List of usage examples for Multimap asMap
Map<K, Collection<V>> asMap();
From source
protected Set<ArtifactInformation> getArtifacts(final ChannelEntity channel) { final Multimap<String, String> childs = loadChildMap(channel); return, "getArtifacts", () -> getArtifactsHelper(channel, (ae, props) -> StreamServiceHelper.convert(ae, props, childs.asMap()))); }
From source
public Multimap<Double, String> SubsetIdentification(PathwayUsingModules firstPathway, PathwayUsingModules secondPathway, BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, int Yes) { Multimap<Double, String> result = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); Iterator<Module> sourceGeneIt = firstPathway.geneIterator(); int currentQueryGene = 0; while (sourceGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentQueryGene++;/*from w ww . j a v a2s . co m*/ Module queryGene =; Multimap<Integer, String> resultr = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.natural()); int currentTargetGene = 0; Multiset<String> qfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> qfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> qactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> qsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Domain d : queryGene.getDomains()) { qfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); qsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } List<String> TargenesSelected = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Module> targetGeneIt = secondPathway.geneIterator(); while (targetGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentTargetGene++; Module targetGene =; Multiset<String> tfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> tactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); List<String> tfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Domain> dIter = targetGene.domainIterator(); while (dIter.hasNext()) { Domain d =; tfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); tsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } Multiset<String> DomainsCovered = Multisets.intersection(qfunction, tfunction); int Differences = Math.max(Math.abs(DomainsCovered.size() - tfunction.size()), Math.abs(DomainsCovered.size() - qfunction.size())); if (DomainsCovered.size() == tfunction.size() && tfunction.size() > 4) { TargenesSelected.add(Integer.toString(currentTargetGene)); } else { resultr.put(Differences, Integer.toString(currentTargetGene)); } } int count = 0; if (resultr.size() > 0) { int tsize = 0; if ((firstPathway.size() > 8 && firstPathway.size() < 10) || (secondPathway.size() > 8 && secondPathway.size() < 10)) { tsize = 2; } else if ((firstPathway.size() > 2 && firstPathway.size() < 8) && (secondPathway.size() > 2 && secondPathway.size() < 8)) { tsize = 4; } else { tsize = 1; } while (TargenesSelected.size() < tsize) { Multiset<String> k = LinkedHashMultiset.create(resultr.values()); Multiset<String> t = LinkedHashMultiset.create(TargenesSelected); Multiset<String> Covered = Multisets.intersection(k, t); if (Covered.size() == k.size()) { break; } try { TargenesSelected.addAll( resultr.get(Integer.parseInt(resultr.keySet().toArray()[count].toString()))); } catch (Exception ds) { } count = count + 1; } } // ////System.out.println(TargenesSelected); // Permutation perm = new Permutation(); // List<String> perms =; CombinationGenerator c = new CombinationGenerator(10, 10); List<String> perms = c.GenerateAllPossibleCombinations(TargenesSelected); myFunction sim = new myFunction(); double score = 0; String targetIdentified = ""; List<Module> targetGenesList = secondPathway.getModules(); for (String permu : perms) { String[] values = permu.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(","); List<String> mergedTargetgenes = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> ToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> tactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (String j : values) { ToRemove.add(Integer.parseInt(j.trim())); for (Domain i : targetGenesList.get(Integer.parseInt(j.trim()) - 1).getDomains()) { mergedTargetgenes.add(i.getDomainFunctionString()); tactivity.add(i.getStatus().toString()); tsubstrate.add(i.getSubstrates()); } } Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> FunctionScores = sim.calculate(qfunctionList, mergedTargetgenes); Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> activityscores = myFunction.calculate(qactivity, tactivity); Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> substratescores = myFunction .calculate(getSubstrateList(qsubstrate), getSubstrateList(tsubstrate)); Object FunctionScore = FunctionScores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; Object activityScore = activityscores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; Object substrateScore = substratescores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; double finalScore = Math .round((((2.9 * Double.parseDouble(FunctionScore.toString().trim())) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(activityScore.toString().trim())) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(substrateScore.toString().trim()))) / 3) * 100.0) / 100.0; targetIdentified = permu.replace(",", "+"); String ConvertedGeneIDs = ""; if (Yes == 0) { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); } else { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap); } // String ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); result.put(finalScore, ConvertedGeneIDs); ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, FunctionScores.values()); ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, activityscores.values()); ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, substratescores.values()); } } return result; }
From source
/** * Loop through each of the targets we visited while generating seed modules: If the are exclusive * to that module, add them to that module. If they are not exclusive to that module, find or * create an appropriate shared module and fill out its dependencies * * @param apkModuleGraph the current graph we're building * @param targetToContainingApkModulesMap the targets mapped to the seed targets they are * reachable from//from w w w. j ava2 s . co m */ private void generateSharedModules(MutableDirectedGraph<APKModule> apkModuleGraph, Multimap<BuildTarget, String> targetToContainingApkModulesMap) { // Sort the module-covers of all targets to determine shared module names. TreeSet<TreeSet<String>> sortedContainingModuleSets = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<TreeSet<String>>() { @Override public int compare(TreeSet<String> left, TreeSet<String> right) { int sizeDiff = left.size() - right.size(); if (sizeDiff != 0) { return sizeDiff; } Iterator<String> leftIter = left.iterator(); Iterator<String> rightIter = right.iterator(); while (leftIter.hasNext()) { String leftElement =; String rightElement =; int stringComparison = leftElement.compareTo(rightElement); if (stringComparison != 0) { return stringComparison; } } return 0; } }); for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, Collection<String>> entry : targetToContainingApkModulesMap.asMap() .entrySet()) { TreeSet<String> containingModuleSet = new TreeSet<>(entry.getValue()); sortedContainingModuleSets.add(containingModuleSet); } // build modules based on all entries. Map<ImmutableSet<String>, APKModule> combinedModuleHashToModuleMap = new HashMap<>(); int currentId = 0; for (TreeSet<String> moduleCover : sortedContainingModuleSets) { String moduleName = moduleCover.size() == 1 ? moduleCover.iterator().next() : "shared" + currentId++; APKModule module = APKModule.of(moduleName, modulesWithResources.contains(moduleName)); combinedModuleHashToModuleMap.put(ImmutableSet.copyOf(moduleCover), module); } // add Targets per module; for (Map.Entry<BuildTarget, Collection<String>> entry : targetToContainingApkModulesMap.asMap() .entrySet()) { ImmutableSet<String> containingModuleSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(entry.getValue()); for (Map.Entry<ImmutableSet<String>, APKModule> existingEntry : combinedModuleHashToModuleMap .entrySet()) { if (existingEntry.getKey().equals(containingModuleSet)) { getBuildTargets(existingEntry.getValue()).add(entry.getKey()); break; } } } // Find the seed modules and add them to the graph Map<String, APKModule> seedModules = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<ImmutableSet<String>, APKModule> entry : combinedModuleHashToModuleMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().size() == 1) { APKModule seed = entry.getValue(); apkModuleGraph.addNode(seed); seedModules.put(entry.getKey().iterator().next(), seed); apkModuleGraph.addEdge(seed, rootAPKModuleSupplier.get()); } } // Find the shared modules and add them to the graph for (Map.Entry<ImmutableSet<String>, APKModule> entry : combinedModuleHashToModuleMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().size() > 1) { APKModule shared = entry.getValue(); apkModuleGraph.addNode(shared); apkModuleGraph.addEdge(shared, rootAPKModuleSupplier.get()); for (String seedName : entry.getKey()) { apkModuleGraph.addEdge(seedModules.get(seedName), shared); } } } }
From source
private boolean fixBranchesAlwaysDisconnectAtOneSide(int iteration, Network network) { // avoid branches always disconnected at one side => connect it to an isolated bus on disconnected side Multimap<String, String> branch2substations = HashMultimap.create(); for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { for (PossibleTopology.Bus bus : substation.getBuses()) { for (PossibleTopology.Equipment eq : bus.getEquipments()) { if (eq.isBranch(false)) { branch2substations.put(eq.getId(), substation.getId()); }//from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m } } } } } Set<String> branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide = new HashSet<>(); Multimap<String, String> substation2branches = HashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : branch2substations.asMap().entrySet()) { String branchId = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { String substationId = entry.getValue().iterator().next(); TwoTerminalsConnectable branch = network.getLine(branchId); if (branch == null) { branch = network.getTwoWindingsTransformer(branchId); } if (branch == null) { throw new RuntimeException(); } if (branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel() != branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel()) { String otherSubstationId; if (branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel().getId().equals(substationId)) { otherSubstationId = branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel().getId(); } else if (branch.getTerminal2().getVoltageLevel().getId().equals(substationId)) { otherSubstationId = branch.getTerminal1().getVoltageLevel().getId(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(); } substation2branches.put(otherSubstationId, branchId); branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.add(branchId); } } } for (TopologyChoice topologyChoice : topologyChoices) { for (PossibleTopology possibleTopology : topologyChoice.getPossibleTopologies()) { for (PossibleTopology.Substation substation : possibleTopology.getMetaSubstation() .getSubstations()) { if (substation2branches.containsKey(substation.getId())) { VoltageLevel vl = network.getVoltageLevel(substation.getId()); for (String branchId : substation2branches.asMap().get(substation.getId())) { PossibleTopology.Equipment eq = new PossibleTopology.Equipment(branchId); Connectable obj = vl.getConnectable(eq.getId(), Connectable.class); eq.setType(obj.getType()); substation.getBuses().add(new PossibleTopology.Bus(eq)); } } } } } if (branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.size() > 0) { LOGGER.debug( "Iteration {}: {} branches are always disconnected at one side, a fictive bus (isolated) has been added to disconnected side", iteration, branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide.size()); LOGGER.trace("Iteration {}: detailed list of branches always disconnected at one side: {}", iteration, branchesAlwaysDisconnectedAtOneSide); return true; } return false; }
From source
/** * Creates a new {@link DynamicInputImpl} * @param request from which to read the request parameters *//*w w w . ja v a 2s. c o m*/ public DynamicInputImpl(HttpServletRequest request) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String[]> reqParams = Maps.newHashMap(request.getParameterMap()); this.inputParams = reqParams; if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) { this.fileUploads = Maps.newHashMap(); Multimap<String, String> inputParamsWithList = ArrayListMultimap.create(); ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); try { FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request); while (iter.hasNext()) { FileItemStream item =; String fieldName = item.getFieldName(); InputStream stream = item.openStream(); if (item.isFormField()) { inputParamsWithList.put(fieldName, Streams.asString(stream,; } else { final String filename = item.getName(); final byte[] bytes = ByteStreams.toByteArray(stream); fileUploads.put(fieldName, new UploadedFile() { @Override public String getFilename() { return filename; } @Override public byte[] getBytes() { return bytes; } @Override public int getSize() { return bytes.length; } }); } } for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : inputParamsWithList.asMap().entrySet()) { inputParams.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toArray(new String[0])); } } catch (IOException | FileUploadException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse multipart", e); } } else { this.fileUploads = Collections.emptyMap(); } }
From source
@Override public Map<WorkerInfo, ArrayList<LoadTask>> selectExecutors(LoadConfig config, List<WorkerInfo> jobWorkerInfoList, JobMasterContext jobMasterContext) throws Exception { Map<String, WorkerInfo> jobWorkersByAddress = .collect(Collectors.toMap(info -> info.getAddress().getHost(), info -> info)); // Filter out workers which have no local job worker available. List<String> missingJobWorkerHosts = new ArrayList<>(); List<BlockWorkerInfo> workers = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockWorkerInfo worker : AlluxioBlockStore.create().getAllWorkers()) { if (jobWorkersByAddress.containsKey(worker.getNetAddress().getHost())) { workers.add(worker);//from www. j a va 2 s .c om } else { LOG.warn("Worker on host {} has no local job worker", worker.getNetAddress().getHost()); missingJobWorkerHosts.add(worker.getNetAddress().getHost()); } } // Mapping from worker to block ids which that worker is supposed to load. Multimap<WorkerInfo, LoadTask> assignments = LinkedListMultimap.create(); AlluxioURI uri = new AlluxioURI(config.getFilePath()); for (FileBlockInfo blockInfo : mFileSystem.getStatus(uri).getFileBlockInfos()) { List<String> workersWithoutBlock = getWorkersWithoutBlock(workers, blockInfo); int neededReplicas = config.getReplication() - blockInfo.getBlockInfo().getLocations().size(); if (workersWithoutBlock.size() < neededReplicas) { String missingJobWorkersMessage = ""; if (!missingJobWorkerHosts.isEmpty()) { missingJobWorkersMessage = ". The following workers could not be used because they have " + "no local job workers: " + missingJobWorkerHosts; } throw new FailedPreconditionException(String.format( "Failed to find enough block workers to replicate to. Needed %s but only found %s. " + "Available workers without the block: %s" + missingJobWorkersMessage, neededReplicas, workersWithoutBlock.size(), workersWithoutBlock)); } Collections.shuffle(workersWithoutBlock); for (int i = 0; i < neededReplicas; i++) { String address = workersWithoutBlock.get(i); WorkerInfo jobWorker = jobWorkersByAddress.get(address); assignments.put(jobWorker, new LoadTask(blockInfo.getBlockInfo().getBlockId())); } } return SerializationUtils.makeValuesSerializable(assignments.asMap()); }
From source
protected List<ISyntaxConstraint> createSummarizedAssignments(CompoundElement group, List<AbstractElement> candidates, EClass semanticType, boolean optional) { Multimap<String, Assignment> feature2ass = HashMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, AbstractElement> feature2child = HashMultimap.create(); for (AbstractElement c : candidates) { TreeIterator<EObject> i = EcoreUtil2.eAll(c); while (i.hasNext()) { EObject obj =;// www . ja v a 2s . c o m if (obj instanceof RuleCall || obj instanceof Action || obj instanceof Alternatives) return Lists.newArrayList(); else if (obj instanceof Group) { Set<String> names = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Assignment ass : EcoreUtil2.getAllContentsOfType(obj, Assignment.class)) names.add(ass.getFeature()); if (names.size() > 1) i.prune(); } else if (obj instanceof Assignment) { Assignment a = (Assignment) obj; feature2ass.put(a.getFeature(), a); feature2child.put(a.getFeature(), c); i.prune(); } } } List<ISyntaxConstraint> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Assignment>> ent : feature2ass.asMap().entrySet()) { if (ent.getValue().size() < 2 || feature2child.get(ent.getKey()).size() < 2) continue; int required = 0, multiplies = 0; for (Assignment assignment : ent.getValue()) { AbstractElement e = assignment; while (e != group) if (isMultipleCardinality(e)) { multiplies++; break; } else e = (AbstractElement) e.eContainer(); e = assignment; while (e != group) if (isOptionalCardinality(e)) break; else e = (AbstractElement) e.eContainer(); if (e == group) required++; } if (required > 1 || multiplies < 1) continue; candidates.removeAll(feature2child.get(ent.getKey())); optional = optional || required < 1; result.add(createElement(ConstraintType.ASSIGNMENT, ent.getValue().iterator().next(), semanticType, true, optional)); } return result; }
From source
@RequestMapping(value = { "/run-all-evaluation" }, method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView runAllGoldenListEvaluation() { ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(); List<List<String>> listActualId = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<List<String>> listExpectedId = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> RecallCoordinate = Arrays.asList("0.0", "0.1", "0.2", "0.3", "0.4", "0.5", "0.6", "0.7", "0.8", "0.9", "1.0"); Multimap<String, List<Double>> listQueryAndPrecision = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { String parameter = contentGoldenListService.listContentGoldenList().get(i).getQuery(); String timeStamp = contentGoldenListService.listContentGoldenList().get(i).getTimeStamp(); try {// www .j a va2s .c om listActualId.add(searchByQueryEvaluation(parameter)); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CommonControllerEvaluation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (SolrServerException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CommonControllerEvaluation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } listExpectedId.add(contentGoldenListService .findContentGoldenListByQueryAndTimeStamp(parameter, timeStamp).get(0).getExpectedResult()); listQueryAndPrecision.put(parameter, listInterpolatedPrecision(listExpectedId, listActualId).get(i)); } //Method to save parameterWeight To Mongo // SaveParameterWeightToMongo(listExpectedId, listActualId); modelAndView.addObject("listParameterWeight", parameterWeightService.findAll()); //weight Parameter modelAndView.addObject("MapList", getParameter()); // Average precision modelAndView.addObject("precisionCoordinate", interpolateAveragePrecision(listExpectedId, listActualId)); modelAndView.addObject("recallCoordinate", RecallCoordinate); // SaveCoordinateToMongo(interpolateAveragePrecision(listExpectedId, listActualId)); modelAndView.addObject("listQueryAndPrecision", listQueryAndPrecision.asMap()); modelAndView.addObject("finalAverage", finalScoreInterpolatedPrecision(listExpectedId, listActualId)); modelAndView.setViewName("evaluation/field-list"); return modelAndView; }
From source
private void exportPojectData(List<EntryData> entryData, Map<Long, List<String>> thumbnails, Multimap<String, AnnotationIndexData> annotationIndex) { File json = new File(jsonDir, "config.json"); EntityManager entityManager = HibernateUtil.getEntityManager(); Project project = entityManager.find(Project.class, projectId); Map<String, Object> projectData = getProjectData(project, entryData, thumbnails); List<String> projectEntryMetadataFields = settings.getProjectEntryMetadataFields(); projectData.put("entryMetadataFields", projectEntryMetadataFields); projectData.put("generated", new Date().getTime()); cnwKludge(project, projectData, projectEntryMetadataFields); entityManager.close();//from w ww .ja v a2 s .c o m exportJson(json, projectData); json = new File(jsonDir, ANNOTATION_INDEX_JSON); exportJson(json, annotationIndex.asMap()); // String indexfilename = "index-" + settings.getProjectType() + ".html.ftl"; String indexfilename = "index.html.ftl"; File destIndex = new File(distDir, "index.html"); String projectType = settings.getProjectType(); Configuration configuration = Configuration.instance(); String version = configuration.getSetting("publication.version." + projectType); String cdnBaseURL = configuration.getSetting("publication.cdn"); Map<String, Object> fmRootMap = ImmutableMap.of(// "BASE_URL", projectData.get("baseURL"), // "TYPE", projectType, // "ELABORATE_CDN", cdnBaseURL, // "VERSION", version// ); FreeMarker.templateToFile(indexfilename, destIndex, fmRootMap, getClass()); }
From source
@Override public void delete(String tableName, Multimap<Cell, Long> keys) { Map<InetAddress, Map<Cell, Collection<Long>>> keysByHost = partitionMapByHost(keys.asMap().entrySet()); for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Map<Cell, Collection<Long>>> entry : keysByHost.entrySet()) { deleteOnSingleHost(entry.getKey(), tableName, entry.getValue()); }// w w w. j ava 2s . com }