Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package de.hzi.helmholtz.Compare; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.hzi.helmholtz.Domains.Domain; import de.hzi.helmholtz.Modules.Module; import de.hzi.helmholtz.Modules.ModuleSimilarity; import de.hzi.helmholtz.Pathways.PathwayUsingModules; import de.hzi.helmholtz.Writers.WriteResultToDatabase; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.JFrame; /** * * @author srdu001 */ public class PathwayComparisonUsingModules { private static double finalscore = 0; static double s_add = 1.0, s_penality = -1.0; static double SCORE_MISMATCH_ERROR = 0.2f; static double DISTANCE_MISMATCH_ERROR = 1; JFrame frame; //Map<Integer, List<String>> Qmap = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); //Map<Integer, List<String>> Tmap = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>(); private PathwayUsingModules source; private PathwayUsingModules target; private BiMap<String, Integer> srcGeneIdToPositionMap; private BiMap<String, Integer> tgtGeneIdToPositionMap; // Range of window sizes to be considered for combining domains into single genes --> [1,maxWindowSize] private int maxWindowSize = 0; private double functionWeight = 1.9f; private double statusWeight = 0.1f; private double substrateWeight = 0; private int GENE_MAX_DISTANCE = 1000; Multimap<String, Multimap<String, Integer>> ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, Multimap<String, Integer>> ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, Multimap<String, Integer>> ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch = ArrayListMultimap.create(); double kscore = 0.747; double lambda = 1.39; private Map<String, Map<String, Double>> bestResultMapping; static double maxbitscore = 0; private String UniqueJobID = ""; WriteResultToDatabase todatabase = new WriteResultToDatabase(); int self = 0; public PathwayComparisonUsingModules(final PathwayUsingModules source, final PathwayUsingModules target, int windowsize, String ProcessId, String ALGORITHM, int self) { try { this.source = source; = target; maxWindowSize = windowsize; constructBiMaps(); this.self = self; ////System.out.println(source.toString()); ////System.out.println(target.toString()); UniqueJobID = ProcessId; String[] SourcePathwaysID = source.getPathwayId().split("_"); if (ALGORITHM.equals("0")) { System.out.println("Started pathwayComparisonGlobalBestGreedy for " + source.getPathwayId() + " and " + target.getPathwayId() + "..."); pathwayComparisonGlobalBestGreedy(); if (self == 1) { todatabase.maxScoreWriting(UniqueJobID, (SourcePathwaysID[0].trim()), maxbitscore); } } else if (ALGORITHM.equals("1")) { System.out.println("Started pathwayComparisonGlobalBestCoalesce for " + source.getPathwayId() + " and " + target.getPathwayId() + "..."); pathwayComparisonGlobalBestCoalesce(); if (self == 1) { todatabase.maxScoreWriting(UniqueJobID, (SourcePathwaysID[0].trim()), maxbitscore); } } else { System.out.println("Started SubsetMatchingOfPathways for " + source.getPathwayId() + " and " + target.getPathwayId() + "..."); try { SubsetMatchingOfPathways(); if (self == 1) { todatabase.maxScoreWriting(UniqueJobID, (SourcePathwaysID[0].trim()), maxbitscore); } } catch (Exception ds) { System.out.println("Error in SubsetMatchingOfPathways:" + ds); } } // frame = new JFrame("Matching"); } catch (Exception ds) { System.out.println("Error in PathwayComparison:" + ds); } } /* Construct position to geneId bimaps of both source and target pathways */ private void constructBiMaps() { srcGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); int temp = 1; for (Module e : source.getModules()) { srcGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp++); } tgtGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); temp = 1; for (Module e : target.getModules()) { tgtGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp++); } } /* Iterate over source genes * Compare each source gene against every target gene * Keep the comparison scores in forwardScores * Keep the best forward scores for gene-gene in forwardBestScores * Do the same in the reverse direction */ public Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> pcompare(PathwayUsingModules firstPathway, PathwayUsingModules secondPathway) { Multimap<Double, String> forwardScores = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> forwardBestScores = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int currentQueryGene = 0; Iterator<Module> sourceGeneIt = firstPathway.geneIterator(); // for reverse scoring, this becomes targetGeneIt while (sourceGeneIt.hasNext()) { Module queryGene =; // clear forward scores after one gene is done forwardScores.clear(); Iterator<Module> targetGeneIt = secondPathway.geneIterator(); int currentTargetGene = 0; while (targetGeneIt.hasNext()) { Module targetGene =; ModuleSimilarity geneSimilarity = new ModuleSimilarity(); if ((queryGene.size() <= targetGene.size())) { // Match one source gene against one target gene with the same index List<Module> targetGenes = new ArrayList<Module>(); targetGenes.add(targetGene); double score = geneSimilarity.levenshteinSimilarity(queryGene, targetGenes, functionWeight, statusWeight, substrateWeight); forwardScores.put(score, currentTargetGene + ""); } else if (queryGene.size() > targetGene.size()) { // Merge multiple target genes and compare to one source gene // store scores for windows of all sizes upto maxWindowSize for (int currentWindowSize = 0; currentWindowSize < maxWindowSize; currentWindowSize++) { if (currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize < secondPathway.size()) { // construct list of target genes to compare, list size = currentWindowSize List<Module> mergedGenes = new ArrayList<Module>(); List<Module> targetGenesList = secondPathway.getModules(); for (int i = currentTargetGene; i <= currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i++) { mergedGenes.add(targetGenesList.get(i)); } double score = geneSimilarity.levenshteinSimilarity(queryGene, mergedGenes, functionWeight, statusWeight, substrateWeight); if (score > 0) { String combinedGenes = ""; for (int i = currentTargetGene; i <= currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i++) { combinedGenes += i + "+"; } combinedGenes = combinedGenes.substring(0, combinedGenes.length() - 1); forwardScores.put(Math.abs(score), combinedGenes); } else { String combinedGenes = ""; for (int i = currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i >= currentTargetGene; i--) { combinedGenes += i + "+"; } combinedGenes = combinedGenes.substring(0, combinedGenes.length() - 1); forwardScores.put(Math.abs(score), combinedGenes); } } } } currentTargetGene++; } Multimap<Double, String> forwardscore1 = ArrayListMultimap.create(forwardScores); TreeMultimap<Double, String> forwardscore = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); forwardscore.putAll(forwardscore1); forwardBestScores.put(currentQueryGene, forwardscore); currentQueryGene++; } // ////System.out.println(" dsds "+forwardBestScores); return forwardBestScores; } /* * Obtains the higher of the scores of matching genes in forward direction or reverse direction on per gene basis */ public String getmax(Collection<Multimap<Double, String>> collection, Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> reverse) { String geneToBeCompared = ""; String maxScoringGene = ""; // can be one gene or combination of many genes double max = 0; boolean isGenePresent = true; if (collection.size() > 0) { while (isGenePresent) { for (Multimap<Double, String> gene : collection) { try { max = gene.keySet().iterator().next(); finalscore = max; for (String geneCombinationWithBestScore : gene.get(max)) { if (geneCombinationWithBestScore.contains("+")) { String[] individualGenes = geneCombinationWithBestScore.split("\\+"); for (String individualGene : individualGenes) { if (reverse.containsKey(Integer.parseInt(individualGene))) { if (geneToBeCompared.equals("")) { geneToBeCompared = individualGene; } else { geneToBeCompared += "+" + individualGene; } } } } else { if (reverse.containsKey(Integer.parseInt(geneCombinationWithBestScore))) { if (geneToBeCompared.equals("")) { geneToBeCompared = geneCombinationWithBestScore; } else { geneToBeCompared += ";" + geneCombinationWithBestScore; } } } } if (geneToBeCompared.trim().equals("")) { gene.asMap().remove(max); } } catch (Exception ds) { ds.printStackTrace(); } } if (!geneToBeCompared.trim().equals("")) { isGenePresent = false; } double roundOff = (double) Math.round(max * 100) / 100; // set score precision to two decimal places maxScoringGene = roundOff + "=" + geneToBeCompared; } } return maxScoringGene; } public static void removemax(Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> collections, int key) { collections.asMap().remove(key); } /* Utility function to transform 1+2 to geneid(1)+geneid(2) */ public String reconstructWithGeneId(String positionIdStr, BiMap<String, Integer> newGeneIdToPositionMap) { String geneIdStr = ""; String[] positions = positionIdStr.split("\\+"); for (String position : positions) { int pos = Integer.parseInt(position.trim()); geneIdStr += newGeneIdToPositionMap.inverse().get(pos) + "+"; } geneIdStr = geneIdStr.substring(0, geneIdStr.length() - 1); return geneIdStr; } public void pathwayComparisonGlobalBestGreedy() { Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> forward = pcompare(source, target); // key: qgeneId, value: {score=tgenecombination;...} Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> reverse = pcompare(target, source); /* Create global list of matchings ordered by score by joining forward and reverse lists * key: querygene -> targetgenes * value: score */ TreeMultimap<Double, String> globalMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> e : forward.entries()) { int fgene = e.getKey(); Multimap<Double, String> geneAndScore = e.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> scoreEntry : geneAndScore.entries()) { double score = scoreEntry.getKey(); String matchingGeneString = scoreEntry.getValue(); String[] multipleMatchingGenes = matchingGeneString.split(","); for (String matchingGene : multipleMatchingGenes) { String newKey = fgene + "->" + matchingGene; globalMap.put(score, newKey); } } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> e : reverse.entries()) { int rgene = e.getKey(); Multimap<Double, String> geneAndScore = e.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> scoreEntry : geneAndScore.entries()) { double score = scoreEntry.getKey(); String matchingGeneString = scoreEntry.getValue(); String[] multipleMatchingGenes = matchingGeneString.split(","); for (String matchingGene : multipleMatchingGenes) { String newKey = matchingGene + "->" + rgene; globalMap.put(score, newKey); } } } // create alignment // //////System.out.println(globalMap); bestResultMapping = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); Map<String, Double> matchingInTarget; Set<String> queryGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> targetGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> entry : globalMap.entries()) { double score = entry.getKey(); //score=[alignment1, aligment2, ..] String alignment = entry.getValue(); String bestScoreAlignment = alignment.split(",")[0]; // start->end String start = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[0]; String end = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[1]; // start and end can be combination of genes Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList((start + "+").split("\\+"))); Set<String> t = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList((end + "+").split("\\+"))); // add to result mapping Set<String> sIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); sIntersection.addAll(queryGenesCovered); sIntersection.retainAll(s); Set<String> tIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); tIntersection.addAll(targetGenesCovered); tIntersection.retainAll(t); if (sIntersection.isEmpty() && tIntersection.isEmpty()) { matchingInTarget = new HashMap<String, Double>(); matchingInTarget.put(reconstructWithGeneId(end, tgtGeneIdToPositionMap), score); bestResultMapping.put(reconstructWithGeneId(start, srcGeneIdToPositionMap), matchingInTarget); queryGenesCovered.addAll(s); targetGenesCovered.addAll(t); } } String[] SourcePathwaysID = source.getPathwayId().split("_"); String[] TargetPathwaysID = target.getPathwayId().split("_"); //////System.out.println(bestResultMapping); Double Bitscore = Calculations4BitScore(bestResultMapping); int m = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofTargetPathwaysInDatabase; int n = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofQueryPathway; Double modifiedBitscore = Bitscore / 5; NumberFormat formatter; Double value = m * n * kscore * Math.exp((-(lambda * modifiedBitscore))); formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.##E0"); String eval = formatter.format(value); System.out.println(eval + " " + Bitscore); // write result ot database for further use maxbitscore = Bitscore; // write result ot database for further use try { if (self != 1) { todatabase.WriteToDatabase(UniqueJobID, SourcePathwaysID[0].trim(), SourcePathwaysID[1].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[0].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[1].trim(), bestResultMapping.toString(), Bitscore, eval); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, bestResultMapping,new Throwable().getStackTrace()[0].getLineNumber() + " sdsdsd321321", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); // //////System.out.println(bestResultMapping); } public Multimap<Double, String> SubsetsMatching(final PathwayUsingModules firstPathway, final PathwayUsingModules secondPathway, BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, int Yes) { Multimap<Double, String> resultPerfect = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); PathwayUsingModules firstPathwayCopy = new PathwayUsingModules(firstPathway);// Copy of the Query pathway PathwayUsingModules secondPathwayCopy = new PathwayUsingModules(secondPathway);// Copy of the Target pathway' // PathwayUsingModules secondPathwayCopy1 = new PathwayUsingModules(secondPathway); int currentQueryGene = 0; Iterator<Module> sourceGeneIt = firstPathway.geneIterator(); List<String> QueryToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> TargetToRemove = new ArrayList<String>(); while (sourceGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentQueryGene++; Module queryGene =; int currentTargetGene = 0; Multiset<String> qfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> qfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> qactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> qsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Domain d : queryGene.getDomains()) { qfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); qsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } Iterator<Module> targetGeneIt = secondPathway.geneIterator(); while (targetGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentTargetGene++; Module targetGene =; Multiset<String> tfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> tfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> tactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Domain d : targetGene.getDomains()) { tfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); tsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } Multiset<String> DomainsCovered = Multisets.intersection(qfunction, tfunction); if (DomainsCovered.size() == qfunction.size() && DomainsCovered.size() == tfunction.size()) { Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> activityscores = myFunction.calculate(qactivity, tactivity); Multimap<String, Integer> Functionscores = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int TranspositionDomains = LevenshteinDistance.computeLevenshteinDistance(qfunctionList, tfunctionList); if (TranspositionDomains > 0) { TranspositionDomains = 1; } Functionscores.put(qfunction.size() + "-0", TranspositionDomains); Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> substratescore = myFunction .calculate(getSubstrateList(qsubstrate), getSubstrateList(tsubstrate)); Object activityScore = activityscores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; Object substrateScore = substratescore.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; double finalScore = Math .round((((2.9 * 1.0) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(activityScore.toString().trim())) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(substrateScore.toString().trim()))) / 3) * 100.0) / 100.0; String ConvertedGeneIDs = ""; if (Yes == 0) { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentTargetGene), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); } else { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentTargetGene), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap); } resultPerfect.put(finalScore, ConvertedGeneIDs); ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch.put(ConvertedGeneIDs, Functionscores); ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, activityscores.values()); ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, substratescore.values()); TargetToRemove.add(reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentTargetGene), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap)); QueryToRemove.add(reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap)); } } } for (String i : TargetToRemove) { secondPathwayCopy.removeModule(i); } for (String i : QueryToRemove) { firstPathwayCopy.removeModule(i); } if (firstPathwayCopy.size() > 0 && secondPathwayCopy.size() > 0) { // Re-construct the bimaps newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); int temp = 0; for (Module e : firstPathwayCopy.getModules()) { temp = temp + 1; newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp); } newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); temp = 0; for (Module e : secondPathwayCopy.getModules()) { temp = temp + 1; newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp); } resultPerfect.putAll(SubsetIdentification(firstPathwayCopy, secondPathwayCopy, newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, Yes)); } ////System.out.println(resultPerfect); return resultPerfect; } public Multimap<Double, String> SubsetIdentification(PathwayUsingModules firstPathway, PathwayUsingModules secondPathway, BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, int Yes) { Multimap<Double, String> result = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); Iterator<Module> sourceGeneIt = firstPathway.geneIterator(); int currentQueryGene = 0; while (sourceGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentQueryGene++; Module queryGene =; Multimap<Integer, String> resultr = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.natural()); int currentTargetGene = 0; Multiset<String> qfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> qfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> qactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> qsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Domain d : queryGene.getDomains()) { qfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); qactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); qsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } List<String> TargenesSelected = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Module> targetGeneIt = secondPathway.geneIterator(); while (targetGeneIt.hasNext()) { currentTargetGene++; Module targetGene =; Multiset<String> tfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<String> tactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); List<String> tfunctionList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<Domain> dIter = targetGene.domainIterator(); while (dIter.hasNext()) { Domain d =; tfunction.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tfunctionList.add(d.getDomainFunctionString()); tactivity.add(d.getStatus().toString()); tsubstrate.add(d.getSubstrates()); } Multiset<String> DomainsCovered = Multisets.intersection(qfunction, tfunction); int Differences = Math.max(Math.abs(DomainsCovered.size() - tfunction.size()), Math.abs(DomainsCovered.size() - qfunction.size())); if (DomainsCovered.size() == tfunction.size() && tfunction.size() > 4) { TargenesSelected.add(Integer.toString(currentTargetGene)); } else { resultr.put(Differences, Integer.toString(currentTargetGene)); } } int count = 0; if (resultr.size() > 0) { int tsize = 0; if ((firstPathway.size() > 8 && firstPathway.size() < 10) || (secondPathway.size() > 8 && secondPathway.size() < 10)) { tsize = 2; } else if ((firstPathway.size() > 2 && firstPathway.size() < 8) && (secondPathway.size() > 2 && secondPathway.size() < 8)) { tsize = 4; } else { tsize = 1; } while (TargenesSelected.size() < tsize) { Multiset<String> k = LinkedHashMultiset.create(resultr.values()); Multiset<String> t = LinkedHashMultiset.create(TargenesSelected); Multiset<String> Covered = Multisets.intersection(k, t); if (Covered.size() == k.size()) { break; } try { TargenesSelected.addAll( resultr.get(Integer.parseInt(resultr.keySet().toArray()[count].toString()))); } catch (Exception ds) { } count = count + 1; } } // ////System.out.println(TargenesSelected); // Permutation perm = new Permutation(); // List<String> perms =; CombinationGenerator c = new CombinationGenerator(10, 10); List<String> perms = c.GenerateAllPossibleCombinations(TargenesSelected); myFunction sim = new myFunction(); double score = 0; String targetIdentified = ""; List<Module> targetGenesList = secondPathway.getModules(); for (String permu : perms) { String[] values = permu.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split(","); List<String> mergedTargetgenes = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> ToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> tactivity = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (String j : values) { ToRemove.add(Integer.parseInt(j.trim())); for (Domain i : targetGenesList.get(Integer.parseInt(j.trim()) - 1).getDomains()) { mergedTargetgenes.add(i.getDomainFunctionString()); tactivity.add(i.getStatus().toString()); tsubstrate.add(i.getSubstrates()); } } Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> FunctionScores = sim.calculate(qfunctionList, mergedTargetgenes); Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> activityscores = myFunction.calculate(qactivity, tactivity); Multimap<Double, Multimap<String, Integer>> substratescores = myFunction .calculate(getSubstrateList(qsubstrate), getSubstrateList(tsubstrate)); Object FunctionScore = FunctionScores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; Object activityScore = activityscores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; Object substrateScore = substratescores.asMap().keySet().toArray()[0]; double finalScore = Math .round((((2.9 * Double.parseDouble(FunctionScore.toString().trim())) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(activityScore.toString().trim())) + (0.05 * Double.parseDouble(substrateScore.toString().trim()))) / 3) * 100.0) / 100.0; targetIdentified = permu.replace(",", "+"); String ConvertedGeneIDs = ""; if (Yes == 0) { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); } else { ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap); } // String ConvertedGeneIDs = reconstructWithGeneId(Integer.toString(currentQueryGene), newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap) + "->" + reconstructWithGeneId(targetIdentified.replace("[", "").replace("]", ""), newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); result.put(finalScore, ConvertedGeneIDs); ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, FunctionScores.values()); ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, activityscores.values()); ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch.putAll(ConvertedGeneIDs, substratescores.values()); } } return result; } public void SubsetMatchingOfPathways() { PathwayUsingModules newSource = new PathwayUsingModules(source); PathwayUsingModules newTarget = new PathwayUsingModules(target); BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap = srcGeneIdToPositionMap; BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap = tgtGeneIdToPositionMap; int Yes = 0; Multimap<Double, String> forward = SubsetsMatching(newSource, newTarget, newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, Yes); // key: qgeneId, value: {score=tgenecombination;...} newSource = new PathwayUsingModules(SimpleCompareUsingModules.sourcecopy); newTarget = new PathwayUsingModules(SimpleCompareUsingModules.targetcopy); Yes = 1; Multimap<Double, String> reverse = SubsetsMatching(newTarget, newSource, newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap, newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, Yes); TreeMultimap<Double, String> globalMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); globalMap.putAll(forward); globalMap.putAll(reverse); ////System.out.println(globalMap); bestResultMapping = GetBestFromGlobalMap(globalMap); // Calculations4SubsetBitScore System.out.println(bestResultMapping); Double Bitscore = Calculations4SubsetBitScore(bestResultMapping); int m = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofTargetPathwaysInDatabase; int n = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofQueryPathway; double eval = (m * n * kscore * (Math.exp(-(lambda * Bitscore)))); //System.out.println(Bitscore); maxbitscore = Bitscore; String[] SourcePathwaysID = source.getPathwayId().split("_"); String[] TargetPathwaysID = target.getPathwayId().split("_"); // write result ot database for further use try { if (self != 1) { // todatabase.WriteToDatabase(UniqueJobID, SourcePathwaysID[0].trim(), SourcePathwaysID[1].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[0].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[1].trim(), bestResultMapping.toString(), Bitscore, eval); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } public void pathwayComparisonGlobalBestCoalesce() { bestResultMapping = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); ; Map<String, Map<String, Double>> currentBestResultMapping; PathwayUsingModules newSource = new PathwayUsingModules(source); PathwayUsingModules newTarget = new PathwayUsingModules(target); BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap = srcGeneIdToPositionMap; BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap = tgtGeneIdToPositionMap; while (newSource.size() > 0 && newTarget.size() > 0) { // find current best mapping currentBestResultMapping = pathwayComparisonCoalesce(newSource, newTarget, newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap); // remove already mapped genes in source and target for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Double>> entry : currentBestResultMapping.entrySet()) { String queryGenesCovered = entry.getKey(); String[] qGenesCovered = queryGenesCovered.split("\\+"); for (String qGenesCovered1 : qGenesCovered) { String qGeneCovered = (qGenesCovered1); newSource.removeModule(qGeneCovered); } for (Map.Entry<String, Double> tEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { String targetGenesCovered = tEntry.getKey(); String[] tGenesCovered = targetGenesCovered.split("\\+"); for (String tGenesCovered1 : tGenesCovered) { String tGeneCovered = (tGenesCovered1); newTarget.removeModule(tGeneCovered); } } } bestResultMapping.putAll(currentBestResultMapping); } String[] SourcePathwaysID = source.getPathwayId().split("_"); String[] TargetPathwaysID = target.getPathwayId().split("_"); ////System.out.println("*********************"); ////System.out.println(bestResultMapping); Double Bitscore = Calculations4BitScore(bestResultMapping); int m = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofTargetPathwaysInDatabase; int n = SimpleCompareUsingModules.SizeofQueryPathway; Double modifiedBitscore = Bitscore / 5; NumberFormat formatter; Double value = m * n * kscore * Math.exp((-(lambda * modifiedBitscore))); formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.##E0"); String eval = formatter.format(value); System.out.println(eval + " " + Bitscore); maxbitscore = Bitscore; // write result ot database for further use try { if (self != 1) { todatabase.WriteToDatabase(UniqueJobID, SourcePathwaysID[0].trim(), SourcePathwaysID[1].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[0].trim(), TargetPathwaysID[1].trim(), bestResultMapping.toString(), Bitscore, eval); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public double Calculations4SubsetBitScore(Map<String, Map<String, Double>> bestResultMappings) { SmithWaterman_b sw = new SmithWaterman_b(); int MatchingSubstrateCount = 0; int MismatchSubstrateCount = 0; int MatchingFunctionCount = 0; int MismatchFunctionCount = 0; Multiset<String> qfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); Multiset<String> tfunction = LinkedHashMultiset.create(); List<Set<String>> qsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); String GeneKey = ""; int FunctionMatch = 0, StatusMatch = 0, SubstrateMatch = 0; int FunctionMisMatch = 0, StatusMisMatch = 0, SubstrateMisMatch = 0; int TranspositionDomains = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Double>> i : bestResultMappings.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Double> j : i.getValue().entrySet()) { GeneKey = i.getKey() + "->" + j.getKey(); } Collection<Multimap<String, Integer>> Function = ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch.get(GeneKey); for (Multimap<String, Integer> GetFunction : Function) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> Get : GetFunction.entries()) { String[] points = Get.getKey().split("-"); FunctionMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[0].trim()); FunctionMisMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[1].trim()); TranspositionDomains += Get.getValue(); break; } break; } Collection<Multimap<String, Integer>> Status = ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch.get(GeneKey); for (Multimap<String, Integer> GetFunction : Status) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> Get : GetFunction.entries()) { String[] points = Get.getKey().split("-"); StatusMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[0].trim()); StatusMisMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[1].trim()); break; } break; } Collection<Multimap<String, Integer>> Substrate = ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch.get(GeneKey); for (Multimap<String, Integer> GetFunction : Substrate) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> Get : GetFunction.entries()) { String[] points = Get.getKey().split("-"); SubstrateMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[0].trim()); SubstrateMisMatch += Integer.parseInt(points[1].trim()); break; } break; } } if (FunctionMisMatch == 0) { } ////////System.out.println(MismatchCount + " " + MatchingCount); int rawFunctionScore = ((FunctionMatch * 3) - (FunctionMisMatch * 2) - TranspositionDomains); int rawStatusScore = (StatusMatch * 3) - (StatusMisMatch * 2); int rawSubstrateScore = (SubstrateMatch * 3) - (SubstrateMisMatch * 2); double SubstrateBitScore = (((lambda * rawSubstrateScore) + Math.log(kscore)) / Math.log(2)); double StatusBitScore = (((lambda * rawStatusScore) + Math.log(kscore)) / Math.log(2)); double FunctionBitScore = (((lambda * rawFunctionScore) + Math.log(kscore)) / Math.log(2)); Double BitScore = SubstrateBitScore + StatusBitScore + FunctionBitScore; //////System.out.println(rawFunctionScore + " " + MatchingSubstrateCount + " " + BitScore); ScoreFunctionMatchMisMatch.clear(); ScoreStatusMatchMisMatch.clear(); ScoreSubstrateMatchMisMatch.clear(); return BitScore; } public double Calculations4BitScore(Map<String, Map<String, Double>> bestResultMappings) { SmithWaterman_b sw = new SmithWaterman_b(); int MatchingSubstrateCount = 0; int MismatchSubstrateCount = 0; int MatchingFunctionCount = 0; int MismatchFunctionCount = 0; List<String> qfunction = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> tfunction = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Set<String>> qsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); List<Set<String>> tsubstrate = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Double>> i : bestResultMappings.entrySet()) { qfunction.clear(); tfunction.clear(); qsubstrate.clear(); tsubstrate.clear(); if (i.getKey().contains("+")) { String[] queryGeneIDs = i.getKey().split("\\+"); for (String geneID : queryGeneIDs) { Module gene = SimpleCompareUsingModules.sourcecopy.getModules() .get(srcGeneIdToPositionMap.get(Integer.parseInt(geneID.trim())) - 1); ////////System.out.println(source.getModules().get(Integer.parseInt(geneID.trim()))); for (Domain domain : gene.getDomains()) { qfunction.add(domain.getDomainFunctionString()); qsubstrate.add(domain.getSubstrates()); } } } else { // //////System.out.println(SimpleCompareUsingModules.sourcecopy); Module f = SimpleCompareUsingModules.sourcecopy.getModules() .get(srcGeneIdToPositionMap.get(Integer.parseInt(i.getKey().trim())) - 1); for (Domain j : f.getDomains()) { qfunction.add(j.getDomainFunctionString()); qsubstrate.add(j.getSubstrates()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Double> j : i.getValue().entrySet()) { if (j.getKey().contains("+")) { String[] targetGeneIDs = j.getKey().split("\\+"); for (String geneID : targetGeneIDs) { Module gene = SimpleCompareUsingModules.targetcopy.getModules() .get(tgtGeneIdToPositionMap.get(Integer.parseInt(geneID.trim())) - 1); // //////System.out.println(source.getModules().get(Integer.parseInt(geneID.trim()))); for (Domain domain : gene.getDomains()) { tfunction.add(domain.getDomainFunctionString()); tsubstrate.add(domain.getSubstrates()); } } } else { Module gene = SimpleCompareUsingModules.targetcopy.getModules() .get(tgtGeneIdToPositionMap.get(Integer.parseInt(j.getKey().trim())) - 1); for (Domain domain : gene.getDomains()) { tfunction.add(domain.getDomainFunctionString()); tsubstrate.add(domain.getSubstrates()); } } // String[] targetGeneIDs = i.getValue() } sw.init(qfunction, tfunction); sw.process(); sw.backtrack(); MatchingFunctionCount += sw.countlet; MismatchFunctionCount += sw.countdash; SmithWaterman_b sw1 = new SmithWaterman_b(); sw1.init(getSubstrateList(qsubstrate), getSubstrateList(tsubstrate)); sw1.process(); sw1.backtrack(); sw1.printScoreAndAlignments(); MatchingSubstrateCount += sw1.scoring(); } ////////System.out.println(MismatchCount + " " + MatchingCount); int rawFunctionScore = (MatchingFunctionCount * 3) - (MismatchFunctionCount * 2); // int rawSubstrateScore = (MatchingSubstrateCount * 1) - (MismatchSubstrateCount * 1); //int rawScore = rawFunctionScore + rawSubstrateScore; double BitScore = (((lambda * rawFunctionScore) + Math.log(kscore)) / Math.log(2)) + MatchingSubstrateCount; ////System.out.println(rawFunctionScore + " " + MatchingSubstrateCount + " " + BitScore); return BitScore; } private List<String> getSubstrateList(List<Set<String>> SubstrateList) { List<String> SubstrateListStrings = new ArrayList<String>(); // String SubstrateListString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SubstrateList.size(); i++) { SubstrateListStrings.add(SubstrateList.get(i).toString()); } // SubstrateListStrings.add(SubstrateListString); return SubstrateListStrings; } public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> GetBestFromGlobalMap(TreeMultimap<Double, String> globalMap) { Map<String, Double> matchingInTarget; Set<String> queryGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> targetGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> currentBestResultMapping = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> entry : globalMap.entries()) { double score = entry.getKey(); //score=[alignment1, aligment2, ..] String alignment = entry.getValue(); // ////System.out.println(alignment+" dws"); String bestScoreAlignment = alignment.split(",")[0]; // start->end String start = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[0]; String end = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[1]; // start and end can be combination of genes Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> t = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList((end + "+").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split("\\+"))); String[] p = (start + "+").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split("\\+"); String[] q = (end + "+").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").split("\\+"); for (String i : p) { s.add(i.trim()); } for (String i : q) { t.add(i.trim()); } // add to result mapping Set<String> sIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); sIntersection.addAll(queryGenesCovered); sIntersection.retainAll(s); Set<String> tIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); tIntersection.addAll(targetGenesCovered); tIntersection.retainAll(t); if (sIntersection.isEmpty() && tIntersection.isEmpty()) { matchingInTarget = new HashMap<String, Double>(); matchingInTarget.put(end, score); currentBestResultMapping.put(start, matchingInTarget); for (String j : s) { queryGenesCovered.add(j.trim()); } for (String j : t) { targetGenesCovered.add(j.trim()); } } } return currentBestResultMapping; } public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> pathwayComparisonCoalesce(PathwayUsingModules newSource, PathwayUsingModules newTarget, BiMap<String, Integer> newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap, BiMap<String, Integer> newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap) { Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> forward = pcompare(newSource, newTarget); // key: qgeneId, value: {score=tgenecombination;...} Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> reverse = pcompare(newTarget, newSource); // Re-construct the bimaps newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); int temp = 0; for (Module e : newSource.getModules()) { newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp++); } newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap = HashBiMap.create(); temp = 0; for (Module e : newTarget.getModules()) { newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap.put(e.getModuleId(), temp++); } /* Create global list of matchings ordered by score by joining forward and reverse lists * key: querygene -> targetgenes * value: score */ TreeMultimap<Double, String> globalMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> e : forward.entries()) { int fgene = e.getKey(); Multimap<Double, String> geneAndScore = e.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> scoreEntry : geneAndScore.entries()) { double score = scoreEntry.getKey(); String matchingGeneString = scoreEntry.getValue(); String[] multipleMatchingGenes = matchingGeneString.split(","); for (String matchingGene : multipleMatchingGenes) { String newKey = fgene + "->" + matchingGene; globalMap.put(score, newKey); } } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> e : reverse.entries()) { int rgene = e.getKey(); Multimap<Double, String> geneAndScore = e.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> scoreEntry : geneAndScore.entries()) { double score = scoreEntry.getKey(); String matchingGeneString = scoreEntry.getValue(); String[] multipleMatchingGenes = matchingGeneString.split(","); for (String matchingGene : multipleMatchingGenes) { String newKey = matchingGene + "->" + rgene; globalMap.put(score, newKey); } } } //////System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // create alignment // ////System.out.println(globalMap); Map<String, Double> matchingInTarget; Set<String> queryGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> targetGenesCovered = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> currentBestResultMapping = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Double>>(); for (Map.Entry<Double, String> entry : globalMap.entries()) { double score = entry.getKey(); //score=[alignment1, aligment2, ..] String alignment = entry.getValue(); int i = 100; for (String collection : globalMap.asMap().get(score)) { int count = collection.length() - collection.replace("+", "").length(); if (i > count) { i = count; alignment = collection; } } String bestScoreAlignment = alignment.split(",")[0]; // start->end String start = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[0]; String end = bestScoreAlignment.split("->")[1]; // start and end can be combination of genes Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList((start + "+").split("\\+"))); Set<String> t = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList((end + "+").split("\\+"))); // add to result mapping Set<String> sIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); sIntersection.addAll(queryGenesCovered); sIntersection.retainAll(s); Set<String> tIntersection = new HashSet<String>(); tIntersection.addAll(targetGenesCovered); tIntersection.retainAll(t); if (sIntersection.isEmpty() && tIntersection.isEmpty()) { matchingInTarget = new HashMap<String, Double>(); matchingInTarget.put(reconstructWithGeneId(end, newTargetGeneIdToPositionMap), score); currentBestResultMapping.put(reconstructWithGeneId(start, newSourceGeneIdToPositionMap), matchingInTarget); queryGenesCovered.addAll(s); targetGenesCovered.addAll(t); break; } } return currentBestResultMapping; } public void pathwayComparison() { Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> forward = pcompare(source, target); Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> copyOfForward = ArrayListMultimap.create(forward); // make changes to this copy while combining genes Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> reverse = pcompare(target, source); int nearestGene = GENE_MAX_DISTANCE; double overallScore = 0; String matchingGene; for (int i = 0; i < forward.size(); i++) { int currentIndex = i + 1; // here i is the id of the current gene nearestGene = GENE_MAX_DISTANCE; // re-assign to max distance boolean currentTargetGeneAssigned = false; String whichGeneInTarget = "-999"; while (currentTargetGeneAssigned == false) { // collect best scores in the forward direction into a string array (each array element looks like 0.5=1+2) String[] target_scores = getmax(copyOfForward.get(currentIndex), reverse).toString().split("="); if (copyOfForward.get(currentIndex).size() > 0) { if (target_scores.length >= 1) { double currentTargetGeneScore = Double.parseDouble(target_scores[0].toString().trim()); String currentTargetGeneCombination = target_scores[1].trim(); currentTargetGeneCombination = currentTargetGeneCombination + ";"; // add a ; symbol in the end to every candidate gene combination in target if (currentTargetGeneScore > 0) { // has a non-zero score // collect individual gene combinations in a string array String[] candidateTargetGenes = currentTargetGeneCombination.split(";"); for (String candidateTargetGene : candidateTargetGenes) { // are there multiple gene combinations in target having equal scores? candidateTargetGene = candidateTargetGene + "+"; // add a + symbol in the end to every gene and gene combination in the target String[] genesInTargetCombination = candidateTargetGene.split("\\+"); String firstGeneInTargetCombination = genesInTargetCombination[0]; if (Integer.parseInt(firstGeneInTargetCombination) == currentIndex) { // if both are pointing to each other then assign overallScore = currentTargetGeneScore; whichGeneInTarget = candidateTargetGene; currentTargetGeneAssigned = true; } } if (currentTargetGeneAssigned == false) { // no target gene wants to point to the query gene } } } } else { break; } // add results to finalresults } if (whichGeneInTarget.equalsIgnoreCase("-999")) { whichGeneInTarget = "no"; overallScore = 0; } } } /** * @return the finalscore */ public static double getFinalscore() { return finalscore; } /** * @param aFinalscore the finalscore to set */ public static void setFinalscore(double aFinalscore) { finalscore = aFinalscore; } }