List of usage examples for Multimap asMap
Map<K, Collection<V>> asMap();
From source
private List<Task> updateState() { try (Handle handle = Profile.start(this, "updateState")) { final Map<String, ChannelAspectInformation> infos = ChannelAspectProcessor .scanAspectInformations(this.context); final List<Task> result = new LinkedList<>(); final Multimap<String, Channel> missing = HashMultimap.create(); final Multimap<Channel, String> channels = HashMultimap.create(); for (final Channel channel : this.service.listChannels()) { logger.debug("Checking channel: {}", channel.getId()); final Map<String, String> states = channel.getAspectStates(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : states.entrySet()) { logger.debug("\t{}", entry.getKey()); final ChannelAspectInformation info = infos.get(entry.getKey()); if (info == null) { missing.put(entry.getKey(), channel); } else { logger.debug("\t{} - {} -> {}", info.getFactoryId(), entry.getValue(), info.getVersion()); if (!info.getVersion().equals(Version.valueOf(entry.getValue()))) { result.add(makeUpgradeTask(channel, info, entry.getValue())); channels.put(channel, entry.getKey()); }/*ww w .j a v a 2 s . com*/ } } } for (final Map.Entry<Channel, Collection<String>> entry : channels.asMap().entrySet()) { final Channel channel = entry.getKey(); final LinkTarget target = new LinkTarget( String.format("/channel/%s/refreshAllAspects", channel.getId())); final String description = "Channel aspects active in this channel have been updated. You can refresh the whole channel."; result.add(new BasicTask("Refresh channel: " + makeChannelTitle(channel), 100, description, target, RequestMethod.GET, PERFORM_ALL_BUTTON)); } for (final Map.Entry<String, Collection<Channel>> entry : missing.asMap().entrySet()) { final String missingChannels = entry.getValue().stream().map(Channel::getId) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); result.add(new BasicTask(String.format("Fix missing channel aspect: %s", entry.getKey()), 1, String.format( "The channel aspect '%s' is being used but not installed in the system. Channels: %s", entry.getKey(), missingChannels), null)); } if (!channels.isEmpty()) { result.add(new BasicTask("Refresh all channels", 1, "Refresh all channels in one big task", new LinkTarget(String.format("/job/%s/create", UpgradeAllChannelsJob.ID)), RequestMethod.POST, PERFORM_ALL_SUPER_BUTTON)); } return result; } }
From source
private void pruneUnreferenced(DependencyNode graph) { final Multimap<DependencyNode, DependencyNode> foo = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); graph.accept(new AbstractDependencyVisitor(false) { @Override//w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m protected boolean onVisitLeave(DependencyNode parent, DependencyNode node) { for (Iterator<DependencyNode> it = node.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final DependencyNode childNode = (DependencyNode); if (!isReferenced(childNode)) { foo.put(node, childNode); // it.remove(); } } return super.onVisitLeave(parent, node); } private boolean isReferenced(DependencyNode node) { Dependency dependency = node.getDependency(); if (dependency != null) { return referencedArtifacts.contains(toArtifactKey(dependency.getArtifact())); } return true; } }); for (Entry<DependencyNode, Collection<DependencyNode>> entry : foo.asMap().entrySet()) { DependencyNode parent = entry.getKey(); parent.getChildren().removeAll(entry.getValue()); } }
From source
private List<Task> updateState() { try (Handle handle = Profile.start(this, "updateState")) { final Map<String, ChannelAspectInformation> infos = ChannelAspectProcessor .scanAspectInformations(this.context); final List<Task> result = new LinkedList<>(); final Multimap<String, ChannelInformation> missing = HashMultimap.create(); final Multimap<ChannelInformation, String> channels = HashMultimap.create(); for (final ChannelInformation channel : this.service.list()) { logger.debug("Checking channel: {}", channel.getId()); final Map<String, String> states = channel.getAspectStates(); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : states.entrySet()) { logger.debug("\t{}", entry.getKey()); final ChannelAspectInformation info = infos.get(entry.getKey()); if (info == null) { missing.put(entry.getKey(), channel); } else { logger.debug("\t{} - {} -> {}", info.getFactoryId(), entry.getValue(), info.getVersion()); if (!info.getVersion().equals(Version.valueOf(entry.getValue()))) { result.add(makeUpgradeTask(channel, info, entry.getValue())); channels.put(channel, entry.getKey()); }/* w ww . j a va 2s . c o m*/ } } } for (final Map.Entry<ChannelInformation, Collection<String>> entry : channels.asMap().entrySet()) { final ChannelInformation channel = entry.getKey(); final LinkTarget target = new LinkTarget(String.format("/channel/%s/refreshAllAspects", UrlEscapers.urlPathSegmentEscaper().escape(channel.getId()))); final String description = "Channel aspects active in this channel have been updated. You can refresh the whole channel."; result.add(new BasicTask("Refresh channel: " + channel.makeTitle(), 100, description, target, RequestMethod.GET, PERFORM_ALL_BUTTON)); } for (final Map.Entry<String, Collection<ChannelInformation>> entry : missing.asMap().entrySet()) { final String missingChannels = entry.getValue().stream().map(ChannelInformation::getId) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); result.add(new BasicTask(String.format("Fix missing channel aspect: %s", entry.getKey()), 1, String.format( "The channel aspect '%s' is being used but not installed in the system. Channels: %s", entry.getKey(), missingChannels), null)); } if (!channels.isEmpty()) { result.add(new BasicTask("Refresh all channels", 1, "Refresh all channels in one big task", new LinkTarget(String.format("/job/%s/create", UpgradeAllChannelsJob.ID)), RequestMethod.POST, PERFORM_ALL_SUPER_BUTTON)); } return result; } }
From source
@Override protected Visit getVisitResult(Iterable<DepAndRdep> depAndRdeps) throws InterruptedException { Collection<SkyKey> validRdeps = new ArrayList<>(); // Multimap of dep to all the reverse deps in this visitation. Used to filter out the // disallowed deps. Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> reverseDepMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (DepAndRdep depAndRdep : depAndRdeps) { // The "roots" of our visitation (see #preprocessInitialVisit) have a null 'dep' field. if (depAndRdep.dep == null) { validRdeps.add(depAndRdep.rdep); } else {// w w w. j a v a2 s. c o m reverseDepMultimap.put(depAndRdep.dep, depAndRdep.rdep); } } Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> packageKeyToTargetKeyMap = env .makePackageKeyToTargetKeyMap(Iterables.concat(reverseDepMultimap.values())); Set<PackageIdentifier> pkgIdsNeededForTargetification = packageKeyToTargetKeyMap.keySet().stream() .map(SkyQueryEnvironment.PACKAGE_SKYKEY_TO_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER).collect(toImmutableSet()); packageSemaphore.acquireAll(pkgIdsNeededForTargetification); try { // Filter out disallowed deps. We cannot defer the targetification any further as we do not // want to retrieve the rdeps of unwanted nodes (targets). if (!reverseDepMultimap.isEmpty()) { Collection<Target> filteredTargets = env.filterRawReverseDepsOfTransitiveTraversalKeys( reverseDepMultimap.asMap(), packageKeyToTargetKeyMap);; } } finally { packageSemaphore.releaseAll(pkgIdsNeededForTargetification); } ImmutableList<SkyKey> uniqueValidRdeps = .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList()); // Retrieve the reverse deps as SkyKeys and defer the targetification and filtering to next // recursive visitation. ImmutableList.Builder<DepAndRdep> depAndRdepsToVisitBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); env.graph .getReverseDeps( uniqueValidRdeps) .entrySet() .forEach(reverseDepsEntry -> depAndRdepsToVisitBuilder.addAll(Iterables.transform( Iterables.filter(reverseDepsEntry.getValue(), Predicates.and(SkyQueryEnvironment.IS_TTV, universe)), rdep -> new DepAndRdep(reverseDepsEntry.getKey(), rdep)))); return new Visit(/*keysToUseForResult=*/ uniqueValidRdeps, /*keysToVisit=*/; }
From source
public String toGraphviz() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("digraph QuantileDigest {\n").append("\tgraph [ordering=\"out\"];"); final List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); postOrderTraversal(root, new Callback() { @Override/* w w w . j av a 2 s . co m*/ public boolean process(Node node) { nodes.add(node); return true; } }); Multimap<Integer, Node> nodesByLevel = Multimaps.index(nodes, new Function<Node, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(Node input) { return input.level; } }); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Collection<Node>> entry : nodesByLevel.asMap().entrySet()) { builder.append("\tsubgraph level_" + entry.getKey() + " {\n").append("\t\trank = same;\n"); for (Node node : entry.getValue()) { builder.append( String.format("\t\t%s [label=\"[%s..%s]@%s\\n%s\", shape=rect, style=filled,color=%s];\n", idFor(node), node.getLowerBound(), node.getUpperBound(), node.level, node.weightedCount, node.weightedCount > 0 ? "salmon2" : "white")); } builder.append("\t}\n"); } for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.left != null) { builder.append(format("\t%s -> %s;\n", idFor(node), idFor(node.left))); } if (node.right != null) { builder.append(format("\t%s -> %s;\n", idFor(node), idFor(node.right))); } } builder.append("}\n"); return builder.toString(); }
From source
/** * If the code has wildcard imports (e.g. import*) but doesn't * actually use any of the imports, errors will happen. * We don't get callbacks for file open of these files (since they aren't used) * but when java runs it will report errors if it can't find any files to match * the wildcard. So we add one matching file here. *//*from ww w .j a va 2s. co m*/ private void findOnDemandImportedFiles(Iterable<? extends CompilationUnitTree> compilationUnits, UsageAsInputReportingFileManager fileManager) throws ExtractionException { // Maps package names to source files that wildcard import them. Multimap<String, String> pkgs = HashMultimap.create(); // Javac synthesizes an "import java.lang.*" for every compilation unit. pkgs.put("java.lang", "*.java"); for (CompilationUnitTree unit : compilationUnits) { for (ImportTree importTree : unit.getImports()) { if (importTree.isStatic()) { continue; } String qualifiedIdentifier = importTree.getQualifiedIdentifier().toString(); if (!qualifiedIdentifier.endsWith(".*")) { continue; } pkgs.put(qualifiedIdentifier.substring(0, qualifiedIdentifier.length() - 2), unit.getSourceFile().getName()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> pkg : pkgs.asMap().entrySet()) { try { JavaFileObject firstClass = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.CLASS_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.CLASS), false), null); if (firstClass == null) { firstClass = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.PLATFORM_CLASS_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.CLASS), false), null); } if (firstClass != null) { firstClass.getCharContent(true); } JavaFileObject firstSource = Iterables.getFirst(fileManager.list(StandardLocation.SOURCE_PATH, pkg.getKey(), Sets.newHashSet(Kind.SOURCE), false), null); if (firstSource != null) { firstSource.getCharContent(true); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExtractionException( String.format("Unable to extract files used for on demand imports in {%s}", Joiner.on(", ").join(pkg.getValue())), e, false); } } }
From source
/** * Generic implementation for finding all the Services or Operations that have SOME of the given types as inputs or outputs. * * @param entityType the MSM URI of the type of entity we are looking for. Only supports Service and Operation. * @param relationship the MSM URI of the relationship we are looking for. Only supports hasInput and hasOutput. * @param types the input/output types (modelReferences that is) we are looking for * @return a Map mapping operation/services URIs to MatchResults. */// w w w . j a va 2 s . co m private Map<URI, MatchResult> findSome(URI entityType, URI relationship, Set<URI> types) { // Ensure that we have been given correct parameters if (types == null || types.isEmpty() || (!entityType.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.Service.getURI()) && !entityType.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.Operation.getURI())) || (!relationship.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.hasInput.getURI()) && !entityType.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.hasOutput.getURI()) && !relationship.toASCIIString().equals(SAWSDL.modelReference.getURI()))) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } // Expand the input types to get all that match enough to be consumed // TODO: The leastOfType should be configurable Table<URI, URI, MatchResult> expandedTypes; if (relationship.toASCIIString().equals(SAWSDL.modelReference.getURI())) { expandedTypes = HashBasedTable.create(); //TODO: fix this properly for (URI type : types) { expandedTypes.putAll(this.conceptMatcher.listMatchesAtMostOfType(ImmutableSet.of(type), LogicConceptMatchType.Subsume)); expandedTypes.putAll( this.conceptMatcher.listMatchesOfType(ImmutableSet.of(type), LogicConceptMatchType.Exact)); } } else { expandedTypes = this.conceptMatcher.listMatchesAtLeastOfType(types, LogicConceptMatchType.Plugin); } // Track all the results in a multimap to push the details up the stack Multimap<URI, MatchResult> result = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // Find all the entities with modelReferences to the expanded types // The column view is the one with all the possible matches since a class will always match itself Map<URI, Map<URI, MatchResult>> columnMap = expandedTypes.columnMap(); for (URI type : columnMap.keySet()) { Set<URI> entities = ImmutableSet.of(); if (relationship.toASCIIString().equals(SAWSDL.modelReference.getURI())) { entities = listEntitesWithModelReference(entityType, type); } else if (relationship.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.hasInput.getURI()) || relationship.toASCIIString().equals(MSM.hasOutput.getURI())) { entities = listEntitiesWithType(entityType, relationship, type); } for (URI entity : entities) { result.putAll(entity, columnMap.get(type).values()); } } // Merge the results into a single map using Union return Maps.transformValues(result.asMap(), MatchResultsMerger.UNION); }
From source
@Override protected Visit getVisitResult(Iterable<DepAndRdepAtDepth> depAndRdepAtDepths) throws InterruptedException { Map<SkyKey, Integer> shallowestRdepDepthMap = new HashMap<>(); depAndRdepAtDepths.forEach(depAndRdepAtDepth -> shallowestRdepDepthMap .merge(depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.rdep, depAndRdepAtDepth.rdepDepth, Integer::min)); Collection<SkyKey> validRdeps = new ArrayList<>(); // Multimap of dep to all the reverse deps in this visitation. Used to filter out the // disallowed deps. Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> reverseDepMultimap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (DepAndRdepAtDepth depAndRdepAtDepth : depAndRdepAtDepths) { // The "roots" of our visitation (see #preprocessInitialVisit) have a null 'dep' field. if (depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.dep == null) { validRdeps.add(depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.rdep); } else {//from w w w.ja v a 2 s . com reverseDepMultimap.put(depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.dep, depAndRdepAtDepth.depAndRdep.rdep); } } Multimap<SkyKey, SkyKey> packageKeyToTargetKeyMap = env .makePackageKeyToTargetKeyMap(Iterables.concat(reverseDepMultimap.values())); Set<PackageIdentifier> pkgIdsNeededForTargetification = packageKeyToTargetKeyMap.keySet().stream() .map(SkyQueryEnvironment.PACKAGE_SKYKEY_TO_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER).collect(toImmutableSet()); packageSemaphore.acquireAll(pkgIdsNeededForTargetification); try { // Filter out disallowed deps. We cannot defer the targetification any further as we do not // want to retrieve the rdeps of unwanted nodes (targets). if (!reverseDepMultimap.isEmpty()) { Collection<Target> filteredTargets = env.filterRawReverseDepsOfTransitiveTraversalKeys( reverseDepMultimap.asMap(), packageKeyToTargetKeyMap);; } } finally { packageSemaphore.releaseAll(pkgIdsNeededForTargetification); } ImmutableList<SkyKey> uniqueValidRdeps = -> validRdepMinDepthUniquifier .uniqueAtDepthLessThanOrEqualTo(validRdep, shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(validRdep))) .collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList()); // Don't bother getting the rdeps of the rdeps that are already at the depth bound. Iterable<SkyKey> uniqueValidRdepsBelowDepthBound = Iterables.filter(uniqueValidRdeps, uniqueValidRdep -> shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(uniqueValidRdep) < depth); // Retrieve the reverse deps as SkyKeys and defer the targetification and filtering to next // recursive visitation. Map<SkyKey, Iterable<SkyKey>> unfilteredRdepsOfRdeps = env.graph .getReverseDeps(uniqueValidRdepsBelowDepthBound); ImmutableList.Builder<DepAndRdepAtDepth> depAndRdepAtDepthsToVisitBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); unfilteredRdepsOfRdeps.entrySet().forEach(entry -> { SkyKey rdep = entry.getKey(); int depthOfRdepOfRdep = shallowestRdepDepthMap.get(rdep) + 1;, universe)) .forEachOrdered(rdepOfRdep -> { depAndRdepAtDepthsToVisitBuilder .add(new DepAndRdepAtDepth(new DepAndRdep(rdep, rdepOfRdep), depthOfRdepOfRdep)); }); }); return new Visit(/*keysToUseForResult=*/ uniqueValidRdeps, /*keysToVisit=*/; }
From source
protected MultipleLanguageDocumentation readMultiLanguageDocumentations(JCoTable table) { if (table.isEmpty()) return null; Multimap<Language, Integer> language2Rows = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (int i = 0; i < table.getNumRows(); i++) { table.setRow(i);//from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m Language language; String languageISO = table.getString("LANGUAGE_ISO"); if (Strings.isEmpty(languageISO)) { language = VcmlUtils.getLanguageByCharacter(table.getChar("LANGUAGE")); } else { language = VcmlUtils.getLanguageByISOString(languageISO); } language2Rows.put(language, i); } MultipleLanguageDocumentation multipleLanguageDocumentation = VCML.createMultipleLanguageDocumentation(); EList<MultipleLanguageDocumentation_LanguageBlock> languageBlocks = multipleLanguageDocumentation .getLanguageblocks(); for (java.util.Map.Entry<Language, Collection<Integer>> entry : language2Rows.asMap().entrySet()) { MultipleLanguageDocumentation_LanguageBlock languageBlock = VCML .createMultipleLanguageDocumentation_LanguageBlock(); languageBlocks.add(languageBlock); languageBlock.setLanguage(entry.getKey()); EList<FormattedDocumentationBlock> formattedDocumentationBlocks = languageBlock .getFormattedDocumentationBlocks(); Collection<Integer> indices = entry.getValue(); for (int i : indices) { table.setRow(i); FormattedDocumentationBlock fdb = VCML.createFormattedDocumentationBlock(); formattedDocumentationBlocks.add(fdb); fdb.setFormat(table.getString("TXT_FORM")); fdb.setValue(table.getString("TXT_LINE")); } } return multipleLanguageDocumentation; }
From source
@Override public Stream<ConceptMap> materialise() { RelationType relationType = getSchemaConcept().asRelationType(); Multimap<Role, Variable> roleVarMap = getRoleVarMap(); ConceptMap substitution = getParentQuery().getSubstitution(); //NB: if the relation is implicit, it will created as a reified relation //if the relation already exists, only assign roleplayers, otherwise create a new relation Relation relation = substitution.containsVar(getVarName()) ? substitution.get(getVarName()).asRelation() : RelationTypeImpl.from(relationType).addRelationInferred(); roleVarMap.asMap().forEach( (key, value) -> value.forEach(var -> relation.assign(key, substitution.get(var).asThing()))); ConceptMap relationSub = ConceptUtils.mergeAnswers(getRoleSubstitution(), getVarName().isReturned() ? new ConceptMap(ImmutableMap.of(getVarName(), relation)) : new ConceptMap()); ConceptMap answer = ConceptUtils.mergeAnswers(substitution, relationSub); return Stream.of(answer); }