0xf]; buf[x++] = HEX_CHARS[hash[i] & 0xf]; } return new String(buf); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get the authorization headers from a request public static Map<String, String> getAuthorizationHeaders(OAuthMessage message) { Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>(); try { String[] authHeaders = message.getAuthorizationHeader("").split(", "); for (int i = 0; i < authHeaders.length; i++) { String[] header = authHeaders[i].split("="); if (header.length == 2) { String name = header[0].trim(); String value = header[1].trim(); if (value.equals("\"\"")) { value = ""; } else if ((value.length() > 2) && value.startsWith("\"")) { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); } try { name = URLDecoder.decode(name, "UTF-8"); value = URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } headers.put(name, value); } } } catch (IOException e) { headers.clear(); } return headers; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a course role with an option for replacing any admin-defined roles with public static String getLTIUserId(String userIdType, User user) { String userId; if (userIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_USERNAME)) { userId = user.getUserName(); } else if (userIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_PRIMARYKEY)) { userId = user.getId().toExternalString(); } else if (userIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_STUDENTID)) { userId = user.getStudentId(); } else if (userIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_UUID) && B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 13)) { userId = user.getUuid(); } else { userId = user.getBatchUid(); } return userId; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a course role with an option for replacing any admin-defined roles with // a standard system role (either Instructor or Teaching Assistant). public static Role getRole(Role role, boolean systemRolesOnly) { if (systemRolesOnly) { CourseRole cRole = role.getDbRole(); if (cRole.isRemovable()) { if (cRole.isActAsInstructor()) { role = Role.INSTRUCTOR; } else { role = Role.TEACHING_ASSISTANT; } } } return role; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a comma separated list of the LTI role names public static String getCRoles(String roleSetting) { //, boolean isAdmin) { StringBuilder roles = new StringBuilder(); if (roleSetting.contains("I")) { roles.append(Constants.ROLE_INSTRUCTOR).append(','); } if (roleSetting.contains("D")) { roles.append(Constants.ROLE_CONTENT_DEVELOPER).append(','); } if (roleSetting.contains("T")) { roles.append(Constants.ROLE_TEACHING_ASSISTANT).append(','); } if (roleSetting.contains("L")) { roles.append(Constants.ROLE_LEARNER).append(','); } if (roleSetting.contains("M")) { roles.append(Constants.ROLE_MENTOR).append(','); } String rolesParameter = roles.toString(); if (rolesParameter.endsWith(",")) { rolesParameter = rolesParameter.substring(0, rolesParameter.length() - 1); } return rolesParameter; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a comma separated list of the LTI role names public static String addAdminRole(String roles, User user) { if (user.getSystemRole().equals(User.SystemRole.SYSTEM_ADMIN)) { if (roles.length() > 0) { roles += ","; } roles += Constants.ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR + "," + Constants.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR; } return roles; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a comma separated list of the LTI role names public static boolean isPreviewUser(User user) { return (user.getUserName().endsWith("_previewuser") && (user.getFamilyName() != null) && user.getFamilyName().endsWith("_PreviewUser")); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a comma separated list of the LTI role names public static String addPreviewRole(String roles, User user) { if (isPreviewUser(user)) { if (roles.length() > 0) { roles += ","; } roles += Constants.ROLE_TRANSIENT; } return roles; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a list of available course roles (with an option for including admin-defined roles) public static List<CourseRole> getCourseRoles(boolean systemRolesOnly) { List<CourseRole> roles; try { BbPersistenceManager pm = PersistenceServiceFactory.getInstance().getDbPersistenceManager(); CourseRoleDbLoader crLoader = (CourseRoleDbLoader) pm.getLoader("CourseRoleDbLoader"); List<CourseRole> allRoles = crLoader.loadAll(); if (systemRolesOnly) { roles = new ArrayList<CourseRole>(); for (Iterator<CourseRole> iter = allRoles.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CourseRole role =; if (!role.isRemovable()) { roles.add(role); } } } else { roles = new ArrayList<CourseRole>(allRoles); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { roles = new ArrayList<CourseRole>(); } return roles; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a comma separated list of the LTI institution role names public static String getIRoles(B2Context b2Context, List<PortalRole> iRoles, boolean isAdmin) { HashSet<String> roles = new HashSet<String>(); for (Iterator<PortalRole> iter = iRoles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PortalRole role =; String iRoleSetting = b2Context.getSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_IROLE + "." + role.getRoleID(), b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.DEFAULT_TOOL_ID + "." + Constants.TOOL_IROLE + "." + role.getRoleID(), "")); if (iRoleSetting.contains("F")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_FACULTY); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("S")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_STAFF); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("L")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_STUDENT); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("P")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_PROSPECTIVE_STUDENT); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("A")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_ALUMNI); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("O")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_OBSERVER); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("G")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_GUEST); } if (iRoleSetting.contains("Z")) { roles.add(Constants.IROLE_OTHER); } } StringBuilder sRoles = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<String> iter = roles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String role =; sRoles.append(role).append(","); } if (isAdmin) { sRoles.append(Constants.IROLE_ADMINISTRATOR).append(','); } String rolesParameter = sRoles.toString(); if (rolesParameter.endsWith(",")) { rolesParameter = rolesParameter.substring(0, rolesParameter.length() - 1); } return rolesParameter; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a list of available institution roles public static List<PortalRole> getInstitutionRoles(boolean systemRolesOnly) { return getInstitutionRoles(systemRolesOnly, null); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a list of available institution roles public static List<PortalRole> getInstitutionRoles(boolean systemRolesOnly, User user) { List<PortalRole> roles; try { BbPersistenceManager pm = PersistenceServiceFactory.getInstance().getDbPersistenceManager(); PortalRoleDbLoader prLoader = (PortalRoleDbLoader) pm.getLoader("PortalRoleDbLoader"); List<PortalRole> allRoles; if (user == null) { allRoles = prLoader.loadAll(); } else { allRoles = prLoader.loadAllByUserId(user.getId()); } if (systemRolesOnly) { roles = new ArrayList<PortalRole>(); for (Iterator<PortalRole> iter = allRoles.listIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PortalRole role =; if (!role.isRemovable()) { roles.add(role); } } } else { roles = new ArrayList<PortalRole>(allRoles); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { roles = new ArrayList<PortalRole>(); } java.util.Collections.sort(roles, getSortByName()); return roles; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a list of users observed by the specified user. public static List<User> getObservedUsers(Id userId, Id courseId) { List<User> users; try { UserDbLoader userLoader = UserDbLoader.Default.getInstance(); users = userLoader.loadObservedByObserverId(userId); if (!users.isEmpty() && (courseId != null)) { List<User> enrolled = userLoader.loadByCourseId(courseId); User user; for (Iterator<User> iter = users.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { user =; if (!enrolled.contains(user)) { iter.remove(); } } } } catch (PersistenceException e) { users = new ArrayList<User>(); } return users; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to replace placeholders with user or course properties public static String parseParameter(B2Context b2Context, Properties props, User user, Course course, Content content, Tool tool, String value) { if (value.contains("$User.")) { if (tool.getDoSendUserId()) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getId().toExternalString()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$User.username", user.getUserName()); try { if (value.contains("$User.image") && MyPlacesUtil.avatarsEnabled() && displayAvatar(user.getId()) && tool.getDoSendAvatar()) { String image = MyPlacesUtil.getAvatarImage(user.getId()); if (image == null) { image = ""; } else { image = b2Context.getServerUrl() + image; } value = value.replaceAll("\\$User.image", image); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (value.contains("$")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", getOrg(user.getId(), false)); } } } if (value.contains("$Person.")) { if (tool.getDoSendUserSourcedid()) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.sourcedId", user.getBatchUid()); } if (tool.getDoSendUsername()) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", (user.getGivenName() + " " + user.getFamilyName()).trim()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getFamilyName()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getGivenName()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getMiddleName()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getTitle()); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getSuffix()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.street1", user.getStreet1()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.street2", user.getStreet2()); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.street3", ""); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.street4", ""); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.locality", user.getCity()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.statepr", user.getState()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getCountry()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.postcode", user.getZipCode()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.address.timezone", user.getLocale()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getMobilePhone()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getHomePhone1()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getHomePhone1()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getBusinessPhone1()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.webaddress", user.getWebPage()); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.sms", ""); value = value.replaceAll("\\$Person.studentId", user.getStudentId()); // Moved from $User section } if (tool.getDoSendEmail()) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getEmailAddress()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", user.getEmailAddress()); } } String oldContextId = null; if ((course != null) && value.contains("$Context.")) { if (tool.getDoSendContextId()) { if (value.contains("$")) { oldContextId = getOldContextId(b2Context, tool.getContextIdType()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$", oldContextId); } if (props.containsKey("context_id")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", props.getProperty("context_id")); } if (value.contains("$")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$", getOrg(course.getId(), true)); } } } if (value.contains("$ResourceLink.")) { if (props.containsKey("resource_link_id")) { if (value.contains("$")) { String contentId = b2Context.getRequestParameter("content_id", ""); if (contentId.equals("@X@content.pk_string@X@")) { contentId = ""; } if (oldContextId == null) { oldContextId = getOldContextId(b2Context, tool.getContextIdType()); } String idString = tool.getPrefix(); String oldResourceId = getOldResourceId(b2Context, oldContextId, contentId); if ((idString != null) && (idString.length() > 0) && (oldResourceId.length() > 0)) { String[] resources = oldResourceId.split(","); StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) { ids.append(",").append(Utils.urlEncode(Utils.urlDecode(resources[i]) + "_" + idString)); } oldResourceId = ids.substring(1); } value = value.replaceAll("\\$", oldResourceId); } value = value.replaceAll("\\$", props.getProperty("resource_link_id")); } if (props.containsKey("resource_link_title")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$ResourceLink.title", props.getProperty("resource_link_title")); } if (props.containsKey("resource_link_description")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$ResourceLink.description", props.getProperty("resource_link_description")); } if (content != null) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$ResourceLink.timeFrame.begin", formatCalendar(content.getStartDate(), Constants.ISO_DATE_FORMAT)); value = value.replaceAll("\\$ResourceLink.timeFrame.end", formatCalendar(content.getEndDate(), Constants.ISO_DATE_FORMAT)); } } if ((course != null) && value.contains("$CourseSection.")) { if (tool.getDoSendContextSourcedid()) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.sourcedId", course.getBatchUid()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.dataSource", course.getDataSourceId().toExternalString()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.sourceSectionId", course.getCourseId()); } value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.label", ""); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.title", course.getTitle()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.shortDescription", course.getDescription()); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.longDescription", course.getDescription()); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.courseNumber", ""); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.credits", ""); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.maxNumberofStudents", ""); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.numberofStudents", ""); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.dept", getPrimaryNode(course.getId(), true)); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.timeFrame.begin", formatCalendar(course.getStartDate(), Constants.ISO_DATE_FORMAT)); value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.timeFrame.end", formatCalendar(course.getEndDate(), Constants.ISO_DATE_FORMAT)); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.enrollControl.accept", ""); // value = value.replaceAll("\\$CourseSection.enrollControl.allowed", ""); } if (value.contains("$Result.")) { if (props.containsKey("lis_result_sourcedid")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$Result.sourcedId", props.getProperty("lis_result_sourcedid")); } if (props.containsKey("lis_outcome_service_url")) { value = value.replaceAll("\\$Result.pointsPossible", tool.getOutcomesPointsPossible()); } } ServiceList serviceList = new ServiceList(b2Context, false); List<Service> services = serviceList.getList(); Service service = null; for (Iterator<Service> iter = services.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { service =; service.setTool(tool); value = service.parseValue(value); } return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to check if settings have moved to a new course public static void checkCourse(B2Context b2Context) { if (b2Context.getContext().hasCourseContext()) { String courseId = b2Context.getContext().getCourseId().toExternalString(); B2Context courseContext = new B2Context(b2Context.getRequest()); courseContext.setIgnoreContentContext(true); courseContext.setIgnoreGroupContext(true); String oldCourseId = courseContext.getSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_COURSEID, ""); boolean doSave = false; if (oldCourseId.length() <= 0) { courseContext.setSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_COURSEID, courseId); doSave = true; } else if (!oldCourseId.equals(courseId)) { String toolOrder = courseContext.getSetting(false, true, "tools.order", ""); String[] tools = toolOrder.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tools.length; i++) { String tool = tools[i]; courseContext.setSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + tool + "." + Constants.TOOL_LINEITEM, null); } courseContext.setSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_COURSEID, courseId); doSave = true; } if (doSave) { courseContext.persistSettings(false, true); } } } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to check if grade centre column should be created public static boolean checkColumn(B2Context b2Context, String toolId, String toolName, String columnFormat, Integer points, boolean scorable, boolean visible, boolean create) { boolean exists = false; boolean isLocal = true; String toolSettingPrefix = Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "."; if (toolId == null) { toolId = b2Context.getSetting(false, true, toolSettingPrefix + Constants.TOOL_ID, ""); } if (toolId.length() > 0) { isLocal = toolId.startsWith(Constants.COURSE_TOOL_PREFIX); toolSettingPrefix += toolId + "."; } if (isLocal) { b2Context.setIgnoreContentContext(true); } if (columnFormat == null) { columnFormat = b2Context.getSetting(!isLocal, true, toolSettingPrefix + Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_FORMAT, Constants.EXT_OUTCOMES_COLUMN_PERCENTAGE); } if (isLocal) { b2Context.setIgnoreContentContext(false); } String scaleType = Constants.PERCENTAGE_RESULT_TYPE; if (columnFormat.equals(Constants.EXT_OUTCOMES_COLUMN_SCORE)) { scaleType = Constants.RATIO_RESULT_TYPE; } Lineitem lineitem = Gradebook.getColumn(b2Context, toolId, toolName, scaleType, points, scorable, visible, null, create); if (lineitem != null) { exists = true; OutcomeDefinition def = lineitem.getOutcomeDefinition(); if ((def != null) && !toolName.equals(def.getTitle())) { try { def.setTitle(toolName); def.persist(); } catch (ValidationException e) { } catch (PersistenceException e) { } } } return exists; } public static Id getLineItemIdByContentId(Id contentId) { Id id = null; try { GradebookManager gbManager = GradebookManagerFactory.getInstanceWithoutSecurityCheck(); GradableItem gradableItem = gbManager.getGradebookItemByContentId(contentId); if (gradableItem != null) { id = gradableItem.getId(); } } catch (BbSecurityException e) { } return id; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a float value to a String value public static String floatToString(float fValue) { String value = String.valueOf(fValue); value = value.replaceFirst("\\.*0*$", ""); return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a String value to a float value public static Integer stringToInteger(String value) { Integer iValue = null; try { iValue = Integer.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { iValue = null; } return iValue; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a String value to a float value public static Float stringToFloat(String value) { Float fValue = null; try { fValue = Float.valueOf(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { fValue = null; } return fValue; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to encode any instances of the hash separator public static String encodeHash(String hash) { hash = hash.replace("%", "%25"); hash = hash.replace(Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR, "%" + arrayToHexString(Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR.getBytes())); return hash; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to decode any instances of the hash separator public static String decodeHash(String hash) { hash = hash.replace("%" + arrayToHexString(Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR.getBytes()), Constants.HASH_SEPARATOR); hash = hash.replace("%25", "%"); return hash; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert an XML string value to an XML document object public static Document getXMLDoc(String xml) { Document xmlDoc = null; // Remove any garbage from the top of the XML response int pos = xml.indexOf("<?xml "); if (pos > 0) { xml = xml.substring(pos); } try { SAXBuilder sb = new SAXBuilder(); sb.setExpandEntities(false); xmlDoc = ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())); } catch (JDOMException e) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } return xmlDoc; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a named XML child element from a parent element public static Element getXmlChild(Element root, String name) { Element child = null; List<Element> elements = null; if (name != null) { ElementFilter elementFilter = new ElementFilter(name); Iterator<Element> iter = (Iterator<Element>) root.getDescendants(elementFilter); if (iter.hasNext()) { child =; } } else { elements = (List<Element>) root.getChildren(); if (elements.size() >= 1) { child = elements.get(0); } } return child; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a named XML child value from a parent element public static String getXmlChildValue(Element root, String name) { String value = null; Element child = getXmlChild(root, name); if (child != null) { value = child.getText(); } return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to remove tags from a string public static String stripTags(String str) { if (str != null) { str = str.replaceAll("\\<.*?>", "").trim(); } str = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(str); return str; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to replace special characters with their HTML codes public static String htmlSpecialChars(String str) { if (str != null) { str = str.replace("&", "&"); str = str.replace("\"", """); str = str.replace("<", "<"); str = str.replace(">", ">"); } return str; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a null string to an empty string public static String nullToEmpty(String str) { if (str == null) { str = ""; } return str; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get the query string, removing any instances of action, tool ID and receipt // messsage parameters public static String getQuery(HttpServletRequest request) { String query = "&" + nullToEmpty(request.getQueryString()); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.ACTION + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.TOOL_ID + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.NODE_PARAMETER + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + InlineReceiptUtil.SIMPLE_STRING_KEY + "[A-Za-z0-9]*=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + InlineReceiptUtil.SIMPLE_ERROR_KEY + "[A-Za-z0-9]*=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.LTI_MESSAGE + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.LTI_LOG + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.LTI_ERROR_MESSAGE + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&" + Constants.LTI_ERROR_LOG + "=[^&]*", ""); query = query.replaceAll("&globalNavigation=[^&]*", ""); if (query.length() > 1) { query = query.substring(1); } else { query = ""; } return query; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to format a calendar object as a String public static String formatCalendar(Calendar cal, String format) { String dateString = ""; if (cal != null) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format); dateString = formatter.format(cal.getTime()); } return dateString; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to make an HTTP GET request and return the response public static String readUrlAsString(B2Context b2Context, String urlString) { return readUrlAsString(b2Context, urlString, new HashMap<String, String>()); } public static String readUrlAsString(B2Context b2Context, String urlString, Map<String, String> headers) { String str = ""; int timeout; try { timeout = Integer.parseInt(b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TIMEOUT_PARAMETER) + "000"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { timeout = Constants.TIMEOUT; } GetMethod fileGet = null; try { fileGet = new GetMethod(urlString); Map.Entry<String, String> entry; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = headers.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { entry =; fileGet.addRequestHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(timeout); int resp = client.executeMethod(fileGet); if (resp == 200) { str = fileGet.getResponseBodyAsString(); } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); str = ""; } if (fileGet != null) { fileGet.releaseConnection(); } return str; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to extract a domain (including optional path) from a URL public static String urlToDomainName(String urlString) { try { if (urlString.indexOf("://") < 0) { urlString = "http://" + urlString; } URL url = new URL(urlString); String path = url.getPath(); String[] pathParts = path.split("/"); if (pathParts.length > 0) { String lastPart = pathParts[pathParts.length - 1]; if (lastPart.indexOf(".") >= 0) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - lastPart.length() - 1); } } if (path.equals("/")) { path = ""; } urlString = url.getHost() + path; urlString = urlString.toLowerCase(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { urlString = ""; } return urlString; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to extract a domain (including optional path) from a URL public static Tool urlToDomain(B2Context b2Context, String urlString) { Tool domain = null; String domainName = Utils.urlToDomainName(urlString); if (domainName.length() > 0) { try { if (domainName.indexOf("://") < 0) { domainName = "http://" + domainName; } URL url = new URL(domainName); String urlHost = url.getHost(); String urlPath = url.getPath(); String domainHost = ""; String domainPath = ""; ToolList domainList = new ToolList(b2Context, true, true); List<Tool> domains = domainList.getList(); Tool aDomain; for (Iterator<Tool> iter = domains.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { aDomain =; if (!isRegExp(aDomain.getName())) { String[] name = aDomain.getName().split("/", 2); if (urlHost.endsWith(name[0])) { if ((name[0].length() > domainHost.length()) && ((name.length <= 1) || urlPath.startsWith("/" + name[1]))) { domainHost = name[0]; if (name.length > 1) { domainPath = name[1]; } else { domainPath = ""; } domain = aDomain; } else if (name[0].equals(domainHost) && (name.length > 1) && urlPath.startsWith("/" + name[1]) && (name[1].length() > domainPath.length())) { domainPath = name[1]; domain = aDomain; } } } else if (urlString.matches(aDomain.getName())) { // RegExp domain = aDomain; break; } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } return domain; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a Tool definition public static Tool getTool(B2Context b2Context, String toolId) { Tool tool = new Tool(b2Context, toolId); if ((tool.getName().length() <= 0) && (tool.getUrl().length() <= 0)) { tool = new Tool(b2Context, "", Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId); } if ((tool.getName().length() <= 0) && (tool.getUrl().length() <= 0)) { String id = b2Context.getSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_ID, ""); if (id.length() > 0) { tool = new Tool(b2Context, id, Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId); } else if (b2Context.getContext().hasContentContext()) { // check parent String contentId = b2Context.getContext().getContent().getId().toExternalString(); B2Context parentContext = new B2Context(null); parentContext.setContext(initContext(b2Context.getContext().getCourse().getId().toExternalString(), b2Context.getContext().getContent().getParentId().toExternalString())); id = parentContext.getSetting(false, true, Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_ID, ""); if (id.length() > 0) { Map<String, String> settings = parentContext.getSettings(false, true); Map.Entry<String, String> setting; String prefix = Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "."; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = settings.entrySet().iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { setting =; if (setting.getKey().startsWith(prefix)) { b2Context.setSetting(false, true, setting.getKey(), setting.getValue()); parentContext.setSetting(false, true, setting.getKey(), null); } } parentContext.persistSettings(false, true); settings = b2Context.getSettings(false, true); b2Context.setContext( initContext(b2Context.getContext().getCourse().getId().toExternalString(), contentId)); b2Context.persistSettings(false, true, null, settings); tool = new Tool(b2Context, id, Constants.TOOL_ID + "." + toolId); } } } return tool; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to generate a new unique ID for a tool or domain public static String getNewToolId(B2Context b2Context, String toolName, boolean isDomain, boolean isSystemTool) { String prefix; if (isDomain) { prefix = Constants.DOMAIN_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "."; } else { prefix = Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "."; } String baseName = toolName.toLowerCase(); baseName = baseName.replaceAll("[^0-9a-z]", ""); if (baseName.length() > 10) { baseName = baseName.substring(0, 6); } if (!isSystemTool) { baseName = Constants.COURSE_TOOL_PREFIX + baseName; } String name = baseName; int i = 0; do { if (!name.equals(Constants.DEFAULT_TOOL_ID) && b2Context .getSetting(isSystemTool, true, prefix + name + "." + Constants.TOOL_NAME).length() <= 0) { break; } i++; name = baseName + String.valueOf(i); } while (true); return name; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to generate a specific context public static Context initContext(String course, String content) { Id courseId = Id.UNSET_ID; Id contentId = Id.UNSET_ID; try { if (course != null) { courseId = Id.generateId(Course.DATA_TYPE, course); } if (content != null) { contentId = Id.generateId(Content.DATA_TYPE, content); } } catch (PersistenceException e) { } return initContext(courseId, contentId); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to generate a specific context public static Context initContext(Id courseId, Id contentId) { Context ctx = ContextManagerFactory.getInstance().getContext(); Id vhId = Id.UNSET_ID; try { vhId = ctx.getVirtualHost().getId(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { } return ContextManagerFactory.getInstance().setContext(vhId, courseId, Id.UNSET_ID, Id.UNSET_ID, contentId); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a Content-Item display target to an openin setting value public static String displayTargetToOpenin(String displayTarget) { String openin = null; //Constants.DATA_FRAME; if (displayTarget.equals("window")) { openin = Constants.DATA_WINDOW; } else if (displayTarget.equals("iframe")) { openin = Constants.DATA_IFRAME; } else if (displayTarget.equals("popup")) { openin = Constants.DATA_POPUP; } else if (displayTarget.equals("overlay")) { openin = Constants.DATA_OVERLAY; } return openin; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to extract the configuration settings for a tool or domain from an XML description public static Map<String, String> getToolFromXML(B2Context b2Context, String xml, boolean isSecure, boolean isDomain, boolean isSystemTool, boolean isContentItem) { Map<String, String> params = null; Document doc = getXMLDoc(xml); Element root = null; boolean ok = (doc != null); if (ok) { root = doc.getRootElement(); ok = root.getName().equals(Constants.XML_ROOT); } if (ok) { params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(Constants.TOOL_NAME, getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_TITLE)); params.put(Constants.TOOL_DESCRIPTION, getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_DESCRIPTION)); String secure = getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_URL_SECURE); if (isSecure && (secure != null) && (secure.length() > 0)) { params.put(Constants.TOOL_URL, secure); } else { params.put(Constants.TOOL_URL, getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_URL)); } secure = getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_ICON_SECURE); if (isSecure && (secure != null) && (secure.length() > 0)) { params.put(Constants.TOOL_ICON, secure); } else { params.put(Constants.TOOL_ICON, getXmlChildValue(root, Constants.XML_ICON)); } Map<String, String> customParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); Element node = getXmlChild(root, Constants.XML_CUSTOM); if (node != null) { List<Element> properties = (List<Element>) node.getChildren(); if (properties != null) { for (Iterator<Element> iter = properties.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { node =; if (node.getName().equals(Constants.XML_PARAMETER)) { String name = node.getAttributeValue(Constants.XML_PARAMETER_KEY); String value = node.getValue(); if ((name != null) && (value != null)) { customParams.put(name, value); } } } } } ElementFilter elementFilter = new ElementFilter(Constants.XML_EXTENSION); for (Iterator<Element> iter = (Iterator<Element>) root.getDescendants(elementFilter); iter.hasNext();) { Element extension =; String platform = extension.getAttributeValue(Constants.XML_EXTENSION_PLATFORM); if (platform.equals(Constants.LTI_LMS)) { List<Element> properties = (List<Element>) extension.getChildren(); if (properties != null) { for (Iterator<Element> prop = properties.iterator(); prop.hasNext();) { node =; if (node.getName().equals(Constants.XML_PARAMETER)) { String name = node.getAttributeValue(Constants.XML_PARAMETER_KEY); String value = node.getValue(); if (name.startsWith(Constants.CUSTOM_NAME_PREFIX)) { name = name.substring(Constants.CUSTOM_NAME_PREFIX.length()); customParams.put(name, value); } else { params.put(name, value); } } } } } } if (!customParams.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder custom = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = customParams.entrySet().iterator(); iter .hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry =; custom = custom.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } params.put(Constants.TOOL_CUSTOM, custom.toString()); } params = checkXMLParams(b2Context, params, isDomain, isSystemTool, isContentItem); } return params; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to validatae the values for tool/domain configuration settings private static Map<String, String> checkXMLParams(B2Context b2Context, Map<String, String> params, boolean isDomain, boolean isSystemTool, boolean isContentItem) { Map<String, String> extensionProps = new HashMap<String, String>(); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_NAME, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_DESCRIPTION, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_URL, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_GUID, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_SECRET, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_SIGNATURE_METHOD, Constants.DATA_SIGNATURE_METHOD_SHA1 + Constants.DATA_SIGNATURE_METHOD_SHA256); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_USERID, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_USERNAME, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EMAIL, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CUSTOM, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_COLUMN, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_FORMAT, Constants.EXT_OUTCOMES_COLUMN_PERCENTAGE + Constants.EXT_OUTCOMES_COLUMN_SCORE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_POINTS, "1"); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_SCORABLE, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_OUTCOMES_VISIBLE, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_MEMBERSHIPS, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_MEMBERSHIPS_LIMIT, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_MEMBERSHIPS_GROUPS, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_MEMBERSHIPS_GROUPNAMES, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_SETTING, Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CSS, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_ICON, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_ICON_DISABLED, ""); StringBuilder roles = new StringBuilder(); if (!isContentItem) { extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CONTEXT_ID, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CONTEXTIDTYPE, Constants.DATA_BATCHUID + Constants.DATA_COURSEID + Constants.DATA_PRIMARYKEY + Constants.DATA_UUID); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CONTEXT_SOURCEDID, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_CONTEXT_TITLE, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_AVATAR, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_ROLES, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_IROLES, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_CROLES, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_USERIDTYPE, Constants.DATA_BATCHUID + Constants.DATA_USERNAME + Constants.DATA_STUDENTID + Constants.DATA_PRIMARYKEY + Constants.DATA_UUID); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_USER_SOURCEDID, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_OPEN_IN, Constants.DATA_FRAME + Constants.DATA_FRAME_NO_BREADCRUMBS + Constants.DATA_WINDOW + Constants.DATA_IFRAME + Constants.DATA_POPUP + Constants.DATA_OVERLAY); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_WINDOW_NAME, null); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_SPLASH, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_SPLASHTEXT, ""); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_ADMINISTRATOR, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.TOOL_EXT_MEMBERSHIPS_LIMIT, Constants.DATA_TRUE); List<CourseRole> cRoles = Utils.getCourseRoles(true); for (Iterator<CourseRole> iter = cRoles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { CourseRole cRole =; roles.append(cRole.getIdentifier()); } if (isSystemTool) { extensionProps.put(Constants.MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.MESSAGE_CONTENT_ITEM, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.MESSAGE_CONFIG, Constants.DATA_TRUE); extensionProps.put(Constants.MESSAGE_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.MESSAGE_DASHBOARD, Constants.DATA_TRUE); ServiceList services = new ServiceList(b2Context, true); Service service; for (Iterator<Service> iter = services.getList().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { service =; extensionProps.put(Constants.SERVICE_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + service.getId(), Constants.DATA_TRUE); } } } String roleIDs = Constants.ROLE_ID_INSTRUCTOR + Constants.ROLE_ID_CONTENT_DEVELOPER + Constants.ROLE_ID_TEACHING_ASSISTANT + Constants.ROLE_ID_LEARNER + Constants.ROLE_ID_MENTOR; if (params != null) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = params.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry<String, String> param =; String name = param.getKey(); String value = param.getValue(); boolean ok = (value != null) && extensionProps.containsKey(name); if (ok) { String propType = extensionProps.get(name); if (propType == null) { params.put(name, value.trim()); } else if (propType.equals(Constants.DATA_TRUE)) { value = value.toLowerCase(); ok = value.equals(Constants.DATA_TRUE) || value.equals(Constants.DATA_FALSE); } else if (propType.equals(Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL)) { if (isDomain || isSystemTool) { value = value.toUpperCase(); ok = value.equals(Constants.DATA_NOTUSED) || value.equals(Constants.DATA_OPTIONAL) || value.equals(Constants.DATA_MANDATORY); } else { value = value.toUpperCase(); ok = value.equals(Constants.DATA_NOTUSED) || value.equals(Constants.DATA_MANDATORY); if (ok && isContentItem) { if (value.equals(Constants.DATA_NOTUSED)) { value = Constants.DATA_FALSE; } else { value = Constants.DATA_TRUE; } params.put(name, value); } } } else if (propType.equals("1")) { Integer num = Utils.stringToInteger(value); ok = (num != null) && (num > 0); } else if (propType.length() > 0) { value = value.toUpperCase(); ok = propType.indexOf(value) >= 0; } } else if (name.startsWith(Constants.TOOL_ROLE + ".")) { String role = name.substring(Constants.TOOL_ROLE.length() + 1); role = role.toUpperCase(); ok = roles.toString().indexOf(role) >= 0; if (ok) { String[] allRoles = value.split(","); StringBuilder valueString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < allRoles.length; i++) { String aRole = allRoles[i].trim(); if (i > 0) { valueString.append(","); } valueString.append(aRole); ok = ok && (roleIDs.indexOf(aRole) >= 0); } if (!value.equals(valueString.toString())) { params.put(name, valueString.toString()); } } } if (!ok) { iter.remove(); } } if (isDomain && params.containsKey(Constants.TOOL_URL)) { params.put(Constants.TOOL_NAME, params.get(Constants.TOOL_URL)); params.remove(Constants.TOOL_URL); } } return params; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to remove course tools option for any tools which have become disabled because a domain is denied public static void doCourseToolsDelete(B2Context b2Context, String domainId) { ToolList toolList = new ToolList(b2Context); List<Tool> tools = toolList.getList(); for (Iterator<Tool> iter = tools.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Tool tool =; if ((tool.getDomain() != null) && (tool.getDomain().getId().contains(domainId))) { CourseTool courseTool = tool.getCourseTool(); if ((courseTool != null) && !tool.getIsEnabled().equals(Constants.DATA_TRUE)) { courseTool.delete(); } } } } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to extract a date from a form field (replicates function available only in Learn 9.1) public static Calendar getDateFromPicker(String checkbox, String dateStr) { Calendar cal = null; boolean enabled = DatePickerUtil.isCheckboxChecked(checkbox); if (enabled && (dateStr != null) && (dateStr.length() > 0)) { cal = DatePickerUtil.pickerDatetimeStrToCal(dateStr); } return cal; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to determine is a user has an available avatar public static boolean displayAvatar(Id userId) { boolean usingSystem = false; boolean usingUploaded = false; try { Map<String, String> userData = MyPlacesUtil.getMyPlacesUserData(userId); usingSystem = MyPlacesUtil.getAvatarType().equals(AvatarType.system) && (userData.get(Setting.AVATAR_SHOW_SYSDEF.getKey())).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (!usingSystem) { usingUploaded = MyPlacesUtil.getAvatarType().equals(AvatarType.user) && (userData.get(Setting.AVATAR_SHOW_USER.getKey())).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } } catch (Exception e) { // PersistenceException may be thrown by older versions of Learn 9 } return usingSystem || usingUploaded; } public static String getResourceHandle(B2Context b2Context, String toolId) { String handle = "resource/x-" + b2Context.getVendorId().toLowerCase() + "-" + b2Context.getHandle().toLowerCase(); if ((toolId != null) && (toolId.length() > 0)) { handle += "-" + toolId; } return handle; } public static String getOrg(Id id, boolean isCourse) { String org = ""; StringBuilder orgs = new StringBuilder(","); if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 8)) { NodeAssociationManager nodeAssociationManager = NodeManagerFactory.getAssociationManager(); NodeManager nodeManager = NodeManagerFactory.getHierarchyManager(); try { List<Node> nodes; if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 10)) { ObjectType type; if (isCourse) { type = ObjectType.Course; } else { type = ObjectType.User; } nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadAssociatedNodes(id, type); } else if (isCourse) { nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadCourseAssociatedNodes(id); } else { nodes = nodeAssociationManager.loadUserAssociatedNodes(id); } Node node; Id nodeId; for (Iterator<Node> iter = nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { node =; do { if (orgs.indexOf("," + node.getName() + ",") < 0) { orgs.append("dc=").append(node.getName()).append(","); } nodeId = node.getParentId(); if (nodeId != null) { node = nodeManager.loadNodeById(nodeId); } } while (nodeId != null); } } catch (PersistenceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (orgs.length() > 1) { org = orgs.substring(1, orgs.length() - 1); } } return org; } public static String getPrimaryNode(Id id, boolean isCourse) { String primary = ""; if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 8)) { NodeAssociationManager nodeAssociationManager = NodeManagerFactory.getAssociationManager(); NodeManager nodeManager = NodeManagerFactory.getHierarchyManager(); try { Id nodeId = null; if (B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 10)) { ObjectType type; if (isCourse) { type = ObjectType.Course; } else { type = ObjectType.User; } nodeId = nodeAssociationManager.loadPrimaryNodeId(id, type); } else if (isCourse) { nodeId = nodeAssociationManager.loadCoursePrimaryNodeId(id); } if (nodeId != null) { Node node = nodeManager.loadNodeById(nodeId); primary = node.getName(); } } catch (PersistenceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return primary; } public static String getOldContextId(B2Context b2Context, String contextIdType) { B2Context courseContext = new B2Context(b2Context.getRequest()); courseContext.setIgnoreContentContext(true); String contextIds = ""; String old = courseContext.getSetting(false, true, "x_courseid", ""); if ((old.length() > 0) && !contextIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_COURSEID)) { StringBuilder contexts = new StringBuilder(); try { BbPersistenceManager bbPm = PersistenceServiceFactory.getInstance().getDbPersistenceManager(); CourseDbLoader courseLoader = (CourseDbLoader) bbPm.getLoader(CourseDbLoader.TYPE); String[] courses = old.split(","); Course course; Id courseId; String contextId; for (int i = 0; i < courses.length; i++) { courseId = Id.generateId(Course.DATA_TYPE, courses[i]); course = courseLoader.loadById(courseId); if (contextIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_PRIMARYKEY)) { contextId = course.getId().toExternalString(); } else if (contextIdType.equals(Constants.DATA_UUID) && B2Context.getIsVersion(9, 1, 13)) { contextId = course.getUuid(); } else { contextId = course.getBatchUid(); } contexts.append(",").append(urlEncode(contextId)); } contextIds = contexts.substring(1); } catch (PersistenceException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Utils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return contextIds; } public static String getOldResourceId(B2Context b2Context, String contextId, String contentId) { B2Context courseContext = new B2Context(b2Context.getRequest()); courseContext.setIgnoreContentContext(true); String resourceIds = ""; String old = courseContext.getSetting(false, true, "x" + contentId); String[] contexts = contextId.split(","); if ((old.length() > 0) && (contexts.length > 0)) { String[] contents = old.split(","); StringBuilder resources = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(contexts.length, contents.length); i++) { resources.append(",").append(urlEncode(urlDecode(contexts[i]) + contents[i])); } resourceIds = resources.substring(1); } return resourceIds; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to get a module from an ID public static Module getModule(String moduleId) { Module module = null; if ((moduleId != null) && (moduleId.length() > 0)) { try { Id id = Id.generateId(Module.DATA_TYPE, moduleId); module = ModuleDbLoader.Default.getInstance().loadById(id); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { } catch (PersistenceException e) { } } return module; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to check if a module ID has been passed public static String checkForModule(HttpServletRequest request) { String moduleId = request.getParameter(Constants.TOOL_MODULE); if (moduleId != null) { Module module = null; try { Id id = Id.generateId(Module.DATA_TYPE, moduleId); module = ModuleDbLoader.Default.getInstance().loadById(id); request.setAttribute("", module); } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { } catch (PersistenceException e) { } } return moduleId; } /** * Returns the prefix used for session parameters. * * @param b2Context B2Context object * @return prefix */ public static String getSessionPrefix(B2Context b2Context) { return b2Context.getVendorId() + "-" + b2Context.getHandle() + "-"; } /** * Returns the value of a session parameter. * * @param session HTTP session * @param b2Context B2Context object * @param name Name of parameter * @return value */ public static String getValueFromSession(HttpSession session, B2Context b2Context, String name, String defaultValue) { String value = (String) session.getAttribute(getSessionPrefix(b2Context) + name); if (value == null) { value = defaultValue; } return value; } /** * Sets the value of a session parameter. * * @param session HTTP session * @param b2Context B2Context object * @param name Name of parameter * @param value Parameter value */ public static void setValueInSession(HttpSession session, B2Context b2Context, String name, String value) { if (value != null) { session.setAttribute(getSessionPrefix(b2Context) + name, value); } else { session.removeAttribute(getSessionPrefix(b2Context) + name); } } /** * Check the nonce on a form submission. * * An exception is thrown if an invalid nonce is detected. * * @param request HTTP request * @param form Name of form (nonceId) */ public static void checkForm(HttpServletRequest request, String form) throws Exception { if (request.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST") && !NonceUtil.validate(request, form)) { throw new Exception("Invalid nonce"); } } /** * Initialises the current node. * * @param session HTTP session * @param b2Context B2Context object */ public static Node initNode(HttpSession session, B2Context b2Context) { return initNode(session, b2Context, true); } public static Node initNode(HttpSession session, B2Context b2Context, boolean systemNode) { return initNode(session, b2Context, systemNode, false); } public static Node initNode(HttpSession session, B2Context b2Context, boolean systemNode, boolean includeRoot) { Node node = null; boolean nodeSupport = B2Context.getNodeSupport(); String nodeId = ""; if (nodeSupport && (!systemNode || includeRoot)) { nodeSupport = b2Context.getSetting(Constants.NODE_CONFIGURE, Constants.DATA_FALSE) .equals(Constants.DATA_TRUE); if (nodeSupport) { b2Context.setInheritSettings(b2Context.getSetting(Constants.INHERIT_SETTINGS, Constants.DATA_FALSE) .equals(Constants.DATA_TRUE)); nodeId = b2Context.getRequestParameter(Constants.NODE_PARAMETER, ""); } if (nodeId.length() > 0) { Utils.setValueInSession(session, b2Context, Constants.NODE_PARAMETER, nodeId); } else { nodeId = Utils.getValueFromSession(session, b2Context, Constants.NODE_PARAMETER, ""); } } if (nodeSupport && (!systemNode || includeRoot)) { NodeManager nodeManager = NodeManagerFactory.getHierarchyManager(); try { if (nodeId.length() > 0) { Id id = Id.generateId(NodeInternal.DATA_TYPE, nodeId); node = nodeManager.loadNodeById(id); if (node == null) { Utils.setValueInSession(session, b2Context, Constants.NODE_PARAMETER, null); } } else { node = nodeManager.loadRootNode(); } if ((node != null) && nodeManager.isRootNode(node.getNodeId()) && !includeRoot) { node = null; } } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { } catch (PersistenceException e) { } if (node != null) { b2Context.setNode(node); } else { b2Context.clearNode(); } } else if (!nodeSupport) { //if (nodeSupport) { b2Context.clearNode(); } return node; } public static void checkSettings(B2Context b2Context) { String value = b2Context.getB2Version(); if (!b2Context.getSettings().isEmpty() && !value.equals(b2Context.getSetting(Constants.B2_VERSION, ""))) { b2Context.setSetting(Constants.B2_VERSION, value); value = b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_AVATAR, ""); if (value.length() > 0) { b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_AVATAR, value); b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_AVATAR, null); } value = b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_DELEGATE, ""); if (value.length() > 0) { b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_DELEGATE, value); b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_DELEGATE, null); } value = b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_COURSE_ROLES, ""); if (value.length() > 0) { b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_COURSE_ROLES, value); b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_COURSE_ROLES, null); } value = b2Context.getSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_INSTITUTION_ROLES, ""); if (value.length() > 0) { b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_INSTITUTION_ROLES, value); b2Context.setSetting(Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + Constants.TOOL_INSTITUTION_ROLES, null); } ToolList tools = new ToolList(b2Context); Tool tool; String toolId; for (Iterator<Tool> iter = tools.getList().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { tool =; toolId = tool.getId(); value = b2Context.getSetting( Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_COURSETOOL, ""); if (value.length() > 0) { b2Context.setSetting( Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_COURSETOOL, Constants.DATA_TRUE); b2Context.setSetting( Constants.TOOL_PARAMETER_PREFIX + "." + toolId + "." + Constants.TOOL_COURSETOOLAPP, null); } } b2Context.persistSettings(); b2Context.addReceiptOptionsToRequest(b2Context.getResourceString("", ""), null, null); } } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to URL encode a string public static String urlEncode(String value) { try { value = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { value = URLEncoder.encode(value); } return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to URL decode a string public static String urlDecode(String value) { try { value = URLDecoder.decode(value, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { value = URLDecoder.decode(value); } return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to encode a string for insertionmin XML public static String xmlEncode(String value) { value = value.replaceAll("&", "&"); value = value.replaceAll("<", "`"); value = value.replaceAll(">", "b"); return value; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a map to a string public static String mapToString(Map<String, String> map) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); if (map != null) { Map.Entry<String, String> entry; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { entry =; data.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n"); } } return data.toString(); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a map to a string public static String mapArrayToString(Map<String, String[]> map) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); if (map != null) { Map.Entry<String, String[]> entry; for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String[]>> iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { entry =; if (entry.getValue().length == 1) { data.append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue()[0]).append("\n"); } else { data.append(entry.getKey()).append("=\n"); for (int i = 0; i < entry.getValue().length; i++) { data.append(" --> ").append(entry.getValue()[i]).append("\n"); } } } } return data.toString(); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Function to convert a query string to a map of the query parameters public static Map<String, String> queryToMap(String query) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); String[] queryParams = query.split("&"); String[] parts; for (int i = 0; i < queryParams.length; i++) { parts = queryParams[i].split("=", 2); if (parts[0].length() > 0) { if (parts.length < 2) { params.put(parts[0], ""); } else { params.put(parts[0], parts[1]); } } } return params; } // --------------------------------------------------- // Check if a string represents a regular expression public static boolean isRegExp(String exp) { return exp.startsWith("^") && exp.endsWith("$"); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Comparator for sorting institution roles by name public static Comparator<PortalRole> getSortByName() { if (cmSortByName == null) { cmSortByName = new Comparator<PortalRole>() { @Override public int compare(PortalRole r1, PortalRole r2) { return r1.getRoleName().compareToIgnoreCase(r2.getRoleName()); } }; } return cmSortByName; } }